LSG :: Volume #3

#238: Kings ( 8 )

Quick, two people were brought to the practice mansion of king. 很快,二人被带到君王的修炼府邸内。 The mansion is enormous, the dignified style, everywhere is evil seal evil, north the mansion is the place that king double cultivation companion live, it is said these double cultivation companion majorities are the king grasp forcefully, they are only the king the tool that is used to practice, regardless of appearance, therefore the worthless people are many, with the king such formidable person practice, themselves has also obtained many advantage, therefore many person being dead set on are following the king. 府邸极大,庄严气派,到处都是邪印邪阵,府邸北面是君王双修伴侣们居住的地方,据说这些双修伴侣大部分是君王强行抓来的,她们只是君王用来修炼的工具,模样不论,因此歪瓜裂枣不少,与君王这样强大的人修炼,她们自身也得了不少好处,因此很多人是死心塌地的跟随着君王。 The east side is king treasure house, is laying aside the massive kings the magic weapon that seizes from the Evil King city. But the west was the place of Bing military, inside flooded is following Demon of king much, they cultivated here, enjoy the king to grant their advantage, but, they must fight for the king when necessary, even died. 东面是君王宝库,放置着大量君王从邪王城内夺来的法宝。而西面则是兵武之地了,里面充斥着不少追随着君王的邪人,他们在这里修炼,享受着君王赐予他们的好处,但必要时,他们要为君王而战,甚至是死。 Su Yun and Chen Yiyun was led by Demon situated under the mansion dungeon. 苏云与陈依韵被邪人们带到了位于府邸下头的地牢内。 This dungeon assumes the square, gloomy moist, by 7749 evil asylums, and some massive Demon guarding. 这地牢呈正方形,阴暗潮湿,被7749道邪阵庇护,且有大量邪人看守。 When two people were detained into dungeon, one shrieks and howls wildly intermittently sound sound. 当二人被押入地牢内时,一阵阵鬼哭狼嚎般的声音响了起来。 Su Yun goes along the prestige, actually sees by this gloomy narrow and small dungeon, is one by the strategy has reinforced the prison cell, but in the prison cell, is detaining massive Demon. 苏云顺声望去,却见这阴暗狭小的地牢两侧,是一间间被阵法加固了的牢房,而在牢房内,关押着大量的邪人 These Demon grab the firm pole, sways crazily, the mouth sends out sad and shrill yelling. 这些邪人们抓着牢杆,疯狂摇晃,嘴里发出凄厉的叫喊。 Puts me to exit!! I do not do spirit, put me to exit!!” “放我出去!!我不要做器灵,放我出去!!” Uses up hissing the yawp in bottom to keep ringing. 竭嘶底里的叫喊声响个不停。 In the air fills the revolting decayed taste, the ground is also having the flesh lump that the massive evil blood as well as crush, just likes the hell. 空气中弥漫着令人作呕的腐臭味儿,地上还有大量的邪血以及碎烂的肉块,犹如地狱般。 Chen Yiyun face whiten, was daunted by this picture obviously. 陈依韵脸色苍白,显然被这景象吓住了。 Then, the evil sword gate in entire Evil Realm is extremely easy and comfortable with the peace place, when Chen Yiyun has seen such scene? 说起来,邪剑门在整个邪界之中算是极为安逸与和平的地方,陈依韵何时见过这样的场面? A bit faster walks!” “快点走!” Behind Demon is pushing and shoving Su Yun and Chen Yiyun, impatient shouting. 后头的邪人推搡着苏云与陈依韵,不耐烦的喊道。 Two people have not spoken, continue to go forward. 二人没吭声,继续前进。 Closes inside prison cell them, independent, these two people, but talent extremely high spirits, do not close with other Demon in the same place, what turmoil so as to avoid has, cannot have the accident, knows?” “把他们关到里头的牢房,单独一间,这两个人可是天赋极高的器灵,别跟其他邪人关在一起,免得出现什么动乱,不能有闪失,知道吗?” Be responsible for sending under custody prison warden of two people of Demon to here to shout. 负责押送二人的邪人冲着这儿的牢头喊道。 This...” “这...” The prison warden look is somewhat awkward, hesitant the little while said: That... Sir, recently the king seized Demon everywhere, now jail position already of this dungeon is full, presently only remains one, words that detains alone... Possibly insufficient...” 牢头神色有些为难,犹豫了会儿说道:“那个...大人,近日君王陛下到处抓捕邪人,如今这地牢的牢位已经饱满,现只剩一间了,单独关押的话...可能不够啊...” This...” The prison warden has thought the little while, then said: Female independent detains, this male... Lost one to be good casually, I thought this male was not the good thing, if he with that female treating in one, only feared this male forcefully with that female double repaired!” “这样啊...”那牢头想了会儿,遂道:“女的单独关押吧,这男的...随便丢一间就行了,我看这男的不是什么好东西,若他跟那女的待在一间,只怕这男的会强行与那女的双修!” ! Am I so shameless? 靠!我有这么无耻吗? Su Yun wants to scold one. 苏云真想骂上一句。 Under the eaves, cannot endure excellently. 不过人在屋檐下,只得忍忍了。 Yes, Sir!” The prison warden smiled, then waved. “是,大人!”牢头笑了笑,便挥了挥手。 Quick, Chen Yiyun had inside one also to calculate that in the clean prison cell closes, but Su Yun threw in side has crowded many other Demon prison cells. 很快,陈依韵被带到了里头一间还算干净的牢房内关起来,而苏云则扔在了旁边塞满了不少其他邪人的牢房。 Was good, I go to this matter Bing Bao in the king, the material gets ready completely, believes that cast the ceremony to start quickly.” “好了,我去将此事禀报于君王陛下,材料全部备齐,相信很快铸器仪式就能开始了。” That person was saying, then had the person to leave. 那人说着,便带人离开了。 The prison warden took a look at eye that person, when departure, before then arrives in the prison cell is placing a table , to continue to drink his evil liquor. 牢头瞅了眼那人,待之离开,便走到牢房内摆放着的一张桌子前,继续喝着他的邪酒。 Su Yun entered the prison cell, immediately by full Evil Qi surrounding, this group of people have not been downloaded his weapon, they do not fear to escape, regarding formidable Profound Technique in front, running is useless, this prison cell is firmer, even if there is a weapon they not to rumble broken. 苏云入了牢房,立刻被满满的邪气包围,这帮人没有卸掉他的武器,他们并不怕逃跑,对于强大的玄技面前,跑是无用的,更者,这牢房坚固无比,就算有武器他们也轰不破。 Su Yun entered the prison cell, stands in the entrance, is looking at inside Demon. 苏云进了牢房,立在门口,望着里头的邪人 This prison cell is detaining enough ten Demon, each one devils, the appearance is fierce. 这个牢房关押着足足十名邪人,个个凶神恶煞,面目狰狞。 In their eyes cannot see any hope, only remaining full slaughtering and cloudy and cold, in their opinion, must be treated as to use immediately spirit, might as well before dying, enjoys many slaughtering again, bathes more blood! 他们眼里看不到任何希望,只剩下满满的杀戮与阴冷,在他们看来,马上自己就要被当做器灵使用掉了,不如在死之前,再享受更多的杀戮,沐浴更多的鲜血! The ground had many evil blood with the Demon corpse of dying, only feared before here, already had many Demon to be killed. 地上有不少邪血与死去的邪人尸体,只怕这儿之前已经有不少邪人丧命。 Evidently this group of Demon are also the same places, otherwise the situation only will not be this. 看样子这帮邪人也是一起的,否则情况可不会仅是这样。 Does not permit to slaughter! Otherwise has your suffering to eat!!” “不准厮杀啊!否则有你们的苦头吃的!!” The prison warden shouted to Su Yun here prison , to continue to drink his liquor afterward. 那牢头冲着苏云这边的监狱喊了一句,随后继续喝着他的酒。 Su Yun gains ground, under cape that haze , and pale face shows a smiling face, he takes down back Death Sword, punctures in own side, said in a soft voice: Submits to me, I can not kill you.” 苏云抬起头,斗篷下那张阴霾且苍白的脸露出一丝笑容,他取下背后的死剑,刺在自己身旁,轻声道:“向我臣服,我可以不杀你们。” Submits to? Depending on you? Ants!! My already has not eaten the meat for a long time!! Makes me taste foods newly in season quickly!!” “臣服?就凭你?蝼蚁!!我已经好久没吃肉了!!快让我尝尝鲜!!” Demon already cannot repress, threw toward Su Yun directly. 邪人已经按耐不住,直接朝苏云扑了过去。 But in next second, but heard that sonorous, flashes through together black light, truncated directly to the head of that Demon, the Demon body from declined instantaneously spatially, fell on the ground, the evil blood has spurted place, but his head like the rubber ball, tumbled. 但在下一秒,但闻铿锵一声,一道黑光闪过,直接削向了那邪人的脑袋,邪人的身躯瞬间从空中落了下来,摔在地上,邪血喷了一地,而他的脑袋就像皮球一样,滚落下来。 The method is sad and shrill, overbearing peerless. 手段凄厉狠毒,更加霸道绝伦。 All Demon were all shaken. 所有邪人皆被震住了。 Hateful!” “可恶!” The prison warden see that angry, he ran over hurriedly, stands before the shackles, stimulates to movement the evil Spirit Qi rest, does not know that activated any strategy of this shackles, but sees the entire shackles to surge suddenly the intermittent strange electric current, Demon in entire shackles falls to the ground to whin all, seems bearing the enormous pain. 牢头见状,愤怒至极,他急忙跑了过来,立在牢笼前,催动邪灵气息,不知激活了这个牢笼的什么阵法,但见整个牢笼突然激荡起阵阵奇怪的电流,整个牢笼内的邪人无不倒地哀嚎起来,仿佛承受着极大的痛苦。 Ahem! This suffered the hardship?” “哼哼!这回吃到苦头了吧?” Prison warden self-satisfied smiling. 牢头得意的笑着。 But, that stands in entrance Su Yun does not have the least bit to respond, instead safe and sound standing in his front. 但,那站在门口的苏云却没有半点反应,反而安然无恙的站在他的面前。 Um?” “嗯?” The prison warden facial color is startled, immediately understands this person of cultivation is good. 牢头面色一怔,顿时明白此人修为不俗。 However he is not angry, is looking at facial color tranquil Su Yun, sneers saying: Do not be self-satisfied! On several days, you have become a useful person spirit!! Now lets on your crazy several points!” 不过他也不恼,望着面色平静的苏云,冷笑道:“别得意!过上几天,你就成器灵了!!现在让你狂上几分!” Was right! If who slaughters once again, I then reported that report criminal law team leader, he will pull out the bone to skin you! Let you be in deep sorrow, if you do not listen to the advice, can try!” “对了!若谁再度厮杀,我便去禀报刑法队长,他会把你们抽骨剥皮!让你们痛不欲生,若你们不听忠告,可以试试!” Then, then directly turns around , to continue to drink. 说完,便直接转身,继续喝酒。 Su Yun has swept prison warden one eyes, has not cared, then continues to turn head, looks at Demon that the ground these were groaning to whin unceasingly, pale [say / way]: „Are you also willing to submit to me?” 苏云扫了牢头一眼,没在意,便继续扭过头,望着地上那些不断呻吟哀嚎的邪人,淡道:“你们还愿意臣服我吗?” When... Also submits to? Can you live for several days?” “都什么时候了...还臣服?你能活几天?” Demon strongly stands, shouts to Su Yun. 邪人竭力的站起来,冲着苏云嚷道。 If you are willing to present me for the focus, does not permit me to save you!” “如果你们愿意奉我为主,不准我能救你们!” Su Yun the Death Sword income scabbard, said with a smile. 苏云死剑收入剑鞘,笑着说道。 Saves us? How to rescue?” “救我们?如何救?” Passes to me your strengths!” “把你们的力量传给我!” „Can you swallow us?” A Demon panic-stricken [say / way]. “你要吞噬我们?”一邪人惊恐道。 If you do not comply, I will swallow you!” “如果你们不照做,我会吞噬你们!” Su Yun cold sound track. 苏云冷冽声道。 The voice falls, audiences Demon trembles all. 话音落下,众邪人无不哆嗦起来。 Facing the so formidable person, which also dares to run counter to the Su Yun wish? The nod complies hastily. 面对如此强大的人,哪还敢违背苏云的意愿?连忙点头答应。 Su Yun sees that hand according to own chest place Heavenly Crystal above, toward inside instills into the evil strength afterward. 苏云见状,将手按在自己胸口处的‘天擎’之上,随后朝里头灌输邪力。 With a Three Link Evil Almighty Being war, Heavenly Crystal opens, inside strength consumes, these days of although hurrying along restored, but the time is too short, only depends on the quantity that time restores to be not enough obviously, the Heavenly Crystal strength does not reach full Zhi, is unable to stimulate to movement. 三通邪能一战,天擎开启,里头的力量消耗一空,虽然赶路的这段时间恢复了一些,但时间太短,仅靠那点时间恢复的量显然是不够的,天擎力量不达到满值,便无法催动。 Su Yun pours into half own strength in Heavenly Crystal, only restored its 30%, in addition before, but also needs 60% many strengths to be able Heavenly Crystal to fill up. 苏云将自身的力量灌入一半于天擎之中,仅恢复了它的三成不到,加上之前的,还需六成多的力量才能将天擎填满。 Strength, brings.” “力量,拿过来。” Su Yun shouted lowly. 苏云低呼。 Demon swallowed a saliva, has hesitated some little time, this greatly the courage was walking, puts out a hand according to the body of Su Yun, starts to instill into the evil Spirit Qi rest toward its within the body. 邪人们吞了口唾沫,迟疑了好一会儿,这才大着胆子走了过来,伸出手按在苏云的身上,开始朝其体内灌输邪灵气息。 Not looks at these Demon Spirit Core Disciple ranks existence, the evil Spirit Qi rest in within the body is quite sufficient, quick, in the Su Yun body is flooding many Aura... 莫看这些邪人都不过灵玄心级别的存在,体内的邪灵气息还是比较充足的,很快,苏云的身躯内充斥着不少气息... Also insufficient! Also must be more! Continue! Continue!!” “还不够!还要更多!继续!继续!!” Su Yun is strengthening the audiences evil transmission strength strongly, was shouting in a low voice. 苏云竭力汲取着众邪传递的力量,低声喊着。 The Demon cheeks overflowing perspiration, whole body Aura is all emaciated, the person becomes is also incapable, but concerned about the dignity of this deicide, nobody dares to neglect. 邪人们个个脸颊溢汗,浑身气息羸弱,人也变得无力,但碍于这尊杀神的威严,没人敢怠慢。 Finally, many Demon could not support, falls down, but the Su Yun body, regained the optimum condition. 终于,不少邪人支撑不住,倒在了地上,而苏云的身躯,重新恢复到了最佳状态。 How??” “怎么了??” The prison warden of that head noticed that this Su Yun does the matter to come, annoyed, has roared two throats, then ran off. 那头的牢头看到这苏云又搞出事儿来,大为恼火,吼了两嗓子,便跑开了。 Before long, before that seized to catch Su Yun Demon to crash in the dungeon. 不一会儿,之前那捉捕苏云邪人冲进了地牢。 Looks that everywhere Aura emaciatedly pours in Demon that the ground tumbles unceasingly, that People for furious. 看着满地气息羸弱倒在地上不断翻滚的邪人,那人大为光火。 „Are you swallowing their strengths? Hateful! Shuts in him the prison cell of that woman!” That Demon anger said. “你在吞噬他们的力量吗?可恶!把他关进那个女人的牢房里!”那邪人怒道。 This... Sir, you did not fear that he double does repair with that female Demon forcefully?” “这...大人,您不怕他与那女邪人强行双修啊?” Fears really? That female Demon cultivation is high, fears him? Snort, first lets his dai Chinese zither little while, when the time comes has his suffering to taste.” “怕甚?那女邪人修为高,怎惧他?哼,先让他嘚瑟会儿,到时候有他苦头尝。” „, Good!” “哦,那好!” The prison warden were saying, opens that door with two Demon together, brought Su Yun, then must shut in Chen Yiyun prison cell. 牢头说着,与两名邪人一同将那牢门打开,将苏云带了出来,便要关进陈依韵的牢房里。 And other!” “等一下!” At this time, that Demon shouted. 这时,那邪人喊开了。 Sir, how?” “大人,怎么了?” His two swords!!” “他的两把剑!!” That Demon said in a low voice: I thought that this person of cultivation is not low, this sword also decides however is not every thing, brings!!” 邪人低声道:“我看此人修为不低,这剑也定然不是凡物,拿来!!” Good!!” “好!!” The prison warden nod, then ran. 牢头点头,便跑了过去。 Oh? do you want these two swords?” 哦?你们要这两把剑?” Su Yun gains ground, under the cape of haze shows a smiling face. 苏云抬起头,阴霾的斗篷下露出一丝笑容。 Little wordy, brings quickly!” “少罗嗦,快拿过来!” Good!” “那好吧!” Su Yun has not refused, to smile, took down Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword and Death Sword, has handed over. 苏云并没有拒绝,笑了笑,将神玄赤血剑死剑取下,递了过去。 The prison warden have not cared, put out a hand to catch these two swords, but, moves two swords in his hand, a strange strength erupts swiftly from Death Sword, the prison warden whole body trembles fiercely, almost falls to the ground, looks at two swords again, has filled was astonished and feared. 牢头根本没在意,伸手接住这两把剑,但,就在他的手触碰二剑至极,倏然一股奇异的力量从死剑身上爆发出来,那牢头浑身猛颤,差点栽倒在地,再看二剑时,已是充满了惊愕与恐惧。 How?” “怎么了?” Does not have... Anything, has not been only the Sir... These two swords a little are probably strange.” “没...没什么,只是大人...这两把剑好像有点古怪。” „, Has anything to be strange, is the treasure of king your highness! Puts in the treasure house!” That Demon does not care at all, waves to say. “呵,有什么古怪的,都是君王殿下的宝贝罢了!放入宝库吧!”那邪人满不在乎,挥手道。 Yes... Yes.” “是...是。” Prison warden accordingly. 牢头应声。 Audiences Demon gets out of the way directly. 邪人径直走开。 Sets up Su Yun in Chen Yiyun prison cell to look at the people to depart peacefully, afterward lifts the hand, according to Heavenly Crystal of own chest, that evil strength toward inside that must come instills into completely. 立在陈依韵牢房内的苏云安静的看着众人离去,随后抬起手,按在自己胸口的天擎上,将得来的那份邪力全部朝里头灌输。 Also misses 40%, believes that should be quick.” “还差四成,相信应该快了。” He twittering. 他呢喃着。
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