LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#808: Church?

Chapter 809 church?( Big chapter asked monthly ticket) 第809章教堂?(大章求月票) The silent night wind has swept the street, flurried white robe priests careful goes toward the curtain of night deep place chase. 寂静的夜风扫过街道,慌乱的白袍祭司们小心的向着夜幕深处追逐而去。 But in them behind, that also remains the half in the tall building, the young youngster who the whole body is bathed in blood looks at the white robe priest who these chases went, puts out a hand, picked nearby red scarf, exposes the clean dust, rubs gently in the same place, encircled on the body. 而在他们身后,那栋还剩半截的高楼上,浑身浴血的小少年看了一眼那些追逐而去的白袍祭司,伸出手去,将一旁的红色围巾捡了起来,抖落干净灰尘,轻轻揉在一起,围在了身上。 Then he has turned head, finally looks at the direction that white of the eye robe priests departed, then has turned around, departs in the completely opposite direction. 然后他回过头,最后看了一眼白袍祭司们离去的方向,然后转过身,向着完全相反的方向离去。 …… …… Storm area 风暴区 In the silent alley, the red hair female raised the head, is gazing at the crowd of alley end approaching step by step. 寂静的小巷里,红发女子抬起头,注视着小巷尽头一步步的逼近的人群。 The fence that at this moment stands tall and erect blocked her escape route, the close wound proliferated her body, making her fine the pretty red skirt seem somewhat tattered. 此刻高耸的围墙堵住了她的退路,细密的伤口遍布了她的身躯,让她原本精致漂亮的红裙都显得有些破破烂烂。 Miss Lehne,” “莱娜小姐,” The bald man of lead is gazing at her indifferently, I think that you are very clear we to want anything, said your yesterday evening experience, says all things that you knew, you can leave here, we will also pay you additionally a 80 million commission.” 领头的光头男子冷漠的注视着她,“我想你很清楚我们想要什么,说出你昨天晚上的经历,说出你知道的所有东西,伱就可以离开这里,我们还会额外付给你一笔八千万的佣金。” You thought that I believe also did prepare to kill my employer last night ‚’?” “你觉得我会相信一个昨晚还准备杀死我的‘雇主’吗?” Lehne is gazing at the bald man as well as he is standing behind the person, she grasps to stop the jet black dagger, in the sound has the ridicule. 莱娜注视着光头男子以及他身后站着的人,她握住手中漆黑的匕首,声音中带着嘲弄。 Good, I change a view,” “好吧,那我换一个说法,” The bald man swept Lehne fine attractive cheeks, „, if you are willing to coordinate, I will give you a dignified result.” 光头男人扫了一眼莱娜精致漂亮的脸颊,“如果你愿意配合,我会给你一个体面的结局。” His corners of the mouth belt/bring smiles, you deliberately lead away us, wants to create the opportunity for your companion? Obviously, you wanted disappointedly, you do not know what your companion is going to encounter was what kind of existence, perhaps now he complete corpse does not have continually.” 他嘴角带笑,“你刻意把我们引开,是想要为你的同伴创造机会吧?很显然,你要失望了,你并不知道你同伴将要遭遇的是怎样的存在,现在他恐怕已经连完整的尸首都没有了。” The Lehne complexion sinks. 莱娜面色微沉。 Your injury is heavy, your C level unusual goods are good, but you thought that can depend upon it to defeat us?” “你身上的伤势并不轻,你的那件C级超凡物品不错,但是你觉得能依靠它战胜我们吗?” The bald man approaches Lehne step by step, his voice is low and deep, has some not refusable constriction, 光头男人一步步靠近莱娜,他声音低沉,带着某种不可拒绝的压迫感, Coordinates us, tells us who you know, you will have a quite attractive result, you do not imagine are your companion are the same, isn't the complete skeleton able to stay behind continually? “配合我们,把你知道的都告诉我们,你会有一个比较漂亮的结局,你也不想像是你同伴一样,连完整的尸骨都无法留下吧? You are the mercenary, where doesn't have money to go to where? What professional ethics difficult to be inadequate really has?” “你们做佣兵的,不是哪里有钱去哪里?难不成真的有什么职业操守吗?” With the fact that your speculation said should not be same,” “不要把你的臆测说的和已经发生的事实一样,” Lehne lifts the hand, the jet black dagger danced in her hands a tool mark, is turned by the knife point upwardly downward, she deeply inspires, „, moreover I do not stand for somebody here, but stands for me here.” 莱娜抬手,漆黑的匕首在她手中舞了个刀花,由刀尖向上变成向下,她深吸一口气,“而且我也不是为了某个人站在这里,而是为了我自己站在这里。” Impenetrably thickheaded idiot.” “冥顽不灵的蠢货。” The bald man complexion sank completely, he stops the footsteps, the sound ice-cold, takes her.” 光头男人面色完全沉了下来,他停下脚步,声音冰冷,“拿下她。” After him several person's shadows run out instantaneously. 他后的几个人影瞬间冲出。 But he retrocedes half step, blocks the throat. 而他则后退半步,堵住巷道口。 The distant place as if there is motorcade to delimit the sound that the street has sped away. 远处似乎有车队划过街道疾驰的声音。 Lehne also heard this sound, shot a look at a lane entrance. 莱娜也听到了这声音,瞥了一眼巷口。 Now is not only the person of eternal old teachings catholicism is looking for her, the person of eternal esoteric buddhism is also looking for her, person who naturally, the person of eternal esoteric buddhism is also looking for the eternal old teachings catholicism. 现在不光是永恒旧教的人在找她,永恒密教的人也在找她,当然,永恒密教的人也在找永恒旧教的人。 However she so many time has not pondered these, looks person's shadow that these clash, she lifts the hand, makes a posture of alert. 不过她已经没有这么多时间思考这些了,看着那些冲来的人影,她抬起手,做出一个戒备的姿势。 Comes altogether five people, they present V character formations, seals up the entire tunnel, and pulls closer rapidly with Lehne's distance. 一路过来的一共有五个人,他们呈现出V字队形,将整个巷道封住,并迅速拉近与莱娜的距离。 The forefront row of two people first contact Lehne. 最前面一排两个人最先接触到莱娜。 In their hands has a short sword respectively, chops one on the left and other on the right toward Lehne. 他们手中各有一把短刀,一左一右向着莱娜劈来。 The Lehne body inclined, lifts the dagger to support the left short sword, then trampled in right came the person on lower abdomen. 莱娜身子倾斜,抬起匕首架住了左边的短刀,然后一脚踹在了右边来人的的小腹上。 The right side man was trampled flies, hits on behind wall, fell. 右侧的男人被踹飞,撞在身后的墙壁上,陷了进去。 But at this moment, before the second row of person had arrived at the Lehne body . 而此刻,第二排的人已经到了莱娜身前。 The second row of right side person takes a thin sword straight thrust to Lehne. 第二排右侧的人拿着一把细剑直刺向莱娜。 Lehne the leaning waist flashes through immediately, but also in this flash, the second row of left side person army pries, she moves aside, was pierced the left abdomen directly. 莱娜立刻侧腰闪过,但是也就在这一瞬间,第二排左侧的人一把军刺探来,她躲闪不及,直接被刺穿了左侧腹部。 She lifts the hand fiercely, separated left side of the first row with the dagger the short sword of person, then when she must shear to piercing the second row of left side person's shadow of her left abdomen, a spacious great hammer front surface pounds to her, pounds her the chest, pounds to fly her. 她猛地抬手,用匕首弹开了第一排左侧人的短刀,然后就在她要割向刺穿她左侧腹部的第二排左侧的人影的时候,一柄宽大的巨锤迎面向她砸来,砸中她的胸口,将她砸飞出去。 On wall of bang hits in the alley end. 轰的一声撞在小巷尽头的墙壁上。 Five people collect again, tranquil gaze she. 五个人再次汇集起来,平静的注视着她。 This five person first four are in the D level peak one batch, last seems the C level. 这个五个人前四个都是D级中最顶尖的一批,最后一个似乎已经是C级了。 Lehne can feel, they with the full power, just have not been only a small probe confrontation. 莱娜能感觉到,他们没有用全力,刚刚只是一次小小的试探交锋。 „Can you also struggle again?” “你还要再挣扎么?” The voice of bald man conveys from darkness most deep place. 光头男人的声音从黑暗最深处传来。 Sits in the shatter brick stone pile, Lehne gazed at that to camouflage the person's shadow of her line of sight. 坐在破碎的砖石堆里,莱娜注视着那遮蔽了她视线的人影。 She is very clear, the opposite party comes again one round, she died. 她很清楚,对方再来一轮,她就死了。 Some ice-cold feelings fell on her cheeks, that was the snowflake of melted on her face. 些许冰冷的感觉落在了她的脸颊上,那是融化在她脸上的雪花。 The sky started to snow. 天空又开始下雪了。 She, for a long time very long has not experienced such hopeless situation very much. 她已经,很久很久没有经历过这样的绝境了。 This flash, she as if recalled that in the mire in storm building, faces these want snatch her final bread she is bigger than waifs time. 这一瞬间,她仿佛回想起了在风暴大厦的泥潭里,面对着那些想抢她最后面包的比她高大许多的流浪儿的时候。 She staggers stands from the brick stone pile, takes out one to glitter the red brilliance secret silver test tube from the bosom. 她踉跄的从砖石堆里站起来,从怀中取出一支闪烁着红色光辉的秘银试管。 When youngster distinction to last few words reverberation that she said in her ear bank. 少年分别时对她说的最后一句话回荡在她的耳畔。 The soldiers, to dying to live. 战士,向死而生。 Blood incarnadine her red skirt, she uses the snow white tooth to bite the wooden cork of secret silver test tube, drew out the wooden cork all of a sudden. 鲜血染红了她的红裙,她用雪白的牙齿咬住秘银试管的木塞,一下子拔出了木塞。 Prevents her.” “阻止她。” The bald man ice-cold sound sound in everyone behind. 光头男人冰冷的声音响在所有人的身后。 Five people raise legs to forward immediately, to/clashes toward her. 五个人立刻抬腿向前,向着她冲来。 Lehne bites the test tube, begins supinely, the liquid but actually entrance in test tube, while lifts the dagger, welcomed to flushing five people. 莱娜咬住试管,仰起头,一边将试管中的液体倒入口中,一边抬起匕首,迎向冲来的五人。 Her this lifetime all achievements, no is to come from others gracious gift. 她这辈子所有的成就,没有一件是来自别人的‘恩赐’。 Brings the slight corrosive blazing and boiling hot liquid passed through her throat, flowed in her bottom of one's heart, the strength of distortion had the intense pain to spread her whole body. 带着轻微腐蚀性的炽热而滚烫的液体经过了她的喉管,流入了她的肺腑,扭曲的力量带着强烈的痛苦蔓延到了她的全身。 She clenches the teeth, low snort/hum, movement not stands still, lifts five people who the dagger charges into again comes. 她咬紧牙关,低哼一声,身上的动作毫无停歇,抬起匕首再次冲向迎面而来的五个人。 The jet black blade light dances in the air in the darkness, has wiped the nape of the neck of left side short sword man, then the tool mark turns over, the knife point forwarded, takes advantage of opportunity to prick left side of the second row the heart of man. 漆黑的刀光在黑暗中飞舞,抹过左侧短刀男人的脖颈,然后刀花翻转,刀尖向前,顺势刺入了第二排左侧男人的心脏。 All these speeds are extremely fast, the brilliance flash of scattering emits on the flesh of remaining three person's shadows. 这一切的速度极快,流散的光辉一瞬间在剩下的三个人影的肌肤上冒出。 The right side short sword man has the terrifying power and influence on chop to her, at the same time, the final C level person's shadow also lifted the great hammer. 右侧短刀男人带着恐怖的威势向她劈来,与此同时,最后的C级人影也抬起了巨锤。 She is sideways fiercely, in black the dagger the hand springs, blocks the great hammer that finally the C level person's shadow pounds, then latter supine, avoids the middle person's shadow the thorn thin sword. 她猛地侧身,将手中黑色的匕首弹出,挡住最后C级人影砸来的巨锤,然后后仰,躲开中间人影的刺来的细剑。 Meanwhile, she covers the slender thigh of black silk stockings to lift high, the tip of the toe kicked the wrist/skill of short sword man suddenly. 与此同时,她覆盖着黑色丝袜的修长大腿高高抬起,脚尖骤然踢中了短刀男人的手腕。 The short sword man eats the pain to let go, the short sword departs. 短刀男人吃痛松手,短刀飞出。 Meanwhile, the black dagger has the flowing light to delimit the sky, pierced the nape of the neck of short sword man. 与此同时,黑色的匕首带着流光划过天空,刺穿了短刀男人的脖颈。 The thin sword person's shadow lifts under the sword to puncture, was tumbled to flash through by her. 细剑人影抬剑下刺,被她翻滚闪过。 But at this time, by the short sword that she kicked is just fallen after she tumbled the sky that the footsteps stayed, she put out a hand, caught the short sword, then took advantage of opportunity throws forward. 而这个时候,刚刚被她踢飞的短刀正好落在她翻滚后脚步停留的上空,她伸出手去,接住了短刀,然后顺势向前一掷。 The sharp short sword pierced the heart of thin sword form, having his body to hit backward on the wall. 锋利的短刀刺穿了细剑身影的心脏,带着他的身躯向后撞在墙上。 But at this time, last person's shadow that is lifting the sledgehammer flushed. 而这个时候,最后一个举着大锤的人影冲了过来。 Lehne lifts the hand, the black dagger spun, falls into her palm, she grasps the dagger again Yin, one step, hits above great hammer that forward forcefully, in that pounds. 莱娜抬起手,黑色的匕首旋了一圈,落入她的手心,她再次阴握匕首,向前一步,硬生生撞在那砸来的巨锤之上。 Bang- 砰- With the clear sound, the great hammer person's shadow raised the head, looks to the fair face of red hair female splashing full blood. 伴随着清脆的声响,巨锤人影抬起头,看向红发女子溅满鲜血的白皙脸庞。 This flash, he felt that sweet and pretty appearance seems similar to the devil general terrifying, the sense of alarm of distortion spreads in his heart, the movement on his hand subconscious trembles. 这一瞬间,他感觉那娇美的容颜仿佛如同魔鬼一般恐怖,扭曲的恐慌感蔓延在他的心头,他手上的动作下意识的一颤。 Lehne leaves to forward immediately, the jet black dagger has delimited the nighttime sky, cut open the great hammer person's shadow nape of the neck. 莱娜立刻抽身向前,漆黑的匕首划过夜空,切开了巨锤人影的脖颈。 With sound that the great hammer person's shadow falls to the ground, Lehne body slightly, just thinks the breathing one breath, in this in an instant, a great strength seized her nape of the neck to lift her directly, having her one of the body bang to hit on nearby wall, splashed the stones of innumerable splash. 伴随着巨锤人影倒地的声音,莱娜身子微顿,正想喘一口气,也就在这刹那间,一股巨力掐住了她的脖颈将她直接举了起来,带着她的身躯轰的一声撞在旁边的墙壁上,溅起无数飞溅的石块。 Interesting, is on site to promote? Your this increase, is 039 ; Soldiers 039 ;?” “有趣,临场晋升?你这个增幅,是039;战士039;?” The bald man who the whole body covers the golden trace is gazing at Lehne, a hand seizes her neck, another hand, presses firmly between the fingers her wrist/skill, fiercely a spin. 浑身覆盖金色纹路的光头男人注视着莱娜,一只手掐住她的脖子,另一只手,捏住她的手腕,猛地一旋。 A Lehne's wrist/skill loosen, the bald man her dagger of seized, then seizes the hand of her nape of the neck to lift fiercely, throws her, pounds like the rags generally on the ground. 莱娜的手腕一松,光头男人她的匕首夺了下来,然后掐住她脖颈的手猛地抬起,将她扔出,如同破布一般砸在地上。 How can “怎么会・・・” Lehne sits difficultly sets out, puts out a blood, somewhat shocking gaze bald man. 莱娜艰难的坐起身,吐出一口鲜血,有些震惊的注视着光头男人。 It seems like you understanding of the unusual world are not enough, do not jumble together with these waste me,” “看来你对超凡世界的了解还不够多,不要把我和这些废物混为一谈,” The bald man is holding appreciatively the dagger in hand, danced conveniently a tool mark, this is shivering the dagger, wants to be separated from his immobilization, but how regardless of is actually unable to work loose, 光头男人把玩着手中的匕首,随手舞了个刀花,这把匕首颤抖着,想要脱离他的钳制,但是却无论如何也无法挣脱开, Soldier indeed is very strong talent sequence, but every so often, between C levels and C levels, disparity like person and dog big, especially our these have the follower of gracious gift, the strength of gods is you not unimaginable.” “战士的确是很强的天赋序列,但是很多时候,C级与C级之间,差距就像人和狗一样大,特别是我们这些有恩赐的信徒,神明的力量是你无法想象的。” Trades own strength with others' life.” “不过是拿别人的命换自己的力量的罢了。” Lehne staggers stands, spits the blood froth of mouth, scratched the corners of the mouth, she raises legs to kick, kicked the ground army thorn, grasps in the hand. 莱娜踉跄的站起来,将嘴里的血沫吐出来,擦了擦嘴角,她抬腿一踢,将地上军刺踢了上来,握在手中。 Immediately without hesitation, punctures toward the bald man. 随即毫不犹豫,向着光头男人刺来。 The bald man lifts the dagger, do not operate Lehne's army thorn, then kicks fiercely, tramples to fly Lehne, hits again on the innermost wall. 光头男人抬起匕首,别开莱娜的军刺,然后猛地一脚踢出,将莱娜踹飞出去,再次撞在最里侧的墙壁上。 Twice after hits, this thick wall finally completely collapses, reveals inside the space of spacious abandoning. 经过两次撞击之后,这堵厚厚的墙壁终于完全倒塌,露出里面的空旷的废弃的空间。 The next second, the bald man appears in instantaneously lying down before the red hair female body in brick, when Lehne crawls difficultly, put out a hand to seize her neck suddenly, lifted her, bang hit again on nearby wall. 下一秒,光头男人瞬间出现在躺在砖块中的红发女子身前,在莱娜艰难的爬起来的时候,伸手骤然掐住了她的脖子,将她举了起来,轰的一声再次撞在一旁的墙上。 You have the last time opportunity.” “你还有最后一次机会。” The big shadow covered the female tender skillful body completely, the bald man lowers the head, is holding appreciatively the jet black dagger in hand, massacres you with your dagger, should be very interesting?” 高大的阴影完全遮盖了女子娇巧的身躯,光头男人低下头来,把玩着手中的漆黑匕首,“用你的匕首杀掉你,应该很有趣?” The sharp dagger forwards little, in fierce shivering, following the thumb that the bald man leans, stuck to the women's fair nape of the neck. 锋利的匕首一点点向前,在剧烈的颤抖中,顺着光头男人侧开的拇指,贴住了女子白皙的脖颈。 Appears from that fair flesh along with the close bloodstain, the little fierce smile floats off from the bald man cheek, he is gazing at Lehne, slow sound said, 伴随着细密的血痕从那白皙的肌肤上浮现,一点点狰狞的笑容从光头男人面颊上浮起,他注视着莱娜,缓声道, You currently as a C level soldier, have the won over qualifications, 100 million federal coins, tell me who you know, and joins us, how?” “你现在作为一名C级战士,已经有了被拉拢的资格,一亿联邦币,把你知道的都告诉我,并加入我们,如何?” Is hearing this price the instance, Lehne obviously stares. 在听到这个价格的瞬间,莱娜明显一愣。 You should know that our old teachings catholicism the strength, regarding our, this sum of money can give, I think, your companion should to such high price, even the entire federation, without many people can give this price.” “你应该知道我们旧教的实力,对于我们的来说,这笔钱是可以给出的,我想,你的那位同伴应该给不起这么高的价格,甚至整个联邦,都没多少人能给出这个价格。” Sees this, the bald man smiles, his sound is low and deep, like whispering of devil, 看到这一幕,光头男人笑了笑,他的声音低沉,如同魔鬼的低语, You think, you are a mercenary, not for the responsibility that anybody keeps secret, after your trustee dies, will not have anybody to know that you have made this transaction.” “你想想,你不过是一个佣兵而已,没有替任何人保密的责任,等你的委托人死后,也不会有任何人知道你做过这场交易。” Lehne's difficult uphold line of sight, the movement of bald man almost makes her suffocate completely, she is gazing at the bald man, slow and difficult surging throat. 莱娜艰难的抬起视线,光头男人的动作几乎让她完全窒息,她注视着光头男人,缓慢而艰难的涌动喉咙。 You is a family background lowly mercenary, standpoint thing to you are not, you know how should elect.” “你不过是一个出身卑贱的佣兵,立场这东西对你来说并不是什么,你知道应该怎么选。” Sees this, on the bald male face appears the smile, loosened the palm slightly, the body also spread out slightly. 看到这一幕,光头男人脸上浮现出笑容,微微松开了手掌,身子也稍微拉开了一点距离。 Bang- 砰- hold/container iron the flinty leather boots kicked between the two legs of bald man. 包铁的硬质皮靴踢中了光头男人的两腿之间。 The complexion of bald man is instantaneous. 光头男人的面色瞬间狰狞。 Sorry,” “抱歉,” On the red hair female flood white sweet and pretty cheeks, was brought back by the blood-stained lip slowly, family background lowly mercenary, does not have good manners the meter.” 红发女子泛白的娇美脸颊上,被鲜血染红的嘴唇缓缓勾起,“出身卑贱的佣兵,不太懂礼仪。” She attempted to shake off the control, but has not succeeded, the bald man seized the hand of her neck not to loosen completely. 她尝试了挣脱控制,但是并没有成功,光头男人掐住她脖子的手从没有完全松开过。 It seems like you indeed want dead.” “看来你的确是想死了。” The cheeks of bald man sank completely, he makes an effort fiercely, seized Lehne's nape of the neck stubbornly, her according to wall. 光头男人的脸颊完全沉了下来,他猛地用力,死死掐住了莱娜的脖颈,将她按在了墙上。 His corners of the mouth slow drawing cold air/Qi, a complexion also ice-colder, sharp dagger jabs into the nape of the neck of women's little. 他嘴角缓慢的吸进冷气,面色也越加冰冷,锋利的匕首一点点刺进女子的脖颈。 Facial color blue and purple Lehne stares the big eye to gaze at present the complexion fierce bald man, the fierce sensation of asphyxia covered her brain. 面色青紫的莱娜瞪大眼睛注视着眼前面色狰狞的光头男人,剧烈的窒息感笼罩了她的大脑。 100 million, how long she must gain to gain to so much money. 一亿,她得赚多久才能赚到这么多钱呢。 She does not know. 她不知道。 Seeming like, she is really not as if suitable to be a mercenary. 看起来,她似乎真的不适合做一个佣兵。 The brilliance in field of vision is gradually gloomy, the snowflake in sky gradually is also fuzzy, death as but if so. 视野中的光辉渐渐暗淡下来,天空中的雪花也渐渐模糊,死亡似乎就如此而至了。 The boy, really died. 那小子,真的死了么。 Finally probably, anything has not really made. 最后好像,真的什么都没做成。 - 噗- The sharp blade enters the meat the sound sound under the silent curtain of night, is the sound that the heavy/thick body human bone falls to the ground. 利刃入肉的声音响在寂静的夜幕下,紧接着是厚重的躯骸倒地的声音。 „-” “咳咳—” Seizes the great strength of neck to loosen suddenly, the female rolls up the body to fall on the ground, coughs fiercely. 掐住脖子的巨力骤然松开,女子蜷缩着身子摔在地上,剧烈咳嗽起来起来。 That dim darkness restored the brilliance gradually, first enters her line of sight, in the skeleton that the ground divides into two. 那朦胧的黑暗渐渐恢复了光彩,首先进入她视线的,是在地上一分为二的尸骸。 On that fierce cheeks is staying the final gloomy expression as before, the clear snowflake falls into the bright red blood. 那张狰狞的脸颊上依旧停留着最后的阴沉表情,晶莹的雪花落入鲜红的血液中。 But behind this separated skeleton, is standing an emaciated form that covers entirely the blood. 而在这分开的尸骸背后,站着一个布满鲜血的瘦弱身影。 The blood drops following the snow white sword blade in the ground. 鲜血顺着雪白的剑身滴落在地面上。 She raised the head little, appears until the cheeks of that young youngster in the field of vision completely. 她一点点抬起头去,直到那小少年的脸颊完全出现在视野中。 The youngster stand in the flying snow of dancing in the breeze, the static gaze she, the corners of the mouth are bringing back a smile, reaches out her. 少年站在飘舞的飞雪中,静静的注视着她,嘴角勾起一丝微笑,向她伸出手来。 The snowflake fell on the palm of youngster, then warmed palm melting. 雪花落在了少年的手心,然后被温暖的手掌融化。 The Lehne corners of the mouth also appear a smile, puts out a hand, grabbed that hand slowly. 莱娜嘴角也浮现一丝笑容,伸出手去,缓缓抓住了那只手。 Her difficult standing up, just prepared to speak, discovered that the complexion of youngster is exuding not normal cold white completely. 她艰难的站起身,刚准备说话,就发现少年的脸色完全泛着不正常的冷白。 The youngster open mouth, but also without making the sound, one staggers, throws down forward. 少年张了张嘴,还没有发出声音,就一个踉跄,向前摔倒。 She puts out a hand immediately, holds in the arms youngster who faints, touched the carotid artery of youngster anxiously, discovered also after having the beat, relaxes. 她立刻伸出手去,搂住昏过去的少年,紧张的摸了摸少年的颈动脉,发现还有跳动之后,才松了口气。 He was too tired. 他太累了。 Walks toward here, here has the sound of fight!!!” “往这边走,这边有战斗的动静!!!” Another side of tunnel, heard some anxious shouts. 巷道的另一侧,传来了些许焦躁的喊声。 She looks that by has not awaked in own chest front the youngster who transfers, received the knight sword hastily, difficult at the back of the young youngster, crossed the ground the brick, walks toward the abandoned space that was just hit. 她看着靠在自己胸前还未醒转的少年,连忙收起了骑士剑,艰难的背着小少年,越过地上的砖头,向着刚刚被撞开的废弃空间中走去。 Here seems like one to abandon the factory, proceeded several steps, presented an iron gate of breakage. 这里似乎是一个废弃工厂,往前走了数步,出现了一个破损的铁门。 The black dagger departs from Lehne behind, has delimited like the flowing light together, cut off the iron gate rusty lock catch. 黑色的匕首从莱娜身后飞出,如同一道流光划过,割断了铁门生锈的锁扣。 Lehne shoved open the iron gate. 莱娜推开了铁门。 Outside the iron gate is a narrowing alley. 铁门外是一个逼仄的小巷。 Quickly, toward here!” “快,往这边!” Several spoken parts robe forms run from the lane entrance. 几道白袍身影从巷口跑过。 Lehne stops the movement immediately. 莱娜立刻停下了动作。 Waited for the moment, after other sounds, she opens the door to enter the alley. 等了片刻,没有其他的声音之后,她才推开门走进小巷。 She looked at both sides of alley, in the end of alley deep place, a building of standing tall and erect sun-blocking is standing and waiting for a long time in the darkness. 她看了一眼小巷的两侧,在小巷深处的尽头,一栋高耸的遮天蔽日的大厦正伫立在黑暗中。 That is the symbolic building of storm area, the storm building. 那是风暴区的标志性建筑物,风暴大厦。 That is also the entire Wynter most chaotic place, so long as there, basically can get rid captures. 那也是整个温特市最乱的地方,只要进了那里,基本上就可以摆脱追捕了。 Her starting to walk step, prepares to walk toward the alley deep place. 她迈开步伐,准备向着小巷深处走去。 Do not go to that side, that side has unusualness “别去那边,那边有很多・・・超凡者・・・” The youngster hoarse voice of resounds in her behind, „another side goes, there exit|to speak.” 少年沙哑的声音在她身后响起,“去另一边,出口那儿。” Lehne looks at the position that an alley exported, discovers people in rags, one after another from lane entrance process. 莱娜看了一眼小巷出口的位置,发现有衣衫褴褛的人们,正陆陆续续的从巷口经过。 Theoretically, this type of deserted alley, will not have so many people. 理论上来说,这种冷僻的小巷,不会有这么多人。 What thing does that side have?” “那边是不是有什么东西?” She asked in a low voice. 她低声问道。 Perhaps yes “或许是・・・” The voice of youngster is getting more and more light, church 少年的声音越来越轻,“教堂・・・” () ()
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