LSG :: Volume #3

#234: Kings ( 4 )

Slow!” “慢着!” In purple evil wants to impatiently, Su Yun drinks swiftly greatly. 就在紫邪迫不及待想要冲进去时,苏云倏然大喝开来。 You how??” Kings wicked whole face impatient saying. “你又怎么了??”王之恶满脸不耐烦的说道。 Su Yun, were you afraid?” open(ed) Jiuliu could not bear ridicule. 苏云,你是害怕了吗?”张久留也忍不住讥讽了起来。 So once in a thousand years good opportunity, if not the prompt assurance, how could they are resigned? 这般千载难逢的好机会,若不及时把握,他们岂能甘心? Especially purple evil, in order to rescues younger brother, her already acted boldly regardless of one's safety to discard all, she does not want to waste the least bit time, did not give a thought to the Su Yun words, immediately takes out that scissors, will shelter in Lingtai spring all around barrier cuttings, the person then flushed. 尤其是紫邪,为了能救弟弟,她已经是奋不顾身舍弃一切了,她再也不想浪费半点时间,也不顾苏云的话,立刻取出那剪子,将庇护于灵台泉四周的屏障剪碎,人便冲了进去。 open(ed) Jiuliu, king wicked follow with the maple tree gem. 张久留、王之恶与枫琳琅紧随其后。 Su Yun sees that the look rocks several points, unexpectedly direct retreats, no longer joins this motion, alone leaves. 苏云见状,眼神晃动几分,竟然直接后退,不再参加这场行动,独自离开。 Snort! The strength is weak, covets life and fears death, does your such person also want to kill the enemy with us together? Have a dream! Waste!” “哼!实力弱,也贪生怕死,就你这样的人也想与我们一道杀敌?做梦!废物一个!” The kings saw Su Yun to flinch wickedly unexpectedly, immediately has spat a spittle, full was scolded one that despised, then crazily flushed toward the Lingtai spring. 王之恶见苏云居然退缩了,立刻吐了一口唾沫星子,满是鄙夷的骂了一句,便朝灵台泉内狂冲。 „? Who are you?” “啊?你们是什么人?” Two guards had discovered this group of unexpected visitors, loudly shout immediately. 两名守卫发现了这群不速之客,立刻大嚷开来。 They have not shouted several, one rolls the Evil Qi broadsword then to divide on their foreheads, evil blade thick fierce, the strength is full, stiffly guards these two Demon hewing two halves. 他们还未多喊几声,一把滚荡着邪气的大刀便劈在他们的脑门上,邪刀厚悍,劲力十足,硬生生的将这两尊邪人守卫给砍成两半。 The evil blood internal organs scattered place. 邪血内脏撒了一地。 Does not satisfy a craving!” The kings shouted wickedly, will be generous the giant evil blade to receive , to continue to flush away toward the Lingtai water site. “不过瘾!”王之恶喊了一句,将宽厚巨大的邪刀收起,继续朝灵台水所在地冲去。 Four Demon masters crash in the Lingtai spring water place by the potential of wind and thunder, actually sees at this moment, here is the luster of the skin horizontally becomes, massive whole bodies ** the Demon female lies down on the ground, a worn out appearance, as if paralysis in the past. 四名邪人高手以风雷之势冲进灵台泉水处,却见此刻,这儿已是玉体横成,大量浑身**的邪人女子躺在地上,一副有气无力的样子,仿佛瘫痪过去。 But in these crowds, half bare Three Link Evil Almighty Being of body was groaning weak. 而在这些人群之中,半裸着身子的三通邪能正在无力呻吟。 He is short and stout Demon, the head is bare, both eyes brave the evil fire, the belly is big, the appearance is unattractive, although of undistinguished appearance, but his strength nobody dares to question. 他是个矮胖的邪人,脑袋光秃秃的,双目冒着邪火,肚子较大,模样并不好看,虽然其貌不扬,但他的实力无人敢质疑。 Sees Three Link Evil Almighty Being to fall down, the four people of eyes of this head radiate the golden light all. 看到三通邪能倒在地上,这头的四人无不眼放金光。 Really incurred! 果然中招了! The kings wicked cannot endure first, overran, bellows: Na Minglai!” 王之恶最先忍受不住,冲了过去,大吼一声:“纳命来!” Blade cut-throat dividing has approached Three Link Evil Almighty Being. 一刀凶狠的劈向了三通邪能 However. 但是。 The wicked broadsword divided the past instance in the king, his whole body pulled out swiftly, an inexplicable tearing feeling in his within the body outbreak, that flickered, then thinks that the five main internal organs (entrails) as if by the smashing that anything twisted, the strength stops suddenly, the person from airborne dropped, whole body Aura flickered the powder. 就在王之恶大刀劈过去的瞬间,他的浑身倏然一抽,一股莫名的撕裂感在他的体内发作,那一瞬,便觉五脏六腑仿佛被什么绞的粉碎,劲力戛然而止,人从空中跌落,浑身气息瞬散。 But lies down opens eyes in ground groan Three Link Evil Almighty Being suddenly, laughs three, finds out the palm directly, cut-throat holds to the king the wicked chest. 而躺在地上呻吟的三通邪能猛然睁开眼,哈哈大笑三声,直接探出手掌,凶狠至极的捅向王之恶的胸口。 Tit­ter! 噗嗤 The Three Link Evil Almighty Being obese arm pierces king instantaneously the wicked chest, a pitch-dark heart had pulled out by him. 三通邪能肥胖的手臂瞬间洞穿王之恶的胸膛,一颗黑漆漆的心脏被他掏了出来。 The kings the wicked body trembles crazily, the mouth spits the blood... 王之恶身躯狂颤,口吐鲜血... Depends on you also to plot against the main body I? Rather has overreached oneself, ha ha ha ha .... “就凭你们也想暗算本尊我?未免太不自量力了,哈哈哈哈....” Three Link Evil Almighty Being laughs fiercely, a foot tramples to the king the wicked body, its body flies, layer on layer falls on the ground, a chest empty piece, the person twitches two, direct tragic death. 三通邪能狰狞大笑,一脚踹向王之恶的身躯,其躯飞起,重重摔在地上,胸口空荡荡的一片,人抽搐两下,直接惨死。 The Seventh Level Spirit Soul Disciple powerhouse falls from the sky in light of this. 灵玄魂七品强者就此陨落。 This is impossible!” “这不可能!” That head purple evil, maple tree gem and the others stared in a big way the eye, the whole face is pallid, cannot believe at present this. 那头的紫邪、枫琳琅等人瞪大了眼,满脸煞白,根本不能相信眼前这一幕。 Seventh Level Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation king wicked... How so dead a tragic death? Even if the king wicked differs three cultivation with Three Link Evil Almighty Being, but he is Seventh Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence, the king wicked depends on the sneak attack, is certainly difficult to strike to cut to kill! 灵玄魂七修为的王之恶...怎么就这般惨死了呢?就算王之恶与三通邪能相差三品修为,可他到底是灵玄魂七存在,王之恶就算靠偷袭,也绝难一击斩杀! This what's the matter? 这到底是怎么回事? Purple stared in a big way double pupil evilly, felt own brain as if shattered, is unable to ponder. 紫邪瞪大了双眸,感觉自己大脑似乎坏掉了,根本无法思考。 Thump! 咚! At this moment, a dull thumping sound from side flood, then, then looked the body of maple tree gem fierce whips, his collision maliciously on nearby wall, the smashing that wall shakes, the person also puts out an evil blood, very pitiful... 就在这时,一声闷响从旁边泛起,接着,便看枫琳琅的身躯被凶猛的拍打出去,他狠狠的撞在旁边的墙壁上,将那墙壁震的粉碎,人也吐出一口邪血,好不凄惨... The purple evil heart jumps crazily, has turned head to look hurriedly to person. 紫邪心脏狂跳,急忙扭过头望向身旁的人。 Actually sees to open stays for a long time to lift a hand, on that palm the evil strength has not diverged, his facial color fierce is staring at the maple tree gem, in the eye completely is crazy intent. 却见张久留抬起一只手,那手掌上邪力还未散去,他面色狰狞的盯着枫琳琅,眼里尽是狂意。 Clearly, this strikes is he does. The maple tree gem is also a master, but actually cannot defend the sneak attack of personal maidservant! 很明显,这一击是他做的。枫琳琅也是高手,但却防不住身边人的偷袭! Stays for a long time... You... What do you make?” “久留...你...你做什么?” Purple evil is looking at him, said. 紫邪怔怔的望着他,呐道。 What makes? Couldn't this have looked?” “做什么?这还看不出来吗?” Three Link Evil Almighty Being crawled, on the face reveals to measure cloudy the smiling face, said: Opened stays for a long time already betrayed you!” 三通邪能爬了起来,脸上露出阴测测的笑容,道:“张久留早就背叛了你们!” Back... Revolting...... The kings are wicked he...” “背...叛...难道...王之恶他...” Good, under the king wicked already stayed for a long time the toxin, in he gives inside the liquor that the king drinks wickedly, where otherwise can I so relaxed tidying up he? Really do one group of fools, the person hire oneself I not to know? Also wants to assassinate the main body on your this? Really didn't consider resources bite off more than can chew?” In the Three Link Evil Almighty Being eye completely ridiculed. “不错,王之恶早就中了张久留下的毒,就在他给王之恶喝的酒里头,否则我哪能这般轻松的收拾掉他?真是一群笨蛋,连自己这边人投靠我都不知道吗?就你们这样还想来暗杀本尊?实在太自不量力了吧?”三通邪能眼里尽是讥讽。 Purple evil facial expression grief and indignation, she has transferred the line of sight, covers entirely kills intent stares at to stay for a long time, roars: Why do you want such to do?” 紫邪神情悲愤,她转过视线,布满杀意的盯着张久留,怒吼:“你为什么要这么做?” Why?” “为什么?” open(ed) Jiuliu removes switches hands the evil strength, has turned around, vision fierce is looking purple evil: Also not for you!!” 张久留撤掉手中的邪力,转过身,目光狰狞的望着紫邪:“还不是为了你!!” For me?” Purple evil double pupil enlargement. “为了我?”紫邪双眸放大。 Purple evil! I know that you cannot have a liking for me, does not like me! Will not make my double cultivation companion, but do you know? I liked you liking being very long! I must obtain you! Regardless of any method, I must obtain you!!” “紫邪!我知道你看不上我,也不喜欢我!更不会做我的双修伴侣,但你知道吗?我喜欢你喜欢很久了!我要得到你!无论用什么方法,我都要得到你!!” Frantic that opens stays for a long time the pupil deep place that flees unable to destroy completely, said: My already and Sir Three Link Evil Almighty Being have communicated, Sir Three Link Evil Almighty Being already promised me, so long as I made here catch the whole lot in a dragnet you, he will grant you to me!! Let you be my woman!” 张久留的瞳仁深处窜起灭不掉的狂热,道:“我已经三通邪能大人沟通了,三通邪能大人已经答应我了,只要我把你们引到这儿来一网打尽,那么,他就会把你赐予给我!!让你做我的女人!” You have a dream!!” “你做梦!!” Purple has spat a saliva toward his face on evilly, cursed angrily: Opens stays for a long time, I purple was evilly blind, believe your such bastard unexpectedly! I am die double will not repair with you!! You lost heart!” 紫邪朝他脸上吐了口唾沫,怒骂:“张久留,我紫邪瞎了眼,竟会相信你这样的混蛋!我就算是死也绝不会与你双修!!你死了这条心吧!” Ha Ha Ha Ha, in front of Profound Technique of Sir Three Link Evil Almighty Being, something, but is beyond control you!!” Opens stays for a long time does not care about the purple evil wildness, in his opinion, quick, purple evil docile like only cat. “哈哈哈哈,在三通邪能大人的玄技面前,有些事情,可是由不得你!!”张久留根本不在乎紫邪的狂怒,在他看来,很快,紫邪就会温顺的像只小猫一样。 However. 不过。 Three Link Evil Almighty Being as if not that meaning. 三通邪能似乎并没有那个意思。 But visits him to stand up, vision greedy is staring purple evil, the tongue stretched out, has licked the split lip. 但看他站起身来,目光贪婪的盯着紫邪,舌头伸出,舔了舔干裂的嘴唇。 Opens stays for a long time, your this boy booing insightful...... This purple evil long is really pretty good, indeed is the good material of double cultivation, ha ha ha ha...” “张久留,你这小子倒好有眼光啊...啧啧啧...这个紫邪长的还真不赖,的确是个双修的好材料啊,哈哈哈哈...” Three Contacts Sir overpraised...” open(ed) Jiuliu said that the brow moves slightly, does not feel right. “三通大人过奖了...”张久留说道,眉头微动,感觉不对。 Actually sees Three Link Evil Almighty Being toward purple to walk evilly, in eye flood burning hot. 却见三通邪能朝紫邪走去,眼里泛起炙热。 Words said such attractive double repairs the material... Enjoys to you, is rather insincere, makes Sir this taste foods newly in season first, how?” “话说这样漂亮的双修材料...就给你一个人享用,未免太不厚道了,还是先让本大人尝尝鲜,如何?” Opens stays for a long time one hear, the complexion changes: Sir... You...” 张久留一听,脸色顿变:“大人...你...” Opens stays for a long time, you later with me were, the Sir I will not treat unjustly your, yes?” Three Link Evil Almighty Being was not saying patiently, afterward waves to shout to clear the way: Watches them!” “张久留,你以后跟我便是了,大人我不会亏待你的,明白吗?”三通邪能不耐烦的说着,随后挥手喝道:“把他们看住!” Yes!” “是!” Several offenses drink to resound, then looks to flee in all directions massive Demon, their neat firing into maple tree gem and stay for a long time as well as purple evil, flickers to fall its side, covers their arms with raw hate, their uniform. 数声戾喝响起,便看四面八方窜来大量邪人,他们齐刷刷的冲向枫琳琅、张久留以及紫邪,瞬落其身旁,凶狠的扣住他们的胳膊,将他们制服。 You deceive me! You said purple turns over to evilly my! You renege on a promise unexpectedly!! You deceive me!!” “你骗我!你说了紫邪归我的!你居然出尔反尔!!你骗我!!” open(ed) Jiuliu struggles crazily, uses up hissing yelling in bottom, but is useless. 张久留疯狂挣扎,竭嘶底里的叫喊,但却无用。 When did I renege on a promise?” Three Link Evil Almighty Being said with a smile: I enjoyed this first prize, she not your?” “我什么时候出尔反尔了?”三通邪能笑道:“等我享用完了这头筹,她不还是你的吗?” The sound falls, this obese body trend step by step is then purple. 声音落下,这肥胖的身躯便一步步的走向紫邪。 Hateful!!” “可恶!!” Purple is in an uncontrollable rage evilly, the both eyes evil light dodges swiftly, two light arrows shoot at Three Link Evil Almighty Being. 紫邪怒不可遏,倏然双目邪光一闪,两股光箭射向三通邪能 But, not looked that the Three Link Evil Almighty Being carriage is obese, is very flexible, his speed quick scary, the head casts aside, then hid. 但,莫看三通邪能体态肥胖,却无比灵活,他的速度快的吓人,脑袋一撇,便躲过去了。 This carves insect small technique, how possibly to move I?” “这点雕虫小技,怎么可能动的了我?” The Three Link Evil Almighty Being corners of the mouth have the taunt, lifts hand one dozen, covered entirely Fu Lu the hand imprint to fly together, bang in purple evil. 三通邪能嘴角含着嘲讽,抬手一打,一道布满符箓的手印飞了过去,轰在紫邪身上。 Purple evil Aura instantaneous emaciated. 紫邪身上的气息瞬间羸弱了下来。 „Aren't you intoxication lull my Spiritual Eyes? He He, I then by the body of [say / way] of also governing that person, making you taste Spiritual Eyes by the consequence lacking in vigilance.” “你不是下毒麻痹我的灵眼吗?呵呵,我便以其人之道还治之身,让你尝尝灵眼被麻痹的后果。” Three Link Evil Almighty Being opens the big mouth, in the eye completely is self-satisfied, afterward then directly walks, asks to remove the purple evil clothing. 三通邪能张开大嘴,眼里尽是得意,随后便径直走过去,伸出手要除掉紫邪的衣物。 But in this instantaneous, purple evil corners of the mouth rose swiftly some, she stopped struggling, whatever the hand of Three Link Evil Almighty Being has extended. 但在这瞬间,紫邪的嘴角倏然上扬了些许,她停止了挣扎,任凭三通邪能的手伸了过来。 That obese palm will soon move purple evil. 那肥胖的手掌即将触碰紫邪。 „???” “啊???” At this time, the hand of Three Link Evil Almighty Being like receive an electric shock shrank swiftly, then the obese body directly fell to the place, twitched unceasingly. 这时,三通邪能的手倏如触电般缩了回来,而后肥胖的身躯直接摔到在地,不断抽搐。 Master!” “主人!” All around Three Link Evil Almighty Being subordinate is in great surprise, Qi Mangju passes. 四周三通邪能属下皆是大惊,齐忙聚过去。 Purple sees that evilly, laughs: What kind of? Did Three Contacts, incur? I have Profound Technique, but retrogradation any toxin in my institute, any move, my Spiritual Eyes was abandoned, now your Spiritual Eyes is also abandoned, does this taste feel better? Ha Ha Ha Ha...” 紫邪见状,哈哈大笑:“怎样?三通,中招了吧?我有一玄技,可逆反我所中的任何毒,任何招法,我的灵眼被废,如今你的灵眼也被废,这滋味儿好受吗?哈哈哈哈...” In the purple evil eye is passing happily, Three Link Evil Almighty Being is burning with anger, his was held, roars: Destroys to me her mortal body, I must imprison her one's wits, forever and ever will suffer her!!!” 紫邪眼里透着得意,三通邪能则怒火中烧,他被人扶了起来,怒吼:“把她的肉身给我毁去,我要囚禁她的三魂七魄,永生永世折磨她!!!” Compliant!” “遵命!” The sound falls, several swords chop to purple evil. 声音一落,数把刀剑劈向紫邪。 Purple shuts both eyes evilly, no longer the revolt, at this moment, she is also incapable of revolting. 紫邪闭起双眼,不再反抗,此时此刻,她也无力反抗。 This...” The purple evil thought recited. “就这样吧...”紫邪心吟。 The maple tree gem of that head also shut the eye. 那头的枫琳琅也闭起了眼。 At this time, but also who can save them? 这个时候,还有谁能来救他们吗? Whiz! 嗖! The sound gets up from out of the blue suddenly! 破空声骤起! In this is at a crucial moment, two sword light drop from the clouds, such as day falling light beam, straight thrust Three Link Evil Almighty Being. 就在这千钧一发之际,两道剑光从天而降,如天坠光柱,直刺三通邪能 The sword prestige is sparkling! 剑威烁烁! Demon see that the discoloration, receives to divide all anxiously to the purple evil weapon, is busy toward Three Link Evil Almighty Being that first gear. 邪人们见状,无不色变,急收劈向紫邪的武器,忙朝三通邪能那头挡去。 Clang clang! 铛铛! Two resounding flood, that sword light has from the sky hit an extension, fell on the ground directly, the people looked, this impressively was blue white two swords. 两记脆响泛起,那剑光在空中打了个转,直接落在了地上,人们望去,这赫然是一青一白两把剑。 Double sword oblique cutting ground, overflows the bright glory. 双剑斜插地面,溢出熠熠光辉。 Who?” “何人?” Frightens cold sweat directing current Three Link Evil Almighty Being saying that side Demon hands over the compounded drug, in he swallows anxiously anxiously, controls one's breathing the vigor, rejection within the body by the medicine strength of making a false counter-accusation. 吓得冷汗直流的三通邪能疾呼,旁边邪人递来丹药,他急急吞下,调息内劲,剔除体内被反噬的药劲。 But this had not finished, the next second, full sword intent drops from the clouds, divulges, just likes heavy rain that pouring crashes, selects the point to hit on the body of each Demon, particularly Three Link Evil Almighty Being, this second, as if mountain pounding maliciously on his shoulder, he who presses has almost not gasped for breath. 可这并未结束,下一秒,满满的剑意从天而降,宣泄下来,犹如倾盆坠落的大雨,点点打在每一名邪人的身上,尤其是三通邪能,这一秒,似乎有一座大山狠狠的砸在他的肩膀上,压的他几乎喘不过气来。 Is the sword prestige so unexpectedly strong? What sword is this? Can have so terrifying sword prestige? 剑威竟这般强?这是什么剑?能有这般恐怖的剑威? Actually is where sacred? Has courage comes out!!” “究竟是何方神圣?有胆就出来!!” Three Link Evil Almighty Being clenches teeth to shout loudly. 三通邪能咬牙大呼。 But, the person, sword intent is even more strong, is getting more and more astonishing. 但,人未出,剑意愈发浓烈,越来越惊人。 Whiz whiz whiz whiz .... 嗖嗖嗖嗖.... At this moment, the massive sword howls fall from day, cut-throat sad and shrill transmits toward here, the people look up, during then fell into has shocked. 这一刻,大量剑啸声从天坠下,凶狠凄厉的朝这儿传来,人们抬头望去,一眼便陷入了震撼之中。 Only looks in the dim vault of heaven, several hundred sharp swords drop from the clouds, vertical punctures by an irresistible lid day of potential... 只看昏暗苍穹中,数百把利剑从天而降,以不可抵挡的盖天之势纵刺下来... …… …… ( hundred degree celsius searches Limitless Sword God, enters post, now is carrying on post activity, some massive prizes are waiting for everybody, able to move unhindered coin, able to move unhindered member, able to move unhindered custom-made pities wait / etc., friend who may, lack high do not miss, your!!) (百度搜索无极剑神,进入贴吧,现在正在进行贴吧活动哦,有大量奖品等着各位哦,纵横币、纵横会员,纵横定制恤等等,最高可中,缺的朋友不要错过,你的哦!!)
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