LSG :: Volume #3

#230: Great Evil Swordsmanship( finally)

Although does not have the support of compounded drug, but only restores own spirit profound Aura, this is not difficult, a roughly three day time, their lion then restored the heyday. 虽然没有丹药的支持,但仅是恢复自身的灵玄气息,这并不困难,约莫三日的功夫,两人一狮便恢复到了全盛时期。 Su Yun also has Brilliant Rebirth Flower, critical time at least can also maintain life. 苏云还有焕新花,危急时刻至少还能保命。 Was a pity that here material is insufficient, if enough, I can draw an amplification might but actually the strategy, assisting us to leave here to consider as finished, presently might was also enough, should be able to break that front door.” “可惜这里材料不足,若足够的话,我倒能画一个增幅威力的阵法,协助我们离开这里算了,当前的威力也足够了,应该能破掉那大门把。” Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, stands up. 苏云舒了口气,站起身来。 Stone lion one one is looking at him, does not understand completely this person was saying anything. 石狮子一愣一愣的望着他,完全不明白这个人在说什么。 But looked at Su Yun to pat dust, the line doubted the gate to these. 但看苏云拍了拍身上的尘土,行向那些疑门。 He before each doubted the gate observed the moment, afterward inquired: In these, which fan is the direction toward the gate of west?” 他在每个疑门前观察了片刻,随后询问:“这些门中,哪扇是方向朝西的门?” Toward west? West exit / to speak?” “朝西?西面的出口吗?” The stone lion ran, stands said before a leaf of front door: This leaf!” 石狮子跑了过去,立在一扇大门前道:“这扇!” Su Yun, what do you look for this leaf to make toward the front door of west?” Ling Qingyu puzzled asking of that head. 苏云,你找这扇朝西的大门做什么?”那头的凌晴雨不解的问道。 Because west, leaves the evil sword gate recent direction, this dense palace position, in the evil sword gate by the spot of west!” “因为西面,是离开邪剑门最近的方向,这密宫所处的位置,就在邪剑门靠西的部位!” Su Yun was saying, looks toward Ling Qingyu, afterward nodded, the person then takes out the stone of chest place, turned round the hand, the preparation activates. 苏云说着,朝凌晴雨望去,随后点了点头,人便取出胸口处的石头,将手覆了上去,准备激活。 Ling Qingyu imitates, if knew the Su Yun goal, steps toward it walking. 凌晴雨仿若是知晓了苏云的目的,踏步朝之走去。 „Did you decide?” “你决定了吗?” Gives it all! Walks the main entrance, that is brings about own destruction! Now has no way out, we can only make a road to come.” “放手一搏吧!走正门,那是自寻死路!如今无路可走,我们只能自己制造出一条路来。” Ling Qingyu no longer said anything, the line to, has lifted the fair fine palm, starts eyes closed to talk over the mnemonics. 凌晴雨不再说什么,行至跟前,抬起了白皙精致的手掌,开始闭目念叨起口诀。 The pink / white lip opens lightly, intermittent halo from the Ling Qingyu exquisite gently beautiful tender body flood, the whole person looks like pearl in the dark night, brilliant eye-catching. 粉唇轻启,阵阵光晕从凌晴雨玲珑柔美的娇躯上泛起,整个人就像是一颗黑夜中的明珠,绚烂夺目。 She raises a hand high, the right pupil changes into the purplish red color thoroughly, sword seal of chest place flood the blazing ray, her control, presents together jet black sword seal a little sword intent from that sword India , China overflow. 她将一只手高高举起,右瞳彻底化为紫红之色,胸口处的剑印泛起炽热光芒,她的手心,出现一道漆黑的剑印一点儿剑意从那剑印中溢出。 „Is this??” The stone lion was frightened thoroughly, body retreats, almost must paste again and again on behind wall, that pair of stone eye panic-stricken is looking at Ling Qingyu. “这是??”石狮子彻底被吓到了,身子连连后退,几乎要贴在后头的墙壁上,那双石眼惊恐的望着凌晴雨 Sword India , China on that fair palm, pass on thoroughly rich sword intent. 那白皙掌心上的剑印中,传透出来的浓郁剑意。 That wild astonishing formidable sword intent. 那狂暴惊人的强大剑意。 At that time carved to wait for endless sword intent that some people took. 那时刻等待着有人来取的无尽剑意。 Contracted Victory Sword! 决胜契约之剑 Su Yun has not hesitated, finger in own chest, faint trace spirit profound Aura such as the spirit spring gushes out, it looks like Mars of ignition firebrand, makes it flee instantaneously the raging flame, a thick fierce astonishing strength floods in Su Yun instantaneously from top to bottom, at that moment, the person only thinks placed oneself in the strange condition of infinite sublimation. 苏云未迟疑,手指点在自己胸口,丝丝灵玄气息如灵泉般涌出,它就像是点燃干柴的火星,瞬间让之窜起熊熊烈火,股股厚悍惊人的力量瞬间充斥于苏云的浑身上下,那一刻,人只觉被置身于无限升华的奇异状态中。 The Su Yun cape flees, sends silk to dance in the breeze, the binocular also even more demon of person. 苏云斗篷窜动,发丝飘舞,人的双眼也越发邪魅了。 His agile pricks in the sword the back scabbard, afterward puts out a hand suddenly, searched toward the pure white small hands who Ling Qingyu that extends. 他利索的将剑刺入背后的剑鞘之中,随后猛然伸出手,朝凌晴雨那伸过来的洁白小手探了过去。 The hand entered the palm 手入了掌心 Not “唔” The Ling Qingyu pink / white lip opens, tender body trembles lightly, sends out the intermittent attractive groan. She bites Bei Chi tightly, felt that Su Yun already held him the thing that wants to take, then again and again retreats, returns to pull out that. 凌晴雨粉唇张开,娇躯轻颤,发出阵阵诱人至极的呻吟。她紧咬贝齿,感觉苏云已经抓住了他想要取的东西,便连连后退,将那手回抽。 At the same time, Su Yun has also pulled out the hand, one flood the white light carriage slender light sword was being pulled out all over the body. 同一时间,苏云也将手抽了出来,一把通体泛着白光体态修长至极的光剑被拔了出来。 This flickers, just liked new day is born, burns the eye ray illumination four directions, vast strength just like disasters, along with this emergence of sword, but volume to eight. The gods light such as the desert outward diffusion, sword intent soars to the heavens, at this moment, in society all seem to be gloomy. 这一瞬,犹如新日出世,灼眼的光芒照射四方,浩瀚之力宛如洪水猛兽般,随着这把剑的出现而卷向八面。神光如瀚海向外扩散,剑意冲霄,这一刻,仿佛世间所有一切都黯淡无光。 Quite fearful! Quite fearful! What sword is this? What sword is this?” Stone lion like insane generally, shouts and wrangles, already is said the might that the sword sent out by this thoroughly subdues. “好可怕!好可怕!这是什么剑?这到底是什么剑?”石狮子就像疯了一般,大呼小叫,已经彻底被这把剑散发出来的威力说折服。 By my cultivation the sword of melting, can it be that you can withstand?” Looking pale Ling Qingyu groans saying that in pupil flood beginning self-satisfacation. “以我修为所化之剑,岂是你能承受的?”面色苍白的凌晴雨哼哼说道,眸里泛起点点得意。 However at this moment did not discuss this time. 不过此刻不是谈论这个的时候。 Su Yun grips tightly Contracted Victory Sword, is blazing with anger, is staring at that slender snow white sword blade, afterward has turned head, is looking at that leafed door. 苏云紧握决胜契约之剑,目光如炬,盯着那修长雪白的剑身,随后扭过头,望着那扇门。 Then looked that his arm moved suddenly, in the hand the sword dances in the air fast, the sword blade ripples, seems a white dragon circles regarding Su Yun unceasingly. 便看他的胳膊突然动了起来,手中剑快速飞舞,剑身荡漾,似乎是一条白龙围绕着苏云不断盘旋。 Stands can the clear feeling Su Yun whole body spirit profound Aura operate along with the movement in nearby Ling Qingyu fast, toward its control, overruns the sword toward that insanely. 站在一旁的凌晴雨能够清晰的感受到苏云浑身灵玄气息在随着动作快速运作,朝着其手心,朝着那把剑疯冲过去。 This is the poly strength style that evil Sword Skill is in sole possession of! 这是邪剑术独有的聚力招式! The strength accumulation at 1 : 00, discards whole body all, erupts this strength. 将力量聚集于一点,舍弃浑身所有,将这份力量爆发出去。 This then stakes everything on a single throw of the dice, violent attack. 这便是孤注一掷,极端的攻击。 Sword intent is even more strong, fills like a spring water in this big hall, stuff slowly, Ling Qingyu and stone lion felt that own breath is getting more and more difficult, as if the Chest place was being pressed by a mountain, moreover this mountain is getting bigger and bigger, sinks more and more, the pressure of person also even more huge. 剑意越发浓烈,就像一股泉水灌于这偌大的大厅,将之慢慢填满,凌晴雨与石狮子感觉自己的呼吸越来越困难,仿佛心口处被一座大山压着,而且这大山越来越大,越来越沉,人的压力也愈发的庞大。 Swiftly! 倏然! Sonorous! 铿锵! But listens to a sword cry to stick out suddenly, the sword puts brilliantly, that pure white sword blade in this flickers to gush out scary Evil Qi, 但听一记剑鸣暴起,剑光大放,那洁白的剑身在这一瞬涌出骇人邪气, Contracted Victory Sword such as lived, the intermittent roaring sound erupts, nearby Ling Qingyu sees this, the facial color is pallid, cannot believe that this might huge sword is cultivation. 决胜契约之剑如活了过来,阵阵咆哮声爆发,旁边的凌晴雨望见这一幕,面色煞白,根本不敢相信这威力庞大的剑是自己修为所化。 Whiz!!!!!! 嗖!!!!!! The blade edge turbulence, has cut along with wielding of arm with raw hate, divided directly on that leafed door. 剑锋动荡,随着臂膀的挥动凶狠的斩了过去,直接劈在了那扇门上。 Works as! 哐当! Almost the flash, the gate was ripped two halves, just likes the big axe chops the wood. 几乎一瞬之间,门被一撕两半,犹如大斧劈木。 This is impossible stone lion to cry out strangely immediately. “这不可能”石狮子顿时怪叫起来。 What has not to be impossible?” “有什么不可能的?” Su Yun puts down Contracted Victory Sword, saying of panting: Walks! Now walks!!” 苏云放下决胜契约之剑,气喘吁吁的说道:“走!现在就走!!” Ling Qingyu then recovers, somewhat simple-hearted nod: Well.” 凌晴雨这才回过神来,有些木讷的点头:“好好的。” Then, then together scored to run toward that along with Su Yun. 说完,便随着苏云一同朝那破门跑了过去。 „Did you walk?” “你们走了吗?” The stone lion is also hard to get back one's composure, but, it not with the past. 石狮子还难以回过神,不过,它并未跟过去。 It belongs to here, will not leave with Su Yun together, let alone, here easy and comfortable is more suitable it. 它到底是属于这儿,不会跟苏云一同离开,更何况,这里的安逸更适合它。 Su Yun draws Ling Qingyu to run following this corridor rapidly. 苏云拉着凌晴雨顺着这条过道急速奔跑。 The eight access structures of entire tomb are the same, present road Su Yun is also familiar and easy, is not strange. 整个墓地的八个出入口结构都一样,眼前的路苏云也算是轻车熟路,并不陌生。 Wait / Etc.!” “等等!” In the Su Yun quick steps crazy, suddenly, his complexion changes, stopped hurriedly. 就在苏云疾步狂冲之际,突然,他脸色一变,急忙停了下来。 Ling Qingyu sees that also halts hastily, her cultivation changes into Contracted Victory Sword completely, already any sensation, the aural acuity eyesight is different like the average man, does not know that has any situation. 凌晴雨见状,也连忙止步,她的修为全部化为决胜契约之剑,已经没有任何感知,耳力眼力也如常人一样,根本不知发生什么情况。 How?” She is busy at asking. “怎么了?”她忙问。 Actually sees Su Yun to place the mouth the index finger middle finger, makes a movement of hiss. 却见苏云将食指中指放在嘴边,做出一个嘘声的动作。 Front has the person.” “前面有人。” Has the person?” “有人?” Ling Qingyu is surprised. 凌晴雨大吃一惊。 Isn't the person of evil sword gate is attacking that [say / way] Shimen? How to appear here? 邪剑门的人不是在攻击那道石门吗?怎么会出现在这里? Su Yun is entraining Ling Qingyu anxiously anxiously, flees toward nearby corner , the corner is very small, can only hold a person to base, Su Yun cannot give a thought to that many customs, strong powerful both hands closely are hugging Ling Qingyu. 苏云急急拽着凌晴雨,朝旁边一处角落里窜去,角落很小,只容得下一人立足,苏云也顾不得那么多规矩,强壮有力的双手将凌晴雨紧紧搂着。 What do your you make?” “你你做什么?” Ling Qingyu the cheeks are red immediately, the person was also anxious, the tender body is coy, said low voice, is incapable of the fair small hands breaking off the arm of Su Yun unceasingly. 凌晴雨顿时脸颊通红,人也急了,娇躯扭捏,小声疾呼,无力白皙的小手不断掰动着苏云的胳膊。 Desperate, has no recourse, can you exit? If were held by them, how I cannot guarantee their you.” “情急之下,迫不得已,你要出去?如果被他们抓住,我可不能保证他们会把你如何。” Because sword of already contract offers a sacrifice, Ling Qingyu is unable to return to Sword sheath, therefore can only along with the Su Yun avoidance. 因契约之剑已经祭出,凌晴雨无法返回剑匣之中,所以只能随苏云躲避。 Some of her facial expression non- natures, heard Su Yun so saying that then also has to bear this shy and is not comfortable, helpless waiting. 她神情有些不自然,听到苏云这般说,便也只好忍住这份羞涩与不自在,无奈的等待。 Her age does not know big many compared with Su Yun, although has wallowed in the practice, which the experience are more than Su Yun to does not go, but, this does not represent her discussing a request is loses, regarding Su Yun, she naturally such will quickly not have the feeling to him. 她的年纪比苏云不知大多少,虽然一直沉迷于修炼,以至于见识比苏云多不到哪去,只是,这并不代表她的情商就是负的,对于苏云,她自然也不会这么快就对他产生感觉。 …… 啪嗒啪嗒啪嗒 At this time, the intermittent slight sound of footsteps transmitted from the distant place, Ling Qingyu also heard clearly, the nerve tightened slightly, person as if some fears, body gently after pushed. 这时,阵阵轻微的脚步声从远处传来,凌晴雨也听了个清楚,神经微微绷紧,人似乎有些害怕,身子轻轻朝后挤去。 You do not use this, now this appearance, they definitely cannot see.” Some Su Yun complexion non- natures, open the mouth to say. “唔你不用这样,现在这个样子,他们肯定看不到。”身后的苏云脸色有些不自然,开口说道。 Right?” Ling Qingyu does not know that what happened, but has stood firm the body honestly, has not pushed toward behind again. “是吗?”凌晴雨并不知道发生什么事,但还是老老实实的稳住了身子,没有再朝后头挤。 Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief secretly, but actually does not know that Ling Qingyu is really silly or false silly, his eyeball shot a look at one toward below, on the face had the sweat to overflow. 苏云暗暗舒了口气,但却不知凌晴雨是真傻还是假傻,他眼珠子朝下瞥了一眼,脸上微有汗液溢出。 Moves out of the way your sword hilt, was going against me.” Ling Qingyu as if felt that anything, low voice honk shouted. “把你的剑柄挪开点,顶着我了。”凌晴雨似乎感觉到了什么,小声嘟嚷了一句。 Sword sword hilt, good to have the issue like this?” “剑剑柄哦,好这样没问题了吧?” Um.” “嗯。” Ling Qingyu has not spoken. 凌晴雨没吭声了。 At this time, several forms from two people of present passing over gently and swiftly, Su Yun had Heavenly Scale Divine Eyes to shield Aura, he covered Ling Qingyu Aura the remaining strengths, these people could not realize two people of hidden place. 这时,数道身影从二人的眼前掠过,苏云天鳞神目屏蔽气息,他将剩下的力量遮盖住凌晴雨气息,这些人根本察觉不到暗处的二人。 Movement a bit faster, I probably heard the explosive sound of that head, definitely has the issue!” “动作快点,我好像听到了那头的爆炸声,肯定是有问题!” Can it be that did Su Yun that boy run away? If so, must inform the law enforcement elder as soon as possible!” “莫不是苏云那小子逃出来了?若是如此,必须要尽快通知执法长老!” The roar is unceasing. 吼声不断。 After Su Yun hear, the complexion sends to congeal. 苏云听后,脸色发凝。 How will here have the evil sword disciple?” “这里怎么会有邪剑门人?” Deciding is that law enforcement elder knows this tomb chamber to have eight exits, then sends for stopping up our time here not to be many, Qingyu, walks quickly!” “定是那执法长老知晓这墓室有八个出口,便派人在这儿堵着我们的时间不多,晴雨,快走!” Good!” “好的!” Ling Qingyu nods, the body then leaves from the bosom of Su Yun, runs toward outside. 凌晴雨点点头,身子这才从苏云的怀中离开,朝外头跑去。 Su Yun relaxed secretly, shot a look at the present head, secret forced smile, afterward half step toward leading the way. 苏云暗暗松了口气,瞥了眼下头,暗暗苦笑,随后快步朝前行去。 Guarding flushes away here several Demon almost toward inside, only leaves behind Demon to defend alone. 驻守在这儿的几名邪人几乎都朝里头冲去,只留下一名邪人独守。 Su Yun takes advantage of unprepared, leaps forward his side, puts out a hand, pokes in this Demon neck neck place, pinched in a above [lineage/vein] place, the Demon one breath for has not come up, stupor stiffly in the past. 苏云趁之不备,跃入他的身边,伸手一点,戳在这邪人的颈脖处,在上头的一条脉处掐了一下,邪人一口气替不上来,硬生生的昏迷了过去。 Quick!” “快!” Su Yun shouted to behind Ling Qingyu, then covered the sword of contract, faced forward to run. 苏云冲着身后的凌晴雨呼道,接着扣住契约之剑,朝前奔跑。 Two people ran out of this tomb chamber tunnel, entered the dense palace, then looked that the Su Yun eyeball is staring toward the side jet black wall, step that the person faces forward to run also slow. 二人冲出了这墓室隧道,进入了密宫内部,便看苏云眼珠子朝旁边漆黑的墙壁盯着,人朝前奔跑的步伐也慢了下来。 He runs, while looks, has run roughly more than hundred meters place, the talented person stopped. 他一边跑,一边看,一直跑了约莫百余米地,人才停了下来。 Only visits him to grip tightly contract Divine Sword, toward that is staring at jet black wall, a sword has divided with raw hate. 只看他紧握契约神剑,朝着那盯着的漆黑墙壁,一剑凶狠劈了过去。 Works as!!!! 哐当!!!! Snow white Divine Sword just likes the white lightning, the vertical sword goes horizontally, ripped to crush that jet black wall!! 雪白的神剑犹如白色闪电,纵剑横去,将那漆黑的墙壁撕了个碎烂!! The massive crushed stones appear, a big hole maps the line of sight of Su Yun and in Ling Qingyu. 大量碎石出现,一个大坑映入苏云凌晴雨的视线中。 But this had not finished, Su Yun holds the sword once again, pounds maliciously toward above. 但这并未结束,苏云再度执剑,朝上头狠狠砸去。 Thump! 咚! Thump! 咚! Thump! 咚! This, first successive three swords, full ‚the great wild goose evil sword air/Qi wreaks havoc on the contract Divine Sword sword blade, brings to be hard with the strong destructive power that the spoken language described, was tearing front all fierce. 这回,一连三剑,满满的‘鸿邪剑气’在契约神剑的剑身上肆虐,带着难以用言语来形容的超强破坏力,凶猛的撕裂着面前的一切。 After three swords, the entire dense palace as if shivered, but the wall of this head pierces thoroughly, exit / to speak a to outside appears. 三剑过后,整个密宫仿佛都颤动了,而这头的墙壁彻底洞穿,一个通往外头的出口出现。 Ling Qingyu was scared. 凌晴雨傻眼了。 At this moment, she understands the Su Yun intention finally. 这一刻,她终于明白苏云的意图。 Behind this thick fierce wall, impressively is out evil sword! 这厚悍的墙壁后头,赫然就是邪剑门外啊! Has not needed to think that Su Yun remove contract Divine Sword. 还不待多想,苏云已将契约神剑撤掉。 You now cannot like this be inescapable far, I remove the sword, after you restore the strength, enters Sword sheath in a big hurry!” “你现在这样跑不了多远,我把剑撤掉,你恢复力量后,快快进入剑匣!” Su Yun shouts. 苏云喊道。 Ling Qingyu recovers, immediately changes into the white light, drills into Sword sheath. 凌晴雨回过神来,立刻化为白光,钻入剑匣之中。 Su Yun sees that stands offers a sacrifice to Death Sword, the person treads on the Death Sword sword blade, flies to go toward outside 苏云见状,立祭死剑,人踏于死剑剑身上,直朝外头飞冲而去
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