LHP :: Volume #10

#921: Zhang Xuan big heroic bearing 【1st Update】

Heard instruction, the Purple Sun Beast body shake/sway straight downward dive, zhayangongfu arrived at alliance's front square surrounding. 听到吩咐,紫阳兽身体一晃笔直向下俯冲,眨眼工夫就来到了联盟前面的广场外围。 Once initially conducted grand competition in this square, with the talents of more than 20 First Grade Kingdom influences, captured to enter the Famed Master academy's qualifications, although in the past only then several months time, but thought at this moment, feeling of another era. 当初曾在这个广场上进行大比,与二十多处一等王国势力的天才,夺得进入名师学院的资格,虽然过去只有短短几个月的时间,但此刻想起来,恍如隔世。 At that time the youngster spirit, bold and unrestrained, the imposing manner direct impact entire world, no one can...... now/current, must be calmer. 那时候少年意气,挥斥方遒,气势直冲寰宇,无人能及……现在,明显要沉稳多了。 „Does teacher walk from here?” Looks to the giant square, a curiosity of Luo Qiqi face. “老师就是从这里走出来的?”看向眼前巨大的广场,洛七七一脸的好奇。 In his eyes, the teacher is Natural Talent character extremely, can compare favorably with it on considered as Saint descendants young one generation, is very few. 在他眼中,老师是个天资绝顶的人物,就算是圣人门阀的年轻一辈能够与之媲美的,也少之又少。 So the character unexpectedly is not the Great Clan family background, but is this small place walks, is really incredible. 如此人物居然不是大家族出身,而是这种小地方走出来的,真是令人难以置信。 This square is seemingly broad, , compared with the true Saint descendants Holy Mountain spirit, is the difference were too many, at all not in a scale. 这个广场看起来宽阔,和真正的圣人门阀的圣山、灵地比,还是差的太多了,跟本不在一个档次。 Did not say other, here spiritual Qi density was too bad on really, is very thin, perhaps in Famed Master academy one month of accumulation, must exceed this cultivation one year. 不说其他,这里的灵气浓度就实在太差了,无比稀薄,在名师学院一个月的积累,恐怕就要胜过这修炼一年的。 Knows that the idea of opposite party, Zhang Xuan smiles, without reply. 知道对方的想法,张悬笑了笑,没有回答。 Without Library of Heaven's Path, he unsuccessfully, may spend one's last years the life in Heavenly Profound Kingdom similarly. 如果没有天道图书馆,他可能同样会碌碌无为,在天玄王国终老一生。 But...... not, if, their destiny changed, can only stand forth, unable to flinch step by step. 但……没有如果,他们命运改变了,就只能一步步向前走去,无法退缩。 Let Purple Sun Beast to the in the air waiting, Zhang Xuan several people walk toward the square along the street. 紫阳兽到空中等待,张悬几人沿着街道向广场走去。 This time square sea of people, innumerable cultivator station on the spot, neat looks to the dead ahead, a giant statue is raising up slowly. 此时的广场人山人海,无数修炼者在原地,齐刷刷的看向正前方,一个巨大的石像正在缓缓竖起。 what is this for?” Zhang Xuan very doubts. 这是干什么?”张悬满是疑惑。 This square close to Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance Alliance Chief Mansion and Famed Master Hall, is always very quiet, how to pile up so many people? What is this doing? 这个广场靠近万国联盟盟主府名师堂,一向十分清静,怎么堆积了这么多人?这又是在搞什么? Looks quickly, that is Master Zhang!” “快看,那就是张师!” Really the graceful bearing is handsome, impressive!” “果然风姿俊朗,气度不凡!” of course, Master Zhang is my idol, I biggest goal is that achieves his 1/10000 my entire life.” 那是自然,张师可是我的偶像,我一生最大的目标就是那个达到他的万分之一。” Not is only you, takes Master Zhang in everyone on the scene as the idol!” “不光是你,在在场的所有人都以张师为偶像吧!” Yeah! heard that Master Zhang went to Famed Master academy, when also does not know, comes back again on a class to us......” 是啊!听说张师去了名师学院,也不知什么时候,回来再给我们上一节课……” Can hear his class, is how many of yearn for something even in one's dreams things, do not think, who makes your previous time not come?” “能听到他的课,是多少人梦寐以求的事情,你就别想了,谁让你上次没来呢?” Said came...... you with you same not at the scene?” “说的就跟你来了一样……你不也没在现场?” ...... …… Also without going to nearby square, hears the crowd, discuss spiritedly, countless young people, the men and women look in the squares, the all look was excited, filled admiring. 还没来到广场跟前,就听到人群,议论纷纷,无数年轻人,男男女女看向广场中间,一个个眼神激动,充满了佩服。 The is Master Zhang that...... in your mouth said who?” “请问……你们口中说的这个张师是谁?” Hears people's discussion, in addition Famed Master academy and so on essential phrase, Luo Qiqi some/somewhat cannot help, walked up, looked at youth, asked. 听到众人的议论,再加上名师学院之类的关键字眼,洛七七有些忍不住,走上前来,看了一个青年,问道。 Does not know Master Zhang, how such ignorant and inexperienced......” “连张师都不知道,怎么这么孤陋寡闻……” Hears some people the Master Zhang's name, does not know, youth just wants to scold one, sees the Luo Qiqi appearance, immediately stop, complexion bashful red, some/somewhat is helpless: Is you must ask that Master Zhang, single-character personal name hanging character, is our Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance in history greatest Famed Master......” 听到有人连张师的姓名,都不知道,青年正想呵斥一句,看到洛七七的容貌,顿时停住,脸色羞的通红,有些手足无措:“是你要问啊,张师,单名一个‘悬’字,是我们万国联盟有史以来最伟大的名师……” The Luo Qiqi appearance, can make the innumerable men fall in any place, saw suddenly, but can also say the words to come, explained this youth strength in meditation, considered as not was wrong/misconduct. 洛七七的容貌,在任何地方都能让无数男子为之倾倒,陡然见到,还能说出话来,说明这个青年的定力,算是错了 Dangerous? Hangs of neck to hang?” “悬?吊脖子的那个悬?” Hears unexpectedly is ownself that the opposite party discussed that on the Zhang Xuan face very was strange, after opposite party confirmation, cannot help said: Zhang Xuan, when did he...... become your idols?” 听到对方议论的竟然是自己,张悬脸上满是古怪,待对方确认后,忍不住道:“张悬,他……啥时候成你们的偶像了?” ownself left for several months, discussed that ownself did do? 自己都离开好几个月了,议论自己干什么? Also idol, greatest Famed Master...... exactly/actually what is going on? 还偶像、最伟大的名师……到底怎么回事 presumptuous! Dares to say the Master Zhang's name unexpectedly, moreover said so the huge disrespect words, who gave your courage?” 放肆!竟然敢直呼张师的姓名,而且说出如此大不敬的话语,谁给你的胆子?” Just wants to continue to inquire, does understand exactly/actually what is going on, hears shouts out to resound. 正想继续询问,搞明白到底怎么回事,就听到一个大喝响起。 Immediately saw a proud youngster walked. 随即就看到一个骄傲的少年走了过来。 The 16 – 17 years old appearance, magnificent and expensive clothes, walk, has the extremely strong imposing manner, understood at a glance that position is not low. 十六、七岁的模样,一身华贵的衣服,行走间,带有极强的气势,一看就知道地位不低。 His appear, in addition sound/voice was very big, immediately brought to the attention of many, one after another looked towards this side, only looked at Zhang Xuan one, was attracted by the four beautiful women of his side. 他一出现,再加上刚才的声音很大,顿时引起了很多人的注意,纷纷看了过来,只看了张悬一眼,就被他身边的四位美女吸引。 Yu Fei'er, Luo Qiqi, Hu Yaoyao and Dong Xin...... each is existence of causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, appear four, moreover with youth be together, will trade to be everybody to feel baffled/strange. 玉飞儿洛七七胡夭夭董欣……每一位都是倾国倾城的存在,一下出现四位,而且跟一个青年在一起,换做谁都会觉得奇怪 Eight Your Highness are always loose, sees so many beautiful women, definitely wants to expose the power and prestige in their presence/in front!” “八殿下一向风流,看到如此多的美女,肯定是想在她们面前展露威风!” Thinks that look for trouble cannot look, doesn't this hit toward the muzzle in? Dares to say the Master Zhang's name...... the courage to be really big enough!” “想找麻烦都找不上,这不是往枪口上撞吗?敢直呼张师的姓名……胆子可真够大的!” Master Zhang in Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance is the idol that countless young people worship, especially this eight Your Highness, will take itthat hanging ’...... to hang your younger sister Ah! too as the lifetime goal...... will also hang neck unexpectedly ‚ ‚ not to speak, will get what one deserves unlucky!” 张师万国联盟是无数年轻人崇拜的偶像,尤其这位八殿下,更是以其为终身奋斗目标……居然还‘吊脖子’的那个‘悬’……吊你妹啊!太不会说话了,活该倒霉!” ownself seeking death, no wonder others!” 自己找死,怪不得别人!” Knows that the matter beginning to end, all reveals to sneer, is waiting for enjoy watching a bustling scene. 知道事情始末的,全都露出冷笑,等着看热闹 This youth, is the Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance Alliance Chief Zhao eighth son, the Zhao Feiwu blood younger brother, is only 16 years old. 这位青年,是万国联盟赵盟主的第八个儿子,赵飞舞的亲弟弟,只有十六岁。 Although young, the reputation is actually not good. 虽然年纪不大,口碑却不是太好。 Seeks after the beauty, extremely arrogant uninhibited, arrogant, the behavior cannot withstand...... 贪图美色,狂妄不羁,恃才傲物,行为不堪…… However, several months of move forward was to have the new face, it is said by elder sister lesson/teach a lesson, was pledged must take Master Zhang as an example, cultivation, strove for become his same expert diligently......, because worshipped, therefore most hateful others spoke his malicious remarks. 不过,几个月前行为有了改观,据说被姐姐教训了一顿,发誓要以张师为榜样,努力修炼,争取成为他一样的强者……因为崇拜,所以最讨厌别人说他的坏话。 This fellow, directly asked that is hangs neck hanging...... does not respect Master Zhang simply, no wonder this fellow pissed off, in addition all around so many beautiful women, can give the complexion to be strange. 这家伙,直接问是不是‘吊脖子’的‘悬’……简直就是不尊重张师,难怪这家伙生气了,再加上四周这么多美女,能给好脸色才怪。 not right... do you have the feeling, this youth...... does some/somewhat look familiar?” 不对……你们有没有感觉,这位青年……有些面熟?” Some people discussed that also some people feel some/somewhat baffled/strange, youth that four big beautiful women revolve, seems like the some/somewhat familiar by face, where is the same on seem like greet/have seen. 有人议论,也有人觉得有些奇怪,四大美女围绕的青年,看起来有些面善,就好像在哪里见过一样。 I also feel some/somewhat to look familiar, cannot think for a while......” “我也觉得有些面熟,就是一时想不起来……” Such a saying, in the crowd also obtained should with, many people frown. 这样一说,人群中也得到了应和,不少人皱起了眉头。 huge disrespect? How huge disrespect? could it be that Zhang Xuan this name, but also couldn't call?” Zhang Xuan speechless, cannot help shakes the head. 大不敬?怎么大不敬了?难道张悬’这个名字,还叫不得?”张悬哑然,忍不住摇头。 ownself shouted that ownself name, unexpectedly also became the taboo, lets his not to know whether to laugh or cry. 自己自己的名字,居然也成了忌讳,让他哭笑不得 Naturally could not call! Trades to do usually, you are more impolite , what day can you know today are?” Youngster narrow the eyes. “当然叫不得!换作平时,你无礼一些,也就罢了,你可知今天是什么日子?”少年眼睛一眯 What day?” Zhang Xuan baffled/strange. “什么日子?”张悬更加奇怪 Cannot call ownself name that’s ok, unexpectedly the day also has pay particular attention to. 不能叫自己的名字倒也罢了,居然日子也有讲究 Today is the day that the Master Zhang statue stands erect, as the Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance people does not know unexpectedly, highly improper?” “今天是张师雕像矗立的日子,身为万国联盟的子民居然不知道,成何体统?” Hearing him today is what day, does not know, the youngster has a fit of bad temper at the scene, angry. 听到他连今天是何日子,都不知道,少年当场炸毛,怒气冲冲。 Other person very doubts, even if/considered as does not know the day, in the square so many people can always see! The alliance grand meeting, said unexpectedly does not know, this is despises intentionally, is discontented with the alliance? 其他人也满是疑惑,就算不知道日子,广场上这么多人总可以看到吧!联盟如此盛会,居然说不知道,这是故意藐视,还是对联盟不满? „Does the Master Zhang statue stand erect?” 张师雕像矗立?” Zhang Xuan dumbfounded, to saw immediately a moment ago that statue looks. 张悬一呆,随即向刚才见到那个雕像看去。 Before only swept one not to pay attention, carefully looked, saw only the statue to wear the Famed Master clothing/taking, a back of the hand after behind, a hand takes the writing brush, the vision looked to Beyond The Heaven, seem like must penetrate the past and present, spanned the millenniums, disclosed from top to bottom makes noble spirit that one is unable to look straight ahead. 之前只扫了一眼并没注意,仔细一看,只见雕像身穿名师服,一只手背在身后,一只手拿着毛笔,目光看向上苍,好像要穿透古今,跨越千年,浑身上下透露出令人无法直视的浩然之气。 Under the body is a phoenix, stretches across to ride, double holds to launch, at any time will go air-splitting, feeling of soaring at the Nine Heavens. 身下则是一头凤凰,横跨骑上,双持展开,给人一种随时都会破空而去,翱翔九天的感觉。 This is I?” “这个是我?” The Zhang Xuan brow jumped jumping, corner of mouth twitching, face tremble: Also F**k...... ugly!” 张悬眉头跳了跳,嘴角一抽,面皮抖动:“也他妈……丑了吧!” In the statue squares, is tall, is exquisitely carved, the used material is also very rare, which point regardless of looks, good/Yes, understood at a glance that very stems from carves the hand of Great Master...... 广场中间的雕像,身材高大,雕工精细,用的材料也十分罕有,无论从哪点看,都十分不错,一看就知道出自雕刻大师之手…… With his appearance some/somewhat slight gap, on disposition, was extremely particularly great, the abundant god is handsome, aura Rising Clouds, instead makes people feel that did not look like. 只是和他的容貌有些细微差距,尤其是气质上,太过伟岸了,丰神俊朗,气息凌云,反而让人感觉不太像了。 ...... Has the phoenix, when ownself, sat this gadget? Also has not tamed spirit beast and Saint Beast of Ah? this appearance 还有……凤凰,自己啥时候,坐过这玩意儿?也没驯服过这种模样的灵兽圣兽啊? Tamed so many savage beast, spirit beast and Saint Beast, most looks like also on Azure Hawk Beast, with is only similar to the eagle, does not have the least bit connection with the phoenix! 驯了这么多蛮兽灵兽圣兽,最像的也就青鹰兽,只和和鹰相似而已,跟凤凰没有半点瓜葛呀! Sits cross-legged in the phoenix back, shooting up to the sky, is so great, is such show package, really ownself? 盘坐在凤凰脊背,冲天而起,这么伟岸,这么骚包,真的是自己 How to feel that can't believe? 怎么感觉这么不敢相信呢? If the opposite party did not say that is he, even if/considered as has a liking for day unable to imagine. 对方如果不说是他的话,就算看上一天都想象不到。 When becomes such big, had the breadth of spirit? 啥时候变得这么高大,这么有气魄了? This is according to the Master Kong’s standard, carves? 这是按照孔师的标准,来雕刻的吧? Otherwise in the eye these do bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of mankind, have the love gently...... what trick? 不然眼中那些悲天悯人,慈祥有爱……什么鬼 Not is only he, Luo Qiqi and the rest sees the statue , the eyelid jumps madly, particularly Hu Yaoyao, others respect to this Master Zhang, she has comprehended fiercely. 不光是他,洛七七等人看到雕像,也都眼皮乱跳,尤其是胡夭夭,别人对这位张师敬重有加,她可是亲身领会过厉害。 The person who the pit deceased person does not pay with a life, Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance carves the so big statue unexpectedly, key disposition and demeanor and oneself miss was also too far! 坑死人不偿命的主儿,万国联盟居然雕刻出如此高大的雕像,关键气质和风度和本人差的也太远了吧! As far as I know, this Master Zhang should not die, how to raise up the statue?” “据我所知,这位张师应该还没死吧,怎么就竖起雕像了?” Depressed abandoning in heart, Zhang Xuan said. 将心中的郁闷抛开,张悬道。 The standing erect statue, after setting up ancestral temple this is dies, does, is the ownself fortunately good work, making this thing to do? 矗立雕像,树立祠堂这都是死后才做的,自己还好好活着,弄这玩意干啥? „Do you dare to curse Master Zhang?” “你敢诅咒张师?” Does not listen to this saying fortunately, the whole body that one hear of youngster are mad trembles: Master Zhang teaching, the Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance million person also profits, common addresses he for teacher...... for his standing erect statue, time worship, why not proper?” 不听这话还好,一听少年气的浑身哆嗦:“张师授课,万国联盟百万人同时受益,共同尊称他为老师……为他矗立雕像,时刻敬拜,有何不妥?” lecture?” 讲课?” Zhang Xuan dumbfounded, this remembers, after Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance grand competition, he had once taught a class, finally also takes out the writing brush, drew a phoenix, sits above, the flight goes...... 张悬一呆,这才想起,万国联盟大比之后,他曾讲过一堂课,最后还取出毛笔,画了一头凤凰,坐在其上,飞行而去…… What Is it possible that carving was that time scene? 难不成雕刻的是那时候的景象? If so, pours has really sat the phoenix, but for at that time the attractive, strong momentum, never expected that the people of alliance took seriously, carves this ownself unexpectedly, time worship...... 如果是这样的话,倒真坐过凤凰,只不过当时为了好看,壮壮声势,没想到联盟的人当真了,竟然把自己雕刻成这样,时刻敬拜…… This also too child's play? 这也太儿戏了吧? Zhang Xuan whole face mental struggle/dilemma. 张悬满脸纠结 Told these people, without such big...... was equal to that a slap in the face ; did not say, thought that some/somewhat was ashamed. 告诉这些人,没这么高大……等于打脸不说吧,又觉得有些惭愧。 Thinks also really to make people be hard to choose! 想想还真的让人难以抉择! ( Zero eruption before dawn (3 - 5 am), this is 1st Update, everyone waits a bit, behind also has.) (零点爆发五更,这是第一更,大家稍等,后面还有。)
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