LHP :: Volume #10

#918: Bodhi

Yu Shenqing?” Zhang Xuan frown. 玉神清?”张悬皱眉 Does this fellow look for ownself to do? 这家伙找自己干什么? Principal does not receive his congratulatory gift, for these days had free time to come, said that must see one side you personally, how to block cannot block, it is estimated that is fears your pissed off......” 院长不收他的贺礼,这几天一有空就过来,说要亲自见你一面,怎么拦都拦不住,估计是怕你生气吧……” Remembers anything, Elder Mi said with a smile. 想起什么,糜长老笑道。 The noise that on Principal Zhang succession grand ceremony makes is so big, ten thousand beasts come to towards, a public class, making the school teachers and students have Friendship of Half-Teacher...... to obtain everyone's approval! 张院长继位大典上闹出的动静这么大,万兽来朝,一堂公开课,让全校师生拥有了半师之谊……更是获得了所有人的认可! solely rely/based on these two points, know, later has boundless prospects, will otherwise not send out the so precious gift, conducted to win over. 单凭这两点,就知道,以后前途无量,不然也不会送出如此珍贵的礼物,进行拉拢了。 outcome/in the end...... others confiscate, remembers the beforehand daughter birthday again, expels the banquet hall...... is not afraid the opposite party is strange! 结果……人家没收,再想起之前女儿生日,将对方撵出宴会厅……不害怕才怪! go and take a look!” These worldly wisdom, Zhang Xuan thinks through quickly, nods. 过去看看吧!”这些人情世故,张悬很快想通,点了点头。 Does not receive the gift of opposite party , because ownself watched building up soul cultivation technique of opposite party, borrowed their Bodhi Tree, is not willing to profit again. 不收对方的礼物,是因为自己观看了对方的炼魂功法,又借用了他们的菩提树,不愿再占便宜。 However must therefore make the opposite party misunderstand, was embarrassed on some/somewhat. 但是要因此让对方误会,就有些不好意思了。 Arrives at the main hall that Principal receives callers quickly, really sees Yu Shenqing His Majesty, is sitting in inside, the whole face worries. 很快来到院长会客的厅堂,果然看到玉神清陛下,正坐在里面,满脸着急。 With Yu Shenqing together, three middle-aged person, two are implicated does not dare to sit, standing of face turn white in behind. 玉神清一起的,还有三个中年人,其中两个连坐都不敢坐,脸色发白的站在后面。 His Majesty, Royal Highness Huai!” 陛下,淮王爷!” take a quick look, these two middle-aged person did not know, another actually familiar, delivers ownself mansion Royal Highness Huai. 看了一眼,这两个中年人并不认识,另外一个倒是熟悉,正是送自己府邸淮王爷 Also without become Principal time, this person bestows mansion, has very big favorable impression to him. 还没成为院长的时候,此人就赠送府邸,对他还是有很大好感的。 greet/have seen Principal Zhang!” 见过张院长!” Four people set out simultaneously hands clasped together politely. 四人同时起身抱拳 Although their position in Hongyuan Empire considered as most peak, but this solemn Famed Master academy Principal ratio, is inferior. 他们的地位虽然在鸿远帝国算是巅峰了,可这个堂堂名师学院院长比,还是不如的。 no need to be polite......” 不用客气……” Beckons with the hand, Zhang Xuan sits on the seat of honor, looked to Royal Highness Huai: Royal Highness bestows mansion generously, has not gone to express gratitude below face to face, made you come on the contrary, was really ashamed!” 摆了摆手,张悬坐在主位上,向淮王爷看了过去:“王爷慷慨赠送府邸,在下还没去当面道谢,反倒让你来了,真是惭愧!” it's nothing that Principal said!” Royal Highness Huai sets out hastily: Sees Principal for the first time, I know that must be Dragon and Phoenix amongst human, without thinking became Principal quickly......” 院长说的哪里话!”淮王爷连忙起身:“第一次见到院长,我就知道必是人中龙凤,没想到这么快就成了院长……” Royal Highness Huai has endless emotion. 淮王爷感慨不已。 Initially saw this for the first time, the Master Zhang Xuan's time, did not feel to have anything, but thinks that Saint descendants Yuan Tao, thought highly about him, is thinking must win over. 当初第一次看到这位,张悬张师的时候,并不觉得有什么,只是认为圣人门阀袁涛,对他器重,才想着要去拉拢。 Who knows short less than two months, just came to the Hongyuan city, all alone, only then the Spirit Gathering Realm unimportant person, had turned, entire Famed Master academy most powerful person. 谁知短短不到两个月的时间,一个刚来鸿远城,无依无靠的,只有合灵境的小人物,已然变成了,整个名师学院最有权势的人。 Thinks to make one sob, is unbelievable. 想想都令人唏嘘,难以相信。 Royal Highness Huai polite......” Zhang Xuan shook the head: Royal Highness , if not shut out, whether to reveal on one, making me have a look at your strength......” 淮王爷客气了……”张悬摇了摇头:“王爷如果不嫌弃,可否露上一手,让我看看你的实力……” Shows one's skill?” “露一手?” First stares, Royal Highness Huai is wild with joy immediately. 先是一愣,淮王爷随即狂喜。 The opposite party said like this, naturally wants to give him give directions/guidance! 对方这样说,自然是想给他指点 The this one strength, possibly is inferior to him at present, the donkey howling dog cry that but the public class can speak, the understanding of the Way of Teacher, is not ordinary 6-Star Famed Master can compare absolutely! 眼前这位的实力,目前可能不如他,但公开课能讲的驴啸狗鸣,对师道的理解,绝对不是普通六星名师能够比拟的! Can obtain independent give directions/guidance of this person, can exceed innumerable year of painstaking cultivation of absolutely! 能得到这种人的单独指点,绝对能胜过无数年的苦修 Is glad utmost!” “乐意之至!” Does not dare talk rubbish, quickly goes to the halls, clenching fists, hit. 不敢废话,急忙来到大厅中间,拳头捏紧,打了出来。 make a move shows the strength immediately, with Elder Mi and the rest is not any less/weaker, achieved Saint Domain First Layer peak. 出手立刻展示出了实力,和糜长老等人丝毫不差,也达到了圣域一重巅峰 Quick, one set of martial skill fires off, withdraw stands, just like the elementary student, the Royal Highness Huai atmosphere does not dare to leave. 很快,一套武技打完,收手而立,如同小学生一样,淮王爷大气都不敢出。 Just wants to inquire, listens to above youth, light sound/voice made a sound. 正想询问,就听上方的青年,淡淡的声音响了起来。 This set of running water fist technique, by reach a high degree of proficiency of Royal Highness cultivation, is not been indeed weak, but...... Royal Highness often felt the vitality to stagnate recently, does some/somewhat lack the ability to do what one would like?” “这套流水拳法,已经被王爷修炼的炉火纯青,的确不弱,不过……最近王爷是不是经常感到气血凝滞,有些力不从心?” How this...... did Principal know?” “这……院长如何得知?” Royal Highness Huai stares, body cannot help one stiff. 淮王爷一愣,身体忍不住一僵。 He indeed often felt the vitality to stagnate recently, True Qi flows impeded, but, the news conceals is very good, no one has said that even Yu Shenqing His Majesty does not know the circumstances of the matter. 他最近的确经常感到气血凝滞,真气流淌不畅,只不过,消息隐瞒的很好,谁都没说过,甚至玉神清陛下都不知情。 After all, he is powerful, covets the position does not know many, once the made known to others body has the sickness, definitely will bring in many unnecessary trouble. 毕竟,他位高权重,觊觎位置的不知多少,一旦传出去身体有恙,必然会引来许多不必要的麻烦。 No one has told, only hit one set of martial skill, looked, what is this judgement/eyesight? 谁都没告诉,只打了一套武技,就看出来了,这是什么眼力 Had not replied that his words, Zhang Xuan smiles: If I have not misread, should be the beforehand injury causes!” 没有回答他的话,张悬笑了笑:“如果我没看错,应该是以前的伤势引起的吧!” Royal Highness Huai can obtain present position, young time, is the country goes on an expedition, performs many distinguished service, several times is seriously injured, on the point of death. 淮王爷之所以能得到如今的地位,年轻的时候,为国征战,立下不少汗马功劳,更是受过几次重伤,命在旦夕。 The old ailment should be that time leave/stay behind. 病根应该就是那时候留下的。 Yes!” Royal Highness Huai nods. “是!”淮王爷点头。 Here has pot good wine, you drink, then according to me teaches to your law of unblocking, conducts cultivation, the stubborn illness is then dissoluble, industrious in addition diligently, breakthrough current realm, cannot know!” “我这里有一壶美酒,你喝下,然后按照我传授给你的疏导之法,进行修炼,顽疾便可解除,勤加努力,突破当前的境界,也未可知!” Smiles, Zhang Xuan hands over bottle gourd good wine , takes out the written records, flamboyant or bold cursive calligraphy, writes one set of cultivation technique. 轻轻一笑,张悬递来一葫芦美酒,紧接着,取出纸笔,龙飞凤舞,写出一套功法 Although his now/current only then Half Saint primary stage, but read Famed Master academy library all books, the understanding of cultivation, below Saint Domain Second Layer, no one can compare. 现在虽然只有半圣初期,但看完了名师学院藏书库的所有书籍,对修炼的理解,圣域二重以下,无人能比。 Helps opposite party give directions/guidance, writes one set in view of body qualitative cultivation technique, simple. 帮对方指点,写出一套针对体质的功法,简单至极。 many thanks...... Principal Zhang!” 多谢……张院长!” Shivering that outcome/in the end cultivation technique only take a quick look, the Royal Highness Huai pupil contraction, the whole body non-stop. 结果功法看了一眼,淮王爷瞳孔收缩,全身不停的颤抖。 With his experience, naturally can see this set of cultivation technique, compared with cultivation technique and formula of imperial family, wants brilliant, moreover conforms to the physique, earnest cultivation, the stubborn illness is only the minor matter, perhaps with is really same, breakthrough current shackles that the opposite party said that attack higher realm! 以他的见识,自然可以看出这套功法,比皇室的修炼法诀,都要高明,而且更符合体质,认真修炼,顽疾只是小事,恐怕真和对方所说的一样,突破当前的桎梏,冲击更高境界 Only bestowed mansion, obtained one set to inherit cultivation technique of later generation...... 只赠送了一座府邸,就得到了一套可以传承后世的功法…… Was gains absolutely sends greatly! 绝对是赚大发了! This......” Yu Shenqing and remaining two people looked one, shakes the head respectively. “这……”玉神清和剩下的二人对望了一眼,各自摇了摇头。 Although does not know the cultivation technique content, but can make always calm Royal Highness Huai excited, indicates uncommonly. 虽然不知道功法的内容,但能让一向沉稳的淮王爷如此激动,足见不凡。 Before the opposite party do not have become Principal, they do not have judgement/eyesight, now/current to want to be on good terms...... already too late! 对方没成为院长之前,他们没眼力,现在在想交好……已然来不及了 no need to be polite!” Zhang Xuan smiles. 不用客气!”张悬笑了笑。 One set of cultivation technique, is not Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique simplified version, at fingertips for it it's not a big deal. 一套功法而已,又不是天道功法精简版,信手为之不算什么 Like this made also considered as to repay the opposite party to bestow the mansion benevolence, do not owe each other. 这样做也算报答了对方赠送府邸的恩情,两不相欠了。 handle ends the Royal Highness Huai matter, Zhang Xuan looks to Yu Shenqing of not far away: Does not know His Majesty, what matter today comes to look for my behavior?” 处理淮王爷的事,张悬看向不远处的玉神清:“不知陛下,今天过来找我所为何事?” Yu Shenqing quickly sets out: Principal Zhang, this time I come, has two matters......” 玉神清急忙起身:“张院长,这次我过来,是有两件事……” Oh? 哦? Principal was so big to my Yu Family benevolence, teaches the daughter cultivation Soul method not saying that was revives Bodhi Tree...... the god to be deeply grateful clear, without indicating, really was extremely ungrateful!” 院长对我玉家恩情这么大,传授小女修炼灵魂的方法不说,更是救活菩提树……神清感激不尽,如果没有表示,实在太过忘恩负义!” Yu Shenqing hurriedly said. 玉神清忙道 His gift that the opposite party reject, makes its terrified, this coming, is once more gives a present. 对方拒绝的他的礼物,让其惶恐,这次过来,是再次送礼的。 Was polite!” Zhang Xuan shakes the head. “客气了!”张悬摇摇头。 I know the Principal principle of righteousness, and so on and does not care to the wealth, this is Bodhi Tree for these years, birth one by one/each grain of bodhi only...... also looks at Principal do not decline again!” “我知道院长大义,对钱财之类并不在意,这是菩提树这么多年以来,诞生的唯一一粒菩提子……还望院长不要再推辞!” Yu Shenqing wrist turn, took out a jade box to hand over. 玉神清手腕一翻,取出一个玉盒递了过来。 Opens the box, inside clear seed, lying low in. 打开盒子,里面一粒圆润的种子,平躺其中。 Bodhi?” Zhang Xuan frown. “菩提子?”张悬皱眉 Is this thing useful? 这玩意有啥用? Although he looked did not know many books, actually not too understand. 虽然他看了不知多少书,却也不太明白 This thing, so long as plants well, can once more grow Bodhi Tree, often cultivation under the tree, can the peaceful mind, the strength multiply, avoids the Qi Deviation danger, to Soul cultivator, has the effect......” “这东西只要好好种植,可以再次成长出一株菩提树,常在树下修炼,能够安静心神,实力倍增,免除走火入魔的危险,对灵魂修炼者,有奇效……” Yu Shenqing hurriedly said. 玉神清忙道 Can plant Bodhi Tree?” The Zhang Xuan eye was bright. “可以种植出菩提树?”张悬眼睛亮了。 Saint Domain Bodhi Tree of opposite party, he indeed very envies, can such quick warm and nourish Wei Ruyan Soul, indicate powerful. 对方的圣域菩提树,他的确挺羡慕的,能这么快温养魏如烟灵魂,足见强大。 If can have one, Soul Shaman in cultivation, the strength will increase absolutely doubled and re-doubled. 如果能有一株,巫魂在其中修炼,实力绝对会成倍增加。 Un!” Yu Shenqing handed over: Master Zhang can create so fierce Soul cultivation technique and formula, the research to Soul is very deep, therefore, but also looks do not decline!” “嗯!”玉神清递了过来:“张师能创出如此厉害的灵魂修炼法诀,想必对灵魂的研究很深,所以,还望勿要推辞!” Then on many thanks!” “那就多谢了!” Nods, Zhang Xuan no longer rejects. 点了点头,张悬不再拒绝。 Other precious things can not receive, but, this bodhi, is indeed useful, can definitely leave/stay behind. 其他贵重东西可以不收,不过,这颗菩提子,的确有用,完全可以留下 At the appointed time, plants in Thousand Ant Beehive, carries along, Soul Shaman can at any time enter cultivation, no need to worry waste. 届时,种植在千蚁蜂巢,随身携带,巫魂可以随时进入修炼,也不用担心浪费。 „The second matter...... both of you said!” “第二件事……还是你们两个说吧!” Sees his subordinate, Yu Shenqing relaxes, smiles awkwardly, looks to behind two middle-aged person. 见他手下,玉神清松了口气,尴尬一笑,看向身后的两个中年人 Two people walk up, simultaneously hands clasped together politely. 二人走上前来,同时抱拳 Hongyuan city Shen, when Acting-Patriarch Shen Wanting, greet/have seen Principal Zhang!” 鸿远城沈家当代家主沈万廷,见过张院长!” Hongyuan city Shen, when Acting-Patriarch Liu Zaiyan, greet/have seen Principal Zhang!” 鸿远城沈家当代家主柳在言,见过张院长!” Shen? Liu?” “沈家?柳家?” Hongyuan city Four Great Clans, before Zhang Xuan, has heard, but never has happening together, these two do Patriarch look for ownself to do? 鸿远四大家族,张悬之前就听说过,只是从未有交集,这两位家主过来找自己干什么? Yes, my son does not know the good and evil, offends Principal Zhang, my Shen comes to apologize specially......” “是,犬子不识好歹,得罪张院长,我沈家特意过来赔罪……” My family Liu Quan have eyes but cannot see Mt. Tai, I am also apologize specially! This unfilial son, no matter what you handle!” “我家柳泉有眼不识泰山,我也是来特意赔罪的!这个不孝子,任你处置!” Two Patriarch beckon, two youth were pressed. 两位家主一招手,两个青年就被压了上来。 Initially in Shen Jun and Liu Quan that the Yu Fei'er banquet met. 正是当初在玉飞儿宴会遇到的沈君柳泉 This time two people, which have elegant young man's appearance, punched like pig head, face distorted beyond recognition, in the foreheads the some/somewhat trace, he cannot recognize vaguely. 此时的二人,哪还有翩翩公子的模样,被揍的如同猪头,面目全非,要不是眉宇间依稀有些痕迹,他都认不出来。 It can be said that was too miserable! 可以说,太惨了! This......” “这……” Zhang Xuan blinks the eye. 张悬眨巴眼睛。 Although this Shen Jun, at the Yu Fei'er banquet, has had the unhappiness in spoken language with ownself, but...... no conflict, is also insufficient to give to make into this! 虽然这个沈君,在玉飞儿的宴会,和自己有过言语上的不快,可……也没什么冲突啊,不至于给打成这样吧! These two fellows, dare to look for Principal to be troublesome unexpectedly, is our godchildren with an improper method, is willing to be punished, this is our two families, given compensation, but also looks at Principal to accept!” “这两个家伙,居然敢找院长麻烦,是我们教子无方,甘愿受到惩罚,这是我们两个家族,给出的赔偿,还望院长收下!” Puts out a hand, Shen Wanting hands over storage ring, the attitude is sincere. 一伸手,沈万廷递来一枚储物戒指,态度诚恳。 This......” Zhang Xuan dumbfounded. “这……”张悬呆住 Do these two fellows look for ownself to be troublesome? No...... doesn't ownself remember? 这两个家伙找自己麻烦?没有啊……怎么自己一点都不记得? could it be that amnesia? 难道失忆了? Also looks at Principal do not decline, otherwise, our two Great Clan, inevitably terrified does not dare to stay in the Hongyuan city......” “还望院长不要推辞,不然,我们两大家族,必然惶恐的不敢在鸿远城待下去了……” Saw Principal Zhang not to say receives, has not said does not receive, complexion baffled/strange, Liu Zaiyan anxious hurriedly said. 张院长没说收,也没说不收,脸色奇怪,柳在言忙道 Zhang Xuan confused more and more. 张悬越来越迷惑了。 exactly/actually what is going on? 到底怎么回事 Sees doubts on his face not to fake, Yu Shenqing and Royal Highness Huai looked one, admired full of admiration. 见他脸上的疑惑不似作伪,玉神清淮王爷对望了一眼,佩服的五体投地。 Opposite party look for trouble, must punch him, unexpectedly does not remember...... 对方找麻烦,要揍他,居然都不记得…… Principal is Principal, you look at the heart, this bearing...... 院长就是院长,你看着心胸,这气度…… Fierce Ah! 厉害啊!
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