LSG :: Volume #16

#1563: Ominous Sword extinguishes the world three

The recommendation read: 推荐阅读: ? New ... Sword spirit?” ?“新的...剑灵?” Su Yun was shocked, felt that own thought is unable to turn around. 苏云愣住了,感觉自己的思维都无法转过来。 But during is void, the Ling Qingyu weak sound resounds once again, she as if also is very shocked, the sound somewhat shivers. 而虚空之中,凌晴雨微弱的声音再度响起,她似乎也十分震惊,声音都有些颤抖。 Has not thought ... A moment ago that will, unexpectedly was not the only will of Ominous Sword main body .... Has not thought that the Ominous Sword main body, has had you such perfect will unexpectedly ... ... Can I be replaced really?” “没想到...刚才那个意志,居然并非是凶剑本体的唯一意志....没想到,凶剑的本体,居然生出了你这样完美的意志...难道...我真的要被替换掉了吗?” Replace?” “替换?” These two characters are ordinary like steel needle, pricks the heart of Su Yun maliciously, he asked hurriedly: Qingyu, what's the matter? What replaces? What thing is it?” 这两个字就像钢针一般,狠狠刺入苏云的心脏,他急忙问道:“晴雨,到底是怎么回事?什么替换?它到底是什么东西?” Human so is always stupid and ignorant, wasn't I said a moment ago? I am the Ominous Sword sword spirit!” That white form said with a smile once again: Will that you saw a moment ago, in fact is also the Ominous Sword sword spirits, but that is only a not completely broken will, has not taken shape, cannot be regarded anything, this Ominous Sword interior, after extinguishing world, accumulated the innumerable consciousness, after the long years, these consciousness independently produces the will, hundred and thousand, innumerable, but is almost badly-damaged, irregular, is only I quite alternative, I am only one am confused the thought by all sorts of strange and unusual consciousness the will, my consciousness is quite unified, I swallow other broken wills in all directions, expands itself, this thinks this interior will already completely. Gobbles up cleanly, has not thought that just present Aura of will, then comes to have a look, actually does not think that here presented a person unexpectedly, is really rushes to here interesting, should also spend many times?” “人总是这般愚蠢与无知,我刚才不是已经说了吗?我就是凶剑的剑灵!”那白色身影再度笑道:“刚才你所看到的意志,实际上也是凶剑的剑灵,但那只是一尊不完全的残破意志,还未成型,算不得什么,这凶剑的内部,在灭世之后,积累了无数意识,经过漫长岁月,这些意识自行生成意志,成百上千,数不胜数,但几乎都是残破不堪,参差不齐的,唯独我较为另类,我是唯一一个没有被千奇百怪的意识所搅乱思维的意志,我的意识都极为统一,我四处吞噬其他残破的意志,壮大自己,本以为这内部的意志已经全部。吞吃干净,没想到刚刚又现了一个意志的气息,便过来看看,却不想这里居然出现了一个人,真是有趣跑到这儿来,应该也花了不少功夫吧?” That white shade said with a smile. 那白影笑道。 This white shade can swallow other wills unexpectedly, moreover from its words, it should complete all consciousness at this moment, soon will take shape, but Su Yun has also thought an extremely fearful possibility, he clenches teeth secretly, the sinking sound said to the white shade: Now, can you then swallow Ominous Sword once sword to work?” 这白影竟能吞噬其他意志,而且从它的话来看,它此刻应该已经完成了所有的意识,即将成型,不过苏云也想到了一个极为可怕的可能,他暗暗咬牙,沉声冲着白影道:“现在,你便要吞噬凶剑曾经的剑灵吗?” This I do not have the interest!” The white shade said with a smile: That sword spirit how many strengths, weakly could not have withstood now, moreover soon will die, do I gobble up do not matter, let alone, spirits compared with this sword, presently I should do, cuts the spirit of Ten Thousands Worlds, making the ominous abstention minute eat the consciousness of spirit of Ten Thousands Worlds, but as the matter stands, I then can obtain the supplements of ten thousand spirit consciousness, subsequently formidable 1 till my eternal life does not extinguish, isn't this, more meaningful?” The white shade laughs suddenly. “这我可没兴趣!”白影笑道:“那剑灵现在已经没有多少力量了,微弱不堪,而且即将死去,我吞吃不吞吃都无所谓,更何况,比起这剑灵,当前我该做的,是斩万界之灵,让凶戒分吃到万界之灵的意识,而这样一来,我便又能得到万灵意识的补充,继而更为的强大1到我永生不灭为止,这样,不是更有意义吗?”白影突然哈哈大笑起来。 But Su Yun hear of fearful and apprehensive, cold sweat directing current. 苏云听的心惊肉跳,冷汗直流。 Originally Ominous Sword extinguishes the world, is the Ominous Sword will for the amplification own, but is? 原来凶剑灭世,是凶剑意志为增幅自身而为? This white shade, so planned unexpectedly, and ... It said that Qingyu will soon die? What's all this about? 这白影,竟是如此打算,而且...它说晴雨即将死去?这是怎么回事? Qingyu! What's the matter? Are its words what meaning? You ... What condition are you now??” His anxious meng asked. 晴雨!到底是怎么回事?它的话是何意?你...你现在到底是个什么状态??”他急檬问。 But, during is void, again has not actually resounded the Ling Qingyu sound. 可,虚空之中,却没有再响起凌晴雨的声音。 Qingyu! g rain!!!” 晴雨!g雨!!!” Su Yun exclaimed loudly. 苏云大声吼道。 Um? That sword spirit has exhausted the strength evidently, now did not have including the ability of speech, can only wait for death?” “嗯?看样子那剑灵已经耗尽了力气,现在连说话的能力都没有了,只能等死吗?” The white shade smiled, subsequently walks toward Su Yun. 白影笑了笑,继而朝苏云走去。 Human, in my memory, the load bearing was being cut the memories of ten thousand spirit killing by Ominous Sword, I understand all these, understands all these, you work as the acknowledgment fate, knows, this stretch of world, when is controlled by whom! Do not revolt again, sword dries up spirit, I the accomplishment, the conditions were ripe, this place, could not surround me, is the time makes chewing motions greatly quickly, Ji Runjie!” “人啊,我的记忆中,承载着被凶剑斩杀的万灵之记忆,我明白这一切,也了解这一切,你当承认命数,知晓,这片天地,当由谁主宰!不要再反抗了,剑灵枯竭,我已大成,时机已经成熟,这个地方,已经困不住我了,是时候大快朵颐,汲闰界了!” The white shade gradually becomes excited. 白影渐渐变得兴奋起来。 But in the next second, fearful Death Sword cuts suddenly toward it. 但在下一秒,可怕的死剑突然朝它斩去。 The white shade body is motionless, whatever that sword cuts, but when the sword blade edge will soon move it, arbitrary Ominous Qi spouts from its within the body, is cut off the sword, again difficult advance half minute, even if Su Yun the strength of First Ancestor is Ten Thousands Worlds is most vigorous maneatingly, facing this Ominous Qi, appears unusual being incapable. 白影身躯不动,任凭那剑斩来,但就在剑刃即将触碰它的时候,蛮横的凶气从它体内喷出,将剑阻隔,再难前进半分,即便苏云始祖之力是万界最为浑厚最为凶悍的,面对这股凶气,也显得异常的无力。 But, this is not killing of Su Yun incurs. 但,这不是苏云的杀招。 He gained ground suddenly, dissipation Eye of Samsara moves once again, at the same time, the big YinYang technique and real demon god pupil and other formidable incomparable energetic magic arts also one and stimulates to movement, raids the white shade. 他猛然抬起头来,消散的轮回之眼再度动,与此同时,大阴阳术、真魔神瞳等强大无比的精神法术也一并催动,直袭白影。 How many white shade body shivered, retrocedes half step, as if has not guarded to the sneak attack of Su Yun, but, only depends on a Su Yun person of strength, how to resist Ten Thousands Worlds counted by the 100 million life consciousness? Facing such sneak attack, it also retroceded half, then again did not have other poverty-stricken shapes. 白影身躯颤抖了几下,后退半步,似乎对苏云的偷袭没有防备到,但,仅靠苏云一人之力,如何对抗的了万界数以亿计的生灵意识?面对这样的偷袭,它也只是后退了半步而已,便再没有其他窘迫之状了。 Is only this? Can you only like this? To kill me? Only depending on your strength, feared that cannot achieve!” “只是这样吗?你只能这样吗?想要杀我?仅凭你一人之力,怕是做不到!” The white shade looks up Su Yun, in that snow white form, splits two openings suddenly, that is similar to the binocular two openings, in the opening runs out of the white light, long jab Su Yun. 白影抬起头看着苏云,那雪白的身影上,突然裂开两个口子,那是如同双眼般的两个口子,口子里冲出白光,直击苏云 Four items of docking, the Su Yun whole body trembles. 四目相接,苏云浑身颤。 But at the same time, white shade body also gently shivers. 但同一时间,白影的身躯也轻轻颤抖起来。 Eye of Samsara?” The white shade mouth emits surprised color. 轮回之眼?”白影嘴里冒出惊讶之色。 Tears all these!” Su Yun lowers roars, suddenly both eyes blow out the intermittent ray, kicking of samsara, the white shade body reduces suddenly, the mouth is the sad and shrill cry. “撕裂这一切吧!”苏云低吼一声,突然双目爆出阵阵光芒,轮回之力动,白影身躯急剧缩小,嘴里更是出凄厉的叫声。 samsara strength, has brought salvation to many consciousness strength of its within the body unexpectedly, making them happily extricate .... 轮回的力量,竟普度了它体内的不少意识力量,让它们得意解脱.... This move of dialog shade attack was extremely intense, its personal appearance not left drew back, but Ominous Qi also together rushed Su Yun, particularly aimed at his both eyes, Ominous Qi like the sulphuric acid, wanted to attack Su Yun. 这一招对白影的打击是极为强烈了,它的身形不左退,而凶气也一道涌向苏云,尤其是针对他的双目,凶气似如硫酸,想要侵袭苏云 Su Yun has no recourse, stops moving of Eye of Samsara, but at this time, the white shade seemed seized the opportunity, was difficult toward Su Yun, the entire Ominous Sword world twisted, the innumerable strange black holes produced in this world, but the black hole did not have the suction, on the contrary, it released innumerable fearful Ominous Qi unexpectedly, suddenly, here Ominous Qi rich degree, strove to excel compared with before unexpectedly on about hundred times, Su Yun suddenly feels the whole body to be ice-cold, the whole body trembled, but the First Ancestor strength also suffered crazy nibbling, under this situation, under First Ancestor human, once moved this Ominous Qi, was killed violently inevitably at the scene, the soul did not save, but First Ancestor Also cannot for a long time save, Su Yun is also so. 苏云迫不得已,停止轮回之眼的动,但在这时,白影好似抓住了机会,朝苏云难,整个凶剑的世界扭曲起来,无数奇异的黑洞在这个世界里产生,但黑洞并不产生吸力,相反,它竟释放出无数可怕的凶气,眨眼之间,这儿的凶气浓郁程度,竟比之前要强上近百倍,苏云顿觉浑身冰冷无比,浑身直颤,而始祖力量也遭受了疯狂的蚕食,这种情况之下,始祖之下人一旦触碰这凶气,必然当场毙命,魂魄不存,而始祖也不能久存,苏云亦是如此。 Drew back does not have to draw back!!” “退无可退了!!” Su Yun understands that this white shade will had planned erased him, he does not begin, then did not have the opportunity. 苏云明白,这白影意志已经打算将他抹除了,他再不动手,便没机会了。 Su Yun he deeply inspired, roars lowly is facing forward to flush away, is going against that fearful Ominous Qi, enters toward the white shade, Eye of Samsara opens, stubbornly is looking at the white shade, whatever Ominous Qi corrodes, he has not closed again. 苏云他深吸了口气,低吼着朝前冲去,顶着那可怕的凶气,朝白影进,轮回之眼睁开,死死的望着白影,任凭凶气侵蚀,他也没有再合上。 For Qing Er! For Qianmei! For Xianli! For Liuluo! For Xiao Luo! For Mu Yu! For Ba Chi, for sovereign! For! For Sword Ancestor! For Qingyu! The person who for these care about, this time, needs destruction will q, all will finish, on the road of first will also return , the God will not give itself again the third opportunity!! 为了倾儿!为了千魅!为了仙璃!为了琉洛!为了萧婼!为了沐雨!为了八齿,为了宗主!为了较!为了剑祖!为了晴雨!为了这些自己在乎的人,这一次,必须要覆灭这道意志q则,一切都将结束,上一世的覆辙也将重蹈,老天爷不会再给自己第三次机会!! He is roaring hoarsely, the double pupil samsara strength emerges, is corroding the white shade crazily. 他声嘶力竭的吼着,双瞳轮回力量涌现,疯狂的侵蚀着白影。 But the white shade shivers fiercely, left a then pain to whoosh, its personal appearance not 而白影剧烈颤动,也出了一记接着一记的痛苦嘶吼,它身形不
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