LHP :: Volume #10

#907: Enters 7th layer | floor

6th layer | floor is more spacious, moreover around the wall covered entirely all kinds of array. 第六层更加空旷,而且墙壁四周布满了各种各样的阵法 From the Saint Rank expert fight, is all-mighty, once divulges, is very easy to cause the disaster, has the array reinforcement, was different, enters person, can definitely fight independently, but no need/not using scruples, can better display most battle strength. 圣级别强者战斗,威力无穷,一旦泄露,很容易造成灾难,有阵法加固,就不一样了,进入其中的人,完全可以放手战斗,而不用顾忌,也能更好的发挥最战斗力 Nearby arrives, looks to the middle, originally thought closes to be the same with Top 5, has a puppet to lie down on the ground, or the severe wound or shattered, who knows this situation, not appear. 来到跟前,向中间看去,本以为前五关一样,有个傀儡躺在地上,或重伤或碎裂,谁知这种情况,并未出现 Sitting of puppet golden sabre Malaysia in not far away, aura is ordinary like sharp Long Sword, send out piercing cold air. 一头傀儡正金刀大马的坐在不远处,身上的气息如同锋利的长剑一般,散发出让人刺骨的寒气。 „Isn't 6th layer | floor the Nascent Saint primary stage puppet? How...... doesn't seem like?” 第六层不是从圣初期傀儡吗?怎么……看起来不像?” Like, seem like did not become stronger!” “是不像,好像变得更强了!” „The strength of puppet is not fixed, can't cultivation? How to grow stronger?” “傀儡的实力不是固定,不能修炼吗?怎么会变强?” ...... …… Sees this fellow, the people all eyebrow jumps. 看到这家伙,众人全都眉毛一跳。 By their judgement/eyesight, can see with ease, the concrete strength of this puppet, has surpassed the Nascent Saint primary stage shackles, achieved intermediate stage! 以他们的眼力,可以轻松看出,这头傀儡的具体实力,已然超过了从圣初期的桎梏,达到了中期 Isn't the but...... sixth pass/test primary stage? When did cultivation base increase? 只是……第六关不一直都是初期吗?啥时候修为增加了? The puppet is a machinery, is Heavenly Crafts, even if/considered as has spiritual intelligence, is only one pile of tools...... impossible cultivation, can't cultivation, how the strength increase? 傀儡是机械,是天工,就算灵性,也只是一堆工具……不可能修炼的,不能修炼,怎么实力增加? could it be that...... did this fellow kill Principal?” 难道……这家伙将院长杀了?” Does not know that who said one stiffly, the people all body one. 不知谁说了一句,众人全都身体一僵。 First several checkpoints , Principal crosses very with ease, the puppet was also very easy to defeat, the this checkpoint puppet strength increased suddenly, but Principal was gone forever, can not have to respond, was killed? 几关,院长过得十分轻松,傀儡也都很容易就败了,这关傀儡实力突然增加,而院长又一去不复返,会不会没反应过来,就被杀了? Really must like this, they absolutely be the criminal of history. 真要这样,他们绝对是历史的罪人。 One day ago person who comes to overcome an obstacle?” “一天前前来闯关的人呢?” Also cannot help, Zhao Bingxu takes the Elder token in make a move again, quickly asked. 再也忍不住,赵丙戌出手中的长老令牌,急忙问道。 Person of overcoming an obstacle? What you said is Master Zhang! I have requested him to be the master, became under his place the puppet, does not know that you look for the teacher, what matter behavior......” “闯关的人?你们说的是张师吧!我已拜他为师,成了他座下傀儡,不知你们找老师,所为何事……” The puppets quickly stand up, smiling say/way. 傀儡急忙站起身来,笑盈盈的道。 Acknowledges as teacher......” “拜师……” Under place puppet?” “座下傀儡?” Zhao Bingxu and Elder Mi and the rest eye one black, almost falls down. 赵丙戌糜长老等人眼睛一黑,差点栽倒。 Principal can acknowledge as teacher, can let the beast and Saint Artifact accept owner, they endured...... to have the precedent after all in this, may make the puppet acknowledge as teacher, what trick? 院长可以让人拜师,可以让兽和圣器认主,他们都忍了……毕竟有先例在这,可让傀儡拜师,什么鬼 Although this thing can speak the logical expression, there is spiritual intelligence, after all is the machinery, had memory and knowledge, is instills into, what acknowledges as teacher...... studies? 这玩意虽然能说人话,也有灵性,毕竟是机械,拥有的记忆和知识,也是灌输进去的,拜师……学习什么? Yes, originally my Teacher obstruct, will fight, suddenly discovered I refine the one spot obvious mistake in process, and helps correct simply...... changes, lets my strength, promoted a rank, is so fierce, naturally must acknowledge as teacher!” “是啊,本来阻拦老师,正要战斗,突然发现了我炼制过程中的一处明显失误,并帮忙加以改正……简单一改,就让我的实力,提升了一个级别,如此厉害,自然要拜师!” Sees the people to have doubts, the puppet explained hastily. 见众人疑惑,傀儡连忙解释。 Refines the mistake in process?” “炼制过程中的失误?” Heavenly Crafts academy Principal corner of mouth twitching: When...... the technique of Principal also proficient Heavenly Crafts?” 天工学院院长嘴角一抽:“啥时候……院长精通天工之术了?” All previous so many Famed Master overcome an obstacle, has not looked to have problems, Principal arrives, not only pointed out that but also the help corrected...... the understanding of Heavenly Crafts profession, compared with him, only stronger but not weaker! 历代这么多名师过来闯关,都没看出过问题,院长一来到不光指出,还帮忙改正了……对天工职业的理解,比起他,都只强不弱 This...... in the world also has Principal unable profession? 这……世上还有院长不会的职业吗? Un, Master Zhang is my master, one day ago went to 7th layer | floor, if you want to look, came up......” “嗯,张师乃是我师,一天前就去第七层了,如果你们想找,就上去吧……” Puppet nod. 傀儡点头。 Walks!” “走吧!” Knows that this fellow acknowledged as teacher, naturally cannot again obstruct, the people to initially the record of Principal Mo Liuzhen leave/stay behind, 7th layer | floor walked over. 知道这家伙都拜师了,自然不会再阻拦,众人向当初莫流真院长留下的记录,第七层走了过去 This puppet, has the Nascent Saint advanced stage strength, does not know that Master Zhang will meet anything, has the danger. 这层的傀儡,具有从圣后期的实力,不知张师会遇到什么,有没有危险。 I have read the Principal Mo Liuzhen leave/stay behind note, above records, in the past his Assessment 7th layer | floor situation, was very dangerous, at any time will die, breakthrough, this defeats luckily at one fell swoop.” “我看过莫流真院长留下的笔记,上面记录着,当年他考核第七层的情况,十分危险,随时都会死亡,幸好临阵突破,这才一举战胜。” Walks upwardly, Zhao Bingxu while expression is solemn say/way. 一边向上行走,赵丙戌一边神色凝重的道。 Principal Mo Liuzhen once the leave/stay behind note, recorded the past years to rush to the matter that Records Mountain comes across. 莫流真院长留下笔记,记载了当年闯记录山遇到的事情。 Reason that can rely on Chrysalis Realm primary stage, rushes to this checkpoint, is not the pure strength, luck ingredient, if unlucky breakthrough, let alone breaks the history, had the possibility severe wound even dead. 之所以能够凭借蚕封境初期,就冲到这一关,并非单纯的实力,还有运气成分在内,如果不侥幸突破,别说打破历史,都有可能重伤甚至死亡。 Following Records Mountain more walks is higher, strength of puppet is also getting stronger and stronger, strength is also hard-to-control, to be very easy to make who unforeseen aspect. 伴随记录山越走越高,傀儡的力量也越来越强,力量也难以控制,很容易造成谁都无法预料的局面。 Principal enters here day not to come back, can encounter this situation? 院长进入这里一天都没有回来,会不会正是遭遇了这种情况? „The Principal strength, I admire sincerely, but Chrysalis Realm or some/somewhat were too low, spans is close to three big ranks, challenges Nascent Saint advanced stage expert, achievement probability really was too uncertain!” 院长的实力,我真心佩服,但蚕封境还是有些太低了,跨越接近三个大级别,去挑战从圣后期强者,获胜的几率实在太渺茫了!” Yes, for these years, my also greet/have seen many Battle Master, but must say that spans is close to three big ranks fighting, moreover can win, never has greet/have seen!” “是啊,这么多年来,我也见过不少战师,但是要说跨越接近三个大级别去战斗,而且还能获胜的,从来没有见过!” Battle Master cannot achieve, Principal does how is this possible complete?” 战师都做不到,院长怎么可能完成?” Thinks that the fearfulness of 7th layer | floor puppet, the people were worried more and more. 想到第七层傀儡的可怕,众人越来越担心。 Although Battle Master is also Famed Master's one type, but in fact actually entirely different, is similar to the army, is used to protect Human Race, is guarding the Famed Master Hall authority. 战师虽然也是名师的一种,但实际上却截然不同,类似于军队,用来守护人族,捍卫着名师堂威权。 For this reason, what the soldier stressed was battle strength, did not repair Auxiliary Specialisations, did not impart knowledge and educate people, did not train the student, but was strength enough, can evaluate the rank. 正因如此,战士强调的是战斗力,不修辅修,不是教书育人,不是培养学生,而是实力足够强,就可以评定等级。 Compared with imparting knowledge and educating people, other profession, are not definitely worth mentioning, but must say battle strength, almost no one can compare. 比教书育人,其他职业,肯定不值一提,但要说战斗力,几乎无人能比。 This person is very difficult to span is close to three big ranks, the fight wins, let alone ordinary Famed Master. 这种人都很难跨越接近三个大级别,战斗获胜,更何况普通名师 very was worried, the people arrive at 7th layer | floor. 满是担心,众人来到第七层 Here is broader, pushes the door to walk, with first several compact different, appearing some/somewhat is lonely. 这里更加宽阔,推门走进去,和前几层的紧凑不同,显得有些冷清。 Many defence array, consolidate in all around, in the broad halls has not seen half person's shadow, making person very confuse. 诸多防御阵法,巩固在四周,宽阔的大厅中间未看到半个人影,让人满是迷惑。 Without the puppet, the trace that also has not fought, could it be that hasn't Principal fought here? 没有傀儡,也没有战斗的痕迹,难道院长在这里没有战斗? Isn't right? What do you look at that are?” Probably discovered anything, Elder Mi to corner one finger/refers of not far away. “不对?你们看那是什么?”像是发现了什么,糜长老向不远处的墙角一指。 The people look neatly, immediately sees ground one pile of shatter components. 众人齐刷刷看去,立刻看到地上一堆破碎的零件。 Was the puppet...... being demolished is broken!” Nearby Heavenly Crafts Institute Principal, arrives, corners of the mouth unable to restrain emotions twitching. “是傀儡……被拆碎了!”天工院院长,来到跟前,嘴角情不自禁抽搐 These puppets in Records Mountain, each by over ten thousand components combinations, tedious complex, at present this, is obviously destroyed forcefully, regained the initial state. 记录山中的这些傀儡,每一头都由上万个零件组合而成,繁琐复杂,眼前这个,明显被人硬生生打碎,恢复了原始状态。 could it be that this is the puppet who defends to close, had made into this?” Elder Mi is glassy-eyed. 难道这就是守关的傀儡,已经被打成这样了?”糜长老目光呆滞。 Beat the puppet was very difficult, opened this appearance...... to have the strong strength? 将傀儡击败就很难了,拆成这副模样……该有多强的实力? Should be......” shakes the head, Heavenly Crafts academy Principal whole face forced smile! “应该是的……”摇了摇头,天工学院院长满脸苦笑! Although he has been to this from the future, but ground one pile of components, the structure is complex, the material and refines Technique, very brilliant, understands at a glance uncommonly, combines, the strength surpasses Nascent Saint inevitably. 虽然他从未来到过这层,但地上的一堆零件,构造复杂,材料和炼制手法,十分高明,一看就知道不凡,组合起来,实力必然超过从圣 The so fierce puppet, turns into such a pile, said that is not Principal make a move, no one believes. 如此厉害的傀儡,变成这样一堆,说不是院长出手,谁都不会相信。 The people think him, is very difficult to win, outcome/in the end to looked, directly puppet demolished...... 众人都以为他,很难获胜,结果到了一看,直接将人家傀儡都拆了…… Principal, you may be really ruthless enough! 院长,你可真够狠的! Puppets, but is responsible for defending the pass/test, where exactly/actually offends, making you open this vice- ghost appearance...... 傀儡,只是负责守关,到底哪里得罪,让你拆成这副鬼样子…… Over ten thousand components, even if/considered as has the blueprint, Heavenly Crafting Master of 6-Star rank, what also requires at least several days of time to restore such as beginning...... is most important, but also is only the body, in which spiritual intelligence, the fight consciousness, is perhaps more troublesome, needs the martial skill academy help. 上万个零件,就算有图纸,六星级别的天工师,也需要最少几天时间才能恢复如初……最重要的是,还只是身躯,其中的灵性,战斗意识,恐怕更加麻烦,必须要武技学院帮忙。 in other words Principal this opens, their two big academy are least the busy first half month, can let the this checkpoint renew start. 也就是说院长这一拆,他们两大学院最少忙上半个多月,才能让这关重新启动。 However without achieving Half Saint, can rush to this checkpoint almost does not have, several thousand years of does not appear, does not need to worry. 不过没达到半圣,就能闯到这关的几乎没有,数千年不出现一个,也没必要着急。 First several Principal have shown mercy, it seems like that this...... was real make a move!” Wei Ranxue said. “前几层院长一直手下留情,看来这层……是真的动手了!”卫冉雪道。 The front many checkpoints, Principal or looks at one, or with shouting one, the goal repels these puppets, keeping it from attacking, not true, uses the strength. 前面的诸多关卡,院长或看一眼,或用喊一声,目的只是将这些傀儡击退,让其在无法攻击,并没有真正的,动用实力。 This comes to see components everywhere, definitely was direct make a move. 这层一进来就看到满地的零件,肯定是直接动手了。 They in Nascent Saint advanced stage, want to win is very difficult facing such puppet, Principal only then Transcendent Mortal Ninth Layer primary stage, opened everywhere the components...... 他们在从圣后期,面对这样的傀儡想胜出都很难,院长只有化凡九重初期,就拆成了满地零件…… Initially Principal Mo Liuzhen won narrowly, Principal not only wins, but also opens this appearance it, is exactly/actually strong? How is also exactly/actually cultivation?” “当初莫流真院长都是险胜,院长不但获胜,还将其拆成这个样子,到底多强?又到底是怎么修炼的?” Corners of the mouth twitching, a people all silence. 嘴角抽搐,众人全都一阵默然。 It seems like the Principal strength, is not in the surface is so simple, not only can the exceeding level challenge, but can also span more is close to three ranks, has achieved even surpass the Battle Master standard. 看来院长的实力,并非表面上那么简单,不光能够越级挑战,还能跨越越接近三个级别,已经达到甚至超越战师的标准。 Fearful! 可怕! Before felt, Principal almost placed on all energy Auxiliary Specialisations, this made Auxiliary Specialisations profession so fierce, now/current looked like, Auxiliary Specialisations indeed was his not earnest study profession, the true energy, was cultivation! 之前觉得,院长几乎将所有精力都放在辅修上了,这才让辅修职业如此厉害,现在看来,辅修的确是他并未认真学习的职业,真正的精力,还是修炼 Otherwise, will not have so powerful battle strength. 不然,也不会有如此强大的战斗力 No one, will attain without effort! so formidable, experienced certainly let painstaking cultivation that the person was inconceivable. 没有人,会不劳而获!这么厉害,一定经历了让人难以想象的苦修 Did not say other, light/only this will makes one admire. 不说其他,光这份毅力就让人佩服。 Principal on this did not have the matter, looking at a sample to go to 8th layer | floor, then bad......” along house turn one round, had not truly found Zhang Xuan's any trace, Zhao Bingxu thought of anything, frowning. 院长在这层没有事情,看样是去了第八层,这下糟了……”沿着房子转了一圈,确实没有找到张悬的任何痕迹,赵丙戌想到了什么,眉头皱起 Yes, should enter 8th layer | floor flood azure......” Elder Mi complexion also some/somewhat. “是啊,应该进入第八层了……”糜长老脸色也有些泛青。 What's wrong? What something is wrong could it be that does 8th layer | floor have?” Wei Ranxue Elder, to are not many, looked that two people of expressions that Records Mountain knows are not quite natural, delicate eyebrows one pressed, opens the mouth to ask. “怎么了?难道第八层又有什么不对劲?”卫冉雪长老,对记录山知道的不多,看二人的表情不太自然,秀眉一蹙,开口问道。 We worried, Principal went to 8th layer | floor, will encounter the danger!” Zhao Bingxu said. “我们担心,院长去了第八层,会遇到危险!”赵丙戌道。 Why also to the matter, no need to worry, 7th layer | floor, we also feel Principal very difficult pass through before, but in fact, actually made into this appearance the puppet, the showing strength is extremely strong, already exceed our imagination! This ability, pass through, only then the Nascent Saint peak eighth pass/test, should not be difficult!” “还以为啥事,不用担心,第七层,我们之前也觉得院长很难通过,可事实上,却将傀儡打成了这副模样,说明实力极强,已经超出了我们的想象!这种能力,通过只有从圣巅峰的第八关,应该不会太难吧!” Wei Ranxue smiles. 卫冉雪笑了笑。 Enters Records Mountain, the people on various worries, but Principal by the absolute strength, told them this worry, was completely unnecessary. 一进入记录山,众人就各种担心,但是院长以绝对的实力,告诉他们这种担心,是完全没有必要的。 Crossed seven continuously, witnesses the miracle that Principal creates step by step, what could it be that also has, does not believe? 都连续过了七层了,一步步见证院长创造出来的奇迹,难道还有什么,不相信的吗? Elects now/current others to tell her, Principal hit, she thought that can definitely accept. 就选现在别人告诉她,院长一路打了过来,她都觉得完全可以接受了。 Without simplicity that you imagine, 8th layer | floor puppet some/somewhat is special, with front not too same......” “没你想象的那么简单,第八层的傀儡有些特殊,和前面的不太相同……” Sees her not to understand, also has the powerful confidence to Principal, Zhao Bingxu very helpless shaking the head. 见她不理解,对院长还有着强大的信心,赵丙戌满是无奈的摇头。
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