LHP :: Volume #10

#905: take a quick look

This some/somewhat was fearful, what his cultivation is Heaven's Path Cultivation Technique, is good at building up the body and Soul Shaman, the opposite party also has such battle strength, could it be that is like him, Soul and are mortal body also powerful? 这就有些可怕了,他修炼的是天道功法,更擅长炼体和巫魂,对方也有如此战斗力,难道和他一样,灵魂肉身同样强大? Cannot look down on any cultivator!” In Zhang Xuan heart secretly vigilant. “不能小瞧任何一位修炼者!”张悬心中暗自警惕。 Since the rebirth has met does not know that many same age expert, can the relaxed steamroll, gradually, form a superiority feeling at heart, now/current looks like, the true talent also has, moreover similarly is very powerful, but all along has not met! 重生以来遇到了不知道多少同龄强者,都可以轻松碾压,久而久之,心里形成了一种优越感,现在看来,真正的天才也有,而且同样很强大,只是一直以来没遇到过罢了! „Does Principal want to try?” 院长想要去试试吗?” Elder Mi said. 糜长老道。 Regarding this one, he quite anticipated, wants to have a look, this new Principal and then Principal Mo Liuzhen, similarly in the situation of rank, exactly/actually whose battle strength even better! 对于眼前这位,他还是比较期待的,想要看看,这个新的院长和当时的莫流真院长,同样级别的情况下,到底谁的战斗力更胜一筹! Un!” Zhang Xuan nods. “嗯!”张悬点头。 Can his now/current strength 6 5 millions cauldrons, only endure compared with Nascent Saint intermediate stage, 7th layer | floor rush, unknown, if can try, naturally cannot decline. 现在力量500万鼎,只堪比从圣中期,第七层能不能闯过,都也未知,如果能试一下,自然不会推辞。 Also, but also is related with Assessment 6-Star Famed Master. 再说,还和考核六星名师有关。 I brought Principal in the past!” “我带院长过去吧!” eyes sparkle, Elder Mi hurried front guides. 眼睛一亮,糜长老急忙前面带路。 Records Mountain is approaching the place of Elder institute, according to fluctuating of appearance of the mountain constructs, looks from afar, like a big mountain peak. 记录山在靠近长老院的地方,依照山势的起伏而建,远远看去,如同一座高大的山峰。 Our Famed Master academy's Records Mountain, was initially Principal, according to the Battle Master Hall's Battle Master tower builds, every checkpoint had the special puppet to guard, represents left with 1st grade, most battle strength that can display, wanted to break through, was not easy!” “咱们名师学院的记录山,是当初穆凯院长,按照战师堂的战师塔修筑而成,每一关都有专门的傀儡镇守,代表了同一级别,能够发挥的最战斗力,想要冲过,并不容易!” Arrives around Records Mountain, Elder Mi explained: These checkpoints, consciousness to person battle strength and fight , the request are very high, and has the enormous risk, Principal is certainly careful!” 来到记录山跟前,糜长老解释道:“这些关卡,对人的战斗力和战斗意识,要求很高,而且具有极大的危险性,院长一定要小心!” Danger?” “危险?” Un, because guards the checkpoint is the puppets, does not know the weight, the battle time, even the slightest misstep, easy appear danger. Every year because overcomes an obstacle, the severely wounded or death Famed Master, was not infrequent!” “嗯,因为镇守关卡的都是傀儡,不知轻重,交战的时候,稍有不慎,就容易出现危险。每年因为闯关,重伤或者死亡的名师,不在少数!” Elder Mi expression is solemn. 糜长老神色凝重 Records Mountain, is not so good to rush, if simple, is insufficient, making countless people shrink back at the sight, this began school 1-2 month, did not have who to come. 记录山,并不是这么好闯的,如果简单,也不至于,让无数人望而却步,这都开学一两个月了,都没什么人来过。 „After Principal goes, once encounters the danger, could not deal, must admit defeat ahead of time, so long as shouted to make noise, the puppet will retreat automatically, cannot make a move......” 院长进去之后,一旦遇到危险,应对不了,就要提前认输,只要喊出声来,傀儡会自动退去,再不会动手……” Elder Mi continues to say. 糜长老继续道。 Although favors to this new Principal very much, but its strength was too after all low, will definitely encounter the danger, explained clear good ahead of time. 虽然对这位新院长很看好,但毕竟本身实力太低了,肯定会遇到危险,还是提前解释清楚的好。 Good!” “好!” Nods, Zhang Xuan also left nothing to be mental struggle/dilemma, lifts the foot to Records Mountain front/large door walked over. 点了点头,张悬没什么可纠结的,抬脚向记录山大门走了过去 Arrives at the first room quickly, has several hundred square meters spacious location fully, just walked, a puppet on move forward to meet. 很快来到第一个房间,是个足有几百平米的空旷所在,刚一走进来,一头傀儡就迎了上来 this checkpoint puppet, only then the Chrysalis Realm advanced stage strength, make a move sound of the wind flap flap, has strength of 30 million cauldrons. 这一关的傀儡,只有蚕封境后期的实力,一出手风声猎猎,拥有三千万鼎的力量 Finally came Challenger, hehe!” “终于又来挑战者了,嘿嘿!” coldly snorted, puppet chuckle, whole body young lady!” Makes noise, the thick sole treads on the ground, straight rush forward. 一声冷哼,傀儡轻笑,全身“格格!”作响,粗大的脚掌在地上一踏,笔直冲了过来 Is the Heavenly Crafts Institute thing, although has not reached the Sacred Grade standard, actually also gave spiritual intelligence, good/Yes!” “是天工院的东西,虽然没达到圣级标准,却也赋予了灵性,不错!” Knows that the strength of opposite party is far less than ownself, Zhang Xuan is not anxious, instead smiles. 知道对方的实力远不如自己,张悬并不紧张,反而轻轻一笑。 This puppet with guess is the same, is Heavenly Crafts Institute refines specially , obviously compared with former Assessment 2-Star Famed Master brilliant that sees, although from Saint Artifact, certain gap, has spiritual intelligence, even self-awareness. 这个傀儡和猜测的一样,是天工院专门炼制的,不过,很明显要比之前考核二星名师时见到的高明,虽然距离圣器,还有一定差距,却已经有了灵性,甚至自我意识了。 If this type of thing can refine much, can definitely form a strength extremely strong army, but the restricted material and skill, are very definitely difficult to achieve. 这种东西如果能够多多炼制,肯定能够形成一个战力极强的军队,但受限材料和技巧,肯定很难做到。 After two breath, the puppet lies down on the ground. 两个呼吸过后,傀儡躺在地上。 Zhang Xuan lifts the foot to walk toward 2nd layer | floor. 张悬抬脚向第二层走去. This puppet has Chrysalis Realm peak, similarly is not a match/opponent, easily defeats. 这层傀儡拥有蚕封境巅峰,同样也不是对手,轻松击败。 3rd layer | floor with is really same, has the Half Saint primary stage strength that Elder Mi said that Zhang Xuan just breakthrough, can defeat Lu Cheng this half Saint Rank Battle Master, was naturally a cinch. 第三层果然和糜长老说的一样,已然有了半圣初期的实力,张悬刚刚突破,就能将鹿城这种半圣级别战师击败,自然更不在话下。 One layer upon layer upward, Zhang Xuan has not received hinders slightly. 一层层向上,张悬没有收到丝毫阻碍。 ...... …… Under Records Mountain, Zhao Bingxu and Wei Ranxue and the rest hears Principal to overcome an obstacle, nearby all all arrives. 记录山下,赵丙戌卫冉雪等人听到院长要闯关,一个个全都来到跟前。 Master Zhang's battle strength, they, although mostly does not have greet/have seen with own eyes, actually also knows definitely uncommonly. 张师的战斗力,他们虽然大多没亲眼见过,却也知道肯定不凡。 This can see from Wang Ying and Zheng Yang and the rest. 这点从王颖郑阳等人就能看出。 Taught that so powerful student, teacher how is this possible is simple. 教导出如此强大的学生,老师怎么可能简单。 You said that Principal can rush to several?” Wei Ranxue said. “你们说院长能一口气闯到第几层?”卫冉雪道。 Principal strength no need/not using suspect/doubt, said understanding only to martial skill, with grasping of spear technique, fist technique and leg technique, on good/Yes that far surpass same level expert...... I guess, initially Principal Mo Liuzhen, can rush to 8th layer | floor, he only will be definitely stronger!” 院长的实力不用怀疑,单说对武技的理解,和对枪法拳法腿法的掌握,就远超同级强者……我猜的不错,当初莫流真院长,能冲到第八层,他肯定只会更强!” martial skill academy Principal Xu Changqing stroked the beard, said. 武技学院院长须长青捋了捋胡须,道。 He has studied specially, Zheng Yang's spear technique, Wang Ying's leg technique as well as Liu Yang fist technique, the obtained conclusion is...... the same rank is invincible! Can say does not have any martial skill to be able with it comparing favorably. 他专门研究过,郑阳的枪法,王颖的腿功以及刘扬拳法,得到的结论是……同级别无敌!可以说没有任何武技能够与之媲美。 Can teach Famed Master of so powerful weapons, oneself strength is how is this possible also weak? 能够传授出如此强大武器的名师,自身实力又怎么可能弱? Principal Mo Liuzhen, even if/considered as talent unparalleled, has not made all Principal approve, has not condensed Perfect Principal to make...... Master Zhang, can achieve this, the Records Mountain achievement, definitely does not lower compared with the opposite party. 莫流真院长,就算天赋无双,也没让所有院长认可,更没凝聚完美院长令……张师,能够做到这点,记录山的成就,肯定不比对方低。 Un, with we suspect, should be able to rush to 8th layer | floor, breaks the record of Principal Mo Liuzhen!” “嗯,和我们猜想的一样,应该能闯到第八层,破掉莫流真院长的记录!” Zhao Bingxu nods with a smile. 赵丙戌笑着点头。 Before their ability to the Principal, quite had suspect/doubt, the outcome/in the end all predict failure, a slap in the face. 之前他们对院长的能力,颇有怀疑,结果无一不推算失败,惨遭打脸 This time hears to rush to Records Mountain, all very is excited, hurriedly looks, wants to witness this Master Zhang with own eyes, how to break the record, the leave/stay behind new legend. 这次听到要来闯记录山,一个个满是兴奋,急匆匆的看过来,想要亲眼见证这位张师,如何打破记录,留下新的传说。 I also think so......” “我也这么觉得……” Principal Jiang also nods: „To have a look, how long the teacher must use, can rush to 9th layer | floor!” 蒋院长也点了点头:“只是想看看,老师要用多长时间,能冲到第九层!” Others do not know the strength, he knows, did not say other, said the zither music only, achieves 7-Star Demonic Sound Master to explain, can definitely achieve exceeding level to kill the enemy, making people virtually impossible to guard against. 别人不知道实力,他可是知道的,不说其他,单说琴音,达到七星魔音师讲解,完全可以做到越级杀敌,让人防不胜防。 This battle strength, displays completely, overcomes an obstacle absolutely with walking to eat meal general simple. 这种战斗力,全部施展,闯关绝对跟走路吃饭一般简单。 Initial Principal Mo Liuzhen, rushed to 7th layer | floor, altogether used a double-hour, I felt our Principal, half double-hour can handle!” Zhao Bingxu said with a smile. “当初的莫流真院长,闯到第七层,一共用了一个时辰,我觉得咱们院长,半个时辰就能搞定!”赵丙戌笑道。 Half double-hour...... I feel to have more than enough, according to the Principal consistent attitude, ten minutes handles eight, does not do well, will also destroy entire Records Mountain......” “半个时辰……我觉得用不了,按照院长的一贯作风,十分钟搞定八层,弄不好,还会将整个记录山都毁了……” Medicine Master academy Principal, Zhong Dingchun smiles bitterly, said. 医师学院院长,钟鼎淳苦笑一声,道。 This...... really has the possibility!” “这……倒真有可能!” Hears this saying, people all speechless, suddenly thought that makes him rush to Records Mountain, perhaps is a mistake. 听到这话,众人全都哑然,突然觉得让他去闯记录山,恐怕是一件错误。 Master Zhang comes academy's these days, has rushed to many checkpoints, wherever it goes, without one spot is complete, each horrible to look, even if/considered as they do not endure to look straight ahead. 张师学院的这段时间,闯过不少关卡,所到之处,没有一处完整的,每一个都惨不忍睹,就算他们都不忍直视。 Records Mountain is the academy quite important place, lets collapsing of collapsing he rushes to...... also makes by some chance, broken broken, how to generations handover instruction/explain? 记录山学院比较重要的地方,让他过来闯……万一也弄的塌的塌,碎的碎,如何向列祖列宗交代 Being in chaotic situation that before made, was because he was a student, but now/current became Principal...... to restrain some!” “之前弄的鸡飞狗跳,是因为他是个学员,而现在都成院长了……应该会收敛一些吧!” after a while, Calligraphy and Painting Master academy Principal, Song Danqing cannot help said. 过了一会,书画师学院院长,宋丹青忍不住道。 Hopes......” “但愿吧……” The appearance that people all does not believe that looked to present Records Mountain. 众人全都一副不相信的样子,向眼前的记录山看了过去。 Records Mountain, hidden the checkpoint in the mountain range, was unable to discern altogether rushed to several checkpoints from outside, can only enter, the person who or overcame an obstacle came out, can know. 记录山,将关卡隐藏在山脉之中,从外面是看不出来一共闯了几关的,只能进入其中,或者闯关的人出来,才能知晓。 Many Elder, know that this new Principal strength is strong, guesses definitely soon, then stands outside completely waits, who knows First Grade, for a long time. 诸多长老,知道这位新任院长的实力强劲,猜测肯定用不了多久,便全部站在外面等候,谁知一等,就过了许久。 Half double-hour! 半个时辰! A double-hour! 一个时辰! Two double-hour...... 两个时辰…… One day later. 一天后。 An inside sound does not have unexpectedly, no one appear. 里面居然一点动静都没有,也没人出现 Elder Mi, You are certain did Principal go in?” 糜长老,你确定院长进去了?” really cannot help, Wei Ranxue asked. 实在忍不住,卫冉雪问道。 Yes!” “是!” Elder Mi nods. 糜长老点头。 Yesterday he delivered to this, saw with one's own eyes Principal to walk, nothing mistake. 昨天他送到这,亲眼看到院长走了进去,没有任何错误。 Why hasn't that come out?” “那为何还没出来?” According to the Principal strength, should not be stranded for day!” “按照院长的实力,不应该被困一天吧!” Right, is what happened?” “对啊,是不是发生了什么?” Although without greet/have seen Zhang Xuan personally make a move, but synthesizes his talents to many profession, rushes to Records Mountain, should add with ease happily, how now/current, one day passed, a person's shadow has not seen...... 虽然没见过张悬亲自出手,但综合他对诸多职业的天赋,闯个记录山而已,应该轻松加愉快,怎么现在,都一天过去了,连个人影都没看到…… Perhaps really had an accident......” “恐怕真的出事了……” The Zhao Bingxu complexion sinks. 赵丙戌脸色一沉。 Records Mountain overcomes an obstacle, can on pass through, pass through, come out, may go for one day, has never had. 记录山闯关,能过就通过,通过不了,就会出来,可一进去就一天的,从未有过。 even if/considered as previous time Hu Yaoyao and the rest, has not been detained such. 就算上次的胡夭夭等人,也没滞留如此之久。 Obviously is not quite very normal. 很明显不太正常。 That what to do?” “那怎么办?” Heard Elder Zhao to say like this, the Wei Ranxue whole face worried, cannot help looked. 听到赵长老这样说,卫冉雪满脸着急,忍不住看过来。 Principal then just succeeded to the throne, moreover makes the so big momentum, because if rushed to Records Mountain to have an accident...... were really insane. 院长这才刚继位,而且闹出如此大的声势,要是因为闯个记录山就出事了……真就疯了。 What to do can also? My opinion is to go to have a look......, if Principal really has an accident, make a move rescues......, if has not had an accident, can investigate thoroughly what happened exactly !” “还能怎么办?我的意见是进去看看……如果院长真的出了事,出手相救……如果没出事,也可以查清到底发生了什么!” Elder Mi said. 糜长老道。 I approve of!” “我赞同!” I also approve of!” “我也赞同!” Many Principal also nod. 诸多院长同时点了点头。 The pass student overcomes an obstacle, the most two and three double-hour will come out, talent so excel Principal, a day has not made an appearance unexpectedly, said does not have doubts, that is fake. 普通学生闯关,最多两、三个时辰就会出来,天赋如此高强的院长,竟然一天都没露面,说不疑惑,那是假的 really was too unthinkable. 实在太匪夷所思了。 Master Zhang goes in half double-hour to rush to 8th layer | floor, 9th layer | floor, they can accept, ten minutes do the ruins entire Records Mountain, they can also accept...... may go in a day of not sound, probably was missing was the same, making him unable to believe. 张师进去半个时辰冲到第八层,第九层,他们能够接受,十分钟将整个记录山搞成废墟,他们也能接受……可进去一天没一点动静,像是失踪了一样,让其不敢相信。 Good, goes in!” “那好,进去吧!” Makes the decision, several Elder are not scruple, grasps the Elder token, pushed the door to walk, arrived at the first room quickly. 做出决定,几位长老也不迟疑,手持长老令牌,推门走了进去,很快来到第一个房间。 Arrives to the puppet who Zhang Xuan to/clashes, by the ground, stared wide-eyed, as if in a day, cannot believe slantingly, beforehand matter. 一来到就对张悬冲过来的傀儡,正斜靠在地上,眼睛瞪圆,似乎过了一天,都不敢相信,之前的事。 what is going on?” 怎么回事?” Looks at its this appearance, Zhao Bingxu cannot help asks. 看它这副模样,赵丙戌忍不住问道。 I defeated......” puppet two eyes to stare, attack/mental blow that as if received was too big, spiritual intelligence at any time will dissipate. “我败了……”傀儡两眼直勾勾,似乎受到的打击太大,灵性随时都会消散。 Victory or defeat is commonplace in battles, 1st layer | floor, defeating was also very normal!” “胜败乃兵家常事,第一层而已,败了也很正常!” Sees its this appearance, the people looked one, shakes the head. 见它这副样子,众人对望了一眼,同时摇头。 As the 1st layer | floor puppet, the strength is weakest, so long as comes to overcome an obstacle, can beat you, isn't the extent that to lose? 做为第一层的傀儡,实力最弱,只要过来闯关的,都能将你击败,不至于如此失落吧? Comforted one, Elder Mi discovered anything probably, cannot help said: Looks at your no injury, how to be defeated?” 安慰一句,糜长老像是发现了什么,忍不住道:“看你身上没什么伤势,是怎么被击败的?” Hears this saying, the puppet mouth casts aside, shows the feel wronged/inconvenience expression: He looked at my one eyes......” 听到这话,傀儡嘴巴一撇,露出十分委屈的表情:“他看了我一眼……”
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