LHP :: Volume #10

#912: Soul Embryo gradation

zhayangongfu, Zhang Xuan to the content of this book, perfectly clear. 眨眼工夫,张悬就对这本书的内容,一清二楚 Front detailed said that the Master Kong Saint Ascension process, the most experiences of, are similar to Saint Canonization Platform leave/stay behind attainment some/somewhat, is only detailed, not only there is a feeling, conduct and deeds in various realities. 前面详细介绍了,孔师封圣的经过,其中的大部分经历,都和封圣台留下的心得有些相似,只是更加详细,不光有感受,还有各种现实中的所作所为 Is so complex?” “这么复杂?” The Zhang Xuan brow gradually wrinkles. 张悬眉头逐渐皱起。 originally thought so-called Saint Canonization Cognition, is pure cultivation technique, so long as according to step cultivation, can make the strength increase, in fact is not easy. 本以为所谓的封圣解,是一种单纯的功法,只要按步骤修炼,就能让实力大增,实际上并没有那么容易。 Let Heaven be Saint, not only wants True Qi to be strong, strength is fierce, what is more important is...... continually mind together cultivation. 老天封为圣人,不光要真气强,力量猛,更重要的是……连心神一起修炼 The so-called cultivation mind, in fact is whets mental. 所谓的修炼心神,实际上就是磨砺心智。 This cultivation, cannot promote battle strength, can actually make the heart of person broader, looked is farther, walked is higher. 这种修行,不能给人提升战斗力,却能让人的心胸更加宽阔,看的更远,走的更高。 Mental achieves the inclusive myriad things, holds Heaven and Earth time, dantian naturally also will become broad, can hold many True Qi. 只有心智达到包容万物,容纳天地的时候,丹田自然也会随之变得宽阔,能够容纳更多的真气 Chrysalis Realm, called Hidden Embryo boundary , Hidden Embryo boundary or Gold Core boundary. The meaning is to save cultivation base, condenses Soul Embryo in within the body( Gold Core), once succeeds, fuses with is one, may the breakthrough shackles, become Complete Spirit Saint......” 蚕封境,也叫藏胎境,胎藏境或者金丹境。意思是积蓄修为,在体内凝聚元胎(金丹),一旦成功,与自身融合为一,就可突破桎梏,成灵成圣……” Sees his renew to wear the previous clothes, reads earnestly, Master Mu puppet no longer mental struggle/dilemma, explained that asked: You cultivation to this level, has very deep understanding of this boundary.” 见他重新穿上之前的衣服,认真看书,穆师傀儡不再纠结,解释了一句,问道:“你已经修炼到了这个层次,想必对这个境有很深的理解。” Zhang Xuan nods. 张悬点头。 Chrysalis Realm, in fact True Qi of whole body, condenses the embryo, melting, but is pill, to put it bluntly, the thing of True Qi this gas shape, condenses the solid. 蚕封境,实际上是将全身的真气,凝聚成胎,化而为丹,说白了,是将真气这种气体形状的东西,凝聚成固体。 Thus, the body can hold many True Qi, once forms Soul Embryo, can definitely Hidden Embryo become a saint, achieve higher realm. 这样,身体就可以容纳更多的真气,一旦结成元胎,完全可以藏胎成圣,达到更高的境界 Although has not collected to surpass Chrysalis Realm higher Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique, but True Qi of his within the body has started to gather to the middle, formed the True Qi vortex in dantian, so long as cultivation, congeals diligently Soul Embryo, just a matter of time. 虽然没有搜集到超过蚕封境更高的天道功法,但他体内的真气已经开始向中间汇聚,在丹田形成了真气漩涡,只要努力修炼,凝结出元胎,只是时间问题 Normal cultivation, so long as routinely, cultivation, within the body in True Qi, quick can congeal diligently, but...... that is only worst one Soul Embryo, is so-called Third Grade Soul Embryo!” “正常的修炼,只要按部就班,努力修炼,体内在真气,很快就能凝结,但……那只是最差的一种元胎,也就是所谓的三等元胎!” The Master Mu puppet said. 穆师傀儡道。 Third Grade Soul Embryo? Does Soul Embryo also divide the rank?” Zhang Xuan whole face doubts. 三等元胎元胎还分等级?”张悬满脸疑惑。 This has never heard. 这可是从未听说过。 even if/considered as collected many profession books in academy, has never seen similar introduction. 就算学院搜集了不少职业的书籍,都从未看到过类似的介绍。 Naturally will divide the rank, but, few people know!” “当然会划分等级,只不过,很少人知晓罢了!” The Master Mu puppet shakes the head: This rank, was a Master Kong’s student raised initially, wants to inform all cultivator, was actually stopped by Master Kong! Keeps secret, the person who knows are getting fewer and fewer!” 穆师傀儡摇了摇头:“这个等级,是当初孔师的一位学生提出来的,本想告知所有修炼者,却被孔师制止!秘而不宣,以至于知道的人越来越少!” „Does Master Kong stop?” Zhang Xuan baffled/strange. 孔师制止?”张悬奇怪 Isn't Master Kong Master of All Generations? Has the great contribution to Human Race, will establish Famed Master profession...... to inherit to develop in the entire person clan, will the character, how so cover up the news intentionally? 孔师不是万世之师吗?对人族有巨大贡献,创立名师职业……将传承发扬于整个人族,如此人物,怎么会故意遮掩消息? Master Kong does this, for human!” 孔师这样做,是为了人类!” The Master Mu puppet sighs with emotion one, how long has not made Zhang Xuan have doubts , to continue saying: Our ordinary cultivator, so long as is willing to try hard, basically can condense Third Grade Soul Embryo, Second Grade Soul Embryo was difficult! Not only needs a lot of cultivation materials, will need some people of give directions/guidance, a appear mistake will cause to fall short.” 穆师傀儡感慨一声,并未让张悬疑惑多久,继续道:“咱们普通修炼者,只要肯努力,基本都能凝聚出三等元胎,二等元胎就难了!不光需要大量的修炼材料,更需要有人指点,出现一丝错误都会导致功亏一篑。” in other words, wants to condense Second Grade Soul Embryo, the price of expenditure, at least was Third Grade Soul Embryo over ten times...... this price, Human Race cannot pay did not say! What is most essential, not everyone can succeed, but also needs extremely high Natural Talent and disposition, once is defeated, light then Soul Embryo completely destroys, cultivation base was abandoned, heavy, the body dies at the scene, the deity is difficult to rescue......” 也就是说,想凝聚二等元胎,花费的代价,最少是三等元胎的十倍以上……这种代价,人族支付不起不说!最关键的是,并非人人都能成功,还需要极高的天资和心性,一旦失败,轻则元胎尽毁,修为被废,重则,当场身死,神仙难救……” The Master Mu puppet shakes the head: „The news of rank, does not know that’s ok, once knows, innumerable Famed Master to promote battle strength, the risk the consequence that will attempt...... to do this, will only aggravate the Human Race burden, will let countless person Qi Deviation, finally died! Rather than trains many expert.” 穆师傀儡摇头:“等级的消息,不知道倒也罢了,一旦知晓,无数名师都会为了提升战斗力,冒险尝试……而这样做的后果,只会加重人族负担,让无数人走火入魔,最终死亡!而不是培养出更多强者。” This......” “这……” hesitated for a while, Zhang Xuan nods finally. 迟疑了一下,张悬最终点了点头。 good/Yes that the opposite party said. 对方说的不错 Thinks that attack higher rank Soul Embryo, naturally must pay the price! 冲击更高级别元胎,自然要付出代价! Many people limited to Natural Talent, do forcefully, not only does not have the effect, instead will harm him. 很多人受限于天资,强行去做,非但没有效果,反而会害了他。 Insatiably greedies on seem like, the elephant that obviously only then well rope size, actually must eat up a headage meter/rice, not success that’s ok, does not do well to play very easily while still alive ownself. 好像蛇吞象,明明只有井绳大小,却非要吃下一头数米的大象,不成功倒也罢了,弄不好很容易将自己活活玩死。 The so-called Soul Embryo rank is so. 所谓的元胎等级便是如此。 Knows after this news, does not let its do, understand realm has not achieved, on Soul Depth the appear flaw, will be inferior to the person voluntarily......, thus limits the later achievement. 知道这个消息后,不让其去做,明白还有一种境界没达到,心境上就会出现缺陷,自觉地不如人……从而限制以后的成就。 Knows and meets the appear danger...... 知道又会出现危险…… No penalty to the innocent, is sometimes ignorant, is a happiness. 不知者不罪,有时候无知,也是一种幸福。 „The Soul Embryo rank is high, only represents same rank battle strength to be strong...... the price of expenditure, can train Saint Domain Second Layer fully, even Third Layer expert! So the price, only makes one promote a Soul Embryo small rank...... to trade to be anyone, how should know the choices!” 元胎等级高,只代表同级别战斗力强而已……而花费的代价,足可以培养出圣域二重、甚至三重强者了!如此代价,只让人提升元胎的一个小级别……换做谁,都应该知道如何取舍!” The Master Mu puppet continues saying: Particularly Master Kong this Master of All Generations that is Human Race will consider in the future! Also, the Famed Master profession main ability, was trains more human to step onto peak, the teaching was first, same rank battle strength, even if/considered as was weaker, was harmless.” 穆师傀儡继续道:“尤其是孔师这种为人族未来着想的万世之师!再说,名师职业最主要的能力,是培养更多的人类走上巅峰,教学才是第一,同级别战斗力,就算弱一些,也无伤大雅的。” Yeah! Zhang Xuan nods. 是啊!张悬点头。 This secret really shocked everybody, once made known to others, subverts cultivation inevitably, but by doing so, except for will bring the pressure and burden...... and is no good. 这个秘密实在太惊世骇俗了,一旦传出去,必然颠覆修炼界,而这样做,除了会给人带来心理压力和负担……并没有任何好处。 With its this, might as well did not say, making everyone not know this matter. 与其这样,还不如不说,让所有人都不知道这件事。 Let alone, Famed Master's main profession is giving and inheritance, does not fight, on considered as Third Grade Soul Embryo also it's not a big deal. 更何况,名师的主要职业是“授”和“传承”,又不是打架,就算是三等元胎不算什么 According to the understanding of cultivation technique and martial skill, many profession, as before is passing on responsibilities first, no one can compare favorably. 依照对功法武技的理解,诸多职业,依旧是当仁不让的第一,没人可以媲美。 You said that ordinary cultivator is only Third Grade Soul Embryo, what that...... is the Second Grade Soul Embryo person?” Understood the goal of opposite party, Zhang Xuan no longer mental struggle/dilemma , to continue to ask. “你说普通修炼者都只是三等元胎,那……二等元胎的人是什么样的?”理解了对方的目的,张悬不再纠结,继续问道。 Second Grade Soul Embryo, majority is Battle Master!” 二等元胎,大部分都是战师!” The Master Mu puppet said. 穆师傀儡道。 Battle Master?” 战师?” Un! Battle Master no need/not using studies Auxiliary Specialisations, the wholly-absorbed fight, will have more energy to use on martial arts cultivation, in addition Famed Master Hall and free supplies of entire person clan, as well as own talent, condenses Second Grade Soul Embryo, and not difficult!” “嗯!战师不用学习辅修,专心战斗,会有更多精力用在武学修炼上,再加上名师堂以及整个人族的无偿供给,以及自身的天赋,凝聚二等元胎,并不难!” Speaking of this, Master Mu puppet stopped for a while , to continue saying: Initially Master Kong separated Battle Master in Famed Master profession forcefully, actually to inherit the gradation of Soul Embryo!” 说到这,穆师傀儡停顿了一下,继续道:“当初孔师名师职业中硬生生分离出一个战师,其实就是为了传承元胎的分级!” Zhang Xuan suddenly realize. 张悬恍然大悟 That Wu Xu that no wonder initially met, similarly is Chrysalis Realm peak, a person can actually press Hu Yaoyao and Xue Zhenyang and the rest to be at a loss, is not because the Dong Xin and the rest talent is insufficient, but is the Soul Embryo rank...... is insufficient! 难怪当初遇到的那位吴虚,同样是蚕封境巅峰,一个人却能压得胡夭夭薛真阳等人束手无策,不是因为董欣等人天赋不够,而是元胎等级……不足! Since like this, regardless of True Qi purity degree to the control of strength, has been inferior to the opposite party, was defeated, is very normal. 这样以来,无论真气精纯度还是对力量的掌控,都不如对方,被击败,也是很正常的。 „Is Battle Master also only Second Grade Soul Embryo...... that First Grade?” 战师也只是二等元胎……那一等呢?” Zhang Xuan once more asked. 张悬再次问道。 Battle Master is so powerful, is only Second Grade, how could it not be is First Grade more fearful? 战师如此强大,也只是二等,一等岂不更加可怕? First Grade Soul Embryo, only very for a long time had, no one in the legend has succeeded! I do not have greet/have seen in any case, it is said past Master Kong, possibly was...... naturally, how specifically, the books have not recorded, I do not dare to draw the conclusion absurdly......” 一等元胎,只在传说中存在过,已经很久没人成功过了!反正我也没见过,据说当年的孔师,可能就是……当然,具体如何,书籍没有记载,我也不敢妄下定论……” The Master Mu puppet explained. 穆师傀儡解释。 „Has no one succeeded?” Zhang Xuan stares. “没人成功过?”张悬一愣。 Yeah! because of so, my suspect/doubt First Grade Soul Embryo, is being...... the become day recognizes the Saint primary cause! Therefore, all along, I think that achievement First Grade Soul Embryo, spent for this reason more than several hundred years...... outcome/in the end, and finally, only condenses on Second Grade high grade Soul Embryo, cannot succeed!” 是啊!正因如此,我怀疑一等元胎,就是……成为天认圣人的主要原因!所以,一直以来,我都想成就一等元胎,为此花费了不下数百年……结果,到了最后,也只凝聚出二等上品元胎,还是没能成功!” Master Mu puppet whole face forced smile. 穆师傀儡满脸苦笑。 For does not know that the outcome/in the end dream, wasted in vain for several hundred years, the life is close to half, trades to be anyone, will regret. 为了一个不知结果的梦,白白浪费了数百年,生命接近一半,换做谁,都会懊悔不已。 Second Grade high grade?” 二等上品?” Un, Soul Embryo is divided into one and two, Third Grade not only, in each First Grade, but also is divided into low grade, high grade and Peerless Grade four ranks! I can condense this type, spent very big price, has the experience of nine deaths and still alive, wasted did not know many time!” “嗯,元胎不光分为一、二、三等,其中每一等之中,还分为下品上品绝品四个级别!我能凝聚出这种,也是花费了很大代价,拥有九死一生的经历,浪费了不知多少时光!” „After the success, although can the exceeding level fight, but the strength was inferior to me initially, Natural Talent was inferior that my of the same generation competitor...... has achieved Saint Domain Fourth Layer and Fifth Layer, sees this, knows ownself was wrong/misconduct! Then I was only ordinary Saint Domain...... have missed the age of best promotion, life-long is unable to be promoted higher realm again, finally halted...... the regret in heart in First Layer peak can be imagined!” “成功之后,虽然能够越级战斗,但当初实力不如我,天资不如我的同辈竞争者……都已然达到了圣域四重五重,看到这,才知道自己错了!当时的我只是个普通圣域……已然错过了最佳晋升的年纪,终生再无法晋级更高境界,最终止步在一重巅峰……心中的懊悔可想而知!” Until this, why understand Master Kong concealed this news...... Natural Talent to be insufficient intentionally, even if/considered as can be successful, was the wasting time time! Considers, effect of Saint Domain Fourth Layer expert on human is big, is an function of Saint Domain First Layer peak is big? outcome/in the end no need/not using thinks!” “直到此,才明白孔师为何故意隐瞒这个消息了……天资不够,就算能够成功,也是蹉跎时间!试想一下,圣域四重强者对人类的作用大,还是一个圣域一重巅峰的作用大?结果不用多想!” In the Master Mu puppet look has the color of regret. 穆师傀儡眼神中带着懊悔之色。 Saint Domain expert has the lifespan limit, longest also lived is about in 2000, he youngest 700-800 year will waste is being promoted Soul Embryo, missed the cultivation time of gold, when the body function dropped, thought breakthrough again, naturally could not achieve. 圣域强者寿命限制,最长也活不过两千年,他将最年轻的七、八百年都浪费在晋级元胎了,错过了最黄金的修炼时光,待身体机能下降,再想突破,自然做不到了。 But at this time, competed with him in the past, the strength talent was inferior that his person, one after another does achieve Saint Domain four Fifth Layer...... Soul Embryo High Level also to have what using again? Does the same rank have what using invincibly? Can could it be that also span several ranks to fight? 而此时,与他当年竞争,实力天赋都不如他的人,都纷纷达到圣域五重……元胎高级又有何用?同级别无敌又有何用?难道还能跨越好几个级别战斗? Obviously is impossible. 明显是不可能的。 Therefore, summarizes finally, Natural Talent is insufficient, is the waste time. 所以,总结到最后,天资不够,就是浪费时光。 Because of knowing these, I made this Records Mountain specially, conducts Assessment to battle strength, insufficient Half Saint, moreover can exceed Saint Domain First Layer primary stage me, some qualifications know that this news, hopeful...... success concise higher rank Soul Embryo...... because of this talent, stronger compared with me, could successfully, completes matter that I have not completed!” “正因知道了这些,我专门弄来这个记录山,对战斗力进行考核,只有不足半圣,而且能够胜过圣域一重初期的我,才有资格知道这个消息,有望……成功凝练更高级别元胎……因为这种天赋,比我都要强,或许能够成功,完成我未完成的事情!” Master Mu flashing eyes looked towards this side. 穆师目光炯炯的看了过来 You, only then Chrysalis Realm primary stage, can defeat me, and arrived here, a fight fight of understanding, the great strength of strength, is several tens of thousands years of not appear one...... perhaps, if can cultivation this Saint Canonization Cognition, be able to condense higher rank Soul Embryo, hopeful attack Heaven's Acknowledged Saint!” “你只有蚕封境初期,就能将我战胜,并且一路来到这里,对战斗的理解,战力的强大,都是数万年不曾出现一位的……如果能够修炼这个封圣解,或许就能凝聚出更高级别元胎,有希望冲击一下天认圣者!” I? Hopeful?” “我?有希望?” Hears the words of opposite party, with seeing his fiery look, Zhang Xuan stares. 听到对方的话,和看到他的火热眼神,张悬一愣。
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