LSG :: Volume #3

#232: Kings ( 2 )

After several months. 数月后。 The hunt team of evil sword gate starts to reduce, the arresting heat degree of evil sword gate to Su Yun also starts to drop. 邪剑门的追捕队伍开始减少,邪剑门对苏云的缉拿热度也开始下降。 Su Yun went out of the remote mountain of hiding, sets out toward Evil Realm other regions. 苏云走出了躲藏的深山,朝邪界的其他区域进发。 Has you of Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple, and has Death Sword and Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword, has both Heavenly Crystal, Sprite’s Shadow as well as Monarch Occult these peerless most precious objects, is relying on Great Evil Swordsmanship, anything has not been worth dreading.” “拥有灵玄魂二品的你,且持有死剑神玄赤血剑,更兼备天擎魍影以及君神力这些绝世至宝,凭借着‘鸿邪剑法’,没有什么值得畏惧的。” Must arrange to return to the Sky Martial Continent Coordinate mark, at least must collect five materials, respectively is Mystical Void Iron, Violet Seven Leaves, coloured glass heart, Roasted Red Blood and Bitter Stone. Bitter Stone you already in that evil sword gate dense palace obtain, must search for other four materials.” But, these materials each one are the valuable rarities, does not seek easily, way that most quickly is presently easiest to gain only then, that is seeks these to be greatly evil, they must have these treasure on hand, the entire Evil Realm resources almost greatly evilly greatly can grasp, you want to obtain in the open country, difficult such as to ascend to heaven.” “要布置返回天武大陆的坐标印记,至少要凑齐五种材料,分别为虚空玄铁紫七叶琉璃心炙红血苦石苦石你在那邪剑门密宫里已经获得,现在就要搜寻其他四种材料。”“不过,这些材料个个都是稀世珍宝,找寻不易,当前最快捷最容易获取的方式只有一个,那便是寻那些大邪,它们手头必有这些宝贝,整个邪界的资源几乎都被大邪大能掌握,你想要在野外获得,难如登天。” Two months ago, after Ling Qingyu has left behind such words, then sinks to the Sword sheath dormancy, after offering a sacrifice to the sword of contract each time, will allow her to enter the highly weary condition, only then the dormancy can rapidly restore to come. 两月前,凌晴雨留下了这么一番话后,便沉入剑匣休眠,每次祭出契约之剑后,都会让她进入高度疲倦状态,只有休眠才能快速恢复过来。 Su Yun did not ask Ling Qingyu to help itself again, sufficing that after all she helped, in the dense palace, she lived spirit profound strength to pass to Su Yun many, after passing on was spatial, fresh, circulated unceasingly, several months continued, was hard difficultly completely, but she actually did not utter a word. Su Yun understands that she such did perhaps only to repay initially Sword Ancestor to her benevolence, but in any event, oneself owed Ling Qingyu. 苏云也不求凌晴雨再帮自己了,毕竟她帮的够多了,在密宫内,她生了灵玄力又传给苏云,传空后又生,不断循环,数月不止,这其中的艰苦难以道尽,但她却一声不吭。苏云明白,她这么做或许仅是为了偿还当初剑祖对她的恩情,但无论如何,自己都欠凌晴雨的。 He is pulling the cape, the back defeated/carrying Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword, the waist is hanging Sword sheath, Death Sword, such steps vanguard. 他扯着斗篷,背后负着神玄赤血剑,腰间挂着一剑匣,一死剑,就这么踏步前行。 Front, is the destination. 前方,便是目的地。 Three Link City. 三通城 Three Link Evil Almighty Being the place of practice, is in Evil Realm the city of quite famous transaction, coming to here to trade the magic weapon to seek for the material Demon to be innumerable, even here also trades Demon, some strength weak Demon were caught here, sold to other Demon, but Demon of these purchases refines evil with Demon that these buy. 三通邪能的修炼之地,也是邪界之中比较著名的一处交易之城,来这儿交易法宝找寻材料的邪人数不胜数,甚至这儿还贩卖邪人,一些实力弱的邪人被抓到这儿来,卖给其他邪人,而那些购买的邪人则用这些买来的邪人炼制邪器。 Builds up the treasure with the live person, this in Evil Realm is not the strange matter, to many Demon, this is very ordinary matter, but regarding Su Yun, even if he has treated of several years here already, he is hard to accept, even if because is the demon, unusual so cruel existence, is really evil and demon is entirely different existence. 用活人炼宝,这在邪界并不是什么稀奇的事情,对很多邪人而言,这是很普通的事,但对于苏云,即便他在这儿已经待了数年之久,他还是难以接受,因为哪怕是魔,也少有这般残忍的存在,果然邪与魔是截然不同的存在 Entered Three Link City, Su Yun in the tavern line toward city went directly. 进了三通城,苏云径直朝城内的酒馆行去。 The Evil Realm tavern is few, because here liquor ferments with the evil blood majority , the person who likes are not many, but must purchase the evil liquor, trades with the thing mostly. 邪界的酒馆很少,因为这里的酒大部分都是用邪血酿制而成,喜欢的人并不多,而要购买邪酒,多半也是拿东西去换。 In the evil tavern, several people were waiting for Su Yun. 邪酒馆内,已有数人在等候着苏云 Before ten day, Su Yun can the cave mansion meet in another has gone down in the world greatly, the people have the common goal, that is this Three Link Evil Almighty Being. 十日前,苏云于另外一个落魄了的大能洞府内遇见,众人拥有共同的目标,那便是这三通邪能 At that time what Su Yun met is female Demon, named purple evil, after two people separate, she contacts with other masters, gets together in this. 苏云当时所遇的是一名女邪人,名为紫邪,二人分开后,她去联系其他高手,齐聚于此。 Three Link Evil Almighty Being seizes my younger clan cousin to build up, imprisons his soul, makes the evil bead on his neck neck, such big enmity I must report, my younger brother soul must rescue, everybody, we get together in this, must cut to kill that Three Link Evil Almighty Being surely, making him be frightened out of one's wits!” 三通邪能擒我族弟将之生生炼化,囚禁他的魂魄,制成他颈脖上的邪珠,此等大仇我必须要报,吾弟魂魄必须要救,各位,我们齐聚于此,定要斩杀那三通邪能,让他魂飞魄散!” In the tavern, purple lowers voice evilly, opens the mouth to say. 酒馆内,紫邪压低嗓音,开口说道。 She has female Demon of purple long hair, skin micro black, the five senses are fine, the figure is beautiful, it is said male Demon on the scene stays for a long time to her has the favorable impression extremely, other people know that opens stays for a long time the hope to have purple evil, making her own double cultivation companion. 她是个拥有一头紫色长发的女邪人,皮肤微黑,五官精致,身材姣好,据说在场的男邪人张久留对她极有好感,其他人都知道张久留希望能拥有紫邪,让她成为自己的双修伴侣 Sits is opening stays for a long time side big mouth to drink evil liquor the wickedness of bald male named king, is short temper Demon, it is said that he once gobbled up Demon because of a minor matter, is not my goodness, reason that this time will cope with Three Link Evil Almighty Being with the people, completely is because double cultivation companion of Three Link Evil Almighty Being Shinyu is the person who he settles on, this makes him extremely hot big. 坐在张久留旁侧大口喝着邪酒的光头男子名为王之恶,是个脾气暴躁的邪人,据说他曾因一件小事将一名邪人生生吞吃,并不是什么好家伙,这一次之所以会跟着众人对付三通邪能,完全是因为三通邪能新纳的双修伴侣是他看中的人,这让他极为火大。 Last person is facial features by the Evil Qi package, is hard to see clearly the appearance existence, named maple tree gem he does not have the lower part, whole person like a spirit float Yu empty/sky, when Evil Realm, cultivates the special merit law will produce such results. This person of uncommunicative, after taking a seat did not say a word, was the same to Su Yun, is listening respectfully to person the opinion on the scene. 最后一人是个面容被邪气包裹,难以看清模样的存在,名叫‘枫琳琅’他没有下体,整个人如幽灵般悬浮于空,在邪界,修炼特殊功法时会产生这样的效果。这人沉默寡言,入坐后一言不发,与苏云一样,聆听着在场人的意见。 Said your goals.” “都说说你们的目的吧。” Purple evil opens the mouth, said to people. 紫邪率先开口,对众人道。 I, so long as snatched my person to be OK!” The kings are wickedly thick throat tone channel. “我只要抢回我的人就可以了!”王之恶粗着嗓音道。 I... Purple evil, since you must begin to Three Link Evil Almighty Being, how could I don't help one another in you?” Opens stays for a long time to open the mouth saying that the sound is somewhat affectionate. “我...紫邪,你既然要对三通邪能动手,我岂能不相助于你?”张久留开口道,声音有些深情。 Thanks.” Purple evil returned to one lightly, has not said anything. “谢谢。”紫邪淡淡回了一句,并没有多说什么。 Three Link Evil Almighty Being has cut my teacher, I must extinguish him.” The maple tree gem was saying simply. 三通邪能斩了我师尊,我要灭他。”枫琳琅简单说着。 I coloured glass heart that wants on Three Link Evil Almighty Being to wear then.” Su Yun said. “我要三通邪能身上佩戴的琉璃心即可。”苏云道。 Is very good.” Sees the people 11 to reveal the goal, anything has not conflicted, purple evil satisfied nod: I inquired, Three Link Evil Almighty Being was Tenth Level Spirit Soul Disciple peak cultivation, away the First Level Spirit Star Disciple one pace, I had Sixth Level Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation, opened stays for a long time is also six, the gem five, seventh king wicked, Su Yun two, by our these Spirit Soul Disciple masters, kill Three Link Evil Almighty Being to be definitely mutually wounded directly, even if has cut Three Link Evil Almighty Being, only feared one must lose seriously, but if sneak attacked, we must be able to succeed.” “很好。”见众人11道出目的,没什么冲突,紫邪满意的点点头:“我打探到了,三通邪能灵玄魂十品巅峰修为,距灵玄阳一品不过一步之遥,我拥有灵玄魂六修为,张久留也为六品,琳琅五品,王之恶七品,苏云二品,凭借我们这些灵玄魂高手,正面强杀三通邪能必然会两败俱伤,就算斩了三通邪能,只怕自己也要损失惨重,但若偷袭,我们必能成功。” Sneak attack? Sneak attacks? That was too troublesome, in frontage he then.” The kings the wicked tiger has drunk one bowl of liquor, shouted to shout. “偷袭?怎么偷袭?那太麻烦了,正面上他便是了。”王之恶虎饮了一碗酒,嚷嚷道。 Wang Xieyou dot sound, here after is the public area, if were heard by the Three Link Evil Almighty Being informer, I and others feared that cannot go out of this Three Link City.” Purple is evilly pressed the brow to say. “王邪友小点声音,这里毕竟是公共场合,若被三通邪能的耳目听见,我等怕是走不出这三通城。”紫邪蹙着眉头道。 You, are afraid of getting into trouble!” The kings wicked snort|hum said with a smile: Not looks at my king three of wicked cultivation on low compared with his Three Link Evil Almighty Being, but my Profound Technique, my magic weapon! That is not Three Link Evil Almighty Being can compare completely, I must extinguish him, easy!” “你啊,怕事!”王之恶哼笑道:“莫看我王之恶的修为比他三通邪能低上三品,但我的玄技,我的法宝!那完全不是三通邪能能相比的,我要灭他,轻而易举!” Cowhide whose his mother will not blow.” Nearby stays for a long time to whisper. “牛皮谁他妈不会吹啊。”旁边的张久留嘀咕一声。 The kings wicked must have ability, where will find these people? 王之恶真要有能耐,哪会找这些人? Purple has disregarded the king evilly the wicked boasting , to continue saying: My already had the plan, outside Three Link City northeast corner has a Lingtai spring, the spring water implication formidable evil strength, can give the advantage that Demon cannot imagine, Three Link Evil Almighty Being already that Lingtai spring possesses, transforms outside his city the mansion, each month beginning of the month and middle of the month as well as at the end of the month, he will bring his dozens double cultivation companion in that Lingtai spring double repairs, in the city defends sternly, and Three Link City majority of Demon follows Three Link Evil Almighty Being, we absolutely do not have the opportunity here, after only three day, Three Link Evil Almighty Being goes to Lingtai Quan Shuangxiu, we have the opportunity!” 紫邪无视了王之恶的牛皮,继续道:“我已经有了计划,三通城外东北角处有一口灵台泉,泉水蕴含强大邪力,能够给予邪人想象不到的好处,三通邪能已经将那灵台泉占为己有,改造成了他的城外府邸,每月的月初、月中以及月末,他都会带着他的几十位双修伴侣在那灵台泉内进行双修,城内防御森严,且三通城大部分邪人都是追随三通邪能的,我们在这里绝对没有机会,唯独三日之后,三通邪能前往灵台泉双修,我们才有机会!” Words, although so, but in the Lingtai spring should also many protection strengths, only depend on several of us, as if also insufficient.” At this time, the maple tree gem that did not speak spoke, he diverged Evil Qi on face, revealed a pale face, said: Purple evil miss, can you have other helpers? Most many come some people, like this our stratagem which ensures success high.” “话虽如此,但灵台泉内应该也有很多防备力量,仅凭我们几个,似乎还不够。”这时,一直不吭声的枫琳琅说话了,他散去脸上的邪气,露出一张苍白的面孔,道:“紫邪姑娘,你可还有其他帮手吗?最好多来些人,这样我们的胜算高一点。” Did not have!” Purple shakes the head evilly: I can in the place of practice search for in several greatly am one year, also only then everybody is willing to cope with Three Link Evil Almighty Being with me together!” “没有了!”紫邪摇摇头:“我在数个大能修炼之地内搜寻长达一年之久,也只有各位愿意与我一同对付三通邪能!” Right?” Maple tree gem low head, no longer spoke. “是吗?”枫琳琅低下脑袋,不再说话。 Words, although so, but purple evil, was not I says you, your hiring also this well chose the choice, how a fellow of Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple did you also draw?” The kings have cast aside Su Yun wickedly, said: Do not let this boy drag our!” “话虽如此,不过紫邪,不是我说你,你招人也该好好挑选挑选嘛,怎么一个灵玄魂二品的家伙你也拉过来了?”王之恶撇了眼苏云,说道:“可别让这小子扯了咱们的后腿哦!” Su Yun hear that, has not moved demeanor. 苏云闻言,未动声色。 Purple evil was somewhat disgruntled: Wang Xieyou, the words cannot say, many person many strength, although Su Yun cultivation lowers compared with us, what can this represent? Your cultivation is lower than Three Link Evil Almighty Being, in addition you said that can fight with him, perhaps Su Yun only depends on Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple, then can fight with you!” 紫邪有些不悦了:“王邪友,话不能这么说,多一个人多一份力,虽然苏云修为比我们低,但这能代表什么?你修为三通邪能低,你尚且说能与他一斗,或许苏云仅凭灵玄魂二品,便能与你一斗呢!” Wicked one of the hear kings, opened mouth, does not know how unexpectedly should refute. 王之恶一听,张了张嘴,竟不知该如何反驳。 Thanks.” Su Yun talked over one in a soft voice. “谢谢。”苏云轻声念叨了一句。 Does not use.” Purple shakes the head evilly: Since I invited everybody cut the foe, then we were person on a front, my today's already the material exchange that will need in the city is appropriate, tomorrow we, first will then go to the Lingtai spring preparation.” “不用。”紫邪摇摇头:“既然我把各位请来共斩仇敌,那么我们便是一条战线上的人,我今日已经在城内将所需的材料兑换妥当,明日我们便出发,先前往灵台泉准备。” Why doesn't elect to ambush on the road?” At this time, maple tree gem also asked. “为何不选在路上埋伏?”这时,枫琳琅又问道。 On road the Three Link Evil Almighty Being vigilance will be very high, when he double repairs, is his vigilance minimum time... Good, do not ask again some useless issues, everybody returns to the inn to rest, tomorrow.” “路上三通邪能的警惕性会很高,只有在他双修之际,才是他警觉性最低的时刻...好了,不要再问些没用的问题了,大家都回客栈休息吧,明日出发。” Purple evil as if some do not bear. 紫邪似乎有些不耐了。 The people were not good to say anything again, nodded, left the tavern in abundance, toward renting the practice inn line went. 众人也不好再说什么,点了点头,纷纷离开酒馆,朝租借的修炼客栈行去。 Returns to the inn, Su Yun then sits cross-legged to sit down, but he not anxiously practice, but is pondered these Demon that the daytime contacts. 返回客栈,苏云便盘膝坐下,但他未急着修炼,而是思考起白天接触的这些邪人 Without a doubt, there are these people to assist, gains coloured glass heart the opportunity will be very big, but, he does not trust these Demon completely, after all shortly after contact. 毫无疑问,有这些人相助,获取‘琉璃心’的机会将很大,只是,他并不完全信任这些邪人,毕竟接触不久。 Purple stays for a long time with evilly is a school, but the king wicked is but as one desires is, is most worrying, is that just likes the ghost maple tree gem. 紫邪与张久留是一派,而王之恶是随心而为,最让人担心的,则属那犹如鬼影的枫琳琅。 Hopes these people to butcher Three Link Evil Almighty Being wholeheartedly.” “但愿这些人是真心实意想要宰掉三通邪能的。” Su Yun twittering, inspired, then starts to control one's breathing the evil Spirit Qi rest in the room, cultivates Great Evil Swordsmanship. 苏云呢喃,吸了口气,便开始在房内调息起邪灵气息,修炼‘鸿邪剑法’。 2nd day morning, Su Yun then went out, outside city and purple evil, open(ed) Jiuliu, king wicked as well as maple tree gem round. 第二日早,苏云便出了门,在城外与紫邪、张久留、王之恶以及枫琳琅回合。 The people are Aura are all rich, are full of vigor. 众人皆是气息浓郁,精神饱满。 „, Walks, not must to pay attention quickly.” “出发吧,走的快一点,莫要让人注意了。” Purple evil was talking over in a low voice, then directly toward leading the way. 紫邪低声念叨着,便径直朝前行去。 One crowd of Demon quick steps tread the line with Demon, sets out in the northeast direction. 一群邪人跟‘邪人’疾步踏行,朝东北方向进发。 For not noticeable, the people all are on foot the line. 为不引人瞩目,众人皆是徒步而行。 Purple evil, you said that our times can succeed?” “紫邪,你说咱们这次能成功吗?” On the road, opens stays for a long time facial expression slightly excited saying. 路上,张久留神情略显兴奋的说道。 Does not know.” The purple evil voice is indifferent. “不知道。”紫邪语态淡然。 Purple evil, if has killed Three Link Evil Almighty Being, what you do have to plan?” “紫邪,如果杀了三通邪能,你有什么打算吗?” „After retrieving my younger brother soul, looked that is full of the promise to remould the mortal body for him, lets his rebirth.” In the purple evil eye flashes through one to fall lonesome. “救回吾弟魂魄后,看有没有希望为他重塑肉身,让他重生。”紫邪眼里闪过一丝落寂。 Right? Hey.” “是吗?嘿嘿。” open(ed) Jiuliu has smiled two, does not speak. 张久留笑了两声,不说话了。 The doubts that Su Yun looks, what matter lets open stays for a long time so happily? Does he have what bitter hatred with that Three Link Evil Almighty Being? 苏云看的疑惑,啥事让张久留这般高兴?难道他与那三通邪能也有什么深仇大恨? Was right, opens stays for a long time, yesterday evening when I exited to exchange the material, looked that you also went out, did you go to where?” “对了,张久留,昨晚上我出去兑换材料时,看你也出门了,你去何处了?” At this time, walked asks the maple tree gem of crowd final head suddenly. 这时,走在人群最后头的枫琳琅突然问道。 open(ed) Jiuliu has gawked the little while, said: I bought wine, this finally senseless, then has exchanged some liqueurs, do you want to taste?” 张久留愣了会儿,道:“我去打酒了,这一路总算无趣,便兑了些香酒,你要尝尝吗?” Then, takes out pot liquor from the Chu ring. 说完,从储物戒指里取出一壶酒来。 „.” “不了。” Words said... What thing did you trade?” open(ed) Jiuliu asked back. “话说...你去换什么东西了?”张久留反问。 Maple tree gem silent moment, chooses did not reply. 枫琳琅沉默了片刻,选择不回答。 This may make purple evil the wicked brow wrinkle with king, is somewhat disgruntled. 这可让紫邪与王之恶眉头皱起,有些不悦。 The time that everybody knows was not long, tells the sentence truth, was not the trust, reason that can crowd together, all was the purple evil merit. 大家认识的时间都不长,说句实话,彼此之间都不算信任,之所以能凑在一起,全是紫邪的功劳。 Boy, what trick I urged you do not play, when the time comes fought with that Three Link Evil Almighty Being, you wanted in first, knew?” Kings fierce saying maliciously. “小子,我劝你不要耍什么花样,到时候与那三通邪能交手,你要第一个上,知道吗?”王之恶恶狠狠的说道。 The maple tree gem has not spoken. 枫琳琅没吭声。 Ha, Big Brother Wang you want to be many, we are person on a ship, where will act unreasonably?, Drinks an evil liquor!” “哈哈哈,王大哥你想多了,我们可是一条船上的人,哪会乱来?来来来,喝口邪酒!” In open(ed) Jiuliu has handed over hand wine pot, sees the evil liquor, the king the wicked black face shows the smiling face finally, received anxiously anxiously, fills fiercely. 张久留将手中的酒壶递了过去,看到邪酒,王之恶的黑脸总算露出笑容,急急接过,猛灌起来。 Stuffy, said: Nice wine!” 一口闷下,直呼:“好酒!” Hey.” open(ed) Jiuliu hollow laugh two. “嘿嘿。”张久留干笑了两声。 Drew near!” “快到了!” At this time, purple has called one evilly. 这时,紫邪唤了一句。 The people line of sight faces forward to look together... 众人视线齐齐朝前望去...
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