LHP :: Volume #10

#903: Condenses Principal's Token

Ok, talks about here today!” “好了,今天就讲到这里!” A public class, spoke the entire double-hour, sees all students and teachers, obtained the enormous advantage, Zhang Xuan then stopped. 一节公开课,讲了整整一个时辰,见所有学员和老师,都得到了极大好处,张悬这才停了下来。 „Did this end?” “这就完了?” Before listened to the class of other teacher, holds one's nose, wishes one could to finish class a bit faster, how Master Zhang's classroom...... felt starts, finished?” “以前听别的老师的课,都捏着鼻子,恨不得快点下课,张师的课堂……怎么觉得才开始,就结束了?” Yes...... was too quick, I have not given full expression!” “是啊……太快了,我还意犹未尽!” If can often listen to this curriculum, I can guarantee, the breakthrough Saint Domain probability, must increase several times! When time of graduation also ahead of time several years......” “要是能经常听这种课程,我可以保证,突破圣域的几率,要增大好几倍!毕业的时间时也会提前好几年……” ...... …… Sees him to stop, everyone restores from special concept, all very is excited. 见他停下来,所有人都从特殊意境中恢复过来,一个个满是激动。 Although only listened to a double-hour, actually endured compared with former painstaking cultivation several months, even several years! 虽然只听了一个时辰,却堪比以前苦修好几个月,甚至好几年! Looks quickly......” “快看……” Does not know that who shouted, the people look neatly, on sees, does not know when flew one flock of animals. 不知谁喊了出来,众人齐刷刷看去,就见头上,不知何时飞来了一群动物。 Has the family/home chicken, duck, the big goose, peacock and Immortal Crane...... 有家鸡、鸭子、大鹅、孔雀、仙鹤…… Simply is a hodgepodge, animal that so long as can fly, anything has, everywhere is. 简直就是个大杂烩,只要会飞的动物,什么都有,漫天都是。 „Is this...... lecture is good, hundred bird homages to the dynasty that brings in?” “这是……讲课太好,引来的百鸟朝贺?” Whose did not know shiver and shrink. 不知谁哆缩了一下。 Hundred bird homages to the dynasty, gather spiritual Qi compared with the word, the mouth spit the lotus flower also to want brilliant, only then achieves the 8-Star rank Famed Master, can achieve! 百鸟朝贺,比言聚灵气,口吐莲花还要高明,只有达到八星级别的名师,才能做到! Said, birds for it excited...... startled certainly colorful, stir eight sides. 一言出,鸟兽都为之兴奋……惊才绝艳,轰动八方。 Master Zhang is only 4-Star Famed Master, how can make so many birds fly? 张师只是个四星名师,怎么能让这么多鸟飞过来? Is the key...... the family/home chicken, duck and big goose...... is what trick? 关键是……家鸡、鸭子、大鹅……都是什么鬼 These things cannot fly? 这些东西不都是不怎么会飞的吗? How at this moment to fly in the sky, can't fall? 此刻怎么都飞在上空,落不下来? Outside key academy, donkey long hiss, sound/voice continuously, just like going full steam ahead, seems like the world was showing that ownself also has soaring ambition, must have Bole, is a thousand li (500 km) donkey, cannot bury in the stables...... 关键学院外面,还有毛驴长嘶,声音此起彼伏,宛如万马奔腾,似乎是在向世人展示自己也有鸿鹄之志,要有伯乐,也是一头千里驴,不能埋没在槽枥之间…… Is exactly/actually what happened? 到底怎么个情况 good/Yes that you guess, was a Master Zhang lecture of class was good, brought in so many animals! Moreover, his curriculum, teaches all comers without discrimination, not only the person can understand, on the considered as animal can also for it crazy...... perhaps, this is he can tame Cloudy Mist Ridge all spirit beast and Saint Beast reason!” “你们猜的不错,是张师讲的课太好了,引来了这么多动物!而且,他的课程,有教无类,不光人能听懂,就算是动物也能为之疯狂……或许,这才是他能驯服云雾岭所有灵兽圣兽的原因吧!” Elder sighs with emotion. 一位长老感慨。 The class, he listened carefully, went directly to the mind, already breakthrough the shackles and barrier of language, even if/considered as Beast Language, the ordinary animal of human language, cannot gain the advantage similarly. 刚才的课,他仔细听了,直达心灵,已经突破了语言的桎梏和障碍,就算不会兽语,不会人类语言的普通动物,同样能从中获得好处。 This ability, has surpassed 6-Star and 7-Star...... to go to the unthinkable situation. 这种能力,已然超过了六星七星……达到了让人匪夷所思的地步。 Are the Heaven nurture myriad things, will not manage the opposite party human, is the language unimpeded, so long as is the life, will nourish. 老天哺育万物,不会管对方是不是人类,语言是不是畅通,只要是生命,都会滋养。 True Teacher's Words Gifted by the Heaven, is so. 真正的师言天授,也是如此。 In the past Master Kong teaching, not only human, animal, spirit beast and Saint Beast, some even if/considered as plants, can open Spirit Wisdom, cultivation base increased. 当年孔师授课,不光人类、动物、灵兽圣兽,就算一些植物,都能从中开启灵智,修为大增。 Although Master Zhang has not let plant also cultivation, made the animal have breakthrough, is fearful! 张师虽然没让植物也随之修炼,却让动物有了突破,已然非常可怕了! It seems like...... Principal really must choose to promote the empire, is very definitely relaxed......” “看来……院长真要选择晋升帝国,肯定十分轻松……” Elder Mi swallowed a saliva. 糜长老咽了口唾沫。 Promotes the empire, is in 6-Star Famed Master Assessment is rarest, few dares to choose, originally he thinks that on considered as Master Zhang, must certainly spend a lot of time, sees this, understand this idea is how naive. 晋升帝国,是六星名师考核中最难得,几乎没人敢选择,本来他以为就算是张师,肯定也要花费不少时间,看到这一幕,才明白这个想法是多么幼稚。 Did not say other, on solely rely/based on this classroom, so long as goes to Titled Kingdom lecture of several, no need/not using are many, ten days one time, two months later, it is estimated that had the qualifications promotion...... 不说其他,就单凭这种课堂,只要去封号王国讲几场,不用多,十天一次,两个月下来,估计就有资格晋升了…… This classroom, not only Everyone is like a Dragon, the cockerel, duck and donkey...... listen were many, can like the dragon! 这种课堂,不光人人如龙,就连公鸡、鸭子、毛驴……听的多了,也能如龙! Fearful! 可怕! Public class finishes attending, now/current starts to condense Principal's Token!” “公开课上完,现在开始凝聚院长令!” Sees the people to immerse in the shock is unable to extricate oneself, Zhao Bingxu shakes the head, sound/voice resounds. 见众人沉浸在震惊中无法自拔,赵丙戌摇摇头,声音响起。 The urgent matter is succession grand ceremony, has conducted last, naturally must finish sooner. 当务之急是继位大典,已经进行到最后一步了,自然要早些结束。 Condenses Principal's Token, is very simple, after a while/later I will activates great array, is willing to acknowledge that Master Zhang is Principal, and genuine and sincere admires, drops out a drop of blood! The blood and array contact, will keep consciousness you automatically, gathers be together, forms to control the academy's token!” “凝聚院长令,十分简单,过一会我会激活大阵,愿意承认张师院长,并且真心实意佩服的,就滴出一滴鲜血!鲜血与阵法接触,会自动将你们留在其中的意识,汇聚在一起,形成掌控学院的令牌!” Zhao Bingxu explained. 赵丙戌解释。 Condenses Principal's Token, is very simple, just like treasure accept owner, in the blood of person contain Mind Power, so long as gathers be together it, can achieve the unexpected effect. 凝聚院长令,很简单,和宝物认主一样,人的血液中蕴含意念,只要将其汇聚在一起,就能发挥意想不到的效果。 For example: Communicates Principal's Token, can order all students simultaneously, can let all students, according to special array fights. 例如:沟通院长令,能同时命令所有学员,也能让所有学生,按照特殊的阵法进行战斗。 Because Principal's Token is the innumerable Famed Master Mind Power gathering, indestructible, is used to defend, even if/considered as Saint Domain four, Fifth Layer expert, want to break open difficultly...... 院长令因为是无数名师意念汇聚而成,坚不可摧,用来防御,就算圣域四、五重强者,想要破开都难…… It can be said that this thing really was too precious, represented Principal to the entire academy's control. 可以说,这东西实在太珍贵了,代表了一位院长对整个学院的掌控。 Starts!” “开始吧!” Explained, saw the people flashing eyes looked, Zhao Bingxu not talk rubbish, palm grasped fiercely. 解释完,见众人目光炯炯的看过来,赵丙戌再不废话,手掌猛地一抓。 Bang! 轰隆! Ground rocks, huge array revolves, the sky has a fishing net immediately, a ray, covers all around completely. 地面一阵晃动,一个巨大的阵法运转起来,天空立刻多出了一个渔网,道道光芒,将四周全部笼罩。 7th grade array, nine revolutions of sky nets! 七级阵法,九转天网! When this array is Famed Master academy just established initially, the headquarters send, special construction. 这个阵法是当初名师学院刚刚建立时,总部派人过来,专门修建的。 Without aggressivity, without the defense, the biggest role condenses Principal's Token. Can counting in the blood of hundred thousand person, contain Mind Power pulls out , the gathering compresses in a palm of the hand size token. 没有攻击性,也没有防御性,最大的作用就是凝聚院长令。能将数十万人的血液中,蕴含意念抽离出来,汇聚压缩在一个巴掌大小的令牌之中。 Gathering blood!” “汇聚血液!” Sees array to start, all Famed Master, Spiritual is all centralized, the breaking by biting fingertip, a little bit blood essence flew from within the body. 看到阵法启动,所有名师,全都精神集中,咬破指尖,一滴滴精血从体内飞了出来。 Each drop of blood falls to the node of nine revolutions of sky nets, under the stimulation of movement of spiritual Qi, is sparkling the special ray. 每一滴血液都落到九转天网的一个节点上,在灵气的催动下,闪耀着特殊的光芒。 Respectfully requested Principal's Token!” Sees everyone to put away the blood, Zhao Bingxu shouts out. “恭请院长令!”见所有人都将血液放好,赵丙戌一声大喝 Rumble! 轰隆隆! array in sky contracts suddenly, all blood gather be together, sends out heaven-shaking, earth-shattering to thunder, array most, one group of ray twinkles, as if have anything formation. 天空中的阵法陡然收缩,所有血液汇聚在一起,发出惊天动地轰鸣,阵法最中间处,一团光芒闪烁,似乎有什么东西形成。 You feel Principal, what rank can form Principal's Token?” Looks at the distant place, the ray twinkle place, Elder Mi cannot help said. “你们觉得院长,能够形成什么级别的院长令?”看着远处,光芒闪烁的地方,糜长老忍不住道。 Although everyone provided the blood, but inside consciousness from the sincerity, did not say. 虽然所有人都提供了鲜血,但里面的意识是不是发自真心,并不好说。 To form Principal's Token, in the subconscious, must, only then admires, without resistance. 想要形成院长令,潜意识里,必须只有佩服,没有抗拒。 This not good determine/certain......, but, that classroom effect was so a moment ago good, perhaps is worst must form golden Principal's Token!” One side Jiang Qingqin, hesitated for a while said. “这个不好确定……不过,刚才那个课堂效果如此好,恐怕最差都要形成黄金院长令!”一侧的蒋青琴,迟疑了一下道。 Before Principal's Token has not formed, no one said. 院长令没形成之前,谁都不好说。 The will of the people separates the belly, even if/considered as they are 6-Star peak Famed Master, from outward appearance also unable to discern. 人心隔肚皮,就算他们是六星巅峰名师,从外表看不出来的。 But...... the Principal that class, making the people such as be so drunk, guessed good/Yes, least should have 60% people to admire...... in other words, can form golden Principal's Token badly! 但……院长刚才的那堂课,让众人如此如醉,猜的不错,最少都应该有百分之六十的人佩服……也就是说,最差也能形成黄金院长令 Do not despise this rank, all previous more than 100 Principal, was considered as absolutely is top. 别小看这个级别,历代一百多位院长,绝对算得是顶尖了。 After all young of Principal, comes the academy's time, considering everything, only then a month, moreover...... majority is pulling down the house! 毕竟院长的年纪还小,来学院的时间,满打满算,也只有一个来月,而且……大部分都在拆房子! So long as treated for a long time, taught classes several times, built the reputation, formed higher rank Principal's Token, inevitably with no difficulty. 只要待得久了,多讲几次课,多树立威信,形成更高级别院长令,必然轻而易举 I thought that can form platinum Principal's Token!” “我觉得能形成白金院长令!” Elder Mi said: Although since the founding, has condensed this rank Principal's Token, only has two people! But...... I feel Master Zhang, can definitely achieve!” 糜长老道:“虽然建校以来,凝聚出这种级别院长令的,只有两人!但……我觉得张师,肯定能够做到!” Principal's Token is divided into the platinum, gold, bronze and steel. 院长令分为白金、黄金、青铜和钢铁 The bronze rank, is academy half academy from the deep in one's heart approval and admiring, the gold is 60%, platinum 70%. 青铜级别,为学院一半学院内心深处认可、佩服,黄金则为百分之六十,白金百分之七十。 Platinum? Perhaps without is so simple!” “白金?恐怕没那么简单!” Wei Ranxue is more careful than Jiang, broom corn millet two Elder, show is sparkling the ray: Master Zhang has not arrived at academy, bestows score on the principle of righteousness, lets three ten thousand new life/student, submits to thoroughly, is resigned to form Xuan Xuan Association ! In the hundred thousand student, had 3/10!” 卫冉雪比蒋、糜两位长老更加细心,秀目闪耀着光芒:“张师还没来到学院,就大义赠送积分,让三万新生,彻底臣服,甘心组建悬悬会十万学员中,就有十分之三了!” Un!” Several other stretch/open also nod. “嗯!”其他几位张老同时点头。 Xuan Xuan Association indeed is the entire academy biggest student organization, and very loyal. 悬悬会的确是整个学院最大的学生组织,而且十分忠心。 now/current Guildmaster become Principal, is definitely prouder, cannot the appear accident. 现在会长成为院长,肯定更加骄傲,再不会出现变故。 „The Wu Yangzi refining method and body refining method, offers free of charge, Refining Master academy's many scholars, should be grateful!” Wei Ranxue said. “将吴阳子炼器方法和练体方法,免费赠送,炼器师学院的诸多学子,应该都心怀感激吧!”卫冉雪道。 This......” “这……” Jiang Qingqin and Elder Mi stare simultaneously. 蒋青琴糜长老同时一愣。 Although this matter has not leaked, but Refinement Institute many scholars, there is a majority to know. 虽然这件事没怎么外传,但炼器学院的诸多学子,还是有大部分都知道了。 Refinement Institute, for the second yard, in which student even if/considered as does not add new life/student, fully over 30,000......, 60,000 people had submitted to him like this, has reached the golden Principal's Token standard!” 炼器学院,为第二大院,其中的学员就算不加新生,也足有三万以上……这样来说,就有六万人已经对他臣服了,已然达到黄金院长令的标准!” Speaking of this, Wei Ranxue has not stood still , to continue saying: Afterward, challenged Medicine Master academy You Xu, making the noise was big, although made many people think him to be crude, definitely also had more people to admire...... Medicine Master academy only to rank fifth, not considered as was top, in addition many person minoring in refining, even if/considered as most superpositions, but did not superpose...... 5000 people always had!” 说到这,卫冉雪并未停歇,继续道:“后来,挑战医师学院尤虚,闹得动静这么大,虽然让不少人觉得他鲁莽,肯定也有更多人佩服……医师学院只排第五,不算顶尖,再加上有很多人兼修炼器,就算大部分重合,但不重合的……五千人总有了吧!” Famed Master simultaneously Auxiliary Specialisations several profession, in other words, the some/somewhat person simultaneously is the Refinement Institute student, is Medicine Master academy's. 名师都同时辅修好几个职业,也就是说,有些人同时是炼器学院的学生,也是医师学院的 This person throws to superpose, even if/considered as has 5000 people, in addition before, there are 65,000 people! 这种人抛去重合的,就算有五千人,加上之前的,也有六万五千人了! Then create an uproar Alchemist academy, teaching, made entire academy is reminded of dear ones who have left blatantly...... pill concocting academy, is first academy, before the population are most...... even if/considered as, superposes are more, 10,000 people do not superpose! Like this...... has 75,000 people to admire to Master Zhang thoroughly! Accounts for 75% of school teachers and students, reached the platinum Principal's Token standard......” “然后大闹炼丹师学院,公然授课,弄的整个学院人去楼空……炼丹学院,是第一学院,人数最多……就算和之前重合更多,也有一万人不重合吧!这样算起来……已然有七万五千人对张师彻底佩服!占全校师生的百分之七十五,达到白金院长令标准了……” Wei Ranxue then said. 卫冉雪接着道。 This......” “这……” Hears several Elder that she analyzes, has a scare. 听到她分析的几位长老,同时吓了一跳。 Did not say does not know, time although that a saying, understand, Master Zhang came was not long, has made so many people admire...... 不说不知道,一说,才明白,张师来的时间尽管不长,却已然让这么多人佩服了…… Has not ended...... yesterday to save so many Beast Taming academy's students, lets it...... tames Cloudy Mist Ridge so many beasts with the martial skill academy's people avoid the disaster, the meritorious service is outstanding!” “还没完……昨天拯救这么多驯兽学院的学生,让其与武技学院的众人免于灾难……更是驯服云雾岭这么多兽,功勋卓著!” The Wei Ranxue eyes shine: In addition they, least 5000...... in other words, most conservative estimate, 80% students, can admire sincerely!” 卫冉雪双眼放光:“加上他们,最少又有五千……也就是说,最保守的估计,也有百分之八十的学员,会真心佩服!” 80%?” “百分之八十?” Mi Zhu and the rest looks, swallowed a saliva respectively, the throat became dry: „...... Supreme Principal's Token?” 糜竹等人对望,各自咽了口唾沫,喉咙发干:“……至尊院长令?”
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