LHP :: Volume #10

#910: Zhang Xuan losses!

Good sword technique!” “好剑法!” eyes sparkle, Master Mu puppet cannot help nods, body shake/sway, move forward to meet. 眼睛一亮,穆师傀儡忍不住点了点头,身体一晃,迎了上来 Instantaneously, a person of puppet, battle be together. 瞬间,一人一傀儡,交战在一起 Rumbling rumbling! 轰轰轰轰! Zhang Xuan full strength displays, sword technique like big wave, continuous, just like the rivers and streams monstrous waves, a stack-up, is getting more and more powerful. 张悬全力施展,剑法如涛,绵绵不绝,宛如江河巨浪,一层叠着一层,越来越强大。 Although he does not have cultivation excessively fierce sword technique, Heaven's Path Sword Technique that but many sword move form, full strength displays, having the simplifying flavor, even if/considered as Saint Domain expert to meet suddenly, some/somewhat is caught off guard. 他虽然没修炼过厉害的剑法,但诸多剑招形成的天道剑法,全力施展,带着化繁为简的味道,就算圣域强者陡然遇到,都有些措手不及。 Fierce sword technique, but, to me, was too weak......” “厉害的剑法,不过,对我来说,还是太弱了……” Smiles, Master Mu puppet forward pointed forward. 轻轻一笑,穆师傀儡向前点了过来 hūa lā! 哗啦 The Zhang Xuan sword sharp air, caves in immediately probably, sharp incomparable sword glow, just like being involved in vortex, does not have the least bit might again. 张悬剑尖的空气,立刻像是塌陷下来,锋利无比的剑芒,宛如卷入了漩涡之中,再无半点威力。 Knows that met a match/opponent, Zhang Xuan raises the eyebrows, whole body strength stimulated fiercely. 知道遇到了对手,张悬眉毛一扬,全身力量猛地激发。 Bang! 轰隆! Air of collapse, just like breaking balloon, sword glow once more is insanely long, with the be together of fingertip of Master Mu to bumping. 塌陷的空气,宛如震碎的气球,剑芒再次疯长,和穆师的指尖对碰在一起 hūa lā! 哗啦 Glass shattered, the wave ripples. 玻璃碎裂,水波荡漾。 Only thought that sword point like hitting on a giant wall, a Zhang Xuan fingers/tiger mouth ache, blood tearing, entire person chest one stuffy, flew upside down. 只觉得剑尖如同撞在了一堵巨大的墙壁上,张悬虎口一阵酸疼,鲜血撕裂而出,整个人胸口一闷,倒飞了出去。 People in in the air, Mundane World Sky Wanderer Step revolves, the body sinks, treads out a row of footprint on the floor continuously. 人在空中,红尘踏天步运转,身体一沉,连续在地板上踩出一排脚印。 once more roared, stab came forward. 再次咆哮,又向前刺了过来。 hūa lā! 哗啦 The air seems like by the theater curtain that the scissors cut open, sword glow is fallen to the flaw thorn in Master Mu move. 空气像是被剪刀切开的幕布,剑芒穆师招数中的缺陷刺落。 Good judgement/eyesight!” “好眼力!” Saw his one move to find the flaw in move, Master Mu gawked, immediately once more smiled, body shake/sway, entire person just like top. 见他一招就找到了招数上的缺陷,穆师一愣,随即再次一笑,身体一晃,整个人宛如陀螺。 Before the appear flaw, vanish from sight, seem like does not exist immediately general. 之前出现的缺陷,立刻消失不见,好像不存在一般。 Imperfection of Heaven's Path, Heaven's Path, in addition not entire, any move, having the flaw is normal, but the opposite party strength was too strong, regardless of responded that consciousness or speed, is quicker than him, even if/considered as discovered the loophole, is useless. 天道有缺,天道尚且不全,任何招数,有缺陷是正常的,但对方实力太强了,无论反应意识还是速度,都比他更快,就算发现了漏洞,也无用。 Because has not attacked with enough time, was avoided by the opposite party, so-called flaw, became the joke. 因为还没来得及攻击,就被对方躲避开,所谓的缺陷,也就成了笑话。 Is establishes Famed Master academy's expert worthily......” “不愧是创立名师学院的强者……” The Zhang Xuan complexion is pale. 张悬脸色铁青。 Trades to make general Saint Domain primary stage, was discovered the loophole by him, the even if/considered as move is not definitely thrown into confusion, at present is different, unexpectedly after predict in advance to several moves fight aspects, knows position that his sword aims, thus covered up the flaw ahead of time! 换做一般的圣域初期,被他发现漏洞,就算不中招也肯定手忙脚乱,眼前不同,居然才提前预判到了几招后的战斗局面,知道他这剑针对的位置,从而提前将缺陷遮掩了! Fearful! 可怕! The opposite party are the strength was not only strong, judgement/eyesight is also astonishing, even if/considered as cannot compare his Eye of Insight, fight fight of experiences and comprehensions, is not he can compare. 对方已经不光是实力强劲了,眼力同样惊人,就算比不上他的明理之眼,对战斗的经验和领悟,也绝不是他可以比拟的。 Wants with the move, definitely has the flaw, when I do not believe you to hide......” “只要用招数,就肯定有缺陷,我不信你能躲到几时……” Zhang Xuan is not flustered. 张悬也不慌张。 Although ordinary time, lets Purple Sun Beast and Gold Source Cauldron make a move, but read so many books, summarized had/left innumerable Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique, a fight fight of understanding, do not miss compared with the general of having fought many battles. 虽然平常的时候,都让紫阳兽金源鼎出手,但看了这么多书籍,总结了出了无数天道功法,对战斗的理解,不比身经百战的将军要差。 Even deep of understanding. 甚至理解的更深。 The move does not care to be profound, secret technique, so long as incurs, has the loophole, has the flaw, acting appropriately to the situation, even if you are God Grade martial skill, same will be killed the move of pig, routs at the scene. 招数不在乎高深不高深,秘法秘法,只要有招,就有漏洞,就有缺陷,对症下药,哪怕你是神级武技,一样会被杀猪的招数,当场击溃。 Naturally the premise must know the opposite party move ahead of time, and understood flaw, must have the sufficient strength. 当然前提是必须提前知道对方招数,并且了解其中的缺陷,更要有足够的实力。 Break! 破! In eye just like having books appear, Long Sword and spirit snake are common, walks randomly forward, in the blink of an eye has nearby the one spot flaw of now/current Master Mu puppet. 眼中宛如有书籍出现,长剑和灵蛇一般,向前游走,眨眼功夫就出现在穆师傀儡的一处缺陷跟前。 So long as pushes directly into, opposite party on considered as Saint Domain, is injured surely. 只要长驱直入,对方就算是圣域,也必定受伤。 good judgement/eyesight!” 不错的眼力!” The puppets as if guess correctly him to puncture here, smiles, the both arms shake. 傀儡似乎猜出他会刺在这里,轻轻一笑,双臂一震。 Zhang Xuan only feels steamroll -type strength, heads on, the entire person aura sinks, the point incomparable sword point, cannot puncture again. 张悬只觉得一股碾压式的力量,扑面而来,整个人气息一沉,锋芒无比的剑尖,再也刺不下去。 Bang! 嘭! Huge strength, Zhang Xuan turned two somersaults in in the air once more, flying upside down, the back hits on the wall, face turning red, a mouthful of blood blowout. 巨大的力量袭来,张悬在空中再次翻了两个跟斗,倒飞而出,脊背撞在墙壁上,脸色一红,一口鲜血喷出。 Continual attack two moves, moreover found the flaw, what a pity...... opposite party strength was too strong, simply is unable to exceed. 连续进攻两招,而且都找到了缺陷,可惜……对方力量太强了,根本无法胜过。 Was too weak......” “还是太弱了……” Scours the blood of corners of the mouth, the Zhang Xuan forced smile, cannot help shakes the head. 将嘴角的鲜血擦净,张悬苦笑,忍不住摇了摇头。 His now/current only then Chrysalis Realm primary stage, fight Saint Domain First Layer primary stage, differed Half Saint and Nascent Saint, as well as Saint, the entire three big ranks, simply is not mortal body and Soul Force strength can make up. 现在只有蚕封境初期,对战圣域一重初期,其中相差了半圣从圣、以及圣者,整整三个大级别,根本不是肉身魂力力量可以弥补的。 even if/considered as has strength of 80 million cauldrons, in opposite party presence/in front, as before unable to withstand a single blow! 就算有八千万鼎的力量,在对方面前,依旧不堪一击 Saint Domain expert, the Sky Pursuing hole opens, not only will fly, the strength also over hundred million cauldrons, even if/considered as with the aid of Library of Heaven's Path, can find the loophole, sword Qi even/including protects body True Qi unable to break, how to fight/hit? 圣域强者,逐空穴开启,不光会飞,力量也超过亿鼎,就算借助天道图书馆,能够找到漏洞,剑气连人家护体真气都破不了,怎么打 Makes the ant take Long Sword on seem like, going to the attack elephant is the same, simply not in same rank, even if/considered as move again tedious complex, no use! 好像让蚂蚁拿着长剑,去进攻大象一样,根本不在同一个级别上,就算招数再繁琐复杂,都没任何用处! His now/current is this situation, the opposite party is the puppet, the defense is invincible, Long Sword even if/considered as stabs cannot break the defense, in addition fight is experienced, the water drop of defense does not reveal, but can also seize the chance to counter-attack...... 现在就是这种情况,对方是傀儡,防御无敌,长剑就算刺中也破不开防御,再加上战斗经验丰富,防御的滴水不露,还能趁机反击…… Let person unable to restrain emotions has the full frustration. 让人情不自禁的生出满满的挫败感。 simply does not have the means to hit! 根本就没办法打! Snort, that was embarrassed......” “哼,那就不好意思了……” Knows that pure martial skill contest, definitely is not a match/opponent, the Zhang Xuan vision concentrates, Spiritual communication library, one book appear. 知道单纯的武技较量,肯定不是对手,张悬目光一凝,精神沟通图书馆,一本书籍出现 Since is the puppet, has the joint place inevitably, naturally also has all kinds of flaws, really is not good, on does not care Jiang Hu morality and justice, just like 7th layer | floor, first said this fellow demolished again! 既然是傀儡,必然有接榫处,自然也就有各种各样的缺陷,实在不行,就不顾江湖道义,和第七层一样,先把这家伙拆了再说! The finger, the content in books, enters the mind immediately, turned into the ownself knowledge. 手指一点,书籍中的内容,立刻进入脑海,变成了自己的知识。 7-Star series puppet......” 七星连环傀儡……” In the books recorded the name of this puppet, only take a quick look, Zhang Xuan selects on the eyebrow. 书籍中记载了这个傀儡的名称,只看了一眼,张悬就眉毛一挑。 Before opened the 7th layer | floor puppet time, knew about the rank of this thing slightly, that was the 6-Star rank, opening is not quite easy, this achieved 7-Star...... by his current strength, can disassemble, was difficult to say! 之前拆第七层傀儡的时候,对这东西的级别稍微了解了一些,那个是六星级别,拆起来就不太容易了,这个达到了七星……以他目前的实力,能不能拆开,都还难说! The puppets are not the ordinary Heavenly Crafts goods, can wait for on the spot, lets his one by one break/solve flaw, once were attacked, revolts immediately, at the appointed time, who lives who died is difficult to say. 傀儡不是普通的天工物品,会等在原地,让他逐个破解缺陷,一旦受到攻击,会立刻反抗,届时,谁生谁死都还难说。 Must try!” “总要试一下!” Bears in mind the flaw of opposite party, took a deep breath, Zhang Xuan once more looks like to the opposite party. 将对方的缺陷记在心里,深吸了一口气,张悬再次向对方看来。 hū! 呼! Heaven's Path Movement Technique displays, entire person just like the illusory image, in the blink of an eye arrives around the puppet, Long Sword in hand, gently a stroke. 天道身法施展,整个人宛如幻影,眨眼功夫来到傀儡跟前,手中的长剑,轻轻一划。 At the same time, the left hand refers to for the spear/gun, to stabbed over of not far away. 同一时刻,左手并指为枪,向不远处的一点刺了过去 Interesting!” “有趣!” Sees his attack, the straight thrust loophole, a Master Mu body revolution, fist move forward to meet. 看到他的攻击,直刺漏洞,穆师身体一转,一拳迎了过来 Without the move, without martial skill, some pure strength and wild steamroll. 没有招数,没有武技,有的只有单纯的力量和狂暴的碾压。 Does not dare to continue to go forward, a Heaven's Path Movement Technique revolution, quickly to left side shaken, evaded the attack. 不敢继续前进,天道身法一转,急忙向左侧一晃,躲过了攻击。 The flaw of under flash/dodge, a moment ago aiming at naturally cannot attack again, preparation for a long time move, strikes in the vacancy. 一闪之下,刚才瞄准的缺陷自然也就再也攻击不到,准备许久的招数,也击在空处。 Good fierce response......” “好厉害的反应……” The Zhang Xuan facial features are pale, the ugliness that could not say. 张悬面容铁青,说不出的难看。 Since fights, when has suffered aggrievedly like this. 自从与人战斗,啥时候遭受过这样的憋屈。 The opposite party know that he saw the flaw, direct no need/not using move, but with the pure strength steamroll! 对方知道他看出了缺陷,直接不用招数,而用单纯的力量碾压! So long as strength is inferior to the opposite party, again how to fight/hit did not use/useless! 只要力量不如对方,再怎么打没用 Even the body does not have the means to approach, let alone made him be injured, can guarantee that ownself was not killed not was wrong/misconduct. 连身都没办法靠近,别说让其受伤了,能保证自己不被打死就不错了 It can be said that found flaw of opposite party, the opposite party also found him...... strength to be insufficient! 可以说,找到了对方的缺点,对方也同样找到了他的……力量不足! So long as to this working hard, magnificent unique skill did not use/useless. 只要对着这点下功夫,再华丽的绝招都没用 You are not a match/opponent, admits defeat!” “你不是对手,认输吧!” The Master Mu puppet shakes the head. 穆师傀儡摇了摇头。 Admits defeat?” Zhang Xuan frown. “认输?”张悬皱眉 Rushes to 9th layer | floor with great difficulty, could it be that really must admit defeat? 好不容易冲到第九层,难道真要认输回去? good/Yes, your strength is insufficient, is not definitely able to exceed my, but, so long as your cultivation, achieves Chrysalis Realm peak slowly, once more comes, I might am not a match/opponent!” 不错,你的力量不够,肯定无法胜过我的,不过,只要你慢慢修炼,达到蚕封境巅峰,再次过来,我就很有可能不是对手了!” The Master Mu puppet said. 穆师傀儡道。 Although is not a match/opponent, but he also knows, is not the matter of talent, but was the opposite party cultivation time was too short, cultivation base was insufficient. 虽然不是对手,但他也知道,不是天赋的事,而是对方修炼的时间太短了,修为不足。 Did not say that has the Half Saint strength, even if/considered as achieves Chrysalis Realm peak, perhaps he was very difficult to defeat. 不说拥有半圣实力,就算达到蚕封境巅峰,恐怕他就很难战胜了。 Since Records Mountain sets up 9th layer | floor, definitely is hopes that some people do overcome an obstacle successfully? Strength insufficient Half Saint, really can some people exceed you?” “既然记录山设立第九层,肯定是希望有人闯关成功吧?实力不足半圣,真的有人能胜过你?” Zhang Xuan cannot help said. 张悬忍不住道。 If the opposite party are ordinary Saint Domain First Layer, the probability that he wins is very big, but...... as Famed Master, is creates Famed Master academy's super expert, a fight fight of understanding, profound......, so long as strength is unable to exceed, is impossible to defeat. 对方如果是普通圣域一重,他获胜的几率还是很大的,但……身为名师,更是创出名师学院的超级强者,对战斗的理解,高深至极……只要力量无法胜过,就不可能战胜。 His cultivation Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique, comprehends Five Brilliant Gold Body, is minoring in Soul Shaman...... the so powerful strength, is hard to achieve, he does not believe Famed Master academy, some people can be stronger than him! 修炼天道功法,领悟五耀金身,更是兼修巫魂……如此强悍的实力,都难以做到,他不信名师学院,有人能够比他还强! Since no, why can set up one unable to let person pass through 9th layer | floor? 既然没有,为何要设立一个无法让人通过第九层来? Has!” “有!” Master Mu nods. 穆师点头。 Has?” Zhang Xuan frown. “有?”张悬皱眉 Your no need/not using does not believe, really has, many Battle Master can achieve. Even past Master Kong, but also without achieving Half Saint time, on kill/execute Saint Domain expert!” “你不用不相信,是真的有,不少战师都能做到。甚至当年的孔师,还没达到半圣的时候,就斩杀圣域强者!” Master Mu said. 穆师道。 Doesn't arrive at Half Saint on kill/execute Saint Domain?” “不到半圣斩杀圣域?” The Zhang Xuan pupil shrinks. 张悬瞳孔一缩。 He knows kill/execute that the opposite party said that depends upon the strength inevitably, rather than Purple Sun Beast and Gold Source Cauldron and so on things. 他知道对方说的斩杀,必然是依靠实力,而非紫阳兽金源鼎之类的身外之物。 Master Kong has not achieved Half Saint, on so formidable? 孔师还没达到半圣,就这么厉害了? Can it be true? 真的假的 Yes, if cannot achieve thing that the average man cannot achieve, how also to be qualified for Battle Master, fights with Foreign Spirit Race!” “是,如果不是能做到常人做不到的事,又怎么有资格做战师,与异灵族人战斗!” The Master Mu puppet is unemotional. 穆师傀儡面无表情。 This......” Zhang Xuan is shocked. “这……”张悬愣住。 Before Lu Cheng two people, but also thinks that Battle Master is so, now/current looked like, was not then simple. 之前遇到的鹿城二人,还以为战师都是如此,现在看来,并非那么简单。 Admits defeat, you are impossible to exceed my, even if/considered as delays the time again is also useless!” “认输吧,你不可能胜过我的,就算再拖延时间也是无用!” Knows that he delays the time, to restore True Qi, Master Mu beckons with the hand. 知道他拖延时间,是为了恢复真气,穆师摆了摆手。 wait for you achieves Chrysalis Realm peak, can come again one time, can perhaps beat me.” 等你达到蚕封境巅峰,可以再来一次,或许就能将我击败了。” He does not believe, Chrysalis Realm primary stage can defeat it, really must like this, this definitely compare many true Battle Master, is fearful. 他并不认为,一个蚕封境初期就能将其战胜,真要这样,这位肯定比很多真正的战师,都要可怕。 When Chrysalis Realm peak?” “等到蚕封境巅峰?” Zhang Xuan shakes the head: no need/not using waited, my now/current can beat you!” 张悬摇了摇头:“不用等了,我现在就能将你击败!” Oh? Master Mu puppet frowned. 哦?穆师傀儡眉头一皱 Doesn't believe? Hehe!” “不相信?呵呵!” Sees his appearance, Zhang Xuan smiles: I can show that looks to you, but...... you must first wait for me, I change clothes...... to come with you to hit again!” 见他这副样子,张悬轻轻一笑:“我可以证明给你看,不过……你要先等我一下,我换一身衣服……再过来和你打!”
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