LHP :: Volume #10

#913: cultivation Saint Canonization Cognition

Never expected that this one unexpectedly is confident to him. 没想到眼前这位对他居然如此有信心。 First Grade Soul Embryo is very no doubt good, but must be the same with the opposite party, takes cultivation several hundred years, will kill will not do. 一等元胎固然很好,但要和对方一样,需要修炼个几百年,打死都不会去做。 When he was 30 years old, does not arrive at 9-Star Famed Master, Innate Fetal Poison will manifest suddenly, living is so long, condenses other High Level Soul Embryo also to have what using again? 他30岁之前,不到九星名师,先天胎毒就会发作,活不到这么久,凝聚再高级别的元胎又有何用? Therefore, this Master Mu, although said give an exaggerated account of things First Grade Soul Embryo, but in fact he actually too big interest, cannot succeed well, is not successful, does not have any. 所以,这位穆师虽然将一等元胎说得天花乱坠,而实际上他却并没有太大的兴趣,能成功最好,不成功,也没有什么。 good/Yes, is completely hopeful by your talent, naturally, the light has the talent to be insufficient, wants successful also to need the accident of sorts and perception!” 不错,以你的天赋完全有希望,当然,光有天赋还不够,想要成功还需要机缘巧合及悟性!” The Master Mu puppet nods. 穆师傀儡点头。 Famed Master Continent historical, startled certainly colorful talent, such as multitude of people moving to and fro, innumerable, but can cultivation become First Grade Soul Embryo, has never heard. 名师大陆的历史上,惊才绝艳的天才,如过江之鲫,数不胜数,而能够修炼一等元胎的,从未听说过。 The talent is no doubt important, the luck, the perception is also indispensable. 天赋固然重要,运气,悟性也不可或缺。 Luck is beyond control, the perception can examine actually. Thus, you first study this Saint Canonization Cognition, if can in three days, gather be together True Qi in within the body, does not request to be many, so long as seven True Qi gather, not collapse, has big hope attack to surpass Second Grade high grade Soul Embryo, cannot achieve this, do not think!” “运气无法控制,悟性倒是可以检测。这样,你先学习这本封圣解,如果能在三天之内,将体内的真气汇聚在一起,不要求多,只要七股真气聚集,不崩塌,就有很大的希望冲击超过二等上品元胎,做不到这点,就不要多想了!” Seven True Qi!” “七股真气!” The Zhang Xuan recollection saw Saint Canonization Cognition a moment ago. 张悬回忆刚才看到了封圣解 Although Chrysalis Realm can condense Soul Embryo, but wants to condense higher rank, is not Transcendent Mortal Ninth Layer can complete. 虽然蚕封境能够凝聚元胎,但想凝聚更高级别,并非一个化凡九重能够完成。 Was hard to achieve did not say, even if/considered as can be successful, because also strength was insufficient, could not control, thus caused collapse. 难以做到不说,就算能够成功,也因为力量不足,掌控不住,从而导致崩塌 Saint Canonization Cognition knows this matter, the Chrysalis Realm Soul Embryo period, elongates forcefully, without achieving Saint Domain, all may condense, in other words, on considered as Half Saint and from Saint Rank, can conduct warm and nourish to Soul Embryo, lets its unceasing increase. 封圣解正是知道这件事,将蚕封境元胎期,硬生生拉长,只要没达到圣域,皆可凝聚,也就是说,就算是半圣和从圣级别,也能对元胎进行温养,让其不断的增加。 Past Master Kong should be so, Half Saint and Nascent Saint accumulated vigorously, achieved Saint Domain time, at one fell swoop breakthrough, world-famous, even Beyond The Heaven approved. 当年的孔师应该就是如此,半圣从圣积累浑厚,达到圣域的时候,一举突破,天下闻名,连上苍都为之认可。 Condenses Soul Embryo, gathers be together True Qi, congeals the ball, then the cascade polish, from Fake Core to True Core( Void Core), Solid Core, finally is Gold Core! 凝聚元胎,是将真气汇聚在一起,凝结成球,然后逐层打磨,从假丹真丹(虚丹)、实丹、最后才是金丹 Seven True Qi that the opposite party said that in fact forms the Fake Core foundation. 对方所说的七股真气,实际上是构成假丹的基础。 True Qi is the gas, is easy to be defeated and dispersed, Saint Canonization Cognition condenses the silk True Qi, in the special structure way, builds be together. 真气是气体,容易溃散,封圣解是把真气凝聚成丝,以特殊的构架方式,搭建在一起 Builds the house on seem like, does not have certain method and order, many brick stone pile be together, were hard to be stable did not say, was more impossible to form the construction of splendid and magnificent houses. 好像盖房子,没有一定的方法和顺序,诸多砖石堆在一起,难以稳固不说,更不可能形成美轮美奂的建筑。 Saint Canonization Cognition seven True Qi, condenses be together with the special structure, forms a unit, so long as these seven stabilities, behind piles up one by one then. 封圣解就是将七股真气,以特殊构架凝聚在一起,形成一个单位,只要这七股稳固,后面逐个堆积即可。 Like the brick, stone, cement and water, are seemingly unrelated, once fuses be together, can construct powerful buildings one after another. 如同砖、石、水泥、水,看起来互不相干,一旦融合在一起,就能建造出一座又一座的雄威楼舍。 Principle not difficult, the key is, how concise True Qi, making it is like thread, is not defeated and dispersed, but can also condense by this structure, this is most important. 原理不难,关键是,如何凝练真气,让其变得和细线一样,不溃散,还能以这种结构凝聚,这才是重中之重。 Not only needs powerful Soul Force, but must have the absolute control to achieve to True Qi. 不但需要强大的魂力,还要对真气有绝对掌控才能做到。 good/Yes, your now/current reads, so long as in three days are completed, I will told you, my cultivation process, making you little detour, is insufficient with my same draw conclusion from incomplete data, finally consumed for several hundred years, has not succeeded!” 不错,你现在看书吧,只要三天内完成,我会告诉你,我的修炼过程,让你少走弯路,不至于和我一样盲人摸象,最终耗费几百年,都未成功!” The Master Mu puppet said. 穆师傀儡道。 Read...... first no need/not using, seven were True Qi that you said stable this?” “看书……先不用了,你说的七股真气稳固是这样吗?” Zhang Xuan shakes the head, the finger, true understanding air/Qi, straight floats now/current at present, just wants to continue, looks at one side Master Mu puppet stared wide-eyed, as if soon frightens to faint, sound/voice trembles. 张悬摇摇头,手指一点,一道真气,笔直现在眼前,正想继续下去,就看一侧的穆师傀儡眼睛瞪圆,似乎吓得快要晕过去,声音发颤。 „Can you let...... True Qi departs from the body? Moreover stays the steerable condition?” “你能让……真气离体?而且还保持可控制的状态?” This has what baffled/strange, I just cultivation soon can achieve, not any important matter......” “这有什么奇怪的,我刚修炼不久就能做到了,又不啥大事……” Sees his one to make much ado about nothing, without the appearance of greet/have seen world, Zhang Xuan shakes the head. 见他一副大惊小怪,没见过世面的样子,张悬摇了摇头。 School-founding Ancestor-Master, this general knowledge did not have. 开派祖师,这点常识都没有。 True Qi departs from the body, is not the difficult matter, he shortly after cultivation, True Qi, pours into others within the body, dredges the jamming in slight meridians, controls thread, the Martial Artist's time can achieve, now/current achieved Transcendent Mortal Ninth Layer, cannot achieve again, might as well kills to consider as finished! 真气离体,又不是什么难事,他才修炼不久,就将真气,注入别人体内,疏通细微经脉中的堵塞,控制成细线而已,武者的时候都能做到,现在达到了化凡九重,再做不到,还不如一头撞死算了! This, This......” 这、这……” Sees the look that the opposite party despises, the Master Mu puppet has almost not spat blood at the scene. 看到对方鄙视的眼神,穆师傀儡差点没当场吐血。 True Qi has the body to be very easy, but after having the body, but can also condense the silk, like thread, was difficult, must achieve this, takes two essential conditions at least. 真气出体很容易,但出体后,还能凝聚成丝,如同细线,就难了,要做到这点,最少要两个必要条件。 First, True Qi is pure enough, goes to the Upper Three Grades situation at least! 第一,真气足够精纯,最少达到上三品地步! Second, Soul Force enough, even can achieve the body, otherwise, after is impossible controls True Qi to leave the body, if also drives the arm general, the freedom goes through. 第二,魂力足够强,甚至可以达到出体,否则,不可能控制真气离开身体后,还如驱手臂一般,自由穿行。 It can be said that this one does so with ease, the control degree to True Qi, is simply shocking, even if/considered as he achieved Saint Domain initially, cannot achieve! 可以说,眼前这位做得如此轻松,对真气的控制程度,简直骇人听闻,就算当初他达到圣域,也做不到! In the heart is shocking could not speak, saw youth of not far away, the finger selects again and again forward. 心中正震惊的说不出话来,就看到不远处的青年,手指连连向前点出。 hū hū hū hū hū! 呼呼呼呼呼 Second and third...... the quick seven true understanding air/Qi, gush out from referring, in the in the air float, spirit snake non-stop walking randomly generally, alternate be together. 第二道、第三道……很快七道真气,从指间涌出,在空中悬浮,灵蛇一般不停游走,一条条穿插在一起 He...... , not only can control True Qi, but can also control seven?” “他……不光能控制一根真气,还能控制七根?” Swallows saliva that the mouth did not have, Master Mu puppet sound/voice is hoarse. 咽了口并不存在的唾沫,穆师傀儡声音沙哑。 Condenses the silk True Qi, the departs from the body control, is many Saint Domain expert cannot achieve, this fellow not only succeeds, but also did one cause seven...... this is also powerful? 真气凝聚成丝,离体控制,就是很多圣域强者都做不到的,这家伙不但成功,还一下弄出七根……这也太强大了吧? Do you really only have Chrysalis Realm primary stage? 你真的只有蚕封境初期 It is not Saint Domain peak expert, or Master Kong’s which disciple, comes specially the game world! 不会是圣域巅峰强者,或者孔师的哪位弟子,专门过来游戏人间的吧! Quick, seven true understanding air/Qi, Perfect Integration be together, had formed a sesame seed grain of size True Qi sphere, in in the air revolves gently, gathering is not loose. 很快,七道真气,已然完美融合在一起,形成了一个芝麻粒大小真气圆球,在空中轻轻旋转,聚而不散。 Your meaning, in dantian, alternates such small ball with True Qi, then combine be together, can condense Fake Core?” “你的意思,在丹田里,用真气穿插成这样的小球,然后一道道组合在一起,就可以凝聚成假丹是吧?” Completes these, Zhang Xuan raised the head looked towards this side. 做完这些,张悬抬头看了过来 Is......” “是……” put out a breath, suppresses the shock in heart, the Master Mu puppet nods. 吐出一口气,将心中的震惊压住,穆师傀儡点了点头。 Saint Canonization Cognition, condenses the silk True Qi, then the gathering, forms all such small ball slowly, finally fuses be together, like water to become river, bit by bit is ordinary, using the time of levigation, condenses Gold Core. 封圣解,是将真气凝聚成丝,然后慢慢汇聚,形成一个个这样的小球,最后融合在一起,如同积水成河,积沙成塔一般,利用水磨的功夫,凝聚金丹 Like this condenses, is reliable, strength is stable, compared with normal cultivation powerful many, time really that but needs to consume was also too big. 这样凝聚出来的,基础扎实,力量稳固,比正常修炼强大的多,只是需要耗费的功夫也实在太大了。 For this reason, he consumes for several hundred years to succeed. 正因如此,他才耗费数百年得以成功。 „Very simple, achieves in less than three days......” “很简单啊,用不了三天做到啊……” Also thinks that ownself understands was wrong/misconduct, made half day, is so simple, Zhang Xuan cannot help shakes the head. 还以为自己理解错了,弄了半天,如此简单,张悬忍不住摇头。 Uses True Qi, makes this thing, must use for three days to complete, what talent but also called? Might as well looks for a tofu to kill to consider as finished directly. 就用真气,弄个这玩意,也要用三天才能完成,还叫什么天才?还不如找个豆腐直接撞死算了。 You...... possible cultivation the method of condensing True Qi, talents and others different......” “你……可能修炼过凝聚真气的方法,天赋与其他人不同……” Sees opposite party so is so casual, the Master Mu puppet smiles awkwardly, said. 见对方如此轻描淡写,穆师傀儡尴尬一笑,道。 originally plans the in a dilemma/to make things difficult for opposite party, wants to have a look at his perception, outcome/in the end others anything not to feel, felt on the contrary simple does not make sense, making his some/somewhat not know how to reply...... 本来打算为难对方,想看看他的悟性,结果人家啥都没觉着,反倒觉得简单的不像话,让他都有些不知如何回答…… Since the leave/stay behind remnant soul, guards here, nearly for ten thousand years, greet/have seen innumerable talents, but...... is so abnormal, first meeting! 自从留下残魂,镇守这里,近万年来,见过无数天才,可……这么变态的,还是第一次遇到! Even cannot call abnormally, simply is not the person! 甚至都不能叫变态了,简直就不是人! Perhaps!” Zhang Xuan stop talking. “也许吧!”张悬不在多说 Condenses the True Qi method specially, he does not have cultivation, but, the day true understanding air/Qi is pure, by far so-called Upper Three Grades True Qi, is very that difficult the matter regarding others achieves, to him, on the contrary and eats meal to drink water equally simply. 专门凝聚真气的方法,他没修炼过,不过,天道真气精纯无比,远胜所谓的上三品真气,对于其他人很难做到的事情,对于他来说,反倒和吃饭喝水一样简单。 As for does this, but also needs Soul Force to be strong, as Soul Shaman Master, Soul Separation with no difficulty. 至于这样做,还需要魂力强,身为巫魂师,魂魄离体轻而易举 Since can achieve this, does not need to spend the time, continued to study, now/current can try cultivation Saint Canonization Cognition, has a look to achieve several solutions by the current strength, but not collapse!” “既然能做到这点,就无需花费工夫,继续研究了,现在就可以尝试着修炼封圣解,看看以目前的实力能做到几解,而不崩塌!” The Master Mu puppet continues to say. 穆师傀儡继续道。 Opposite party True Qi departs from the body can achieve , to continue to study also has no significance, might as well try cultivation, which step having a look at exactly/actually can arrive. 对方真气离体都能做到,继续研究也就没什么意义了,不如尝试着修炼,看看到底能走到哪一步。 So-called solution, is in to seal/confer Shijie the most important step and cultivation method, condenses seven true understanding air/Qi be together, is one grain, seven grains are one group, seven groups is a solution! 所谓的“解”,正是封师解中最重要的步骤和修炼方法,凝聚七道真在一起,为一粒,七粒为一团,七团为一解! in other words, must condense three hundred forty three true understanding air/Qi, in the situation of not making a mistake, can form a solution. 也就是说,要凝聚三百四十道真气,不出错的情况下,才能形成一解。 Initially he in Chrysalis Realm, the entire structure six solutions, could not control, was compelled but, breakthrough Half Saint. 当初他在蚕封境的时候,整整构架了六解,才控制不住,被逼无奈之下,突破半圣 The talent is not high, Soul is not strong, in this rank, let alone six solutions, possibly cannot achieve including one group. 天赋不高,灵魂不强的,在这个级别,别说六解,可能连一团都做不到。 Although the opposite party the controlling force to True Qi are very strong, but cultivation to seal/confer Shijie, has known difficulty, follows are getting more and more, the danger that True Qi condenses is also getting bigger and bigger , is getting more and more difficult to control. 对方虽然对真气的控制力很强,但修炼过封师解,知道其中的难度,伴随真气凝聚的越来越多,危险也就越来越大,也就越来越难控制。 Is same on the seem like building block, suspending 1-2 is very simple, suspends many, is more dangerous, the mistake, will a little cause collapse slightly. 好像积木一样,摆一两个很简单,摆得越多,就越危险,稍微有点差池,都会引起崩塌 Condenses one grain, so long as is willing to spend the time, so long as is willing to temper True Qi, many people can achieve, but condenses one group, must trouble relatively many, as for condensing a solution, does not have the extremely strong talent, controlling force that fine such as sends, and permanent patience, simply is impossible to achieve. 凝聚一粒,只要肯花费时间,只要肯锤炼真气,许多人都能做到,但是凝聚一团,就相对要麻烦很多了,至于凝聚一解,没有极强的天赋,精细如发的控制力,以及恒久的耐心,根本不可能做到。 Although the talent of opposite party is very strong, after all is young, in addition cultivation base, only then Chrysalis Realm primary stage, can condense a solution, in his opinion, very not was wrong/misconduct. 对方的天赋虽然很强,毕竟年轻,加上修为,只有蚕封境初期,能凝聚一解,在他看来,就很不错了 Condenses several solutions?” Zhang Xuan hesitated for a while: I try!” “凝聚几解?”张悬迟疑了一下:“我试一下吧!” Can condense several solutions, without testing, has really not dared determine/certain, but now/current can try actually. 能够凝聚几解,没实验过,真不敢确定,不过现在倒是可以试一下。 The voice ended, ten fingers open, simultaneously grasped forward. 话音结束,十指张开,同时向前抓了出去。 zī zī zī zī! 滋滋滋滋 True Qi surges, the in the blink of an eye time, several hundred true understanding air/Qi from his fingertip, spew out, like thin snakes, seem like dragonets, keep tumbling. 一阵真气激荡,一眨眼工夫,数百道真气从他的指尖,喷涌而出,如同一条条细蛇,又好像一条条小龙,不停翻滚。 Simultaneously condenses so many True Qi?” The Master Mu puppet was guessing how long this one wants cultivation, saw this, has almost not frightened to faint at the scene. “同时凝聚出这么多真气?”穆师傀儡正在猜测,眼前这位修炼多长时间,就看到了这一幕,差点没当场吓晕过去。 Simultaneously controls several hundred true understanding air/Qi, turns into the filament, the dispersion, effortlessly, this should Soul everywhere powerful? 同时控制数百道真气,变成细丝,四处游散,毫不费力,这灵魂该有多强大? Let alone now/current, even if/considered as his most peak time, cannot achieve this. 别说现在,就算他最巅峰的时刻,也做不到这点。 The shock had not ended, sees youth of not far away, the finger cancels a ball, the present several hundred true understanding air/Qi, pester be together immediately, formed a grain of rice size True Qi group. 震惊还没有结束,就见不远处的青年,手指一勾一弹,眼前的数百道真气,立刻纠缠在一起,形成了一个米粒大小真气团。 Immediately sees opposite party looked towards this side, in the eye has the doubts: „Is this solution?” 随即就见对方看了过来,眼中带着疑惑:“这就是一解吧?” ( On Monday, asked two recommendation tickets!) (周一,求两张推荐票!)
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