LSG :: Volume #3

#229: Great Evil Swordsmanship ( 2 )

Profound Technique is by no means irrevocable, Profound Technique of any grade is used as the basis by the operation of spirit profound Aura, the coordinate style releases the formidable might. 玄技并非一成不变,任何品级的玄技都是以灵玄气息的运作做基础,配合招式释放出强大的威力。 Profound Technique of low grade, its spirit profound Aura operational mode is very simple, but Profound Technique of high grade, its Aura operational mode is not only complex, and among spirit profound Aura will have the overlapping collision, spirit profound Aura has the deterioration, melts the unquantifiable strength. 低品级的玄技,其灵玄气息的运作方式十分简单,而高品级的玄技,其气息的运作方式不仅复杂,且灵玄气息之间会产生交叉碰撞,以至于灵玄气息发生变质,化出难以估量的力量。 Formidable Profound Technique may teach the spirit profound strength quantity inspiring world that own has the people with, the disruption mountains and rivers, the world myriad things act bashful in the palm, then to high Profound Technique, often is countless people longs for most precious object that yearns. 强大的玄技可教导人们用自身所具备的的灵玄力量引动天地,碎裂山河,将天地万物拿捏于掌心,而那至高的玄技,往往是无数人渴望而向往的至宝。 Naturally, Profound Technique of high grade is also needs high cultivation to study, otherwise own spirit profound Aura is insufficient, is unable to achieve the step on Profound Technique describing, is unable to stimulate to movement Profound Technique. 当然,高品级的玄技也是需要高修为才能学习,否则自身灵玄气息不足,是无法做到玄技上所描述的步骤,更无法催动出玄技 Su Yun does not know that this special evil Sword Skill is any grade Profound Technique, spirit profound Aura but who it needs can satisfy exactly, but it emphasized was continuing, by the Su Yun current strength, perhaps also maintained the time of counting breaths. 苏云不知道这本特殊的邪剑术到底是什么品级的玄技,但它所需的灵玄气息恰好自己能够满足,只是它更强调的是一种持续,以苏云当前的力量,或许也不过维持数息的功夫。 Evil Sword Skill first several type foundation Su Yun are skillfully, but the technique of this special evil sword actually compares the technique of ordinary evil sword to be much abstruser, naturally, what are more is the danger. 剑术前几式基础苏云已是滚瓜烂熟,但这本特殊的邪剑之术却比普通的邪剑之术要深奥得多,当然,更多的是危险。 For example the air/Qi walks the Three Contacts [lineage/vein], normal Aura is the line in the Three Contacts [lineage/vein] main stringer, this will not have the influence to the human body, the method of but by this special evil Sword Skill on recording operates, the air/Qi is walks the Three Contacts [lineage/vein] the side stringer, forces completely all strengths in stringer by Aura, achieves to release the compensation, plays the maximum might the situation. 譬如气走三通脉,正常的气息是行于三通脉的主脉道,这并不会对人体造成影响,但以这特殊邪剑术上记载的方法来运行,气是走三通脉的侧脉道,以气息将脉道内的所有力量全部逼迫出来,达到释放全部力量,发挥出最大威力的地步。 But this method risk is enormous, once because the Aura control is not steady, tears the stringer easily, causes within the body Aura to be chaotic, light, then the stringer is complete, cultivation backs up large scale, heaviness explodes the body to perish directly. 但这种方法风险极大,因为一旦气息控制不稳,易将脉道撕裂,造成体内气息混乱,轻则脉道全碎,修为大幅度倒退,重者直接爆体而亡。 Su Yun reads in this note the great wild goose evil two characters by most ordinariness that present, then name for Great Evil Swordsmanship. 苏云看这笔记中以鸿邪二字出现的最为平凡,便自己为之取名为‘鸿邪剑法’。 Great Evil Swordsmanship walks is the violent route, the might were not many said that but must it Liancheng, such as the person wire walking, once one step trod spatially, was beyond redemption. 鸿邪剑法走的便是极端的路线,威力自不多说,但要将之连城,就如人走钢丝,一旦一步踏空,便是万劫不复。 His cautiously on description is operating the evil Spirit Qi rest in within the body according to Great Evil Swordsmanship step by step, other attribute Aura he is totally motionless, after all this Great Evil Swordsmanship only requests the operation of evil Spirit Qi rest. 他小心翼翼的按照‘鸿邪剑法’上的描述一步步的运行着自己体内的邪灵气息,其他属性的气息他一概不动,毕竟这‘鸿邪剑法’只要求邪灵气息的运作。 The quick, evil Spirit Qi rest was consumed by it. 很快,邪灵气息被之消耗一空。 Su Yun instills into other Aura in evil Spiritual Eyes hurriedly, auxiliary production evil Spirit Qi rest, how long but this could not maintain, the practice then built up it by the air/Qi, Su Yun within the body is not the withered spatial powder, did not have a thing in the world, side Ling Qingyu saw that extended the fair small hands hastily, placed the back of Su Yun gently, instilled into within the body all strengths. 苏云急忙将其他气息灌输于邪灵眼中,辅助生产邪灵气息,但这维持不了多久,修炼便是以气炼之,不多会儿,苏云体内已是干枯空散,一无所有,旁侧的凌晴雨见状,连忙伸出白皙的小手,轻轻放在苏云的背部,将体内所有力量灌输进去。 Quick, the Ling Qingyu complexion becomes pale, Su Yun within the body regains the strength, but Ling Qingyu was completely empty, did not have the half minute strength. 很快,凌晴雨的脸色变得苍白起来,苏云的体内重新获得力量,而凌晴雨则空空如也,没了半分力气。 Su Yun continues to practice, but Ling Qingyu starts to sit cross-legged to control one's breathing, restores Aura, is the Su Yun practice storage strength. 苏云继续修炼,而凌晴雨则开始盘坐调息,恢复气息,为苏云的修炼储存力量。 But this is unassuageable, time press, Su Yun, only then brings forth this offensive style in the shortest time, may make a way out. 但这还不能满足,时间紧迫,苏云只有在最短的时间内练出这极具攻击性的招式,才有可能制造出一条生路。 Stone lion!!” “石狮子!!” Su Yun shouted. 苏云喊开了。 What stone lion? Really coarse, I have the name, I called the lion two! Eight protect in the grave god lion, I rank second!” Stone lion discontented [say / way]. “什么石狮子?真难听,我也是有名字的,我叫狮二!八尊护墓神狮里,我排名第二!”石狮子不满道。 Do not speak the idle talk, quickly your within the body having mystical powers profound Aura instills into to me!” “不要说废话,快把你体内的所有灵玄气息灌输给我!” Depending on what good.” “凭什好吧。” The lion two just wants to reject, actually looked at Ling Qingyu to knock Su Yun behind Sword sheath, then immediately the little darling shuts up. 狮二刚想拒绝,却看凌晴雨敲了敲苏云身后的剑匣,便立刻乖乖闭嘴了。 It arrives at the Su Yun back, depressed sighing, has then squatted, stretches out the generous giant stone claw, covers on the body of Su Yun. 它走到苏云的背后,郁闷的叹了口气,便蹲了下来,伸出宽厚巨大的石爪,覆盖在苏云的身上。 The lion two have First Level Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation, this spirit profound strength entered Su Yun within the body, pours can also give many Aura. 狮二也有灵玄魂一修为,这一身灵玄力入了苏云的体内,倒也能给予不少气息 When lion two completely empty, when runs cultivates, Ling Qingyu not to squeeze out some strengths, instills into. 待狮二空空如也,跑去修炼时,不多会儿,凌晴雨这边又挤出些力量,灌输进去。 A person of lion instills into the strength toward Su Yun within the body in turn, in the Su Yun body looks like a giant processor, processes the strength that a person of lion is losing unceasingly, so the assistance cultivates, in addition Everlasting Stone and in addition of Hu Qianmei talent as well as Evil Emperor Xin Wu talent holds, Su Yun repairs this Great Evil Swordsmanship seriously just likes amazingly quick. 一人一狮轮流朝苏云的体内灌输力量,苏云的身躯内就像是一个巨大的处理器,不断处理着一人一狮丢进来的力量,如此辅助修炼,加上傲心狐千魅天赋以及心武邪皇天赋的加持,苏云修起这‘鸿邪剑法’当真犹如神速。 The time passes slowly 时间慢慢流逝 Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump 咚!咚!咚!咚 The sad sound still here biography, then looks at Demon not to stop, one after another toward that Shimen bombardment, the massive evil sword disciples gathers at this stone chamber, looks at shelled Shimen. 沉闷的响声还在这儿传起,便看邪人们一刻不停,一下接着一下的朝那石门轰击,大量邪剑门人聚集在这个石室处,看着被轰击的石门。 The law enforcement elder is getting a group of elite disciples toward here line, with him behind, Li Guang, Li Xin as well as slaughter hundred li (0.5km) and the others. 执法长老领着一批精英弟子朝这儿行来,跟着他身后的,还有李广、李欣以及屠百里等人。 How will here have this kind of place?” “此处怎会有这样一个地方?” Some disciples discussed low voice. 一些门人小声议论。 Dense palace is mystical, we have not come several times, naturally does not know.” “密宫神秘,咱们没来过几次,当然不知道。” You said that the elders do know?” “你说长老们知道吗?” Is knows mostly.” “多半是知道的。” Discussed the sound to be minimum, when law enforcement elder came, they stopped the spoken language completely. 讨论声极小,待执法长老过来,他们一个个全部止住言语。 The law enforcement elder has swept their one eyes, at once attacks Demon of Shimen to ask to front that several: Stone lion of this entrance guarding?” 执法长老扫了他们一眼,旋即冲着前头那几名攻击石门的邪人问:“这门口驻守的石狮呢?” „When reply the elder, we pursue, it ran away together with Su Yun.” “回禀长老,我们追来时,它与苏云一同逃进去了。” Ran away?” Law enforcement elder complexion micro surprised, but quick restores. “逃进去了?”执法长老脸色微愕,但很快又恢复过来。 „, You then attack this Shimen, although this material quality is firm, but actually non- destroys the hardest defenses, Su Yun is truant my Jianmen to tall Wuxue, is intolerable, must it seizing, deliver to the school to punish!” “罢了,罢了你们便攻击这石门吧,这门的材质虽然坚固,但却非无坚不摧,苏云偷学我剑门至高武学,不能容忍,必须要将之逮住,交予门派发落!” Compliant!” “遵命!” Li Xin!” The law enforcement elder also shouted. “李欣!”执法长老又喊开来。 Li Xin whole body trembles, goes forward hurriedly, to it holding the fist in the other hand: Disciple.” 李欣浑身一颤,急忙上前,对之抱拳:“弟子在。” „Can you know the crime?” “你可知罪?” Law enforcement elder pale [say / way]. 执法长老淡道。 Then looked that Li Xin and the others walked, kneels before the body of law enforcement elder directly, lowers the head saying: Li Xin knows the crime, Li Xin is willing to accept all penalties.” 便看李欣等人走了过来,径直跪在执法长老的身前,低着脑袋道:“李欣知罪,李欣愿意接受一切惩罚。” Told me the reason!” Law enforcement elder low and deep [say / way]. “告诉我原因!”执法长老低沉道。 Li Xin has hesitated the little while, then gets rid to rescue their matters to say Su Yun. 李欣迟疑了会儿,便将苏云出手救他们的事情说出。 So that's how it is.” The law enforcement elder nods again and again: Su Yun to save you, does this use the technique of evil sword being truant? If so, then he poured also has a heart!” “原来如此。”执法长老连连点头:“苏云是为了救你们,这才施展偷学过来的邪剑之术吗?若是这样,那么他倒也算是有份心了!” Also asked the law enforcement elder to deal with leniently, do not execute Su Yun!” Li Xin mang said. “还请执法长老从轻发落,不要处死苏云!”李欣忙道。 After all Su Yun has the graciousness of life-saving to them, how could are they aloof? 毕竟苏云对她们有救命之恩,她们岂能无动于衷? I am the law enforcement elder, although Su Yun exposes for you, but I cannot be forgiving for this reason, he is truant my Jianmen god technique to be absolutely true, for Law Elder, I must process strictly, Li Xin, the crimes of you several harbor, I do not investigate! Other people! Continues to shell Shimen, when till Shimen opens greatly!” “我是执法长老,虽苏云是为你们而暴露,但我不能为此而留情,他偷学我剑门神术千真万确,为维护法度,我必须要严格处理,李欣,你们几个的包庇之罪,我就不追究了!其他人!继续轰击石门,待石门大开为止!” Yes! Elders!” “是!长老!” These Demon loudly shouted. 那些邪人大呼。 Shimen one one was then shelled, Li Xin also but thoroughly, was looking at that Shimen, sigh again and again. 石门一遍接着一遍的被轰击,李欣也彻底无奈了,望着那石门,叹息连连。 This Shimen is the evil sword gate ancestor stands, where has easily is like that easy to defeat? However the law enforcement elder was not worried that here is the dense palace, is the evil sword gate domain, a day of bang broken, his two days of bang, two days is not then good three days, change players in turn, till bang broken. 只是,这石门到底是邪剑门先祖所立,轻易之下,哪有那般容易击破?不过执法长老也不担心,这里是密宫,是邪剑门的地盘,一天轰不破,他便两天轰,两天不行就三天,轮流换人,直到轰破为止。 Moreover, he also sent the massive masters to seek other entrances, he was familiar with here evidently, after seeking other crossroads, with the assistance of stone lion enters the tomb chamber, but made his disappointed was, the doubtful gate in tomb chamber shattered completely, is unable to open, was really disappointing. 不仅如此,他还派遣了大量高手去寻其他入口,看样子他对此处了如指掌,寻到其他路口后,在石狮子的协助下进入墓室,只是让他失望的是,墓室内的疑门全部坏掉,无法开启,着实让人失望。 The evil sword gate racks brains to enter the tomb to seize Su Yun, but in tomb, is fiery. 邪剑门绞尽脑汁进入墓地欲擒苏云,而墓地内,也是一片火热。 The time passes gradually. 时光荏苒。 In the tomb chamber, a person of sword is waving crazily. 墓室之中,一人一剑正在疯狂舞动。 Massive black belt red Evil Qi ripple, floods the entire tomb chamber, Ling Qingyu stands in the one side, looking pale is looking at the person of that buckle sword dance, but the stone lion already curled and shrank in the corner, looks at this sword shade, the whole body rustle is trembling. 大量黑中带红的邪气荡漾开来,充斥着整个墓室,凌晴雨站在一旁,面色苍白的望着那扣剑狂舞的人,而石狮子早就卷缩在角落里,望着这剑影,浑身簌簌发抖。 Good terror! This Sword Qi as if moves body to tear! How do you dare to practice such swordsmanship??” “好恐怖!这剑气仿佛触碰一下身躯就要撕裂掉!你怎么敢修炼这样的剑法??” Saying that the stone lion sound trembles. 石狮子声音发颤的说道。 This discards all swordsmanship radically, his defense almost does not have, all spirit profound Aura almost use above the attack completely, Protection Aura does not remain slightly, such does Sword Skill, suit the fight really?” “这根本就是舍弃一切的剑法,他的防御几乎没有,所有的灵玄气息几乎全部用在攻击之上,丝毫庇体气息都不留,这样的剑术,真的适合战斗吗?” Ling Qingyu almost said that with amazement does not make noise. 凌晴雨几乎是惊讶的说不出声来。 Whiz A sad sword howl stops, then looked that jet black Death Sword stagnates. 一记沉闷的剑啸声止下,便看那漆黑的死剑停滞下来。 Su Yun is taking away the sword, a tread, panting is breathing, the sweat on face follows the face to drop unceasingly. 苏云扣着剑,支着地面,气喘吁吁的呼吸着,脸上的汗水不断顺着脸庞滴落下来。 How many days?” “多少天了?” Su Yun wiped away sweat, puts down the sword, sits cross-legged to sit up to ask. 苏云擦了擦汗,将剑放下,盘膝坐起问道。 Roughly already nearly one month.” “约莫已经过了快一个月了。” Ling Qingyu said in a soft voice. 凌晴雨轻声道。 This month, the Su Yun moment has not stood still, she is the moment has not stood still, the entire fine small face is pale one piece, the spirit profound strength quantity in within the body lived has given, has given fresh, has almost not retained many, but that stone lion was also same, two people like energy charger, when has stockpiled an electric power, must give completely. 这一个月,苏云一刻未停歇,她也是一刻未停歇,整个精致的小脸已是苍白一片,体内的灵玄力量生了又给,给了又生,几乎未保留多少,而那石狮也是一样,二人就像太阳能充电器一样,当储备了一点电力时,就得全部给予出去。 However also because of this, Su Yun cultivates this Great Evil Swordsmanship speed also even more quickly. 不过也正是因为这样,苏云修炼这鸿邪剑法的速度也越发的快。 Great Evil Swordsmanship establishes above evil Sword Skill, because I have practiced the evil Sword Skill first three types, the Great Evil Swordsmanship first three types are also easiest to practice, behind four types cannot so act with undue haste, after all the risk is enormous, once is irritable, had the accident, that then gain does not equal the loss!!” 鸿邪剑法是建立在邪剑术之上,我因为修炼了邪剑术的前三式,鸿邪剑法的前三式也是最容易修炼的,后头四式就不能这般操之过急了,毕竟风险极大,一旦急躁,出了意外,那便得不偿失!!” Su Yun looks at the front door that eye that leaf of every day bang has kept ringing, finds all around already of front door to have the crack, knowing is unable for a long time to support, access road: We prepare to start! Leaves here!” 苏云看了眼那扇每天轰隆响个不停的大门,瞧见大门的四周已经出现裂缝,知晓无法久撑,便道:“我们准备开始吧!离开这儿!” Leaves?” “离开?” The stone lion stared in a big way both eyes, said: You think that you have studied this style, can make close Fifth Level Spirit Star Disciple to be able greatly the attack of strength? Too extremely arrogant you!” 石狮子瞪大了双眼,道:“你以为你学了这招式,就能打出接近灵玄阳五品大能力量的攻击?不要太狂妄了你!” Su Yun is disinclined to explain that said in a low voice: Qingyu, looks at that Shimen, should also be able to insist that 78 days, you grasped the time restoration over the two days! Strives to restore oneself to optimum condition, the lion two, you also make the best use of the time to restore, I must use your strength!” 苏云懒得解释,低声道:“晴雨,看那石门,应该还能坚持个78天,这两天你就抓紧时间恢复吧!争取把自己恢复到最佳状态,狮二,你也抓紧时间恢复,我还要用你的力量!” Oh, good.” “唉,好吧。” The lion two does not dare to revolt against Su Yun, must act accordingly. 狮二不敢反抗苏云,只得照办。 Ling Qingyu does not know how Su Yun wants to do, but swift and fierce meaning of that swordsmanship, indeed shook her. 凌晴雨不知苏云到底想要怎么做,但那剑法的凌厉意味,的确震住了她。 Then has a look at the method of Su Yun this fellow. 便看看苏云这家伙的法子。 The Ling Qingyu thoughts, then sat cross-legged to sit. 凌晴雨心思,便盘膝坐了下来。
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