LHP :: Volume #10

#917: once more breakthrough, Half Saint!

First no matter , to continue cultivation!” “先不管了,继续修炼吧!” The scarlet firefly fruit that now/current from Half Saint only misses the shooting, breakthrough needs, just also has, can definitely attack one try. 现在距离半圣只差临门一脚,突破的所需的赤萤果,刚好也有,完全可以冲击一下试试。 The adjustment condition arrives best, took a deep breath, Zhang Xuan once more palm turns, 300 spirit stone that will remain place in Spirit Gathering Array. 调整状态到最佳,深吸一口气,张悬再次手掌一翻,将所剩的三百枚灵石放在聚灵阵之中。 hū hū hū! 呼呼呼 spirit stone and a array contact, rich spiritual Qi ascends immediately, his location place, flooded like essence. 灵石阵法一接触,浓郁的灵气顿时升腾而起,将他所在的地方,充斥的如同实质。 raises the eyebrows, takes out a scarlet firefly fruit to swallow down. 眉毛扬起,取出一枚赤萤果就吞了下去。 This thing altogether ten, Hu Yaoyao and the rest used four, after respective breakthrough, then no longer needs, remaining in his hands. 这东西一共十枚,胡夭夭等人用了四枚,各自突破后,便不再需要,剩下的都在他的手里。 The fruit entrance, rich strength full all the limbs and bones, have at any time to be able the feeling of breakthrough faintly. 果实入口即化,一股浓郁的力量充盈四肢百骸,隐隐有一种随时都会突破之感。 Felt, Zhang Xuan knows that this strength was very weak, really must sprint, by accumulation at this moment, will be defeated most likely, did not worry, once more took out one, swallows down. 感受了一下,张悬知道这种力量还很是薄弱,真要冲刺,凭借此刻的积累,十之八九会失败,也不着急,再次取出一枚,吞了下去。 Ate four continuously, this felt that wild strength at any time will break through the body, stopped, big mouth one piece, the surroundings just like solid qualitative spiritual Qi, the absorption enters the abdominal cavity. 连续吃了四枚,这才感到狂暴的力量随时都会冲破身体,停了下来,大口一张,将周围宛如实质的灵气,吸收进入腹腔。 Bang! 轰隆! Fierce thundering, the body broke some shackles and limit probably, seem like shoved open leaf of front/large door. 一声剧烈的轰鸣,身体像是打破了某个桎梏和局限,又好像推开了一扇大门 All acupoint also open, attracts the income body surrounding spiritual Qi completely, life for a split second changed, just like being reborn general. 所有穴道同时打开,将周围的灵气全部吸收入身体,生命一瞬间发生了变化,宛如脱胎换骨一般。 Half Saint...... to! 半圣……到了! Half Saint, although from the Saint Domain also distance, is actually different in the life body of Transcendent Mortal, regardless of mortal body also Soul, had the qualitative leap, even lifespan, had the enormous growth. 半圣,虽然距离圣域还有一段距离,却已然是不同于化凡的生命体,无论肉身也还是灵魂,都有了质的飞跃,甚至寿命,都有了极大增长。 Ordinary Transcendent Mortal, on 200 -year-old lifespan, breakthrough Half Saint, least can live 500 years old! 普通化凡,也就两百来岁的寿命,突破半圣,最少都能活到五百岁! in other words, lifespan turned one time to continue! 也就是说,寿命翻了一倍不止! cultivation base achieved Half Saint, strength once more had the qualitative leap, before solely rely/based on True Qi, was 47 million cauldrons, now/current rises dramatically 13 million cauldrons, went to the situations of 60 million cauldrons! 修为达到半圣,力量再次有了质的飞跃,之前单凭真气,是4700万鼎,现在暴增1300万鼎,达到了6000万鼎的地步! solely rely/based on True Qi , like Nascent Saint primary stage! 单凭真气,已和从圣初期相同! Coordinates mortal body and Soul Force again, Saint Domain First Layer expert, so long as near body, can easily grind kills. 再配合肉身魂力,圣域一重强者,只要近身,都可以轻易碾杀。 strength rises dramatically, reaction speed and consciousness, there is enormous transformation, is keener and fast. 力量暴增,反应速度和意识,也有了极大蜕变,更加敏锐、迅捷。 now/current he, fights with the Master Mu puppet again, even if/considered as no need/not using Doppelgänger , can definitely easily defeat. 现在的他,再和穆师傀儡战斗,就算不用分身,也肯定能够轻松战胜。 Quick of strength growth, what a pity...... turned into Poor Bastard!” “实力增长的很快,可惜……又变成穷光蛋了!” Knows that the strength the limit, Zhang Xuan is smiling bitterly shaking the head. 知道实力的极限,张悬苦笑着摇头。 Couple days ago obtained so many good things, thought that turned into the super rich man, rejected many gifts, rampant not local products. cultivation, returns to the pre-liberation immediately...... 前几天得到这么多好东西,觉得变成了超级有钱人,拒绝了不少礼物,嚣张的不可方物。一次修炼,又立刻回到了解放前…… ownself this cultivation, but also is really the bottomless pit! 自己这个修炼,还真是无底洞! Also no wonder, Saint Canonization Cognition needs to be enormous to True Qi, what in addition his cultivation is Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique, the request is higher, high grade spirit stone in others eyes precious incomparable, to him, with throwing into the gravel of pond is ordinary, simply it's not a big deal, cannot turn the least bit spray. 也难怪,封圣解本身对真气就需要极大,再加上他修炼的是天道功法,要求更高,上品灵石在别人眼中珍贵无比,对他来说,和扔进池塘的石子一般,根本不算什么,翻不起半点浪花。 According to the now/current conservative estimate, is promoted Saint Domain...... to need to be close to 5000 high grade spirit stone probably!” “按照现在保守估计,晋级到圣域……大概需要接近五千枚上品灵石!” corner of mouth twitching. 嘴角一抽 From Chrysalis Realm primary stage, is promoted Half Saint primary stage, drew support from strength of four scarlet firefly fruits, consumed 800 high grade spirit stone as before, Nascent Saint and Saint Domain...... continued such words, 5000 high grade spirit stone, it is estimated that were the scratch coats. 蚕封境初期,晋级到半圣初期,借助了四枚赤萤果的力量,依旧消耗了八百枚上品灵石,从圣圣域……继续这样的话,五千枚上品灵石,估计都是打底。 So many...... even if/considered as turns a bottom to fall Famed Master academy, does not sufficiently collect! 这么多……就算名师学院翻个底掉,也凑不够! It seems like must find means go out to make money......” “看来必须想办法出去挣钱了……” Rubs the forehead, the hidden bitterness of Zhang Xuan whole face. 揉揉眉心,张悬满脸的幽怨。 What the hell is this. 这叫啥事 Others cultivation, what worries is how to progress, how the breakthrough barrier, this, he has not been worried, on the contrary each time, because poor...... 别人修炼,愁的是如何进步,如何突破屏障,这点,他没担心过,反倒每次,都因为“穷”…… Really was limited the imagination poorly...... 果然是贫穷限制了想象…… really not good...... sold these Cloud Mist Flower and spirit beast congratulatory gift!” 实在不行……将那些云雾花以及灵兽的贺礼都卖了!” Cloudy Mist Ridge these beast pet, gave many congratulatory gifts, the words of these thing sells, trade 2,000-3,000 high grade spirit stone, should be relaxed, is only...... 云雾岭的那些兽宠,给了不少贺礼,这些东西出售的话,换2,000-3,000枚上品灵石,应该轻松,只是…… The Hongyuan city estimated that no one can buy, the imperial family is not good! 鸿远城估计没人能买起的,皇室都不行! Without spirit stone, even if/considered as has Saint Canonization Cognition, is unable cultivation. 没有灵石,就算封圣解,也无法修炼 originally thought, one breath breakthrough to Saint Domain, now/current looks like, wants to be many, has a plan for the present, find means makes money, seeks for the treasure! 本想着,一口气突破的到圣域的,现在看来,还是想多了,为今之计,还是想办法赚钱,寻找宝物吧! Right, does not know before , four big empires that come to have the Famed Master Hall's person not to be, really is not good, sells something to them......” “对了,不知之前来的四大帝国还有名师堂的人在不在,实在不行,向他们出售些东西……” Before Elder Mi introduced reasonable time once had said that Hungchi, Origin Frontier, Baita and matters of Chiyao four big empires. 之前糜长老介绍合理的时候曾说过,鸿池元疆白拓池摇四大帝国的事。 These four, the national strength and Hongyuan Empire compare is not any less/weaker, even has also had it. 这四个,国力和鸿远帝国丝毫不差,甚至还拥有过之。 If can sell their something, should be able to cause many spirit stone, letting him to use one...... 如果能卖他们些东西,应该能弄出不少灵石,让他能使用一阵的子的…… This matter can consider, but, must first go to the Principal tomb just thunderous stone to take to say again......” “这件事可以考虑,不过,要先去院长陵将将雷鸣石取过来再说……” Holds the chin, Zhang Xuan is standing up, walks toward Compendium Pavilion. 扶着下巴,张悬站起身来,向藏书阁外面走去。 The thunderous stone was the breakthrough Nascent Saint treasure, now/current has achieved Half Saint, so long as there is enough high grade spirit stone, breakthrough just a matter of time, might as well first bring, then made money. 雷鸣石是突破从圣的宝物,现在已经达到半圣了,只要有足够的上品灵石,突破只是时间问题,不如先拿过来,再去赚钱。 Left Compendium Pavilion, Zhang Xuan found Elder Mi, just wants to open the mouth, saw his whole face excitedly looked: Principal, congratulations!” 离开藏书阁,张悬找到糜长老,正想开口,就见他满脸兴奋的看过来:“院长,恭喜!” Zhang Xuan looks. 张悬看过来。 „Before Principal, did not say, wants to purchase some Myriad Ant-Hive Queen blood essence? I then proposed to the Hall of Beasts headquarters the application...... has not thought the compliance, Saint Domain Myriad Ant-Hive Queen blood essence, was delivered very early in the morning!” 院长之前不是说,想购买些千蚁蜂母精血吗?我便向兽堂总部提出了申请……没想到得到了应允,圣域千蚁蜂母精血,一大早就送了过来!” The Elder Mi whole face is joyful: Principal 7-Star Beast Tamer badge, to!” 糜长老满脸欣喜:“还有院长七星驯兽师徽章,也到了!” Then, hands over jade bottle, with a rank badge. 说完,递过来一个玉瓶,和一个等级徽章。 Received conveniently, Zhang Xuan reveals the color of doubts: You did not say, purchases this thing to need to spend the enormous price? How......” 随手接过,张悬露出疑惑之色:“你不是说,购买这东西需要花费极大代价吗?怎么……” The Myriad Ant-Hive Queen strength is too weak, is unable to continue to build Thousand Ant Beehive, only if enhances the strength, several days ago, he looks for Elder Mi to purchase other High Level blood essence, outcome/in the end heard that needs to spend the enormous price, even takes several thousand high grade spirit stone. 千蚁蜂母实力太弱,无法继续修筑千蚁蜂巢,除非提升实力,几天前,他找糜长老购买高级别的精血,结果听说需要花费极大代价,甚至要几千上品灵石 How spirit stone had not taken, has the thing succeeded in obtaining? 怎么灵石还没拿,东西就已经到手了? Needs to spend very big price, but, Principal tames in Cloudy Mist Ridge all spirit beast and Saint Beast, is the big meritorious service...... this bottle of Myriad Ant-Hive Queen blood essence, is the direct reward!” “是需要花费很大代价,不过,院长驯服于云雾岭的的所有灵兽圣兽,是大功勋……这瓶千蚁蜂母精血,是直接奖励的!” Elder Mi smiled: And Hall of Beasts also has handover instruction/explain, hopes that you can go to Azure Origin Empire branch, teaches to them tames the spirit beast method fast!” 糜长老笑了起来:“并且兽堂还有交代,希望你能去青源帝国的分部一趟,给他们传授快速驯服灵兽的方法!” so that's how it is! For my many thanks Hall of Beasts headquarters, later had the opportunity to affirm......” 原来如此!替我多谢兽堂总部了,以后有机会肯定过去……” Hears tame Cloudy Mist Ridge spirit beast, unexpectedly had the so big meritorious service, Zhang Xuan smiled. 听到驯服云雾岭灵兽,居然有如此大的功勋,张悬笑了起来。 Does this does not endure academy many scholars to bring death in vain, main reason that in addition the beast tide erupts, by him...... 这样做只是不忍学院诸多学子白白送死,再加上兽潮爆发的主要缘由,是由他而起…… Became the meritorious service unexpectedly. 没想到,竟然成了功勋。 Conveniently pull open jade bottle, a pure courage vigor, straight rush forward. 随手拔开玉瓶,一股精纯的血气,笔直冲了上来 take a quick look, Zhang Xuan some/somewhat is unbelievable: „Is this...... Saint Domain Fourth Layer Myriad Ant-Hive Queen blood essence?” 看了一眼,张悬有些难以相信:“这是……圣域四重千蚁蜂母精血?” In the hand jade bottle blood essence is not Saint Domain First Layer and Second Layer, but is Fourth Layer Myriad Ant-Hive Queen remains. 手中玉瓶精血并非圣域一重二重,而是四重千蚁蜂母所留。 This blood essence, precious incomparable, was almost hard to find, the opposite party one gave so many...... to want value several thousand high grade spirit stone no wonder, words that really must purchase, but also really could not afford! 这种精血,珍贵无比,几乎难以找到,对方一下给了这么多……难怪要价值几千上品灵石,真要购买的话,还真买不起! Had this thing, can foresee the Myriad Ant-Hive Queen strength, rises dramatically inevitably, breakthrough Saint Domain is just round the corner! 有了这东西,可以预见千蚁蜂母实力,必然飙升,突破圣域指日可待! wrist turn, feeds in the honey-comb jade bottle, making Queen Bee swallow, on eye landed/dropped Beast Tamer badge. 手腕一翻,将玉瓶送进蜂巢,让蜂母吞噬,眼睛则落在驯兽师的徽章上。 Before has had the 4-Star badge, in exactly the same as hand, but four stars turned into seven, the material also had the change, thick/generous, a symbol of status position. 之前有过四星徽章,和手中的一模一样,只是四颗星变成了七颗,材料也有了变化,更加厚重,给人一种身份地位的象征。 Although Demonic Sound Master, achieved 7-Star, but is only Lower Three Grades Auxiliary Specialisations, ranks profession near the top to compare with this continent, is differ by a large margin. 虽然魔音师,也达到了七星,但只是下三品辅修,和这种大陆排名靠前的职业比,还是差了很大一截的。 even if/considered as does not have Principal this status, solely rely/based on this 7-Star Beast Tamer, arrives at where, no one dares to despise again. 就算没有院长这个身份,单凭这一个七星驯兽师,走到何处,都无人再敢轻视。 to trouble Elder Mi......” 有劳糜长老了……” Knows that the opposite party helps ownself apply for this badge, gave many strength inevitably, Zhang Xuan nodded. 知道对方帮自己申请这枚徽章,必然出了不少力,张悬点了点头。 it's nothing that Principal said......” 院长说的哪里话……” Elder Mi shakes the head, flashing eyes looks: When does Principal plan Assessment 6-Star Famed Master? If must test, I prepare ahead of time......” 糜长老摇摇头,目光炯炯的看过来:“院长打算什么时候考核六星名师?如果要考的话,我提前准备……” Principal has six types of Auxiliary Specialisations profession that achieves 6-Star, pass through Records Mountain Assessment, has been able Assessment 6-Star Famed Master. 院长已经有了六样达到六星辅修职业,也通过记录山考核,已然可以考核六星名师了。 now/current prepares, but, before that, I want first to go to a Principal tomb!” 现在就准备吧,不过,在此之前,我想先去一趟院长陵!” Zhang Xuan said. 张悬道。 Principal tomb?” dazed for a moment, Elder Mi shakes the head immediately: Perhaps Principal, now/current did not have the qualifications to enter......” 院长陵?”愣了一下,糜长老随即摇了摇头:“恐怕院长,现在还没资格进入其中……” Doesn't have the qualifications?” Zhang Xuan frown. “没资格?”张悬皱眉 Did he condense perfect Principal's Token, Famed Master academy also had him not to have the place that the qualifications went to? 他凝聚了完美的院长令,名师学院还有他没资格去的地方? Principal obtains everyone's approval, grasps Principal's Token, enters, naturally does not have the issue, but...... the Principal tomb, enters, needs to divide Mind Power, remains above the memorial tablet...... must leave/stay behind Mind Power!” 院长得到所有人的认可,手持院长令,进入其中,自然没有问题,但……院长陵,进入其中,就需要分割意念,留于陵碑之上……也就是必须留下意念!” This divides Soul, has certain injury to the soul, was inferior after Assessment ends 6-Star Famed Master, by the meritorious service, to the Famed Master Hall headquarters, applied for a treasure of split up soul, at the appointed time...... not only can guarantee Soul to be complete, and can enter, satisfied both sides!” “这是分割灵魂的,对魂魄有一定的伤害,不如考核六星名师后,凭借功勋,向名师堂总部,申请一件分化魂魄的宝物,届时……既能保证灵魂完整,又能进入其中,两全其美!” For fear that Principal misunderstanding, Elder Mi hurried explanation. 生怕院长误会,糜长老急忙解释。 Tames Cloudy Mist Ridge so many spirit beast and Saint Beast, in the Beast Taming hall is the big meritorious service, in Famed Master Hall, the natural meritorious service is bigger. 驯服云雾岭这么多灵兽圣兽,在驯兽堂都是大功勋,在名师堂,自然功勋更大。 Definitely can apply for some fierce treasures, conducts auxiliary. 完全可以申请一些厉害的宝物,进行辅助。 Zhang Xuan nods. 张悬点头。 Famed Master academy many Principal, can, when asked the ancestor to come out, explained living time, divided Soul leave/stay behind Mind Power. 名师学院诸多院长,能够在请先祖的时候出来,说明活着的时候,分割灵魂留下意念 Divides the Soul difficulty, he had experienced before, on considered as Soul Shaman Master, wants Origin Qi to damage greatly, restores to complete for a long time, let alone average person. 分割灵魂的难度,他以前经历过,就算是巫魂师,也要元气大损,恢复许久才能完成,更何况普通人。 However, his now/current has the pure azure Horned Dragon beast soul, this loss already it's not a big deal, but really must do that definitely will expose the Soul Shaman Master method and status. 不过,他现在有精纯的青角龙兽魂魄,这点损失已经不算什么,只是真要这么做,必然会暴露巫魂师的手段和身份。 First is Assessment 6-Star Famed Master......” “还是先考核六星名师吧……” hesitated for a while, Zhang Xuan beckons with the hand. 迟疑了一下,张悬摆手。 As Famed Master academy Principal, the Soul Shaman Master status, cannot divulge inevitably, otherwise, various Famed Master Hall rules and regulations systems, explained, troublesome incomparable. 身为名师学院院长,巫魂师的身份,就必然不能泄露,不然,名师堂各种规则制度,解释起来,麻烦无比。 Assessment 6-Star Famed Master also not difficult, might as well first test to say in any case to him again. 反正考核六星名师对他来说也不难,不如先考完再说。 Good......” “好……” Elder Mi nods, just wants to speak, saw Elder to walk hurriedly, saw two people of hurried hands clasped together politely: Principal, Yu Shenqing His Majesty, has been waiting outside, said that must see one side you!” 糜长老点点头,正想说话,就见一个长老急匆匆走了过来,见到二人急忙抱拳:“院长,玉神清陛下,一直在外面等着,说要见您一面!”
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