LHP :: Volume #10

#904: Starting today, I for Principal!

Bang! 轰隆! Finishes speaking, most middle ray, restrains, just like the token of diamond appearance, is sparkling the ray, has the now/current people at present. 话音刚落,最中间处的光芒,收敛下来,一个宛如钻石模样的令牌,闪耀着光芒,出现在众人眼前。 This Principal's Token, glittering and translucent carving, flawless, is generally intensely bright like the diamond, making the will of the people tremble. 这个院长令,晶莹剔透,完美无瑕,如同钻石一般耀眼夺目,令人心颤。 Elder Mi and Principal Jiang once more shaken, in sound/voice brings hoarsely, as if ownself cannot believe, the eye sees. 糜长老蒋院长再次一晃,声音中带着沙哑,似乎自己都不敢相信,眼睛看到。 „It is not...... Supreme Principal's Token, but is...... the Perfect Principal command!” “不是……至尊院长令,而是……完美院长令!” „The Perfect Principal command, doesn't this have the thing in legend? how is this possible appear......” 完美院长令,这不是存在传说中的东西吗?怎么可能出现……” At present this, does not obtain 80% approvals Supreme Principal's Token, but achieves higher realm...... Perfect Principal command! 眼前这个,并非得到了百分之八十认可的至尊院长令,而是达到更高境界的……完美院长令! This rank, needs Famed Master academy, in the teaching and administrative staff and student of book, 100% admiring can achieve...... 这个级别,需要名师学院,在册的教职工、学生,百分之百的佩服才能达到…… Only has in the theory, even if/considered as initial School-founding Ancestor-Master, thinks that is impossible to complete! 只存在理论之中,就算当初的开派祖师穆凯,都认为是不可能完成的! After all the person are more, the thoughts are more mixed, wants ten several tens of thousands also to respect, only if spirit stone, Famed Master is simply is impossible to achieve. 毕竟人越多,心思越杂,想让十数万人同时倾佩,除非是灵石,名师根本不可能做到的。 Even past Master Kong, were not everyone submits. 即便当年的孔师,也不是人人都臣服。 never dreamed or expected, the manpower cannot, seems like the simply not possible matter, not only some people complete, but also...... now/current ownself and the rest presence/in front! 做梦都没想到,人力不能及,看起来根本没有可能的事情,非但有人完成,还……出现在自己等人面前 how exactly did he achieve? 到底怎么做到的 The considering everything, he enters Famed Master academy, less than two months, most essential, one month outside, never greet/have seen person's shadow...... 满打满算,他进入名师学院,也不足两个月,最关键,还有一个多月都在外面,从未见过人影…… hū! 呼! In the people shocking vision, Principal's Token straight flew to Zhang Xuan in stage, falls to his palm. 众人震惊的目光中,院长令笔直向高台上的张悬飞了过去,落到他的掌心。 Puts out a hand to catch, Zhang Xuan cannot help stares. 伸手接住,张悬忍不住一愣。 Although this thing be only palm of the hand size, the weight is actually enormous, grasps gently, has almost not made it crash from the stage. 这东西虽然只有巴掌大小,重量却是极大,轻轻一抓,差点没让其从高台上坠落下去。 His now/current strength, True Qi, mortal body and soul add to have 6 5 millions cauldrons fully, a even if/considered as mountain, thinks that can pinch with ease, Principal's Token has almost not grasped unexpectedly, making his very puzzled. 现在的实力,真气肉身、魂魄加起来足有六500万鼎,就算一座大山,想可以轻松捏起,一个院长令居然差点没拿住,让他满是不解。 Looks down, sees only the token of palm, like the glittering and translucent carving diamond, is very dazzling and beautiful. 低头看去,只见掌心的令牌,如同晶莹剔透的钻石般,十分耀眼、美丽。 From outward appearance, simply cannot see the weight, on the contrary, plants the light feeling. 外表,根本看不出重量,相反,还有种轻飘飘之感。 Spiritual spreads outward, only take a quick look, contraction of pupil unable to restrain emotions. 精神向外蔓延,只看了一眼,瞳孔情不自禁的收缩。 This is...... the weight of responsibility!” “这是……责任的重量!” Sighed. 叹息一声。 This thing, is some Mind Power gatherings, to be honest is not indeed heavy, the casual child can take up, but the carrying/sustaining the sustenance of 100,000 teachers and students...... the weight was big! 这东西,是一些意念汇聚而成,说实话的确不重,随便一个孩子就能拿起,但承载了十万师生的寄托……重量就大了! It can be said that what is heavy is the responsibility, what is heavy is the acting, rather than material. 可以说,重的是责任,重的是担当,而非物质。 originally, is thinking, when Principal also so-called, so long as can read on the line, now/current looks like, is not so simple. 本来,想着当院长也所谓,只要能看书就行,现在看来,并非这么简单。 Since shouldered this heavy responsibility, must completes the hope and hope of people, brings their progress even further. 既然肩负了这个重任,就要将众人的希冀和期盼完成,带着他们走的更远 Otherwise, how to do right by so many people's trusts? 不然,如何对得起这么多人的信任? Relax, so long as a Principal's Token day, will certainly not disappoint in my hands......” “放心吧,只要院长令在我手里一天,一定不会辜负……” took a deep breath, in Zhang Xuan heart decision. 深吸一口气,张悬心中下了决定。 This Principal's Token, is not the honor, is not aloof and remote position, but is...... the heavy burden on shoulder! 这个院长令,不是荣誉,不是高高在上地位,而是……肩膀上的重担! position is higher, the responsibility is bigger. 地位越高,责任越大。 At this moment, his understand why old Principal clearly knows finally that trial by fire is very dangerous, must go, thing that perhaps involves, is very important. 此刻,他终于明白为什么老院长明知道那次试炼很危险,还是要去,恐怕其中牵扯的东西,十分重要。 hū! 呼! This idea appear, the palm makes his arm curving, the huge weight that at any time can crash, vanishes immediately, perfect rank Principal's Token, light is ordinary like the insignificant thing. 这个想法一出现,掌心让他手臂弯曲,随时都会坠落的巨大重量,立刻消失,完美级别院长令,轻的如同鸿毛一般。 The perfect token is not only responsible, has powerful strength. 完美的令牌不光有责任,更有强大的力量 Puts away the token along, Zhang Xuan once more looks to the stage. 将令牌随身放好,张悬再次向台下看去。 academy all students and all teachers, all clear in eye, like being together does not know the old friend who many years is common. 学院所有学员、所有老师,一个个都清晰在目,如同相处了不知多少年的老友一般。 Starting today, I for...... Principal!” “从今日起,我为……院长!” Has not known how long, Zhang Xuan's sound/voice, resounded loudly. 不知过了多久,张悬的声音,轰然响起。 Principal!” 院长!” Principal!” 院长!” Principal......” 院长……” Under the stage blasts out, everyone non-stop shouting excitedly, like tide, prolonged...... 台下炸开,所有人激动不停呼喊,如同浪潮,经久不息…… The vacancy more than two years of position, had a new master finally, moreover obtained the approvals and admiring of all teachers and students! 空缺了两年多的位置,终于有了一位新的主人,而且得到了所有师生的认可和佩服! This is our Principal......” “这是我们的院长……” Elder Mi and the rest, is all moved to tears suddenly. 糜长老等人,一时间全都热泪盈眶。 Old Principal is missing, makes as the master to hold ten Great Elder of business, they withstood/top very tremendous pressure, received many questions. 院长失踪,作为主持事务的十大长老,他们顶了很大的压力,受到了很多的质疑。 now/current had new Principal, moreover is so outstanding, certainly can enough leads them, progress even further, is higher. 现在有了新的院长,而且如此优秀,一定能够带领他们,走得更远,更高。 ...... …… Azure Origin Titled Empire, on the Famed Master Hall's record position, at the same time, appeared one line of handwriting- 青源封号帝国,名师堂的记录台上,同一时刻,浮现了一行字迹- Azure Origin undergoes for 18,827 years, Zhang Xuan succeeds Hongyuan Famed Master academy Principal. 青源历一万八千八百二十七年,张悬继任鸿远名师学院院长 This line of characters are common, submerges quickly in the other news of record position. 这行字并不起眼,很快淹没在记录台的其他消息之中。 However, only then the later generation knows, the real sense of this group of character representatives, what legend is...... 不过,只有后世才知道,这行字代表的真正意义,是一段什么样的传奇…… ...... …… Principal, this is the peripheral many empires and influences, as well as Famed Master Hall, sent congratulatory gift......” 院长,这是周边诸多帝国、势力,以及名师堂,送来的贺礼……” succession grand ceremony eventually finished, Zhang Xuan leaves the stage, villa/courtyard that but also without arriving prepares for him specially, Elder Mi walked, hands over storage ring. 继任大典终于结束,张悬离开高台,还没走到专门为他准备的别院,糜长老就走了过来,递来一枚储物戒指 Hongyuan Famed Master academy, guards more than ten First Grade empires, innumerable sect, strongest expert of even if/considered as many influence, are unable to arrive, the congratulatory gift must certainly deliver. 鸿远名师学院,镇守十几个一等帝国,无数宗门,就算很多势力的最强者,无法亲临,贺礼肯定也要送到的。 Received ring, Spiritual sweeps, looked. 接过戒指,精神一扫,看了过去。 The cannot help eye jumps. 忍不住眼睛一跳。 Thing really are too many, moreover was too precious. 东西实在太多,而且太珍贵了。 high grade spirit stone, several thousands, various medicine pill and treasures are innumerable. 上品灵石,就有数千之多,各种丹药、宝物更是数不胜数。 Puts the academy's conceals treasure house, this is the academy's thing, is not my......” “放到学院的藏宝库吧,这是学院的东西,不是我个人的……” Shakes the head, suppresses to load the impulsion of pocket, Zhang Xuan handed over. 摇了摇头,强忍住装入口袋的冲动,张悬递了回来。 Although wants to appropriate to oneself, but he also knows, these congratulatory gifts, given is not he, but is the status! 虽然很想据为己有,但他也知道,这些贺礼,给的不是他,而是身份! in other words, even if/considered as is not he, trades to be anyone, sits in this position, similarly will also obtain these treasures. 也就是说,就算不是他,换做任何一个人,坐在这个位置上,同样也会得到这些宝物。 Therefore, in the strict sense, these things, are Famed Master academy's, is not his. 因此,严格意义上,这些东西,都是名师学院的,不是他的。 Also had, Cloudy Mist Ridge many treasures, these things, are not big to his attraction. 再说拥有了,云雾岭的诸多宝物,这些东西,对他的吸引力也没那么大了。 Yes!” “是!” Nods, Elder Mi looks to present youth, admire, once more takes out ring: This is Yu Shenqing His Majesty, to Principal individual!” 点了头,糜长老看向眼前的青年,更加佩服,再次取出一枚戒指:“这个是玉神清陛下,给院长个人的!” Gives me?” “给我个人的?” Zhang Xuan stares, immediately looks to, the eye winked winking. 张悬一愣,随即向里看去,眼睛眨了眨。 Compared with the beforehand gift, differ by a large margin , is very precious, even if/considered as does not have the cleaned out entire state treasury, it is estimated that was also close to one being less than half! 虽然和之前的礼物比,差了很大一截,却也十分珍贵,就算搬空整个国库,估计也接近一小半了! Yu Shenqing His Majesty said, Principal revived Bodhi Tree for them not only, is instruction profound Soul cultivation method, these things, are to your repayment, but also looks do not decline!” 玉神清陛下说,院长不光替他们救活了菩提树,更是传授高深的灵魂修炼方法,这些东西,是对你个人的报答,还望不要推辞!” Elder Mi said. 糜长老道。 This......” “这……” Zhang Xuan very hesitates. 张悬满是迟疑。 Revives Bodhi Tree, for Wei Ruyan, teaches Soul cultivation method , because he was stolen others cultivation technique...... really to accept opposite party so many things, it is too much. 救活菩提树,是为了魏如烟,传授灵魂修炼方法,是因为他偷学了人家的功法……真要收下对方这么多东西,受之有愧啊。 You for my many thanks His Majesty good intention, Don't get a reward if it's not deserved!” Zhang Xuan beckons with the hand. “你替我多谢陛下的好意了,无功不受禄!”张悬摆了摆手。 The thing is good, but accepts, must handle matters for the opposite party, is not relaxed living. 东西是好,但收下,就要替对方办事,并不是轻松的活。 Without this merit, does not undertake this karma. 没有这个功劳,就不承担这个因果 Is......” “是……” Nods, Elder Mi no longer said. 点了点头,糜长老不再多说。 Leads me to go to Records Mountain! I prepare Assessment 6-Star Famed Master!” “带我去记录山吧!我准备考核六星名师!” Also said several, turns down many matter one by one/each, Zhang Xuan said. 又说了几句,将诸多事情一一推掉,张悬道。 become Famed Master academy's Principal, at this time, this/should Assessment 6-Star Famed Master. 成为名师学院的院长,此时,也该考核六星名师了。 Good!” “好!” Elder Mi replied with a sound, spoke thoughtlessly the introduction: Records Mountain, is Famed Master academy, tests the strength the place, before Half Saint, can rush, altogether nine!” 糜长老应了一声,随口介绍:“记录山,是名师学院,考验实力的地方,半圣之前,都可以闯,一共九层!” Nine?” “九层?” Un, is one by one difficult, 3rd layer | floor, endures to compare Half Saint cultivation base, 6th layer | floor, endures to compare Nascent Saint cultivation base, but 9th layer | floor...... is equivalent to Saint Domain First Layer expert!” “嗯,一层比一层难,第三层,堪比半圣修为,第六层,堪比从圣修为,而第九层……则相当于圣域一重强者!” Elder Mi said: This , is not only the record, selects the Battle Master standard, below Half Saint, so long as can rush to 6th layer | floor, has qualifications become Battle Master! Can rush to 9th layer | floor, can definitely make an exception to select, directly enters Battle Master Hall!” 糜长老道:“这个不光是记录,还是选拔战师的标准,半圣以下,只要能闯到第六层,就有资格成为战师!能闯到第九层,完全可以得到破格选拔,直接进入战师堂!” Below Half Saint, rushes to 6th layer | floor...... in other words, by the Half Saint strength, defeats Nascent Saint?” 半圣以下,闯到第六层……也就是说,以半圣的实力,战胜从圣?” Zhang Xuan looks. 张悬看过来。 good/Yes, Famed Master has the ability of exceeding level challenge, by the Half Saint strength, defeats Nascent Saint, can say regardless of foundation or battle strength, was fearful!” 不错,名师本身就有越级挑战的能力,以半圣实力,战胜从圣,可以说无论基础还是战斗力,都非常可怕了!” Nod of Elder Mi expression is solemn. 糜长老神色凝重的点头。 Un!” Zhang Xuan replied with a sound. “嗯!”张悬应了一声 Initially that Wu Xu and Lu Cheng, might be Battle Master, otherwise the impossible relaxed exceeding level challenge, the Famed Master academy's four big talent students, to hit the falling petals running water. 当初遇到的那个吴虚鹿城,就极有可能是战师,不然也不可能轻松越级挑战,将名师学院的四大天才学员,打得落花流水。 Famed Master academy, altogether have how many people, below Half Saint, rushed to 6th layer | floor for these years?” 名师学院,这么多年来一共有多少人,在半圣以下,就闯过第六层?” Thinks of anything, Zhang Xuan cannot help asked. 想到什么,张悬忍不住问道。 „The academy founding, nearly for ten thousand years, altogether has three hundred twenty seven people of become Battle Master, but insufficient Half Saint, on pass through Records Mountain 6th layer | floor, only then less than 100 people!” 学院建校,近万年来,一共有三百二十七人成为战师,而不足半圣,就通过记录山第六层的,只有不足一百人!” Elder Mi thought suddenly said. 糜长老想了一下道 Can become Battle Master, be startled certainly colorful Famed Master, battle strength is extremely strong, far surpass peer, but, after including is achieves Half Saint, completes, before Half Saint, thinks the exceeding level challenge, contends with Nascent Saint, difficult! 成为战师,都是惊才绝艳的名师,战斗力极强,远超同辈,不过,其中有很多都是达到半圣以后,才完成的,半圣之前,就想越级挑战,抗衡从圣,难! Between the Saint and spirit have a huge gap, has not achieved is only the ants, wants to overstep, almost impossible. 圣与灵之间有个巨大的鸿沟,未达到都只是蝼蚁,想要逾越,几乎不可能。 Un!” Zhang Xuan nods, then asked: Below Half Saint, who is the Famed Master academy's highest record?” “嗯!”张悬点了点头,接着问道:“半圣以下,名师学院的最高纪录是谁?” Since there is a challenge, naturally also has the record, he wants to have a look, what level the Famed Master academy's highest record reached. 既然有挑战,自然也就有记录,他想看看,名师学院的最高纪录达到了什么样的水准。 „The highest record naturally is Principal Mo Liuzhen leave/stay behind!” Elder Mi said with a smile: Class Principal was really known as that since academy ten thousand years fiercest talent, naturally is not undeserved reputation! In the past he just the breakthrough Chrysalis mirror, rushed to Records Mountain, the one breath rushed to 7th layer | floor, let everyone, exclaimed in surprise!” “最高纪录自然是莫流真院长留下的!”糜长老笑道:“流真院长号称学院万年以来最厉害的天才,自然不是浪得虚名!当年他刚突破蚕封镜,就过来闯记录山,一口气就冲到了第七层,让所有人,都为之惊叹!” Just achieved Chrysalis Realm, rushes to 7th layer | floor?” Zhang Xuan stared wide-eyed, has a scare. “刚达到蚕封境,就冲到第七层?”张悬眼睛瞪圆,吓了一跳。 His now/current also achieved Chrysalis Realm primary stage, just overcame an obstacle the strength to be the same when with the opposite party. 现在也达到了蚕封境初期,和对方刚闯关时的实力相同。 9th layer | floor is equivalent to Saint Domain First Layer primary stage expert, in other words, 7th layer | floor is bad, almost must have in Nascent Saint, advanced stage approximately/left and right battle strength to be able pass through! 第九层相当于圣域一重初期强者,也就是说,第七层再不济,差不多要拥有从圣中、后期左右战斗力才能通过 Also indicated, this Principal Mo Liuzhen, with the situation of his same strength, battle strength is almost the same as him unexpectedly, even also wants on the strong several points! 也就表示,这位莫流真院长,和他相同实力的情况下,战斗力居然和他相差无几,甚至还要强上几分! ( Tomorrow leaves the hospital, restores to renew normally, asking a monthly ticket to congratulate! Moreover the public number, 8 fire in bursts tonight, the scientific publication, has about 40 meters feather duster multiple, listed the equation computation, feels is very flamboyant, everyone can pay attention to look. The WeChat search Heng Sao Tian Ya, the increase attention, examines the historical news then.) (明天出院,恢复正常更新,求点月票庆贺!另外公众号,今天晚上八点发了一个,科学论著,关于40米鸡毛掸子有多重的,列出了方程式计算,感觉挺牛逼,大家可以关注看一下。微信搜索“横扫天涯”,添加关注,查看历史消息即可。)
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