LHP :: Volume #10

#908: Depressed puppet

Special, what specialness can have?” “特殊,能有什么特殊?” Wei Ranxue baffled/strange. 卫冉雪奇怪 Truth told you, 8th layer | floor was not a puppet, but Principal Mo Liuzhen, made Doppelgänger with the rib of ownself initially “实话告诉你吧,第八层是并非是傀儡,而是当初莫流真院长,用自己的肋骨做成了一个分身 hesitated for a while, Zhao Bingxu said. 迟疑了一下,赵丙戌道。 Doppelgänger?” Wei Ranxue dumbfounded. good/Yes, Principal Mo Liuzhen achieved Transcendent Mortal Ninth Layer peak in the past, once more overcomes an obstacle, with only rushes to 7th layer | floor for the first time is different, to 8th layer | floor, moreover...... also beat this puppet, thought that has very big loophole, then make a move, takes out a rib of ownself personally, with the aid of Earth Core Crystal, according to ownself to the strength and fight skill, renew built this protector!” 分身?”卫冉雪一呆。“不错,当年莫流真院长达到化凡九重巅峰,再次闯关,和第一次只闯到第七层不同,到了第八层,而且……还击败了这层的傀儡,觉得有很大的漏洞,便亲自出手,取出自己的一根肋骨,借助地心晶石,按照自己到实力和战斗技巧,重新打造了这层的守护者!” Earth Core Crystal? Rare and precious ore that center of the earth can be born?” 地心晶石?那种地心才能诞生的珍稀矿石?” Wei Ranxue frown. 卫冉雪皱眉 This type of crystal stone, she has heard, is ore that one type cannot be seen much, is textually solid, the energy of contain burning hot, is used to temper mortal body, refines the puppet, has the effect. 这种晶石,她听说过,是一种不可多见的矿石,质地坚硬,蕴含炙热的能量,用来锤炼肉身,炼制傀儡,有奇效。 This thing was consumed several thousand years ago it is said completely, was very difficult to find one, Mo Liuzhen...... thinks to feel luxurious with his refinement puppet unexpectedly. 这东西据说在几千年前就被消耗殆尽,很难找到一枚了,莫流真居然用其炼制傀儡……想想都觉得奢侈。 even if/considered as treats as the main material, powerful also not allow to neglect! 就算只是当做主材料,强大也不容忽视! Perhaps on considered as Nascent Saint peak, Saint Domain First Layer expert can also exceed. 恐怕就算是从圣巅峰,圣域一重强者也能胜过吧。 Not only that but also ownself Mind Power, keeps...... in other words, the eighth pass/test is not the ordinary puppet, but was past Principal Mo Liuzhen is exactly the same, the coordination did not know the ache again, almost the defense invincible body, even if/considered as initial Mo Liuzhen, was very difficult to exceed, let alone Principal!” “不仅如此,还将自己意念,留在其中……也就是说,第八关已经不是普通的傀儡了,而是和当年的莫流真院长一模一样,再配合不知疼痛,几乎防御无敌的身躯,就算的当初的莫流真,都很难胜过,更何况院长了!” Zhao Bingxu very forced smile. 赵丙戌满是苦笑。 It is not does not believe Principal, but is the Principal now/current strength only has Transcendent Mortal Ninth Layer primary stage, some/somewhat was too low. 不是不相信院长,而是院长现在的实力只有化凡九重初期,有些太低了。 But leave/stay behind this puppet time, Principal Mo Liuzhen, is Transcendent Mortal Ninth Layer peak, from Half Saint, is not far. 留下这个傀儡的时候,莫流真院长,已经是化凡九重巅峰,距离半圣,也不远了。 Similarly is the super talent, the phase difference is close to a big rank, the latter is not aware of fatigue does not know the ache freak, no wonder he does not have a confidence. 同样是超级天才,相差接近一个大级别,后者更是不知疲倦不知疼痛的怪物,难怪他没有一点信心。 Wei Ranxue could not speak, if so, Principal wants to win...... is too indeed difficult, even can say, has not possibly succeeded. 卫冉雪说不出话来,如果真是这样,院长想胜……的确太难,甚至可以说,已经没有可能成功。 Said uselessly, has a look, will then know!” Xu Changqing beckons with the hand. “多说无益,上去看看,便会知晓!”须长青摆了摆手。 Un!” “嗯!” The people nod, simultaneously to 8th layer | floor, walked over. 众人点了点头,同时向第八层,走了过去 This also is very of peaceful, no aura fight, but, the ground is bumpy, is everywhere damaged, understood at a glance, experienced a fight of tragic. 这层同样十分安静,没有任何战斗的气息,不过,地面坑坑洼洼,到处都破碎不堪,一看就知道,经历了一场惨烈的战斗。 We came late, the fight should finish......” all around take a quick look, Zhao Bingxu said. “我们来晚了,战斗应该早就结束了……”四周看了一眼,赵丙戌道。 As Famed Master, judgement/eyesight is astonishing, can see this fight with ease, happening in a day ago, in other words, one day ago fought has outcome/in the end. 作为名师,眼力惊人,可以轻松看出这场战斗,发生在一天之前,也就是说,一天前战斗就已经有结果了。 Quickly arrives at the middle of house, seeks separatedly, has not seen half person's shadow, has not discovered the shatter components. 急忙来到房屋的中间,分开寻找,并未看到半个人影,也没有发现破碎的零件。 Who won?” look at each other in shock. “谁赢了?”面面相觑 If just like previous, fragment and components everywhere, no need/not using wants also to know, inevitably is Principal, successfully beats the puppet! 如果和上一层一样,满地的碎片和零件,不用想也知道,必然是院长,成功将傀儡击败! But the now/current ground is clean, does not have except for these fight trace what, Is it possible that Principal losses? 现在地面干净,除了这些战斗痕迹什么都没有,难不成院长了? But really must defeat words...... puppet? 但真要败了的话……傀儡呢? Disappears? 怎么也不见了? Here has the blood!” Suddenly, Wei Ranxue stopped, expression some/somewhat is anxious. “这里有血!”突然,卫冉雪停了下来,神色有些焦急。 Nearby the people arrive, really saw the ground, leave/stay behind beach blood, obviously received the heavy wound. 众人来到跟前,果然看到地面,留下了一滩血液,明显受了不轻的伤。 Is Principal leave/stay behind......” people clenching fists. “是院长留下的……”众人拳头捏紧 Although this puppet keeps Jane|treasure Principal not, with Doppelgänger that the rib makes, does not have the blood...... flowed place, explained that affirmed Principal is not a match/opponent, was injured at the scene. 这个傀儡虽是莫留珍院长,用肋骨做成的分身,却是没有血液的……流了一地,说明肯定院长不是对手,被当场打伤。 First seven is very simple, this actually so, wants pass through this checkpoint, is very indeed difficult. 前七层过的都很简单,这层却如此,想要通过这关,的确很难。 Although injured, but everyone no need/not using was extremely worried, this puppet, has Principal Mo Liuzhen Mind Power, should not to Principal use killing method!” “虽然受伤,但大家不用太过担心,这层的傀儡,拥有莫流真院长意念,应该不会对院长痛下杀手!” Sees people some/somewhat to worry, Zhao Bingxu explained. 见众人都有些担忧,赵丙戌解释。 The first seven puppets, are ordinary spiritual intelligence, only knows that the fight and defends the pass/test, does not have the sentiment of human. 前七层的傀儡,都是普通的灵性,只知道战斗和守关,并没有人类的感情。 This Principal Mo Liuzhen leave/stay behind Mind Power, naturally had his mental disposition thought that after knowing the Master Zhang's status, should unable use killing method! 这层莫流真院长留下意念,自然有他的秉性思维,知道张师的身份后,应该不会痛下杀手 As the matter stands, Principal is safe, at least the life can be safeguarded. 这样一来,院长就是安全的,至少生命能得到保障。 Looks quickly!” “快看!” Is guessing, does not know that Principal exactly/actually experienced anything here, hears Painting and Calligraphy academy Principal one to call out in alarm. 正在揣测,不知院长到底在这里经历了什么,就听到书画学院院长一声惊呼。 Quickly looks, sees him to point at aims at the above roof, a face delay. 急忙看去,就见他手指指向上方的屋顶,一脸呆滞。 Looks following the direction, the people all are shocked. 顺着方向看去,众人也全都愣住。 Sees only the roof above the wall, a person's shadow sticks to above, deeply falls into, pounded “大” character, the eyes shut tightly, should already unconscious in the past. 只见房顶的墙壁之上,一个人影紧贴在上面,深深陷入其中,砸出了一个“大”字,双眼紧闭,应该是已经昏迷过去。 Is the puppet who Principal Mo Liuzhen refines......” “是莫流真院长炼制成的傀儡……” Zhao Bingxu recognizes, anxious hurriedly said. 赵丙戌认得出来,急忙道 Who knows is, many Elder do not dare to hesitate, flies completely in the air, dug from the wall it. 知道是谁,诸多长老不敢犹豫,全部飞到空中,将其从墙上挖了出来。 Nearby Zhong Dingchun and Heavenly Crafts Institute Principal, arrives , helping treat, after the moment, leisurely awaking revolutions. 钟鼎淳天工院院长,来到跟前,帮忙治疗,片刻后,悠悠醒转。 Sees the people, face turn red that the puppet air/Qi, shouted abuse: „Before dammit......, that shameless fellow is exactly/actually that overcomes an obstacle who?” 看到众人,傀儡气的脸色涨红,破口大骂:“可恶……之前来闯关的那个无耻家伙到底是谁?” Shameless fellow?” “无耻家伙?” The people hear Principal Mo Liuzhen Mind Power, so appraises Principal, all corner of mouth twitching. 众人听到莫流真院长意念,如此评价院长,全都嘴角一抽 According to the history records, this Principal, talent unparalleled, the temperament and mental disposition, are very calm, for this reason, can be worshipped by the later generation innumerable students, goes down in history. 根据历史记载,这位院长,天赋无双,脾气和秉性,却十分沉稳,正因如此,才能被后世无数学员崇拜,名垂千古。 Is known as for ten thousand years, academy is worthy of the reputation the first person! 号称万年来,学院名副其实第一人! How such calm person, a demeanor does not have, instead shouted abuse, was excited? 怎么这样沉稳的人,一点风度都没有,反而破口大骂,如此激动? This fellow and my battle competition, simply is not a match/opponent!” “这家伙和我比斗,根本不是对手!” The Principal Mo Liuzhen leave/stay behind puppet, a face is indignant: Hit several moves, I know that continues to hit, he is not definitely able to win, makes its tactful whom left...... to know this fellow saying that worshipped very warmly to me very much, wants me to teach his martial skill hand in hand, grabs my hand, various praises continuously......” 莫流真院长留下的傀儡,一脸气愤:“打了几招,我知道继续打下去,他肯定无法获胜,就让其识趣的离开……谁知这家伙却十分热情的说对我很崇拜,要我手把手传授他武技,更是抓住我的手,各种赞美之词源源不断……” On the puppet face very regretted, in the eye is the fall into a trap facial expressions: Listened to him to say like this, was Famed Master naturally does not pass on responsibilities, speaks thoughtlessly give directions/guidance his several......” 傀儡脸上满是懊悔,眼中都是中计的神情:“听他这样说,身为名师自然当仁不让,随口指点了他几句……” Who knows this fellow to hold my hand not to put, did not say that must contact the idol...... I is not bad for a while, being taken by, originally thought is really worships to me, who knows, who knows......” “谁知这家伙拉着我的手死活不放,非说要多接触偶像……我一时不差,中了诡计,本以为真是对我崇拜,谁知、谁知……” The puppets more said more are mad, entire person almost going to explode. 傀儡越说越气,整个人快要爆炸了。 Who knew how?” “谁知怎么了?” Sees him to tell only half, Wei Ranxue some/somewhat cannot help. 见他说到一半,卫冉雪有些忍不住 Who knows this shameless fellow, simply is not the worship, does not want to make me teach him, but is...... in Earth Core Crystal with the aid of my body conducts cultivation!” “谁知这个无耻家伙,根本不是什么崇拜,更不是想让我教他,而是……借助我身体中的地心晶石进行修炼!” You should be able to see, I am......, if this fellow who the Earth Core Crystal refinement becomes crazily absorbs, can inevitably detect, but he...... faint trace retrieve strength, moreover of pleasant to hear that on the mouth said that I absolutely do not have detect, was almost swallowed the most energies in within the body crystal stone......” “你们应该可以看出,我是地心晶石炼制而成的……如果这家伙疯狂吸收,必然能够察觉,可他……一丝丝调取力量,而且嘴上说的好听,我完全没有察觉,几乎将体内晶石的大部分能量都被吞噬了……” Puppet even if/considered as fused Mind Power of human, is only the puppet, controls to the body is not sensitive. 傀儡就算融合了人类的意念,也只是傀儡,对身体控制没那么敏感。 Just like Soulless Metal Statue , but can walk, displays the body of strength, the words that does not fight, simply does not know body what happened. 无魂金人一样,只是个能够行走,施展力量的躯体罢了,不战斗的话,根本不知道身体发生了什么 Without the crystal stone, are most my defense differ by some margin, but...... this fellow does not know what is going on, mortal body strength actually increases instantaneously, the once more fight, a fist struck to fly...... not to have the defense me, the opposite party strength was also strong......, therefore, I was stunned at the scene, embed to roof......” “没有晶石,最多我的防御差了一些,可……这家伙不知怎么回事,肉身力量却瞬间大增,再次战斗,一拳就将我击飞……没了防御,对方实力又强……所以,我就被当场震晕,镶嵌到了屋顶……” Puppets angry said account. 傀儡怒气冲冲的将事情的经过说了一遍。 If we had known this fellow must steal his Earth Core Crystal cultivation, killed will not believe words Ah! of opposite party to be then good, defended to drop, battle strength weakened did not say that...... was hit like a beach mud. 早知道这家伙是要偷他的地心晶石修炼,打死也不会听信对方的话啊!这下好了,防御下降,战斗力减弱不说……被打得如同一滩烂泥。 The cultivation life, greet/have seen innumerable Famed Master, have not seen such extreme is always shameless! 修炼一生,见过无数名师,从来没见过这么无耻的! think/feel increasingly is aggrieved, sees many Elder, cannot help sent out the discontent. 越想越觉得憋屈,见到诸多长老,才忍不住发出了牢骚。 This......” “这……” Listens to what is going on, many Elder you look at me, I look at you, all all cheek twitching. 听完怎么回事,诸多长老你看我,我看你,全都一个个面皮抽搐 It seems like Principal just started indeed is not a match/opponent, afterward, contacted Earth Core Crystal of opposite party within the body, cultivation what martial skill, this strength entered greatly, successfully defeated it...... 看来院长刚开始的确不是对手,后来,接触对方体内的地心晶石,修炼了什么武技,这才实力大进,成功将其击败…… By doing so, in the fight, it's not a big deal, the life and death can abandon after all, may be used to overcome an obstacle...... is not quite indeed typical. 这样做,在战斗中,不算什么,毕竟生死都可以抛弃,可用来闯关……的确不太地道。 But if spoke frankly, with the aid of Earth Core Crystal of opposite party, it is estimated that not only did not give, but also met make a move to kill its dozen at the scene while still alive. 但要是直说,借助对方的地心晶石,估计非但不给,还会出手当场将其打活活打死。 Ok, the fight is you lives me dead, cannot allow to modestly decline, he can do this, showing is not stereotypical the tenacious person, this person usually can without restraint of style, progress even further!” “算了,战斗本身就是你生我死,容不得谦让,他能这样做,说明并非呆板固执之人,这种人通常会不拘一格,走得更远!” Said the aggrievedness in heart, puppet was happier, beckons with the hand. 将心中的憋屈说出来,傀儡心情好了许多,摆了摆手。 Famed Master, although to serve as an example for others, pay particular attention to status, but cannot be extremely stereotypical, otherwise, how to weed through the old to bring forth the new, more walks is farther? 名师,虽然为人师表,讲究身份,但也不能太过呆板,否则,如何推陈出新,越走越远? Did not say other, even if/considered as initial Master Kong, is not the tenacious generation, instead will accept good advice readily, in the past three earth cave, disguise became Foreign Spirit Race, sneak into in, even by Titled King and to seal/confer sovereign, they who almost made exterminates the clan finally...... 不说其他,就算当初的孔师,也不是固执之辈,反而会从善如流,当年三下地窟,伪装异灵族人,混入其中,最后甚至被封王、封皇,差点弄的他们灭族…… Famed Master, if from giving a thought to status, is constantly stereotypical, receives Mind Power of predecessor, without innovation, without bold attempt, Human Race not short tens of thousands years, development was so magnificent. 名师,要是自顾身份,一味呆板,秉承前人的意念,没有创新,没有大胆的尝试,人族也不会短短几万年,就发展的如此辉煌了。 Senior can think through well......” “前辈能想通就好……” Heard him to say like this, Zhao Bingxu and the rest relaxes. 听到他这样说,赵丙戌等人松了口气。 This contain Principal Mo Liuzhen Mind Power, previous is their Principal, the deity fights, the mortal met with a disaster, whom helping speak is inappropriate, he can ownself understand, happen to ownself and the rest advising of province. 这位蕴含莫流真院长意念,前一个更是他们的院长,神仙打架,凡人遭殃,帮谁说话都不合适,他能自己理解,正好省的自己等人劝导了。 „The fellow beats me, definitely was enters 9th layer | floor, 9th layer | floor, was the restricted area, your even if/considered as grasped the Elder command, is unable to go, stayed here!” “那家伙将我击败,肯定是进入第九层了,第九层,是禁地,你们就算手持长老令,也无法进去,还是留在这里吧!” Nods, the puppet stands up, upward take a quick look, said. 点点头,傀儡站起身来,向上看了一眼,道。 9th layer | floor, even if/considered as has the Elder command, is unable to enter, only then by true battle strength, has rushed to gate defender, can succeed...... 第九层,就算长老令,也无法进入了,只有凭借真正的战斗力,闯过守关者,才能成功…… even if/considered as initial he, has not achieved. 就算当初的他,都没做到。 Yeah! Zhao Bingxu and the rest nods, rules and regulations they also know, can find Principal originally thought to this, now/current looks like, Principal imagines compared with them also far. 是啊!赵丙戌等人点头,规则他们也都知道,本以为到了这层就能找到院长,现在看来,院长比他们想象中走的还远。 not right... the senior, your strength, seem like is not Nascent Saint peak......” 不对……前辈,你的实力,好像并不是从圣巅峰……” The people are sighing with emotion, Heavenly Crafts academy Principal saw anything, suddenly opens the mouth. 众人正在感慨,天工学院院长看出了什么,突然开口。
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