LHP :: Volume #10

#906: Incessantly take a quick look

take a quick look?” 看了一眼?” People all frown. 众人全都皱眉 What do you mean? 什么意思? Asked how you lose, the meaning was very obvious, which move loses, or under what cultivation technique...... does not want to say that did not say, so did richly in poetic and artistic flavor? 问你怎么输的,意思很明显,输在了哪个招数,或者什么功法之下……不想说,不说就罢了,如此诗情画意干什么? Also looked at your one eyes......”, is will also say cannot forget your appearance again......” 还“看了你一眼……”,是不是紧接着还会说“再也没能忘掉你的容颜……” This is a Famed Master Continent very popular area north of the Great Wall program, many people will sing, now/current is asking your proper business, a puppet, did not reply well, puts in order these lyrics, does? 这是名师大陆很流行的一首塞外曲目,不少人都会唱,现在在问你正事,一个傀儡,不好好回答,整这些歌词,干什么? Elder Mi and the rest shakes the head. 糜长老等人摇头。 I......” “我……” Sees the expression of people, expression that a puppet face must cry: What I said was he looks at my one eyes...... I to lose!” 见众人的表情,傀儡一脸要哭的表情:“我说的是他看了我一眼……我就输了!” Looks at one?” “看一眼?” People dumbfounded. 众人一呆 Had heard a move suffers defeat, a palm and a sword decide the victory and loss, has not heard, looked that admits defeat! 听说过一招败北,一掌、一剑定输赢的,可没听说过,看一眼就认输的! You meant, that yesterday overcame an obstacle, without to your make a move, but was take a quick look, made you admit defeat on own initiative?” “你的意思是说,昨天来闯关的那位,没对你出手,而是看了一眼,就让你主动认输?” Xu Changqing seemed like understand anything, cannot help asked. 须长青像是明白了什么,忍不住问道。 Is......” “是……” The puppets nod, see some people to understand ownself, excited almost cried. 傀儡点头,见有人理解自己,激动的差点哭了。 Yes?” “是?” look at each other in shock, Zhao Bingxu and Elder Mi and the rest very is confused. 面面相觑,赵丙戌糜长老等人满是迷茫。 You is a puppet, is responsible for protecting existence of Records Mountain, Principal looks at your one eyes, admits defeat? even if/considered as wants to flatter, no need/not using does so obvious! 你是傀儡,负责守护记录山的存在,院长看你一眼,就认输?就算想讨好,也不用做的如此明显吧! Fairly what does this have fair? 这样还有什么公平公正可言? „Did the situation of whether yesterday to fighting describe carefully?” Different with the idea of people, Xu Changqing asked. “可否将昨天战斗的情况仔细描述一下?”和众人的想法不一样,须长青问道。 Good!” “好!” Nodding, the puppet is not scruple, the scene of before fighting, renew repeated. 点了点头,傀儡也不迟疑,将之前战斗的情景,重新复述了一遍。 Sees Zhang Xuan, it attacks on own initiative, nears will arrive around the opposite party the time, youth smiles, the ray of eyes, connects in void one spot. 看到张悬,它主动进行攻击,就在即将来到对方跟前的时候,青年轻轻一笑,双眼的光芒,在虚空一处交汇。 The people had not thought that has what difference, but the puppet actually like seen a ghost, frightens hurried retreat, because the speed is too fast, advance strength and retreat strength attack, lets its body of being repeatedly tempered, had the fierce collision, but also no make a move is seriously injured! 众人并未觉得有什么不同,但傀儡却像见鬼一样,吓得急忙后退,因为速度太快,前进的力量后退力量冲击,让其千锤百炼的身躯,发生了剧烈碰撞,还没出手就受了重伤! „Is this flaw that...... the puppet constructs?” “这是……傀儡构造上的缺陷?” Other Principal are still having doubts, some/somewhat that the opposite party said was mysterious, Heavenly Crafts academy's Principal, body shake/sway, almost throws down. 其他院长还在疑惑,对方是不是说的有些玄乎了,天工学院的院长,身体一晃,差点摔倒。 The puppet is the Heavenly Crafts goods, is different from the structure of human, the Principal vision centralized place, is this puppet, in the structure the biggest flaw, the fight words, only need point at an above gently point, can make it turn into the scrap, does not have the ability of fight again! 傀儡是天工物品,和人类的构造不同,院长目光集中的地方,正是这个傀儡,构造中最大的缺陷,战斗的话,只需手指在上面轻轻一点,就能让其变成废品,再无战斗的能力! Even, afterward even restores cannot achieve! 甚至,事后连修复都做不到! in other words, in the instance that the puppet attacked, Principal found the flaw in opposite party style not only, found the loophole in structure! 也就是说,在傀儡攻击的瞬间,院长不光找到了对方招式中的缺陷,更是找到了构造中的漏洞! take a quick look does not have make a move, was warning, is reminding, if not tactful, is very likely to face the smashed-up result...... 看了一眼出手,是在警告,是在提醒,如果还不识趣,就极有可能面临四分五裂的结局…… So dangerous, the puppet naturally does not dare to bump hardly, outcome/in the end causes strength to clash, make a move, has not been injured...... 如此危险,傀儡自然不敢硬碰,结果就导致力量相冲,还未出手,就已然受伤…… Said simply, doing is actually extremely difficult. 说起来简单,做起来却是极难。 The puppet in Records Mountain, was the innumerable older generations studies did not know many years, fused many Famed Master fight experience, formed. 记录山中的傀儡,是无数先辈研究了不知多少岁月,更是融合了很多名师战斗经验,才形成的。 Mentioned the fight experience, compared with the soldier of having fought many battles, wanted powerful many. 说起战斗经验,比起身经百战的士兵,都要强大不少。 Moreover ten thousand leaves have all kinds, the even if/considered as same material, the same puppet of same Heavenly Crafting Master refinement, the flaw place and shows the way, is different. 而且万片树叶有万般,就算相同材料,相同天工师炼制的同样傀儡,缺陷的地点和展现方式,也是不尽相同的。 So in situation, but can also see the loophole, and found the issue in refinement...... what is this judgement/eyesight? Also some strong fight deal with changes skills? 如此情况下,还能一眼看出漏洞,并且找到炼制中的问题……这是什么眼力?又有多强的战斗应变技巧? Also can like this?” “还能这样?” Had heard a move...... never heard of that the 1st layer | floor puppet defeats, looks at one, make a move, ownself had not defeated......” “听说过一招就将第一层傀儡击败的……可从未听过,看一眼,还未出手,自己就败了的……” unravel what is going on, everyone tearing (one's) hair out. 弄明白怎么回事,所有人都抓头发 Can become Famed Master academy's ten Great Elder, each on the scene, live more than 500 years, various fight greet/have seen are many, experiences much. 成为名师学院的大长老,在场的每一位,都活了不下500年,各种战斗见过不少,也经历不少。 The greet/have seen strength is too strong, the absolute steamroll, a greet/have seen move, sweeps away ten thousand army, nobody can oppose...... never has greet/have seen, looks at one, the enemy on the ownself severe wound! 见过实力太强,绝对碾压的,见过一招,横扫万军,无人能敌的……可从来没见过,看一眼,敌人就自己重伤的! But now/current, the fact has now/current at present! 现在,事实就出现在眼前! Before they have felt, Principal entered Records Mountain, certainly must make the matter that others could not achieve, but thought most was also in the overcoming an obstacle time surpasses Principal Mo Liuzhen...... now/current looks like, thought was too pure...... 之前他们就一直觉得,院长进入记录山,肯定要闹出别人做不到的事情,但想的最多的也就是闯关时间上超过莫流真院长……现在看来,还是想的太单纯了…… Others pass the checkpoint no need/not using martial skill and no need/not using move, solely rely/based on looked that” can complete...... others, who can also achieve? 人家过关不用武技不用招数,单凭“看”就能完成……其他人,谁还能够做到? Goes to 2nd layer | floor......” “去第二层吧……” Restrains by force shock of innermost feelings, no longer pays attention to some/somewhat unable to think through as before, by the attack/mental blow some/somewhat despair puppet, Zhao Bingxu and the rest was walked toward 2nd layer | floor hurriedly. 强压住内心的震撼,不再理会依旧有些想不通,被打击有些绝望的傀儡,赵丙戌等人急匆匆向第二层走去。 Just like 1st layer | floor, is responsible for the puppet who defends the pass/test, on imageless collapsing to the ground, is glassy-eyed, just like defeating cockerel. 第一层一样,负责守关的傀儡,毫无形象的瘫坐在地上,目光呆滞,宛如斗败的公鸡。 He...... looked at my two eyes, then I was injured......” “他……看了我两眼,然后我就受伤了……” Puppet explanation. 傀儡解释。 People corner of mouth twitching, arrives at 3rd layer | floor hurriedly. 众人嘴角一抽,急匆匆来到第三层 He looked at my three eyes......” “他看了我三眼……” The third puppet puts on a long face. 第三个傀儡哭丧着脸。 „The Chrysalis Realm primary stage strength, defeats half Saint Rank puppet, spans a big rank, unexpectedly does not have make a move, only looked at three?” 蚕封境初期实力,战胜半圣级别的傀儡,跨越一个大级别,居然还是没出手,只看了三眼?” Everyone all shaken. 所有人全都一晃 They had guessed the Master Zhang strength is very strong, pass the checkpoint is very easy, has not thought that only looked at several, three passes/tests, what is most essential, confidence that but also attack/mental blow many puppets, did not fight again. 他们猜测过张师实力很强,过关十分容易,可从来没想过,只看了几眼,就连过三关,最关键的是,还打击的诸多傀儡,再没战斗的信心。 This pass the checkpoint crosses, too serene, was too rather easy! 过关过得,也未免太云淡风轻,太容易了! Initially they rushed to Records Mountain, but was punched pig head, almost quick kick the bucket, how many others only looked, puppet didn't all have...... gap is this excessively to be big again self-confidently? 当初他们闯记录山,可是被揍成猪头,差点快挂了,人家只看几眼,傀儡一个个再没自信……差距要不要这么大? 4th layer | floor achieves the Half Saint advanced stage puppet, involves Saint, no matter Half Saint or Nascent Saint, were completely different, perhaps...... did not look three and four can be solved......” 第四层是达到半圣后期的傀儡,一牵扯到‘圣’,不管是半圣还是从圣,就完全不一样了,或许……不是看三眼、四眼就能解决的……” Seeing the atmosphere is sad, everyone very constrains, Elder Mi cannot help said. 见气氛沉闷,所有人都满是压抑,糜长老忍不住道。 Although some people also this feelings, actually no one dares to open the mouth. 虽然众人也有此感觉,却没人敢开口。 Several representative Famed Master academy, the vision and strength most peak Elder, on this Principal, never has the judgment correctly, even if/considered as wants saying that could not say the reason why. 几位代表名师学院,眼界、实力最巅峰长老,在这位院长身上,就从来没判断正确过,就算想说,也说不出所以然来。 Has a look......” “上去看看吧……” Shakes the head, knows that thinks again many, is useless, many Elder walk toward Records Mountain 4th layer | floor neatly. 摇摇头,知道想得再多,也无用,诸多长老齐刷刷向记录山第四层走去。 Here is broader than the Top 3 level, is the surrounding area ten several feet high stage, a big puppet, lies on the ground, motionless, head crooked on the ground, is glassy-eyed, looked that expression some/somewhat lives not to have the love. 这里比前三层更加宽阔,是个方圆十数丈的高台,一个高大的傀儡,趴在地上,一动不动,头颅歪在地上,目光呆滞,看表情有些生无可恋。 Principal will not visit you...... four, turned into this?” 院长不会看了你……四眼,就变成这样了吧?” Nearby Xu Changqing cannot help, arrives. 须长青忍不住,来到跟前。 This fellow is like former several checkpoints , was Is it possible that , used the similar method to defeat by Principal? 这家伙和前几关一样,难不成,被院长用了同样的手段击败? Four?” “四眼?” Struggled to crawl, the puppet shakes the head, ashamed wanted to sneak in the crack: Without looking at so many...... only shot a look at my, then said lying down then and then I became like this......” 挣扎着爬了起来,傀儡摇了摇头,羞愧的想要钻进地缝:“没看这么多……只瞥了我一下,然后说了一句‘躺下’然后、然后我就成这样了……” Shoots a look at one? Said lying down?” “瞥一眼?说句‘躺下’?” The people you look at me, I look at you, all puzzles. 众人你看我,我看你,全都迷惑不解。 Looked at several moment ago, the vision ends up the place, is flaw and vital point of puppet, keeping its strength from displaying, admitted defeat...... even if/considered as unable to think through automatically, but can also understand. 刚才多看几眼,目光落得地方,都是傀儡的缺点要害,让其力量无法发挥,自动认输……就算想不通,但也能理解。 This...... shoots a look, said lies down, you lay down...... are also too obedient! 这个……瞥一下,说躺下,你就躺下……也太听话了吧! not right...” 不对……” Others confuse, only some Jiang Qingqin think of anything, the pupil shrinks: „Does could it be that...... in sound/voice bring Demonic Sound ?” 其他人迷惑,唯有蒋青琴想到什么,瞳孔一缩:“难道……声音中带着魔音?” Can a few words let endure to compare the Half Saint advanced stage puppet, lies on the ground, except for Demonic Sound , really cannot find out other methods. 能一句话就让堪比半圣后期傀儡,趴在地上,除了魔音,实在想不出其他手段。 Brings Demonic Sound , moreover points to my vital point...... I unable to resist!” “是带着魔音,而且直指我的要害……我抵挡不住!” Puppet very loses. 傀儡满是失落。 The strength of opposite party, is not very strong, even some/somewhat in its eye is low, may come, looks at one, scolded one, it lay down...... in the heart the full frustration. 对方的实力,并不是很强,甚至在它眼中还有些低,可一进来,看一眼,呵斥一句,它就躺下……心中满满的挫败感。 Points to vital point? What Demonic Sound Master is strongest is attacks Soul...... you are the puppet, the soul does not have, how to attack?” Xu Changqing very is puzzled. “直指要害魔音师最强的是攻击灵魂……你是傀儡,魂魄一点都没有,怎么攻击的?”须长青满是不解。 Other Elder have this doubts. 其他长老也都有这种疑惑。 Demonic Sound Master makes one dread, is because disregards the material defense, points to Soul...... the puppet, although has spiritual intelligence, is actually spirit medicine and spirit beast and so on thing gathering, without the independent soul, even if/considered as Jiang Qingqin displays the 7-Star rank Demonic Sound , is whistle jig to a milestone, how can a few words, make him lie down on the ground? 魔音师之所以让人忌惮,是因为无视物质防御,直指灵魂……傀儡虽有灵性,却是灵药灵兽之类的东西汇聚而成,没有单独的魂魄,就算蒋青琴施展七星级别的魔音,也是对牛弹琴,怎么会一句话,就让其躺在地上? His Demonic Sound , does not attack Soul, but lets my body, has resonating......, so long as dares to continue attack, will split directly, turns into the powder......” “他的魔音,并不是攻击灵魂,而是让我的身躯,产生共振……只要敢继续进攻,就会直接裂开,变成粉末……” Shakes the head, in the puppet eyes has the awe and fear. 摇摇头,傀儡眼中带着敬畏和恐惧。 Resonating?” “共振?” Many Elder corners of the mouth twitching. 诸多长老嘴角抽搐 This attack exists, coping with the puppet is very effective, but the premise is...... must to refining many materials of puppet, understands extremely deeply, as well as after quenching , the new material that forms, knows that detailed is extremely good. 这种攻击真实存在,对付傀儡十分有效,但是前提是……必须对炼制傀儡的诸多材料,了解极深,以及淬炼后形成的新物质,知道极其详细才行。 Otherwise, again many of preparation, Demonic Sound is resounding, cannot act appropriately to the situation, is in vain however. 不然,准备的再多,魔音再响亮,不能对症下药,也是枉然。 Arrives at 4th layer | floor, looks at a puppet, knows that what the material of this fellow is, and what Demonic Sound with copes with...... is this being too exaggerated? 来到第四层,看一眼傀儡,就知道这家伙的材料是什么,并且用什么样的魔音对付……要不要这么夸张 Principal, are really you challenge? It is not plays, how many puppets kills casually? 院长,你真是来挑战的?不是过来游玩,随便干掉几个傀儡? Next puppet, has achieved Half Saint peak . Moreover the proficient fight skill, the same rank, on considered as I, wants to exceed, without is so easy, Principal...... perhaps would have no is so easy!” “下一层的傀儡,已然达到了半圣巅峰,而且精通战斗技巧,同级别,就算是我,想要胜过,都没那么容易,院长……或许就没这么容易了!” Also inquired several, clarifies this what happened exactly , Zhao Bingxu said. 又询问了几句,弄清楚这层到底发生了什么,赵丙戌道。 Has a look!” “看看吧!” Knows that here guessed uselessly, several people marched forward, arrived at 5th layer | floor quickly. 知道在这里猜测无用,几人继续向前,很快来到第五层 Just like 4th layer | floor, a puppet lies down on the ground as before, moves cannot move, but also is intermittent twitching. 依旧和第四层一样,一个傀儡躺在地上,一动不能动,还是不是的间歇性抽搐 what happened matter?” 发生了什么事?” Nearby arrives, Heavenly Crafts academy Principal, restores it with great difficulty, quickly asked. 来到跟前,天工学院院长,将其好不容易修复,急忙问道。 That...... said to me two lying down, first I have not listened, second became like this......” “那位……对我说了两声‘躺下’,第一遍我没听,第二遍就成这样了……” The puppets said. 傀儡道。 Two?” “两声?” It seems like this checkpoint Principal indeed did not have on a pass/test to cross easily, said two, made him lie down......” “看来这关院长的确没上一关过得容易,足足说了两声,才让其躺下……” „The puppet who next closes has the Nascent Saint strength, Principal only has Chrysalis Realm, cannot shout three, defeats it?” “下一关的傀儡拥有从圣的实力,院长只有蚕封境,总不能喊三声,就将其击败吧?” Why can't? These saw that your could it be that also does have suspect/doubt?” “为何不可?这几层看到的,你难道还有所怀疑吗?” This......” “这……” ...... …… Hears the words of puppet, many Elder corner of mouth twitching crazily, again also cannot help, hurriedly to 6th layer | floor walked over. 听到傀儡的话,诸多长老嘴角乱抽,再也忍不住,急匆匆向第六层走了过去
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