LSG :: Volume #3

#239: Kings ( 9 )

! 唰! The palm of Su Yun gets down gloomily, various within the body attribute spirit profound Aura consumed 70%, body quite obviously weak, but Heavenly Crystal can a bit faster restore, to him at this moment, is only beneficial and harmless. 苏云的手掌暗淡下去,体内各属性的灵玄气息耗掉了七成,身子颇显虚弱,不过天擎能够快点恢复,对此刻的他而言,只有益而无害。 He sits cross-legged to sit down, slowly controlling one's breathing body, some little time the talented person gets strength back, looks again toward that actually sees Chen Yiyun to curl and shrink the body, by in the corner of shackles, both eyes is looking at the front atheistic. 他盘膝坐下,慢慢调息身子,好一会儿人才缓过劲来,再朝那头看去,却见陈依韵卷缩着身子,靠在牢笼的角落里,双目无神望着前方。 According to rhyme?” “依韵?” Su Yun opened the mouth to call one. 苏云开口唤了一句。 Chen Yiyun boundary is Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple, is consistent with Su Yun. 陈依韵的境界为灵玄魂二品,与苏云一致。 But, the Su Yun words brave, Chen Yiyun just like has not heard, has not replied, even is looked that has not looked at Su Yun one. 但,苏云的话冒出去,陈依韵宛如没听见般,并未应答,甚至是看都未看苏云一眼。 In her pair of gloomy evil eye floods a little fear, the body is trembling gently, Su Yun knows in her heart to think. 她那双暗淡的邪眼里充斥着一点儿恐惧,身子轻轻颤着,苏云知晓她心中所想。 Although Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation in the middle of Evil Realm is good existence, but places the Evil King city, actually anything is not, particularly in the king and under front, Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple is also used to make spirit existence. 虽然灵玄魂二修为邪界当中算是不错的存在,但放在邪王城,却什么都不是,尤其是在君王及其手下面前,灵玄魂二品也只是用来做器灵的存在 According to rhyme!” “依韵!” Su Yun has called one once again. 苏云再度唤了一句。 This chapter of sound is loud, Chen Yiyun is recovers, she has turned the neck, looks at Su Yun pale, is somewhat puzzled. 这回声音较大,陈依韵算是回过神来,她扭过脖子,淡望苏云,有些不解。 Do not be worried that we will be all right.” He smiled. “别担心,我们会没事的。”他笑了笑。 All right?” Chen Yiyun listens, self-ridiculed that smiles: Although we are Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation, but .... Can we run away?” “没事?”陈依韵一听,自嘲一笑:“虽然我们是灵玄魂修为,但....我们能逃出去吗?” evil sword gate master is catching up toward here.” 邪剑门高手正在朝这儿赶。” Requires the time...” “需要时间的...” evil sword gate master comes this to snap fingers.” 邪剑门高手来此不过弹指。” „Before fellow apprentice just before leaving, forgets with the communication magic weapon, therefore... He must run back the evil sword gate, can inform the disciple.” Chen Yiyun smiles bitterly saying: Has not thought really that first time comes to this Evil King city, will come across this matter unexpectedly, already heard that the Evil King city is chaotic, has not thought so seriously.” “师兄临行前忘携通讯法宝,所以...他要跑回邪剑门,方能通知门人。”陈依韵苦笑道:“真没想到,第一次来这邪王城,竟会碰到这种事,早就听说邪王城混乱不堪,没想到如此严重。” Evil Realm which place is not such? Here, does not have the law.” 邪界哪个地方不是这样的呢?在这里,就没有法度。” Because the idea of Evil Realm law of the jungle is extremely powerful, makes Demon universal, is other empty incomparable. 正是因为邪界弱肉强食的观念极其强盛,才使得邪人普遍强大,是其他虚界不能比较的。 „Aren't you afraid?” Sees a Su Yun face to be relaxed, not the least bit flusters intent, Chen Yiyun somewhat strange asking. “你不害怕吗?”见苏云一脸轻松,并无半点慌意,陈依韵有些奇怪的问道。 Fears usefully?” “怕有用吗?” Also is.” “也是。” Said again that what has to be good to fear?” “再说,有什么好怕的?” I fear that king actually, but the fear loses all... Tried hard to be so long, since laborious practice, finally actually traded such fate... The one had only known, initially then this listened to father, does not leave Jianmen, good...” Chen Yiyun sighed one lightly, the facial expression was quite helpless. “我倒不是怕那君王,只是害怕失去一切...努力了这么久,辛苦修炼至今,结果却换来这样的下场...早知如此,当初便该听爹爹的,不出剑门,多好...”陈依韵轻叹一声,神情颇为无奈。 Su Yun understands that her mood, any spirit profound cultivates with hardship dozens years of even over a hundred years, has not enjoyed cultivation then by the master to be killed to the advantage that oneself bring, this type desperate with, but is unable to explain in the spoken language. 苏云明白她的心情,任何一名灵玄者苦苦修炼数十年甚至上百年,还未享受修为给自己带来的好处便被高手杀死,这种绝望与无奈是无法用言语道明的。 „To go on living?” Su Yun asked. “想活下去吗?”苏云问道。 „Do you have the means?” How many interests Chen Yiyun has not raised, does not favor Su Yun evidently, this but actually is also, Su Yun cultivation is the same to it, she does not have idea, can Su Yun be what kind of? “你有办法吗?”陈依韵并未提起多少兴趣,看样子并不看好苏云,这倒也是,苏云修为与之一样,她都没辙,苏云又能怎样呢? Means have one!” “办法有一个!” Su Yun said with a smile: You, so long as instills into your within the body majority of spirit profound Aura to my body, was OK!” 苏云却是笑着说道:“你只要把你体内大部分灵玄气息灌输到我身躯内,就可以了!” What?” Chen Yiyun whole face doubts is looking at Su Yun, said: Why can such do?” “什么?”陈依韵满脸疑惑的望着苏云,道:“为什么要这么做?” You comply, I then can save you.” “你照做,我便能救你。” I reject.” Chen Yiyun shakes the head: This shackles you with me, my strength , if insufficient, you strike to kill to swallow my soul me, what to do should that?” “我拒绝。”陈依韵摇头:“这牢笼就你跟我,我力量若不够,你将我击杀吞噬我的魂魄,那该怎么办?” Our already was imprisoned, do I swallow your soul to do really?” “我们已经被囚,我吞噬你的魂魄作甚?” This .... I do not know, but I cannot believe you...” “这....我不知道,但我还是不能相信你...” Right?” “是吗?” Su Yun has hesitated the little while, puts out a hand swiftly, offers a sacrifice to the evil Spirit Qi rest, then looked that Aura is swiftly swift and fierce, and in Aura, is glittering indistinctly an evil soul fierce face. 苏云迟疑了会儿,倏然伸出手,祭出一点邪灵气息,便看那股气息倏然间凌厉起来,且在气息之间,隐约闪烁着一张邪魂狰狞的脸。 Chen Yiyun has swept eye at will, but merely is only one, the whole person has tarried, her double pupil is staring at that Aura stubbornly, shouted with amazement: This is... Is this evil sword Aura? Your evil Sword Skill? Are you also the evil sword disciple?” 陈依韵随意扫了眼,但仅仅只是一眼,整个人都呆住了,她双眸死死盯着那气息,惊讶而呼:“这是...这是邪剑气息?你是不是会邪剑术?你也是邪剑门人吗?” You can treat as the evil sword disciple me.” Su Yun said: What kind of? Believed me? If you believe me, I can lead you to leave safely.” “你可以把我当做邪剑门人。”苏云说道:“怎样?相信我了吗?如果你相信我,我能安然带你离开。” Chen Yiyun hesitant moment, train of thought over and over, thought that at this time has been at wit's end, then nodded: I believe you!” 陈依韵犹豫了片刻,思绪再三,觉得此时已是无计可施,便点了点头:“我相信你!” Then, then puts out a hand, according to the back of Su Yun, starts to instill into spirit profound Aura toward its within the body. 说完,便伸出手,按在苏云的背部,开始朝其体内灌输灵玄气息 Su Yun sees that hastily the hand according to Heavenly Crystal, is the Heavenly Crystal deposited energy. 苏云见状,连忙将手按在天擎上,为天擎注入能量。 The Heavenly Crystal strength starts to rise slowly, the luster gradually has also had the change 天擎的力量开始缓缓上涨,色泽也逐渐产生了变化 Before silent pavilion, wipes exquisite beautiful figure peaceful standing near the window. 寂静的楼阁前,一抹玲珑的倩影安静的立在窗台边。 The beautiful figure is alone, double pupil lost looks is fainting the An Tian spatial on bright moon, a palm of the hand big fine small face has written all over sadly, but in it behind, a gigantic snow white fox tail is swaying gently, quite obviously smart-alecky. 倩影孤寂,双眸出神的望着昏暗天空上的皎月,一张巴掌大的精致小脸写满了忧愁,而在其身后,一条硕大雪白的狐尾正轻轻摇晃着,颇显俏皮。 Sir!” “大人!” At this time, before pavilion gate, heard a call. 这时,楼阁门前传来一记呼声。 What?” “何事?” Flowed Law Elder.” “流护法到了。” Oh? 哦? The Hu Qianmei eye pupil glitters the intermittent strange gloss, lowers the head to ponder over the moment, the sound track: Leads him to go to the lobby, I pass immediately.” 狐千魅眼眸闪烁起阵阵奇异光泽,低头思忖片刻,声道:“带他去前厅,我马上过去。” Yes.” “是。” The maidservants ran. 侍女跑了下去。 After the moment, Hu Qianmei of red long clothes entered the lobby, Liu Xindong was waiting in the lobby, he was carrying the cup tea, blows, superficial two. 片刻后,一身红色长裳的狐千魅进了前厅,流心动早早在前厅内等着,他端着杯茶,吹了吹,浅尝了两口。 Flows Law Elder late at night to visit, can have the matter?” “流护法深夜造访,可有事情?” Hu Qianmei arrives on own master chair, the small buttocks sat. 狐千魅走到自己的主人椅上,小屁股坐了下去。 Her stature is petite, the chair likely is the children's chair, Ming Ying Sect person already was unalarmed by strange sights. 她身材娇小,椅子都像是儿童椅,不过明影教的人已经是见怪不怪了。 Liu Xindong puts down the teacup, on the face shows a strange smiling face, the line of sight shift, looks to Hu Qianmei. 流心动放下茶杯,脸上露出一丝奇怪的笑容,视线转移,望向狐千魅 All right, but does not see the fox elder for a long time, at heart thinks of tight .... “没什么事儿,只是许久不见狐长老,心里想念的紧....” If the safe, invited to flow Law Elder to go back, some Qianmei also matters, the inconvenient entertainment, excused me!” Then, a Hu Qianmei move of tall and slender small arm, shouted: Sees a visitor out!” “若无事,就请流护法回去吧,千魅还有些事情,不便招待,见谅!”说完,狐千魅一招细长的小胳膊,呼道:“送客!” Looks at her icy facial expression, as if loathes to this person. 看她冷冰冰的神情,似乎对此人十分厌恶。 This person had not come to understand completely. 只是,此人完全没有觉悟。 Slow!” “慢着!” Liu Xindong shouted one, said: Fox Law Elder, we must become the whole families, are you so desolate to me?” 流心动呼了一句,说道:“狐护法,咱们都要成一家人了,你还对我这般冷淡吗?” Whole family?” The Hu Qianmei look is startled. “一家人?”狐千魅神色一怔。 Right, whole family!” The Liu Xindong corners of the mouth raise one to ascertain that airtight smiling, said: There founder has given me news.” “对,一家人!”流心动嘴角扬起一丝捉摸不透的笑,道:“教主那儿给了我消息了。” How did he say?” “他怎么说?” His already was the lord for you, complying has made you marry to me, made my double cultivation companion.” Liu Xindong said with a smile pale. “他已经替你做了主,答应让你下嫁给我,做我的双修伴侣。”流心动淡笑道。 He does not have that authority!” Hu Qianmei pinched tightly the pink / white fist, Bei Chijin has nipped to say. “他没那个权力!”狐千魅捏紧了粉拳,贝齿紧咬道。 Time will soon set, perhaps after this mountains and rivers list designated the match to end.” “时间即将定下,或许就在这一届山河榜选定赛结束之后。” I must ask the founder to chat evidently well.” Hu Qianmei deeply inspired, puts down homocentric the excitement, calm [say / way]. “看样子我得找教主好好谈谈了。”狐千魅深吸了口气,平复心中的激动,冷静道。 Is casual you.” Liu Xindong does not fear quite the same as, says with a smile: Today comes \; first, to look for you talked about old days \; second, to inform your this matter, was good, since you were busy, you were busy, my future madame.” When the spoken language falls, Liu Xindong licked the split lip, in the eye passed over gently and swiftly, only then the ominous beast should have **, afterward, the person then drew out the body, outward walked. “随便你吧。”流心动浑然不惧,笑道:“今日过来,一是找你叙旧,二是通知你这件事情,好了,既然你忙,那你就忙吧,我的未来夫人。”言语落下时,流心动舔了舔干裂的嘴唇,眼里掠过一丝只有凶兽才该有的**,随后,人便起了身,朝外走去。 Hu Qianmei sits in meditation on the chair, looks at the tread, the pink / white fist more pinches is tighter. 狐千魅静坐在椅子上,望着地面,粉拳越捏越紧。 Looks for the founder... Obviously is useless. 找教主...显然是无用的。 However, why does the founder want to comply with Liu Xindong? He did not fear that I am for this reason discontented? 不过,教主为何要答应流心动?他就不怕我为此而不满吗? Hu Qianmei ponder, after the moment, she has lifted the head. 狐千魅沉思,片刻后,她抬起了头。 Bright fragrant!” “明香!” Put on the woman of black clothed to clash from outside fast, knelt to bend down in front of Hu Qianmei. 一名穿着黑衣的女人快速从外头冲了进来,跪伏于狐千魅面前。 Master, bright fragrance.” “主人,明香在。” Passes on my instruction from superior, fast sees right in front of one that woman, told her, before solving Divine Sword sends, I also want her to help me solve a person, if she is unable to accomplish this matter, then I and her cooperation stops “传我口谕,速速去面见那女人,跟她说,在解决神剑派之前,我还要她帮我解决一个人,若她无法办到这件事情,那么我与她的合作到此为止” Compliant, master!” “遵命,主人!” Asked the bright fragrant woman to say lowly. 叫明香的女人低应道。 Hu Qianmei whispered that in that pair of charming bright eyes floods is killing intent. 狐千魅轻声低语,那双娇媚的明眸中充斥着杀意。 Whish! 哗! A slight sound resounds in this close jail, the prison warden of that sleeping soundly opened opening eyes, took a look at Su Yun this head, but looked that Su Yun and Chen Yiyun sits cross-legged to sit as before, the light sound sends out from Su Yun, two people of any movements, then have not paid attention, continue to sleep soundly. 一阵轻微的响声在这封闭的监牢里响起,那头酣睡的牢头睁了睁眼,瞅了苏云这头,但看苏云与陈依韵依旧盘膝而坐,轻响是从苏云身上发出的,二人没什么动作,便也不予理会,继续酣睡。 Chen Yiyun puts down the palm, fine face white is very scary, she is looking at Su Yun pantingly, said weakly: Was OK?” 陈依韵放下手掌,精致的脸白的很吓人,她气喘吁吁的望着苏云,虚弱道:“可以了吗?” But looks at a Su Yun body spill point ray, quick, the ray dissipates, he opens eyes slowly, micro sound track: Was similar!” 但看苏云的身躯溢出点点光芒,很快,光芒消散,他缓缓睁开眼,微声道:“差不多了!” Chen Yiyun calmly visits him, in the eye floods was worrying, when sees Su Yun is very the relaxed appearance, a little felt relieved. 陈依韵静看着他,眼里充斥着一些担忧,不过当看到苏云很是轻松的样子,又有点儿放心。 How do you plan to do?” “你打算怎么做?” I said that I butchered king, then we leave safely, can you believe?” Su Yun took a look at the face, said with a smile to her. “我说我宰了君王,然后咱们安然离开,你会不会相信?”苏云瞅近了脸,冲着她笑道。 Butchered the king?” Chen Yiyun brain slow several points, stared in a big way saw Su Yun, but some little time sighed: „Do you talk in a dream in the moron? Did not say that your cultivation cannot withstand inferior, but Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple, is incapable of contending with the king radically, solely said that you cannot preserve including your weapon now, but also discussed that what cuts to kill the king?” “宰了君王?”陈依韵大脑滞缓了数分,瞪大了眼看着苏云,好一会儿才无奈叹息:“你在痴人说梦话吗?不说你的修为低劣不堪,不过灵玄魂二品,根本无力与君王抗衡,单单就说你现在连自己的武器都保不住,还谈什么斩杀君王?” I am earnest.” “我是认真的。” I have made these many, but coordinated a mental illness?” “难道我做了这么多,只是配合了一个神经病?” Chen Yiyun was even more worn out. 陈依韵越发的有气无力了。 Su Yun shrugs, did not refute. 苏云耸耸肩,也不反驳。 Works as! 哐当! At this time, the front door of jail has hit, one row of Demon flushed. 这时,监牢的大门打了开来,一列邪人冲了进来。 On Chen Yiyun face falls panic-stricken, the body is curling and shrinking even more fierce. 陈依韵脸上落着一丝惊恐,身子卷缩的越发厉害。 Then looks at these Demon to before a jail, the general's family opens, entrains three Demon, carrying off. 便看那些邪人冲至一间监牢前,将门打开,拽出三名邪人,将之带走。 Other Demon in jail shout loudly immediately, the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound just likes kills the pig. 监牢里的其他邪人立刻大喊大叫开来,凄厉的惨叫声犹如杀猪。 What is their this must make?” Chen Yiyun lip pale asking. “他们这是要做什么?”陈依韵嘴唇苍白的问道。 Calculates the day, almost arrived at the king to build the day of god soldier, can they be taken away? Couldn't have guessed correctly? Perhaps later was one's turn us.” “算算日子,差不多到了君王打造神兵的日子,他们要被带去哪?还猜不到吗?或许待会儿就轮到我们了。” We... Will we die?” Chen Yiyun holds the knees, the shoulder is trembling lightly. “我们...我们会死吗?”陈依韵抱着双膝,肩膀轻颤。 Although she also has Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation, but she even more is at this moment no use. 虽然她也有灵玄魂修为,但此刻她却愈发无助。 Su Yun looked at Chen Yiyun, silent moment, walked to pat her shoulder gently. 苏云看了看陈依韵,默了片刻,走过去轻轻拍了拍她的肩膀。 Chen Yiyun is on the rise, actually to previous pale face, but looks on this face to fluctuate a gentleness, said: Felt relieved, you will not have the matter, I guaranteed.” 陈依韵抬起头,却对上一张苍白至极的脸,但看这脸上浮动着一丝温柔,道:“放心好了,你不会有事的,我保证。” Chen Yiyun has gawked, stunned is looking at Su Yun: Your face?” 陈依韵愣了,错愕的望着苏云:“你的脸?” Su Yun smiled, had not replied. 苏云笑了笑,没回答。 His whole body overflows Evil Qi, Chen Yiyun will not be contacting with humanity him to one. 他浑身溢着邪气,陈依韵也不会把他与人类联系到一块。 kua. 咵嚓。 At this time, the jail front door place resounded the intermittent sound of footsteps, that row of people who then, left before walked once again. 这时,监牢大门处又响起阵阵脚步声,接着,之前离开的那列人再度走了进来。 Was the team leader of head took a fast look around all prison cell one, afterward waved to sink to drink: Brings to go to altar them!!” 为首的队长扫视了所有牢房一眼,随后挥手沉喝:“把他们所有人都带到祭坛前去!!” Yes!” “是!” Behind Demon shouted loudly, then hastily ran, person batches of escorted away... 后头邪人高呼,接着连忙跑过去,将人一批批的押走...
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