LHP :: Volume #10

#902: The donkey is also crazy

Condenses Principal's Token, is gathers Mind Power of Famed Master academy all teachers and students, is grave and sacred, before that, new Principal must conduct the public class. 凝聚院长令,是集合名师学院所有师生的意念,庄重、神圣,在此之前,新院长必须进行公开课。 Let the school teachers and students examine his teaching ability, if teaches cannot subdue the people, how is this possible condenses Mind Power of people, and better display. 让全校师生检验他的授课能力,如果授课都不能折服众人,又怎么可能凝聚众人的意念,并将之更好的发挥。 Makes us also listen to the Master Zhang's class!” “让我们也听听张师的课!” Students are fierce, the teacher is definitely stronger......” “学生都厉害,老师肯定更强……” Good, can make all Principal approve, really wants to know that what to teach......” “太好了,能让所有院长都认可,真想知道授课什么样……” Everyone showed the anticipation expression. 所有人都露出了期待的表情。 The Master Zhang's student, explanation foundation cultivation technique, can let person as if drunk and stupefied, as the teacher, is naturally more powerful. 张师的学生,讲解基础功法,都能让人如痴如醉,身为老师,自然更加强大。 Since there is this request, I give on everyone a basic course!” Zhang Xuan one step arrives at the stage edge forward. “既然有这个要求,那我就给大家上一堂基础课吧!”张悬向前一步来到高台边缘。 Came beforehand Elder Mi to say succession grand ceremony flow, knew the public class, certainly wanted on, declined on left nothing to be. 来之前糜长老就说过继位大典的流程,知道公开课,肯定要上,也就没什么可推辞。 Also, comprehended Heart of Teacher, to deep of the Way of Teacher comprehension, knows, only then goes out knowledge transmit, can better bring to greater heights, left nothing to be hides one's incompetence by remaining silent. 再说,领悟了师者之心,对师道领悟的更深,知道只有将知识传递出去,才能更好的发扬光大,也没什么可藏拙的。 cultivation is similar to erects a building, the foundation grips reliably, the building covers high, otherwise, is the castle in the air, in mirror flower month! How my now/current gives everyone to say from Spirit Gathering Realm, breakthrough to Celestial Bridge Realm......” 修炼如同盖楼,基础扎得越牢固,楼房则盖得越高,反之,则是空中楼阁,镜中花月!我现在就给大家讲讲如何从合灵境,突破桥天境……” Zhang Xuan looks around, light sound/voice made a sound. 张悬环顾一周,淡淡的声音响了起来。 Although does not have deliberately to catch up, calm sound/voice to all around transmit, lets everyone on the scene, may hear clearly. 虽然没有刻意发力,沉稳的声音却向四周传递,让在场的每一个人,都清晰可闻。 Follows his words, bunch of spiritual Qi, drop from the clouds, gathers, from the sky forms the all pure white flowers, intensely bright. 伴随他的话语,一团团灵气,从天而降,汇聚下来,在空中形成一个个洁白的花朵,耀眼夺目。 The word gathers spiritual Qi, the mouth spits the lotus flower! 言聚灵气,口吐莲花! All students all hear as if drunk and stupefied, is unable to restrain oneself. 所有学员全听得如痴如醉,不能自已。 ...... …… Famed Master academy outside street, eaten, lives, uses, various types of commodities, have everything expected to find, has formed an industry chain, is exceptionally developed. 名师学院外面的街道,吃的、住的、用的,各种物资,应有尽有,早已形成了一条产业链,异常发达。 Famed Master, is profession that continent most is not short of money, so long as can open a shop here, plate full Boman who basically gains, blindingly rich. 名师,是大陆最不缺钱的职业,只要能在这里开店,基本都赚的盘满钵满,富得流油。 Boss, others approach Famed Master academy, money-making is next, the most important thing is can more contact Famed Master, once obtains give directions/guidance, how can the strength enter greatly...... for 20 years, hasn't your strength, changed?” “老板,别人靠近名师学院,赚钱是其次,最重要的是能更多地接触名师,一旦得到指点,就能实力大进……怎么二十年来,你的实力,没有丝毫变化?” In not a big small wineshop, a swordsman of down and out, is carrying the good wine, languid looks at the boss to not far away. 一个不大的小酒肆之中,一位落拓的剑客,端着美酒,懒洋洋的看向不远处的老板。 He 20 years ago once had come, here lived fully for several months, two people have been familiar. 他二十年前曾来过一趟,在这里整整住了好几个月,二人早已熟悉。 It is not standing, 50 years old, potbellied, a merchant appearance, in fact dozens years ago , is a famous swordsman, the strength is uncommon! 不远站着的这位,五十来岁,大腹便便,一副商人模样,实际上几十年前,也是一位有名的剑客,实力不凡! Just, why does not know the reason, withdraws from Jiang Hu, sold the liquor to here, the now/current dozens years, the surrounding merchant traded, only then his on the spot has not moved, the strength also has no change. 只不过,不知因何原因,退出江湖,到了这里卖酒,现在都几十年了,周围的商户换了一家又一家,只有他在原地没动,实力也没有任何变化。 Let its very baffled/strange. 让其满是奇怪 I also think the strength rise, what a pity these years, in Famed Master that here has drunk, do not have 10,000, 8000...... help my give directions/guidance, at least two and 3000 people, what a pity...... my talent was only restricted in this, is unable to progress again!” “我也想实力提升,可惜这些年,在我这里喝过酒的名师,没有一万,也有八千……帮我指点过的,也最少两、三千人了,可惜……我的天赋只限于此,再无法进步!” Smiles bitterly, the boss shakes the head. 苦笑一声,老板摇了摇头。 As a swordsman, to seal/confer sword returns to native place, naturally has the difficulties that ownself has no other choice but. 作为一个剑客,封剑归隐,自然有自己不得已的苦衷。 Is seriously injured, is unable cultivation, whole body cultivation base to be destroyed in a moment again...... comes outside Famed Master academy to open the wineshop, hopes for that can obtain give directions/guidance, renew returns to peak...... 身受重伤,再无法修炼,浑身修为毁于一旦……来名师学院外面开酒肆,正是希冀能得到指点,重新回到巅峰…… What a pity, for decades, although greet/have seen Famed Master are many, can solve his body hidden damage to make his renew take up Long Sword, no! 可惜,几十年来,见过名师虽多,能解决他身体隐患让他重新拿起长剑的,没有一个! originally is also holding the enormous confidence, gradually, turned disappointedly, again Long Sword does not have the kitchen knife to use was good. 本来还抱着极大的信心,久而久之,变成了失望,长剑再也没有菜刀用的好了。 Yeah!” “哎!” The down and out swordsman also guessed correctly his helplessness, big mouth drank a liquor, sighed, just wants to say anything to comfort, suddenly felt that surrounding spiritual Qi, took away as many things as possible to Famed Master academy completely rapidly. 落拓剑客也猜出了他的无奈,大口的喝了口酒,叹息一声,正想说些什么安慰,突然感到周围的灵气,全部急速向名师学院席卷而去。 How was this?” “这是怎么了?” frowning. 眉毛一皱 Heard that today is academy new Principal succession grand ceremony, according to the normal flow, should in on public class! 6-Star Famed Master, the word gathers spiritual Qi, is nothing unusual......” “听说今天是学院院长继位大典,按照正常流程,应该在上公开课吧!六星名师,言聚灵气,不足为奇……” Boss take a quick look, shakes the head. 老板看了一眼,摇了摇头。 Famed Master achieves 5-Star, can achieve the word to gather spiritual Qi, the mouth spits the lotus flower, is only the range is not very broad. 名师达到五星,就能做到言聚灵气,口吐莲花,只是范围不够广而已。 Since the opposite party are new Principal, on the public class, gathers spiritual Qi, and does not have any. 对方既然是新任院长,上公开课,将灵气汇聚起来,并没有什么。 Oh......” ……” The down and out swordsman nods, carries the wine glass just to continue to drink, hears distant place sound/voice to resound in the ear: cultivation is similar to erects a building, the foundation grips reliably, the building covers high......” 落拓剑客点了点头,端起酒杯正想继续喝酒,就听到远处一个声音在耳边响起:“修炼如同盖楼,基础扎得越牢固,楼房则盖得越高……” sound/voice takes academy as the boundary, wineshop just by courtyard wall, can hear, is only indistinct, is not quite clear. 声音学院为界限,酒肆刚好挨着院墙,也能听到,只是隐隐约约,不太清楚罢了。 This...... explanation, although is the foundation, actually points to the cultivation essence......” “这……讲解的虽然是基础,却直指修炼本质……” Listened to a little while, the down and out swordsman wine glass cannot help but to put, the eye was getting more and more bright, the words that True Qi in within the body also follows the opposite party, the beat of unable to restrain emotions, as if at any time could breakthrough realm. 听了一会,落拓剑客酒杯不由自主的放了下来,眼睛越来越亮,体内的真气也伴随着对方的话语,情不自禁的跳动,似乎随时都会突破境界 Fierce......” “厉害……” From is so far, can make his body appear respond, the Principal that Famed Master academy is teaching, what strength exactly/actually did achieve and realm? 距离这么远,都能让他身体出现反应,名师学院正在授课的这位院长,到底达到了什么实力和境界 This does not teach purely, but nearly in say/way! 这已经不是单纯的授课了,而是近乎于道! Boss, you are about to listen......” “老板,你快过来听听……” Saw the boss to adjust the liquor, down and out swordsman cannot help shouted one. 见老板正在调酒,落拓剑客忍不住喊了一声。 The opposite party body is damaged, is unable to continue cultivation, hears this curriculum, can perhaps restore within the body injury, renew returns to peak. 对方身体受损,无法继续修炼,听到这种课程,或许就能修复体内伤势,重新回到巅峰 What listens to? academy's Elder, has greet/have seen, special give directions/guidance, has no means to my situation! A public class is also useful......” boss to shake the head, thinks little. “听什么?学院的长老,又不是没见过,专门指点,对我的情况都没有任何办法!一堂公开课又有什么用……”老板摇了摇头,不以为意。 Famed Master give directions/guidance, cannot cure the illness specially, listens to a public class, can once more cultivation? 名师专门指点,都治不好病症,听一个公开课,就能再次修炼 what a joke! 开什么玩笑 So many years, have seen through! 这么多年,早就看开了! Regarding Famed Master, without before that believed. 对于名师,也没之前那么信服了。 Really, you listen, definitely is good......” “真的,你过来听听,肯定有好处……” Sees him not to believe that down and out swordsman very worries. 见他不信,落拓剑客满是着急。 His travelling four directions, greet/have seen does not know many Famed Master, heard of many classroom, may compare with this public class, bad really was too far, simply does not have the comparability! 他游历四方,见过不知多少名师,也听过不少课堂,可和这个公开课比,差的实在太远了,根本没可比性! Although listened to several off and on, makes him profit a great deal. 虽然只是断断续续听了几句,却让他受益良多。 I do not believe!” “我不信!” The boss shakes the head , to continue to adjust the liquor, is disinclined. 老板摇头,继续调酒,懒得走过来。 Doesn't believe? You look at that donkey......” “不信?你看那头驴……” Sees him not to come, the down and out swordsman shakes the head, how is not knowing to advise, suddenly saw anything, stared wide-eyed, a finger/refers of inside courtyard donkey. 见他不过来,落拓剑客摇摇头,正不知如何劝阻,突然看到了什么,眼睛瞪圆,一指院中的一头毛驴。 The boss is used to consign for shipment the good wine. 正是老板用来托运美酒的。 Donkey?” “驴?” Boss frown, looked, only take a quick look, unable to restrain emotions dumbfounded on the spot. 老板皱眉,看了过去,只看了一眼,情不自禁呆在原地 Sees only this and him is bound by a common destiny many years of donkey, is raising up the big ear, pastes on the academy's wall, listens respectfully carefully, as if drunk and stupefied, hits a loud nose once for a while, but also non-stop nodding , indicating the respect. 只见这头和他相依为命好多年的毛驴,正竖起高大的耳朵,贴在学院的墙壁上,仔细聆听,如痴如醉,时不时打个响鼻,还不停点头,表示尊敬。 „Does donkey listen?” “毛驴听讲?” The pupil shrinks. 瞳孔一缩。 Legend fierce Famed Master, can teach all comers without discrimination, no matter the person or the animal, can teach the correct knowledge, lets its obediently cultivation. 传说厉害的名师,可以有教无类,不管是人还是动物,都能传授正确的知识,让其乖乖修炼 However can achieve this realm, is very scarce, at least he lived outside Famed Master academy so many years, has not seen one. 不过能达到这种境界的,十分稀少,至少他在名师学院外面住了这么多年,都没见到过一位。 now/current new Principal succeeds to the throne, what did the donkey attend a lecture...... exactly/actually to speak unexpectedly? 现在院长继位,毛驴居然听课……到底讲了什么? In baffled/strange, is seeing is only the ordinary donkey, face upwards long cry, aura increases successively, strength is getting stronger and stronger. 正在奇怪,就见原本只是普通的毛驴,仰天长鸣,身上的气息节节攀升,力量越来越强。 kacha! kacha! 咔嚓咔嚓 realm breakthrough, from the former anything ordinary animal, will not turn into savage beast! 境界突破,从之前什么都不会的普通动物,变成了蛮兽 Wū! 嗷呜,嗷呜! breakthrough realm, the donkey like martial arts Great Master, the body has the powerful imposing manner, provocative looked towards this side. 突破境界,毛驴如同一位武道大师,身上带着强大的气势,挑衅的看了过来 As if these years, received oppression, a dynasty extrication! Must use the donkey hoof of ownself, resists the destiny unfair. 似乎这些年,受到的压迫,一朝解脱!要用自己的驴蹄,对抗命运的不公。 „Can donkey breakthrough...... your could it be that unable? Will not be inferior the donkey!” “毛驴都能突破……你难道不能?不会连驴都不如吧!” Down and out swordsman looked towards this side. 落拓剑客看了过来 Boss face turn white. 老板脸色一白 The donkey that he raises, is only the ordinary goods, does not have including savage beast bloodlines, only listened to the a little while class,...... in lecture of exactly/actually on breakthrough is fierce? 他养的这头毛驴,只是普通货色,连一点蛮兽血脉都没有,只听了一会课,就突破……里面讲的到底多厉害? Perhaps listens to a little while, really can resolve trapped in shackles...... 或许听一会,真能化解困在身上的桎梏…… Just wants to approach the courtyard wall, once more saw before inside courtyard, treats cockerel that butchers, suddenly jumps out of cage, face upwards to fly, the wing waves, like smiles the Nine Heavens phoenix arrogantly. 正想靠近院墙,再次看到院中之前待宰的公鸡,突然跳出笼子,仰天飞去,翅膀舞动,如同傲笑九天的凤凰。 An ordinary family/home chicken, listened to the a little while class, unexpectedly also turned into savage beast! 一只普通的家鸡,听了一会课,居然也变成蛮兽了! The fish in pig and bucket when butchers...... all one after another jumps, all becomes more powerful, at any time must escape from courtyard, flees the killed destiny...... 紧接着,待宰的猪、水桶里的鱼……全都纷纷跳起,一个个变得更加强大,随时都要逃出院子,逃离被杀的命运…… This, This......” 这、这……” The boss makes an effort to rub the eye. 老板使劲揉眼睛。 In courtyard this new Principal, what did exactly/actually speak? Let fellow who these soon turn into the food, is reborn? 院子里这位新院长,到底讲了什么?让这些快要变成菜肴的家伙,全都脱胎换骨? Cluck quack! 咕咕嘎嘎! Also without alleviating, is in chaotic situation on hearing surrounding one, many wild animal animals along the street, all progress by leaps and bounds, the strength increases, even small traders and peddlers of many attending a lecture, Spiritual is full, breakthrough beforehand limit. 还没缓解过来,就听到周围一阵鸡飞狗跳,沿街的诸多野兽动物,全都突飞猛进,实力大增,甚至不少听课的小商小贩,也精神饱满,突破了以前的局限。 Short a little while, the entire street, changes greatly, before was completely different. 短短一会,整个街道,就大变样,和以前完全不同了。 Quick...... I must attend a lecture......” “快……我也要听课……” Knows definitely is in this class reason, the boss does not dare to hesitate, the hurried post tight wall surface, the ear lies above, wants to listen, inside exactly/actually spoke anything. 知道肯定是里面这堂课的原因,老板再不敢犹豫,急忙贴紧墙面,耳朵趴在上面,想要听听,里面到底讲了些什么。 Listened to several, the look is blurred, fell into special concept unable to extricate oneself. 听了几句,眼神就迷离起来,陷入了特殊的意境之中无法自拔。 Bang! 轰隆! Has not known how long, stagnated dozens years of cultivation base, finally once more revolves, thundered, broke through the shackles. 不知过了多久,停滞几十年的修为,终于再次运转起来,一声轰鸣,冲破了枷锁。 Succeeded......” “成功了……” Seeing ownself can once more take up Long Sword, the boss body is excited, although does not know that who teaching exactly/actually is, unable to restrain emotions knelt, accept willingly. 看到自己能够再次拿起长剑,老板身体激动,虽然不知授课的到底是谁,还是情不自禁的跪了下来,心悦诚服 ...... …… Similar, happening in next to academy's all streets. 同样的一幕,发生在紧挨着学院的所有街道。 As long as attended a lecture, cultivation base achieves certain realm, benefitted most likely, even breakthrough shackles! 但凡听课的,修为达到一定境界的,十之八九都得到了好处,甚至突破桎梏! What are more is the ordinary animal, breakthrough became savage beast. 更多的是普通动物,突破成了蛮兽 In Imperial City. 皇城内。 An official historian of white hair, wields a brush the record...... 一个白头发的史官,挥毫记录…… Hongyuan Empire, the god undergoes clear, in the spring of 33. 鸿远帝国,神清历,33年春。 Master Zhang succeeds to the throne become Famed Master academy Principal, on the public class, spiritual Qi crashes, the smallpox disseminates, the Xuan Xuan Association Official member, breakthrough, other student breakthrough are all countless simultaneously. 张师继位成为名师学院院长,上公开课,灵气坠落,天花弥散,悬悬会正式会员,全都同时突破,其他学员突破不计其数。 In order to attend a lecture all savage beast and spirit beast, all paste above the Famed Master academy courtyard wall, suddenly, ten thousand beast spatial lanes, donkey howling dog cry...... 为了听课所有蛮兽灵兽,全都贴在名师学院院墙之上,一时间,万兽空巷,驴啸狗鸣……
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