LSG :: Volume #3

#236: Kings ( 6 )

Has resulted in coloured glass heart, then only remaining three types of magic weapons.!! 得了琉璃心,接下来便只剩下三样法宝了。!! Treads Death Sword to lower the head the meditation in Evil Realm above speed run Su Yun. 踏着死剑邪界上空快速飞行的苏云低头凝思。 At this speed, if smooth, perhaps in 1-2 years can return to Sky Martial Continent. 以这个速度,若顺利的话,或许一两年内便可重返天武大陆 However, these goods each one all extraordinary thing, fine must contact with the great person, do not have Heavenly Crystal to be difficult to contend. 不过,那些物品个个皆非凡物,要得都得与大人物接触,无天擎难抗衡。 But, after Heavenly Crystal use, even if inward transport Aura to accelerate to restore, at least two months perhaps, next goods it cannot help one another again oneself. 但,天擎使用后,即便自己朝内输送气息加速恢复,也得至少两个月的时间,下一件物品或许它不能再相助自己了。 Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, turns out the ring that picks from Three Link Evil Almighty Being that from the waistband of waist, offers a sacrifice to a little Spirit Lord Aura, in that weak seal the ring punctures, afterward turns on the ring, changes in inside. 苏云舒了口气,从腰间的腰带内侧翻出从三通邪能那捡来的戒指,祭出一点儿凌神气息,将戒指内那薄弱的封印戳破,随后打开戒指,在里头翻动起来。 The seal punctures, the ring inner space opens, immediately the intermittent odor taste overflows from inside, Su Yun knits the brows, toward inside takes a fast look around one. 封印戳破,戒指内部空间打开,顿时阵阵恶臭味儿从里头溢出,苏云皱眉,朝里头扫视一眼。 However is only one, then lets him in consternation. 然而只是一眼,便让他愕然不已。 Inside massive does not know unexpectedly is the body and internal organs of person or beast thing, their already is rotten, sends out the intermittent putrid stench taste, except these, massive broken magic weapons and equipment. These things just shattered, without a doubt, Three Link Evil Almighty Being has left behind the mark in these magic weapons, after he died, these magic weapons will also destroy, reason that such does, nothing but does not want to be killed own person to use by own thing. 里头竟是大量不知是人还是兽物的肢体与内脏,它们已经腐烂不堪,散发出阵阵尸臭味儿,除去这些,还有大量残破的法宝与装备。这些东西是刚刚坏掉的,毫无疑问,三通邪能在这些法宝上留下了印记,当他死亡后,这些法宝也会随之销毁,之所以这么做,也无非是不想让自己的东西被杀死自己的人所用。 Also is really narrow-minded.” “还真是小心眼。” Su Yun was saying shameless, turned one in the ring, swiftly, clear passes the white round bead to map in the middle of his line of sight. 苏云恬不知耻的说着,又在戒指里翻了一通,倏然,一颗晶莹透白的圆珠映入他的视线当中。 In these dirty ** in the goods, this round bead appears especially dazzling. 在这些肮脏**的物品之中,这颗圆珠显得格外耀眼。 Is the material?” “是材料吗?” Su Yun takes out the round bead, will have again no need actually to trade something the equipment material nets to enter in own Chu ring, then carefully examines this bead. 苏云将圆珠取出,再将一些用不着却可换些东西的装备材料网罗入自己的储物戒指内,而后便仔细查看起这珠子。 In circle Zhu overflows some thin evil Spirit Qi rests indistinctly, after realizing, he offers a sacrifice to his Aura anxiously anxiously, searches toward circle Zhu in following this thin Aura, how long has not sought, then discovery this interior unexpectedly several fold puts together, and strategy of grain of rice size. 圆珠内隐约溢出些许稀薄的邪灵气息,察觉到后,他急急祭出自己的气息,顺着这股稀薄的气息朝圆珠内部探去,没寻多久,便发现这内部竟有数个叠加在一起,且不过米粒大小的阵法。 They cover in circle Zhu, such as five points are linked together, among each marks takes turn mutually, not only does not affect operation among each, simultaneously and has entrusted with between an seal the new strength. 它们覆盖在圆珠内部,如五环般环环相扣,每个印记之间相互交替,既不影响各个阵之间的运作,同时又赋予了阵印之间新的力量。 Good exquisite seal!” “好精妙的阵印!” Su Yun exclaims in surprise again and again, person to this carving seal is full of admiration that admires. 苏云惊叹连连,对这雕刻阵印之人已是佩服的五体投地。 He to some strategy quite understanding, in strategy master but who currently speaking, knows, but also few individuals can make such fine excellent. 他对阵法颇有了解,但就目前而言,所认识的阵法大师中,还没几个人能够做出这样精细绝妙的阵来。 Also does not know this useful. 也不知这阵有什么用。 Su Yun offers a sacrifice to spirit profound Aura, hits toward that seal, activation. 苏云祭出点点灵玄气息,朝那阵印撞去,将之激活。 Shout! 呼! In spirit profound Aura invasion, an seal activates immediately, entire round bead Teng Liang, but in this flickers, in circle Zhu transmits a mysterious strength, and has spread over the whole body of Su Yun like the thunder and lightning instantaneously. 灵玄气息侵入阵内,阵印立刻激活,整个圆珠滕亮了起来,而在这一瞬,圆珠上传来一阵神奇之力,且如雷电般瞬间传遍了苏云的全身。 ! 唰! The strange sound resounds. 古怪声音响起。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? Su Yun looks around hurriedly in all directions, however, all around anything does not have, looks at the round bead again, perfect... 苏云急忙四处张望,然而,四周什么都没有,再看圆珠,完好无损... Um? 嗯? Su Yun has gawked, is this bead only the xue person uses? What actual outcome doesn't have? Also or, did it shatter? Isn't able to play the effect? 苏云愣了,难道这珠子只是噱人用的?根本就没什么实际功效?又或者,它坏掉了?无法发挥功效? The Su Yun doubts, are preparing to receive temporarily this bead, detected swiftly as if a little does not suit. 苏云疑惑不已,正准备将这珠子暂时收起,倏然发觉似乎有点不对劲。 This bead float Yu empty/sky? 这珠子怎么悬浮于空? It is not right! 不对! It is not float Yu empty/sky, but is own hand disappears! Su Yun looks hastily toward own body, actually detected that own body unexpectedly becomes completely empty, entire changes into transparently! 不是悬浮于空,而是自己的手不见了!苏云连忙朝自己的身躯望去,却发觉自己的身躯竟变得空空如也,整个儿化为透明! Stealth?” “隐身?” In his mind passed over gently and swiftly such two characters! 他脑海里掠过这么两个字! Such the little while time, bead also becomes bright, without a trace that in an instant time also vanishes, except for Death Sword of under foot, the average man in side, cannot see the Su Yun least bit form. 这么会儿功夫,就连珠子也变得剔透起来,转眼的功夫也消失的无影无踪,除了脚下的死剑,常人在旁,根本看不到苏云半点身影。 Su Yun can also the clear feeling the round bead in own hand, he stop to the stimulation of movement of round bead spirit profound Aura, quick, person and round bead present primary form. 苏云还能清晰的感受到圆珠就在自己手中,他停止了对圆珠灵玄气息的催动,很快,人与圆珠现了原形。 Understood, originally is available stealth magic weapon.” “明白了,原来是件可用余隐身的法宝。” The Su Yun heart great happiness, is pinching the round bead, took a look at several points carefully. 苏云心头大喜,捏着圆珠,仔细瞅了几分。 If so, why can arrange like that tedious law? Is this magic of making oneself invisible quite high-level? Also does not know that can avoid any rank existence discernment. 若是如此,为何要布置那般繁琐的法阵?难道说这隐身术比较高级吗?也不知能够躲避什么级别存在的法眼。 Should not lower? 应该不会低吧? Su Yun squeezes in the round bead own Chu ring, delicious flies toward the Evil King city. 苏云将圆珠塞入自己的储物戒指里,美滋滋的朝邪王城飞去。 Evil King city. 邪王城。 Evil Realm is liveliest the most giant city. 邪界最繁华最为巨大的城池。 Also is understood that Evil Realm is quickest, the news most developed city, naturally, here is gathering Demon far apart, here is also the most chaotic place. 也是了解邪界最快,消息最发达的城池,当然,这儿聚集着天南地北的邪人,此处也是最为混乱的地方。 . 吧嗒。 Death Sword falls to the ground, Su Yun jumped down from the sword blade, the Death Sword income scabbard, is carrying on the arm Sword sheath, at the back of Death Sword and Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword, such walks toward the city. 死剑落地,苏云从剑身上跳了下来,将死剑收入剑鞘,挎着剑匣,背着死剑神玄赤血剑,就这么朝城池内走去。 Evil King city can it is said already before 1000 leave here greatly, he abandoned him to follow, did not know the trace, but, kept here person to consecrate him as before, and nobody dares to act unruly here, was only along with wearing of time, here started the influence represented by all tyrants gradually, the one who was maintaining the Evil King city was one set of strange underground custom, although here every day also flooded is slaughtering with bloody, but here attracted innumerable Demon as before. 邪王城的大能据说在1000年前已经离开了这儿,他抛弃了他的追随着,不知所踪,但,留在这儿的人依旧供奉着他,并无人敢在此处撒野,只是随着时间的磨合,这儿逐渐兴起了一个个以各方豪强为代表的势力,维护着邪王城的是一套奇怪的地下规矩,虽然这儿每日也充斥着杀戮与血腥,但此处依旧吸引了无数邪人 The Evil King city has two gates, front is Yamen, Yamen is enormous, such as the demon big mouth, both sides are jet black, and flood the Evil Qi wall, on the barrier is being one crowd of patrols Demon. 邪王城有两个门,面前这个是牙门,牙门极大无比,如邪魔大口,两旁是漆黑且泛着邪气的墙壁,壁垒上是一群巡逻的邪人 Is setting up two rows of Demon soldiers in the entrance of Yamen, wants to enter the Evil King city, must turn in the high quality goods, is the so-called safe passage money. 在牙门的门口立着两排邪人士兵,想要进入邪王城,就必须上缴贡品,也就是所谓的买路钱。 The good high quality goods need not many, only need pay several material or a magic weapon then, the magic weapon grade can not be lower than Purple Level, Su Yun stores goods well, in addition these days also has also collected in Evil Realm, therefore is not the issue. 还好贡品所需不多,只需缴纳几件材料或者一件法宝即可,法宝品级不得低于紫品,苏云存货还不错,加上这段时间在邪界也搜罗了一些,故不是问题。 Entered the Evil King city, Su Yun directly soared the evil tavern in south place. Although Evil Realm is different from Sky Martial Continent, but Demon and person common customs, inquired that the news goes to the tavern, the discussion matter also goes to the tavern. 进了邪王城,苏云直奔城南处的邪酒馆。邪界虽不同于天武大陆,但邪人与人都有一个共同的习俗,打听消息去酒馆,谈论事情也去酒馆。 Reason that Su Yun knows Three Link Evil Almighty Being to have coloured glass heart, news that also learns from this Evil King city south tavern. 苏云之所以知晓三通邪能拥有琉璃心,也是从这邪王城城南酒馆内获知的消息。 Inside and outside tavern Demon are many, passes and out, bustling place, but in tavern hall, five tables of liquor has drunk, sharp aroma that the evil liquor is in sole possession of floods in the air, making Su Yun be very familiar with. 酒馆内外的邪人还不少,进进出出,门庭若市,而在酒馆大厅处,已有五桌酒喝开了,邪酒独有的刺鼻气味儿充斥于空气中,让苏云好不习惯。 He wrinkled the nose, walks, before arriving at a corner table, sits down in front of appearance old Demon. 他皱了皱鼻子,走进去,来到角落处的一张桌子前,在一名模样苍老的邪人面前坐下。 Old Demon wears the hat, the complexion is jet black, Evil Qi not many, both eyes flood muddy, if the person of dying, but his Aura exceptionally is strong, unexpectedly is the Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple master. 邪人戴着帽子,脸色漆黑,邪气没多少,双目泛浑,如将死之人,但他身上的气息却异常强劲,竟是灵玄魂二品高手。 This old Demon named Bu Xie, is south the Evil King city the famous detective, it is said when he outside treasure hunt practice, almost greatly can cut to kill long ago, runs away with great difficulty, but the courage had been frightened broken, does not dare alone to go out again, then depends to collect some news to exchange the material magic weapon practice from other Demon hands, hides cultivates in the city, amplification own strength, although he currently has Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation, but the actual combat capability is insufficient, only feared that has fought First Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence reluctantly. 这老邪人名为布邪,是邪王城城南有名的包打听,据说他早些年在外头寻宝修炼时,差点被大能斩杀,好不容易逃走,但胆子已被吓破,不敢再独自外出,便靠搜罗些消息从其他邪人手中兑换材料法宝修炼,躲在城内修炼,增幅自己的实力,虽然他现在有灵玄魂二修为,但实战能力不足,只怕是勉强斗过灵玄魂一存在 He only sits two here every day often, after two double-hour, he then must practice or the collection news, therefore time press. 他每天只在这儿坐两个时常,两个时辰过后,他便要去修炼或收集消息,所以时间紧迫。 I want to know the Mystical Void Iron whereabouts!” “我想要知道虚空玄铁的下落!” Su Yun a number of material magic weapons that must come from Three Link Evil Almighty Being will put out two, places on the table. 苏云将从三通邪能那儿得来的一批材料法宝拿出两件,放在桌上。 Three Link Evil Almighty Being will step soon into Spirit Star Disciple existence, his thing is not naturally bad, the thing puts on the table, old Demon the eye braves the golden light immediately. 三通邪能是即将踏入灵玄阳存在,他的东西自然也不差,东西一放桌上,老邪人立刻眼冒金光。 Mystical Void Iron? You come just in time!” Bu Xie received that two treasure the Chu ring, filled the bowl evil liquor to say. 虚空玄铁吗?你来的正是时候!”布邪将那两件宝贝收入储物戒指里,灌了碗邪酒道。 Time? What meaning?” “正是时候?什么意思?” What meaning? The meaning is very simple, Mystical Void Iron that the boy, you want, currently in this Evil King city, happen to have the same place!” “什么意思?意思很简单,小子,你要的虚空玄铁,现在这邪王城内,正好有一块!” Happen to has the same place?” Su Yun look one tight, sinks to ask: Where is at?” “正好有一块?”苏云神色一紧,沉问:“在哪?” In wicked evil hand!” “恶邪的手中!” Wicked evil?” “恶邪?” Right, wicked evil, what's wrong? Don't the boys, you know? In this Evil King city, is the cauldron cauldron famous wicked evil, he quite bravely fights ruthlessly, slaughters everywhere, robs other people magic weapon, even usurps these female Demon, double repairs with them forcefully, is stops at no evil seriously! That wicked evil is domineering and tyrannical in the Evil King city, already fish here did not know many years, does not know that many people challenged to him, but cannot shake his status, invincible formidable Demon like him, usually called the king!” “对,恶邪,怎么?小子,你难道不知道?这邪王城内,可是有一尊鼎鼎有名的恶邪啊,他好勇斗狠,到处厮杀,抢夺他人法宝,甚至强占那些女邪人,强行与她们双修,当真是无恶不作啊!那恶邪在邪王城内横行霸道,已经鱼肉这里不知多少年了,也不知有多少人向他挑战,但都撼动不了他的地位,像他这样战无不胜的强大邪人,通常称之为君王!” King?” “君王?” The Su Yun heart jumps, in the head can not help remembers that Sovereign King Sword in evil sword gate dense palace. 苏云心脏一跳,脑袋里又情不自禁的想起邪剑门密宫内的那把君王剑 Was the owner of that sword once also formidable invincible Demon? 难道说,那把剑的主人曾经也是一名强大至极让人不可战胜的邪人吗? King enjoys the extremely high treatment in the Evil King city, reason that this wicked evil can be domineering and tyrannical, is because he has defeated the taking office king, enjoys the right, he mixed these many years in the Evil King city, did not know many treasure, recently then heard that he seized process Evil King city a treasure of Demon, but in these treasure, happen to had Mystical Void Iron, the boy, if you want to result in this thing, but must look for him!” “君王在邪王城内享有极高的待遇,这名恶邪之所以能横行霸道,也是因为他击败了上任君王,享有权利,他在邪王城混了这么多年,也不知得了多少宝贝,近日便听说他夺了一名经过邪王城的邪人的宝贝,而那些宝贝中,正好有虚空玄铁,小子,你若想得此物,还得找他啊!” „Can he replace Mystical Void Iron?” “他要把虚空玄铁换掉吗?” „, He the profound iron not building up, heard that is the plan builds a god soldier to oneself, for this reason, he has grasped more than ten Demon, prepares to practice own spirits!” “不不不,他是要把玄铁给炼了,听说是打算给自己打造一件神兵,为此,他都抓了十多名邪人,准备练成自己的器灵!” Built up?” Su Yun facial expression one stiff. “炼了?”苏云神情一僵。 Right.” Bu Xiejiang the head approached several points, said in a low voice: Therefore you must start, a bit faster!” “对。”布邪将脑袋凑近了几分,低声道:“所以你要下手,就快点!” His cultivation how many?” “他的修为多少?” Ninth Level Spirit Soul Disciple.” 灵玄魂九品。” Should be not high in the Evil King city?” “在邪王城应该不算高吧?” High is not high, is not high cannot support other people many, follows Demon of that wicked evil king many like the sea! Your enemy that king, enemy the king master of?” “高是不高,不高架不住他人多啊,追随那恶邪君王的邪人多如海!你敌的过那君王,敌的过君王身边的高手吗?” Su Yun was silent. 苏云沉默了。 When can know him to prepare to refine the evil soldier?” “可知他准备什么时候炼制邪兵吗?” It is said is ten days later, at that time he must carry on the sacrificial offering! Will have many Demon to watch.” “据说是十天后,那时他要进行祭祀!会有很多邪人过来观看。” I understood.” “我明白了。” Su Yun nods, then drew out body, prepares to depart. 苏云点点头,便起了身,准备离去。 At this time, tavern entrance walked three forms. 这时,酒馆门口走进来三个身影。 These three people all are the black sword taking, the whole body overflow Evil Qi, in the hand are raising evil sword respectively, after they come, immediately about shakes to look, quick, three people sought a table, then sat. 这三人皆是黑色剑服,浑身溢着邪气,手上各自提着一把邪剑,当他们进来后,立刻左右晃看,很快,三人寻到了一张桌子,便坐了下来。 evil sword disciple?” 邪剑门人?” Su Yun brow light wrinkle, the line of sight falls on the tokens of their waist .... 苏云眉头轻皱,视线落在他们腰间的令牌上.... ( The evening's chapter, the second volume is also about to end, ** also soon will approach, everybody please anticipate.) (晚上还有一章,第二卷快结束了,**也即将来临,大家请期待吧。)
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