LHP :: Volume #10

#911: Saint Canonization Cognition

Changes the body clothes?” A Master Mu puppet face is dumbstruck. “换身衣服?”穆师傀儡一脸发懵。 Can hit has been victorious, does cannot defeat on cannot defeat, what relations with changing the clothes have? 能打的过就打得过,打不过打不过,和换衣服有什么关系? This clothes, are academy prepare for me specially, is very precious, putting on is timid and hesitant in body some/somewhat, only then wears the ownself Famed Master clothing/taking, can display most battle strength!” Zhang Xuan said. “这身衣服,是学院专门为我准备的,十分珍贵,穿在身上有些束手束脚,只有穿回自己名师服,才能发挥最战斗力!”张悬道。 „Aren't your clothes very precious?” Master Mu puppet cannot help said. “你这衣服不是很珍贵吗?”穆师傀儡忍不住道。 Zhang Xuan now/current puts on to greet succession grand ceremony, Refining Master academy and Heavenly Crafts Institute, Principal clothing/taking of special custom make, is not only good-fitting, but also has extremely strong defense function, is Peerless Grade Spirit Armament , is entire academy, the consumption large amount of money completes. 张悬现在穿的还是为了迎接继位大典,炼器师学院天工院,专门定做的院长服,不光合身,还拥有极强的防御功能,是一件绝品灵器,是整个学院,耗费巨资完成的。 Master Mu judgement/eyesight like the torch, saw uncommonly, wears such clothes, is a pig can the strength increase, didn't you say appropriately? What can also put on? 穆师眼力如炬,一眼就看出了不凡,穿这样的衣服,是头猪都能战力大增,你却说不合适?还要穿什么样的? Half Saint Artifact and Saint Artifact? 圣器圣器吗? Really must like this, but also how to fight/hit? 真要这样,还怎么打 Is some/somewhat is precious, but the dress fit is best, is not precious, is fiercer!” Zhang Xuan smiles, no longer excessively explained, beckons with the hand: Possibly also trouble Master Mu, turns around, I change the clothes, liking does not make others look......” “是有些珍贵,不过衣服合身最好,并非珍贵,就更加厉害!”张悬笑了笑,不再过多解释,摆了摆手:“可能还劳烦穆师,转过身去,我换衣服,不太喜欢让别人看着……” Good!” “好吧!” Sees this fellow to trade the clothes and ownself competition, Master Mu shakes the head, turns around. 见这家伙要换衣服和自己比试,穆师摇了摇头,转过身去。 Actually trades the clothes fight, he had also heard before, generally is Breathtaking Verisimilitude Master profession, will do this, usually changes into the extremely magnificent clothing, then coordinates the graceful dance, making one immerse, making one wallow. 其实换衣服战斗,他以前也听说过,一般都是惊鸿师职业,才会这样做,通常都是换成极为华丽的服饰,然后配合婀娜多姿的舞蹈,让人沉醉,让人沉迷。 Is Is it possible that this fellow, Breathtaking Verisimilitude Master? 难不成这家伙,是一位惊鸿师 But...... on considered as, did not use/useless Ah! 但……就算是,也没用啊! He is a puppet, attacks Soul Auxiliary Specialisations profession, complete did not use/useless. 他是傀儡,攻击灵魂辅修职业,完全没用的。 Also...... Breathtaking Verisimilitude Master generally was a beautiful woman, making a man be coquettish...... perhaps is not the aesthetic sense, but was disgusting! 再说……惊鸿师一般都是美女,让一个男人搔首弄姿……恐怕不是美感,而是恶心吧! Thinks to think that a fine hair explodes. 想想都觉得一身汗毛炸起。 Ok!” “好了!” In the heart is having an unspoken opinion, does not know that this fellow exactly/actually wants what the hell, heard icily arrogant sound/voice to make a sound, turned the head to look, really saw youth to trade the clothes. 心中正在腹议,不知这家伙到底搞什么鬼,就听到一个冷傲声音响了起来的,转头看去,果然见刚才的青年已经将衣服换完。 This clothes, without beforehand magnificent and expensive, also seem very ordinary. 这衣服,没有之前的华贵,看起来也十分普通。 „Is your only...... the ordinary Famed Master clothing/taking?” The Master Mu puppet is shocked. “你这只是……普通的名师服?”穆师傀儡愣住。 If the opposite party changes into the magnificent and expensive clothes, changes into half Saint Artifact, he can accept, after all said that the clothes affected the strength...... only to change into the ordinary Famed Master clothing/taking, nothing special...... 如果对方换成华贵衣服,换成半圣器,他都能接受,毕竟说衣服影响了实力……只换成普通的名师服,没任何特殊…… This seem like changes into Spirit Armament to be the same Saint Artifact, not only does not increase the strength, but reduces! 这就好像圣器换成灵器一样,非但不是增加实力,而是降低吧! You are certain changed the so ordinary clothes, can exceed me? 你确定换了如此普通的衣服,能够胜过我? good/Yes!” Zhang Xuan nods, holding hands behind his back, in the eye brings proudly: Ordinary clothes can also beat you!” 不错!”张悬点头,双手背在身后,眼中带着傲然:“普通衣服也能将你击败!” Since you are so self-confident, that starts!” “既然你如此自信,那就开始吧!” Saw this fellow to change clothes, the rampant local products, did not have the beforehand courtesy, the Master Mu puppet complexion to sink, clenching fists. 见这家伙换了身衣服,嚣张的不可方物,丝毫没了之前的谦恭,穆师傀儡脸色一沉,拳头捏紧 Hū lā! 呼啦! This time is he first attacks. 这次是他先攻击。 A strength falls ten meetings, the fist has the thick pressure, the surrounding air, breaks directly. 一力降十会,拳头带着浓浓的威压,将周围的空气,都直接震碎。 In order to let the opposite party gives way before difficulties, do not mix with the unclear entanglement, make a move released completely strength, when compared with fought a moment ago, was more powerful, was more threatening. 为了让对方知难而退,不要夹杂不清的纠缠,一出手就释放出了全部力量,比刚才战斗时,更加强大,更加有威胁。 Comes well!” “来得好!” Traded Zhang Xuan of clothes, did not have the beforehand awe, does not move aside, the same fist won. 换了衣服的张悬,没了之前的敬畏,并不躲闪,同样一拳赢了上来。 Un?” “嗯?” Sees his attack, Master Mu puppet frown. 看到他的攻击,穆师傀儡皱眉 The strength of opposite party, fought a moment ago two moves, known is very clear, attacks regarding his full strength, simply cannot resist, now/current met with the fist unexpectedly hardly...... 对方的实力,刚才战斗了两招,知道的很清楚,对于他的全力攻击,根本抵挡不住,现在居然用拳头硬接…… originally thought changed the clothes to become more powerful, how...... this traded was not the clothes is the brain! 本以为换了衣服会变得更加强大,怎么……这换的不是衣服是脑子吧! Like this meets a full strength fist of ownself hardly, will definitely be hit to explode at the scene. 这样硬接自己全力一拳,肯定会被当场打爆的。 In the heart hesitates, just wants to take back strength on fist, saw that the nearby fist of opposite party has arrived. 心中迟疑,正想将拳头上的力量收回一些,就看到对方的拳头已经来到跟前。 hū! 呼! Two fists to touching, the Master Mu puppet pupil shrink. 两拳对碰,穆师傀儡瞳孔一缩。 The strength of originally thought opposite party, was such a moment ago, even if/considered as takes back half of strength, whom was very difficult to catch...... to know the fist to bumping the moment, immediately feels something is wrong. 本想着对方的实力,还是刚才那样,就算收回一半的力量,都很难接住……谁知拳头对碰了一刻,立刻感到了不对劲 The opposite party also slightly delicate strength, instilled into to come before this moment continuously, just like the landslide cracks in the earth, the rivers and streams collapse, let his whole body unable to restrain emotions twitching! 对方之前还略显柔弱的力量,此刻源源不断地灌输而来,犹如山崩地裂,江河倒塌,让他全身情不自禁抽搐 Bang! 嘭! strength to bumping, let alone received the strength at this moment, even if/considered as full strength, possibly was not a match/opponent! 力量对碰,此刻别说收力了,就算全力,都可能不是对手 retreat!” 后退!” shouts out, the head blue vein collapses, whole body strength displays the limit. 一声大喝,头上青筋崩出,全身力量发挥到极限。 Snort!” “哼!” Opposite youth, the head raises, in the vision has contemptuously, light snort/hum one, strength on fist, similarly rises dramatically. 对面的青年,头颅扬起,目光中带着轻蔑,轻哼一声,拳头上的力量,同样暴增。 Bang! 嘭! The Master Mu puppet responded that has not responded, flying upside down, is departing dozens meters distance horizontally, the back hits ruthlessly on the wall, breathing heavily in gulps, The Heart soon exploded. 穆师傀儡反应都没反应过来,就倒飞而出,横着飞出数十米的距离,脊背狠狠撞在墙壁上,大口大口的喘着粗气,心脏都快要炸了。 This......” “这……” The pupil contraction, the whole face cannot believe looks in youth halls, probably seen a ghost generally. 瞳孔收缩,满脸不敢相信的看向大厅中间的青年,像是见鬼了一般。 A moment ago with his battle competition, although judgement/eyesight good/Yes, but the striking power, bad really were too many, how wanted to wound ownself unable to achieve...... to change clothes, looked like changes resembled personally, did a fist strike to fly ownself? 刚才和他比斗,虽然眼力不错,但是攻击力,差的实在太多了,想要击伤自己都做不到……怎么换了件衣服,像变了个人似的,一拳就将自己击飞? Moreover apparently, but also leaves room for maneuver. 而且看样子,还留了后手。 The difference was also too big! 差别也太大了吧! cannot help looks, regardless of the appearance or the Soul aura, is the same person without doubt, in other words, changed clothes, although this fellow strength has not grown, battle strength actually rose dramatically several times to continue! 忍不住看去,无论模样还是灵魂气息,都是同一个人无疑,也就是说,换了件衣服,这家伙实力虽然没增长,战斗力却暴增了好几倍不止! You lost!” “你输了!” Is shocking, youth in room, both hands once more back after behind, a face unruly say/way. 正在震撼,房间中的青年,双手再次背在身后,一脸桀骜的道。 I......” “我……” The Master Mu puppet is smiling bitterly shaking the head: „Since has congratulated your pass through 9th layer | floor, become Records Mountain founds, first success pass through Famed Master!” 穆师傀儡苦笑着摇头:“恭喜你通过第九层,成为记录山创建以来,第一位成功通过名师!” Although does not know that opposite party exactly/actually what is going on, trades the clothes strength to increase, but a loss is a loss, solemn Famed Master academy School-founding Ancestor-Master, but also is insufficient because of this minor matter, but denying. 虽然不知对方到底怎么回事,换件衣服实力大增,但输了就是输了,堂堂名师学院开派祖师,还不至于因为这点小事,而抵赖。 Hears to admit defeat, youth has no accident/surprise, instead feels his make a move, can win to be the same surely, cocky of face. 听到认输,青年并没有任何意外,反而觉得他出手,必定能获胜一样,一脸的臭屁 Your pass through 9th layer | floor, is Famed Master academy, for ten thousand years the most powerful talent, this I collected for a lifetime Saint Canonization Cognition, Left you!” “你通过第九层,是名师学院,万年来最强大的天才,这本我珍藏了一辈子的【封圣解】,就留给你了!” The Master Mu puppet does not care about his pride, instead smiles, took out one book to hand over. 穆师傀儡并不在意他的自傲,反而轻轻一笑,取出一本书籍递了过来。 Saint Canonization Cognition?” youth very doubts. 封圣解?”青年满是疑惑。 good/Yes!” The Master Mu puppet smiles: As Famed Master, you may hear, how is Master Kong breakthrough Saint Domain?” 不错!”穆师傀儡笑了笑:“身为名师,你可听说过,孔师是如何突破圣域的?” This...... heard of, is Heaven's Acknowledged Saint.” “这……听过,是天认圣者。” youth nods. 青年点头。 The Master Kong breakthrough time, obtains the approval of Heaven, the become day recognizes Saint, even in the place of breakthrough, but also leave/stay behind Saint Canonization Platform. 孔师突破时候,得到老天的认可,成为天认圣人,甚至在突破之处,还留下封圣台 This place he has gone personally, it's not a big deal secret. 这地方他亲自去过,不算什么秘密。 good/Yes, is Heaven's Acknowledged Saint!” 不错,是天认圣者!” The Master Mu puppet eyes shine: Heaven approval Saint, not only strength, can obtain the huge advantage, builds the foundation for later being promoted...... the innumerable years, innumerable Famed Master, want to achieve this, what a pity...... no one can complete!” 穆师傀儡眼睛放光:“老天认可的圣人,不光实力强,更能得到巨大的好处,为以后的晋级打下基础……无数年来,无数名师,都想做到这点,可惜……没人能够完成!” This Saint Canonization Cognition, was in the situation of my accident of sorts obtained in the past again, inside detailed described, the Master Kong Saint Ascension beforehand cultivation process...... I have studied specially, and summarized cultivation technique!” “这本封圣解,是当年我再一次机缘巧合的情况下得到的,里面详细描述了,孔师封圣之前的修炼过程……我专门研究过,并总结成了修炼功法!” Although cannot true turning Heaven's Acknowledged Saint, is approved by Heaven, so long as strict cultivation, can make battle strength before achieving Saint Domain absolutely, more than triples!” “虽然不能让人真正的变成天认圣者,被老天认可,但只要严格修炼,绝对能让战斗力在达到圣域前,增加两倍以上!” Triples?” youth stared wide-eyed. “增加两倍?”青年眼睛瞪圆 cultivation base achieves Half Saint, Nascent Saint as well as Saint Domain, how many strength each rank should have, basically is determine/certain......, if can let battle strength before breakthrough, triples...... the accumulation to have can achieve vigorously? 修为达到半圣从圣以及圣域,各个级别该有多少力量,基本都是确定的……如果能让战斗力突破前,增加两倍……积累该有多浑厚才能做到? Such strength, once breakthrough, even if/considered as is not the Heaven and Earth approval, ordinary Saint Domain is also hard to contend inevitably, is completely not a match/opponent! 这样的实力,一旦突破,就算不是天地认可,普通圣域也必然难以抗衡,完全不是对手 good/Yes! However, ahead of time told you one, this Saint Canonization Cognition, after cultivation, can indeed make battle strength increase, had the flaw......” 不错!不过,提前告诉你一声,这本封圣解,修炼之后,的确能让战斗力大增,却也有缺陷……” The Master Mu puppet shakes the head: Is the accumulation is extremely vigorous, wants breakthrough, will be more difficult than normal cultivation! In the past, I seek after these, missed the best breakthrough age, until death, has not achieved higher realm, thus become lifetime regrettable matter......” 穆师傀儡摇了摇头:“就是积累太过浑厚,想要突破,会比正常修炼更难!当年,我就是贪图这些,错过了最佳突破的年龄,至死,都没有达到更高境界,从而成为一生憾事……” youth is silent. 青年沉默。 good/Yes that the opposite party said that anything, is advantages are accompanied by disadvantages. 对方说的不错,任何东西,都是有利有弊的。 Before can let has not achieved Saint Domain, battle strength double , indicating that the vigorous degree of accumulation, so the accumulation, breakthrough gets up, is naturally more difficult. 能让没达到圣域前,战斗力翻倍,足见积累的浑厚程度,如此积累,突破起来,自然更难。 Why this is also, his cultivation gets up, the consumption compared with cultivator with realm, be bigger much primary causes. 这也是为何,他修炼起来,消耗要比同境界修炼者,大得多的主要原因。 cultivation Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique, the foundation is very solid, compared with any other cultivation technique, is stable, the consumption is bigger, the progress will also become slow. 修炼天道功法,基础无比扎实,比其他任何功法,都要稳固,消耗更大,进步也会变得缓慢。 He thought that cultivation obviously was recently slower than before. 他就觉得最近修炼明显比以前慢了。 Nearly two months increased four big realm, one wants to be ashamed on very. 快两个月了才增加了四个大境界,一想就满是羞愧。 How to decide, all depending on your ownself, this book, I will gives you three days of studies, can comprehend what realm, all depending on ownself!” “如何决定,全凭你自己,这本书,我会给你三天的时间学习,能领悟到什么境界,全凭自己!” Has not seen his shame, the Master Mu puppet handed over the books, said. 没看出他的羞愧,穆师傀儡将书籍递了过来,道。 Yes!” “是!” youth nods, received the books, hesitant: My enlightenment cultivation technique, needs to change the clothes, but also please troublesome Master Mu turn around......” 青年点点头,接过书籍,犹豫了一下:“我参悟功法,也需要换衣服,还请麻烦穆师转过身去……” „...... Good!” “呃……好吧!” Does not know this fellow, where exactly/actually comes such many matters, Master Mu to shake the head, turns around. 不知这家伙,到底哪来这么多事,穆师摇了摇头,还是转过身去。 Sees him not to observe, youth relaxes, Spiritual moves, a exactly the same form has nearby now/current, two people looked one, the latter knew account. 见他不在观察,青年松了口气,精神一动,一个一模一样的身影出现在跟前,二人对望了一眼,后者就知道了事情的经过。 Doppelgänger, you first go back!” 分身,你先回去吧!” Exactly the same form beckons with the hand. 一模一样的身影摆了摆手。 Yes, main body!” “是,本尊!” youth vanishes instantaneously. 青年瞬间消失。 The of coming out is true Zhang Xuan, but defeated the Master Mu puppet a moment ago, is Doppelgänger. 出来的这位才是真正的张悬,而刚才战胜穆师傀儡的,是分身 Although a moment ago only battled two moves, but Zhang Xuan knows, ownself definitely was not a match/opponent, on the mouth said changes the clothes, in fact Lane Doppelgänger. 刚才虽只交战了两招,但张悬知道,自己肯定不是对手,嘴上说是换衣服,实际上是将分身了出来。 This fellow usually very unreliable, but battle strength is without a doubt. 这家伙平时很不靠谱,但战斗力却是毋庸置疑的。 He progresses each time is very big, thought that the opposite party was not a match/opponent, outcome/in the end was punched injured badly with many teeth knocked out...... 他每次进步很大,觉得对方不是对手了,结果都是被揍得满地找牙…… ownself is not a match/opponent of Master Mu puppet, Doppelgänger definitely is. 自己不是穆师傀儡的对手,分身肯定是。 Sure enough, Doppelgänger indeed has not made disappointed, successfully defeats it, pass through 9th layer | floor. 果不其然,分身的确没让失望,成功将其击败,通过第九层 Said carefully, Doppelgänger is also his strength, this move of leopard cat changes the crown prince, pours also not considered as violates regulation. 仔细说起来,分身也是他的自身实力,这招狸猫换太子,倒也不算违规 Reason that makes the secret, does not want to let secret divulging of Doppelgänger. 之所以做得隐秘,是不想让分身的秘密泄露罢了。 Main body appear, greeted Master Mu Kai one, the 1 of Zhang Xuan finger in the books points, Spiritual concentrated cannot help to look to content. 本尊出现,招呼穆凯穆师一声,张悬手指在书籍上一点,精神集中忍不住向其中的内容看了过去。
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