LSG :: Volume #3

#237: Kings ( 7 )

Are they capture their team? 他们是来追捕自己的队伍吗? Su Yun examined with Heavenly Scale Divine Eyes secretly that actually detected these are some Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence, immediately relaxed. 苏云暗暗用天鳞神目查看,却发觉这些不过是些灵玄魂二品的存在,当即松了口气。 Actually he is not willing with the evil sword gate to be the enemy, Su Yun this person has a grudge to report, but there is a graciousness, actually bears in mind, he still remembers his encouragement and help of slaughter hundred li (0.5km), but also remembers that the soul three enter the evil sword gate quoted from oneself, remembers the evil sword gate generous with receiving cordially, reason that they will chase down themselves , is truant evil Sword Skill because of oneself first. 其实他并不愿意与邪剑门为敌,苏云这个人有仇必报,但有恩,却总是记在心里,他还记得屠百里对自己的鼓励与帮助,还记得魂三引自己进入邪剑门,也还记得邪剑门的宽厚与款待,他们之所以会追杀自己,也全因自己偷学邪剑术在先。 Su Yun shook the head, does not want to think that then must leave. 苏云摇了摇头,不欲多想,便要离开。 But at this time, the person has not gone out of the tavern, the tavern front door crashes in massive Demon suddenly, their wear appearance are grotesque and gaudy, each one Aura are rich, the facial expression is fierce, in both eyes covers entirely to kill intent. 但在这时,人还未走出酒馆,酒馆大门突然又冲进大量邪人,他们的穿着打扮光怪陆离,个个气息浓郁,神情狰狞,双目之间布满杀意。 These fellows enter the tavern, Demon in tavern have stood all, on the side of trembling being built on, does not dare to sit down. 这些家伙一入酒馆,酒馆内的邪人们无不站了起来,颤颤巍巍的立于一边,竟不敢坐下。 Deterrent! The full deterrent, these people only pass through the gate, then makes Demon in tavern not dare to have other movements! 威慑!十足的威慑,这些人仅是进门,便让酒馆内的邪人不敢有其他动作! „? How did these fellows come this?” “啊?这些家伙怎么来这了?” The slippery customer cloth as if also dreads to these people evilly extremely, puts down the liquor bowl hastily, sets out hastily, stands in the one side, gingerly. 那老油条布邪似乎对这些人也忌惮万分,连忙放下酒碗,仓促起身,立在一旁,战战兢兢的。 Su Yun does not feel right, does not have anxiously departure, arrives at that cloth evilly side, asked lowly: Cloth is evil, who are these fellows?” 苏云感觉不对,没急着离开,走到那布邪身旁,低问:“布邪,这些家伙是谁?” Who can also? It is not the subordinate who you must look for that king!” Bu Xie low voice hurried [say / way]. “还能有谁?不就是你要找那个君王的手下!”布邪小声慌道。 „The subordinate of king? What do they come to here to make?” “君王的手下?他们来这儿做什么?” Definitely has the matter, now this time does not receive the time of high quality goods, they come this only to fear that has other duties... The boys, do not act unreasonably, these fellows are Third Level Spirit Soul Disciple above existence, has Sixth Level Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation high, if you disregard them to leave directly, will decide will irritate them extremely, is cut to kill by them at the scene!!” “肯定是有事儿,现在这个时间不是收贡品的时间,他们来此只怕是有其他任务...小子,不要乱来,这些家伙都是灵玄魂三品以上的存在,最高可是有灵玄魂六修为,若你无视他们直接离开,定会让他们恼火万分,会被他们当场斩杀!!” What should we make?” “那我们该做什么?” Coordinates them, they want us to make anything, we make anything, if they do not want us to make anything, we cannot move heedlessly, the little darling stands is being best, otherwise may unable to go out of this Evil King city!” “配合他们,他们要我们做什么,我们就做什么,如果他们不要我们做什么,我们也不能乱动,乖乖站着是最好的,否则可就走不出这邪王城了!” „Is king influence so big?” “君王势力这么大?” Su Yun asked surprised. 苏云愕问。 Big, ordinary Demon is unable to imagine.” “大,普通邪人根本无法想象。” Saying that the cloth evil whole body shivers. 布邪浑身颤抖的说道。 Then looked after these Demon enter the tavern, directly door shut, branches out two Demon to go forward, drinks the person who to shout to the tavern in: All people stand, quick!” 便看那些邪人进入酒馆后,直接将大门封死,其中分出两名邪人上前,冲着酒馆内喝酒的人嚷道:“所有人都站过来,快!” Demon do not dare to revolt, goes forward to set up one row, that three evil sword disciples regarded one mutually, goes forward directly. 邪人们不敢反抗,纷纷上前立成一排,那三名邪剑门人互视了一眼,也径直上前。 Naturally, Su Yun is no exception. 当然,苏云也不例外。 However, the king is fierce, here is the Evil King city, has one set to be the order of Evil King city, won't this group of people the person entire tavern kill off? Believes so long as coordinates them, they will not act unreasonably, otherwise didn't the Evil King city mess up? 不过,君王再厉害,这里到底是邪王城,有着一套属于邪王城的秩序,这帮人也不会把整个酒馆的人都杀光吧?相信只要配合他们,他们也不会乱来,否则邪王城不是乱了套? The people have stood quickly then, the tavern is unable to guarantee the safety of these guests, after all in Evil Realm, fist big forever is the master. 人们很快便站了过来,酒馆根本无法保证这些客人的安危,毕竟在邪界,拳头大的永远是主人。 But looked that two Demon shook in the front of these people, afterward Demon nods to another Demon, that Demon then from own points in on Chu ring to take out a jet black round mirror. 但看那两名邪人在这些人的面前晃了一圈,随后其中一名邪人冲着另外一名邪人点点头,那邪人便从自己手指上的储物戒指里取出一件漆黑的圆镜。 He grasps round mirror eyes closed to talk over the mnemonics, in the quick, round mirror reappears a pair of evil eye, the evil eye blowout is black light, the photo scatters the four directions. 他握着圆镜闭目念叨口诀,很快,圆镜内浮现出一双邪眼,邪眼喷出黑光,照撒四方。 That Demon the round vitrite to that Demon, the quick, in the ray that round mirror projects is glittering the strange character. 邪人将圆镜照向那名邪人,很快,圆镜射出的光芒中闪烁着一点奇异的字符。 This is not good!” “这个不行!” That Demon shakes the head, afterward round vitrite to next person. 邪人摇摇头,随后将圆镜照向下一人。 This is not good.” “这个也不行。” Also changes players. 又换人。 This is very bad.” “这个还是很糟糕。” „It is not good!” “不行!” .... .... Sees their strange actions, all people were stunned. 看到他们怪异的举动,所有人都错愕了。 What this makes?” Su Yun whisper. “这是做什么?”苏云嘀咕。 What is that magic weapon? The old men I have not seen.” Bu Xie is also the whole face doubts, is completely puzzled. “那个法宝是什么?老夫我都不曾见过。”布邪也是满脸疑惑,完全不解。 Quick, that round vitrite to the body of that three evil sword disciples. 很快,那圆镜照到了那三名邪剑门弟子的身上。 „It is not good!” Demon shakes the head as before. “不行!”邪人依旧摇头。 The first male disciple seemed rejected, then the second male disciple. 第一名男弟子似乎被剔除了,接着第二名男弟子。 That grasped Demon of round mirror carefully to look, helpless shaking the head, sighed, placed the body of third girl student the line of sight. 那名握着圆镜的邪人仔细看了看,又无奈的摇了摇头,叹了口气,将视线放在第三名女弟子的身上。 This girl student quite obviously innocent, inexplicable is looking at these Demon, her five senses are fine, the skin appears somewhat grayish white, in Demon is the beauty top carriage, this group of Demon paid attention to her long time ago, but concerned about the official business, they poured has not acted unreasonably. 这女弟子颇显无辜,莫名的望着这些邪人,她的五官精致,皮肤显得有些灰白,在邪人之中算是姿色上架的,这帮邪人早早就注意她了,不过碍于公事,他们倒也没乱来。 Then looked that the strange round vitrite scatters on her body, that round mirror bursts out intermittently flood the golden light character swiftly, grasped Demon of round mirror to stare, immediately the color of facial expression overflow great happiness. 便看奇怪的圆镜照撒在她的身上,那圆镜倏然间迸发出阵阵泛着点点金光的字符,握着圆镜的邪人愣了一下,顿时神情溢出大喜之色。 Good!! Good!! Here!! Here has one!! Good!! Ha Ha Ha Ha...” “好!!好!!这里一个!!这里有一个!!好啊!!哈哈哈哈...” What? Finally has the standard?” “什么?终于有达标的?” Is she?... Really was a pity, rare this minute of looks.” “是她吗?啧啧...真是可惜,难得这分姿容了。” Behind the subordinate of that group of kings neat has collected, asked hastily. 后头那帮君王的手下齐刷刷的凑了上来,一个个连忙问道。 Now also misses one!” “现在还差一个!” That round mirror Demon has not paid attention to own companion , to continue to act, illuminates toward behind Demon. 那圆镜邪人未理会自己的同伴,继续动作起来,朝后头的邪人照着。 „It is not good!” “不行!” „It is not good!” “不行!” „Not good...” “不行...” Quick, was near Su Yun. 很快,便临到了苏云 Last, oh, must go to other places to run evidently! Does mother egg, look for two good points Demon so to be difficult?” “最后一个了,唉,看样子又得去其他地方跑了!妈蛋,找两个好点的邪人就这么困难嘛?” That Demon has spat a saliva, stimulates to movement the round mirror, hits the evil light in round mirror to Su Yun. 邪人吐了口唾沫,催动圆镜,将圆镜内的邪光打向苏云 In the wink of an eye, the evil light implosion leaves the intermittent seven color traces the characters, the character ray is mobile, is quite brilliant, is similar to the miracle. 瞬息之间,邪光内爆出阵阵七彩纹路的字符,字符光芒流动,好生绚烂,如同神迹。 Inexplicable that Su Yun looks, looks at these Demon again, actually saw them such as to petrify generally .... Stayed. 苏云看的莫名,再看那些邪人,却见他们一个个如石化了一般....呆了。 God... Gods... Gods. Divine Level Talent!! Divine Level Talent!! The talent index of this person, at least... At least over five times!!” “神...神...神..神级天赋!!神级天赋啊!!这个人的天赋指数,至少...至少在五倍以上!!” That Demon has gotten back one's composure, the lip trembles, the running together of two syllables in rapid speech twittering, laughs afterward: Ha Ha, was he!! Has such Divine Level Talent, we report on accomplishments to the king, layer on layer has to enjoy inevitably!!” 邪人回过了神,嘴唇哆嗦,急声呢喃,随后哈哈大笑:“哈哈,就是他了!!有这样的神级天赋,咱们向君王交差,必然重重有赏啊!!” What? Divine Level Talent? Haven't you misread??” “什么?神级天赋?你没有看错??” Behind Demon stared in a big way both eyes, asking that does not dare to believe. 后头邪人瞪大了双眼,不敢置信的问道。 Will not be absolutely wrong, my Bronze Endowment Treasure Lens will never make a mistake! Quick! Him with that female carrying off! Quick!” “绝对不会错,我的鉴赋宝镜从不会出错!快!把他跟那个女的带走!快!” Demon shouts. 邪人喊道。 Good! Carries off!” “好!带走!” One group of Demon support to that evil sword gate girl student as well as Su Yun, then must trig two people. 一帮邪人拥向那名邪剑门的女弟子以及苏云,便要将二人制住。 „Do you do??” “你们干什么??” The two male disciples of evil sword gate rush immediately come, shouts loudly. 邪剑门的两名男弟子立刻冲上前来,大声嚷道。 „Does boy, you court death? Makes way!!” “小子,你找死吗?让开!!” Makes way? You know that who we are? We are the evil sword disciples!!” “让开?你知道我们是谁吗?我们是邪剑门人!!” Disciple facial color fierce shouting. 那弟子面色狰狞的喊道。 evil sword disciple?” Grasps Demon of round mirror to sneer again and again: I have not listened to the evil sword disciple, I only know that here is the Evil King city! The kings had resulted in Mystical Void Iron recently, plans to refine the evil soldier, all materials prepare completely, but current also misses two talent formidable Demon to do spirits, she! He! The talent index standard, is the spirit good candidate, I urged your best little darling to coordinate us, otherwise... Do not blame us to butcher you at the scene!!” 邪剑门人?”握着圆镜的邪人冷笑连连:“我可没听过邪剑门人,我只知道,这里是邪王城!君王最近得了块虚空玄铁,打算炼制邪兵,一切材料都准备齐全,但当前还差两个天赋强大的邪人做器灵,她!还有他!天赋指数达标,正是做器灵的好人选,我劝你们最好乖乖配合我们,否则...可别怪我们当场宰了你们!!” What? Do you want to be me spirit?” That female Demon gawked. “什么?你要把我做器灵?”那女邪人愣了。 „It is not we, is the king Sir! If you are not willing to coordinate obediently, I ensure you cannot go out of the Evil King city!” “不是我们,是君王大人!若你们不肯乖乖配合,我保证你们走不出邪王城!” That Demon smiles coldly. 邪人冷冽而笑。 You did not fear that offends the evil sword gate?? You know that she is what person in evil sword gate? If you dare to move her! Your kings die like a dog inevitably!” “你们就不怕得罪邪剑门吗??你知道她是邪剑门里的什么人吗?你们若敢动她!你们君王必然不得好死!” That male disciple short temper, has roared directly. 那男弟子脾气暴躁,直接吼了开来。 But the next second, Demon flushed from the crowd, directly toward homicide in the past. 但下一秒,一名邪人从人群中冲了出来,直接朝他杀了过去。 That male disciple look changes, holds up the pointed weapons to resist hurriedly. 那男弟子神色一变,急忙举起兵刃招架。 ! 咔嚓! Then was broken by this person of fist bang jet black evil sword directly, armored hand cut-throat pounding of broken sword on his chest, his chest entire gets down hollowly, person after flew upside down, has knocked several Demon, fell in not far away, the mouth spits the evil blood, is the life is critically-ill. 那把漆黑的邪剑直接被这人一拳轰断,破剑的铁拳凶狠的砸在他的胸膛上,其胸整个儿凹陷下去,人朝后倒飞,撞翻了数名邪人,摔在不远处,口吐邪血,已是性命垂危了。 Fellow apprentice!” “师兄!” Female Demon anxious loudly shouted. 邪人焦急大呼。 Other Demon by it frightening, a stunned eye looked at the person who that is blowing out suddenly all in pairs. 其他邪人无不被之震慑,一双双错愕的眼望着那突然爆出的人。 Su Yun also by it frightening. 就连苏云也被之震慑到了。 Eight Level Spirit Soul Disciple!! 灵玄魂八品!! Has not thought that in this group of Demon is hiding this kind of master unexpectedly! Before this group of Demon came, this person mixed in the crowd, hid own cultivation, basic nobody realized him! 没想到这帮邪人之中竟隐藏着这样一名高手!之前这帮邪人进来,这个人夹杂在人群之中,隐藏自身修为,根本无人察觉到他! Quite fearful, if under just impulsed to it beginning, only feared that already fell into the encirclement, if independent combat, pours to be possible with the person of this Eight Level Spirit Soul Disciple to dispute, but this moment opposite party overwhelms with numerical strength, is the Spirit Soul Disciple master, gets rid only to fear that forcefully is more unfortunate than fortunate. 好可怕,若自己刚刚冲动之下对之动手,只怕早就陷入包围,若单打独斗,倒可与这灵玄魂八品之人较量较量,但此刻对方人多势众,皆为灵玄魂高手,强行出手只怕是凶多吉少。 The Su Yun facial color sinks coldly, the thoughts concentrate. 苏云面色沉冷,心思凝动。 Does the dependence stealth jewelry leave? 依靠隐身珠宝离开吗? At this time hope to pin on this jewelry, seemed not realistic, oneself do not know that its stealth effect to existence of any rank was effective. 这个时候将希望寄托在这个珠宝上,似乎并不现实,自己根本不知它的隐身效果对什么级别的存在有效。 Snort! Unexpectedly dares to insult our king Sirs! Court death! Takes away them! Again rubbish!” “哼!居然敢侮辱我们君王大人!找死!把他们带走!不要再废话了!” At this time, the offense drank to resound, that helped Demon run over, has aimed at Su Yun and that female Demon the weapon in hand. 这时,戾喝响起,那帮邪人跑了过来,将手中的武器指向了苏云与那女邪人 Su Yun sees that deeply inspired, knows the matter unable to subside, his intention moves slightly, as if has thought of anything, pours has not revealed the flustered color. 苏云见状,深吸了口气,知晓事情不能平息了,他心念微动,似乎想到了什么,倒也未露慌张之色。 Evidently, can only do. 看样子,只能那么做了。 Walks quickly!!!” “快走!!!” Demon are shouting. 邪人们嚷嚷着。 The situation forces, Su Yun and female Demon must say along it, leave the tavern. 形势所逼,苏云与女邪人只得顺之所言,离开酒馆。 Female apprentice, should not be worried that my here informs the teacher, making him lead the Jianmen masters to save you!! Do not worry!” That evil sword gate male disciple urgently shouted. “师妹,你别担心,我这边通知师尊,让他带领剑门高手来救你!!别担心!”那名邪剑门男弟子急呼。 Um...” Female Demon nods, in the eye somewhat is panic-stricken. “嗯...”女邪人点点头,眼里还有些惊恐。 Su Yun is lowering the head, does not know that is thinking anything. 苏云低着脑袋,也不知在想什么。 The tavern has this matter, has caused many tumults, but merely is also in a tumult, quick, Demon have then dispersed, such matter to them seems not any rare matter. 酒馆发生这档子事,引起了不少骚动,但也仅仅是骚动,很快,邪人们便散开了,这样的事情对他们而言似乎并不算什么稀罕的事儿。 One group of Demon detained two people to leave the tavern, travelled southward directly toward the city, in Evil King south, was falling several giant altars, but in the center of altar, was a completely jet black mansion, mansion each brick each inch potato is from top to bottom jet black, and there is rich Evil Qi to emit, but inside and outside the mansion, performing was Demon. 一帮邪人押着二人出了酒馆,直接朝城南行去,在邪王城南处,落着数个巨大的祭坛,而在祭坛的中央,是一个完全漆黑的府邸,府邸浑身上下每一块砖每一寸土豆漆黑无比,且有浓郁邪气冒出,而在府邸内外,尽是邪人 This is the place of practice the king the person is building, according to what has been heard this mansion was built up a magic weapon by him, the might is enormous, but nobody sees it to use this magic weapon. 这是君王着人打造的修炼之地,据闻这个府邸被他炼成了一件法宝,威力极大,但无人见之使用这件法宝。 All the way, roadside Demon looks at all toward two people the line of sight, in each Demon eye is flooding the ridicule and ridicule. 一路上,路旁的邪人无不将视线朝二人身上望来,每个邪人的眼里都充斥着嘲笑与讥讽。 They know that these two Demon already become the lambs, soon will be executed! 他们都知道,这两个邪人已经成为羔羊,即将被处死! Regarding the person of dying, most Demon will hold the pitiful mentality to go facing them. 对于将死之人,多数邪人是抱着可怜的心态去面对他们。 „Are you evil sword disciple?” “你是邪剑门人吗?” Su Yun has leaned the face, is losing in the eye also to flood fear female Demon to say to side that facial expression. 苏云侧过脸,对着身旁那名神情失落眼里还充斥着害怕的女邪人道。 Female Demon has gawked, looks up nearby person, actually sees this person to throw over the cape, cannot see clearly the face completely, but after that rich Evil Qi, as if has a pair of cold eye. 邪人愣了下,抬起头望着旁边的人,却见这个人披着斗篷,完全看不清脸,但在那浓郁的邪气后,似乎有一双冷冽的眼。 Is...” She said in a soft voice, worn out feeling. “是的...”她轻声道,有气无力的感觉。 „Do you name?” “你叫什么名字?” Asked that this does do really?” “问这个作甚?” „, Does not have anything, is only some of I and evil sword gate friendship.” “呵,没什么,只是我与邪剑门有些交情而已。” I... My name was Chen Yiyun.” “我...我叫陈依韵。” Good name.” “好名字。” You?” “你呢?” I... I called Limitless.” “我...我叫无极。” The pale lip is moving gently, the corners of the mouth of demon rise slightly... 苍白的唇轻轻动着,那邪魅的嘴角微微上扬... …… …… ( Asked monthly ticket) (求月票)
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