LHP :: Volume #10

#901: Beats me heartily!

They are thinking a moment ago, only then the opportunities of three words, Master Zhang will say which on the one hand. 他们刚才都在想,只有三句话的机会,张师会说哪一方面。 Must say the demonstration ability, pill concocting and Medical Skill, refining and Demonic Sound ...... can attract everyone's attention, praiseworthy! 要说展示能力,无论是炼丹医术,还是炼器魔音……都能吸引所有人的注意,让人钦佩不已! Must say the demonstration meritorious service, retrieves the Wu Yangzi Great Master corpse, the refining method contributes ; to revive Bodhi Tree ; of Hongyuan Empire imperial family to tame Cloudy Mist Ridge all spirit beast and Saint Beast free of charge...... to shock everybody, compared with any Principal is not any less/weaker. 要说展示功勋,将吴阳子大师的尸身找回,炼器方法无偿贡献救活鸿远帝国皇室的菩提树驯服云雾岭的所有灵兽圣兽……全都惊世骇俗,比起任何一届院长丝毫不弱 even if/considered as imparts knowledge and educates people, several direct disciple students, although the strength is not high, but to understanding of cultivation base and martial skill, far surpass many 6-Star Famed Master, even by martial skill institute invitation for guest's seat Elder...... 就算教书育人,几位亲传学生,虽然实力不高,但对修为武技的理解,远超许多六星名师,甚至被武技院聘请为客座长老…… Which same exceptionally is outstanding, can cause the innumerable older generations...... to be possible these to say nothing completely, must punch the person directly...... 哪一样都异常出众,能引起无数先辈……可这些全部闭口不谈,直接要去揍人…… Big brother, we are Famed Master, is not the hooligan! 大哥,我们是名师,不是流氓! Under the stage all Famed Master all all wood, innumerable Elder clutched the beard, the chin blood flows, feels nothing. 台下所有名师全都一个个木了,无数长老更是将胡子揪了下来,下巴鲜血流淌,浑然不觉。 greet/have seen to show ownself, indulged in self-glorification, ; greet/have seen that kept flaunting to obtain the power, the high and low study, shamelessly sought gain, did not have no need/not using it extremely...... never had greet/have seen, after summoning the ancestor, must to their make a move. 见过为了展现自己,自卖自夸,不停标榜的见过为了得到权力,上下钻研,蝇营狗苟,无所不用其极的……可从来没见过,召唤先祖之后,要对他们动手的。 Such in the right and self-confident that the key added that the so noble...... Master Zhang, your could it be that really did not fear that many ancestors do die your flexure at the scene? 关键还说的如此理直气壮,如此浩然正气……张师,你难道真不怕诸多先祖当场把你挠死? even if/considered as does not want to be approved, does not want to work as this Principal, is insufficient to abandon something as beyond redemption like this. 就算不想获得认可,不想当这个院长,也不至于这样破罐子破摔吧。 body shake/sway, Zhao Bingxu has almost not fallen down from the stage. 身体一晃,赵丙戌差点没从高台上掉下去。 The Elder Mi and the rest also chin soon falls on the ground, the all bulge results in the complexion to be red, at any time must explode. 糜长老等人也下巴快要掉在地上,一个个胀得脸色通红,随时都要炸了。 Punches our?” “揍我们一顿?” The people feel dizzy, ancestor Mind Power on stage, the heart that also look at each other in shock, wants dead had. 众人发晕,台上的先祖意念,也面面相觑,想死的心都有了。 Can the become chief, they all experience this Assessment, similarly have assessed innumerable younger generation, greet/have seen to be approved, racks brains to prepare three words, never has greet/have seen, asks for it make a move. 成为一院之长,他们全都经历过这种考核,也同样考核过无数后辈,见过为了获得认可,绞尽脑汁准备三句话的,可从来没见过,一开口就要动手的。 You want insane Ah! 你这是要疯啊! The complexion is all cloudy, ancestor frowning: „Only the opportunities of three words, you must consider that good to say anything, do not talk irresponsibly!” 脸色全都阴沉下来,穆凯先祖眉毛一皱:“只有三句话的机会,你要考虑好要说些什么,不要信口开河!” I considered, made me punch your one!” “我考虑好了,就让我揍你们一顿吧!” Zhang Xuan shakes the head. 张悬摇了摇头。 body shake/sway, the in the blink of an eye time arrives at ancestor, palm turned, pressed. 身体一晃,一眨眼工夫来到穆凯先祖的跟前,手掌一翻,按了过去。 Bang! 轰隆! True Qi surges, sends out the powerful sonic boom, make a move, saw was effective, on considered as Half Saint, stood in presence/in front, can perhaps kill at the scene. 真气激荡,发出强大的音爆,才一出手,就看出了威力不凡,就算是半圣,站在面前,恐怕都能当场打死。 Real make a move Ah? “真动手啊? Master Zhang what are you up to?” 张师这是要干什么?” Ended, once make a move, wants certainly a crown huge disrespect charge, even if/considered as wants to approve, was impossible to achieve!” “完了,一旦动手,肯定要冠一个大不敬的罪名,就算想认可,也不可能做到了!” ...... …… Many Famed Master under stage, all whole face driven mad, Zhao Bingxu and Elder Mi and the rest The Heart twitching, at any time will not all be able to withstand to faint. 台下的诸多名师,一个个满脸抓狂,赵丙戌糜长老等人也全都心脏抽搐,随时都会承受不住晕过去。 To ancestor make a move, this is not simple does not think, when Principal issue, but can continue to mix in Famed Master academy! 对先祖动手,这已经不是简单的不想当院长的问题了,而是能不能继续在名师学院混下去! Even mixes in the Famed Master industry! 甚至在名师行业混下去! presumptuous!” 放肆!” Big courage!” “好大的胆子!” seeking death!” 找死!” ...... …… Sees his make a move, many Principal all shouts out, Ancestor-Master also cheek beats loudly, hurried retreat, palm held up to pat, Zhang Xuan body shake/sway, evaded the attack, turned around retreat. 见他动手,诸多院长全都放声大喝,穆凯祖师也面皮跳动,急忙后退,手掌举起拍了过去,张悬身体一晃,躲过攻击,转身后退 Ancestor-Master just wants to continue to pursue, suddenly expression changes, probably perceived anything, pupil contraction, shivering cannot help but. 穆凯祖师正想继续追击,突然神色一变,像是觉察到了什么,瞳孔收缩,不由自主的颤抖。 hū! 呼! Saw his understood, Zhang Xuan shows a faint smile, stopped. 见他明白过来,张悬微微一笑,停了下来。 However, he stops, other Principal have not stopped, all angry to/clashes, vigorous strength, the steel bar is the same, must make him tie down. 不过,他停下,其他院长并没有停止,全都怒气冲冲的冲来,一道道浑厚的力量,钢筋一样,要让他缠住。 Saw that he disrespects to School-founding Ancestor-Master, everyone moved the anger, must give this new Principal, lesson/teach a lesson. 看到他对开派祖师不敬,所有人都动了怒火,要给这位新的院长,一点教训 Stop!” “住手!” In steel bar strength, soon Zhang Xuan wraps, shouts out resounds, School-founding Ancestor-Master adore/admire Kai of speech. 就在钢筋般的力量,即将把张悬包裹住的时候,一个大喝响起,说话的正是开派祖师慕凯。 All Principal, hesitated for a while, stopped, all returns in same place waiting, several, flashing eyes looked towards this side. 所有院长,迟疑了一下,停了下来,一个个退回原地等待,其中几位,目光炯炯的看了过来 Master Mu, this new Principal, does not know the high and low, does not understand rules and regulations, dares to your make a move, to violate the formality, but also please let us handle!” 穆师,这个新院长,不识尊卑,不懂规矩,敢对你出手,已经违背了礼节,还请让我们处置!” Famed Master is always the heavy ritual, how does not handle to make one be convinced!” 名师是一向重礼,不处置如何让人心服!” Many Principal are filled with righteous indignation. 诸多院长义愤填膺。 When Principal so many years, never having the greet/have seen guts is so big. 院长这么多年,从来没见过胆这么大的。 presumptuous!” Sees people discuss spiritedly, the Ancestor-Master complexion sinks: We were only a passed away wisp of remnant soul, lesson/teach a lesson, when Acting-Principal, highly improper?” 放肆!”见众人议论纷纷,祖师穆凯脸色一沉:“我们只是已经故去的一缕残魂,教训代院长,成何体统?” Heard the heaviest formality Ancestor-Master to say unexpectedly like this, people all dumbfounded, very doubts looked. 听到最重礼节的穆凯祖师居然这样说,众人全都一呆,满是疑惑的看过来。 Seemingly...... a moment ago your manual also very happy Ah! 貌似……刚才你手动的也挺欢啊! Hasn't the rapidness that others dodge, gotten...... now/current also to be scandalous? 只是人家躲闪的快,没打上罢了……怎么现在又不成体统了? That now/current what to do?” Principal, cannot help, opens the mouth to say again. “那现在怎么办?”一位院长,再也忍不住,开口道。 What to do can also......” eyes stare, Ancestor-Master arm swinged, has the noble: Stands on the spot to make him hit......” “还能怎么办……”双眼一瞪,穆凯祖师大手一摆,带着浩然正气:“站在原地让他打……” putong! putong! putong! 噗通噗通噗通 Many Famed Master under stage, all under foot one soft, fell place! 台下的诸多名师,全都脚下一软,摔了一地! Station does on the spot make Master Zhang hit...... what trick? 在原地张师打……什么鬼 You are certain haven't you cracked a joke? 你确定你没有开玩笑? Many Principal consciousness, look at each other in shock, all, seen a ghost generally. 诸多院长意识,也面面相觑,一个个,见鬼了一般。 Especially second, third Principal, they have had very deep contact with Ancestor-Master, even his student and grand-disciple, fully realize the Ancestor-Master's manner. 尤其是第二任,第三任院长,他们都与穆凯祖师有过很深的交往,甚至还是他的学生和徒孙,深知祖师的为人。 Upright and never stooping to flattery, always looks at the formality very much heavily, this one new Principal, is so rash and unscrupulous, unexpectedly not pissed off, instead makes the people wait to take a beating...... 刚正不阿,一向把礼节看得很重,眼前这位院长,如此胆大妄为、肆无忌惮,居然不生气,反而让众人等着挨揍…… This, This was also too exaggerating. 这、这也太夸张了吧。 Ok, hurry up, outside we can remain are not long-time, other delay time!” Did not pay attention to surprised of people, Ancestor-Master arm swing the swayed. “好了,快点,我们能留在外面并不长久,别耽误时间了!”不理会众人的惊疑,穆凯祖师大手摆了摆。 Yes!” Seeing the Ancestor-Master whole face is disgruntled, many Principal, have to clench teeth, all walks up, on the face has the calm expression, looks to Zhang Xuan: Come, beats me heartily!” “是!”见祖师满脸不悦,诸多院长,只好咬了咬牙,一个个走上前来,脸上带着视死如归的表情,看向张悬:“来,尽情的殴打我吧!” Offended!” Nodding, Zhang Xuan were not many said, one step stepped forward forward, within the body True Qi like the dragon, covered everyone instantaneously! “得罪了!”点点头,张悬也不多说,向前一步跨出,体内真气如龙,瞬间将所有人笼罩在内! After the moment, True Qi diverges, retreat one step, Zhang Xuan arrives at the edge in stage, peaceful station on the spot, has not happened like anything is the same. 片刻后,真气散去,后退一步,张悬来到高台的边缘,安静的站在原地,如同什么事没发生过一样。 As for many Principal, then all face turn white, understood anything, once more looks probably to the young Principal of not far away, was full of the admiration. 至于诸多院长,则一个个脸色发白,像是明白过来什么,再次看向不远处的这位年轻院长,充满了敬佩。 Ok, the time are not much, now/current decided that to his approval!” “好了,时间不多了,现在决定,对他的认可!” Said: My first expressed the support, approving Master Zhang was Famed Master academy's Principal, had him, later academy can progress day by day inevitably, more walked is farther.” 穆凯道:“我第一个表示赞同,认可张师名师学院的院长,有他在,以后学院必然能蒸蒸日上,越走越远。” „The my Famed Master academy second Principal similar approval!” “我名师学院第二任院长同样认可!” My third Principal approves of!” “我第三任院长赞同!” My fourth Principal seconds the motion!” “我第四任院长附议!” I......” “我……” ...... …… My 102 nd Principal agrees with the viewpoints of above Principal!” “我第一百零二任院长同意上述所有院长的观点!” Principal forwards, sonorous voice, all not scruple approval Famed Master Zhang Xuan, without exception. 一个院长向前,声如洪钟,全都毫无迟疑的认可张悬名师,无一例外。 I have not misread, these Principal, were hit, unexpectedly approved Master Zhang?” “我没看错吧,这些院长,被打了一顿,居然都认可了张师?” My baffled/strange, has not mastered what is going on very much!” “我也很奇怪,没搞懂怎么回事!” „Does the following defy superiors is not huge disrespect? Shouldn't if it is previously this situation, be an approval does not have? How can like this?” “以下犯上不是大不敬吗?换做以前这种情况,不应该是一个认可都没有吗?怎么会这样?” I don't know, in any case happening in Master Zhang matter, very evil......” 我也不知道,反正发生在张师身上的事,都很邪性……” World many Famed Master, had felt that could not speak. 天下诸多名师,都已感觉说不出话了。 All previous more than 100 Principal, obtain the maximum jurisdiction, only then School-founding Ancestor-Master, this fellow instead is better off, many Famed Master Mind Power, devastated crazily, not only obtained the approval, is 100%...... 历代一百多位院长,得到最高权限的只有开派祖师,这家伙倒好,将诸多名师意念,疯狂蹂躏了一顿,非但得到了认可,还是百分之百…… How to obtain the maximum jurisdiction directly...... 怎直接得到了最高权限…… could it be that these Principal consciousness, is a bum, does not like of pleasant to hear, according to the ability selection talent, instead doesn't like taking a beating? 难道这些院长意识,都是贱骨头,不喜欢好听的,不根据能力选拔人才,反而喜欢挨揍? Since the complete approval, time also almost, we went back!” “既然全部认可,时间也差不多了,我们都回去吧!” Saw everyone saying that Ancestor-Master nods, turns the head to look to Zhang Xuan of not far away: Hopes after Master Zhang , the achievement is high, do not forget once is Hongyuan Famed Master academy Principal!” 见所有人都说完,穆凯祖师点了点头,转头看向不远处的张悬:“希望张师以后成就再高,都不要忘了曾经是鸿远名师学院院长!” Said hands clasped together politely: Said goodbye!” 说完一抱拳:“告辞!” The voice ended, many Principal forms are getting more and more pale, simultaneously vanishes in Heaven and Earth, should be transmitted by array. 话音结束,诸多院长的身影越来越淡,同时消失在天地之间,应该是被阵法传送走了。 ......” “呼……” Sees them to leave, moreover approves to ownself completely, Zhang Xuan cannot help aspirates! 见他们离开,而且对自己全部认可,张悬忍不住吐了口气! Knows that had the jurisdiction to read many books, cannot help moved the thought of attaining the maximum jurisdiction. 知道拥有权限可以看更多书籍,忍不住动了拿到最高权限的念头。 Thinks is very long, knows the solely rely/based on three words, want to make 80% Principal approve ownself, is simply is impossible to complete. 想了很久,知道单凭三句话,就想让百分之八十的院长认可自己,是根本不可能完成的。 Especially his strength is not outstanding, the Famed Master rank is also insufficient. 尤其他的实力不出众,名师级别也不够。 Only if...... has the reason that they have to approve. 除非……有他们不得不认可的理由。 To be honest, others wanted to find this reason to be very difficult, but he...... also really had! 说实话,别人想要找到这种理由很难,但他……还真有! Heavens' Acknowledged Famed Master! 天认名师 Famed Master that even Heaven approves, who dares to deny? 老天都认可的名师,谁敢否认? This is the public area, day, no matter what Famed Master's identity exposure, inevitably by innumerably slaughtering and danger. But wants to demonstrate looked alone to these people, cannot achieve by his strength. 只是,这是公共场合,将天任名师的身份泄露出去,必然遭到无数的杀戮和危险。可想单独展示给这几个人看,凭借他的实力又做不到。 But, has to offer this bad plan...... to fight with the opposite party, covers it with True Qi, then releases the Heavens' Acknowledged Famed Master's power and influence. 无奈之下,只好出此下策……与对方战斗,用真气将其笼罩,然后再释放出天认名师的威势。 Although troubled, but under the disturbance of day true understanding air/Qi, the even if/considered as strength compared with he over a hundred times of people, wants to investigate, is hard detect. 虽然麻烦了一些,但是天道真气的干扰下,就算实力比他强上百倍的人,想去探查,也难以察觉 Successfully demonstrated the status...... many Principal that also dare to say half a word talk rubbish again! 成功展示了身份……诸多院长那还再敢多说半句废话 Has also resulted in Heaven again good good? 再牛还牛得过老天 Heavens' Acknowledged Famed Master, is the Master Kong’s treatment! 天认名师,可是孔师的待遇! Since therefore appear, Zhang Xuan also became Famed Master academy, the founding, only one by one/each position by all Principal approval Famed Master! 于是才出现了刚才的一幕,张悬也成了名师学院,建校以来,唯一一位被所有院长认可的名师 This matter cannot proclaim in Kou, others are also perplexed, once more looks to Zhang Xuan, thought that he is even more mystical. 这件事不能宣之于口,其他人又不明所以,再次看向张悬,觉得他愈发神秘。 Before also had to be wary of many students and Elder, at this moment, all could not speak. 之前还有心存疑虑的诸多学员、长老,此刻,也全都说不出话来。 All Principal approved, their also what qualifications question? 所有院长都认可了,他们还什么资格质疑? Good, since Master Zhang obtains the approvals of all Principal, then conducts next, condenses Principal's Token!” “好,既然张师已经得到了所有院长的认可,那么就进行下一项,凝聚院长令!” Responded from the shock, Zhao Bingxu looks around, with hoarse sound/voice, said. 从震惊中反应过来,赵丙戌环顾一周,用沙哑的声音,道。 But, before that, but also invited Principal Zhang, taught a public class!” “不过,在此之前,还请张院长,讲上一堂公开课!”
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