LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#807 Part 1: The death of Brite

Chapter 808 Brite it death( two-in-one ultra-large chapter asked monthly ticket) 第808章布莱特之死(二合一超大章求月票) He Ao by the wall, got hold of the knight sword in hand. 何奥靠在墙上,握紧了手中的骑士剑。 He has not actually learned Brite's movement completely, his present talent sequence cannot add perception biography military, the body has not brought to add the perception unusual goods. 他其实并没有完全学会布莱特的身法,他现在的天赋序列不是可以加悟性的传武者,身上也没有带着可以加悟性的超凡物品。 However he has the experience of enough many martial arts experience and life and death preying. 但是他有足够多的武道经验和生死搏杀的经验。 This causes him after the god knowledge finds out this movement the operational principle, without mastering the core method of operation of Brite movement, can use own Fist Arts and to strength the control, to a certain extent achieves the movement effect of Breit through own method. 这使得他在通过神识摸清楚这种身法的运行原理之后,哪怕没有掌握布莱特身法的核心运转方法,也可以利用自己的拳法和对力量的掌控,在一定程度上通过自己的方法达成布莱特的身法效果。 That fills the air in this is extremely quick just like the ruins general construction internal golden color brilliance change, almost in restrains in an instant completely. 那弥漫在这已经宛如废墟一般的建筑内部的金色光辉变化极快,几乎在刹那间就完全收敛。 At this moment appears in He Ao at present, is a whole body is naturally flowing the brilliance big person's shadow, covered the close line of whole body, at this moment as if has carved into the body completely, flowing golden brilliance flows, like blood vessel of creeping motion. 此刻出现在何奥眼前的,是一个浑身自然流淌着光辉的高大人影,原本覆盖全身的细密线路,此刻仿佛已经完全刻入了身体,一道道流淌的金色光辉在其中流动,如同蠕动的血管。 Covered entirely the close wrinkle of cheeks, at this moment had been smoothed by some strength completely, gray sent wisp and the beard turned completely transparently, is overflowing the golden brilliance. 原本布满脸颊的细密皱纹,此刻已经完全被某种力量抚平,花白的发缕和胡须则完全变成了透明,其中流溢着金色的光辉。 Throat that was pierced by the He Ao knight sword also in rapidly wriggled muscle restoration. 那被何奥骑士剑洞穿的喉咙也在迅速被蠕动的肌肉复原。 This whole body covers in the golden brilliance person's shadow raised the head, is gazing at He Ao, in the flood golden pupil is glittering the anger of distortion. 这个浑身笼罩在金色光辉的人影抬起头来,注视着何奥,泛金色的瞳孔中闪烁着扭曲的愤怒。 I am glad to accept the eternal ray very much the baptism,” “我很乐意接受永恒光芒的洗礼,” He looks at He Ao, the palm lifts gently, the golden ray collects in his palm, forms one almost to congeal in the lance of essence, his voice is still hoarse and old, in the tone is filling the deeply ingrained chill in the air, 他看着何奥,手掌轻轻一抬,金色光芒汇集在他的手心,形成一把几乎凝于实质的长矛,他声音依旧沙哑而苍老,语气中弥漫着刻骨的寒意, But is now, the boy, you enraged me thoroughly, the strength of I your within the body secret watcher stripped, making you accept to suffer forever and ever.” “但是不是现在,小子,你彻底激怒我了,我会将你体内隐秘观者的力量剥离出来,让你永生永世接受折磨。” At this moment in field of vision that the god knows, energy aggregate point altogether five of old person within the body , he although is maintaining the contour of human as before, but is not the person. 此刻在神识的视野中,老人体内的能量汇集点一共有五个,他虽然依旧维持着人类的外形,但已经不是人了。 The He Ao tranquil gaze the old person, his bright red bloodstain and pale flesh formed the sharp contrast, he twists the mouth sidewise the corners of the mouth, is gazing at the old person, suddenly feels somewhat funnily, 何奥平静的注视着老人,他鲜红的血迹和惨白的肌肤形成了鲜明的对比,他咧开嘴角,注视着老人,突然觉得有些好笑, „Are you angry very much? When you course the destruction others' life, why does not have to consider will also suffer the similar destiny?” “你很生气?当你将别人的人生引向毁灭的时候,为什么没有考虑过自己也会遭受同样的命运?” He stood up, got hold of the knight sword in hand, in the final analysis, you were a greedy and selfish bastard.” 他站起身来,握紧了手中的骑士剑,“说到底,你不过是一个贪婪又自私的混蛋罢了。” Has a glib tongue.” “巧舌如簧。” Old person's complexion was completely cloudy, he lifts the lance in hand, the lance body dance is colored, the golden lance delimits the sky sharp, the front surface has divided to He Ao. 老人的面色完全阴沉了下来,他抬起手中的长矛,矛身舞花,金色的矛尖划过天空,迎面劈向何奥 Bang- 砰- He Ao lifts the knight sword, an in the air spin sword is over colored, before the body, blocked this lance horizontally. 何奥抬起骑士剑,空中旋过一个剑花,横在身前,挡住了这一矛。 The fit and unfit quality of this moment weapon length transformed, held of long weapon to turn into Brite. 此刻武器长短的优劣转换了过来,持长兵器的那个变成了布莱特。 He Ao lifts the sword fiercely, opened this lance, then Brite without hesitation, turns round to sweep away, sweeps toward the chest of He Ao. 何奥猛地抬剑,挑开了这一矛,然后布莱特毫不犹豫,回身横扫,向着何奥的胸口扫来。 Bang- 砰- He Ao lateral chops, blocks the lance again. 何奥侧向一劈,再次挡住长矛。 Brite this time has not raised the lance, but one step, jabbed into He Ao behind wall the lance forward, then takes advantage of opportunity to wield the lance to continue to turn toward the He Ao direction to sweep away. 布莱特这一次没有提矛,而是向前一步,将长矛刺进了何奥身后的墙壁,然后顺势挥矛继续向着何奥的方向横扫。 The golden lance was common like the cutting tofu, cut open the wall, has the pebble of circumstances and splash of howling toward He Ao. 金色的长矛如同切割豆腐一般,切开了墙壁,带着呼啸的风势和飞溅的石子向着何奥袭来。 He Ao is sideways to raise the sword immediately, blocked this lance again, then he takes advantage of opportunity to drive the sword blade, in the pebble of splash, opens the lance, then the entire body goes a step further, forwards directly, tangential Brite's thigh. 何奥立刻侧身提剑,再次挡住了这一矛,然后他顺势带动剑身,在飞溅的石子中,挑开长矛,然后整个身体更进一步,直接向前,切向布莱特的大腿。 Facing sweeping away of He Ao, Brite jumps to jump directly, knight sword that make way He Ao wields at the same time, lifts the lance to turn toward He Ao to divide from top to bottom. 面对何奥的横扫,布莱特直接纵身跃起,闪开何奥挥来的骑士剑的同时,抬起长矛从上往下向着何奥劈来。 He Ao revolving was sideways, flashes through this struck, however he lifted the sword to puncture toward the He Ao Brite chest. 何奥旋转侧身,闪过了这一击,然他抬剑向着何奥布莱特胸口刺去。 Just interlocking attack, had pulled closer He Ao and Brite's distance instantaneously, under so short distance, Brite's the length advantage of lance by big weakening. 刚刚的交错攻击,已经瞬间拉近了何奥和布莱特的距离,在如此近距离下,布莱特的长矛的长度优势被大大的削弱了。 Brite retrocedes immediately, the golden brilliance shines suddenly in his body, he wields the lance, same turns toward He Ao to sweep like the violent storm. 布莱特立刻后退,金色的光辉骤然在他身体里亮起,他挥起长矛,如同暴风骤雨一样向着何奥扫来。 He Ao can only pull out the sword to return keeps off. 何奥只能抽剑回挡。 Almost in a short time, the lance completed, left sweep, on chops, right sweeps and other series of movements, the golden lance was in in the air left behind illusory images, but as the He Ao knight sword also these illusory image unceasing changes, blocked the attacks of lances. 几乎在极短的时间里,长矛完成了,左扫,上劈,右扫等一连串的动作,金色的矛身在空中留下了一道道幻影,而何奥的骑士剑也随着这些幻影不断的变化,挡住了一次次长矛的攻击。 Like firecrackers same sound unceasing resounds in void. 噼里啪啦如同鞭炮一样的声响不断的在虚空中响起。 The walls of two person weeks also proliferate the crack with the complementary waves of fight. 两人身周的墙壁也随着战斗的余波遍布裂纹。 Finally after a series of eruption attack, Brite leaves the lance, the lance horizontally in the waist, finds out suddenly, punctures directly toward He Ao. 终于在一连串爆发式攻击之后,布莱特抽身回矛,长矛横在腰间,骤然探出,向着何奥正面刺来。 The goal of this lance is to drive back He Ao, pulls open with the He Ao distance again. 这一矛的目的就是要把何奥逼退,再次拉开和何奥的距离。 But this He Ao has not wielded a sword to keep off again, he puts out a hand directly, holds the lance that punctured fiercely, then takes advantage of opportunity taking advantage of a strength forward somersault in the air, a sword divided to Brite's shoulder. 而这一次何奥并没有挥剑再挡,他直接伸出手去,猛地抓住了刺出的长矛,然后顺势借力一个前空翻,一剑劈向了布莱特的肩膀。 Young lunatic!!!” “小疯子!!!” Brite has not expected the He Ao fighting method completely such not awfully, he moves aside, was divided the shoulder by a knight sword sword. 布莱特完全没有料到何奥的打法这么不要命,他躲闪不及,被骑士剑一剑劈中了肩膀。 The light golden brilliance wound through on his flesh, blocked the He Ao knight sword. 淡淡的金色光辉在他肌肤上流过,挡住了何奥的骑士剑。 He Ao looks at the flesh that undercuts, without hesitation , to continue to make an effort, along with bang-’ a light sound, that golden flowing light is loudly stave, the knight sword cut into Brite's shoulder, orange red blood splash above the cheeks of He Ao. 何奥看着那下陷的肌肤,毫不犹豫,继续用力,伴随着‘砰—’的一声轻响,那金色的流光轰然破碎,骑士剑切入了布莱特的肩膀,橙红色的鲜血飞溅在何奥的脸颊之上。 Really, remoulds body to have the price, that absolute defense strength, already no longer absolutely. 果然,‘重塑身体’不是没有代价的,那绝对的防御力量,已经不再绝对。 This perhaps is Brite the gracious gift that gains from eternal ray there, can provide defends absolutely, can make him have one time the opportunity of remoulding the body, but cannot both want. 这或许就是布莱特从永恒光芒那里所获取的恩赐,能提供绝对防御,能让他有一次重塑身体的机会,但是不能两个都要。 Boy!” “小子!” But at this time, Brite has gripped the lance, makes an effort to sweep, like stroking the soft pillow is ordinary, hits the He Ao waist, He Ao on sword blade strikes to fly directly all strengths. 而这个时候,布莱特已经握住长矛,用力一扫,如同击打柔软枕头一般,击中何奥腰部,直接将所有力量都在剑身上的何奥击飞出去。 The body scrap of young youngster one side wall, departed the tall building, at the final moment, he used the sword not to live in the torn into shreds steel bar, reluctant was hung by own body in the building edge. 小少年的身躯炸碎了一侧的墙壁,飞出了高楼,在最后时刻,他用剑别住了被撕碎的钢筋,勉强的让自己身体挂在了大楼边缘。 Outside building float dragoon fighter aircraft, these fighter aircraft closely gaze are hanging He Ao outside wall, but has not attacked. 楼外悬浮着一架架龙骑兵战机,这些战机紧紧注视着挂在墙外的何奥,不过并未攻击。 The cold wind that in the darkness howls has delimited He Ao already the covered with blood palm. 黑暗中呼啸的冷风划过何奥已经血肉模糊的手心。 Brite's strength far strong in him, every so often, he can only depend upon the fight skill to unload the strength forcefully, shares the strength to the whole body. 布莱特的力量远强于他,很多时候,他都只能依靠战斗技巧强行卸力,将力道分摊至全身。 Brite also discovered this point, therefore just directly used the violent fighting method, tries to depend upon the absolute force superiority to try to consume him. 布莱特也发现了这一点,所以刚刚直接采用暴力打法,试图依靠绝对的力量优势试图耗死他。 While the cold wind has blown the cheeks of He Ao, the sounds of dense and numerous disruption also convey from the tall building. 而在冷风刮过何奥的脸颊的同时,密密麻麻的碎裂的声音也从高楼内传来。 Just that hit, just like promoting the first dominoes, because originally two people fought the crack complete disintegration that caused. 刚刚那一下撞击,宛如推动了第一块多米诺骨牌,原本因为两人战斗导致的裂纹完全崩碎。 Under the radiant neon light, the building that stands tall and erect like the around the middle cut off trees, inclines toward one side. 在璀璨的霓虹灯下,那高耸的大楼如同被拦腰斩断的树木,向着一侧倾斜而来。 The crushed stone of splash falls like the rainstorm generally, these originally float in in the air dragoon fighter aircraft, immediately turns around to turn toward side to fly. 飞溅的碎石如同暴雨一般落下,那些原本悬浮在空中的龙骑兵战机,立刻转身向着旁边飞去。 But at this time, Brite also pursued, the wound on his shoulder has healed, he lifts the lance, without hesitation punctures toward He Ao. 而这个时候,布莱特也追了过来,他肩膀上的伤口已经愈合,他抬起长矛,毫不犹豫的向着何奥刺来。 He Ao looked at outside a tall building, stretches the sword blade fiercely, the entire body flies together upwardly like the flowing light. 何奥看了一眼高楼外,猛地一绷剑刃,整个身体如同一道流光向上飞去。 Boy, gives up, you are very clear among us the power gap, just by the stabbing neck, absolutely because of my general idea/careless, you did not have the next opportunity time, you surrender now, I can keep an entire corpse to you, but can also give your family members to bury well.” “小子,放弃吧,你心里很清楚我们之间的实力差距,刚刚被刺中脖子,完全是因为我的大意,你没有下一次的机会了,你现在投降,我可以给你留一个全尸,还可以给你的家人都好好安葬。” Brite looked at He Ao, along golden lances from the in the air appearance, inserts in the wall rapidly, forms one golden long ladder. 布莱特看了一眼何奥,迅速沿着一道道金色长矛从空中出现,插进墙壁中,形成一条金色的‘长梯’。 He jumps to jump, along long ladder that this paves unceasingly, climbs up rapidly upwardly. 他纵身跃起,沿着这条不断铺就的长梯,迅速向上攀爬。 Surrounding dragoon fighter aircraft static gaze rapid two people upward. 周围的龙骑兵战机静静的注视着正在迅速往上的两人。 These two are really the person?” “这两个真的是人吗?” „Is this really the matter that human can achieve?” “这真的是人类能做到的事情吗?” In the silent communication frequency resounds exclamation. 寂静的通讯频道里响起一声声惊叹。 Fears anything, is the flesh and blood,” “怕什么,都是血肉之躯,” The hoarse sound reverberation in the jet black space, machine armor support, the order that we are under is finds the way to attack immediately, weakens, even kills them, is ready.” 沙哑的声音回荡在漆黑的空间里,“机甲支援马上就到,我们得到的命令就是想办法袭击,削弱,甚至杀死他们,做好准备。” Sends out along with this hoarse sound, the entire communication frequency fell into again silent. 伴随着这沙哑的声音发出,整个通讯频道再次陷入了寂静。 But under the nighttime sky, in rapid along He Ao that the collapse tall building climbs up upwardly, has looked back one from the sky to follow the dragoon fighter aircraft of his footsteps, looking pensive. 而在夜空下,正在迅速沿着倒塌的高楼向上攀爬的何奥,回过头来看了一眼一直在空中跟随着他脚步的龙骑兵战机,若有所思。 Also at this moment, Brite pursued, his behind lance was shattered, gathers in the lance in his hand. 也就在这时,布莱特一路追逐了过来,他身后的一支支长矛破碎,汇聚进他手中的长矛中。 He jumps to leap, finds out the lance to puncture toward He Ao. 他纵身一跃,探出长矛向着何奥刺来。 At this moment two people had transferred the half-turn around the building, stepped on falling the other aspect of building. 此刻两人已经绕着大楼转了半圈,踩在了倾倒的大楼的另一面。 The He Ao foot steps on the reinforcing steel node of building, then turns round to lift the sword, opened out Brite this thorn. 何奥脚踩在大楼的钢骨架节点上,然后回身抬剑,拨开了布莱特这一刺。 The glass curtain wall of their original building, with fight complementary waves instantaneous disintegration, outside steel structure also rapid twist deformation. 他们脚下原本的大楼的玻璃幕墙,随着战斗的余波瞬间崩碎,钢结构外面也迅速的扭曲变形。 Brite this time attack rhythm is still quick, he not to He Ao any time to regroup, after opened out by He Ao, he pulls out the lance spin body, sweeps again toward He Ao. 布莱特这一次的攻击节奏依旧很快,他并没有给给何奥任何的喘息机会,在被何奥拨开之后,他抽矛旋身,再次向着何奥扫来。 He is very clear, in the strength disparity such big situation, but also brings severely wounded He Ao unable to support the high-intensity long-term fight. 他很清楚,在力量差距如此之大的情况下,还带着重伤的何奥支撑不起高强度长时间的战斗。 He Ao steps on the inclined building, retreats fighting in the direction of roof, Brite follows closely, but. 何奥踩在倾斜的大楼上,向着楼顶的方向且战且退,布莱特紧随而至。 Two people speed is extremely fast, like illusory image generally upward, the place visited, the giant curtain wall glass like glazed frost equally easy blasting open, the acid slag in broken bits surrounds in two person sides like the dust generally. 两人速度极快,如同幻影一般一路向上,所过之处,巨大的幕墙玻璃如同薄冰一样轻而易举的炸裂,细碎的玻璃渣如同尘埃一般在两人身侧环绕。 He Ao can obviously feel the fierce movement, as well as shares exhausted and injury that the pressure the whole body brings. 何奥能明显感觉到剧烈动作,以及将压力分摊到全身所带来的疲惫和伤害。 Beyond body harm that except that the severe wound and limit eruption of chest cause, his present muscle has the extra damage almost every inchs. 除去胸口的重伤和极限爆发导致的身体损害以外,他身上现在几乎每一寸肌肉都带着额外的损伤。 He can insist now, besides Ellis also unceasingly the treatment outside his body, is being the dependence powerful willpower strong brace. 他能一直坚持到现在,除了艾莉丝还在不断的治疗着他的身体以外,就是依靠强大的意志力强撑。 After wound was arrived by He Ao one after another, Brite was obviously careful, attacks the stance is also primarily stabilizing. 而在接连被何奥‘伤’到之后,布莱特明显小心了很多,攻击架势也以稳定为主。 On Breit on that say/way besides shoulder already the wound of soon healing, without other injuries, the strength has almost not weakened, even after the body restructures, became stronger. 布莱特身上除了肩膀上的那道已经快要愈合的伤口以外,没有其他的伤势,力量也几乎没有衰减,甚至在身体重构之后,变得更强了。 Building as in fast downward falling, surrounding had been emptied by the eternal esoteric buddhism, eternal esoteric buddhism scout who other miscellaneous personnel, under of building, have not been hiding everywhere. 大楼依旧在快速的向下倾倒,周围的早已被永恒密教清空,已经没有其他的闲杂人等,大楼的正下方,都是在四处躲藏的永恒密教探子。 But along with this inclined building, He Ao and Brite's form will also soon arrive in the most peak in building. 而伴随着这倾斜的大楼,何奥和布莱特的身影也即将抵达大楼的最顶端。 The golden lance chops suddenly, the He Ao horizontal sword keeps off on the body forward standard, but also blocks the instance of lance in He Ao, Brite withdrawing lance, the lance body selects suddenly, following sword potential that the He Ao upward standard keeps off, opens the He Ao knight sword. 金色的长矛骤然劈下,何奥横剑在身前向上格挡,而也就在何奥挡住长矛的瞬间,布莱特骤然抽回长矛,矛身上挑,顺着何奥向上格挡的剑势,将何奥的骑士剑挑开。 In this instantaneous, He Ao without hesitation, sets out to take advantage of opportunity immediately tumbles backward. 在这瞬间,何奥毫不犹豫,立刻起身顺势向后翻滚。 He acts is slow, is pierced the chest by Brite. 他动作再慢一点,就会被布莱特刺穿胸膛。 The lance that Brite punctures suddenly forward follows closely, but , the sharp lance lacerated the right shoulder of He Ao sharp instantaneously, has the orange purple brilliance blood splash in the nighttime sky. 布莱特猛然向前刺出的长矛紧随而至,锋利的矛尖瞬间割破了何奥的右肩,带着橙紫色光辉的鲜血飞溅在夜空中。 The tumbling of He Ao 45 meters, stand in close to the position of building peak, put out a hand to hold down the shoulder. 何奥的翻滚出去四五米,站在靠近大楼顶端的位置,伸手按住了肩膀。 The blood flows from his shoulder. 汩汩的鲜血从他的肩膀上流淌而出。 The paper butterfly on his shoulder is stretching the wing, overwhelming majority blood reds have shed the white. 他肩上的纸蝴蝶舒展着翅膀,身上的绝大部分血红色已经褪成了白色。 Boy, you are very clear, your strength is far less than me, can insist now, even the severe wound my one time, is your limit, you are a talent,” “小子,你很清楚,你的力量远不如我,能坚持到现在,甚至重伤我一次,已经是你的极限了,你是个人才,” Brite hand grasps the lance, forwards step by step, I can keep your entire corpse, otherwise, you know that you supported are about three seconds.” 布莱特手握长矛,一步步向前,“我可以留你一个全尸,不然,你知道的,你撑不过三秒钟了。” He Ao looks at Brite's body, just he attacked the Breit shoulder, destroyed an energy aggregate point, the remaining four energy aggregate points, there are three in the chest, moreover depends is very near. 何奥看着布莱特的身体,刚刚他攻击到布莱特肩膀,破坏了一个能量汇集点,剩下四个能量汇集点,有三个都在胸口,而且靠的很近。 Then the He Ao vision swept a lance body of Brite lance. 然后何奥的目光扫了一眼布莱特长矛的矛身。 This is not nine points of broadswords such spends the goods that the time condenses the golden lance, although Brite strength is very strong, making the lance also display the level of B level weapon, but on this moment lance also proliferated the dense and numerous cracks. 这把金色长矛并不是九环大刀那样花时间凝聚出来的物品,虽然布莱特实力很强,让长矛也发挥出了B级武器的水准,但是此刻矛身上也遍布了密密麻麻的裂纹。 However continues to have the brilliance to spread from Breit, is patching these cracks. 不过持续有光辉从布莱特身上蔓延而出,修补着这些裂纹。 You want to crush my weapon, perhaps some dream of a fool,” “你想要击碎我的武器,恐怕有些痴人说梦了,” Brite detected that the He Ao look, scoffed to say with a smile, at least before you die, it will not break to pieces.” 布莱特察觉到了何奥的眼神,嗤笑道,“至少在你死之前,它是不会碎的。” He Ao has not spoken, but looked up to the sky. 何奥并没有说话,而是抬头看向了天空。 Under the jet black curtain of night, three hell apostle machine armor are gradually emerging the figure, these machine armor have aimed at the main artillery at this moment was fighting two people, and completed the thermal energy storage. 漆黑的夜幕下,三架地狱使徒机甲正逐渐浮出身形,这些机甲此刻已经将主炮对准了正在战斗中的两人,并完成了蓄能。 Bang- 轰- The radiant brilliance jumps to shoot from the remote direction, shoots at direction that two people are. 璀璨的光辉从遥远的方向迸射而出,射向两人所在的方向。 He Ao had seen all these, ahead of time a spin body rebounds. 何奥早已看到了这一切,提前一步旋身跳开。 Carves the insect small technique.” “雕虫小技。” But at this time, Brite turns around to jump immediately, looks to behind brilliance. 而这个时候,布莱特立刻转身跳起,看向身后的光辉。 Scalding hot and other plasma artillery shine the radiant brilliance, almost melts all before Brite body. 一道道灼热的等等离子炮照耀出璀璨的光辉,几乎将布莱特身前的一切都融化。 After Brite is rapid jumped, avoided three plasma artillery, at the same time he lifted the hand gently, the innumerable say/way golden color from in the air punctured brilliance instantaneously, changed to the flowing light thorn to three machine armor of distant place. 布莱特迅速后跳,躲开了三记等离子炮,与此同时他轻轻抬手,无数道金色光辉瞬间从空中刺出,化作流光刺向远处的三台机甲。 These three machine armor have not changed draws back with enough time backward, was put on the screen by these golden flowing light, changes in the flame of in the air blooming. 这三台机甲还没来得及变向后退,就被这些金色流光穿成了筛子,化作在空中的绽放的火焰。 Meanwhile, Brite looks to the surrounding dragoon fighter aircraft. 与此同时,布莱特看向周围的龙骑兵战机。 Shells project from the muzzle of dragoon, lowers like the rainstorm generally. 一颗颗炮弹从龙骑兵的炮口中射出,如同暴雨一般降下。 However at the same time, has more golden lances to produce in the sky, changes to the mobile brilliance, hits to these in the air shells and dragoon fighter aircraft. 但是与此同时,有更多的金色长矛在天空中生成,化作流动的光辉,撞向那些空中的炮弹和龙骑兵战机。 Covers entirely the entire sky along with thundering explosive sounds as well as like the fireworks generally the flame. 伴随着一声声轰鸣的爆炸声以及如同焰火一般布满整个天空的火焰。 Brite turns the head looks to the He Ao direction, waves the arms about the lance, you want to draw support from these waste to hinder me, rather some indulged in fantasy.” 布莱特转过头来的看向何奥的方向,一甩手中长矛,“你想要借助这些废物阻碍我,也未免有些太异想天开了。” Also in this instantaneous, the He Ao body has changed to the illusory image to clash together toward Breit. 也就在这瞬间,何奥的身躯已经化作一道幻影向着布莱特冲来。 The light golden flowing light throws from his hand together, pounds to Breit. 一道淡淡的金色流光从他手中投掷而出,砸向布莱特。 What thing. 什么东西。 Brite lifts the hand to lift the lance subconsciously, hits that streams light/only. 布莱特下意识抬手抬起长矛,击中那道流光。 Meanwhile, the He Ao knight sword also hit that streams light/only. 与此同时,何奥的骑士剑也同时击中了那道流光。 One. 一。 He Ao meditates in the heart. 何奥在心底默念。 While two powerful B levels have under the attack, streams light/only loudly shatter. 在两个强大的B级存在的同时攻击下,那道流光轰然破碎。 At this moment, Brite sees clearly that thing is anything, that is disc that a belt/bring indicator that covered entirely the close trace. 此刻,布莱特才看清楚那个东西是什么,那是一个布满了细密纹路的带指针的圆盘。 This is he gives Lehne's disc, this disc can withstand the attack of B level, a He Ao person possibly cannot destroy it, but is uncertain with his two people. 这是他给莱娜的圆盘,这个圆盘能承受住B级的攻击,何奥一个人可能破坏不了它,但是和他两个人就不一定了。 Yesterday evening “昨晚上・・・” This flash, Brite realized anything suddenly, he leaves to retrocede suddenly. 这一瞬间,布莱特突然意识到了什么,他骤然抽身后退。 But along with Brite's voice, was erupted instantaneously by the distortion pollution of seal in disc, in this in an instant, affected two people simultaneously. 而伴随着布莱特的声音,被封印在圆盘里的扭曲污染瞬间爆发出来,在这刹那之间,同时影响了两人。 But facing this came from the pollution of eternal ray, He Ao responded that Brite is quicker, he had almost no stop to awake to transfer, lifted the sword thorn to the chest of Breit. 而面对这来自永恒光芒的污染,何奥的反应比布莱特更快,他几乎没有任何停顿就醒转了过来,抬剑刺向布莱特的胸口。 Also in this instantaneous, Brite also wakes, before he inserts the lance without hesitation embarks on an official career the construction column, curls upwards fiercely, takes advantage of opportunity to kick on the lance, splashes the stones of innumerable splash. 也就在这瞬间,布莱特也醒了过来,他毫不犹豫将长矛插进身前的建筑立柱,猛地一翘,顺势踢在长矛上,溅起无数飞溅的石块。 If not he responds early one step, the retreat spread out, he had been pierced the chest by He Ao at this moment. 如果不是他早反应一步,后退拉开了距离,他此刻已经被何奥刺穿了胸口了。 But this moment He Ao is instead affected the line of sight by the pebble that he turned upwards shortly. 而此刻何奥反被他翘起的石子短暂的影响了视线。 At this moment his lance before, so long as proceeds to search, can instead pierce the chest of He Ao. 此刻他长矛在前,只要往前一探,就能反而刺穿何奥的胸口。 This strikes, this boy did not die also waste. 这一击下去,这小子不死也得废了。 Why however does not know, in his heart the alarm bell erupts, his fight intuition told him, now should evacuate immediately. 但是不知为何,他心中警铃大作,他的战斗直觉告诉他,现在应该立刻撤离。 Opportunity must not be lost, in this electric light flint, he made the decision. 机不可失,在这电光火石之间,他做出了决定。 He punctures acts the lance. 他刺出了手中的长矛。 - 噗- The sharp lance pierced the right chest of He Ao easily, in this instantaneous, He Ao is emptying that hand opens, brings the golden brilliance sunglow to appear in his hands. 锋利的长矛轻而易举的刺穿了何奥的右胸,也就在这瞬间,何奥空着的那只手张开,一个带着金色光辉的日冕出现在他的手中。 Glorious sunglow! 光辉日冕! This flash, innumerable trains of thought in Brite heart continually frontline. 这一瞬间,无数思绪在布莱特心中连成了一线。 The brilliance sunglow needs the eternal ray the gracious gift to imitate the energy. 光辉日冕需要永恒光芒的恩赐才能充能。
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