LHP :: Volume #10

#909: 9th layer | floor

Isn't Nascent Saint peak?” “不是从圣巅峰?” Puppet dazed for a moment, cannot help looks down, within the body strength ignites instantaneously. 傀儡愣了一下,忍不住低头看去,体内力量瞬间燃起。 Bang! 轰隆! The powerful aura surges everywhere, compelled unable to restrain emotions retreat the people several steps. 强大的气息四处激荡,将众人逼得情不自禁后退了几步。 „Is this...... Saint Domain First Layer? I...... how breakthrough?” The puppet complexion is in a daze. “这是……圣域一重?我……怎么突破了?”傀儡脸色发呆。 His become puppets in 4000, were Nascent Saint peak, has never thought that the strength can also breakthrough. 成为傀儡都四千年了,一直都是从圣巅峰,从未想过,实力还能突破 good/Yes that if guesses, should be Principal! Swallowed Earth Core Crystal of your within the body, helped your breakthrough while convenient the strength......” “如果猜的不错,应该是院长!吞噬了你体内的地心晶石,也顺便帮你突破了实力……” Zhao Bingxu said. 赵丙戌道。 Had the experience of sixth pass/test, they know that Principal has this ability. 有了第六关的经历,他们知道院长拥有这种能力。 Possibly thought swallowed Earth Core Crystal of opposite party within the body, excuse me, helped change a structure conveniently, making it smoother, conformed to the nature, the strength naturally also had the qualitative leap. 可能是觉得吞噬了对方体内的地心晶石,不好意思,顺手也帮忙更改了一下结构,让其变得更加流畅,更加符合自然,实力自然也就有了质的飞跃。 This......” “这……” Listens to the explanations of many Principal, puppet on the spot. 听完诸多院长的解释,傀儡愣在原地 Although Earth Core Crystal to him, is very important, is actually not the necessary thing, discards part, made the strength rise dramatically Saint Domain, was gains absolutely sends greatly! 地心晶石虽然对他来说,十分重要,却也不是必备之物,舍弃一部分,却让实力暴增到了圣域,绝对是赚大发了! but...... his strength rise, descendant wants to overcome an obstacle again, perhaps the difficulty is bigger, to here, became the dead end, is unable attack to arrive at higher 9th layer | floor again. 只是……他的实力提升,后人想要再闯关,恐怕难度更大,到了这里,就成了死局,再无法冲击到更高的第九层了。 To him does good, but to descendant, actually sins. 对他来说是做了好事,但是对后人来说,却是造孽。 Was equal to blocking the road thoroughly, no one can be successful again. 等于彻底堵了路,再无人能够成功了。 What 9th layer | floor is exactly/actually?” 第九层到底是什么?” Is sighing with emotion, Wei Ranxue looks. 正在感慨,卫冉雪看过来。 9th layer | floor...... I don't know, only knows that since Famed Master academy has established, some people have never gone, perhaps...... Ancestor-Master that is founded knows!” 第九层……我也不知道,只知道名师学院建立以来,从未有人进去过,或许……只有建校的穆凯祖师才知道吧!” The puppets swung shaking the head. 傀儡摇了摇摇头。 The one who protects 9th layer | floor is the Saint Domain First Layer puppet, but rushes to the request of Records Mountain, before is Half Saint,...... in other words, needs to span the entire three big rank exceeding level challenges, initial he, could not achieve, let alone others! 守护第九层的是圣域一重的傀儡,而闯记录山的要求,是半圣之前……也就是说,需要跨越整整三个大级别越级挑战,就当初的他,也做不到,更何况别人! Famed Master academy is founded for ten thousand years, only then this youth achieves. 名师学院建校万年来,也只有这个青年才做到。 No matter anything, should not have the danger, establishes the Records Mountain goal is to select the talent, is naturally impossible to make talent dying be one of them!” “不管是什么,应该不会有危险,创立记录山的目的是为了选拔人才,自然不可能让人才死在其中!” Sees the people worried, the puppet said. 见众人担心,傀儡道。 Yes!” People nod. “是!”众人点头。 Yes, the Famed Master academy's goal is to select the talent, Records Mountain is so, can pass through first eight, explain of talent, the spacious past and present, so the character, how is this possible has an accident in last checkpoint certainly! 是啊,名师学院的目的就是选拔人才,记录山更是如此,能通过前八层了,说明天赋之强,旷绝古今,如此人物,怎么可能最后一关出事! Therefore simply no need to worry! 所以根本不用担心 However, even if/considered as was not worried that what...... Principal exactly/actually did experience in 9th layer | floor? 不过,就算不担心……院长到底第九层经历了什么? for a split second, in the Zhao Bingxu and the rest heart very is all curious. 一瞬间,赵丙戌等人心中全都满是好奇。 ...... …… The time returns to one day ago. 时间回到一天前。 Smooth pass through first eight, look that the roof was sewn by ownself in the above puppet, Zhang Xuan relaxes , to continue to walk upwardly. 顺利通过前八层,看着房顶被自己钉在上面的傀儡,张悬松了口气,继续向上走去。 To be honest, he overestimated ownself. 说实话,他还是高估了自己 The 6th layer | floor resistance from the Saint Rank puppet, was strenuous on some/somewhat. 第六层对抗从圣级别的傀儡,就有些吃力了。 Although his strength achieved 6 5 millions cauldrons, endures compared with Nascent Saint intermediate stage, but body Saint, regardless of responded the consciousness, was the deal with changes in fight, far surpass he, strength even if/considered as has surpassed, wants to win, was very difficult. 他的力量虽然达到了六500万鼎,堪比从圣中期,但身体化“圣”,无论反应意识,还是战斗中的应变,都远超过他,力量就算超过,想要胜出,也很难。 in other words, his even if/considered as strength is strong, Half Saint peak, was the limit, wanted to exceed Nascent Saint primary stage, can only draw support from Library of Heaven's Path. 也就是说,他就算力量强劲,半圣巅峰,也是极限了,想要胜过从圣初期,只能借助天道图书馆 Therefore 6th layer | floor, he gives the opposite party give directions/guidance, making him successfully acknowledge as teacher, smooth pass the checkpoint. 于是第六层,他给对方指点,让其成功拜师,顺利过关 As for 7th layer | floor, the opposite party does not believe ownself, in the situation that the fight is unable to win, has to open the fragment it. 至于第七层,对方并不相信自己,战斗无法胜出的情况下,只好将其拆成碎片。 As long as can hit, will not offer this bad plan. 但凡能够打过,也不会出此下策。 Opens that appearance the opposite party, the ghosts could not recognize...... really is too shy. 将对方拆成那副样子,鬼都认不出来……实在太害羞了。 8th layer | floor, Mo Liuzhen by the puppet who the rib refines, is more powerful, comes up to be beaten crazily, in ground leave/stay behind many big holes, is experiences personally the severely wounded mouth to spit the blood. 第八层,莫流真以肋骨炼制成的傀儡,更加强大,一上来就被狂殴一顿,在地面留下了诸多大坑,更是身受重伤口吐鲜血。 originally thought this checkpoint is unable pass through, suddenly to discover again, this puppet with Earth Core Crystal, refines unexpectedly successfully. 本以为这关再无法通过,突然发现,这个傀儡竟然是用地心晶石,炼制成功的。 Earth Core Crystal is the treasure that cultivation Five Brilliant Gold Body Fourth Layer must use, still had not found, here unexpectedly saw, immediately is wild with joy. 地心晶石修炼五耀金身四重必须使用的宝物,一直没有找到,在这里居然看到,顿时欣喜若狂。 However, if states clearly ownself to need this spirit stone, the opposite party will definitely get angry at the scene, kills ownself while still alive, but, has to use some small strategies. 不过,要是明说自己需要这种灵石,对方肯定会当场翻脸,将自己活活打死,无奈之下,只好用了一些小计策。 With the aid of spirit stone strength, Five Brilliant Gold Body smooth breakthrough Fourth Layer, making his mortal body strength once more rise dramatically. 借助灵石力量,五耀金身顺利突破了第四重,让他的肉身力量再次暴增。 Before solely rely/based on mortal body had 16 million cauldrons, but now/current double, has achieved 32 million cauldrons! 之前单凭肉身拥有1600万鼎,而现在翻倍,已然达到了3200万鼎! in other words, solely rely/based on mortal body, strength has endured to compare Chrysalis Realm advanced stage expert! 也就是说,单凭肉身,力量已然堪比蚕封境后期强者 In the coordination the words of True Qi 29 million cauldrons and Soul Force 20 million cauldrons, complete strength, have achieved 81 million cauldrons! 配合上真气2900万鼎、魂力2000万鼎的话,全部力量,已然达到了8100万鼎! This strength, even if/considered as Nascent Saint peak, was well below, the Mo Liuzhen puppet, under does not have any preparation, the nature was wasted by a fist, pastes on the wall, unconscious in the past. 这种力量,就算从圣巅峰,都远远不如,莫流真的傀儡,没有任何心理准备之下,自然被一拳打飞,贴到了墙上,昏迷过去。 ( Nascent Saint primary stage 60 million cauldrons, intermediate stage 6 5 millions cauldrons, advanced stage 70 million cauldrons, peak 7 5 millions cauldrons!) (从圣初期6000万鼎,中期500万鼎,后期7000万鼎,巅峰500万鼎!) Although on a puppet will defeat, but my true battle strength, from Nascent Saint peak, but also some/somewhat gap.” “虽然将上一层的傀儡击败,但是我真正的战斗力,距离从圣巅峰,还有些差距。” unconscious that a although fist, forms the puppet who hits the Mo Liuzhen rib, in fact Zhang Xuan arrogant believing, has not had endured to compare Nascent Saint peak battle strength. 尽管一拳,就将莫流真肋骨形成的傀儡打的昏迷,实际上张悬并未自大的认为,已经拥有了堪比从圣巅峰战斗力了。 Can be so relaxed, because of this fellow, has fought with ownself one time, already in the flaw and loophole to his move, knew completely, in addition in the opposite party heart has a low opinion of the enemy, can succeed. 能如此轻松,是因为这家伙,和自己战斗过一次,已经对他招数上的缺陷和漏洞,完全知晓了,再加上对方心中轻敌,才得以成功。 Once meets full strength make a move Nascent Saint peak, the even if/considered as strength not weaker than opposite party, wants to win, is not definitely easy. 一旦遇到一位全力出手从圣巅峰,就算力量不弱于对方,想要获胜,肯定也没那么容易。 Careful is good. 还是小心为好。 This is he has also thought the low-key reason. 这也是他一直想低调的原因。 Wooden show in forest, the wind must destroy it, the dike is higher than the shore, the wave must rapids it. 木秀于林,风必摧之,堤高于岸,浪必湍之。 What a pity, is each time low-key, will work just the opposite, making his very melancholy. 可惜,每次想低调,都会适得其反,让他满是忧郁。 Perhaps this is the life! Often is lonely such as the snow. 或许这就是人生吧!往往都是寂寞如雪的。 Exceeding Nascent Saint peak is difficult, 9th layer | floor wants pass through, perhaps no opportunity, only if...... now/current can find Chrysalis Realm Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique, enhances the strength to Chrysalis Realm peak directly. 胜过从圣巅峰都难,第九层想要通过,恐怕没有一点机会,除非……现在能找到蚕封境天道功法,将实力直接提升到蚕封境巅峰 But this cultivation technique, obviously could not find here. 但这种功法,在这里明显找不到。 Since arrives this step, comes up to have a look!” “既然走到这一步,还是上去看看吧!” put out a breath, has not stayed, Zhang Xuan continues to walk upwardly. 吐出一口气,没有丝毫停留,张悬继续向上走去。 Overcomes an obstacle to come, arrived here, if because of dreading, but stuck and not moving forward, ownself thought that was unfair to ownself. 一路闯关而来,都到这里了,如果是因为畏惧,而停滞不前,自己都觉得对不起自己 Regardless how must come up to have a look, at the worst admits defeat is. 无论如何也要上去看看,大不了认输便是。 Shoves open 9th layer | floor front/large door, a giant spacious room has now/current at present. 推开第九层大门,一个巨大空旷的房间出现在眼前。 Catches the eye to look, an old man, has the now/current line of sight. 抬眼看去,一个老者,出现在视线。 Master Mu?” 穆师?” Sees clearly the appearance of this person, Zhang Xuan frowned. 看清此人的容貌,张悬眉头一皱 It is not others, is School-founding Ancestor-Master. 不是别人,正是开派祖师穆凯。 Before the stage greet/have seen opposite party leave/stay behind remnant soul. 之前才在高台见过对方留下的残魂。 „It is not right, is Master Mu according to the puppet of Saint Domain rank the ownself image refines!” “不对,是穆师根据自己形象炼制出来的圣域级别的傀儡!” Although baffled/strange, but also saw issue location quickly. 虽然奇怪,但也很快看出了问题所在 this one, is not true Master Mu Kai, is not his leave/stay behind remnant soul, but according to his appearance, the puppet of refinement , from afar is like the honorable person, lets him, first looked over, has not recognized. 眼前这位,并非真正的穆凯穆师,也不是他留下的残魂,而是根据他模样,炼制的傀儡,远远看去和真人一样,以至于让他,第一眼看过去,都没认出来。 Without achieving Half Saint, rushes to here from first checkpoint, explained your talent and strength!” “没达到半圣,就从第一关闯到这里,说明了你的天赋和实力!” Sees him to walk, in the Master Mu puppet eyes has the happy expression, light looked towards this side. 见他走上来,穆师傀儡眼中带着笑意,淡淡的看了过来 greet/have seen Master Mu!” 见过穆师!” Zhang Xuan hands clasped together politely forward one step. 张悬抱拳向前一步。 even if/considered as is only a puppet, is definitely same as 8th layer | floor, contain Master Mu Mind Power, is not allowing to look down on. 就算只是傀儡,肯定也和第八层一样,蕴含穆师意念,不容小瞧。 Un!” The Master Mu puppet nods with a smile: My now/current is the Saint Domain First Layer primary stage strength, so long as you can exceed me, even if/considered as has rushed to Records Mountain, obtains my leave/stay behind advantage!” “嗯!”穆师傀儡笑着点了点头:“我现在圣域一重初期的实力,你只要能胜过我,就算闯过记录山,得到我留下的好处!” Exceeds you......” “胜过你……” The color of Zhang Xuan wear a look of in a dilemma/to make things difficult for. 张悬面带为难之色。 To be honest, the solely rely/based on strength, wants to exceed the opposite party, the possibility almost does not have. 说实话,单凭实力,想要胜过对方,可能性几乎没有。 However, if opens the thing by him the ability, the made opposite party turns into the disability, then turns into the fragment, should be very simple. 但是,要是凭借他拆东西的本领,弄的对方变成残疾,然后变成碎片,应该还是很简单的。 With such method, copes with School-founding Ancestor-Master, really some/somewhat feels sorry, very excuse me. 只是用这样的手段,对付开派祖师,实在有些过意不去,十分不好意思。 Once makes others know, as Principal, pays great attention to the status, certainly will be shy. 一旦让别人知道,身为院长,注重身份,一定会害羞的。 no need to worry, so long as can exceed me, what method can use, does not need pay particular attention to rules and regulations!” 不用担心,只要能胜过我,什么手段都可以用,无须讲究规则!” As if saw his anxiety, Master Mu smiled: To be honest, I by the Saint Domain strength, to person make a move that your Half Saint has not even achieved, itself not pay particular attention to rules and regulations!” 似乎看出了他的疑虑,穆师笑了笑:“说实话,我以圣域的实力,对你一个连半圣都没达到的人出手,本身就是不讲究规则!” You are certain?” The Zhang Xuan look is strange: Can no need/not using pay particular attention to rules and regulations?” 你确定?”张悬眼神古怪:“可以不用讲究规则?” good/Yes!” Master Mu is with smile on the face. 不错!”穆师面带微笑。 Since you said like this that is good......” “既然你这样说,那就好……” Listened to the opposite party saying that did not need pay particular attention to rules and regulations, Zhang Xuan relaxes, the burden loosen in heart, Spiritual moved. 听对方说,不需要讲究规则,张悬松了口气,心中的负担松了下来,精神一动。 hū! 呼! Gold Source Cauldron has now/current at present. 金源鼎现在眼前。 Ding Ding, goes to this fellow, punches to faint to me......” 鼎鼎,去将这家伙,给我揍晕过去……” arm swinged, the Zhang Xuan heroic spirit soars to the heavens. 大手一摆,张悬豪气冲天。 Relax, old Mu puppet, my now/current refining up the trash on the master person......” “放心吧,老穆的傀儡而已,我现在就帮主人炼成渣渣……” Gold Source Cauldron replied with a sound, body shake/sway, wants rush over. 金源鼎应了一声,身体一晃,就要冲过去 It is Famed Master Hall leaves academy's Saint Artifact, in the past on greet/have seen Master Mu Kai, recognized at this time. 它是名师堂留给学院的圣器,当年就见过穆凯穆师,此时一眼就认了出来。 Is slow......” “慢着……” corner of mouth twitching, the Master Mu puppet has almost not fainted, hurried shouts out. 嘴角一抽,穆师傀儡差点没晕过去,急忙大喝 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Hints Gold Source Cauldron to stop, Zhang Xuan doubts looks. 示意金源鼎停下,张悬疑惑的看过来。 You just said, what method can use, my now/current summoned Gold Source Cauldron, how? 你刚说,啥手段都可以用,我现在金源鼎召唤出来,又怎么了? cough cough, what I said is can use the method, is you can use the strength and move, as well as various Auxiliary Specialisations profession, rather than...... with the aid of Saint Artifact, otherwise, depends upon the prestige of Saint Artifact, a even if/considered as Transcendent Mortal 1st-2nd Layer person, can clash similarly from first checkpoint, Records Mountain did not have the significance!” 咳咳,我说的是可以用手段,是你可以动用实力、招数,以及各种辅修职业,而不是……借助圣器,不然,依靠圣器之威,就算一个只有化凡一、两重的人,也同样能从第一关冲过来,记录山也就没了意义!” Master Mu puppet face turning red, said. 穆师傀儡脸色一红,道。 Blames him not to talk clearly. 怪他没说清楚。 Records Mountain is the Assessment personal ability, you take Saint Artifact, the even if/considered as strength is not good , can definitely smooth sailing, entry Ah! 记录山考核个人能力的,你将圣器拿出来,就算实力不行,也肯定能顺水顺风,一路通关啊! This also have assessed fart! 这样还考核过屁! This...... was I misunderstands!” “这……是我误会了!” Zhang Xuan scratching the head, takes back ring Gold Source Cauldron once more, wrist turn, ordinary Peerless Grade Spirit Armament Long Sword had/left the now/current palm, straight referred to the opposite party. 张悬挠了挠头,将金源鼎再次收回戒指,手腕一翻,一柄普通的绝品灵器长剑现在掌心,笔直向对方指了过去。 Like this was OK!” “这样可以了吧!” The Master Mu puppet nods, smiles, just to speak, sees sword glow, straight stab comes out together, just like meteor, intensely bright. 穆师傀儡点了点头,轻轻一笑,正想说话,就见一道剑芒,笔直刺了出来,宛如流星,耀眼夺目。
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