LSG :: Volume #3

#233: Kings ( 3 )

The people have spent less than the 1st time, then arrived in the Lingtai spring, a here appearance mountain village, that evil puddle already in Lingtai spring is sphered by the massive dirt walls likely, in the dirt wall has covered entirely seal, a huge barrier has blocked from the entire Lingtai spring. 众人花了不到一日的功夫,便抵达了灵台泉,此处模样像个山庄,灵台泉内的那个邪水潭已经被大量的土墙围住,土墙上布满了印阵,一个巨大的屏障遮住了整个灵台泉。 But at this moment, all around of Lingtai spring, is guarding eight Demon. 而此刻,灵台泉的四周,驻守着八名邪人 Then looked that purple evil toward opening stayed for a long time to cause signaling with the eyes, opened stays for a long time the associative compound, ran up to near the barrier quickly, took out to brave the Evil Qi scissors from the Chu ring, cut toward that barrier, quick, an opening appeared. 便看紫邪朝张久留使了使眼色,张久留会意,快步跑到屏障边,从储物戒指里取出一把冒着邪气的剪子,朝那屏障剪去,很快,一个口子出现。 Su Yun looks surprised again and again, can destroy this powerful barrier silently some regions, and lets the entire barrier ripples, if the safe, this scissors only feared that is also the treasure. 苏云看的惊讶连连,能无声无息破坏这种强悍屏障的部分区域,且让整个屏障不起一丝涟漪,如无事般,这剪子只怕也是宝贝啊。 After cutting the barrier, purple evil does not know that has executed any treasure, purple light are surrounding the people, shields people all Aura, afterward one group of people have dived. 剪开屏障后,紫邪不知施了个什么宝贝,一圈圈紫光包围着众人,屏蔽众人所有气息,随后一群人潜了进去。 Purple has orchestrated this motion evilly, the preparation is sufficient, was familiar with all information, is understands that the Lingtai spring water position, guards the position, quick, before the people arrive at the Lingtai spring water, quietly. 紫邪策划了这次行动,准备充足,对所有信息已是了如指掌,自是明白灵台泉水所处位置,守卫所处位置,很快,众人悄然来到灵台泉水前。 This Lingtai spring is a huge black puddle, in the puddle braves the air bubble actually, the black air/Qi is billowing, if this color is limpid, immediately was a hot spring. 这灵台泉其实就是一个巨大的黑色水潭,水潭内冒着气泡,黑气滚滚,若这颜色清澈,便就是个温泉了。 Good rich Evil Qi, this Lingtai spring is really out of the ordinary, inside strength richly, if the person pours into for day in inside, does not know that can obtain many advantage!” “好浓郁的邪气,这灵台泉果然非同凡响,里头的力量浓郁至极,若人在里头泡上一天,也不知能得多少好处!” open(ed) Jiuliu bent down, has fished that Lingtai canal. 张久留俯下身子,捞了捞那灵台水道。 This water coordinates double to repair the effect again, the practice speed rides to be above mundane thoughts seriously! That Three Link Evil Almighty Being will quite enjoy! Hears or is bringing dozens double cultivation companion....” Kings the meaning of wicked full mouth envying. “这水再配合双修效果,修炼速度当真是一骑绝尘啊!那三通邪能好生会享受!听说还是带着几十名双修伴侣...啧啧啧..”王之恶满口羡慕之意。 Su Yun and maple tree gem all does not open the mouth, the vision is only gazing at Tanshui. 苏云与枫琳琅皆不开口,目光仅注视着潭水。 open(ed) Jiuliu takes a look at jet black spring surface, asked: Purple evil, how do you prepare to do?” 张久留瞅了瞅漆黑的泉面,问道:“紫邪,你准备怎么做?” Is very simple!” “很简单!” Purple evil takes out big pile of materials from own Chu ring directly, afterward falls down, the sound track: Spreads out the mark in the corner, usage covers again, hides, then outside we go to arrange again, replaces our positions with the aid of this replacement strategy, spreads to here instantaneously, cuts to kill Three Link Evil Almighty Being!” 紫邪径直从自己的储物戒指里取出一大堆材料,随后倒在地上,声道:“在角落铺上印记,再用法阵掩盖,隐藏好,然后我们再去外头布置,借助这置换阵法置换我们的位置,瞬间传入此处,斩杀三通邪能!” Replaces the magic arts? Can you strategy unexpectedly like this?” The maple tree gem somewhat is obviously stunned. The magic arts that this space transforms which contact surface regardless of place, that is very high level, the average man does not have the opportunity to learn, but has the space transmission also or the magic weapon of replacement is the valuable rarities. “置换法术?你竟会这样的阵法?”枫琳琅显然有些错愕。这种空间转换的法术无论放在哪个界面,那都是十分高阶的,常人根本没机会习得,而带有空间传送亦或置换的法宝都是稀世珍宝。 I sold off all magic weapons to trade this replacement magic arts, this magic arts needed the specific utensil to display, that arranges this material, these materials were very difficult to seek, and can only use one time, in other words, we can only replace from outside by it, therefore this replacement strategy compared the weak, but at this moment, it was our important magic arts! It had decided whether we can cut to kill Three Link Evil Almighty Being!” “我变卖了所有法宝换来这个置换法术,这个法术需要特定的器物施展,那就是布置这个阵的材料,这些材料十分难寻,且仅能使用一次,也就是说,我们仅能靠它从外面置换进来,所以这个置换阵法还是比较鸡肋的,但在此刻,它是我们至关重要的一个法术!它决定了我们能否斩杀三通邪能!” Purple evil sound track. 紫邪声道。 God knows for she this motion has made many preparations. 天知道她为了这次行动做了多少准备。 That, merely is this?” open(ed) Jiuliu also asked. “那么,仅仅是这样吗?”张久留又问道。 Naturally continues!” “当然不止!” Then looked that purple evil takes out one to send the green jar from the Chu ring, unties the plug of bottle mouth place, afterward pours inside quiet green liquid, pours into that Lingtai spring. 便看紫邪从储物戒指里又取出一个发绿的瓶子,将瓶口处的塞子解开,随后倒出里头的幽绿液体,灌入那灵台泉中。 The liquid entered in the spring, without a trace that immediately dissipates, colorless tasteless does not have the shape airless. 液体入了泉中,立刻消散的无影无踪,无色无味无气无象。 This is Thousand Lives Venom, may lull spirit profound whole body all Spiritual Eyes temporarily, keeping own spirit profound Aura from having the half minute again, Spirit Star Disciple following existence is not all able to resist this achromatic color tastelessly certainly poisonously, so long as Three Link Evil Almighty Being has gotten down this Lingtai spring... Snort, I then want his life!” “这是‘千命绝毒’,可暂时麻痹一名灵玄者浑身所有灵眼,让自身灵玄气息无法再产生半分,灵玄阳以下存在皆无法抗拒这无色无味的绝毒,只要三通邪能下了这灵台泉...哼,我便要他的命!” The purple evil facial expression is somewhat fierce. 紫邪神情有些狰狞。 Ha Ha Ha Ha .... Purple evil, I underestimated you actually, has not thought that your so ability, this Three Link Evil Almighty Being must die without doubt!” “哈哈哈哈哈哈....紫邪,我倒是小看你了,没想到你这般能耐,这一次三通邪能是必死无疑了!” The kings laugh to continue wickedly. 王之恶大笑不止。 The people start to prepare immediately, purple pinches the time evilly, the people lineup speed is extremely fast, before long, four corner/horn Shi full of Lingtai spring method of substitution, after purple has covered Aura evilly, the people dive to leave immediately. 众人立刻开始着手准备,紫邪掐好时间,众人布阵速度极快,不一会儿,灵台泉的四个角施满了置换法阵,紫邪遮盖气息后,众人立刻潜离。 Leaves shortly, made an inspection tour Lingtai spring Demon then to rush., was only on the spot completely empty, did not have any difference 离开没多久,巡守灵台泉的邪人便赶到了场,只是现场空空如也,无任何异样。 Here method of substitution cloth is good, beyond people's arranges another side method of substitution in several thousand meters slope place, purple evil also such as Su Yun like that detains a law last material, once after two sides method of substitution prepares, will overflow rich Aura, this Aura is extremely difficult to cover, even if the purple evil cloth got down has shielded the rest magic arts to be also hard to cover, therefore can only wait for that moment of motion, this material laying aside. 这边的置换法阵布好,众人在数万米外的坡头处布置另外一方置换法阵,紫邪也如苏云那般,将法阵的最后一个材料留住,一旦两边的置换法阵都布置好后,会溢出浓郁的气息,这种气息极难遮盖,即便紫邪布下了庇息法术也难以涵盖,所以只能等行动的那一刻,将这材料放置。 Completes all these, the people then sit cross-legged in the place. 做完这一切,众人便盘坐于地。 Crossed again on the 1st, Three Link Evil Almighty Being will enter this Lingtai spring, everybody prepared, these time will him die!” “再过一日,三通邪能就会进这灵台泉了,大家都准备好,这一次必要他死!” In the purple evil eye has filled self-confidently. 紫邪眼里充满了自信。 Boy, you later arrange the escape route to us! After we use replacement strategy enters the Lingtai spring, you then solve these guards, is clear a road for us! Knows?” “小子,你待会儿就给我们安排退路吧!我们利用置换阵法进入灵台泉后,你便解决掉那些守卫,为我们清出条路来!知道吗?” The kings discard completely empty wine pot wickedly, opens the mouth to shout to Su Yun. 王之恶丢掉空空如也的酒壶,开口冲着苏云嚷道。 Su Yun nods. 苏云点点头。 The people discussed the little while again, then respectively controls one's breathing. 众人再商榷了会儿,便各自调息起来。 All around is silent. 四周寂静。 The time passes slowly. 时间慢慢流逝。 Passed two double-hour again, the decisive battle day then must approach, according to the convention, Three Link Evil Almighty Being will also enter the Lingtai spring in this time. 再过两个时辰,决战日便要来临,按照惯例,三通邪能也会在这个时间段进入灵台泉。 Purple evil!” At this time, opened stays for a long time to open the mouth. “紫邪!”这时,张久留开口了。 How?” Sits cross-legged purple opens eyes evilly, the doubts that controls one's breathing look at to stay for a long time. “怎么了?”盘膝调息的紫邪睁开眼,疑惑望着张久留。 Time was up, I go to search the situation, having a look at Three Link Evil Almighty Being to lead many people to enter that Lingtai spring, like this we will later begin also some preparations.” “时间差不多了,我出去探探情况吧,看看三通邪能带了多少人进入那灵台泉,这样我们待会儿动手也会有些准备。” open(ed) Jiuliu said. 张久留道。 The purple evil train of thought the little while, nodded: I want to nose personally, but you, since said like this that you then go!” 紫邪思绪了会儿,点了点头:“我本想亲自去查探的,不过你既然这样说,那你便去吧!” Good! Waits for my news.” open(ed) Jiuliu moves sideways immediately. “好嘞!等我消息。”张久留立刻闪身起来。 Attention security. ’ “注意安全。’ Um!” “嗯!” open(ed) Jiuliu nods, immediately runs off. 张久留点点头,立刻跑开了。 Su Yun partly opens eyes, looks that leaves hurriedly stays for a long time, the lowering the head train of thought the moment, shook the head gently. 苏云半睁开眼,看着急匆匆离开的张久留,低头思绪了片刻,轻轻摇了摇头。 Maple tree gem and king wicked all in controlling one's breathing of concentrating on, two people adjust best the condition, is waiting for the arrival of war. 枫琳琅与王之恶皆在全神贯注的调息,二人将状态调整到最佳,等待着大战的到来。 If the thing of purple evil preparation applies completely, without a doubt, the people may solve this time matter with ease, but if purple evil Thousand Lives Venom does not have any effect, only feared that this plan must give up, although five people to Three Link Evil Almighty Being still strength of the wrestling, but around Three Link Evil Almighty Being is impossible not to have the master, protracted battle not possibly, can only fight a battle to force a quick decision. 若紫邪准备的东西全部派上用场,毫无疑问,众人可轻松解决这一次的事情,但如若紫邪的‘千命绝毒’无任何效果,只怕这次计划只得放弃,虽五人对上三通邪能尚有一搏之力,但三通邪能周围不可能没有高手,久战绝不可能,只能速战速决。 After the time of burning a joss stick, the black smoke flees together toward here. 一炷香的功夫后,一道黑烟朝这儿窜来。 People Qi Qizhan, looked at the black smoke that was flying. 众人齐齐站了起来,望着那飞来的黑烟。 The black smoke falls to the ground, dissipates, opens the form that stays for a long time to map in the people eyes. 黑烟落地,消散开来,张久留的身影映入众人眼中。 What inquired?” “打探到了什么?” Purple is busy at asking evilly. 紫邪忙问。 Good news!” Opens stays for a long time the smiling face of whole face, busy [say / way]: The person who this Three Link Evil Almighty Being carries, besides his dozens double cultivation companion, actually only led two masters of Seventh Level Spirit Soul Disciple!! Other waiter do not bring!!” “好消息!”张久留满脸的笑容,忙道:“这一次三通邪能携带的人,除了他那几十位双修伴侣外,竟然只带了两名灵玄魂七品的高手!!其他侍者一个不带!!” What? Has two?” “什么?只有两人?” You determined that you haven't misread?” “你确定你没看错?” I determined, absolutely true!” open(ed) Jiuliu said. “我确定,千真万确!”张久留道。 The kings struck with force the thigh to call out wickedly again and again: Good!! Ha Ha Ha Ha, is the day helps me seriously also! This was the absolute monarch cannot save Three Contacts that boy, ha ha ha ha ha...” 王之恶猛拍大腿连连叫道:“好啊!!哈哈哈哈,当真是天助我也啊!这回就算是天王老子也救不了三通那小子了,哈哈哈哈哈...” Stays for a long time, what you said is really?” Purple evil could not sit still, person slightly excited saying, what if open(ed) Jiuliu said is real, people time line of Dong Feng dangers the reduction of enormous degree. “久留,你说的可是真的?”就连紫邪也坐不住了,人略微激动的说道,若张久留说的是真的,众人这一次的行动风险将极大程度的缩小。 open(ed) Jiuliu said with a smile: I personally see, at that time I do not believe that I then transferred in all around, discovered that around Three Link Evil Almighty Being does not have half Three Link City person, he indeed only led these people!” 张久留笑道:“我亲眼所见,当时我也不相信,我便在四周转了一圈,发现三通邪能四周没有半个三通城的人,他的的确确只带了这些人!” Is the heaven helps us seriously!” Purple evil shouted tone maliciously, afterward has turned around to look at Su Yun and maple tree gem, said: Everybody, we can move evidently ahead of time.” “当真是上天助我们!”紫邪狠狠的呼了口气,随后转过身看着苏云与枫琳琅,道:“各位,看样子我们可以提前行动了。” Now Three Link Evil Almighty Being estimated that already entered the Lingtai spring, thinks that his already is about to launch, we wait for the last moment again, can direct utilization method of substitution enter the Lingtai spring!” open(ed) Jiuliu said. “现在三通邪能估计已经进了灵台泉,想必他已经快下水了,我们再等上片刻,便可直接利用置换法阵进入灵台泉了!”张久留道。 On!” The kings wicked already was somewhat unbearably anxious. “上吧!”王之恶已经有些急不可耐了。 However, maple tree gem and Su Yun do not utter a sound from beginning to end. 然,枫琳琅与苏云至始至终都不吭一声。 Two people of unusual performance make other three people appear somewhat stunned. 二人的反常表现让其他三人显得有些错愕。 Maple tree gem, how didn't you speak?” “枫琳琅,你们怎么不说话?” Not...” “没...” Look some of maple tree gem are not firm, he stands up, thinks, the choice did not say other. 枫琳琅的眼神有些不坚定,他站起身来,想了想,还是选择不说其他。 Su Yun actually opened the mouth at this time actually. 倒是苏云却在这时开口了。 I suggested that do not enter the Lingtai spring with method of substitution.” “我建议,不要用置换法阵进入灵台泉。” This saying falls, the people are all surprised. 这话落下,众人皆愕。 Why?” Purple evil asked puzzled. “为何?”紫邪不解问道。 But looks at Su Yun to lift the finger, direction opens stays for a long time, said: What since he said is real, that... We go from the main entrance, then escapes using method of substitution from inside! The masters have two, defends strength to be weak, but enters with ease, this law used one time then unable to use again, such being the case, left with it is not?” 但看苏云抬起手指,指向张久留,道:“既然他说的是真的,那么...我们就从正门进去,然后再从里头利用置换法阵逃跑吧!高手只有两个,守备力量薄弱,可轻松进入,这个法阵使用一次便不能再用了,既然如此,用它离开不是更好吗?” „Used to escape?” “用来逃跑?” Purple has gawked evilly the little while, nodded: Your this proposition... Pours.” 紫邪愣了会儿,点了点头:“你这提议...倒也可以。” „It is not good!” open(ed) Jiuliu drinks immediately. “不行!”张久留立刻喝开了。 People neat is looking at him. 众人齐刷刷的望着他。 On open(ed) Jiuliu the cheeks overflows perspiration, some look non- natures, said: That... Purple evil, we must kill Three Link Evil Almighty Being to kill his to be caught off guard, if we do not use this to clash suddenly, but how also to cut to kill Three Link Evil Almighty Being? Words that walks from the main entrance, must cope with these guards with the master, only feared that we solved these people, the Three Link Evil Almighty Being person already made a getaway.” 张久留脸颊上溢出一点汗,神色有些不自然,道:“那个...紫邪,咱们要杀三通邪能就要杀他个措手不及,如果咱们不利用这个突然冲进去,还如何斩杀三通邪能?从正门走的话,得对付那些守卫跟高手,只怕我们解决了这些人,三通邪能的人早就逃之夭夭了。” You said is also reasonable, but, this law is used to escape indeed being used to enter the Lingtai spring more appropriate, after all we can sneak the Lingtai spring, not?” “你说的也有道理,不过,这法阵用来逃跑的确比用来进入灵台泉更合适,毕竟我们能够潜入灵台泉,不是吗?” Purple said evilly that afterward waves, said: Walks, our, returns to the Lingtai spring, everybody do not struggle, now!” 紫邪说道,随后挥挥手,道:“走吧,我们这就出发,重新返回灵台泉,大家都别争了,现在就出发!” Good!” “好!” The kings wicked, the maple tree gem nod, along with the purple evil advance, Su Yun also followed. 王之恶、枫琳琅点点头,随着紫邪前进,苏云也跟了上去。 Opens stays for a long time vision twinkle, has pinched the fist secretly, did not have not said anything again, followed. 张久留眼光闪烁,暗暗捏了拳头,却没未再说什么,也跟了上去。 Quick, one group of people have approached the Lingtai spring. 很快,一帮人临近了灵台泉。 Purple gets the people to hide in the one side evilly, opens Profound Technique, each one vision rise suddenly, looks toward the Lingtai spring. 紫邪领着众人藏在一旁,开启玄技,个个视力暴涨,朝灵台泉内部望去。 However, is only one, the picture in Lingtai spring has then shocked purple evil and the others. 然而,只是一眼,灵台泉内的景象便惊呆了紫邪等人。 But looks by the Lingtai spring water, Demon worn out lying down there, the Demon whole body skin sends green, suffocates, will be similar to the person of dying. 但看灵台泉水旁,一具邪人正有气无力的躺在那里,邪人浑身皮肤发绿,奄奄一息,如同将死之人。 Purple sees that evilly, in the eye blows out the intermittent golden light, the person leaps immediately from the hidden place. 紫邪见状,眼中爆出阵阵金光,人立刻从暗处跃出。 In Three Link Evil Almighty Being has incurred, everybody! Clashes in a big hurry along with me! Butchered him!!” 三通邪能中招了,各位!快快随我冲进去!宰了他!!” Her running together of two syllables in rapid speech shouted lowly... 她急声低呼... …… …… ( Thanks on neck carmine, flowered girl and waning moon big shot three brothers and sisters' supporting monthly ticket support) (感谢‘颈上胭脂红、花丫头、残月大佬’三位兄弟姐妹的捧场月票支持)
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