LSG :: Volume #16

#1565: Ominous Sword extinguishes the world five

Ominous Sword sword eye front, Su Yun stubbornly is buckling Death Sword in hand, step by step walks toward the sword eye. 凶剑的剑眼前方,苏云死死的扣着手中的死剑,一步步的朝剑眼走去。 White main body will stands in sword at present, both hands held the chest, the whole face played the taste look at front this man, the mouth have also exuded the sound of chuckle: All started.” 白色的本体意志站在剑眼前,双手抱胸,满脸玩味儿的看着面前这个男人,嘴里也发出了轻笑之声:“一切已经开始了。” These words fall, he stretches out the arms, to the vault of heaven, has bellowed suddenly, in the sky presented the innumerable time unexpectedly, is ordinary just like the mighty current, has welled up toward his body. 这句话落下,他张开双臂,面向苍穹,突然大吼了一声,紧接着,天空中竟然出现了无数流光,宛如洪流一般,朝他的身躯涌了过去。 Before by him who samsara eye surpassed the later body suddenly reduction, held in in addition of these time, unexpectedly was at an exceptional pace the amplification, suddenly, then changed into close two meters high physique. 之前被轮回眼超度之后身躯急剧缩小的他,在这些流光的加持下,竟是以惊人的速度增幅,眨眼之间,便化为了接近两米高的身姿。 The Su Yun facial color twists, his starting to walk step, reckless flushes away toward the Ominous Sword newborn will. 苏云面色扭曲开来,他迈开步伐,不顾一切的朝凶剑的新生意志冲去。 He felt, these time, were the Paradise innumerable lives, they died under Ominous Sword, and was absorbed by this Ominous Sword will completely, had been treated as the nourishment by him, the amplification oneself. 他感受到了,那些流光,便是仙界的无数生灵,他们死于凶剑之下,且全部被这凶剑的意志所吸收,被他当做了养料,增幅了自己。 Paradise is the Ten Thousands Worlds strongest contact surface, in this huge contact surface, does not know many ability exceedingly high powerhouses, their soul strength, incomparable. This moment Ominous Sword main body will, is beyond example formidable. 仙界万界最强的界面,这个庞大的界面里,不知有多少能力通天的强者,他们的魂力,无可比拟。这一刻的凶剑本体意志,空前强大。 But Su Yun has been possible to draw back roadless, Paradise died, is the spirit world, Extremely Military World, Ten Thousand Flowery City, evil and Sky Martial Continent land and Netherworld True Demon World!! 苏云已经无路可退了,仙界已经死去,接下来就会是灵界、极武世界万华界、邪界、天武大陆、冥界真魔界!! His sword cuts, but the main body will does not have the slight fluctuation, the will lifts the hand, the palm shakes the leaving the pen circle trace, that was Ominous Sword Aura, Ominous Sword has been separated from the fetter, he can control these Aura easily, then looked at that Aura instantaneously from his control blasting open, changed into trillion black light beams, the thorn to Su Yun. 他一剑斩去,可本体意志却没有丝毫的波动,意志抬起手来,手掌心震荡出圈圈纹路,那是凶剑气息,凶剑脱离了束缚,他已经能够轻易操控这些气息了,便看那气息瞬间从他手心炸裂,化为亿万道黑色的光束,刺向苏云 ! 咣! At the same time erupts on Death Sword black light, encircles the circle fierce First Ancestor strength to surge, the samsara eye starts, the blood overflows from the eye socket, Su Yun was outspoken, rumbles in the past. 一面黑光在死剑上爆发,圈圈凶猛的始祖力量激荡开来,轮回眼发动,鲜血从眼眶里溢出,苏云毫无保留,轰了过去。 That death ray changes into the shield, resists Ominous Qi, but Ominous Qi is fearsome, will die unexpectedly the shield gives crushing, the Su Yun body is put on the massive eyeball sizes the eye, feared that is the microcosm is also destroyed, is wounded seriously. 那死光化为盾牌,抵挡凶气,但凶气可怖无比,竟将死光所化的盾牌给击碎,苏云身躯被穿出大量眼球大小的眼,怕是小世界也受到了破坏,负伤严重。 But he does not have therefore to stop, Death Sword under the stimulation of movement of his will, cutting maliciously has approached that white shadow. 但他却没有因此而停下来,死剑在他意志的催动下,狠狠的斩向了那白色的影子。 The white shade has to move aside, but he has not wanted to play again with Su Yun, so long as has swallowed the Su Yun will, he believes that his will reach a new altitude, simultaneously eats the will of Ten Thousands Worlds life to be also easy. 白影不得不躲闪开来,但他已经不想再跟苏云玩下去了,只要吞噬了苏云的意志,他相信,他的意志将会达到一个新的高度,同时吃掉万界生灵的意志也将轻而易举。 Sword eye blowout rich fearful Ominous Qi, they as if were attracted by the white shade will, just liked tidal has welled up, they have not aimed at Su Yun attacked, but divulged directly, filled the air in already Paradise of necrosis. 剑眼喷出浓郁可怕的凶气,它们仿佛都被白影意志所吸引,犹如潮水般涌了出来,它们并没有以苏云为目标进行冲击,而是直接宣泄开来,弥漫于已经坏死的仙界 Su Yun by this rich Ominous Qi impact is almost hard to approach the sword eye, the sword eye at this moment looks like a giant fountain, Ominous Qi is similar to the spring water, his condition already very awful, wants to approach is more difficult. 苏云被这浓郁的凶气冲击的几乎难以靠近剑眼,此刻的剑眼就像是一个巨大的喷泉,凶气如同泉水,他状态已十分糟糕,想要靠近就更为艰难。 Entire Paradise had been invaded by Ominous Qi, a world darkness, cannot see the least bit to hope again that cannot see the least bit vitality. Both eyes of only Su Yun, resemble are also maintaining bright Ze, the eye of samsara has not closed. 整个仙界已经被凶气侵占,世界一片黑暗,再也看不到半点希望,看不到半点生机。唯独苏云的双眼,似还保持着亮泽,轮回的眼并未闭上。 The white shade jumps to leap swiftly, his body sways from side to side, in that vast Ominous Qi, changed into a giant mouth, overran toward Su Yun. 白影倏然纵身一跃,他的身躯扭动开来,在那浩瀚的凶气之中,化为了一张巨大的口,朝苏云冲了过去。 Su Yun gains ground, looks at the white big mouth that is crashing, that flickers, he only thinks that his both eyes as if were hoodwinked by a big hand, own blood vessel was given to stop up by grain of gravel, own soul was twined by the shackles, own strength was imprisoned by the seal together. 苏云抬起头,望着那坠落下来的白色大口,那一瞬,他只觉自己的双眼仿佛被一只大手所蒙蔽,自己的血管被一粒石子给堵住,自己的灵魂被枷锁所缠绕,自己的力量被一道封印所禁锢。 Was suppressed completely. 完全被压制。 Absolute strength. 绝对的力量。 All around Ominous Qi substantializes suddenly, catches his body completely, he is unable to shuttle back and forth in Ominous Qi, is unable to move, even including the breath, becomes difficult. 四周的凶气突然实质化,将他的身躯完全卡住,他无法在凶气中穿梭,无法移动,甚至连呼吸,都变得困难起来。 This is the Ten Thousands Worlds strongest strength will, the suppression from strongest will, nobody can contend with him directly. 这是万界最强力量的意志,来自最强意志的压制,没有谁能够正面抗衡他。 The fate, after is not the human can grasp. 命数,终归不是人能够掌握的。 „The god in your mind, is I, world that your mouths said that is also I, you believe to high [say / way], is I, I am your control, I opened this stretch of world, has granted you various Ten Thousand World, making you be able to survive in this stretch of world, I gave you to assign, now, I must take back your lives, how dare did you revolt? I will recruit you, then prints my thought center! All these, but finishes what one starts!!” “你们脑海里的神,就是我,你们嘴边说的天地,也是我,你们所信奉的至高之道,亦是我,我就是你们的主宰,我开辟了这片天地,赐予了你们诸天万界,让你们能够在这片天地中生存,我给了你们命,现在,我要收回你们的命,你们怎敢反抗?我会吸收你,而后印入我的思维中央!这一切,只是有始有终而已!!” In that big mouth has made the white shade sound. Somewhat serious, somewhat plays the taste, somewhat teased, somewhat ridiculed. 那大口里发出了白影的声音。有几分严肃,有几分玩味儿,有几分戏谑,也有几分嘲弄。 But in the Su Yun hear, is actually so grating. 但在苏云听来,却是如此刺耳。 He gained ground suddenly, the pupil bead in Eye of Samsara disrupts suddenly, the whole body skin also cracked, the blood seeped from the chap skin, was similar to the rock magma melting ice piece is ordinary, imprisoned his Ominous Qi to scatter that all. 他猛然抬起头来,轮回之眼中的瞳珠突然碎裂,浑身的皮肤也裂了开来,鲜血从龟裂的皮肤里渗透出来,如同岩浆融化冰块一般,将那禁锢他的凶气尽数驱散。 Even if various Ten Thousand World are opened by you, the Ten Thousands Worlds life should not control by you! Everyone is free, has the survival in the right of this stretch of world!!” “即便诸天万界由你开辟,万界生灵也不该由你支配!每个人都是自由的,都有生存于这片天地的权利!!” He is similar to the peerless deity stands erect in that Ominous Qi generally, shows disdain for the strongest will that falls, an inviolable dignity and ghost intent are similar to tidal surge, in that to shatter Eye of Samsara, an unequalled samsara strength erupts, the perpendicular incidence to that strongest will, brings salvation to his consciousness unceasingly. Entire Paradise Ominous Qi as if suddenly was mixed by Su Yun change, that strongest will also realized Su Yun does not suit, but in this crucial point, he has not stopped, even if Su Yun erupted the Eye of Samsara strength at this moment, how can also? He had just absorbed the will of entire Paradise powerhouse, present he, is beyond example formidable, only depends on the samsara eye, in such a short time cannot eliminate his. 他如同绝世天神一般屹立于那凶气之中,傲视坠下来的最强意志,一股不可侵犯的威严与煞意如同潮水般涌起,那破碎的轮回之眼中,一股无与伦比的轮回力量爆发,直射向那最强意志,不断普度他身上的意识。整个仙界凶气仿佛都被苏云突然间的变化搅动了起来,那最强意志也察觉到了苏云的不对劲儿,但在这节骨眼上,他没有停下,就算这一刻苏云爆发了轮回之眼的力量,又能如何?他刚刚吸收了整个仙界强者的意志,现在的他,空前强大,仅靠轮回眼,在这么短的时间内是不能消灭他的。 But at this moment, the Su Yun whole body surges suddenly a fearful blood intent, then a Death Sword cuns (2.5cm) break, changed into the residual, integrated in his blood. This once can contend with Ominous Sword the peerless sword of suppression, today always doing nothing but the line breaks, integrated in its master, but at the same time, the temperature in Su Yun body rises suddenly suddenly, the skin place that his splits has ignited fearful flame unexpectedly, these flame are similar to the helmet and armor are common, fills the air in his whole body. 但就在这时,苏云的周身突然涌起一股可怕的血意,那把死剑寸寸断裂,化为了残渣,融入了他的鲜血中。这把曾经能够抗衡凶剑将之压制的绝世之剑,今日竟自行断裂,融入了它的主人之中,而同一时刻,苏云身躯上的温度急剧暴涨,他那裂开的皮肤处竟燃起了一道道可怕的火焰,这些火焰如同盔甲一般,弥漫于他的全身。 When that big mouth falls, after binding Su Yun, but counts breaths the time, the body of white shade will is burnt by the flame immediately, entire changes into the original design, the ejection exits, it exudes the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound, some little time slow, inconceivable is looking at Su Yun. 当那大口落下,裹住苏云后,不过数息功夫,白影意志的身躯立刻被火焰燃烧,整个儿化为原样,弹射出去,它发出凄厉的惨叫声,好一会儿才缓了过来,不可思议的望着苏云 Soul strength? Will strength? Have you burnt your soul and will??” “魂力?意志力量?你燃烧了你的灵魂与意志??” The white shade will realized that the Su Yun unusual form, has lost one's voice to shout. 白影意志察觉到了苏云的异状,失声而喊。 Human has the nature, the sword is clever, the master must die, sword from along with main line!” Su Yun lifts the right hand, then looks at the flame of right hand place, concentrate about a slender hot sword voluntarily, the shape of that sword, is exactly the same as beforehand to shatter Death Sword. “人有性,剑通灵,主人既要死,剑自随主行!”苏云抬起右手,便看右手处的火焰,自行凝合出一把修长的火剑,那剑的形状,与之前破碎的死剑一模一样。 In his mind recalled that the demon ancestor for anti- Ominous Sword, would rather die than dismisses, scene of preferring death to humiliation. 他脑海里不禁回想起魔祖为抗凶剑,宁死不辞,宁折不弯的情景。 Has not thought this time, is one's turn him. 没想到今时今日,便轮到他了。 When he burns his soul and will, finally when does wrestles, what making him not think, Death Sword also without hesitation, the self-destruction sword blade, offers a sacrifice to the sword soul, integrates Su Yun within the body, with it combining. 而当他燃烧自己的灵魂与意志,做最后一搏时,令他没想到的是,死剑也毫不犹豫,自毁剑身,祭出剑魂,融入苏云的体内,与之合二为一。 In my opinion, you are stronger than Ominous Sword!” He smiles gently, but at this moment, has an unprecedented self-confidence. “在我看来,你比凶剑更强!”他轻轻笑着,但这一刻,却有一种前所未有的自信。 He jumps to leap, is similar to the peerless war-god, is raising that fearful sword, overran toward the Ominous Sword will. 他纵身而跃,如同绝世战神,提着那可怕的剑,朝凶剑意志冲了过去。 The rough sea waves that his flame probably divulges, proliferate toward all around. This is demon ancestor causes the merit law, initially contended with Ominous Sword, he has also burnt his soul and will, erupts completely own all potential, this moment Su Yun, cultivated for already no longer is only the boundary of First Ancestor, he bridged over First Ancestor this boundary finally, went to the unprecedented situation. 他身上的火焰就好像宣泄的巨浪,朝四周扩散。这是魔祖所使功法,当初抗衡凶剑,他也燃烧了自己的灵魂与意志,将自己的所有潜力全部爆发出来,这一刻的苏云,修为早已不再只是始祖之境,他终于跨过了始祖这一境界,达到了前所未有的地步。 If you planned that these ten thousand spirit controls in hand, then, I can only tell you, you could not control me!!” “如果你打算将这万灵掌控在手中,那么,我只能告诉你,你主宰不了我!!” Su Yun is buckling that Death Sword sword soul the hot sword, by the potential of bombardment broken Heaven in the past, in the darkness that this died out, a dazzling flame has delimited. 苏云扣着那死剑剑魂所化的火剑,以破天之势轰击过去,这寂灭的黑暗之中,一道耀眼的火光划过。 The Ominous Sword will intention resists by Ominous Qi, but he discovered panic-strickenly, that omnipotent Ominous Qi, unexpectedly by the Su Yun blood fire breaking through. 凶剑意志意图以凶气抵挡,但他惊骇的发现,那无所不能的凶气,竟然被苏云的血火给冲破。 That sword soul?” “那剑魂?” Ominous Sword will with amazement is staring at the sword in Su Yun hand, he as if understood anything suddenly. 凶剑意志骇然的盯着苏云手中的剑,突然间他似乎明白了什么。 „This sword, had once absorbed the strength of my main body!! And possesses of??” “这把剑,曾经吸收了我本体的力量!!并且占为己有??” Good, it once was a legal proceeding sword, but this time, it will shake Ten Thousands Worlds, became the sword of salvation!” “不错,它曾经是一把籍籍无名的剑,但今时今日,它将名震万界,成为救世之剑!” Su Yun is roaring, Eye of Samsara emitted the blood fire, the whole person plunged the Ominous Sword will, that fearful blood fire generally has tied up the Ominous Sword will like the shackles. 苏云吼着,轮回之眼冒出血火,整个人扑向了凶剑的意志,那可怕的血火就像枷锁一般捆住了凶剑意志。 „!!!!!!” “啊!!!!!!” The Ominous Sword will exudes the sad and shrill roar, the blood fire is burning crazily his body, he completely is the will incarnation, but Su Yun will take own soul and consciousness as the price the combustion, the strength that melts will restrain impressively his. 凶剑意志发出凄厉的吼声,血火疯狂的燃烧着他的身躯,他完全是意志化身,而苏云以自身灵魂与意识为代价将之燃烧,所化出来的力量赫然是克制他的。 Bang!!!!! 轰!!!!! Entire Paradise terrifying Ominous Qi concentrate about directly, changes into a giant incomparable hand, this light is a finger, then sufficiently compared favorably with Extremely Military World to be like that huge, then looked that this one pulled out Ominous Sword that huge sword blade, stubbornly was grasping Ominous Sword, wicked punctured toward Su Yun. 整个仙界的恐怖凶气直接凝合起来,化为一只巨大无比的手,这手光是一根指头,便足以媲美极武世界那般巨大了,便看这手一把抽起凶剑那庞大的剑身,死死的握着凶剑,恶狠狠的朝苏云刺了过去。 Only is sword prestige crashes, Su Yun such as tearing was ordinary. 光是剑威坠落,苏云已如撕裂一般。 But he is not willing to drop, as if the whole person must integrate in the Ominous Sword will. 但他还是不肯放手,仿佛整个人要融入凶剑的意志之中。 Nobody can prevent me!! You!!! Will die!! Various Ten Thousand World, become my nourishment!!” “没有谁能够阻挡我!!你们!!!都将死!!诸天万界,将成为我的养料!!” The Ominous Sword will shouted sad and shrill. 凶剑意志凄厉大喊。 Bang!!!!!!!! 砰!!!!!!!! The Ominous Sword huge sword blade pounded directly in the Su Yun body, probably pounded a grain of rice with the diamond, but the strength of this terrifying, actually directly transmitted from that huge body above the Su Yun mortal body. 凶剑庞大的剑身直接砸在了苏云的身躯上,就好像用金刚钻去砸一粒米,但这恐怖的力量,却从那庞大的身躯上直接传递于苏云的肉身之上。 Without any suspense, the Su Yun mortal body is direct, does not remain the dregs, changes into the haze to vanish instantaneously. 没有任何悬念,苏云的肉身直接破碎,连渣都不剩,瞬间化为烟气消失。 However ... He therefore had not died, after the mortal body breaks, in mortal body below, is hiding one person who comprised of unexpectedly the blood and fire, the person of this blood fire unexpectedly the Ominous Sword sword point to hot red, and both arms holding down Ominous Sword will strongly, is similar to shackles, does not let fleeing. 但是...他并没有因此而死去,当肉身破掉之后,在肉身的下面,居然隐藏着一个由血与火所组成的人,这股血火之人竟将凶剑的剑尖给烫的通红,且双臂竭力的按住凶剑意志,如同枷锁,不让之逃离。 How can like this??” “怎么会这样??” The Ominous Sword will stared in a big way the eye, unbelievable looks at this. 凶剑意志瞪大了眼睛,难以置信的看着这一幕。 Finally, in the back of Su Yun, is the Ominous Sword sword sharp the place of puncturing, is shining a white light unexpectedly, that white light is similar to a shield, preventing the Ominous Sword strength from continue attack the Su Yun body. 终于,在苏云的背部,也就是凶剑剑尖所刺之处,竟亮着一处白光,那白光如同盾牌,阻止着凶剑的力量继续侵袭苏云的身躯。 „Is this Ominous Sword source strength?” “这是凶剑的本源力量?” The Ominous Sword will is unbelievable, but is quick, he understood, this is Ling Qingyu gives the Su Yun strength, loses in her to the Ominous Sword main body controls the power that flickers. But Su Yun also already knew this strength, but he has been hiding this strength, the goal, then must resist the Ominous Sword main body with it. 凶剑意志难以置信,但很快,他明白了,这是凌晴雨给予苏云的力量,就在她失去对凶剑本体掌控权的那一瞬。而苏云也是早就知道了这份力量,但他一直在隐藏着这力量,目的,便是要用它来抵挡凶剑本体。 The Ominous Sword will under the blood fire combustion of Su Yun, the wilting gets up gradually, his strength is passing fast, but he had not died, he also grasps can destroy Ten Thousands Worlds Ominous Sword, he knows that depended upon Ominous Sword unable to extinguish Su Yun, therefore, he chose to give up. 凶剑意志在苏云的血火燃烧下,渐渐萎蔫起来,他的力量正在快速流逝,但他并未死去,他还掌握着能够毁灭万界凶剑,他知道,依靠凶剑是灭不了苏云的,所以,他选择放弃。 Fever! Fever!! I will make you realize that anything is desperate!” “烧吧!烧吧!!我会让你体会到什么是绝望!” The Ominous Sword will is roaring, his pale body twists, but an energy transmits suddenly from his body, then looks at that pressure in Su Yun Ominous Sword, suddenly moves. 凶剑意志吼着,他那惨白的身躯都扭曲开来,但一股能量突然从他身躯传递出去,便看那压在苏云身上的凶剑,突然移动起来。 Su Yun heart one startled, looks up, actually sees that giant hand to grip Ominous Sword, unexpectedly maliciously punctured toward Paradise. 苏云心头一惊,抬头而望,却见那巨大的手握住凶剑,竟狠狠的朝仙界刺了过去。 The broad air current is hitting Paradise that torn to pieces outline maliciously, huge Ominous Sword itself has cracked-up Paradise directly, toward next contact surface rumbling maliciously in the past. 恢宏的气流狠狠撞击着仙界那支离破碎的界纲,庞大的凶剑本身直接撞碎了仙界,朝下一个界面狠狠的轰了过去。 Was bad!” “糟了!” Su Yun is fearful and apprehensive. 苏云心惊肉跳。 Thump!!!!! 咚!!!!! The following spirit world was hit by the attack of Ominous Sword immediately, almost in a rest, the spirit world destruction, the myriad things is reduced to ashes, the consciousness of innumerable life change into the time, flew toward the Ominous Sword main body will, is supplementing ... 下面的灵界立刻遭受了凶剑的袭击,几乎在一息之内,灵界覆灭,万物化为灰烬,无数生灵的意识化为流光,朝凶剑的本体意志飞了过来,为之补充着... The quickest renewal, non- ball window reading invited. 最快更新,无弹窗阅读请。
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