LHP :: Volume #10

#919: Shen Jun cried

The time returned to succession grand ceremony to end. 时间回到继位大典结束。 Sees so stirring succession grand ceremony, Shen Wanting and Liu Zaiyan two Patriarch whole faces are excited and sigh with emotion. 看到如此震撼人心的继位大典,沈万廷柳在言两位族长满脸激动和感慨。 Especially Shen Wanting, as the Hongyuan city most Great Clan actual being in power person, knows that Master Zhang makes such big noise today, the significance of representative. 尤其是沈万廷,作为鸿远城最大家族的实际掌权人,知道张师今天闹出这么大动静,代表的意义。 Let all Famed Master, acknowledged that thoroughly ; Cloudy Mist Ridge all spirit beast, called the master...... big of power and influence, to have the power to rally supporters, Hongyuan city no one may compare again. 让所有名师,都彻底承认云雾岭所有灵兽,都称呼主人……权势之大,号召力之强,鸿远城再无人可比。 even if/considered as Yu Shenqing His Majesty, differs in 108,000, not in same rank. 就算玉神清陛下,都相差十万八千里,不在同一个等级。 With it being on good terms, later Shen Jia makes a rapid career advance, is getting stronger and stronger, is just round the corner. 与之交好,以后沈家飞黄腾达,越来越强,指日可待。 Is planning to return to the family, discussed with many Elder, how to forge the relations, saw ownself this usually, the son who most appreciated, the whole body severe wound was lifted. 正打算回到家族,与诸多长老商议一下,如何打通关系,就见自己这位平时,最赞赏的儿子,满身重伤的被人抬了进来。 How was this?” The Shen Wanting complexion sinks. “这是怎么了?”沈万廷脸色一沉。 The head of Hongyuan city Four Great Clans, Shen Jia has incomparably strong deterrent force, his son, solemn few Patriarch, made into this, is simply lawless, has not paid attention to Shen Jia. 鸿远四大家族之首,沈家有着无比强大的威慑力,他儿子,堂堂少族长,被打成这样,简直无法无天,没将沈家放在眼里。 Father, must take responsibility for me......” sees him to arrive, Shen Jun tears and mucus flowing profusely, shouted miserably. “爹爹,一定要替我做主……”见他来到,沈君涕泗横流,一声惨呼。 „The hand that who moves, dares to provoke Shen, even if/considered as he is the nobility, the emperor's relatives, takes responsibility for you equally, making him give me handover instruction/explain!” “谁动的手,敢挑衅沈家,就算他是王公贵族,皇亲国戚,一样替你做主,让他给我一个交代!” narrow the eyes, in Shen Wanting sound/voice brings aggressively, with unquestionable authority. 眼睛眯起,沈万廷声音中带着霸气,和不容置疑的威权。 Patriarch as first family, has this ability, there is this boldness. 身为第一家族的族长,有这个能力,也有这个魄力。 Is Famed Master academy not well-known small Famed Master...... his Despicable is shameless, causes the trap, taking advantage of the person are many, me and Liu Quan, makes into this!” “是名师学院一个不知名的小名师……他卑鄙无耻,弄出陷阱,依仗人多,将我和柳泉,打成这样!” Shen Jun clenches teeth. 沈君咬牙。 He only knows the opposite party to overwhelm with numerical strength, some specific many people are not clear, was deceived the head, only felt the attack that blots out the sky, pounds right in the face, then and then...... this! 他只知道对方人多势众,具体有多少人并不清楚,被蒙住了脑袋,只觉得铺天盖地的攻击,劈头盖脸地砸下来,然后、然后……就这样了! „Not well-known small Famed Master? Overwhelms with numerical strength?” “不知名的小名师?人多势众?” The Shen Wanting eyebrow lifts: Ate the great ambition leopard guts, dares look for trouble?” 沈万廷眉毛一抬:“吃了雄心豹子胆,敢找麻烦?” Although Shen is only Great Clan, the influence is to actually proliferate various trades and occupations, Hongyuan city Famed Master Hall, has their seven 6-Star Famed Master ranks consecrates in the ; family juniors, several, achieved the 6-Star Famed Master rank. 沈家虽然只是个大家族,势力却是遍布各行各业,鸿远名师堂,就有他们七位六星名师级别的供奉家族子弟中,也有好几位,达到了六星名师级别。 Therefore, is only ordinary Famed Master's words, cannot pose any threat, said lesson/teach a lesson on lesson/teach a lesson, no matter Famed Master Hall, were Famed Master academy, this face can give. 因此,只是一个普通名师的话,构不成任何威胁,说教训教训了,不管名师堂,还是名师学院,这点面子还是能给的。 „Is he several star Famed Master?” Although small Famed Master, it's not a big deal, Shen Wanting inquired carefully. “他是几星名师?”虽然小名师,不算什么,沈万廷还是仔细询问了一下。 4-Star!” 四星!” Shen Jun including hurriedly said. 沈君忙道 small 4-Star Famed Master, the father wants make a move, not relaxed in addition is happy, divides minute to kill? 小小四星名师而已,父亲要动手,还不轻松加愉快,分分钟弄死? „The fellow of this rank, dares to bully on us?” narrow the eyes, Shen Wanting arm swinged: Names? My this sends people Famed Master academy to grasp, makes you vent anger well!” “这种级别的家伙,也敢欺负到我们头上?”眼睛眯起,沈万廷大手一摆:“叫什么名字?我这就派人去名师学院抓过来,好好让你出气!” He called Zhang Xuan, was the not to know the immensity of heaven and earth absurd person......” “他叫张悬,是个不知天高地厚的妄人……” Shen Jun clenches teeth, in the heart is giving free reign to the imagination, father make a move, the opposite party inevitably is very pitiful, sees not far away always calm middle-aged person, the whole body trembles, the complexion one becomes deathly white to be incomparable. 沈君咬牙,心中正畅想着,父亲出手,对方必然凄惨无比,就见不远处一向沉着的中年人,浑身哆嗦,脸色一下变得煞白无比。 Father, what happened to you?” Shen Jun cannot help asked. “父亲,你怎么了?”沈君忍不住问道。 Finishes barely the words, saw Shen Wanting to trample, the air/Qi resulted in the beard to shiver all over: I hold your grandmother, your F**k thinks seeking death, in do not pull Shen!” 话音未落,就见沈万廷一脚踹了过来,气得胡须乱颤:“我操你姥姥,你他妈找死,别拉上沈家!” Bang! 嘭! The never expected that father to his make a move, will not have under the protection, Shen Jun was kicked on the wall, spits blood in gulps, almost does not have kick the bucket at the scene. 没想到父亲会对他出手,毫无防备之下,沈君被一脚踢到墙上,大口大口吐血,差点没当场挂了 Simultaneously a face compels...... the father ignorant, I am come under attack, does not vent anger for me that’s ok, is curses at people are make a move, what to do? 同时一脸的懵逼……爹爹,我才是挨打的,不替我出气倒也罢了,又是骂人又是动手,要干什么 Also holds my grandmother, gives you ten courage, you dare...... 还操我姥姥,给你十个胆子,你敢吗…… Father, you , if not want to meddle, my ownself solution, I as the Shen eldest son, cope with 4-Star Famed Master to achieve......” “爹爹,你要是不想插手,我自己解决,我身为沈家大公子,对付一个四星名师还是能够做到的……” Roared, Shen Jun clenched teeth. 一声咆哮,沈君咬牙。 No matter how said, he has the academic honor in the royal government in the body, is meritorious, now/current made into this, for the air vent on that’s ok, instead does not punch the person...... 不管怎么说,他在朝廷都有功名在身,战功赫赫,现在被打成这样,不替出气就倒也罢了,反而揍人…… really is not good, the relations of use ownself, can mix so position in the army, how to be simple? 实在不行,就动用自己的关系,在军中能混到如此地位,岂会简单? lesson/teach a lesson 4th grade Famed Master, is very easy. 教训一个四级名师,想必还十分容易的。 Your F**k also wants ownself make a move, believed my now/current to chop you......” “你他妈还要自己出手,信不信我现在就剁了你……” Hears the words of this disobedient son, Shen Wanting has almost not spat blood, arm swinged: Comes the person, gave me to bundle this fellow, in the photo died hits, can not keep the hand!” 听到这个逆子的话,沈万廷差点没吐血,大手一摆:“来人,把这家伙给我捆了,照死里打,不得留手!” This......” hears instruction, to one group of servants, all some/somewhat feels helpless. “这……”听到吩咐,冲进来的一群下人,全都有些不知所措。 However since below order, does not dare to refute, went forward to bundle Shen Jun neatly, did not have make a move. 不过既然下的命令,也不敢反驳,齐刷刷上前将沈君捆了起来,却没动手 Why?” Seeing the father is real pissed off, like the joke, the Shen Jun whole face cannot believe. “为什么?”看到父亲是真的生气,不像玩笑,沈君满脸不敢相信。 Why also dares to tell me, you may know Principal that today Famed Master academy succeeds who is?” Shen Wanting trembling with rage. “还敢跟我说为什么,你可知道今天名师学院继任的院长是谁?”沈万廷气的哆嗦 Principal? I just went to the school shortly, am hit, has not participated in succession grand ceremony......” Shen Jun to be awkward. 院长?我刚到学校没多久,就被人打了,并未没参加继位大典……”沈君尴尬。 Although sees the world with the father, but succession grand ceremony has not started, was beaten face distorted beyond recognition, making subordinate support by the arm the family. 虽然和父亲一起去见世面,但是继位大典还没开始,就被殴打得面目全非,让属下搀扶回家族了。 What had not seen, naturally does not know who new Principal is, does not know that made the big noise. 什么都没见到,自然不知道新院长是谁,更不知道闹出了多大的动静。 New Principal is Zhang Xuan!” “新院长就是张悬!” Shen Wanting is angry, beckons to many servants: Leads this disobedient son, goes to Famed Master academy to apologize, Oh, no, first goes to the imperial palace, I must see Yu Shenqing His Majesty!” 沈万廷怒气冲冲,对诸多下人一招手:“带着这个逆子,去名师学院道歉,,不,先去皇宫,我要去见玉神清陛下!” This disobedient son does so the matter of treason and heresy, words that goes to apologize, perhaps the Principal person's shadow could not even see, can only place hopes in His Majesty face! 这个逆子干出如此大逆不道的事,前去道歉的话,恐怕连院长的人影都见不到,只能寄希望于陛下脸面了! ...... …… Similar also happened in Liu. 同样的一幕还发生在柳家。 Ignorant a Liu Quan also face compels was punched by his father crazily, what is most essential, beforehand wound, but also cannot apply ointment...... causes many places, the fester is getting more and more serious, the ache cannot withstand, horrible to look. 柳泉也一脸懵逼的被他父亲狂揍一顿,最关键的是,之前的伤,还不许敷药……导致很多地方,溃烂越来越严重,疼痛不堪,惨不忍睹。 If had not understood before, at this moment sees Zhang Xuan to sit on the seat of honor, a few words lets Royal Highness Huai, feels grateful to weep, almost kneels down, lets Yu Shenqing His Majesty, begs help from all quarters, making him accept bodhi...... 如果说之前还不理解,此刻看到张悬坐在主位上,几句话就让淮王爷,感恩涕零,差点下跪,更是让玉神清陛下,求爷爷告奶奶的,让其收下菩提子…… Again stupidly also understand, at present this person of position. 再傻也明白,眼前这人的地位了。 „A person works a person to work as, is I must cope with Principal Zhang, but also invited Principal, do not vent anger in our Shen......” “一人做事一人当,是我要对付张院长,还请院长,不要迁怒于我们沈家……” Severely wounded Shen Jun clenches teeth, said. 重伤的沈君一咬牙,道。 I, that several people are I look , there is nothing to do with my Liu, my father simply does not know the circumstances of the matter......” “还有我,那几个人是我找的,与我柳家无关,我父亲根本就不知情……” Liu Quan also hurriedly said. 柳泉忙道 Listened to a little while, Zhang Xuan then understood, exactly/actually what is going on, cannot help to shake the head. 听了一会,张悬这才明白过来,到底怎么回事,忍不住摇了摇头。 You run up to Famed Master academy, wants lesson/teach a lesson I...... this not to look for the stimulation? 你跑到名师学院,要教训我……这不是找刺激吗? even if/considered as the people did not know his Principal status at that time, but Xuan Xuan Association puts on there...... is killed at the scene, considered as has shown mercy. 就算当时众人不知道他院长的身份,可悬悬会在那里放着……没被当场打死,已经算是手下留情了。 The whole face is helpless, just wants to reject the compensation of opposite party, he has not been injured in any case...... flash of intuition, receives ring. 满脸无奈,正想拒绝对方的赔偿,反正他也没有受伤……灵光一闪,将戒指接了过来。 Before his now/current position is not the ordinary student, but is Famed Master academy's Principal, the opposite party looks for ownself to be troublesome blatantly, not handle words, first have tremendous impact ; to the academy's prestige two, these two family unable to sleep and eat peacefully, in the Hongyuan city, did not go on living inevitably. 现在地位已经不是以前的普通学员了,而是名师学院的院长,对方公然找自己麻烦,不处理的话,一来对学院的声誉有很大影响二来,这两个家族必然寝食难安,在鸿远城,活不下去了。 Did not say other, but depending on the ownself influence, if known by others, they had once offended ownself, who also dares to do business with them again? 不说其他,但凭自己的影响力,如果被别人知道,他们曾得罪过自己,谁还再敢和他们一起做生意? Can't run away quick enough! 避之唯恐不及! position represented the words and deeds, every action and every movement must conform to the status to be good, this was...... the society! 地位代表了言行,一举一动都要符合身份才行,这就是……社会! Received ring, Spiritual swept one in inside, immediately saw the innumerable treasures. 接过戒指,精神在里面扫了一眼,随即看到无数宝物。 Only high grade spirit stone, has to be close to 500. 上品灵石,就有接近五百枚之多。 These two families, are quite natural!” Zhang Xuan stares. “这两个家族,好大方!”张悬一愣。 So many high grade spirit stone, are not the small number, the even if/considered as Hongyuan imperial family takes, must have a fracture, relaxes some time, these two families took with ease , indicating that the foundation is solid. 这么多上品灵石,可不是小数目,就算鸿远皇室拿出来,恐怕都要伤筋动骨,缓和一段时间,这两个家族轻松拿了出来,足见底蕴深厚。 Shen trading company proliferates entire Hongyuan Empire, in addition their many business, are...... the asset that and Azure Origin Titled Empire does is quite rich, must say the floating capital, perhaps our imperial family, without so many......” “沈家商行遍布整个鸿远帝国,再加上他们的很多生意,都是和青源封号帝国做的……资产颇为丰厚,要说流动资金,恐怕我们皇室,也没有这么多……” Saw his shock, one side Yu Shenqing voice transmission comes quietly. 看出了他的震惊,一侧的玉神清悄悄传音过来。 Is richer than the imperial family?” Zhang Xuan is flabbergasted. “比皇室还富有?”张悬咂舌。 No wonder sees this Shen Jun for the first time, puts out two high grade spirit stone to treat as the gift on first meeting directly, this is Xing Yuan and Yu Fei'er cannot achieve. 难怪第一次见到这位沈君,就直接拿出两枚上品灵石当做见面礼,这可是邢远玉飞儿都做不到的。 Originally home is so rich! 原来家里这么有钱! Since they do business, has the transaction with Azure Origin Empire, can definitely make them help......” the idea, transferred in the mind, Zhang Xuan eyes sparkle. “既然他们做生意,又和青源帝国有交易,完全可以让他们帮忙……”将刚才的想法,在脑海转了一遍,张悬眼睛一亮 His now/current is short of money, wants to seek for high grade spirit stone, but is unavailable, since the opposite party does business, there is a Azure Origin Titled Empire method, sells something, is very simple. 现在缺钱,想去寻找上品灵石而不可得,既然对方做生意,又有青源封号帝国的门路,想必出售些东西,十分简单。 In any case compared with his make a move, is much easier. 反正比他出手,容易得多。 Such being the case, why no need/not using? 既然如此,为何不用一下? Thing I accepted!” Thinks of this, Zhang Xuan nods, looks: Just my also a little matter may trouble you!” “东西我就收下了!”想到这,张悬点了点头,看过来:“刚好我还有点事情可能还要劳烦你们!” What Principal said is it's nothing, our Shen and Liu, so long as can achieve, does not refuse under any circumstances surely......” 院长说的是哪里话,我们沈家和柳家,只要能够做到,必定在所不辞……” Shen Wanting and Liu Zaiyan eyes sparkle, simultaneously hands clasped together politely. 沈万廷柳在言眼睛一亮,同时抱拳 What now/current most fears is the opposite party not wants not to strive, having the matter, can win over the relations, better and better. 现在最怕的是对方无欲无求,有事,才能拉拢关系,越来越好。 „When the succession grand ceremony situation, you saw, Cloudy Mist Ridge many beast pet, to ask for my favor, gave many gifts, these things I have no need, since your both are to do business, whether sell?” 继位大典时的情况,你们都看到了,云雾岭的诸多兽宠,为了讨我欢心,送了很多礼物,这些东西我也用不着,既然你们两家都是做生意的,可否代为出售?” Zhang Xuan said the goal. 张悬说出了目的。 This...... I and others wished for earnestly!” “这……我等求之不得!” Hearing unexpectedly is this request, Shen Wanting and Liu Zaiyan immediately the great happiness. 听到居然是这个要求,沈万廷柳在言顿时大喜。 Involves the benefit, cannot give again, the opposite party gives them to do this thing, showing has abandoned former hatred, the trust has to add. 牵扯利益,就再也割舍不开,对方将这东西给他们去做,说明已经摒弃前嫌,信任有加了。 That is good......” Zhang Xuan stop talking, took out storage ring to hand over. “那就好……”张悬不在多说,取出一枚储物戒指递了过来。 Treasure that Cloudy Mist Ridge many Saint Beast bestow, all in inside. 云雾岭诸多圣兽所赠送的宝物,全在里面。 These things, although is rare and precious, but the use is not to him big, might as well received exchange for high grade spirit stone, is used for cultivation. 这些东西,虽然珍稀,但对他来说用处不大,还不如换取上品灵石,用来修炼 As for the opposite party foundation in this, definitely does not dare to brush what trick. 至于对方根基在这,肯定也不敢刷什么花招。 These things, regardless in other Hongyuan city empires, are quite marketable...... Principal to feel relieved, gives us, guarantees for two months , helping you sell completely!” “这些东西,无论在鸿远城还是其他帝国,都极为抢手……院长放心,交给我们,保证两个月内,就帮你全部销售出去!” Shen Wanting nods again and again. 沈万廷连连点头。
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