LSG :: Volume #3

#275: Blood Young Master( asked monthly ticket!)

Limitless sword master?” The women have gawked the moment, afterward laughs: Ha Ha, I said that originally Elder Long tracks for Limitless our! Also is, initially Limitless sword master killed big elder Shen Hong who your Divine Sword sends, your Divine Sword sends only to fear that to him already hated to the marrow of the bones?” 无极剑尊?”女人愣了片刻,随后哈哈大笑起来:“哈哈,我就说嘛,原来龙长老是为了无极才跟踪我们的啊!也是,当初无极剑尊杀害你们神剑派的大长老沈红,你们神剑派对他只怕早就恨之入骨了吧?” Rubbish, said quickly, sword master person where?” Long Xianli deeply inspired, the tender dimple feels cold to say. “不要废话了,快说,剑尊人在何处?”龙仙璃深吸了口气,娇靥发冷道。 I do not know.” Woman faint smile. “我不知道。”女人似笑非笑。 Your mask...” “那你的面具...” I do, what's wrong? With sword master is the same, represents me and he has the relations?” “我自己做的,怎么?难道跟剑尊的一样,就代表我与他有关系?” You...” “你...” He He, but looked Elder Long such thinks of every means seeks sword master, I told you one to be good here good intention, Limitless sword master he already died. Your Divine Sword faction does not need to ask him to revenge again.” Wears the woman both hands of mask to hold the chest, said with a smile to Long Xianli. “呵呵,不过看龙长老这么费尽心思的去寻剑尊,我就在这儿好心告诉你一句好了,无极剑尊他早就死了。你们神剑派不必再找他报仇了。”戴着面具的女人双手抱胸,冲着龙仙璃笑道。 What?” “什么?” Long Xianli one hear, the double pupil shrinks, the beautiful appearance is pale, the tender body rocks several, the step goes toward retreats, facial expression delay looks at that to wear the remnant surface the woman, twittering said: You said... But really? sword master he... Did he die really?” 龙仙璃一听,双瞳一缩,绝美的容颜苍白无比,娇躯晃动几下,步伐朝后退去,神情呆滞的望着那戴着残面的女人,呢喃道:“你说的...可是真的?剑尊他...他真的死了?” Um?” “嗯?” Saw that Long Xianli so displays, three people of all flood doubts. 看到龙仙璃这般表现,三人皆泛疑惑。 sword master died, Long Xianli should Gao Xingcai be right, why does she seem very sad? They have what other relations?” 剑尊死了,龙仙璃应该高兴才对,为何她好似十分伤心?难道他们二人之间有什么其他的联系?” Holds Su Young Master to frown to say. 扶苏公子皱着眉头道。 No matter they have anything to relate, since this woman already saw me, your status were also exposed, begins, has killed her, covers their ears and eyes.” The person of side whole body courage vigor opens the mouth to say in a low voice. “不管他们有什么联系,这个女人既然已经看到了我,你们的身份也被暴露,动手把,把她杀了,掩人耳目。”旁侧浑身血气的人开口低声道。 Compliant, Young Master!” “遵命,公子!” Two people hold the fist in the other hand, afterward looks at toward Long Xianli line of sight. 二人抱拳,随后将视线朝龙仙璃望去。 But looks at Long Xianli weak sitting on the ground, double pupil spill point clear teardrops, atheistic is looking at two people. 但看龙仙璃无力的坐在地上,双眸溢出点点晶莹泪珠,无神的望着二人。 The women toward holding Su have caused signaling with the eyes, afterward the steps go forward, walks toward Long Xianli. 女人朝扶苏使了使眼色,随后踏步上前,朝龙仙璃走去。 Elder Long, you? It looks like very sad appearance... sword master died, aren't you happy?” 龙长老,你怎么了?看起来很伤心的样子...剑尊死了,你不高兴吗?” The women exhibit a care appearance, slowly close Long Xianli, but secretly, her is gathers to kill to incur. 女人摆出一副关心的样子,缓缓接近龙仙璃,但暗地里,她那手已是蓄起了杀招。 Long Xianli has not made a sound, she hangs down is reaching the head, does not know that is thinking anything. 龙仙璃没吱声,她低垂着臻首,也不知在想什么。 At this moment, whiz! Remnant surface woman who that approaches lifts the hand suddenly, the cut-throat racket to the head of Long Xianli, the intermittent scary green light ripples in his palms. 就在这时,嗖!那靠近过来的残面女人突然抬起手,凶狠的拍向龙仙璃的脑袋,阵阵骇人绿光在其掌间荡漾。 Spookiness! 妖气! But in instance of spookiness overflow, Sword Qi quicker running out, directly pierced the chest of remnant surface woman. 可就在妖气溢出的瞬间,一股剑气更快的冲出,直接洞穿了残面女人的胸口。 Tit­ter. 噗嗤 Remnant surface woman ‚’, the mouth spits the blood, retreats, nearly falls to the ground again and again. 残面女人‘啊’的一声,口吐鲜血,连连后退,险些栽倒在地。 She covers was being pierced the chest, lifts the angry double pupil to look to Long Xianli, actually saw looking pale facial expression low Long Xianli to stand, she has scratched the tears of corner of the eye, looks at these three people, twittering said: Is who has killed sword master?” 她捂着被洞穿了的胸口,抬起愤怒的双眸望向龙仙璃,却见面色苍白神情低落的龙仙璃站了起来,她擦了擦眼角的泪,看着这三人,呢喃道:“是谁杀了剑尊的?” What do you want to make?” “你要做什么?” sword master... can only die in my hands, who has killed him, I must revenge for him!” 剑尊...只能死在我手中,谁杀了他,我就要为他报仇!” You .... “你....” The remnant surface woman has not said that Long Xianli has then raised element, the white sword departs the scabbard. 残面女人还未说完,龙仙璃便扬起了素手,白剑飞出剑鞘。 Kills intent to ascend with sword intent. 杀意伴随着剑意升腾起来。 Before then, made me butcher your evil thing first! Only the earth of my day military!” “不过在此之前,先让我宰了你们这些邪物!净我天武之土!” Long Xianli reprimanded coldly tenderly, in double pupils covered entirely the heroic spirit, wielded conveniently, the white sword boiled up dozens white Sword Qi, has hit toward that three people. 龙仙璃冷冽娇斥,双眸间布满英气,随手一挥,白剑迸出几十道白色剑气,朝那三人打了过去。 Originally Long Xianli from beginning to end, has not put down has been vigilant the heart! 原来龙仙璃从始至终,就没放下过警惕之心! Holds Su and remnant surface woman resists hastily, two human sacrifices leave green red two Aura, the mix mixed in the same place, concentrates the big shield belt to arrive at the same time to these Sword Qi. 扶苏与残面女人连忙招架,二人祭出一绿一红两股气息,糅杂于一起,凝出一面大盾带抵向那些剑气 However, held Su evidently to underestimate with that remnant surface woman the Long Xianli strength, Sword Qi shot, pierced the big shield unexpectedly directly, punctured on two people of bodies. 然而,扶苏与那残面女人显然低估了龙仙璃的实力,剑气射来,竟直接洞穿了大盾,刺在了二人的身上。 Tit­ter Tit­ter Tit­ter... 噗嗤噗嗤噗嗤... Several blood holes disperse in holding Su and remnant surface female body, two people of retreats, the mouth spits the blood again and again, the strength pelts. 几个血洞分散于扶苏与残面女的身躯上,二人连连后退,口吐鲜血,战力大降。 Fierce!” “厉害!” Sent out the courage vigor man unable to calm down finally, he has clapped the palm of the hand, item of time zhi walked. 散发着血气的男人终于沉不住气了,他拍了拍巴掌,目光阴骘的走了过来。 Worthily on behalf of the elder who Divine Sword sends military force, the Elder Long strength is really astonishing, admire, admire! Below no talent, pours to ask for advice Elder Long Profound Technique.” “不愧是代表神剑派武力的长老,龙长老的实力着实让人吃惊啊,佩服,佩服!在下不才,倒想领教领教龙长老玄技。” Long Xianli raises hand, the white sword moves around her body, the beautiful appearance is only staring at that courage vigor man, sinks saying: Who are you?” 龙仙璃一扬手,白剑围绕着她的身躯旋转,唯美的容颜盯着那血气男子,沉道:“你是何人?” You can call me for blood Young Master.” “你可以称呼我为血公子。” Blood Young Master?” “血公子?” Elder Long, your strength is very good, even if places Monster Realm and demon... That can also become a side character, but, you are only an elder in second-class school merely, did not think that used a talented person in an insignificant position? If you are willing to submit to me, is own master, I can give you a higher status, more remarkable condition! Let all that you have you unable to think.” 龙长老,你的实力很不错,就算放在妖界、魔界...那也能成为一方人物,不过,你仅仅只做一个二流门派的长老,不觉得大材小用了吗?若你愿意臣服于我,以我为主,我可以给你更高的地位,更卓越的条件!让你拥有你想不到的一切。” Blood Young Master smiles gently, whole body courage vigor shivers along with his smiling slowly. 公子轻轻笑着,浑身血气随着他的笑缓缓颤抖。 Long Xianli over the face ice-cold, not for it: What person my Long Xianli did you work as? Snort, does wish make me be your running dogs? Has a dream!” 龙仙璃满面冰冷,并不为之所动:“你们把我龙仙璃当什么人了?哼,想要让我做你们的走狗?做梦!” The sound falls, Long Xianli urges Bai sword once again, kills toward the opposite. 声音一落,龙仙璃再度驱使白剑,朝对面杀过去。 Bai sword keeps revolving, overflow massive swift and fierce Swift Wind Aura, melt the terror peerless tornado, kills to blood Young Master. 白剑不停旋转,溢出大量凌厉的风疾气息,化出恐怖绝伦的龙卷风,杀向血公子 Remnant surface female with holding Su again and again retreats, although two people the strength is not weak, but to Long Xianli, the disparity is actually not a least bit. 残面女与扶苏连连后退,二人虽然实力不弱,但对上龙仙璃,差距却不是一点半点。 Elder Long, I thought highly of you then to speak that words with you, if you did not know the good and evil, not must blame me being cruel and merciless!” 龙长老,我看得起你这才与你说那番话,若你不识好歹,也莫要怪我心狠手辣!” The smiling face on blood Young Master face dissipates gradually, looks that the sharp sword that the flying shuttle comes, the look concentrates, suddenly bellows, the whole body erupts the intermittent blood light unexpectedly, this blood light concentrates about to the same place, is imaginary a mature and powerful hand, Bai sword who held that flying maliciously. 公子脸上的笑容逐渐消散,看着那把飞梭而来的利剑,眼神一凝,突然大吼一声,浑身竟爆发出阵阵血光,这血光凝合至一起,幻出一只苍劲有力的手,狠狠的抓住了那把飞来的白剑。 Sword intent in my heart, passes to the air/Qi unreliably shuts, wants the god to break the muscle blood, does not have tiao extremely nameless...” “剑意于我心,玄通离气闭,欲神断筋血,无迢极无名...” The Long Xianli pink / white lip opens, fast read the mnemonics, slender such as the finger of onion moved lightly, that snow white long sword revolved crazily, broke that to contain its blood, afterward the sword blade rose suddenly crazily, suddenly expanded to dozens times of big, the overhead cuts loud blood Young Master. 龙仙璃粉唇开启,速念口诀,修长如葱的手指轻动,那雪白的长剑疯狂旋转起来,震碎了那遏制它的血手,随后剑身疯狂暴涨,瞬息间扩至几十倍之大,当头斩响血公子 Blood Young Master both hands lift up high. 公子双手高举。 Thump! 咚! His arm supports giant Bai sword who this overhead has cut unexpectedly. 其胳膊居然架住了这当头斩下的巨大白剑。 The entire volcano sways, and massive faces split, in the crater emits the thick black smoke. 整个火山摇晃不已,且大量山壁裂开,火山口内冒出浓浓黑烟。 The blood Young Master facial color concentrates lightly, unexpectedly only depends on both hands then to block Long Xianli this to strike, obviously its is talented. 公子面色轻凝,居然仅靠双手便挡住龙仙璃这一击,可见其实力不俗。 Long Xianli has not had to keep the hand, leaves the move fully, controls Bai sword crazily under to press, rushing spirit profound Aura like the day of collapsing, the cut-throat suppression, the blood Young Master both feet unceasingly undercuts, centered on its earth is the hollow chap. 龙仙璃也未有留手,全力出招,驾驭白剑疯狂下压,澎湃的灵玄气息就像坍塌的天,凶狠镇压,血公子的双脚不断下陷,以其为中心的大地更是凹陷龟裂。 May at this moment, the blood Young Master corners of the mouth raise suddenly, shows a strange smiling face, afterward, he meditates the mnemonics, the courage vigor concentrates unexpectedly two giant blood, holds that giant Bai sword rapidly like lightning. 可就在这时,血公子嘴角突然一扬,露出一丝古怪的笑容,随后,他默念口诀,身后的血气竟凝化出两只巨大的血手,迅如闪电般抓住那把巨大的白剑。 Um?” “嗯?” The Long Xianli facial expression is startled, in the pupils the ray twinkle, understands instantaneously plan of blood Young Master, she drives the strength to receive the sword hastily, however... Both hands of blood Young Master like pincers, are actually not willing to let go!! 龙仙璃神情一怔,眸间光芒闪烁,瞬间明白血公子的打算,她连忙驱力收剑,然...血公子的双手却如铁钳般,丝毫不肯松手!! Whiz whiz! 嗖嗖! At the same time, blood Young Master behind broke through two if quickly the lightning form, they one on the left and other on the right directly attack toward Long Xianli. 同一时间,血公子身后冲过两个快若闪电的身影,他们一左一右直接朝龙仙璃攻去。 Originally what blood Young Master hits is this idea, spells with Long Xianli forcefully hardly, then uses his strange Profound Technique to divert the Long Xianli weapon, forcing her to give up the weapon in oneself hand, if she persists in not giving up, is only held Su and remnant surface female who this will run out suddenly injures, when the time comes the situation will be worse. 原来血公子打的是这个主意,强行与龙仙璃硬拼,而后利用他古怪的玄技牵制住龙仙璃的武器,逼迫她放弃自己手中的武器,若她坚持不放弃,只会被这突然冲出的扶苏与残面女所伤,到时候情况更糟。 Long Xianli is the sword repairs, own Profound Technique is primarily the sword, if lost the sword, the Long Xianli strength pelts, which the situation also very to goes. 龙仙璃为剑修,自身玄技多数以剑为主,若失了剑,龙仙璃战力大降,情况也好不到哪去。 Such the little while time, Long Xianli unexpectedly was compelled into the hopeless situation. 这么会儿功夫,龙仙璃竟被逼入了绝境。 Mean fellow!” “卑鄙的家伙!” Long Xianli clenches the teeth, another element rocks gently, as if the plan displays any Profound Technique, when at this time, that blood Young Master took advantage of diverting attention, immediately increased the strength, exerted pressure to Long Xianli, if Long Xianli diverted attention to display Profound Technique to force to hold Su and remnant surface female who the back stroke kenginek came, only by the blood Young Master suppression. 龙仙璃咬紧牙关,另外一只素手轻轻晃动起来,似乎打算施展什么玄技,但这时,那血公子趁之分心之际,立刻加大了力量,向龙仙璃施压,若龙仙璃分心施展玄技逼退冲过来的扶苏与残面女,只会被血公子压制。 At this moment, she has been possible to elect roadless. 此时此刻,她已无路可选。 Whiz whiz! 嗖嗖! At this moment, a lithe water Run's long sword flew from the Long Xianli back suddenly, cut directly to blood Young Master of that head. 就在这时,一记轻盈水润的长剑突然从龙仙璃的背后飞了出来,直接斩向了那头的血公子 Um?” “嗯?” Blood Young Master stares, the stimulation of movement magic weapon resists hastily, a blood red skeleton skull flew, circling to that slender water Run's long sword. 公子一愣,连忙催动法宝抵挡,一枚血红色的骷髅头骨飞了出来,盘旋荡向那把修长水润的长剑。 However, that skeleton skull actually such as the paper sticks is pierced by this sword generally unexpectedly directly, blade edge is deep and clear, kills fierce. 然而,那骷髅头骨却如纸糊一般竟然直接被这剑洞穿,剑锋潇潇,凶猛杀来。 What?” “什么?” Blood Young Master sees that has a big shock, understands instantaneously the person is talented, but that skeleton skull on Core Level the step magic weapon, easily was actually cut by this sword broken, this is not the sword of opposite party is powerful, but is the opposite party strength is extremely formidable. 公子见状,大惊失色,也瞬间明白来人实力不俗,那骷髅头骨可是绝品上阶法宝,却被这剑轻易斩破,这绝非是对方的剑威力十足,而是对方的实力太过强大。 She has the person of high skill to assist! Continues the dogfight to get down, will only cause that the attention of native of Qinchuan, this place is not suitable stays for a long time, walks!!” “她有高人相助!继续缠斗下去,只会引得秦川人的注意,此地不宜久留,走!!” Blood Young Master drinks one lowly, afterward the hand recycling, the whole person changes into together the blood fog, to airborne, runs away toward the distant place. 公子低喝一声,随后将手回收,整个人化为一道血雾,荡向空中,朝远处遁去。 Holds Su and remnant surface female sees that giving up chasing down of without hesitation to Long Xianli, follows leaves. 扶苏与残面女见状,毫不犹豫的放弃对龙仙璃的追杀,紧随其后离开。 Long Xianli sees that wants to pursue, but just walked several steps, blood Young Master and the others already vanishes in the sky, disappears. 龙仙璃见状,欲追上去,但刚走几步,血公子等人已经消失于天空,不见踪影。 She has turned around to look that actually sees not far away behind a big stone, is setting up facial features completely by the person who the mask covers. 她转过身看去,却见不远处的一块大石后头,立着一名面容完全被面具覆盖的人。 Saw this person, Long Xianli has gawked the moment, the double pupil swept not far away that to polish the long sword the water, opened the mouth to ask: Who is your excellency? Why can the technique of imperial sword?” 看到此人,龙仙璃愣了片刻,双眸扫了眼不远处的那把水润色长剑,开口问道:“阁下是谁?为何会御剑之术?” Facing the interrogation of Long Xianli, Su Yun has not made noise, but is direct utilization Aura recalls the sword, then throws to airborne, plans to leave. 面对龙仙璃的质问,苏云并未出声,而是直接利用气息将剑召回,接着掷向空中,打算离开。 Your excellency invited do not walk!” “阁下请不要走!” Long Xianli urgently shouted, jumps to leap falls on the Su Yun front, blocked his way directly. 龙仙璃急呼,纵身一跃落在苏云的面前,直接拦住他的去路。 Her facial features are serious, look concentrated, earnest looks at Su Yun. 她面容严肃,神情专注,认真的看着苏云 Your excellency has rescued Xianli, Xianli is deeply grateful, but your excellency uses should be the technique of imperial sword I send is right! Asked your excellency to inform the status, the technique of your imperial sword... Studies from where?” “阁下救了仙璃,仙璃感激不尽,但阁下所用的应该是我派的御剑之术才对!请阁下告知身份,你的御剑之术...是从何处学来的?” This...” The Su Yun look rocks, the heart has pondered over the little while, said: „The technique of imperial sword big of world, every possible strange thing, Divine Sword sends is indeed well-known, but this did not mean that the technique of imperial sword sends unique on Divine Sword, I can imperial Sword Skill not have what strangely, today below after here, sees the miss you to be persecuted by the evildoer by chance, this gets rid to rescue, now the miss has been all right, then must walk below, but also asked the miss do not stop my way!” “这个...”苏云眼神晃动,心头思忖了会儿,道:“天下之大,无奇不有,神剑派的御剑之术的确闻名遐迩,不过这并不是说御剑之术就神剑派独此一家,我会御剑术并没有什么稀奇的,今日在下恰巧经过此处,见姑娘你受奸人迫害,这才出手相救,现在姑娘没事了,在下便要走了,还请姑娘不要阻拦我的去路!” Long Xianli hear that, attractive brow is gently pressed, but also wanted to say anything, but Su Yun already harnessed the launching sword, far escaping horizon. 龙仙璃闻言,好看的眉头轻轻蹙着,还欲说什么,但苏云已经驾起飞剑,远遁天际了。 Long Xianli static looks at that to fly to the form of sky, the double pupil flickers... 龙仙璃静静的望着那个飞向天空的身影,双眸忽明忽暗...
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