LHP :: Volume #10

#920: Returns to Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance again

Cloudy Mist Ridge many treasures and ores, must say most precious definitely is Cloud Mist Flower. 云雾岭的诸多宝物、矿石,要说最珍贵的肯定是云雾花 This thing only then here can produce, scarce incomparable, the even if/considered as Hongyuan imperial family cannot take many, one so many tons...... inevitably is a sky-high price. 这东西只有这里才能生产,稀少无比,就算鸿远皇室都拿不出来多少,一下这么多吨……必然是个天价。 Can obtain these thing sells, first can show the relations of their Shen Jia, Liu Jia and new Principal, making others awe ; two, but can also develop a bigger market, making more people know two Great Clan. 能得到这些东西出售,一来能彰显他们沈家、柳家与新院长的关系,让其他人敬畏二来,还能开拓更大的市场,让更多人知道两大家族 It can be said that the even if/considered as help sells, does not receive an advantage, does not make the one cent, gained sends greatly. 可以说,就算帮忙出售,不收一份好处,不赚一分钱,都赚大发了。 Then on appreciate your effort!” “那就有劳了!” The consideration of understand opposite party, Zhang Xuan were not many said, hands clasped together politely nods. 明白对方的考虑,张悬也不多说,抱拳点了点头。 Also chatted several, how determine/certain sold, four people then tactful sets out to say goodbye. 又聊了几句,确定了如何出售,四人便识趣的起身告辞。 Several people leave, Elder Mi walked. 几人离开,糜长老走了进来。 Principal, I have arranged, if Principal the now/current Assessment 6-Star Famed Master's words, only need choose Titled Kingdom, in ten years make him promote the empire, even if/considered as pass through!” 院长,我已经安排了,院长如果现在考核六星名师的话,只需选择一个封号王国,十年内让其晋升成帝国,就算通过!” Ten years?” Zhang Xuan shakes the head. “十年?”张悬摇头。 This time was too long, he wants Assessment, naturally the quicker the better. 这个时间太久了,他要考核,自然是越快越好。 Titled Kingdom...... on Xuanyuan Titled Kingdom!” Zhang Xuan said. 封号王国……就轩辕封号王国吧!”张悬道。 He went to First Grade Kingdom, this, Xuanyuan Royal Family was extinguished by him initially kills, establishes Mo Yu to make His Majesty the King, now/current over six months, how also did not know, just also went back to have a look. 他去过的一等王国,就这一个,当初轩辕王室被他灭杀,确立了莫雨国王陛下,现在半年多了,也不知怎么样了,刚好也回去看看。 Good!” Elder Mi nods: My now/current on transmit message to the headquarters, making them send for Xuanyuan Kingdom!” “好!”糜长老点了点头:“我现在传讯给总部,让他们派人去轩辕王国!” Zhang Xuan replied with a sound. 张悬应了一声 Has read many books, to promoting empire 6-Star Assessment, had fully understood. 看过诸多书籍,对晋升帝国这个六星考核,已经完全了解。 Although Famed Master academy has to give the 6-Star Famed Master's qualifications, does not have the qualifications to conduct the test of this rank, must report higher rank Famed Master Hall, making him send. 名师学院虽然有赋予六星名师的资格,却没资格进行这种级别的考试,必须上报更高级别名师堂,让其派人过来。 They first checked beforehand Kingdom, after determine/certain rank, the Assessment person passes again, find means promotion......, once succeeds, headquarters meeting once more sends people to confirm. 他们先对之前的王国进行核定,确定等级后,考核的人再过去,想办法晋升……一旦成功,总部会再次派人确认。 This avoided the possibility of cheating. 这样就避免了作弊的可能。 Notice headquarters, they send people to check, requires ten days of time probably!” Elder Mi calculated, then said: Ten days later, Principal can set out Xuanyuan Titled Kingdom!” “通知总部,他们派人核定完,大概需要十天时间!”糜长老计算了一下,接着道:“十天后,院长就可以起身去轩辕封号王国了!” Un!” Zhang Xuan nods. “嗯!”张悬点头。 Some of his so many Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique, without the study, Famed Master academy, many profession books, have not watched in any case, just while these ten days of times, completes together. 反正他还有这么多天道功法,没有学习,名师学院,还有诸多职业的书,没有观看,刚好趁这十天功夫,一起完成。 Over the following several days, Zhang Xuan has not wandered about aimlessly everywhere, has free time to go to many academy's library to read. 接下来的几天,张悬没有四处乱走,一有空就去诸多学院的藏书库看书。 Quick, before Beast Taming institute, martial skill institute, Heavenly Crafts Institute and Painting and Calligraphy institute...... these, has not looked at library, was all strolled by him, in which books, all writes down the mind. 很快,驯兽院、武技院、天工院书画院……这些之前没看去过的藏书库,全被他逛了一遍,其中的书籍,也全都记入脑海。 Except for reading, is the closed-door seclusion study, Nine Heavens time, the book that finally will read for serveral days studied completely. 除了看书,就是闭关学习,第九天的时候,终于将这些天看的书全部学了一遍。 To sword technique, spear technique, fist technique and movement technique...... as well as many martial skill, there is a deeper understanding. 剑法枪法拳法身法……以及诸多武技,也有了更深的理解。 Comprehended so many knowledge, studied so many Heaven's Path secret arts, strength, although does not have any growth, but battle strength actually once more rises dramatically. 领悟了这么多知识,学习了这么多天道秘籍,力量虽然没有任何增长,但战斗力再次暴增。 If gives him now/current to run into the Master Mu puppet, simply no need/not using many moves, a finger/refers can be solved. 如果给他现在遇到穆师傀儡,根本不用多少招数,一指就能解决。 Half Saint primary stage cultivation base, Saint Domain First Layer primary stage, can easily defeat, made known to others, can scare to death absolutely while still alive. 半圣初期修为,圣域一重初期,都能轻松击败,传出去,绝对能将人活活吓死。 This is not only the cultivation base deep issue, the understanding of martial skill, with the comprehension of fight, reached the extremely high level. 这已经不光是修为深厚的问题了,对武技的理解,和战斗的领悟,都达到了极高的水平。 Completes these, last day, called Wang Ying, Zheng Yang and Wei Ruyan and the rest, starts to teach. 做完这些,最后一天,将王颖郑阳魏如烟等人叫了过来,开始授课。 Although these people to respective martial skill, some profound understanding, strength also in same ages, outstanding, but to him, was too weak. 这几人虽然对各自的武技,都有很深刻的理解,实力也在同年龄段,出类拔萃,但对他来说,还是太弱了。 spear technique, sword technique, fist technique and movement technique that will just comprehend, the once more instruction, lets its painstaking cultivation, this handover instruction/explain, Zhang Xuan stepped the back of Purple Sun Beast, straight flew to the Xuanyuan Titled Kingdom direction. 将刚领悟的枪法剑法拳法身法,再次传授,让其苦修,这才交代一声,张悬踏上紫阳兽的脊背,笔直轩辕封号王国的方向飞了过去。 This time is to go to Assessment, does not need to take these disciples, delay their cultivation time. 这次是去考核,没必要将这些弟子带上,耽误他们修炼的时间。 ...... …… White clouds long, the breeze blows gently. 白云悠悠,微风习习。 Purple Sun Beast straight flies to the Xuanyuan Kingdom's direction, the Zhang Xuan shaken body, entered Thousand Ant Beehive. 紫阳兽笔直轩辕王国的方向飞去,张悬一晃身,进入了千蚁蜂巢 Saint Domain Fourth Layer Queen Bee blood essence, after to Myriad Ant-Hive Queen, its strength, was promoted Saint Domain Third Layer for several days, wanted much powerful compared with Purple Sun Beast. 圣域四重蜂母精血,给千蚁蜂母后,它的实力,短短几天就晋级到了圣域三重,比起紫阳兽都要强大了不少。 The strength, in addition various spirit stone treasure continuous supplies, the space in honey-comb, the diameter has so exceeded more than 300 meters, like a giant square. 如此实力,再加上各种灵石宝物源源不断的供给,蜂巢内的空间,直径已然超过了三百多米,如同一个巨大的广场。 Sees the range of honey-comb to be getting bigger and bigger, Zhang Xuan was tamed nine king Cloudy Mist Ridge by him, received, then wanted many bricks and stones to Yu Shenqing, lets several fellow make a move, constructed mansion. 见蜂巢的范围越来越大,张悬云雾岭被他驯服九大王者,也收了进来,然后又向玉神清要了许多砖石,让几个家伙动手,修建了一座府邸 although was inferior that beforehand that attractiveness , the scenery is refined, housing in, is very satisfied. 尽管不如之前那个漂亮,却也风景雅致,居住其中,十分惬意。 However, Zhang Xuan comes, does not look at mansion, several steps arrive at most middle courtyard, looked to the ground, a light green bud. 不过,张悬进来,并不是看府邸的,几步来到最中间的院子,看向了地面上,一颗嫩绿的枝芽。 Bodhi! 菩提子! This thing obtained to plant, until today, sends out the shoot. 这东西一得到就种了下来,直到今天,才发出嫩芽。 Look can make its long is quicker......” “看看能不能让它长的快些……” Before was only the seed, had method also did not use/useless, at this moment germinated, smiles, the Zhang Xuan finger, the Way of Heavens true understanding air/Qi, is combining Earth Arteries Spiritual liquid together, welled up. 之前只是种子,有手段也没用,此刻发芽,轻轻一笑,张悬手指一点,一道道天道真气,混杂着地脉灵液,涌了过去。 zī zī zī zī! 滋滋滋滋 brittle sound, the shoot is common like the life, is absorbing Spiritual liquid and True Qi in gulps, visible growth. 一阵脆响,嫩芽如同生命一般,大口大口的吸收着灵液真气,肉眼可见的增长。 Earth Arteries Spiritual liquid and day true understanding air/Qi mix, is not only useful to spirit medicine, the effect on holy medicine is also very big. 地脉灵液和天道真气混合,不光对灵药有用,对圣药的作用也很大。 Less than half double-hour, grew enough two and three meters high, the tree trunk also has the arm to be thick or thin. 不到半个时辰,就长了足足两、三米高,树干也有儿臂粗细。 Compared with of imperial family, gap some/somewhat is big, but is certain, accompanies among at any time to pass, instilled into Spiritual liquid and True Qi are more, can definitely be getting bigger and bigger, is better than the opposite party. 虽然和皇室的那个比,差距有些大,但可以肯定,伴随时间推移,灌输的灵液真气越多,肯定能越来越大,远胜过对方。 Takes back True Qi, Zhang Xuan smiles. 收回真气,张悬轻轻一笑。 His now/current does not have Transcendent Mortal Ninth Layer Heaven's Path Soul Shaman, but, had this Bodhi Tree, with the azure Horned Dragon beast soul, could once more breakthrough, achieves higher rank. 现在没有化凡九重天道巫魂,不过,有了这个菩提树,和青角龙兽魂魄,或许能够再次突破,达到更高级别 Just thinks Soul Shaman departs from the body, conducts cultivation, hears not far away Myriad Ant-Hive Queen sound/voice to resound. 正想巫魂离体,进行修炼,就听到不远处千蚁蜂母声音响起。 Master, Purple Sun Beast from the sky stopped, some seem like people blocked the way!” “主人,紫阳兽在空中停了下来,好像有人拦住了去路!” Blocks the way?” Zhang Xuan stares, does not continue, body shake/sway, walked from the honey-comb. “拦路?”张悬一愣,再不继续,身体一晃,从蜂巢走了出来。 The honey-comb is Folded Space, by his now/current strength, enters, but also is unable outside detect the situation, but, founder of Queen Bee as honey-comb, can actually periphery the real-time monitoring, report. 蜂巢是折叠空间,以他现在的实力,进入其中,还无法察觉外面情况,不过,蜂母做为蜂巢的缔造者,却可以实时监控周围,进行汇报。 Master Zhang, we are willing to go to Xuanyuan Kingdom with you together , helping your helping hand......” 张师,我们愿意与你一起去轩辕王国,助你一臂之力……” Before arriving at the window, looks out, immediately sees Luo Qiqi, Yu Fei'er and Hu Yaoyao and the rest, keeps off in front. 来到窗户前,向外看去,随即看到洛七七玉飞儿胡夭夭等人,挡在前面。 How do you pursue?” Zhang Xuan baffled/strange. “你们怎么追上来的?”张悬奇怪 Purple Sun Beast flew more than half double-hour, at its speed, ordinary spirit beast that these people do ride, coming up that how is this possible pursues? 紫阳兽都飞了半个多时辰了,以它的速度,这几个人乘坐的普通灵兽,怎么可能追的上来? Knows that the Principal choice promotes empire Assessment 6-Star Famed Master, we are waiting ahead of time here, like this you do not have the means to drive out us......” “知道院长选择晋升帝国考核六星名师,我们提前就在这里等着了,这样你就没办法将我们撵走……” Hu Yaoyao said with a smile. 胡夭夭笑道。 By her Monster Talent Society Guildmaster status, with the peerless appearance, in addition the Half Saint strength, inquired that this minor matter, is very simple. 凭借她妖孽会会长的身份,和绝世容颜,再加上半圣的实力,打听出这种小事,还是很简单的。 „...... Good!” “呃……好吧!” Sees the opposite party to insist on being probable with, Zhang Xuan has not rejected. 见对方执意要跟过来,张悬也没拒绝。 Assessment 6-Star Famed Master, is his ownself matter, although other Famed Master cannot help, so long as does not involve the general situation, some trivial matters, can handle. 考核六星名师,是他自己的事,虽然其他名师不能帮忙,但只要不牵扯大局,一些琐事,还是能够处理 This can also speed up the progress, lets Titled Kingdom, the speed of promotion is faster. 这样也能加快进度,让封号王国,晋升的速度更快一些。 Walks together!” “一起走吧!” Zhang Xuan not mental struggle/dilemma, greeted one joyfully, a Luo Qiqi and the rest face arrived at the Purple Sun Beast beast to conduct the back. 张悬也不纠结,招呼一声,洛七七等人一脸欣喜的来到紫阳兽的兽背上。 Several people speed along to go to the Xuanyuan Kingdom's direction fast. 几人快速向轩辕王国的方向飞驰而去。 This time is waiting, altogether four people, respectively are Luo Qiqi, Yu Fei'er, Hu Yaoyao and Dong Xin. 这次过来等着的,一共四人,分别是洛七七玉飞儿胡夭夭董欣 Four are the beautiful women, making the entire room such as the flower open, the live color unrefined resin, pitifully, Zhang Xuan was a klutz, the eye like only blind, except for cultivation was cultivation, spoke with the opposite party, was give directions/guidance. 四位都是美女,让整个房间如花儿开放,活色生香,只可惜,张悬是个木头人,眼睛如同瞎了,除了修炼就是修炼,和对方说话,也是指点 Make their all very helpless. 让她们全都满是无奈。 exchange gets up some/somewhat to be senseless, but the Zhang Xuan's vision and experience, are they cannot compare, in addition the method is numerous, flew two and three days of times, connects breakthrough. 交流起来有些无趣,但张悬的眼光和见识,是她们不能比的,再加上手段众多,才飞行了两、三天的功夫,就接连突破 Especially Luo Qiqi and Yu Fei'er, have achieved Void Treading Realm primary stage, the rapidness of progress, making one be flabbergasted. 尤其是洛七七玉飞儿,已然达到了踏虚境初期,进步之快,令人咂舌。 Hu Yaoyao obtains Zhang Xuan with all one's heart give directions/guidance, remarkable advance, although as before is Half Saint primary stage, battle strength and to martial skill the comprehension, turned several times, battle strength compared with several days before, increased at least one time! 胡夭夭得到张悬尽心指点,也进步明显,虽然依旧是半圣初期,战斗力和对武技的领悟,翻了好几倍,战斗力比前几天,增加了至少一倍! It can be predicted that similarly cultivation base Xue Zhenyang and Long Cangyue and the rest union, is not necessarily able is a match/opponent. 可以预见,同样修为薛真阳龙苍月等人联合,都未必能是对手 Even beforehand that half Saint Rank Lu Cheng, can not drop the wind. 甚至之前的那位半圣级别鹿城,都能不落下风。 Naturally, must exceed the opposite party, definitely also cultivation and consolidated of need more time, but for several days, has such strength, can say, is shocking. 当然,要胜过对方,肯定还需要更多时间的修炼和巩固,但短短几天,就拥有如此实力,可以说,已然骇人听闻了。 As for Dong Xin, Zhang Xuan give directions/guidance, the remarkable advance did not have Hu Yaoyao to be big, actually also battle strength rises dramatically. 至于董欣,张悬指点了一些,进步明显没有胡夭夭大,却也战斗力暴增。 Four people of originally want with the Master Zhang same place, to experience mammoth that promotes the empire, has not thought that so huge advantage, all very is excited. 四人本来只是想和张师一起,经历一下晋升帝国的波澜壮阔,没想到得到了如此巨大的好处,一个个满是激动。 Does not pay attention to their excitements, while these days time, Zhang Xuan also cultivation base to master the subject via a comprehensive study of surrounding areas. 不理会她们的激动,趁这几天的功夫,张悬也将修为融会贯通 His cultivation sound really is too big, here does not facilitate to display, does not have attack higher realm, for these days studied Painting and Calligraphy, Heavenly Crafts and martial skill while convenient, entire person Essence, Qi and Spirit also became different. 修炼的动静实在太大,在这里不方便施展,也就没冲击更高境界,这几天顺便将书画天工武技又研究了一遍,整个人精气神也变得不一样了。 Especially Painting and Calligraphy, making Soul Depth of person more vast indifferently. 尤其是书画,让人的心境更加辽阔淡然。 He at this moment, solely rely/based on Painting and Calligraphy, has reached the 7-Star level. 此刻的他,单凭书画,已然达到了七星水平。 What concept? 什么概念? So long as within the body True Qi is enough, a solely rely/based on pen, paints casually, can draw myriad spirit beast, the innumerable common soldiers, extinguish kill Titled Kingdom, relaxed. 只要体内真气足够,单凭一支笔,随便作画,就能画出万千灵兽,无数兵士,灭杀一个封号王国,轻松至极。 Fearful! 可怕! Regardless of what kind of Auxiliary Specialisations, so long as can surpass 6-Star, has heaven-shaking, earth-shattering strength inevitably, formidable. 无论何种辅修,只要能超过六星,必然都有惊天动地力量,让人敬畏。 „Is front Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance, Master Zhang, want or do not want to has a look?” “前面是万国联盟,张师,要不要下去看看?” Half a month later. 半个月后。 Luo Qiqi stands near the window, lowers the head take a quick look, said. 洛七七站在窗户边上,低头看了一眼,道。 Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance?” 万国联盟?” Zhang Xuan smiles: Has a look!” 张悬轻轻一笑:“看看吧!” He leaves from Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance, to now/current already four months, since passed by, naturally wants go and take a look. 他从万国联盟离开,到现在已经四个多月了,既然路过,自然要过去看看 After all, was here pass through the selection, was qualified for Famed Master academy, had present position and status. 毕竟,是在这里通过了选拔,才有资格进入名师学院,才有了如今的地位和身份。 ( 0 : 00 am punctual eruption, everyone do not forget to look at Oh!) (凌晨零点准时爆发,大家别忘了看哦!)
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