LHP :: Volume #10

#916: Chrysalis Realm peak

Enters the room. 走进房间。 This Compendium Pavilion, with before has gone is not same, the latter puts is corresponding the profession books, for example: Beast Taming academy all ; medicine academy about Beast Taming, is medicine...... 这个藏书阁,和之前去过的并不相同,后者都盛放着相对应职业的书籍,例如:驯兽学院全都是关于驯兽学院,则都是医学方面的…… But this, then put various cultivation technique and martial skill, as well as Hongyuan Empire history, change and human geography and so on general knowledge. 而这个,则盛放了各种功法武技,以及鸿远帝国的历史、变迁、人文地理之类的常识。 1st layer | floor books, although the student can watch, is not simple, covered Spirit Gathering Realm to Chrysalis Realm all cultivation technique, rows of rows, only then counts million this. 第一层的书籍,虽然学生可以观看的,却并不简单,其中涵盖了合灵境蚕封境的所有功法,一排排一列列,只有数百万本之多。 Famed Master academy, the establishment is close for ten thousand years, appear are excessively innumerable startled certainly colorful Famed Master, these people, had the attainment and experience to cultivation, will record, to supply descendant to refer, even also has, created secret art that belonged to ownself, spread in world. 名师学院,成立接近万年,出现过无数惊才绝艳的名师,这些人,对修炼有了心得、体会,都会记录下来,以供后人参考,甚至还有的,创出了属于自己法诀,流传于世。 This also lets each rank, has the innumerable types, different cultivation method. 这也就让每一个级别,都有无数种,不同的修炼方法 Takes Spirit Gathering Realm for instance, casual take a quick look, discovers to be close to more than 10,000 kinds of different cultivation technique and formula, each method is self-made, has the perfect inheritance. 合灵境为例,随便看了一眼,就找出接近一万多种不一样的修炼法诀,每一种方法都自成体系,有着完美的传承。 Regarding other students, sees so many types cultivation technique, must choose a classification to study. Otherwise contacts were many, cannot distinguish correctly wrong, very easy Qi Deviation. 对于其他学员,看到这么多种类的功法,必然要选择一个分类学习。不然接触的多了,分辨不出正确错误,很容易走火入魔 Zhang Xuan no need/not using cares about these completely, he has not requested to the cultivation technique category, instead the more better, the more the better. 张悬完全不用在乎这些,他对功法的类别没有要求,反而是越多越好,多多益善。 Spent was close to a double-hour, the Spirit Gathering Realm books total revenue mind. 花费了接近一个时辰,将合灵境的书籍全部收入脑海。 In the “Correct!” heart shouted lowly. “正确!”心中低呼。 one book has now/current at present, opens conveniently, is Spirit Gathering Realm Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique, formed that with beforehand ownself, although the cultivation way is slightly different, actually reaches the same goal or conclusion from different approaches, the difference is not big. 一本书籍现在眼前,随手翻开,正是合灵境天道功法,和之前自己形成了那本,虽然修炼途径略有不同,却殊途同归,差别不大。 Continues walks toward Celestial Bridge Realm cultivation technique secret arts, similarly spent a double-hour, complete collection. 继续向桥天境功法秘籍走去,同样花费了一个时辰,全部收集。 After forming Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique, contrasted, similarly and before , collects, differs not in a big way, is only in the detail, is more detailed, making cultivation get up, is simpler and easy. 形成天道功法后,对比了一下,同样和之前收集的,相差不大,只是在细节上,更加详实,让修炼起来,更加简单和容易。 It seems like wants is Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique, basically similar...... the content will not have the too sweeping change!” “看来只要是天道功法,基本上都相似……内容不会有太大变化!” Zhang Xuan nods, forwards, walks while includes. 张悬点点头,一路向前,边走边收录。 Since came, the time is not tight, receives to consider as finished all books completely, happen to can also increase his knowledge quantity and mastery. 既然来了,时间又不紧张,就将所有书籍全部收掉算了,正好也能增加他的知识量和底蕴。 After five double-hour, Zhang Xuan all cultivation technique secret arts and martial skill in library and so on, takes in Sea of Consciousness completely. 五个时辰后,张悬就将图书馆里的所有功法秘籍武技之类的,全部收进识海 Although these books have not let his cultivation base growth, lets his knowledge quantity, had very big promotion, to various cultivation systems, understood much. 这些书籍虽然没让他的修为增长,却让他的知识量,有了很大的提升,对各种修炼体系,也了解了不少。 If commented by the knowledge vastly, perhaps entire academy's all Famed Master added to be far less than him. 如果以知识广博来评论的话,恐怕整个学院的所有名师加起来都远不如他。 Moreover, various martial skill, sword technique and sabre technique, spear technique and so on, formed respective Heaven's Path secret art, rows of place on the bookshelf, so long as cultivation, can let the comprehension of weapon True Meaning inevitably, goes to a more profound situation. 不仅如此,各种武技剑法刀法,枪法之类,也形成了各自的天道法诀,一排排摆放在书架上,只要修炼,必然能让兵器真意的领悟,达到更高深的地步。 Zhang Xuan has not worried cultivation, but continues stand forth. 张悬没有着急修炼,而是继续向前走去。 2nd layer | floor is the room that the teacher can enter, leave/stay behind martial skill and cultivation technique, want profound many compared with 1st layer | floor, there is half Saint Rank, cultivation technique and formula! 第二层是老师才能进的房间,留下武技功法,要比第一层要高深的多,也有了半圣级别的,修炼法诀 Collects in which books completely , to continue to walk downward. 将其中的书籍全部收集,继续向下走去。 3rd layer | floor, is Elder can come to watch, has Nascent Saint and Saint Domain cultivation method, but the quantity are much smaller than 1st layer | floor and 2nd layer | floor. 第三层,是长老才能进来观看的,已经有了从圣圣域修炼方法,不过数量要比第一层第二层少得多。 Collects the books, formed correct Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique, by now/current, Transcendent Mortal Ninth Layer Chrysalis Realm and Half Saint Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique has collected completely. 将书籍搜集完毕,形成了正确的天道功法,到现在为止,化凡九重蚕封境半圣天道功法已全部搜集完毕。 in other words, so long as wants cultivation, can definitely in three double-hour, from Chrysalis Realm primary stage, breakthrough to Saint Domain primary stage! 也就是说,只要愿意修炼,完全可以在三个时辰内,从蚕封境初期,突破圣域初期 Smiles, Zhang Xuan opened the Half Saint rank books, looks down. 轻轻一笑,张悬半圣的级别书籍翻开,低头看了过去。 After the moment, frowning. 片刻后,眉头皱起 These cultivation technique, nothing mistake, so long as cultivation routinely, can indeed make him achieve Half Saint and Nascent Saint fast, and even Saint Domain. 这些功法,没有任何错误,只要按部就班的修炼,的确可以让他快速的达到半圣从圣,乃至圣域 even if/considered as achieved Saint Domain, is only Third Grade Soul Embryo, in minimum Second Rank with Saint Canonization Cognition, differs enormously. 只是,就算达到了圣域,也只是个三等元胎,和封圣解中的最低二品,相差极大。 Just started also to feel a little baffled/strange, why Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique, Spirit Gathering Realm and so on phase difference was not big, this had gap, considered, then understood. 刚开始还觉得有点奇怪,为何天道功法,合灵境之类的相差不大,这个却有差距,考虑了一下,便明白过来 In many cultivation technique of library, without cultivation First Grade Soul Embryo secret art, again many of even if/considered as collection, this is ordinary cultivation technique. 图书馆的诸多功法里,没有修炼一等元胎法诀,就算收集的再多,这是普通的功法 On seem like looked that multi- Gap passes the books of private residence again, cannot build the imperial palace to be the same. 好像看再多盖普通民房的书籍,也盖不出皇宫一样。 Both are essentially different, even if/considered as many are similar, can achieve higher realm, in fact, actually not in same level. 两者本质上不同,就算很多内容相似,都能让人达到更高境界,实际上,却不在同一个层面。 Saint Canonization Cognition, although cultivation gets up, is more difficult, but is very likely to form First Grade Soul Embryo, Saint that become Heaven acknowledged that cultivation these ordinary cultivation technique words, then has no chance completely!” 封圣解,虽然修炼起来,更加困难,但极有可能形成一等元胎,成为老天都承认的圣人,修炼这些普通功法的话,则完全没有希望!” In the Zhang Xuan heart thinks. 张悬心中思索。 Saint Canonization Cognition cultivation needs the treasure, possibly wanting will be more difficult, if succeeds, the might is huge, far surpass ordinary cultivation technique. 封圣解修炼起来需要宝物,可能会要难一些,但一旦成功,威力巨大无比,远超普通的功法 Since cultivation one time, naturally must choose is more powerful. 既然修炼一次,自然要选择更加强大的。 In the heart had the decision, has not worried cultivation, but continues to walk upwardly. 心中有了决定,并未着急修炼,而是继续向上走去。 4th layer | floor is Principal can enter, inside in without cultivation technique and martial skill and so on books, but undergoes Acting-Principal, various experiences of leave/stay behind, as well as in academy many secret. 第四层院长才能进入的,里面在没有功法武技之类的书籍,而是历代院长,留下的各种心得体会,以及学院里面的诸多秘辛 Takes in the library these books, Zhang Xuan continues upwardly. 将这些书籍收进图书馆,张悬继续向上。 5th layer | floor, is Master Mu leave/stay behind, although does not have Saint Canonization Cognition, actually covers all precious secret art that he collected, majority is Saint Domain First Layer, there is a few part, achieved Second Layer even Third Layer, but the quantity is extremely scarce, to his use is not very big. 第五层,是穆师留下的,虽然没有封圣解,却涵盖了他搜集的所有珍贵法诀,大部分都是圣域一重的,也有很少的一部分,达到了二重甚至三重,不过数量太过稀少,对他的用处也不是很大。 Some are refine the soul, to refine secret arts of body, is idling the safe/without matter, one and all received. 还有一些是炼魂、炼体的秘籍,闲着无事,就一并全都收了。 Ok, started cultivation!” “好了,开始修炼!” Collects completely the books, Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique and martial skill, formed at least more than ten books, Zhang Xuan deeply inspired, found a spacious place, stopped. 将书籍全部收集完,天道功法武技,也形成了最少十几本,张悬深吸口气,找了个空旷的地方,停了下来。 Chrysalis Realm cultivation technique has prepared completely, there is a breakthrough Half Saint scarlet firefly fruit, can definitely in one vigorous effort, first breakthrough this realm say again! 蚕封境功法已经准备齐全,也有了突破半圣的赤萤果,完全可以一鼓作气,先突破这个境界再说! Takes out array flag, arranged 6th grade Spirit Gathering Array in the surroundings, this takes out one pile of high grade spirit stone, puts. 取出阵旗,在周围布置了一个六级聚灵阵,这才取出一堆上品灵石,放入其中。 Bang! 轰隆! Spirit Gathering Array revolves, innumerable pure spiritual Qi, extract from spirit stone, forms rich clouds, non-stop instilling into to his pore. 聚灵阵运转,无数精纯的灵气,从灵石中抽取出来,形成一道道浓郁的云朵,向他毛孔内不停灌输。 Sits cross-legged to sit on the ground, Zhang Xuan many acupuncture point opening, crazy absorption. 盘膝坐在地上,张悬诸多穴位开启,疯狂吸收。 high grade spirit stone spiritual Qi, pure, but thick/generous, far surpass Earth Arteries Spiritual liquid, has been used for breakthrough, is extremely appropriate. 上品灵石灵气,精纯而厚重,远超地脉灵液,用来突破,极其合适。 The eyes shut, the content in Zhang Xuan revolution Saint Canonization Cognition, is controlling together the true understanding air/Qi, shuttles back and forth in dantian back and forth. 双眼闭起,张悬运转封圣解中的内容,控制着一道道真气,在丹田内来回穿梭。 New Saint Canonization Cognition, before complete different. 新的封圣解,和之前的完全不同。 The latter, seven true understanding air/Qi form one grain, seven grains form one group, seven groups form a solution. 后者,七道真气形成一粒,七粒形成一团,七团形成一解。 But this, needs nine true understanding air/Qi to form one grain, nine grains form one group, nine groups form a solution. 而这个,需要九道真气形成一粒,九粒形成一团,九团形成一解。 Ninth, the limit of digit, nine true understanding air/Qi overlay, conform to the truth, conforms to Heaven's Path. 九是数字的极限,九道真气叠加,才符合真理,符合天道 spiritual Qi flows in within the body, sends out cluck sound/voice, the Zhang Xuan control turns into together the true understanding air/Qi, gathers one grain and one group and a solution...... 灵气在体内流淌,发出咕咕的声音,张悬控制变成一道道真气,汇聚成一粒、一团、一解…… The Saint Canonization Cognition goal is, condenses higher rank Soul Embryo, compared with normal Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique cultivation, wanting difficult many, is much more complex. 封圣解的目的是,凝聚更高级别元胎,比正常的天道功法修炼,要难的多,也复杂得多。 Normal Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique, a double-hour can promote a rank, this progress is small, in a double-hour, does not have breakthrough including a small rank. 正常天道功法,一个时辰就可以晋升一个级别,这个却进步微小,一个时辰内,连一个小级别都没有突破 At this time, he also knows finally why Master Mu must spend for several hundred years, condensed Second Grade Soul Embryo, this secret art, condensed Soul Embryo, although was very powerful, but to the spiritual Qi demand, really was too big. 这时,他也终于知道,穆师为何要花费几百年,才凝聚出一个二等元胎了,这种法诀,凝聚的元胎,虽然很强大,但是对灵气需求,实在太大了。 Simply is a bottomless pit. 简直就是个无底洞。 Did not say other, at his cultivation speed, 6th grade Spirit Gathering Array, lets it to Chrysalis Realm peak in addition, requires day at least. 不说其他,以他这种修炼速度,加上六级聚灵阵,让其到蚕封境巅峰,都最少要一天的时间。 The ordinary double-hour, can a cultivation big rank, now/current actually probably spend for day...... big of difficulty can be imagined. 平常一个时辰,就能修炼一个大级别,现在却要花费一天……难度之大可想而知。 However one day one day, he does not worry. 不过一天就一天,他并不着急。 According to the record of Saint Canonization Cognition, then Master Mu cultivation to this realm, but spent for over 200 years. 根据封圣解的记载,当时的穆师修炼到这一境界,可是花费了超过200年的。 Sits on the spot, cultivation base follows within the body True Qi to keep revolving, the slow promotion, the previous shackles, one disintegrates and eradicates layer upon layer. 在原地,修为伴随体内真气不停运转,缓慢的提升,之前的桎梏,一层层瓦解和破除。 Chrysalis Realm primary stage! 蚕封境初期 Chrysalis Realm intermediate stage! 蚕封境中期 Chrysalis Realm advanced stage! 蚕封境后期 ...... …… One day later, really achieved Chrysalis Realm peak, only misses Half-Step from Half Saint, at any time can breakthrough. 一天后,果然达到了蚕封境巅峰,距离半圣也只差半步,随时都可以突破 Was more powerful than too many before......” “比以前强大太多了……” Stops cultivation, in Spiritual regards, in Zhang Xuan heart cannot help feeling. 停止修炼,精神内视,张悬心中忍不住感慨。 Normal Chrysalis Realm each small rank differs 3 million cauldrons probably, but cultivation Saint Canonization Cognition, then achieved 6 million cauldrons! 正常蚕封境每一个小级别大概相差300万鼎,而修炼封圣解,则达到了600万鼎! ( Normal Chrysalis Realm primary stage 2 5 millions cauldrons, intermediate stage 28 million cauldrons, advanced stage 31 million cauldrons, peak 34 million cauldrons!) (正常蚕封境初期500万鼎,中期2800万鼎,后期3100万鼎,巅峰3400万鼎!) Before him has 29 million cauldrons, the additional 18 million cauldrons, achieved 47 million cauldrons depending on True Qi strength! 他之前的就拥有2900万鼎,加1800万鼎,光凭真气力量就达到了4700万鼎! If coordinates the Soul Force 20 million cauldrons and mortal body 32 million cauldrons, has achieved 99 million cauldrons, from Saint Domain cauldron absolutely, only misses a million cauldron! 如果配合魂力2000万鼎和肉身3200万鼎,已然达到了9900万鼎,距离圣域的万万鼎,也只差一百万鼎而已! in other words, on strength already not weaker than Saint Domain expert. 也就是说,力量上已经不弱于圣域强者 Fearful! 可怕! Chrysalis Realm peak solely rely/based on strength endures compared with Saint Domain, made known to others no one believes absolutely. 蚕封境巅峰单凭力量就堪比圣域,传出去绝对没人相信。 However, strength and Saint Domain First Layer primary stage is similar, true battle strength, is inferior. 不过,力量圣域一重初期相仿,真正战斗力,还是不如的。 Saint Domain comprehends Heaven and Earth rules and regulations, can in very far place attack, strength not weaken, but he wants to draw support from completely strength, words that can only near body, unable to approach...... mortal body and Soul Force, the role is not big. 圣域领悟天地规则,可以在很远的地方攻击,力量不衰减,而他想要借助全部力量,只能近身,无法靠近的话……肉身魂力,就作用不大。 Did not have this two kinds in addition to hold, only then 47 million cauldrons, were similar to Half Saint advanced stage. 没了这两样加持,只有4700万鼎,和半圣后期相仿罢了。 Even so, was very fearful, compared with past Principal Mo Liuzhen, wanted not to know many powerful. 即便如此,也是很可怕了,比起当年的莫流真院长,都要强大不知多少。 Strength progressed much, what a pity was also too big to high grade spirit stone consumption really......” “实力是进步了不少,可惜对上品灵石的消耗也实在太大了……” Feels strength, looks at disintegrating slag everywhere, the Zhang Xuan whole face forced smile. 感受完身上的力量,看着满地的碎渣,张悬满脸苦笑。 cultivation Saint Canonization Cognition, indeed makes cultivation base more consolidated, True Qi is vigorous, strength is sufficient, but...... also many issues, for example, to the consumption of high grade spirit stone, went to a shocking situation. 修炼封圣解,的确让修为更加巩固,真气浑厚,力量充足,可……同样也有不少问题,例如,对上品灵石的消耗,就达到了一个骇人听闻的地步。 He obtained several hundred high grade spirit stone from Wu Xu and Lu Cheng and the rest hand, in addition...... adds from the fierce warrior beast and Cloudy Mist Ridge congratulatory gift, has achieved more than 800, compared with ten Great Elder any, wants wealthy/abundant...... 他从吴虚鹿城等人手中得到了几百上品灵石,加上从熊虎兽以及云雾岭的贺礼……加起来,已然达到了八百多枚,比十大长老任何一个,都要富裕…… But now/current, only from Chrysalis Realm primary stage, cultivation to peak, consumed 500, close to the majority! 现在,只从蚕封境初期,修炼巅峰,就消耗了500枚,接近一多半! Burns money simply! 简直就是烧钱! ( Beginning client side has the activity of honor king, opens app, the right bottom has to snatch benefits, everyone can open, inside has our lovable stretch/open hang neck, Zhang Xuan everyone casts voting to us, Old Ya thanked politely!!) (起点客户端有个荣誉王的活动,打开app,右下角有个抢福利,大家可以打开,里面有咱们可爱的张吊脖子,“张悬”大家都给我们投投票啊,老涯拜谢了!!)
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