LSG :: Volume #16

#1564: Ominous Sword extinguishes the world four

Crash-bang. 哗啦。 The cold wind spouts from the Ominous Sword sword eye, that was once died of the resentment that the ghosts under Ominous Sword sword accumulated, Ominous Sword moves, the Aura release, passed through the outline instantaneously, the biography swings in Ten Thousands Worlds, Paradise Ten Thousands Worlds instantaneously frozen, the thermal drop, the vegetation lost plant directly, small and weak life all frozen, the world became the pale color, the vitality dissipated, chill in the air gradually, the time that but hundred rests did not arrive, entire Ten Thousands Worlds, is scenery of the piece of cold winter. 寒风从凶剑的剑眼里喷出,那是曾经死于凶剑剑下的亡魂们积累下来的怨气,凶剑一动,气息释放,瞬间穿过界纲,传荡于万界,连带仙界在内的万界瞬间被冰封,温度急剧下降,植被直接枯死,弱小的生灵尽数被冰封,天地变为苍白之色,生机消逝,寒意渐起,不过百息不到的功夫,整个万界,已是一片凛冬之景。 However, this chill in the air has not stopped, and gets stronger and stronger, the condition is even more fearful. 然而,这份寒意还没有停止,且愈演愈烈,状况愈发可怕。 Sword sheath is located in Paradise, presently is been most-affected by Ominous Sword is Paradise, when Ling Qingyu is unable to suppress the Ominous Sword main body since again that moment, the Ominous Sword strength starts to assume hundred times of thousand times of overflows outward, entire Paradise instantaneous frozen, these have not evacuated the Paradise immortals almost in an instant, then changed into the ice piece, existence above Spirit God peak, in addition can the protection against the cold, but the cold air continually promotes, is unable to resist including them gradually, unavoidablily, these formidable immortals can only frozen not be occupied by while this thoroughly frozen, leaves with great speed, they take away the disciple, family member and friend without enough time, even company. The thing cannot take away one, because slightly is slower, even must forever keep this dust-laden world including the Return to ruin powerhouses. 剑匣位于仙界,当前受凶剑影响最严重的莫过于仙界了,当凌晴雨再也无法压制住凶剑本体的那一刻起,凶剑的力量就开始呈百倍千倍的往外溢出,整个仙界瞬间冰封,那些还未撤离仙界的仙人们几乎在刹那之间,便化为了冰块,灵玄神巅峰之上的存在尚且能够御寒,可寒气不断提升,连他们渐渐也无法抵御了,不得已,那些强大的仙人只能趁着这股冰封还未彻底将自己冻住,火速离开,他们来不及带走弟子、亲人、朋友,甚至连。东西都拿不走一件,因为再稍微慢一些,甚至连归墟强者都要永远的留在这尘封的世界了。 But compared with Paradise, other contact surfaces does not feel better, particularly Heaven military kind of strength basest and lowest contact surface, in the person of this contact surface survival, just moved the person who cultivation spirit, and with common people are in the majority, the sudden severe coldness makes them be hard to accept, even floats the scorching sun in their top of the head, is also gloomy in the electric light flint, what is following is the innumerable landslide cracks in the earth, the earthquake Tsunami, the disaster ** one should come, suddenly the innumerable contact surfaces welcomed the end, changed into the living hell. 而比起仙界,其他界面也不好受,尤其是天武这类实力最为卑微的界面,在这个界面生存的人,都是刚刚触碰灵修的人,且以寻常百姓居多,突然的严寒让他们难以接受,甚至是浮在他们头顶上的骄阳,也在电光火石间暗淡下来,接踵而至的是无数的山崩地裂,地震海啸,天灾**一应而来,眨眼之间无数界面迎来末日,化为了人间地狱。 Su Yun spits the blood in mouth, Eye of Samsara stubbornly stares at that to stand in the white will of sword eye place, it looked at Su Yun one peacefully, subsequently lifts the hand, then moved huge incomparable Ominous Sword finally. 苏云吐掉口中的鲜血,轮回之眼死死的盯着那站在剑眼处的白色意志,它安静的看了苏云一眼,继而抬起手来,那把庞大无比的凶剑终于移动了。 It rises slowly, that did not see top huge blade edge to tear the Sword sheath world directly, hit vast infinite Paradise, this huge sword blade edge looked like broken Heaven dragon, once appeared, split Paradise directly! Endless sword intent is similar to destruction storm is ordinary, sweeps across entire Paradise, the place visited, is reduced to ashes completely, Yunshan that formidable spirit beast, shakes thick, cultivation for the vigorous immortal, nobody can resist this astonishing Ominous Sword sword intent. 它缓缓上升,那不见顶部的巨大剑锋直接撕裂了剑匣世界,撞进了浩瀚无穷的仙界,这庞大的剑刃就像是一条破天神龙,一经出现,直接裂开了仙界!无尽的剑意如同毁灭风暴一般,席卷整个仙界,所过之处,所有全部化为灰烬,无论是强大的灵兽,厚撼的云山,修为浑厚的仙人,没有谁能够抵御这惊人的凶剑剑意。 Gate of place Paradise. 仙界之门处。 Quick!! A bit faster, fast leaves Paradise!!” “快!!都快点,速速离开仙界!!” A hoary-headed old person was shouting loudly. 一名白发苍苍的老人大声喊着。 He is the immortal is long. 他正是仙长。 Goes to the summit of Paradise to inquire that in previous Su Yun his Ominous Sword afterward, he indistinctly felt has not suited, he knows in the Su Yun hand to have Ominous Sword, inquired this matter, only feared that was Ominous Sword had the condition, therefore, he then informed the relatives and friends very early in the morning, fast left Paradise, who would imagine this matter unexpectedly passed on 200 to pass on thousand, and Su Yun that side influence also spread the Ominous Sword possibly beyond control news, but the majority of immortals were actually not willing to believe that if Ominous Sword lost control, that was the Ten Thousands Worlds destruction, outline Beng Hui, various Ten Thousand World, although was big, but to Ominous Sword, but struck to root out, Which regardless of hides , is the same, is difficult to run away dies, why goes to the multi- fee strength preparation? If this news is false, to waste the time? 在上一次苏云前往仙界之巅询问他凶剑之事后,他就隐约感觉到了不对劲,他知道苏云手中就有凶剑,询问此事,只怕是凶剑出了状况,因此,他一早便通知亲朋,速速离开仙界,岂料此事竟一传200传千,且苏云那边的势力也传出了凶剑可能无法控制的消息,但大部分仙人却不愿相信,凶剑如若失控,那便是万界毁灭,界纲崩毁,诸天万界虽然大,但对凶剑而言,不过是一击斩除,无论躲到哪儿,都是一样的,都难逃一死,何必去多费力气准备?万一这消息是假的,岂不是白费功夫? However always has few people are is willing to believe that this mutation gives birth , the person who believes particularly are getting more and more. Can have greatly directly rips open the space to pass through the contact surface the ability, but the common immortal may unable to achieve, but the immortal long impossible to pack off several hundred disciple good friends completely, but, he can only lead these people to arrive at the gate of Paradise, who would imagine gate of place this time Paradise, unexpectedly revolves countless immortals, their crowded flushes away toward the palace door, the scene is quite chaotic, noisy, the death approached, the fear in people heart was flowed, became hot and bothered, the temperament was also naturally hot tempered, these many people pushed in the same place, had many friction, the person who even attacked brutally also had many. Cultivation is quite overbearing for the high person, joins a production team directly then, small and weak strength feels indignant but not daring to speak out, can only the little darling is waiting. 然而总有一部分人是愿意相信的,尤其是这异变生出,相信的人越来越多。大能拥有直接撕开空间穿越界面的能力,但寻常仙人可做不到,而仙长也不可能将自己身边几百个弟子挚友全部送走,无奈之下,他只能带着这些人来到仙界之门,岂料此时的仙界之门处,竟围绕着无数仙人,他们拥挤的朝仙门冲去,场面极为混乱,嘈杂不已,死亡临近,人们心中的恐惧一涌而出,变得焦虑不安,脾气自然也暴躁起来,这么多人挤在一块,也发生了不少摩擦,甚至大打出手的人也有不少。修为高的人极为霸道,直接插队即可,弱小实力者敢怒不敢言,只能乖乖的等着。 The scene is so chaotic, the immortal does not defend the order, greatly reduced through the gate of Paradise speed, the efficiency is not good, will only have more people unable to leave Paradise. 场面如此混乱,仙人不守秩序,大大降低了通过仙界之门的速度,效率不行,只会有更多的人无法离开仙界 Stops to me completely!!” “全部给我住手!!” Finally, the immortal long was unable to continue watching, whooshes loudly. 终于,仙长看不下去了,大声嘶吼开来。 He is false First Ancestor, within the body has the microcosm, this roar, the microcosm revolves, First Ancestor Aura offers a sacrifice, shakes completely the entire scene, even the Sealed God boundary person was also decided by a it roar. 他乃伪始祖,体内拥有小世界,这一吼,小世界运转,始祖气息祭出,将整个场面完全震住,甚至封神境人也被之一吼而定。 People neat sees this old man, some people did not know, but many acquaintances said the given name of this person. 人们齐刷刷的看着这老头,部分人并不认识,但还是有不少熟人道出了此人的名讳。 Immortal is long!! Is immortal growing up person!!” “仙长!!是仙长大人!!” Immortal growing up person came, we could be saved!” “仙长大人来了,我们有救了!” The people shouted happily extremely, held the fist in the other hand to make the ritual, some people even long bowed politely toward the immortal. 人们喜极而呼,抱拳作礼,有的人甚至朝仙长叩拜起来。 They probably see the Savior to be common, joyful incomparable, some people think that the immortal long has the First Ancestor strength, the exceedingly high penetrating place, decides to solve the present difficult position. However and not so, he is only false First Ancestor, but now, many people have not even made clear this Paradise unusual form what's the matter, if they know that this is the omen that Ominous Sword will soon start, perhaps will not display was so happy, because First Ancestor in front of Ominous Sword, like the ants before the giant is a type. 他们就好像看到救世主一般,喜悦无比,有人认为仙长拥有始祖实力,通天彻地,定能解决眼前的困境。然而并不然,他只是一名伪始祖,而现在,很多人甚至还没搞清楚这仙界异状到底是怎么回事,如果他们知道这是凶剑即将发动的前兆,恐怕就不会表现的这么开心了,因为始祖凶剑面前,就像蝼蚁在巨人面前是一个样的。 Immortal growing up person, what did Paradise exactly have? Why becomes so severely cold? Was which can launch an attack greatly?” “仙长大人,仙界到底发生了什么?为何变得如此严寒?是哪位大能发难了吗?” Some people ask loudly. An eye looks at the immortal to be long in pairs, is anticipating his reply. 有人开口大声询问。一双双眼睛看着仙长,期待着他的回答。 However, the immortal long is actually helpless shaking the head, afterward takes out a magic weapon from own space bag, to several Sealed God boundary powerhouses who just came, shouted to clear the way loudly: I need 20 immortals to help one another, rips open the gate of Paradise opening for me, quite makes more immortals leave Paradise fast, who is willing to stand.” 然而,仙长却是无奈的摇头,随后从自己的空间袋里取出一件法宝,冲着刚来的几名封神境强者,大声喝道:“我需要20名大仙相助,为我撕开仙界之门的口子,好让更多的仙人快速离开仙界,有谁愿意站出来。” These Sealed God boundary powerhouses you have a look at me, I have a look at you, finally was 11 has stood. 那些封神境强者们你看看我,我看看你,最终还是11站了出来。 The immortal long offers a sacrifice to the magic weapon, these immortals urge the strength to support immediately, that magic weapon changes into the clasp, pulls taut the gate of Paradise both sides, starts to rip, space Aura surges, the palace door about swings immediately, finally was removed dozens meters forcefully, expanded several times compared with before. 仙长祭出法宝,那些大仙们立刻催力支撑,那法宝化为一把把钩子,扯住仙界之门的两侧,开始撕动,空间气息激荡,仙门立刻左右摆动,最终被强行撤开了数十米,比之前扩大了几倍。 The palace door opens greatly, immortal toward inside wells up like surging tides. 仙门大开,仙人如潮水般朝里头涌去。 The immortal long sees that breathed a sigh of relief slightly, subsequently shouts to his these disciples and good friends: Walks, walks quickly, finding the way to go to final True Demon World.” 仙长见状,微微舒了口气,继而冲着他的那些弟子与挚友们喊道:“走,快走,想办法去最后的真魔界。” The person of summit of Paradise sees that immediately moves. 仙界之巅的人见状,立刻跑动开来。 An immortal has not understood condition, grows up to ask to the immortal: Immortal growing up person, accident sentiment of? Paradise Paradise actually how??” 一名大仙还不明白状况,冲着仙长大问:“仙长大人,到底出了什么事情?仙界仙界究竟怎么了??” Paradise? Paradise must end. Not is only Paradise, Ten Thousands Worlds, only feared that must finish.” The immortal long shook the head, then steps the step, flushes away toward the palace door. 仙界怎么了?仙界要完了。不仅仅是仙界,万界,只怕也要结束了。”仙长摇了摇头,便迈动步伐,朝仙门冲去。 But at this moment, a terrifying sword intent sweeps across from the distant place, the rapidness of speed, make the blood boil, distant place these responded toward the immortal who the palace door clashes radically without enough time that was covered by this sword intent, the body soul was ripped the granule, died directly, dies out the strength that and perishes dry to sweep across to come, the temperature drops crazily, wanted the strong several fold compared with before, the immortal long body, started to congeal incorruptible one layer upon layer. 但就在这时,一股恐怖的剑意从远处席卷过来,速度之快,令人发指,远方那些朝仙门冲来的仙人根本来不及反应,便被这剑意覆盖,身躯灵魂被撕成了粒子,直接死去,寂灭、枯亡的力量席卷而来,温度疯狂下降,比起之前要浓烈数倍,就连仙长的身上,都开始凝结出了一层层冰霜。 What is that?” “那那是什么?” The person who has not fled looks at this panic-stricken, stares dumbfounded. 还未逃离的人惊恐的看着这一幕,一个个瞠目结舌。 The extremely far sky, appeared has pointed out frankly the Sky Sword shade, sword intent divulges, the sword blade edge front was cold, the picture was very great, fearful. 极远的天空,出现了一道破天剑影,剑意宣泄,剑刃锋寒,景象无比宏大,可怕至极。 Ominous Sword really present world 凶剑真的现世了” The immortal long opened the eye, unbelievable looks at this. 仙长睁大了眼睛,难以置信的看着这一幕。 Run!” “快跑啊!” The immortals are panic-stricken, at this moment all people go all out pushes toward the palace door, even if the palace door were developed, as before appears packed like sardines, a powerhouse is hard across the palace door, even gets rid, shells to the palace door place that is fully occupied directly. 仙人们惊慌失措,这一刻所有人都拼命的朝仙门挤去,即便仙门被开拓,依旧显得拥挤不堪,一名强者难以穿过仙门,甚至出手施法,对着那人满为患的仙门处直接轰击。 Hey!! Are you doing??” “喂!!你在干什么??” What?? This is dying, what can also do?” “什么??这都快死了,还能干什么?” The immortal does not give a thought to the view of all around person, flushes away toward the palace door directly, but he has not approached, was hit by together the magic arts, the direct tragic death, the soul is shattered, corpse weak from airborne crashes. The people looked, getting rid is the immortal is unexpectedly long. 那仙人不顾四周人的看法,直接朝仙门冲去,但他还未靠近,便被一道法术击中,直接惨死,灵魂破碎,尸体无力的从空中坠落。众人一看,出手的竟是仙长。 Then looked the immortal long unemotionally is looking at these immortals, subsequently lightly said: Ominous Sword extinguishes the world, the people difficultly run away die, even if departs from this gate, between you and me, predeceases with the relations that latter dies, I will stay here, wins the time for you, if you want, that honestly obeys the gauge to defend departure of moment, if who gets rid again overbearingly, disrupts the order, I before dying, ahead of time packs off you!” 便看仙长面无表情的望着这些仙人,继而淡淡说道:“凶剑灭世,众人都难逃一死,即便从这道门离去,你我之间,也不过是先死与后死的关系,我会留在这儿,为你们争取时间,如果你们想要走,那就老老实实遵规守矩的离开,若是谁再霸道出手,破坏秩序,我会在死之前,将你们也提前送走!” The immortal long words, deter the people immediately, but his words also made the people in these unclear institutes being shocked. 仙长一番话,立刻震慑住了众人,但他的话也让那些不明所里的人给惊呆了。 Ominous Sword? All these, are Ominous Sword bring? That hearsay, real?? 凶剑?难道这一切,都是凶剑所带来的?难道说那个传闻,是真的?? Shouted!!!! 呼!!!! Sword intent has attacked, brings to destroy all strengths to raid to hit toward here. The immortal steadily again rubbish, turns around suddenly, both hands lift, at the same time the shining mirror gives birth in his double palms, and spreads by the fearful trend. 剑意冲击了过来,带着毁灭一切的力量朝此处袭撞。仙长没有再废话了,猛然转身,双手一抬,一面金灿灿的镜子在他双掌间生出,且以可怕的趋势扩散开来。 That sword intent hit instantaneously on the mirror, but actually by mirror blocking. 那剑意瞬间撞在了镜子上,但却被镜子给挡住。 Immortal long both arms tremble crazily, in sword intent hits the mirror in an instant, his mouth, spouts the blood directly, but that mirror also after counting breaths, had the crack. 仙长双臂狂颤,在剑意撞击镜子的刹那间,他嘴巴一张,直接喷出鲜血来,而那镜子也在数息之后,出现了裂缝。 Within the body microcosm operates crazily, First Ancestor Aura such as burning down straw. He knows that he could not insist how long, he can such leave, but he actually gave up, because many people have not departed promptly. 体内小世界疯狂运作,始祖气息如焚烧的稻草。他知道,他坚持不了多久,他本可以就这么离开,但他却放弃了,因为还有很多人没有及时离去。 Immortal long turning head strongly, is looking at the person in palace door place, there, but also is standing several favorite disciples, they are not willing to depart for a very long time, both eyes with tears, are looking at their teacher. 仙长竭力的扭过头,望着仙门处的人,那儿,还站着几个得意弟子,他们久久不肯离去,一个个双目含泪,望着自己的师尊。 Walks!” Immortal long weak was shouting. “走!”仙长虚弱的喊着。 They kneel to bend down, long has knocked on several heads to immortal, turns around to depart difficultly. 他们跪伏下来,冲着仙长叩了几个头,转身艰难离去。 These disciples are not silly, they know that facing Ominous Sword, they are helpless, they understand the immortal to be long, the matter that he decides, will not change, since the choice remains, then nobody can make him leave. 这些弟子们都不傻,他们知道,面对凶剑,他们无能为力,他们更了解仙长,他决定的事情,是不会改变的,既然选择留下来,便没人能让他离开。 Departure that even more immortal long both arms shiver, the crack of that mirror was also getting bigger and bigger, but in the palace door place, several thousand immortals has not departed with enough time, the palace door so is big, and ships the human also to require the time. 仙长双臂颤抖的愈发离开,那镜子的裂缝也越来越大了,而在仙门处,还有数万名仙人没有来得及离去,仙门就那么大,且运送人也是要时间的。 At this time, the immortals of two Sealed God boundaries also flew, they the hand according to the immortal long shoulder, have transmitted many strengths for him. 这时,两名封神境的大仙也飞了过来,他们将手按在了仙长的肩膀上,为他传输不多的力量。 The immortal long feels the strength that about has transmitted, puffs, looked at their one eyes, subsequently smiles bitterly again and again. 仙长感受到了左右传来的力量,喘着粗气,看了他们二人一眼,继而苦笑连连。 „Do you also remain? Without the significance.” “你们也留下来吗?没有意义。” Sirs choose to stay behind, why I can others leave?” Two people said firmly, with one voice. “大人都选择留下,我等为何要离开?”二人坚决说道,异口同声。 I and you are different.” Immortal long smiling face pain even more, in the eye also fell into deep recalling and recollection: I have evaded one time.” “我与你们不同。”仙长的笑容愈发的苦了,眼里也陷入了深深的追思与回忆:“我已经逃避了一次了。” The sound just fell, that side huge sword shade erupted a fearful sword intent once again, this sword intent, shook unexpectedly directly void, broke the outline, flushes away toward below contact surface together, but other strengths, are similar to can destroy all difficult situation, sweeps across toward here. 声音刚刚落下,那边庞大的剑影再度爆发了一圈可怕的剑意,这股剑意,竟然直接撼动了虚空,震碎了界纲,朝下一道界面冲去,而其他的力量,如同能够毁灭一切的惊涛骇浪,朝这边席卷而来。 The beforehand sword intent compared with this newborn sword intent, simply is baby and giant the disparity, does not know that tens of thousands times, as if must be destroyed by it including the space, collapses thoroughly damages Paradise, Immortal Qi is nothing to speak in its front radically, First Ancestor Aura is similar to the window paper moves generally broken. 之前的剑意与这股新生的剑意相比,简直就是婴孩儿与巨人的差距,不知强了几万倍,连空间仿佛都要被之破坏,彻底崩损仙界,仙气在其面前根本不值一提,始祖气息更是如同窗户纸一般触碰即破。 Sees here, the immortal long has smiled, does not bring that many bitterness and astringency, what are more is helpless, he closes the eye gently, gave up the resistance, he knows, he and entire Paradise, together with dormancy. 看到这儿,仙长笑了,不带那么多苦涩,却更多的是无奈,他轻轻闭上眼睛,放弃了抵抗,他知道,他将与整个仙界,一道同眠。 Extinguished the sword of world to Ten Thousands Worlds expose its point finally. 灭世之剑终于要向万界展露它的锋芒了. ( Few chapters, in preparation new book, renewal were slow recently, everybody excuses me) (没几章了,最近在准备新书,更新慢,大家见谅哈) The quickest renewal, non- ball window reading invited. 最快更新,无弹窗阅读请。
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