LSG :: Volume #3

#228: Great Evil Swordsmanship ( 1 )

Among the greenwoods of shallot, one row of people support a luxurious frame to face forward slowly the line. 青葱的绿林间,一列人拥护着一座豪华车架朝前缓缓行去。 In the frame sits magnificent and expensive Young Master, but in the side of frame, is rides the purple corner/horn beast to wear the white robe, the old man of ā white beard features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality. 车架内坐着一名华贵的公子,而在车架的身旁,是名骑着紫角兽穿着白袍,ā白胡须仙风道骨的老者。 Young Master tucks in the curtain screen, stands before the car(riage), looks at the front to ask: Which does Entwining Secrets District have has not gone?” 公子撩起帘子,站在车前,望着前方问道:“诀连区域还有哪没去?” Nearby old man pulls out one from the Chu ring pure white, and flood the cultivation papers of some fluorescence, have been sweeping one. 旁边的老头从储物戒指里掏出一张洁白且泛着些许荧光的修纸,扫了一眼。 Similar!” “差不多了都去了!” Almost? What meaning is almost?” The Young Master straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards glance, asked. “差不多?差不多是什么意思?”公子剑眉一瞥,问道。 The old men have held holding the fist in the other hand, said: Master Lin the talent different reported that cultivation is profound, sweeps away Entwining Secrets District to be difficult to meet the rival, now including the Divine Sword faction unmanned energy enemy, believes that in the future the mountains and rivers list will start, decides to break in first ten.” 老者抱了抱拳,道:“林少爷天赋异禀,修为高深,横扫诀连区域难逢敌手,如今连神剑派都无人能敌,相信将来山河榜开赛,定可冲入前十。” First ten are only a platform, must walk toward a higher boundary, the vision cannot only stay in that!” “前十只是个平台,要往更高的境界走,眼光就不能仅停留在那!” Lin Tianyin pale [say / way]: Moreover, Bai Yanshan that Divine Sword sends has not challenged with me, she is the talent extremely tall girl, is hard to annotate frantic that to the martial arts one type, her future is not necessarily able compared with these person of bad of mountains and rivers list.” 林天引淡道:“而且,神剑派的白嫣扇并未与我挑战,她是个天赋极高的女孩,对武道更有一种难以诠释的狂热,她的前途未必会比山河榜的那些人差。” But she is not your match, knows including her, why otherwise does she evade not to fight?” The old men said. “但她不是你的对手,连她自己都知道,否则她为何避而不战?”老者道。 This cannot look down upon. Has to know person who self-evident doesn't make the person dread compared with the person of not considering resources bite off more than can chew?” “这就更不能小视了。一个拥有自知自明的人不是比自不量力的人更让人忌惮?” The old men nodded, have approved of Lin Tianyin these words. 老者点了点头,赞同了林天引的这句话。 Was right, haven't we as if gone to Su Clan?” Lin Tianyin resounds anything swiftly. “对了,我们似乎还未去苏家吧?”林天引倏然响起什么。 Right.” The old men nod: Why this was I must talk about the similar reason, entire Entwining Secrets District, only then Su Clan has not gone.” “对。”老者点点头:“这就是我为何要说差不多的原因,整个诀连区域,只有苏家还未去。” That went to Su Clan to be good.” “那就去苏家好了。” already did not need.” 已经没必要了。” Why?” “为何?” Su Clan most had two person already of talent not, Su Qing Er rebelled and fled, holds Crown Prince Su to go out to travel, Su Clan the incompetent person, went to also nobody to fight.” 苏家最有天赋的两个人已经不在了,苏倾儿叛逃,扶苏太子外出游历,苏家已无能人,去也无人可战。” Su Yun?” In Lin Tianyin the eyes passed over gently and swiftly blazing that is hard to eliminate, the facial expression even says somewhat fiercely. 苏云呢?”林天引眼里掠过一丝难以消灭的炽热,神情甚至说有些狰狞。 Su Yun?” The old man has gawked staring, subsequently suddenly: You refer to Limitless sword master? sword master after a ā heart valley service, did not know the trace, some people said that he was invaded the ā heart valley the Daoist wizard striking to kill!” 苏云?”老头愣了愣,继而恍然:“您是指无极剑尊吗?剑尊自ā心谷一役后,已不知所踪,有人说他被侵入ā心谷的妖道给击杀!” Can see the corpse?” “可看到尸体?” Not.” “不曾。” Who can know that he is lives dies?” Lin Tianyin shook the head, said: „To fight one with him really!” “那谁又能知道他是生是死?”林天引摇了摇头,道:“真想与他战一场啊!” But the list of candidates of mountains and rivers list he has not nominated, reason that according to what has been heard Limitless sword master can have non- outstanding in both fields crest as well as Purple Star Academy and other magnificent feats, because completely he has massive ** treasure, own strength is not it is said high, because of this, he cannot be selected into the mountains and rivers list candidate list.” “但山河榜的候选名单他并未提名,更者,据闻无极剑尊之所以能有‘无双绝顶峰’以及‘紫星学院’等壮举,完全因为他拥有大量强**宝,自身实力据说并不高,也正是因为这个,他不能被选入山河榜候选人名单。” Is this?” “是这样吗?” Lin Tianyin thinks that then shakes the head: Ok, goes along with him, really how even if he by the magic weapon can? The master of mountains and rivers list is not he can imagine!” 林天引想了想,便摇摇头:“算了,随他去吧,哪怕他真的是靠法宝又能如何?山河榜的高手可不是他能想象的!” The old men did not speak. 老者不语。 The frame continues to go forward, then not to go out of this stretch of grove. 车架继续前进,不多会儿,便走出了这片林子。 Young master, next place?” “少爷,下个地方去哪?” Mystical Mountain Range.” 无山区域。” Thump! 咚! Shimen closes. 石门合上。 Pouring that Su Yun pants on the ground, is breathing strongly, the sweat dripped place following his face by. 苏云气喘吁吁的倒在地上,竭力的呼吸着,汗水顺着他的脸旁淌了一地。 The stone lion is also so, its soul strength was frightened to disperse, will be gathering strongly. 石狮子亦是如此,它的魂力都被吓散了,正在竭力将之聚集起来。 After the stone lion restores, it crawled hurriedly, to the Su Yun low roar, gets angry: You... Your this bastard, deceives me unexpectedly... Any Spirit Novice Disciple dregs, he... They are Spirit Soul Disciple several above masters!!” 待石狮子恢复后,它急忙爬了起来,冲着苏云低吼,怒道:“你...你这个混蛋,居然骗我...什么灵玄徒的渣,他...他们都是灵玄魂好几品以上的高手!!” What? So that's how it is!” Su Yun sets out, gasped for breath, hears stone lion the words, immediately reveals the surprised color. “什么?原来如此!”苏云起身,喘了口气,听闻石狮子的话,立刻露出惊讶之色。 Do not play the fool!” “你别装傻!” This does not play the fool, real, possibly before , this fellows camouflage the Spirit Novice Disciple cultivation person with any magic weapon intentionally, the deception I, quite makes me treat it lightly!” “这不是装傻,是真的,可能之前这帮家伙故意用什么法宝伪装成灵玄徒修为的人,瞒骗我,好让我掉以轻心!” Really... Really? Haven't you deceived me?” “真...真的?你没骗我?” Your such natural talent intelligent intelligent clever soul stone, where do I dare to deceive you?” “你这样天资聪慧聪明伶俐的石魂,我哪敢骗你?” Hey, said is also... However these words, which had I in listened a moment ago probably?” “嘿,说的也是...不过刚才这句话,我好像在哪听过?” The stone lion has laughed foolishly two. 石狮子傻笑了两句。 Thump! 咚! At this time, Shimen another resounded a dull thumping sound, one after another, thump keeping ringing, but that thick fierce Shimen, rocked gently. 这时,石门另一头响起一记闷响,一声接着一声,咚咚的响个不停,而那厚悍的石门,也轻轻晃动起来。 A mortar falls from the top of the head, can see since the above wall place twinkle various marks, that is maintaining the mark of this tomb chamber structure. 点点沙灰从头顶落下,能看到上方墙壁处闪烁起各种阵纹,那是维持着这个墓室构架的阵纹。 This firm?” Su Yun is busy at asking. “这门坚固吗?”苏云忙问。 Initially constructed time, this was known as that ten thousand years broken! Firm! No matter what they attack, we here, safe.” “当初建造的时候,这门号称万年不破!坚固着呢!任他们攻,我们就在这儿,安全的很。” The stone lion said. 石狮子说道。 Su Yun relaxed. 苏云松了口气。 That is then good.” “那便好。” „Does fool, well what have?” “笨蛋,有什么好的?” At this time, Ling Qingyu in Sword sheath flew, lithe falling in the Su Yun front. 这时,剑匣里的凌晴雨飞了出来,轻盈的落在苏云的面前。 They what to do, if has defended in out? Can you here dull for a lifetime?” “他们若一直守在门外怎么办?难道你要在这里呆一辈子?” Saying of some Ling Qingyu anxieties: If you must die here, remembers that hides Limitless Sword sheath, do not let these Demon take, otherwise they must certainly take away to build up.” 凌晴雨有些愁苦的说道:“如果你要死在这儿,记得把无极剑匣藏好,别让那些邪人拿了,否则他们肯定要拿去炼化的。” „... Originally you are worried about this!” “呃...原来你担心这个啊!” Su Yun has gawked staring, at once has smiled: Heaven never seals off all exits, Qingyu, does not need to be worried that now the time is abundant, we can also try to find the solution.” 苏云愣了愣,旋即笑了开来:“天无绝人之路,晴雨,不必担心,现在时间充裕,我们还能想想办法。” Then, he has turned head, said to the stone lion: I remember that you initially had said that here has eight gates, where are another seven gates at? Can lead us to pass?” 说完,他扭过头,冲着石狮子道:“我记得你当初说过,这儿有八个门,那么,另外七个门在哪?能否带我们过去?” Ok!” “可以!” The stone lion nods, then roars, flees to Su Yun front, getting him to go toward the tomb chamber interior line. 石狮子点点头,便呼吼一声,窜到苏云的前头,领着他朝墓室内部行去。 In the tomb chamber is quite big, is a circular open area, but in all around of this open area, is distributing massive Shimen. 墓室内比较大,是一个圆形的空地,而在这空地的四周,分布着大量的石门。 Initially took bright new ā then in this open area, the open area located Bu Guofa, but this law already has not used for a long time, was already decayed, lost the performance. 当初取焕新ā便是在这个空地上,空地处布过法阵,不过这法阵已经许久未用,早已腐朽,失去了性能。 These 173 gates doubt the gate, except seven other out of the door to exit / to speak, then only remained another to advocate the place of sleeping soundly gate to me, but other gates were the dead gates, once entered, had not fresh!” “这173道门都是疑门,除去七个通往其他出口的门外,便只剩另外一个通往吾主安眠之地的门了,而其他门都是死门,一旦进入,有死无生!” The stone lion was saying, then good before the right number 37 th gate, stretches out the unwieldy claw, whips in the gate, its claw instills into a strange energy toward it immediately... 石狮子说着,便行至右数第37道门前,伸出笨重的爪子,拍打在门上,它的爪子立刻朝之灌输一股奇异的能量... „The ancestor of this evil sword gate builds this tomb chamber to be seriously fierce.” Su Yun sighed slightly. “这邪剑门的先祖打造这墓室当真厉害。”苏云微微感叹。 Nearby Ling Qingyu puzzled is looking at him: How?” 旁边的凌晴雨不解的望着他:“怎么了?” You look at that stone lion.” Su Yun is pointing at that head, said: You should know that it is soul stone? Fierce fiercely here, it is soul stone, but its soul strength is very special, that evil sword gate ancestor specially its soul strength specialization, unique! The goal, builds the key of this tomb chamber it!” “你看那石狮子。”苏云指着那头,道:“你应该知道,它是石魂吧?厉害就厉害在这里,它身为是石魂,但它的魂力却很特殊,那邪剑门的先祖特意将它的魂力特殊化,独一无二!目的,就是把它打造成这墓室的钥匙!” Key? Su Yun, what were you saying?” “钥匙?苏云,你到底在说什么?” „Isn't this clear? Before , that gate that we come, these doubt the gate! Must lead to open by that stone lion, if the average man cannot come, but the stone lion defends in out of the door, if some people strike to kill the stone lion to intrude the tomb forcefully, he is impossible to come, because stone lion, once died, here was a close place, without the stone lion, cannot enter this tomb chamber.” “这还不明白?无论是之前我们进来的那道门,还是这些疑门!都必须要靠那石狮带领开启,若是常人根本进不来,而石狮守在门外,如果有人强行击杀石狮子闯入墓地,那他是绝不可能进来的,因为石狮子一旦死去,这里就是个封闭场所了,没有石狮子,就不能进入这墓室。” How that does Sword Ancestor come in?” “那剑祖是如何进来的?” With us almost.” Su Yun smiled painstakingly: This stone lion courage was too small, frightens slightly, its anything since.” “跟我们差不多吧。”苏云苦笑了笑:“这石狮子胆子太小了,稍微一吓,它就什么都从了。” „” “” Well?” At this time, the stone lion of that head cried out swiftly: Quite strange, this could not open unexpectedly.” “咦?”这时,那头的石狮子倏然叫唤开了:“好奇怪,这门居然打不开了。” What?” “什么?” Su Yun stares, runs hastily. 苏云一愣,连忙跑过去。 Actually sees the stone lion one after another instills into the soul strength toward that but that is motionless throughout. 却见石狮子接二连三的朝那门灌输魂力,但那门始终不动。 Deciding is old, controlled gate seal already to shatter.” The stone lion said with a sigh. “定是年代久远,控制着门的阵印已经坏掉了。”石狮子叹息道。 That i.e., were we stranded here?” “那就是说,我们被困在这儿了?” Ling Qingyu asked. 凌晴雨愣问。 Almost.” The stone lion lies on the ground, an indifferent appearance said. “差不多。”石狮子趴在地上,一副无所谓的样子说道。 The Ling Qingyu fine small face has filled immediately depressed. 凌晴雨精致的小脸立刻充满了郁闷。 Side Su Yun thinks that asked: This can destroy?” 旁侧的苏云想了想,问:“这门能破坏吗?” Above non- Fifth Level Spirit Star Disciple can do not presumptuously think greatly.” The stone lion hey said with a smile: „ Has the Fifth Level Spirit Star Disciple rank strength that can rumble greatly, can it breaking, other people, be absolutely impossible! ’ “非灵玄阳五品以上的大能就不要妄想了。”石狮子嘿嘿笑道:“只有灵玄阳五品级别的大能轰出的力量,才能将之震碎,其他人,绝无可能!’ This saying falls, Su Yun instant was silent. 这话落下,苏云瞬时沉默了。 Spirit Star Disciple? If my non- sword body, pours can also make such strength, is only the present... Oh... Except for this, really doesn't have other means?” Ling Qingyu asked. 灵玄阳?若我非剑体,倒也能打出这样的力量,只是现在...唉...除了这个,就真没其他办法?”凌晴雨问道。 Stone lion gigantic head swung swinging. 石狮子硕大的脑袋摇了摇。 All around was silent. 四周寂静了。 Su Yun sits on the ground, motionless, as if in the train of thought anything, surprise that quite nearby Ling Qingyu and stone lion look. 苏云坐在地上,一动不动,似乎在思绪着什么,旁边的凌晴雨与石狮子看的好生诧异。 At this time, actually saw him to gain ground swiftly, said: Perhaps we have means.” 这时,却见他倏然抬起头,说道:“或许我们还有一个办法。” What means?” Ling Qingyu is busy at asking. “什么办法?”凌晴雨忙问。 But looked that Su Yun pulls out red book from the ring rapidly, places the ground. 但看苏云从戒指里迅速掏出一本红皮书籍,放在地上。 The Ling Qingyu double pupil enlarged immediately some, the sound sends surprised: You... None who does not becomes is to study the technique of this special evil sword?” 凌晴雨双眸立刻放大了些许,声音发愕:“你...莫不成是想要学这特殊的邪剑之术?” Evil Sword Skill that in this book records almost discards the techniques of all evil sword, the letting person of its might terror is unable to imagine, its practice method with using the method was too violent, the risk that although cultivates is very big, but has a plan for the present, only then this!” “这本书上记录的邪剑术几乎是舍弃一切的邪剑之术,它的威力恐怖的让人无法想象,不过它的修炼方法与施展手段都太极端了,虽然修炼的风险很大,但为今之计,只有这一项!” Su Yun pinches tightly the fist to say. 苏云捏紧拳头道。 With this might strong special evil Sword Skill, rumbles a road to come!” “用这威力超强的特殊邪剑术,轰出一条路来!” Su Yun! I urged you do not practice, now we here also safe very much, by your present cultivation, waits the integer moon/month not to be a problem here, the time was very abundant, we can try to find the solution slowly.” 苏云!我劝你还是不要修炼,现在咱们在这里还安全的很,以你现在的修为,在这里待个数月不成问题,时间还很充裕,我们可以慢慢想办法。” Ling Qingyu shakes the head hastily, said earnestly. 凌晴雨连忙摇头,认真说道。 No, Qingyu, you made a mistake.” Su Yun shakes the head, said: Our time have not possibly imagined that many.” “不,晴雨,你错了。”苏云摇摇头,道:“咱们的时间可能没有想象中的那么多。” what intent?” “何意?” That will sooner or later shatter! After all linked these gates seal to go bad, how can there be not bad truth?” “那门迟早会坏掉的!毕竟连这些门的阵印都坏了,那门岂有不坏的道理?” But this fellow said that ten thousand years broken?” “但这个家伙说那门万年不破啊?” But has surpassed for ten thousand years?” Su Yun was saying, takes a look at the stone lion, sees it not to look at itself, then also said: No one knows how long before this tomb chamber is, constructs, let alone, it is said is not necessarily correct, after all. Its here is very intelligent...” Saying, he has referred to his forehead. “但超过了万年呢?”苏云说着,瞅了瞅石狮子,见它没看着自己,便又道:“谁也不知这墓室是多久前修建的,更何况,它说的未必就是正确的,毕竟..它这里可是很聪明的...”说着,他指了指自己的脑门。 Ling Qingyu naturally listens to this is irony, she also wanted to say anything, actually saw Su Yun already to hit the red books. 凌晴雨自然听出这是反话,她还欲说什么,却见苏云已经将红色的书籍打了开来。 This Sword Skill establishes above ordinary evil Sword Skill, evil Sword Skill I already study three types, the foundation is stable, repairs this evil Sword Skill fast, Qingyu, I need your coordination now! When I practice this Sword Skill to cause whole body spirit profound Aura exhausts, hopes that you can instill into Aura for me, making me rapidly restore! Ok?” “这本剑术是建立于普通的邪剑术之上,邪剑术我已学的三式,根基稳固,修这邪剑术快速的很,晴雨,我现在需要你的配合!当我修炼这剑术致使浑身灵玄气息耗尽时,希望你能为我灌输气息,让我快速恢复!可以吗?” This...” Saw Su Yun already to get down the decision, Ling Qingyu must also should, then nodded: Good.” “这...”见苏云已经下了决定,凌晴雨也只得应下,便点了点头:“好吧。” „, We start!” “那么,我们开始吧!” Su Yun deeply inspired, turns the books to the first page... 苏云深吸了口气,将书籍翻到第一页...
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