LSG :: Volume #3

#231: Kings ( 1 )

What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” In the dense palace resounds several to explode one after another, the entire evil sword disciples heard, the law enforcement elder leads large quantities of Demon elite to clash toward the dense palace entrance, close to the entrance, he audiences toward all around interrogated loudly. 密宫内接连响起数声爆炸,整个邪剑门人都听到了,执法长老率领一大批邪人精锐朝密宫入口冲来,临近入口,他大声朝四周之众质问。 Reply the elder, what we do not know to have, this sound as if came from the west side, our already sent for examining toward west side that.” “回禀长老,我们也不知发生何事,这声音似乎是从西边过来的,我们已经派人往西边那头查看了。” West side?” “西边?” The law enforcement elder has gawked the moment, suddenly the complexion changes, lip unceasingly twittering: This is impossible! This is certainly impossible!” 执法长老愣了片刻,突然脸色一变,嘴唇不断呢喃:“这不可能!这一定不可能!” Elder, how?” Demon each one face flood doubts. “长老,怎么了?”身后邪人个个脸泛疑惑。 Actually sees the law enforcement elder to jump to leap, flies high to fly, overran toward the west side, audiences Demon follows hastily. 却见执法长老纵身一跃,凌空飞起,朝西边冲了过去,一众邪人连忙跟上。 The people just like cover black light of vault of heaven together, falls in the evil sword gate west hillside place rapidly , the person falls on the hillside in the presence of everyone, actually the surprised discovery, this slope locates, breaks to pieces a giant hole unexpectedly. 众人犹如一道遮盖苍穹的黑光,迅落于邪剑门西头的山坡处,然而,当众人落于山坡上时,却惊讶的发现,这坡头处,竟碎开一个巨大的洞。 The entire hillside cracks, massive cracks like the spider web spread, are quite terrorist, that crack place thick smoke is billowing, sword intent of intermittent thick fierce terror has not dissipated. 整个山坡崩裂开来,大量裂缝如蛛网般蔓延,好生恐怖,那裂缝处浓烟滚滚,阵阵厚悍恐怖的剑意还未消散。 This... What's all this about?” “这...这是怎么回事?” Demon is looking at that pitch-dark hole, on the face completely is stunned. 一名邪人望着那黑漆漆的洞,脸上尽是错愕。 The law enforcement elder arrived at that Dongqian, toward inside looks at several, the brow has shaken, the train of thought got up, he as if has thought swiftly of anything, in the eye revealed full unbelievable. 执法长老走到那洞前,朝里头看了几眼,眉头微抖,思绪起来,倏然,他似乎是想到了什么,眼里露出满满的难以置信。 At this time, in the black hole resounded the slight sound, but looked that inside the black hole drilled two Demon, was that / " &\; \; End Demon of world veterinarian latest chapter guarding to tomb chamber entrance. 这时,黑洞内响起轻微的动静,但看黑洞里头钻出两名邪人,正是那/"&\;\;末世兽医最新章节驻守于一处通往墓室入口的邪人 Chen Miao! Can you here? You do not guard the tunnel portal? Ran here to come?” Demon has gotten back one's composure, shouts to Demon that crawls. “陈淼!你怎么会在这里?你不是驻守隧道口的吗?怎么跑这儿来了?”一邪人回过神,冲着那爬出来的邪人喊道。 After calling Chen Miao Demon hear, the complexion was very ugly, he knelt on the ground anxiously anxiously, the head knocks in the ground said: Reply the elite Sir, the disciple indeed guards the northwest tunnel portal, but when the disciple guards, asked in suddenly the tunnel resounds a strange bang, the disciple led other fellow apprentice fellows to examine together in the past, actually does not want such instantaneous, erupted several sounds! We responded without enough time that here already spent a Dadong!” 叫陈淼的邪人听后,脸色十分难看,他急急跪在地上,脑袋磕于地面道:“回禀精锐大人,弟子的确是驻守西北隧道口,但在弟子驻守之际,突问隧道内响起一记奇怪的巨响,弟子带着其他师兄师弟一起过去查看,却不想这么瞬间,又爆发了数道响声!我们来不及反应,这儿已经破出一个大洞了!” Spends a Dadong?? Who... Who does?” That Demon anxious roar. “破出一个大洞??谁...谁干的?”那邪人急吼。 Called Chen Miao Demon the moment silent, afterward said in a low voice: Disciple gets the people toward first time to have the sound the place to run, discovered that to doubting tunnel already of gate square makes a connection, Su Yun person already not in .... Therefore, this hole, only feared... Only feared that is the Su Yun behavior...” 叫陈淼的邪人沉默了片刻,随后低声道:“弟子领着众人朝第一次发生响声的地方跑去,发现那头通往疑门广场的隧道已经打通,苏云人已不在....所以,这个洞,只怕...只怕是苏云所为...” Is impossible!!!” “不可能!!!” At the same time, several Demon roar. 同一时间,数名邪人一齐怒吼出来。 His Su Yun First Level Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation! The barrier stone wall of this tomb chamber at least wants the Spirit Star Disciple above master to destroy, his Su Yun has any skill, can achieve this point! Certainly is you cheats me! Comes the person, drags him, closes!!” “他苏云灵玄魂一修为!这墓室的壁垒石墙至少要灵玄阳以上的高手才能破坏,他苏云有什么本事,能做到这一点!一定是你哄骗我!来人啊,把他拖下去,关起来!!” That Demon breathless shouting. 邪人气急败坏的喊道。 As soon as Chen Miao listens, frightens the whole body to tremble. 陈淼一听,吓得浑身发颤。 Under do not break the theory like this absurdly!” “不要这样妄下断论!” At this time, the law enforcement elder sinking sound has drunk. 这时,执法长老沉声喝了开来。 The audiences Demon Qi Qizhi sound, is looking at him. 邪人齐齐止声,望着他。 But looked that the law enforcement elder facial features are ugly, he arrives by that cave entrance, puts out a hand, has caressed the moment in stone wall of that disruption. 但看执法长老面容难看,他走到那洞口旁,伸出手,在那碎裂的石壁上抚了片刻。 This Aura... contained the strength of formidable evil sword... Probably is the technique of our evil sword, but is crueler than the technique of evil sword... If Chen Miao said is true, only feared the person who this bang put on the cliff must be Su Yun, he at this moment, should already escape from the evil sword gate!” “这气息...蕴含了强大的邪剑之力...好像是我们邪剑之术,但却比邪剑之术更加残暴...若陈淼所言属实,只怕这轰穿石壁的人必是苏云,他此刻,应该已经逃出邪剑门了!” But he... Which his comes so formidable destructive power? Doesn't he have First Level Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation?” That Demon as before puzzled inquiry. “可他...他哪来这般强大的破坏力?他不是只有灵玄魂一修为吗?”那邪人依旧不解的询问。 First Level Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation? You have made a mistake, cultivation is only a name, it is unable to represent the destructive power, so long as the destructive power has attained a designated standard, how cultivation is First Level Spirit Soul Disciple can? If Su Yun he has the formidable magic weapon support, he can definitely destroy these cliffs!” 灵玄魂一修为?你错了,修为只是一种称呼,它无法代表破坏力,只要破坏力达标了,修为灵玄魂一品又能如何?若苏云他有强大的法宝支撑,他完全能够破坏掉这些石壁!” That law enforcement elder shakes the head again and again, pale [say / way]: Makes Su Yun escape, actually wrong lies in I! If I sooner got rid at that time, the cliff of this tomb chamber was already punctured, but initially I was also having scruples the school heavy responsibility, is unsuitable to get rid, this has given Su Yun many opportunities, making him escape! However you do not need to be startled, Su Yun he cannot escape! Now issued that the evil sword gate highest order, sends out the evil spirit sword team, captures Su Yun fully!! Regardless of he runs away to the ends of the earth, must return to it seizing!” 那执法长老连连摇头,淡道:“让苏云逃跑,其实错在于我!若我当时早些出手,这墓室的石壁早就被打穿了,只是当初我还顾忌着门派重任,不便出手,这才给了苏云不少机会,让他逃跑!不过你们不必惊慌,苏云他逃不掉的!现在发布邪剑门最高命令,派出邪灵剑队,全力擒拿苏云!!无论他逃到天涯海角,也要将之擒回!” Compliant, elder!” “遵命,长老!” In the quiet green palace, spookiness ripples, the roar continues, on sturdy red columns, monster dragons circle unceasingly. 幽绿的宫殿中,妖气荡漾,呜吼不止,一根根粗壮的红柱上,一条条妖龙不断盘旋。 In the palace, the woman of that green gauze, walks step by step toward below, in that steps, is the countless woods white bone, scary, but what panic-stricken is, on the woman fair white hands of grasps a pure white person skull unexpectedly, skull upper half already is bevelled, the monster fire fluctuates above, is quite strange. 殿堂上,那一袭绿纱的女人,一步步朝下走来,那阶梯上,是累累森白之骨,骇人不已,而更让人惊恐的是,女人白皙的玉手上竟握着一颗洁白的人头骨,头骨上半部已经被削平,妖火在上头浮动,好生诡异。 Under, kneels to bend down a body grandiose Aura thick sorcerer. 下头,跪伏着一名身躯壮硕气息浓厚妖人。 Sorcerer pastes the tread, the whole body rustle trembles, overbearing Aura unexpectedly is at this moment scattered in disorder. 妖人头贴着地面,浑身簌簌发抖,一身霸道的气息此刻竟散乱开来。 The women towed the pure white skeleton skull to walk, stood in his front. 女人拖着洁白的骷髅头骨走了过去,立在他的面前。 Then, hadn't you found that person?” “这么说来,你没有找到那个人了?” The gentle clear and melodious voice appears especially tranquil, seems like ordinary with the stranger speech. 温婉脆亮的嗓音显得格外平静,就像是在与陌生人说话一般。 But is so, Aura in air then even more ice-cold, the sorcerer shivers even more fierce. 但越是如此,空气中的气息便越发冰冷,那妖人颤抖的越发厉害。 Male... Your Highness Princess, is the mandibular troops is entering Evil Realm, but... But Evil Realm is so big, subordinate not any clue... Possibly how to seek that person? Perhaps... Perhaps his already had been eaten by Demon also perhaps, after all he is only individual, in Evil Realm is the impossible survival...” “公...公主殿下,属下领着人马进入邪界,但...但邪界那么大,属下没有任何线索...怎么可能寻到那个人啊?或许...或许他已经邪人吃掉了也说不定呢,毕竟他只是个人,在邪界是不可能生存的了的...” . 咔嚓。 The sorcerer has not spoken the words that the head was stepped by show white jade suddenly fully maliciously, the face pastes directly in the ground, cannot lift, could not speak. 那妖人还未把话说完,脑袋突然被一只秀白的玉足狠狠踩住,脸直接贴在地面,抬不起来,也说不了话。 That person dares to escape under my nose, how could do I let off him? Must see the person exactly, dies to see the corpse, let alone, that fox is also keeping thinking about him, if cannot confess to her she will not help one another we, this captures the Sky Martial Continent resources to be very disadvantageous to us! Now we are the dead ends, only then draws support from here to be able to stage a comeback! If you do not handle matters for me well, I do remain your what use?” The voice becomes Murderous Qi is full. “那人竟敢在我眼皮底下逃跑,我岂能放过他?活要见人,死要见尸,更何况,那只狐狸还惦记着他,若不能给她交代,她也不会相助我们,这对我们夺取天武大陆资源十分不利!如今我们已是穷途末路,只有借助这里的一切方能东山再起!你若不好好为我办事,我留你何用?”嗓音变得杀气十足。 Subordinate... Subordinates... Cannot... Will not disappoint your highness you again...” Sorcerer difficult saying. “属下...属下...一定不会...不会再让殿下您失望...”那妖人艰难的说道。 The women move out of the way the jade fully, turn around, upward goes toward the palace. 女人将玉足挪开,转身,朝殿上行去。 She puts aside the skeleton in hand, the sound is as before tranquil. 她丢开手中的骷髅,声音依旧平静。 Gets down , to continue the Evil Realm search, moreover sends for north Sky Martial Continent having a look, I heard that the newest mountains and rivers list as if soon will open, may have to be many the interested party or the matter, if there is an opportunity, may result in 12, must have the greatest help to us.” “下去吧,继续去邪界搜寻,另外派人去天武大陆北方看看,我听说最新一届山河榜似乎即将开启,或许会有不少我们感兴趣的人或事,若有机会,可得12,对我们必有莫大的帮助。” Compliant, Your highness.” “遵命,殿下。” Leave.” “滚下去。” Sorcerer hear that, sharply sharply lowers the head to leave. 那妖人闻言,急急低着脑袋离开。 In the palace restores silent. 殿堂里重新恢复寂静。 The women sit in meditation to sit above that bones of the dead jade, only the beautiful actually monster different pupil unceasingly glitters, does not know that is thinking anything. 女人静坐在上头那白骨玉坐上,唯美却妖异的眸子不断闪烁,也不知在想什么。 Thump... 咯噔... At this time, the intermittent slight sound of footsteps resounded from the palace, afterward, only listened to the palace front door to be pushed gently, wiped the delicate and exquisite beautiful figure to walk. 这时,阵阵轻微的脚步声从殿堂外响起,随后,只听殿堂大门被轻轻推了开来,一抹娇小玲珑的倩影走了进来。 The women lift quiet green double pupil, looks at that to have the long fox tail, the appearance looks like not the big girl. 女人抬起幽绿的双眸,望着那有着长长狐尾,模样看起来并不大的女孩。 You live booing fiercely, unexpectedly has built such a place in Sky Martial Continent, good good...” A girl pair beguiles the big eye to look around in all directions, on the face the happy expression is just thick. “你们倒好生厉害啊,居然在天武大陆打造了这么一个地方,不错不错...”女孩一双狐媚大眼四处张望,脸上笑意正浓。 Has the matter?” “有事吗?” Heard that your person came back from Evil Realm.” “听说你的人从邪界回来了。” Has not sought the trail of that person...” “并没有寻到那个人的踪迹...” „, Did not matter, now the center of gravity is not this, we discussed that Divine Sword faction, Divine Sword sends the present condition not to be good, big elder Shen Hong died, four elder Feng Jian severe wounds, are still recuperating now, but Long Xianli that woman heard that all day treats in the place of own practice, does not practice, was concerned with the matter of school that like losing soul, under the leader closes up, must wield the school big or medium business by two elder Tang Tianlai, the strength that now Divine Sword sends is beyond example weak, the good opportunity of starting, we... Hasn't moved?” “呵,无所谓了,现在重心不是这个,咱们还是讨论讨论神剑派吧,神剑派现在的状态可不好,大长老沈虹死去,四长老风剑重伤,如今还在养病,而龙仙璃那女人听说整日待在自己的修炼之地内,也不修炼,更对门派之事不闻不问,就像丢了魂魄一样,掌门闭关下,只得由二长老唐天来执掌门派大小事务,如今神剑派的实力空前薄弱,正是下手的好时机,咱们...还不行动吗?” Hu Qianmei said with a smile. 狐千魅笑道。 She did not worry that the Su Yun safety, already two years, she had discovered her talent has not vanished, instead increases day by day, this mysterious phenomenon lets her surprise again and again, but this also proves the Su Yun safe, actually she has been suspecting the Su Yun talent. Because from previous time after five lines of places were seized the body by that scum, she detected that her talent already as strong lets the person the situation that as one type is hard to imagine, is higher than average man five times, does not know that person of talent little. 她并不担心苏云的安危,已经过了两年了,她发现自己的天赋并未消失,反而与日俱增,这种神奇的现象让她诧异连连,不过这也证明苏云无事,其实她一直在怀疑苏云的天赋。因为自上次在五行之地被那人渣夺了身子后,她发觉自己的天赋已经强到一种让人难以想象的地步,足足高出常人五倍有余,也不知那人的天赋几许。 However in these time, she also detected that her talent changed gradually gloomily... When practice cloudy Profound Technique, exceptionally relaxed easy. 不过这些时光里,她也发觉自己的天赋逐渐转向了阴暗...当自己修炼偏阴的玄技时,异常轻松容易。 Why is this? 这是为何? Does not manage, so long as that person is all right well then! The Hu Qianmei thoughts, the heart also relaxed, if Su Yun has the matter, her fate, after all two people invisible in will then not be a body. 不管了,只要那人没事便好!狐千魅心思,心头也松了口气,苏云若有事,她的下场也绝不会好,毕竟二人无形之中便是一体。 Hu Qianmei these words emit, has not made on that blue gauze female have the big interest, she opens the monster different pupil to look at Hu Qianmei, partly after making a sound, opens the mouth: You give me all about the material that Divine Sword sends, I also need to verify, temporarily will not have acted, needs to make the plan!” 狐千魅的这番话冒出,并未让那上头的碧纱女子有多大兴趣,她睁着妖异的眸子望着狐千魅,半响后才开口:“你给我的所有关于神剑派的资料,我还需要让人查证,暂时还不会动作,需要制定计划!” Temporarily doesn't move?” Hu Qianmei somewhat is obviously disgruntled: „Don't you believe me? Snort, now does not act, when can that wait till? When Feng Jian injury restoration? When Divine Sword does send the leader to go out? When Long Xianli that cheap person does buoy up?? If such, starts to the Divine Sword faction again, can know difficultly?” “暂时不行动?”狐千魅显然有些不悦:“你不相信我?哼,现在不动作,那要等到什么时候?等到风剑伤势恢复?等到神剑派掌门出关?等到龙仙璃那贱人重新振作起来??若是那样,再对神剑派下手,可知有多难?” Qianmei, you not must worry, I do not believe you, but was me really cannot act now, after the Blossom Heart Valley incident, various Sky Martial Continent factions all organized, investigated thoroughly the mainland, searches for any evil spirit the whereabouts, now outside is the master runs amuck everywhere, once we acted, will then stare, when the time comes Don't said that started to the Divine Sword faction, in addition the self-preservation was insufficient!” 千魅,你莫要着急,非我不相信你,而是现在我这边实在动作不了,自花心谷一事后,天武大陆各门各派皆组织起来,对大陆进行彻查,搜寻任何妖魔的下落,现在外头到处都是高手横行,一旦我们动作,便会被人盯上,到时候莫说对神剑派下手,自保尚且不足!” Oh? 哦? Hu Qianmei both hands are holding the full almost cracking clothes, but the milk-white bosom, is rocking the snow white gigantic big tail, snort|hum said with a smile: Your Daoist wizard on this ability? If so, why I do cooperate with you?” 狐千魅双手抱着饱满至极几乎裂衣而出的酥胸,晃动着雪白硕大的大尾巴,哼笑道:“你们妖道就这点能耐吗?若是如此,我凭什么与你们合作?” Do not worry.” “不要着急。” The women had not been enraged by Hu Qianmei, she is looking on front earth gently these countless bones of the dead, pale [say / way]: We and other opportunities.” 女人并未被狐千魅激怒,她轻轻望着面前大地上那些累累白骨,淡道:“我们在等机会。” Opportunity? What opportunity?” “机会?什么机会?” Opportunity that we create!” The woman voice flood strange attracting, was saying: Is born from Heavenly Crystal, Sprite’s Shadow as well as Monarch Occult, Su Yun squandered completely the innumerable masters by these three thing, the shock innumerable regions, now, Sky Martial Continent person to magic weapon earnestly sought already to rise an unprecedented situation, actually coped with Divine Sword to send very easily, we only needed a thing... Then.” “我们自己制造的机会!”女人声音泛着点点奇怪的魅惑,道:“自天擎魍影以及君神力争相出世,苏云凭借这三物荡尽了无数高手,震惊无数区域,现在,天武大陆人对法宝的渴求已经涨到了一个空前的地步,其实对付神剑派很容易,我们只需一物...即可。” „A thing then?” Hu Qianmei has gawked the little while, swiftly facial expression suddenly: Your meaning is...” “一物即可?”狐千魅愣了会儿,倏然神情恍然:“你的意思是...” Right, imitates the battle of Blossom Heart Valley.” The women said. “对,效仿花心谷之役。”女人说道。 The Hu Qianmei pupil pupil enlarged several... 狐千魅瞳眸放大了几圈...
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