LHP :: Volume #10

#915: Reads

originally thought is very simple, quick can study, without thinking of a ponder, is entire one day. 本以为很简单,很快就能研究出来,没想到一思考,就是整整一天。 hū! 呼! Stands up, Zhang Xuan rubs the forehead. 站起身来,张悬揉揉眉心。 Research that a day and a night watches, even if/considered as his now/current physical strength is astonishing, cannot help some/somewhat is dizzy. 一天一夜不眠不休的研究,就算现在体力惊人,也忍不住有些头昏脑涨。 However hard work pays off, after such a long time painstaking cultivation, predict had/left new Saint Canonization Cognition finally. 不过功夫不负有心人,经过这么长时间的苦修,终于推算出一本新的封圣解了。 Pitifully...... the letters were swallowed 2/3 by Ruthless Being, should be able to fuse not to have flaw cultivation technique......” “可惜……要不是书简被狠人吞噬了三分之二,应该能融合出没有缺陷的功法……” After the research, he discovers the writing and concept in Master Kong letters, fuses the cultivation technique optimal path, but the library only included the content, after the writing was swallowed 2/3, incomplete fierce. 经过研究,他发现孔师书简中的文字和意境,才是融合功法的最佳途径,而图书馆只收录了内容,文字被吞噬掉三分之二后,残缺的厉害。 concept vanished 2/3...... to cause Saint Canonization Cognition that predict came out, was incomplete. 意境消失了三分之二……导致推算出来的封圣解,并不完整。 Altogether three flaws, just like initial Five Brilliant Gold Body, respectively were Half Saint, Nascent Saint and Saint Domain, wanted breakthrough, needed the treasure coordination!” “一共三处缺陷,和当初的五耀金身一样,分别是半圣从圣圣域,想要突破,都需要宝物配合!” put out a breath, Zhang Xuan shakes the head. 吐出一口气,张悬摇头。 New Saint Canonization Cognition, just like initial Five Brilliant Gold Body, each breakthrough checkpoint, needed the treasure coordination. 新的封圣解,和当初的五耀金身一样,每突破一个关卡,都需要宝物配合。 Although also has the flaw, that but gives with the beforehand Master Mu puppet compared, missed several million kilometers, not in same scale. 虽然也有缺陷的,但和之前穆师傀儡给的那个比,差了好几百万公里,不在同一个档次上。 What kind of, can have the sensibility?” “怎么样,可有感悟?” The Master Mu puppet walked. 穆师傀儡走了上来。 Yesterday he just attained the Master Kong leave/stay behind note, the opposite party sits cross-legged to sit, discovered, the letters can Saint Canonization Cognition, optimize, making it more perfect. 昨天他刚拿到孔师留下的笔记,对方就盘膝坐了下来,想必也发现,书简可以对封圣解,进行优化,让其变得更加完美。 Slightly has obtained!” Zhang Xuan smiles. “略有所得!”张悬笑了笑。 good/Yes! Studied for day, I also had some sensibility, we can discuss, can perhaps improve Saint Canonization Cognition, making it more perfect!” 不错!研究了一天,我也有了些感悟,咱们可以一起讨论一下,或许就能改进封圣解,让其变得更加完美!” Strokes the beard, the Master Mu puppet eyes is shining. 捋着胡须,穆师傀儡双眼放光。 Oh? does not know Master Mu, has what attainment? Whether to mention listens?” Hears the opposite party self-confident words, Zhang Xuan cannot help looked towards this side. 哦?不知穆师,有何心得?可否说来听听?”听到对方自信的话语,张悬忍不住看了过来 I felt, to seal/confer Shijie the seven true understanding air/Qi condense, has the mistake...... concrete is several, is more perfect, has not studied......” “我觉得,封师解的中的七道真气凝聚,是有错误的……不过具体是几道,更加完美,并未研究出来……” Quick, the Master Mu puppet the comprehension of ownself, explained. 很快,穆师傀儡将自己的领悟,解释了一遍。 Listens to his words, Zhang Xuan to shake the head. 听完他的话,张悬摇了摇头。 Also thinks that an opposite party day of many effort, can bring the inspiration to ownself, makes up three flaws, now/current looks like, wants...... 还以为对方一天多的努力,能给自己带来灵感,补足三个缺陷,现在看来,想多了…… The understanding of opposite party obviously also in the most superficial surface layer, with Saint Canonization Cognition that he studies, differs has in 108,000 fully. 对方的理解明显还在最肤浅的表层,跟他研究出来的封圣解,相差足有十万八千里。 Your comprehension anything, might as well said that our exchange! Although your strength compared with me, the talent is also higher than me, but must say the perception, I do not lose in people self-confidently......” “你的领悟了什么,不妨说出来,咱们交流一下!虽然你的实力比我强,天赋也比我高,但要说悟性,我自信还是不输于人的……” Smiling, Master Mu puppet very is self-confident. 笑了笑,穆师傀儡满是自信。 His talent is not startled certainly colorful, possibly was inferior including initial Principal Mo Liuzhen, but...... the perception absolutely is very fearful. 他的天赋不是惊才绝艳,可能连当初的莫流真院长都不如,但……悟性绝对是很可怕的。 Otherwise, is impossible to learn the lessons of predecessor, supplements Saint Canonization Cognition, forcefully ownself Soul Embryo cultivation to the Second Grade high grade situation. 不然,也不可能总结前人的经验,补充封圣解,硬生生将自己元胎修炼二等上品地步。 This is innumerable Famed Master, has not achieved. 这可是无数名师,都未做到的。 For this reason, in the perception, he has very big self-confidence, similar day, he comprehended so many, opposite party even if/considered as also has the comprehension, it is estimated that will not differ too in a big way. 正因如此,在悟性上,他有很大的自信,同样一天,他领悟了这么多,对方就算也有领悟,估计也不会相差太大。 This......” “这……” How does not know to explain, hesitated, Zhang Xuan takes out the writing brushes and blank books, will summarize good Saint Canonization Cognition quickly, changes to everyone to be able cultivation simplified version, handed over: This is the day , the content that I comprehend, you can look at......” 不知道如何解释,迟疑了下,张悬取出毛笔和一本空白书籍,很快将总结好的封圣解,改成人人都可以修炼精简版,递了过来:“这是这一天,我领悟的内容,你可以看一下……” „Do you comprehend?” “你领悟的?” Looks down, take a quick look, the Master Mu puppet on body shake/sway, has almost not only fallen down. 低头看去,只看了一眼,穆师傀儡就身体一晃,差点没摔倒在地。 one day duration, he thought that has comprehended much, but compares with the opposite party, a drop in the bucket is not! 一天时间,他觉得已经领悟不少了,但和对方一比,九牛一毛都算不上! Others most correct cultivation technique, will write, he made a opening...... 人家都将最正确的功法,写出来了,他才弄了个开头…… A literary work of this seem like The Number(s) surely character, similar day, he wrote two characters, under the establishment the name of leading character...... the opposite party had ended this...... 这就好像个数千万字的文学巨著,同样一天,他才写了两个字,确立下主人公的名字……对方已经完本了…… The gap big letting person collapses. 差距大的让人崩溃。 simply not in same rank! 根本不在同一个级别上! A moment ago funny he also vowed solemnly must compete with the perception...... to compare My foot with the opposite party, how how to compete to lose Ah! 可笑他刚才还信誓旦旦的要和对方比试悟性……比个屁啊,怎么比怎么输啊! Master Zhang great talent...... admires below!” 张师大才……在下佩服!” understand gap, School-founding Ancestor-Master this status also lowered. 明白差距,开派祖师这个身份也放低下来。 All right, the perception is almost unimportant, so long as is willing to study, later the association/will is progressive.” Saw him by helpless of attack/mental blow, Zhang Xuan is comforted one. “没事,悟性差点不要紧,只要肯学习,以后总会进步的。”见他被打击的不知所措,张悬安慰了一句。 Yes!” Master Mu puppet corner of mouth twitching. “是!”穆师傀儡嘴角一抽 Before these words were he say others, educated younger generation, has not thought that at this moment fell the head of ownself. 以前这句话都是他说别人,教育后辈,没想到此刻落到了自己的头上。 However, compared with the perception, he indeed misses the opposite party not to know far, reaching was the master, the opposite party said like this, not considered as overstepped one's authority. 不过,比起悟性,他的确差对方不知多远,达者为师,对方这样说,也不算僭越。 Master Zhang, this Saint Canonization Cognition, is you comprehends, my even if/considered as thinks cultivation, cultivation......” 张师,这本封圣解,是你领悟而出,我就算修炼,也修炼不了……” Shakes the head, the Master Mu puppet, hands over books once more. 摇摇头,穆师傀儡,将书籍再次递过来。 He is only a puppet, cannot cultivation True Qi secret art, even if/considered as now/current know this set of cultivation technique, is in vain however. 他只是个傀儡,已然不能修炼真气法诀,就算现在知道了这套功法,也是枉然。 no need/not using!” Zhang Xuan beckons with the hand: This set of cultivation technique, you remain, later some people arrive at 9th layer | floor again, teaching to him is!” 不用了!”张悬摆了摆手:“这套功法,你留着吧,以后有人再来到第九层,传授给他便是!” Although this set of cultivation technique is precious, but also is he refers to Saint Canonization Cognition that the opposite party gives, coordinating Master Kong to keep some attainments, summarizes, is not the private asset. 这套功法虽然珍贵,但也是他参照对方所给的封圣解,配合孔师留些的心得,才总结出来的,算不上私有资产。 Might as well stay here, presents as a gift to the talent of later generation, perhaps, can make Human Race more powerful. 不如留在这里,赠给后世的天才,或许,能让人族变得更加强大。 As for...... the public instruction, lets everyone cultivation...... 至于……公开传授,让所有人都修炼…… It is not he does not want, but had with the past Master Kong same worry. 并不是他不愿意,而是有和当年孔师一样的担心。 This to seal/confer Shijie, to the true super talent, is unsurpassed secret arts, to the mediocre person, only meets the attack/mental blow confidence, lets its delusion not the fond dream that is possible to achieve, thus loses the fighting spirit, unsuccessfully. 这本封师解,对真正的超级天才来说,是无上秘籍,对庸才来说,只会打击信心,让其妄想不可能做到的美梦,从而失去斗志,碌碌无为。 On the seem like 100 million gold coins, to the rich and powerful people, is the small target, but...... do not think to the average person, otherwise, will definitely die depressed. 好像一亿金币,对富豪来说,是小目标,但对普通人来说……还是别想了,不然,肯定会郁闷死。 Yes!” “是!” Listened to his decision, the Master Mu puppet to nod secretly, bows exactly/actually: I for academy's younger generation, thank you!” 听了他的决定,穆师傀儡暗暗点头,躬身到底:“我替学院的后辈,谢谢你了!” Can ownself comprehension cultivation technique, unretentive, contribute selflessly, this is true Famed Master. 能将自己领悟的功法,毫无保留,无私地贡献出来,这才是真正的名师 No wonder can become this generation of Principal, indeed have the uncommon place young. 难怪年纪轻轻就能成为这一代的院长,的确有着不凡之处。 When, this Mind Power and asked ancestor that to say Mind Power, without communication, but was together more than for day, knows that at present this youth, was Famed Master academy new Principal. 虽然,这股意念和请先祖时的那道意念,没有沟通,但相处了一天多,也知道眼前这个青年,是名师学院新任院长了。 Master Mu no need to be polite, enlightens ten thousand sides, inherits the later generation, should be I does......” 穆师不用客气,教化万方,传承后世,也应该是我做的……” Zhang Xuan nods. 张悬点头。 „The Master Zhang principle of righteousness, I am not mean-spirited, as new Principal, should know, Principal tomb?” The Master Mu puppet looks. 张师大义,我也不小气,身为新任院长,应该已经知道,院长陵了吧?”穆师傀儡看过来。 Naturally!” “当然!” Zhang Xuan nods. 张悬点头。 I looked a moment ago, the scarlet firefly fruit that the Saint Canonization Cognition that you comprehend, breakthrough Half Saint needs, I do not have, the thunderous stone that but...... breakthrough Nascent Saint needs, prepared one actually, places in the Principal tomb!” “刚才我看了,你领悟的这本封圣解,突破半圣需要的赤萤果,我没有,但……突破从圣需要的雷鸣石,生前倒是准备了一块,就放在院长陵之中!” The Master Mu puppet is saying with a smile. 穆师傀儡笑着道。 Thunderous stone? Do you have this thing? Good!” “雷鸣石?你有这东西?太好了!” eyes sparkle, Zhang Xuan has almost not jumped. 眼睛一亮,张悬差点没跳起来。 New Saint Canonization Cognition, three flaws, breakthrough Half Saint needs the scarlet firefly fruit, this thing, had found, it's not a big deal. 新的封圣解,有三个缺陷,突破半圣需要赤萤果,这东西,早就找到了,不算什么 breakthrough Nascent Saint, then needs the thunderous stone. 突破从圣,则需要雷鸣石。 A very rare ore, was moistened by the thunder and lightning all day long, ten thousand years can form. 一种十分稀有的矿石,终日受到雷电滋润,万年方能形成。 Before Cloudy Mist Ridge many King, given treasure, although were many, without this thing , indicating as before preciously. 之前云雾岭的诸多王者,给的宝物虽多,依旧没这东西,足见珍贵。 originally thought found, when does not know, never dreamed or expected, he...... has unexpectedly! 本想着找到,不知何年何月,做梦都没料到,他……居然有! Moreover placed the Principal tomb. 而且还放在了院长陵。 Also is really the good intention has the good report, cultivation technique that will comprehend submissively sent out, wants to find this type of ore, it is estimated that was difficult. 还真是好心有好报,要不是拱手将领悟的功法送出,想要找到这种矿石,估计难了。 Un, I was also initially the travelling world time, the occasional income...... had not used!” “嗯,我也是当初游历天下的时候,偶然所得……一直没有使用!” The Master Mu puppet nods, wrist turn, a special token has the now/current palm: You arrived at the Principal tomb, found to bury my mortal body place, this token took out, treasure that buries, automatic appear! This is I saves my entire life, is leaves the thing of later generation talent......” 穆师傀儡点头,手腕一翻,一个特殊的令牌出现在掌心:“你到了院长陵,找到埋葬我肉身的地方,将这个令牌祭出,其中埋藏的宝物,会自动出现!这是我一生积蓄,也是留给后世天才的东西……” many thanks Master Mu......” 多谢穆师了……” Received the token, Zhang Xuan hands clasped together politely bows, in heart very respect. 接过令牌,张悬抱拳躬身,心中满是尊敬。 After dying, is thinking the later generation, is willing the inheritance and treasure leave/stay behind, this senior Expert, true master. 死后想着后世,愿意将传承及宝物留下,这才前辈高人,真正的师者。 You already pass through Records Mountain 9th layer | floor, obtained the inheritance, goes back!” “你已通过记录山第九层,也得到了传承,回去吧!” This handover instruction/explain handover instruction/explain ends, knows at present this youth, definitely later compared with his progress even further, Master Mu puppet satisfied beckoning with the hand of. 交代交代完,知道眼前这个青年,肯定以后比他走的更远,穆师傀儡满意的摆了摆手。 Said goodbye!” “告辞!” Nods, Zhang Xuan no longer said, hands clasped together politely walks downward. 点点头,张悬不再多说,抱拳向下走去。 Just arrived at 8th layer | floor, saw Elder Mi and the rest that a face worried about, comforted one, walked with the people. 刚走到第八层,就看到了一脸担忧的糜长老等人,安慰了一句,和众人一起走了下来。 Arrives under Records Mountain, sees construction that reaches to the sky, Zhang Xuan put out a breath. 来到记录山下方,看到高耸入云的建筑,张悬吐出一口气 Although only separated for day, feeling of another era. 虽然只隔了一天,却恍如隔世。 Luckily after become Principal, first came to here, otherwise, once breakthrough Half Saint, without the qualifications came, is unable to obtain Saint Canonization Cognition, then did not have the opportunity to condense higher rank Soul Embryo. 幸亏成为院长后,先来这里了,不然,一旦突破半圣,没资格过来,也就无法得到封圣解,再没机会凝聚更高级别元胎了。 Principal, does now/current go?” 院长,现在去哪?” Compendium Pavilion!” Zhang Xuan beckons with the hand. 藏书阁!”张悬摆了摆手。 Compendium Pavilion?” The people stare. 藏书阁?”众人一愣。 Un, my now/current plans to read, studies!” “嗯,我现在打算看书,学习一下!” Zhang Xuan beckons with the hand. 张悬摆手。 Although there is Saint Canonization Cognition, was equal to that had to Saint Domain beforehand cultivation technique from Chrysalis Realm, but must have a look, can draw support from the books, is complete its supplement. 虽然有了封圣解,等于从蚕封境圣域之前的修炼功法都有了,但还是要去看看,能不能借助书籍,将其补充完整。 Once can be successful, even if/considered as does not have the treasure, can breakthrough, attack higher rank. 一旦能够成功,就算没有宝物,也能一路突破,冲击更高级别 My now/current brought Principal in the past......” “我现在就带院长过去……” When Elder Mi first guides. 糜长老当先带路。 Nearby Famed Master academy's Compendium Pavilion, in the Elder institute, two people of after walking a while, arrives. 名师学院的藏书阁,在长老院内,二人走了一会,来到跟前。 This place not like other constructions, big palatial, instead is very plain, making one look, is confident on Soul Depth, again not anxious meaning. 这地方不像其他建筑一样,高大巍峨,反而十分古朴,让人一看,就心境坦然,再无焦躁之意。 Because reads, Elder Zhao and the rest, has not then followed. 因为是看书,赵长老等人,便没有跟随。 Principal, this is Compendium Pavilion, altogether five, the bottommost, opens ; 2nd layer | floor to open ; 3rd layer | floor to the academy meritorious service big student to the ordinary teacher, opens ; 4th layer | floor to academy elder, only then undergoes Acting-Principal to enter...... as for 5th layer | floor, other Principal cannot enter, but you can definitely enter!” 院长,这就是藏书阁,一共五层,最下面的,对学院功勋大的学生开放第二层对普通老师开放第三层,对学院长老开放第四层,只有历代院长才可以进入……至于第五层,别的院长进不了,但你肯定能够进入!” Elder Mi smiles. 糜长老笑了笑。 this one obtains existence that Perfect Principal made, the jurisdiction is enormous, so long as is academy, place that could not have gone. 眼前这位可是得到了完美院长令的存在,权限极大,只要是学院,没有进不去的地方。 Un!” “嗯!” Nods, Zhang Xuan take a quick look this big construction, does not have much is too scruple at present, pushes the door to walk. 点了点头,张悬看了一眼眼前这座高大的建筑,没有太多迟疑,推门走了进去。 Boiled was close for two months...... 熬了接近两个月…… Compendium Pavilion, I came finally! 藏书阁,我终于来了! ( Beginning client side has the activity of honor king, opens app, the right bottom has to snatch benefits, everyone can open, inside has our lovable stretch/open hang neck, Zhang Xuan everyone casts voting to us, Old Ya thanked politely!!) (起点客户端有个荣誉王的活动,打开app,右下角有个抢福利,大家可以打开,里面有咱们可爱的张吊脖子,“张悬”大家都给我们投投票啊,老涯拜谢了!!)
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