LHP :: Volume #10

#914: Fuses cultivation technique

This......” “这……” The Master Mu puppet quickly walked up, looks down. 穆师傀儡急忙走上前来,低头看了过去。 The True Qi group of opposite party, although is not big, has the light halo, is ordinary like the rainbow, is reflecting the ray, making one have a liking for one on wallowing cannot help but. 对方的这个真气团,虽然不大,却带着淡淡的光晕,如同彩虹一般,反射着光芒,让人看上一眼就不由自主的沉迷其中。 More than 300 true understanding air/Qi, according to the special structure pester be together, one superimposes layer upon layer, without slightly mistake and omission, impregnable, on considered as he, cannot seek out any issue. 三百多道真气,按照特殊结构纠缠在一起,一层层叠加,没有丝毫错误和遗漏,无懈可击,就算是他,都找不出任何问题。 even if/considered as past he, wants to achieve this step, spent nearly hundred years of research, non-stop pondering over, non-stop testing, adjusts true understanding air/Qi the subtle point and distance, can succeed. 就算当年的他,想做到这一步,也是花费了近百年的研究,不停琢磨,不停实验,调节一道真气的细微之处和距离,才得以成功。 Opposite party from attaining book to now/current, ten minutes, even has not seen to open the page, achieves this, is more perfect, wants attractively...... how exactly did he achieve that he manufactures? 对方从拿到书到现在,连十分钟都不到,甚至都没见翻开过书页,就做到这点,比他制作的都要完美,都要漂亮……到底怎么做到的 Sees the opposite party, how to feel that his about hundred years of research...... did feed the dog? 看到对方,怎么感觉他这近百年的研究……都喂狗了? Is shocking, opposite youth, ten fingers continue to spring again and again, innumerable True Qi, are forming a huge barrier at present, only listens to sound/voice that incites to be lingering on faintly, immediately sees dozens grain of rice size True Qi groups, float not far away. 正在震惊,对面的青年,十指继续连连弹出,无数的真气,在眼前形成了一个巨大的屏障,只听滋滋的声音不绝于耳,随即就看到几十个米粒大小真气团,悬浮的不远处。 Bang! 轰隆! Fierce sonic boom, youth both hands of not far away in in the air fierce gathers, dozens True Qi groups gather be together simultaneously, turned into dragon eye size. 一声剧烈的音爆,紧接着不远处的青年双手在空中猛的一合,几十个真气团就同时汇聚在一起,变成了龙眼大小 „Is this also good?” Swallowed a saliva, the Master Mu puppet felt entire person soon unable to endure/hold on any further. “这样也行?”咽了口唾沫,穆师傀儡觉得整个人都快要坚持不住了。 True Qi group, True Qi solution, like piling up the be together blasting explosive, looks like builds the be together building block, a collision, is very slightly easy to be defeated and dispersed, initially he to let two liberate be together, cautious and solemn, spent had five years fully, the control was away from, strength, for fear that appear issue. 真气团,真气解,如同堆积在一起的炸药,又像搭建在一起的积木,稍一碰撞,就很容易溃散,当初他为了让两解放在一起,小心翼翼,花费了足有五年的时间,控制距离、力量,生怕出现问题。 this one instead is better off, with both hands hit, dozens solutions condenses directly in the same place, without slightly issue, without explosion and so on situation...... this is to strength, understood that what realm can achieve? 眼前这位倒好,直接用双手一拍,几十解就凝聚在一块,没有丝毫问题,更没有爆炸之类的情况……这是对力量,理解到了什么境界才能做到的? Personally sees, thought that ownself cultivated fake Saint Canonization Cognition, but opposite party cultivation real! 亲眼所见,都觉得自己是不是修了个假的封圣解,而对方修炼的才是真的! Is such cultivation?” Completes these, Zhang Xuan very doubts looked towards this side: seem like is not very difficult, should have more than enough for several hundred years?” “是不是这样修炼的?”做完这些,张悬满是疑惑的看了过来:“好像也不是很难,应该用不了数百年时间吧?” originally thinks that with is really same, must spend for several hundred years that the opposite party said to condense these, now/current looked like very actually simple, slightly not delay time. 本来以为真和对方说的一样,要花费数百年来凝聚这些,现在看来其实很简单,丝毫都不耽误时间。 So simple condensation True Qi, this Famed Master academy's School-founding did Ancestor-Master, do unexpectedly for several hundred years, Can it be true? 如此简单的凝聚真气,这位名师学院的开派祖师,居然做了几百年,真的假的 Talent rather also too differ by some margin. 天赋未免也太差了一些 cough cough, this and this...... is unimportant!” Corners of the mouth twitching, the Master Mu puppet quickly shakes the head. 咳咳,这个、这个……不重要!”嘴角抽搐,穆师傀儡急忙摇头。 In others presence/in front, he can also show off the ownself talent and ability, in this youth presence/in front, is ended at present with ease oppressively, even the dregs was inferior that...... by attack/mental blow, the courage of speech did not have. 在别人面前,他还可以炫耀自己的天赋和能力,在眼前这个青年面前,被轻松完虐,连渣都不如……被打击的,说话的勇气都没有了。 He carefully observes dozens solutions that the opposite party condensed, regardless of strength and distance, to the control of True Qi, far surpass he, even if/considered as strongest strength time, renew makes these, will not compare this to be better! 他仔细观察了对方凝聚的几十解,无论力量、距离,对真气的掌控,都远超过他,就算最强实力的时候,重新做这些,都不会比这位更好! It can be said that opposite party's comprehension to the Saint Canonization Cognition, has surpassed him. 可以说对方对封圣解的领悟,已经超过他了。 Was feeling, is unable to teach the opposite party again, sees youth of not far away, the brow wrinkles the lump, reveals the color of doubts. 正觉得,再无法传授对方,就见不远处的青年,眉头皱成疙瘩,露出疑惑之色。 „It is not right, although this Saint Canonization Cognition looks very stable, in fact many flaws, from the perfect structure, are very big a section......” “不对呀,这个封圣解虽然看起来很稳固,实际上还是有很多缺陷的,距离完美构架,还有很大一截……” According to the way that the opposite party said arranges, can indeed make True Qi stabler, formed Fake Core and Void Core are firmer......, but the pass through library, can see as before, many loopholes and flaws, meet true expert, unable to withstand a single blow. 按照对方说的这种方式布置,的确能让真气变得更加稳固,结成的假丹虚丹更加坚固……但通过图书馆,依旧可以看出,很多漏洞和缺陷,遇到真正的强者,不堪一击 in other words this Saint Canonization Cognition, is not perfect and without blemish, has very big distance from Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique. 也就是说这个封圣解,并不是完美无缺的,距离天道功法还有很大一段距离。 If can supplement that some corresponding cultivation technique on good......” to lower the head the ponder. “要是能补充一些对应的功法就好了……”低头沉思。 Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique, cultivation habit, cultivation technique of so many flaws, really could not practice...... 天道功法,修炼习惯了,这么多缺陷的功法,实在练不下去啊…… Was used to the seem like sumptuous lifestyle, the plain food is hard into the throat to be the same. 好像锦衣玉食惯了,粗茶淡饭难以入喉一样。 It seems like must go to the academy's cultivation technique pavilion, looks some Chrysalis Realm, Half Saint, Nascent Saint cultivation technique secret arts!” “看来要去学院的功法阁,去找一些蚕封境,半圣,从圣功法秘籍了!” Rubs the forehead. 揉揉眉心。 His now/current is Famed Master academy in history jurisdiction biggest Principal, wants to look that anything can look at anything, no one can keep in balance again. 现在名师学院有史以来权限最大的院长,想看什么就能看什么,再没人能够制衡。 really was not good, had/left this Records Mountain, went to cultivation technique pavilion, so long as the books were enough, did not believe cannot supplement completely this Saint Canonization Cognition. 实在不行,出了这个记录山,就去功法阁一趟,只要书籍足够,不信不能把这个封圣解补充完整。 I know that this cultivation technique has the flaw, but is the innumerable seniors, synergy of design.” Listened to him to say has the flaw, the Master Mu puppet, shakes the head. “我知道这个功法有缺陷,但是已经是无数前辈,设计的最优方案了。”听他说有缺陷,穆师傀儡,摇了摇头。 On considered as 9-Star Famed Master, does not dare to say creation cultivation technique, without issue. 算是九星名师,也不敢说创造的功法,没有问题。 This Saint Canonization Cognition, gathered did not know the painstaking care and wisdom of many seniors, although can make the Soul Embryo might that condensed bigger, but also said with the opposite party was the same, has many flaw. 这个封圣解,集合了不知多少前辈的心血及智慧,虽然能让凝聚出来的元胎威力更大,可也和对方说的一样,存在着很多缺点 However can see flaw, the same rank does not exist, even if/considered as has, achieved 8-Star Famed Master and above, this person, could not find flaw, similarly is not a match/opponent. 不过能看出缺点的,同级别并不存在,就算有,也达到了八星名师及其以上,这种人,找不到缺点,同样不是对手 Yeah! 是啊! Opposite party understand this, Zhang Xuan so what does not understand, shakes the head, just wants to end this topic, hears the Master Mu puppet, sighed, the feeling of unable to restrain emotions. 对方明白这点,张悬又如何不理解,摇摇头,正想结束这个话题,就听到穆师傀儡,叹息一声,情不自禁的感慨。 Not everyone has Master Kong that talent, if can find his past leave/stay behind cultivation technique and formula, is not the extent that.” “并不是人人都有孔师那种才华,如果能找到他当年留下修炼法诀,也不至于如此。” Master Kong leave/stay behind secret art?” Zhang Xuan stares. 孔师留下法诀?”张悬一愣。 In Saint Canonization Platform, met the Master Kong’s remnant soul, has bestowed ownself letters, had added in has one set of cultivation technique, perhaps so long as the research, can be comprehended well...... 封圣台的时候,遇到了孔师的残魂,赠送过自己一本亲笔书简,还说过里面有一套功法,只要好好研究,或许就能得到领悟…… At that time had not been serious, at this moment heard the words of old man, suddenly remembered. 当时没当回事,此刻听到老者的话,突然想起。 The cultivation technique is secret arts that can...... Master Kong say Saint Canonization Cognition? 会不会……孔师所说的这个功法秘籍就是封圣解 Saint Canonization Platform is Master Kong Saint Ascension Land, leave/stay behind cultivation technique, is definitely related with this, if can find this thing, in the to seal/confer Shijie with hand fuses, can form Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique inevitably! 封圣台孔师封圣之地,留下功法,肯定与此有关,如果能找到这东西,与手中的这本封师解融合,必然能够形成天道功法 even if/considered as could not form, Master Kong leave/stay behind thing , the flaw were extremely definitely few, can definitely direct cultivation. 就算形成不了,孔师留下的东西,也肯定缺陷极少,完全可以直接修炼 Thinks of this, wrist turn, letters have the now/current palm, opens conveniently, immediately corner of mouth twitching. 想到这点,手腕一翻,一本书简出现在掌心,随手翻开,随即嘴角一抽 Is only thinking the Master Kong leave/stay behind thing, outcome/in the end forgot Ruthless Being...... 光想着孔师留下的东西,结果狠人忘了…… This fool swallows continuously time has eaten twice, in the letters the leave/stay behind writing only has one third, even if/considered as leaves leeway what cultivation technique, it is estimated that has turned into the scrap. 二货连续吞次吃过两次,书简中留下的文字只剩下三分之一,就算留有什么功法,估计已变成废品了。 What the hell is this...... , if we had known these, kill will not make him do Ah! 这叫啥事……如果早知道这些,打死也不会让他这么干啊! The is could it be that in your hand...... Master Kong own handwriting?” “你手中的这个难道是……孔师亲笔?” very mental struggle/dilemma, hears the Master Mu puppet in not far away, shivers sound/voice to resound. 满是纠结,就听到不远处的穆师傀儡,略带颤抖声音响起。 Yes!” Also no denied that Zhang Xuan nods. “是!”也没什么否认的,张悬点了点头。 Whether...... to make me have a look?” “可否……让我看看?” Master Mu puppet hurriedly said. 穆师傀儡忙道 Sure!” Zhang Xuan threw the letters conveniently. “当然可以!”张悬随手将书简扔了过去。 Careful......” “小心……” Sees him to Master Kong own handwriting, at will, the Master Mu puppet has almost not so frightened to faint, catching of being thrown into confusion, complexion some/somewhat flood was white. 看到他对孔师亲笔,如此随意,穆师傀儡差点没吓晕过去,手忙脚乱的接住,脸色都有些泛白了。 So long as is Famed Master, to Master Kong, has the natural trust and worship, can obtain his own handwriting, wishes one could to place daily at present, provides for...... this fellow instead is better off day and night, throws conveniently, just like trash, careless...... 只要是名师,对孔师,都有天然的信任和崇拜,能得到他的亲笔,恨不得天天放在眼前,日夜供养……这家伙倒好,随手扔,跟垃圾一样,毫不在乎…… Really does not know that is the heart is big, simply has not been serious. 真不知道是心大,还是根本就没当回事。 Received the letters, opened gently, the Master Mu puppet eyelid jumped: How was the above character short of so many?” 接过书简,轻轻打开,穆师傀儡眼皮一跳:“上面的字怎么少了这么多?” Oh, I obtain, is this, possibly...... puts was too long!” ,我得到的时候,就是这样,可能……放的太久了吧!” Knows that this matter, explained is more troublesome, Zhang Xuan along with tastes. 知道这件事,解释起来更麻烦,张悬随口道。 Put is too long?” “放的太久?” Hears this oblique reply, Master Mu puppet very is speechless, but, knows that he does not want to say that then no longer closely examines. 听到这个毫无诚意的回答,穆师傀儡满是无语,不过,也知道他不想多说,便不再追问。 Turned the letters quickly. 很快将书简翻了一遍。 cannot help looks: „Is this...... the attainment of Saint Canonization Platform?” 忍不住看过来:“这是……封圣台的心得?” Saint Canonization Platform, he is young time, went more than once, this attainment, can say knows by heart, although the some/somewhat permits writing changed, actually with him remembers basically agrees. 封圣台,他年轻的时候,去了不止一次,这篇心得,可以说倒背如流,虽然其中有些许文字改了,却和他记忆中的基本一致。 Zhang Xuan nods. 张悬点头。 Attainment of Master Kong leave/stay behind......, if the past years can find this, the understanding of Saint Canonization Cognition, is definitely more profound!” 孔师亲笔留下的心得……如果当年能找到这个,对封圣解的理解,肯定更加深刻!” In also remaining the writing the books, carefully read several, more looks more feels wide-ranging and profound. 将书籍中还剩下的文字,仔细看了几遍,越看越觉得博大精深 Although the content he can carry, but coordinates the Master Kong’s writing, has flavor, before on Saint Canonization Platform saw that is completely different. 虽然内容他能背下来,但配合上孔师的文字,别有一番韵味,和以前在封圣台上看到的,完全不同。 Perhaps according to the words of this understanding, really can enlightenment have one set, different cultivation technique, are better than at present cultivation Saint Canonization Cognition. 按照这个理解的话,或许真的能参悟出一套,不一样的功法,远胜过目前修炼封圣解 Fusion!” “融合!” His here exclamation, Zhang Xuan of not far away, then Spiritual immerses in the library, puts be together the books and Saint Canonization Cognition of attainment, shouted lowly. 他这边惊叹,不远处的张悬,则精神沉浸在图书馆中,将心得的书籍和封圣解在一起,一声低呼。 hū! 呼! Two books fuse slowly, after the moment, book new books have now/current at present. 两本书籍缓慢融合,片刻后,一本书新的书籍出现在眼前。 Opens gently, take a quick look, shakes the head. 轻轻翻开,看了一眼,摇了摇头。 The attainment of Master Kong leave/stay behind, when introduced the ownself breakthrough comprehension, was not cultivation secret art, fused with Saint Canonization Cognition, simply was impossible to form correct Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique, instead everything in disorder, making one unable to understand. 孔师留下的这篇心得,只是介绍自己突破时的领悟,并非修炼法诀,与封圣解融合,根本不可能形成正确的天道功法,反而乱七八糟,让人看不懂。 It seems like that thinks to be precise correct Saint Canonization Cognition, without is so indeed easy. 看来,想凝炼出正确的封圣解,的确没那么容易。 „It is not able to fuse, I can the ownself research...... want in light of the attainment of Master Kong leave/stay behind, when studies his breakthrough feeling, then in correct content according to Saint Canonization Cognition, unifies...... definitely to create one set of cultivation technique with it!” “无法融合,我可以自己研究啊……只要结合孔师留下的心得,研究他突破时的感受,然后根据封圣解中正确的内容,与之结合……完全可以创出一套功法!” Is planning to give up, a thought flashed through the mind suddenly, idea pop up. 正打算放弃,心中突然一动,一个想法冒出 Although this attainment does not have leave/stay behind cultivation technique and formula, but actually cultivation each process, and feeling, described completely, so long as by this predict, the True Qi operation route, recombination Saint Canonization Cognition, should be able to want leave/stay behind cultivation technique Master Kong, radical return to original state! 虽然这篇心得没有留下修炼法诀,但是却将修炼的每一个过程,以及感受,全部描述下来,只要以此推算,真气运行路线,再结合封圣解的话,应该可以将孔师想要留下功法,彻底还原! A feeling, can derive dozens and several hundred types, the method that even several thousand True Qi revolve, if it is someone else, even if/considered as obtains this two kinds thing, is impossible to achieve, but he is different! 一种感受,可以衍生出数十种、数百种,甚至数千种真气运转的法门,换做其他人,就算得到这两样东西,也不可能做到,但他不一样! Having Library of Heaven's Path can the clear resolution correctly and wrong, so long as discovers the correct way, piles up be together completely, can the correct road found! 拥有天道图书馆可以清晰的分辨出正确和还是错误,只要找出正确的途径,全部堆积在一起,就可以将其中正确的路找到! Tries!” “试试!” Thinks does, nothing hesitant, Zhang Xuan sits cross-legged to sit on the spot directly strongly, Spiritual in the mind, deliberates to study carefully. 想到就做,没有任何犹豫,张悬直接盘膝坐在原地,精神集中在脑海,仔细推敲研究起来。
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