LSG :: Volume #3

#235: Kings ( 5 )

Blocks!!!” “挡住!!!” Three Link Evil Almighty Being calls out sad and shrill. 三通邪能凄厉嘶喊。 Whole body Demon offers a sacrifice to the magic weapon, keeps off to that hundred swords, but, these swords are similar to pound the hail on roofing tile, pingpong ling pang lang keeps ringing, the might is vigorous, the destructive power is scary, finally pierces the roofing tile, the shatter magic weapon, has cut directly. 周身邪人纷纷祭出法宝,挡向那袭来的百剑,但是,这些剑就如同是砸在屋瓦上的冰雹,乒呤乓啷响个不停,威力浑厚,破坏力吓人,最终洞穿屋瓦,破碎法宝,直接斩了下来。 powerful vigor strength! 好强劲的力量! Three Link Evil Almighty Being has a big shock. 三通邪能大惊失色。 But looks at these sharp sword sword blade reappearing endless Evil Qi, in Evil Qi, jumps unexpectedly the innumerable evil soul, the evil soul makes threatening gestures, seizes these Demon, tears crazily. 但看那些利剑剑身浮现无尽邪气,邪气之中,居然蹦出数不清的邪魂,邪魂张牙舞爪,揪住这些邪人,疯狂撕扯。 Several cultivation inferior Demon could not withstand this might, the body is pulled the fragment by the evil soul directly, the evil blood scattered place! The scene is fierce. 几名修为低劣的邪人根本承受不住这股威力,身躯被邪魂直接扯成了碎片,邪血撒了一地!场面狰狞骇人。 Afterward, throws over cape unable to see clearly the appearance, a Evil Qi person treads to fly toward here the jet black sword, his whole body sharp sword surrounds, is quite terrorist. 随后,一名披着斗篷看不清模样,一身邪气的人踏着把漆黑的剑朝这儿飞来,他的周身利剑环绕,好生恐怖。 Comes the person rapidly to this head, surrounds the sharp sword of whole body to revolve crazily, after falling to the ground, kills that two Spirit Soul Disciple masters. 来人迅冲这头,环绕周身的利剑疯狂旋转,落地后直杀那两名灵玄魂高手。 Blocks him, gives me to select the time to restore, after I restore, I must build up him personally!!!” “拦住他,给我点时间恢复,待我恢复后,我要亲手炼化他!!!” Three Link Evil Almighty Being bellows. 三通邪能大吼。 When you do restore?” “待你恢复?” Su Yun snort|hum, has buckled Death Sword to fling swiftly horizontally. 苏云哼了一声,扣着死剑倏然横甩。 Evil Slash by the Draw! 拔剑邪斩 Bang thump! 轰咚! Half a month shape Sword Qi flies to sweep together, as if must divide into two entire Lingtai spring. 一道半月状剑气飞扫出去,仿佛要将整个灵台泉一分为二。 Carves the insect small technique!” “雕虫小技!” That Spirit Soul Disciple Demon does not fear, covers own paint long evil spear|gun, moves, makes together the gigantic shield screen, wants to prevent. 那名灵玄魂邪人丝毫不惧,扣住自己的漆长邪枪,甩动起来,打出一道硕大的盾屏,想要阻挡。 But, in that Sword Qi instant, Sword Qi disrupts suddenly, changes into the innumerable jet black evil fingernails, pulls to that shield screen. 但,在那剑气袭来的刹那,剑气突然碎裂,化为无数漆黑的邪爪,扯向那盾屏。 Hissing! 嘶啦! The shield screen is split up, that Demon is inferior to fend, the chest was pulled to crush by the evil claw... 盾屏四分五裂,那邪人不及闪避,胸口被邪爪扯了个碎烂... „? This is... This is evil Sword Skill!!” “啊?这是...这是邪剑术!!” Had being sharp-eyed Demon already to recognize this strange Sword Skill, immediately shouted to Su Yun: You are... You are the evil sword gate person!” 有眼尖的邪人已经认出了这古怪的剑术,立刻冲着苏云大喊:“你是...你是邪剑门的人!” I am the Limitless Sword Sect person!” “我是无极剑派的人!” Su Yun snort|hum, sword has flung, hundred sword Qi Qiwei to that Demon. 苏云哼了一声,剑一甩,百剑齐齐围向那邪人 Shortly, the sword shade storm raids, hundred swords gather round him to kill crazily, chops Yu Qishen the sword blade edge, Evil Qi on sword blade changes into the everywhere evil soul, kills crazily, that Demon can also revolt at first, but has supported several breath, then cannot support, against potential chaos, in the body the number sword, Evil Qi invades the body, own Aura collapses, resistance that suddenly then loses. 顷刻,剑影风暴袭来,百剑围着他疯狂袭杀,记记剑刃劈于其身,剑身上的邪气更是化为漫天邪魂,疯狂打杀,那邪人起初还能反抗,但支撑了不过十几个呼吸,便支撑不住,防势大乱,身中数剑,邪气侵体,自身气息崩溃,眨眼间便失去的抵抗能力。 ... 哧啦哧啦哧啦... The sharp knife blade and evil claw add the body, pulls is shearing on him each meat, the ominous beast greatly quickly is making chewing motions like is hungry, the little while time, a pitch-dark evil bone appears there, that Demon each slice of meat was ripped from top to bottom unexpectedly completely. 利刃与邪爪加身,扯着割着他身上的每一块肉,就像饿极了的凶兽大快朵颐着,会儿功夫,一具黑漆漆的邪骨出现在那儿,那名邪人浑身上下每一片肉竟然全部被割掉。 Three Link Evil Almighty Being and the others frightened the heart crazily to jump, the soul several want to be separated. 三通邪能等人吓得心脏狂跳,魂魄几欲脱离。 „Is this what Profound Technique?” So fearsome? “这是何玄技?”如此可怖? Three Link Evil Almighty Being uses up hissing in the bottom was shouting. 三通邪能竭嘶底里的喊着。 Su Yun has not replied him, covers Death Sword to overrun toward another Spirit Soul Disciple master. 苏云并未回答他,扣住死剑朝另外一名灵玄魂高手冲了过去。 That Demon smart person, Aura that sends out from Su Yun he is unable to analyze the Su Yun strength actually, in addition cutting of this person so wind and thunder off-line kills that Spirit Soul Disciple rank existence, that Demon must conclude that Su Yun has with the Three Link Evil Almighty Being close strength, knows to resist, but, that Demon clenches teeth, turns around then to run, the speed is extremely fast. 邪人倒是个聪明人,从苏云身上散发出的气息他根本无法分析出苏云的实力,加上此人如此风雷离线的斩杀那灵玄魂级别的存在,那邪人只得断定苏云拥有与三通邪能相近的实力,知晓抵挡不过,那邪人一咬牙,转身便跑,速度极快。 But he, as soon as lifts off, the massive flying swords pursued, the speed is extremely fast, such as makes dumplings solid, intermittent sad and shrill pitiful yell sonic boom that he binds. 可他一升空,大量飞剑追了过去,速度极快,如包饺子般将他裹的严严实实,阵阵凄厉至极的惨叫声爆开。 After the moment, another evil bone from airborne falls. 片刻后,又一具邪骨从空中落下。 Su Yun wields gently begins Death Sword, that hundred long swords curl up together the sword wind, returns to the shuttle to come, drills into his behind Sword sheath, vanishes does not see. 苏云轻轻挥动手中死剑,那百把长剑卷起一道剑风,回梭过来,钻入他身后的剑匣内,消失不见。 Although Su Yun only then Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple, but after stimulating to movement Heavenly Crystal, strength already rose suddenly a situation without parallel in history, cut to kill these Demon such as the slaughter pig to butcher the dog. 苏云虽只有灵玄魂二品,但催动天擎后,实力已经暴涨到了一个空前绝后的地步,斩杀这些邪人如屠猪宰狗。 That head purple evil, stayed for a long time as well as maple tree gem already petrifies thoroughly. 那头的紫邪、张久留以及枫琳琅已经彻底石化了。 „Doesn't he have Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple? Why... So will be why formidable?” Purple evil twittering, in the eye is flooding the shock. “他不是只有灵玄魂二品吗?为何...为何会这般强大?”紫邪呢喃着,眼里充斥着震惊。 Su Yun is raising evil sword, goes toward the Three Link Evil Almighty Being line of that whole body fat step by step. 苏云提着邪剑,一步步朝着那头满身肥肉的三通邪能行去。 blade edge hangs, Evil Qi is intermittent, is indistinct can hear that in the jet black long sword the sound the sound of sword cry swings. 剑锋垂地,邪气阵阵,隐约间似能听到那把漆黑长剑中响荡的剑鸣之声。 You... Who are you?” “你...你到底是谁?” Three Link Evil Almighty Being sharply sharply sets out, does not live in retreats, looks at Su Yun to shout panic-stricken. 三通邪能急急起身,不住后退,望着苏云惊恐喊道。 At this moment his whole body Spiritual Eyes effect lacking in vigilance had not been rejected, cultivation does not have many, decidedly will not be the match of this person. 此刻他浑身灵眼的麻痹效果还未被剔除,修为根本没多少,断然不会是这个人的对手。 Who leave alone I am.” “别管我是谁。” Su Yun flings Death Sword, the jet black sword flies to airborne, circling several, in the wink of an eye fall on the Three Link Evil Almighty Being front, Three Link Evil Almighty Being sees that frightens hastily stops the step. 苏云死剑一甩,漆黑的剑飞向空中,盘旋数圈,瞬息之间落在三通邪能的面前,三通邪能见状,吓得连忙止住步伐。 Hands over coloured glass heart, perhaps I can make you not die.” “交出琉璃心,或许我可以让你不死。” Su Yun moves toward Three Link Evil Almighty Being, while tranquil saying. 苏云一边走向三通邪能,一边平静的说道。 coloured glass heart...” The Three Link Evil Almighty Being complexion changes: You are because this talent does look my?” 琉璃心...”三通邪能脸色微变:“你就是因为这个才来找我的吗?” „Do you have other things to attract me?” “你还有其他东西能吸引我吗?” You... How haven't you come with them together?” Three Link Evil Almighty Being asked hurriedly. “你...你怎么没与他们一起来?”三通邪能慌问。 Knew perfectly well that is the trap? Why can I come with them together? I am good at sneak attacking, is not good at guarding against the sneak attack. Moreover, your performing skill was also too rotten, a big Lingtai spring, unexpectedly only then how many people protect, how could to be strange? Moreover, you were poisoned do not call for help loudly, but falls to the ground to groan... What's wrong? Can the purple evil that toxin also lull your throat?” Su Yun pale [say / way]: Opens stays for a long time is full of loopholes with your coordination, purple evil revenges with the king wickedly cherished, cannot see clearly is also but actually speechless, the maple tree gem only feared that already realized the clue, traded to be other people, was impossible to fall into your traps.” “明知是陷阱?我为何要与他们一起过来?我擅长偷袭,可不擅长防备偷袭。而且,你的演技也太烂了,一个偌大的灵台泉,居然只有那么几人守护,岂能不诡异?而且,你中了毒不大声呼救,而是倒地呻吟...怎么?紫邪那毒还能麻痹你的嗓子吗?”苏云淡道:“张久留与你的配合漏洞百出,紫邪与王之恶报仇心切,看不清倒也无话可说,枫琳琅只怕已经察觉到端倪了,换做他人,绝不可能落入你们的陷阱中来。” The maple tree gem manner is calm, he to opening stayed for a long time has also had the suspicion, was only his heart of revenging is not weak, knew perfectly well that this possibly was a trap, he wanted to wrestle, but Su Yun was different, he took the thing, did not revenge, heart not like that anxious. 枫琳琅为人冷静,他对张久留也产生了怀疑,只是他的报仇之心也不弱,明知这可能是陷阱,他还是想要搏一搏,但苏云不同了,他只是取物,不是报仇,心没有那般急切。 This matter I also temporarily knew that opened stays for a long time suddenly found me, and told my this matter, I have not prepared, was only how many Sixth Level Spirit Soul Disciple seven existence, but also needs to prepare? But has not thought that also has your like this big energy unexpectedly... Misjudges, this is my misjudging.” “这件事情我也是临时得知,张久留突然找到我,并告诉了我这件事情,我也未做准备,只是几名灵玄魂六七品的存在,还需要准备吗?但没想到,竟还有你这样的大能...失算,这是我的失算啊。” Three Link Evil Almighty Being was shouting, his eyeball revolution, said to Su Yun loudly: coloured glass heart I can you, you be able to guarantee that doesn't kill me?” 三通邪能呼着,他眼珠子一转,大声冲着苏云说道:“琉璃心我可以给你,你可以保证不杀我吗?” Naturally!” “当然!” Lives up to one's words!” “说到做到!” My Limitless spoke, effective and influential word!” Su Yun gains ground, the corners of the mouth raise a fierce evil to smile. “我无极说话,一言九鼎!”苏云抬起头,嘴角扬起一丝狰狞的邪笑。 Three Link Evil Almighty Being is forces to have no other choice at this moment, he clenches teeth secretly, lowers the head, eyes closed is talking over any mnemonics, then before seeing his fully is the chest of fat, suddenly shines the intermittent ray, afterward, translucent shows from Three Link Evil Almighty Being within the body like the diamond stone together. 三通邪能此刻已是逼不得已,他暗暗咬牙,低着脑袋,闭目念叨起什么口诀,便见他那满是肥肉的胸口前突然亮起阵阵光芒,随后,一块透亮如钻石般的石头从三通邪能的体内透出。 He holds this stone, looked at Su Yun, then has extended the hand. 他抓住这石头,看了眼苏云,便将手伸了过去。 Su Yun several steps go forward, holds stone, carefully looked at several, satisfied nod. 苏云几步上前,抓住石头,仔细看了数眼,满意的点了点头。 Indeed is coloured glass heart.” “的确是琉璃心。” coloured glass heart already gave you, now... Can put me?” The Three Link Evil Almighty Being sound trembled as before is saying, but his both hands secretly were actually gathering the vigor, a ring on finger started slowly. 琉璃心已经给你了,现在...可以放了我吧?”三通邪能声音依旧发颤的说着,但他的双手却在暗暗蓄劲,手指上的一枚戒指缓缓启动开来。 Naturally!” “当然!” Su Yun smiled: My goal is only coloured glass heart, other I do not do! Now has resulted in coloured glass heart, I should also walk! Bye!” 苏云笑了笑:“我的目的只是琉璃心,其他的我不管!如今得了琉璃心,我也该走了!再见!” Then, he has turned around, then must walk. 说完,他转过身,便要走。 In Three Link Evil Almighty Being eye passing over gently and swiftly massive Murderous Qi and angers. 三通邪能眼里掠过大量杀气与愤怒。 From his superior, may from nobody dare like this to him! 自他上位,可从没人敢这样对他! But, in that flash that Su Yun has turned around, he suddenly turns around unexpectedly, almost in the time that cannot breathe, his palm of the hand cut-throat whipping in the chest of Three Link Evil Almighty Being. 但,就在苏云转过身的那一瞬间,他竟又猛然转身,几乎在一个呼吸不到的功夫,他的一记巴掌凶狠至极的拍打在了三通邪能的胸膛。 Bang! 嘭! Still is storing up Three Link Evil Almighty Being of dark hand simply not to expect that Su Yun will get rid suddenly, eats this has struck, the whole person flies upside down, but he has not fallen to the ground, a black sword punctures from the back, penetrated his chest. 还在蓄积暗手的三通邪能根本没有料想到苏云会突然出手,吃了这一击,整个人倒飞出去,但他还未落地,一把黑剑从背后刺来,穿透了他的胸膛。 The Three Link Evil Almighty Being whole body trembled two, stared in a big way the eye, was looking at Su Yun. 三通邪能浑身颤了两下,瞪大了眼,怔怔的望着苏云 Su Yun gains ground, the demon of that corners of the mouth is even more rich, his body moves, changes into together the smog, fires into Three Link Evil Almighty Being, that flickers, flies into the hundred flying swords in Sword sheath to come out of the sheath once again, neat encirclement in the middle of the smog, such as an evil dragon of roaring, hits to Three Link Evil Almighty Being. 苏云抬起头,那嘴角的邪魅越发浓郁,他身躯一动,化为一道烟雾,冲向三通邪能,那一瞬,飞入剑匣内的百把飞剑再度出鞘,齐刷刷的围于烟雾当中,如一条咆哮的邪龙,撞向三通邪能 Roar!!!! 吼!!!! The crazy sword roared, Three Contacts directly by this evil dragon comprised of the sharp sword and Evil Qi swallowed, when the evil dragon diverged, the Three Link Evil Almighty Being body is tattered and torn, torn to pieces, the heart breath and pulse completely crushed, the whole person threw down on the ground, loose round number block. 狂剑咆哮,三通直接被这条由利剑与邪气组成的邪龙吞噬,当邪龙散去时,三通邪能的身躯已是千疮百孔,支离破碎,心脏气脉彻底粉碎,整个人摔倒在地上,散成数块。 Three Link Evil Almighty Being so died! 三通邪能就这般死去了! No one has thought that Su Yun is unexpectedly contradictory! 谁都没想到,苏云竟然出尔反尔! Before Su Yun has stopped , the body of flushing, the hand buckled evil sword to stop, whole body Evil Qi proliferated toward all around like the ripples, was powerful. 苏云止住了前冲的身躯,手扣着邪剑停了下来,浑身邪气如涟漪般朝四周扩散,气势十足。 Cruel! Vicious, sinister! Deceitful! 残忍!狠毒,阴险!奸诈! This is purple evil and the others to the Su Yun final appraisal. 这是紫邪等人对苏云最后的评价。 Originally that after understanding the quiet person, unexpectedly is a such person! 原来那个自认识后就一直少言寡语的人,竟是个这样的人! Purple evil not by cold sweat directing current. 紫邪没由的冷汗直流。 Opens stays for a long time is the both legs becomes tender, does not know that should run away or remain, the maple tree gem lies down on the ground, gasping for breath in gulps, the vision naturally also places the body of Su Yun. 张久留已是双腿发软,不知该逃还是留,枫琳琅躺在地上,大口大口的喘着气,目光自然也是放在苏云的身上。 At this moment, three people of breath tightened, they do not know whether Su Yun will begin to them, because in Evil Realm, even if he begins is not the strange matter, the powerhouse has the life that the authority eliminates any weak one. 这一刻,三人的呼吸都紧了起来,他们并不知道苏云是否会对他们动手,因为在邪界,即便他动手也不是什么稀奇的事儿,强者是有权力剥夺任何弱者的生命的。 Then before looking Su Yun arrives at that Three Link Evil Almighty Being disruption the corpse, picks up the ground is falling a Chu ring, afterward turns around, walked toward purple evil and the others. 便看苏云走到那三通邪能碎裂的尸体前,拾起地上掉落着的一枚储物戒指,随后转身,朝紫邪等人走来。 The purple evil eye stares greatly, stunned is looking at Su Yun. 紫邪眼睛瞪得巨大,错愕的望着苏云 „Do you want to kill me?” “你要杀我吗?” She twittering asked. 她呢喃问。 No.” “不。” Su Yun smiled: You, I have not had so to cut to kill Three Link Evil Almighty Being with ease, let alone, my not bloodthirsty!” 苏云笑了笑:“没你,我也没有这般轻松斩杀三通邪能,更何况,我不嗜杀!” Shouted...” “呼...” Three people also relaxed. 三人同时松了口气。 But the next second, cold brightness flies together. 但下一秒,一道寒光飞起。 A head throws to the airborne, evil blood spurts crazily. 一颗头颅抛向空中,邪血狂喷。 Purple stared in a big way the eye evilly. 紫邪瞪大了眼。 Then looked that opens the corpse that stays for a long time to extract two, fell down .... 便看张久留的尸体抽出了两下,倒在了地上.... I do not like the rebel.” “不过我不喜欢叛徒。” The Su Yun corners of the mouth smile evilly flood, he buckles Death Sword lightly, the income scabbard, will turn around to depart afterward. 苏云嘴角邪笑泛起,他轻扣死剑,将之收入剑鞘,随后转身离去。 Capricious, is this then Demon? But he is not Demon. 反复无常,这便是邪人?可他并非邪人 ( Today three, hundred degree celsius searches Limitless Sword God, enters post, now is carrying on post activity, some massive prizes are waiting for everybody, able to move unhindered coin, able to move unhindered member, able to move unhindered custom-made pities wait / etc., friend who may, lack high do not miss, your!!) (今天三更,百度搜索无极剑神,进入贴吧,现在正在进行贴吧活动哦,有大量奖品等着各位哦,纵横币、纵横会员,纵横定制恤等等,最高可中,缺的朋友不要错过,你的哦!!)
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