LHP :: Volume #9

#900: Punching your one can be good?

Each Acting-Principal leave/stay behind Mind Power, even if/considered as previous generation's old Principal, the accident/surprise is missing, is still missing, but the thing of this spreading later generation, should also check in academy! 每一代院长留下意念,就算上一代的老院长,意外失踪,至今下落不明,可这种流传后世的东西,应该也会寄存在学院吧! How not to have? 怎么会没有? Old Principal...... the meritorious service is insufficient, has not gone with enough time Principal tomb, Was missing. Naturally does not have leave/stay behind Mind Power......” “老院长……功勋不够,还没来得及去【院长陵】,就失踪了。自然也没留下意念……” Saw his doubts, Zhao Bingxu voice transmission said. 看出了他的疑惑,赵丙戌传音道。 Meritorious service?” Zhang Xuan stares. “功勋?”张悬一愣。 Each Famed Master, according to the Famed Master Hall's record, can form the meritorious service......, but is certain quota, can open the Principal tomb!” “每一位名师,根据名师堂的记录,都能形成功勋……而只有达到一定额度,才能开启院长陵!” Matter that to Human Race beneficial, makes, the meritorious service is bigger! Teaching, making more students progressive, is meritorious ; kill/execute Foreign Spirit Race, eliminates hidden damage, is meritorious ; creates new cultivation technique and martial skill, teaches in people, expands Human Race, is the meritorious service......” “对人族有益的事,做出越多,功勋就越大!授课,让更多学生进步,是功勋斩杀异灵族人,消除隐患,是功勋创出新的功法武技,传授于人,壮大人族,也是功勋……” Sees him not to understand, Zhao Bingxu smiles: Principal regains Cloudy Mist Ridge many spirit beast and Saint Beast, avoid the catastrophe, in fact is the big meritorious service, did not say other lists, this enough opened the Principal tomb!” 见他不理解,赵丙戌笑了笑:“院长收复云雾岭的诸多灵兽圣兽,免于大灾难,实际上就是大功勋,不说其他单,这一条就足够开启院长陵了!” Cloudy Mist Ridge is Famed Master academy's hidden damage, experienced more than 100 Principal, has not completely solved. this one not only resolve, did not keep any hidden damage, the meritorious service is huge, with opening school Ancestor-Master compares, but also slightly some were inferior, but can also the splendid eternity, leave a good name for hundreds of generations absolutely. 云雾岭一直是名师学院的隐患,经历了一百多位院长,都没有彻底解决。眼前这位不但化解,还不留任何隐患,功勋巨大,和开校祖师比,还略有不如,但也绝对可以彪炳千古,流芳百世了。 „Was my meritorious service enough?” Zhang Xuan stayed, a face is wooden. “我的功勋足够了?”张悬呆了呆,一脸木然。 Yeah! Zhao Bingxu is smiling bitterly the nod. 是啊!赵丙戌苦笑着点头。 Other Principal, to earn the meritorious service, bears the burden of responsibility, cautious and conscientious, made various things that helped the person handle, outcome/in the end cannot earn many. 别的院长,为了赚取功勋,任劳任怨,兢兢业业,做出各种有益于人做的事情,结果都赚取不了多少。 But this one, it is estimated that he undergoes in Acting-Principal, one by one/each does not only know that the meritorious service is anything, this thing enough. 眼前这位,估计他是历代院长中,唯一一个不知道功勋是啥,这玩意就够了的。 This matter, if lets all previous these Principal know, does not know can spit blood directly. 这件事,如果让历代那些院长知道,不知会不会直接吐血。 The gap really between person and person was too big. 人和人之间的差距实在太大了。 Does not know in the opposite party heart to think, Zhang Xuan continues to ask: That Principal tomb is anything......” 不知道对方心中所想,张悬继续问道:“那院长陵是什么……” „The Principal tomb, is the warm and nourish Principal Mind Power place, after dying the corpse also to bury, in other words, will be all previous Famed Master academy Principal, the resting place.” 院长陵,是温养院长意念的地方,死后的尸身也会埋藏其中,也就是说,是历代名师学院院长,安息的地方。” Is the Principal tomb......” “就是院长墓地……” Zhang Xuan nods. 张悬点了点头。 Listens to the tone of opposite party, on the considered as Principal tomb, is not any Principal can go, but also needs the meritorious service. 听对方的口气,就算是院长墓地,也不是任何一个院长都可以进去的,还需要功勋。 This tomb should have anything to be special......” “这个墓地应该有什么特殊吧……” Zhang Xuan doubts looks. 张悬疑惑的看过来。 Ordinary tomb words, so long as become Principal, has the qualifications to go, but this also has requirement, simplicity that has not imagined inevitably. 只是个普通墓地的话,只要成为院长,就有资格进去,而这个还有要求,必然没想象的那么简单。 The words saying half, sees many Principal Mind Power of not far away, neat looks. 话才说了一半,就见不远处的诸多院长意念,齐刷刷的看过来。 „Are you this Principal?” Dignified sound/voice made a sound. “你是这届的院长?”一个威严的声音响了起来。 Speech academy's School-founding Famed Master . 说话的正是学院的开派名师,穆凯。 In his look, not, because Zhang Xuan's reveals the contempt young the ray, instead cultured and refined, has the appreciation flavor. 他的眼神中,并没有因为张悬的年龄小而露出轻视的光芒,反而温文尔雅,带着赞赏的味道。 Can be so young, obtains many student and Elder approvals, it seems like must have the forte.” “能如此年轻,就得到诸多学员和长老的认可,看来必有过人之处。” Founds a Famed Master academy person, the vision naturally is not the average person can compare. 开创一个名师学院人,眼光自然不是普通人可以比拟的。 Others only saw Zhang Xuan is young, cannot withstand the heavy responsibility, but this School-founding Ancestor-Master, actually saw his potential. 别人只看到了张悬年纪小,不堪重任,但这位开派祖师,却看出了他的潜力。 So young, can make many teachers and students admire, conducts to invite the ancestor ceremony, is how is this possible simple? 如此年轻,就能让诸多师生佩服,进行请先祖仪式,怎么可能简单? Even if there is array to maintain, we can have now/current here time is still limited, introduced ownself with three words, demonstrated that the strong point and ability, three...... we will act according to the content that you said from now on, the evaluation approval or not.” “即便有阵法维持,我们能出现在这里的时间也有限,用三句话来介绍自己,展示强项和能力,三句过后……我们根据你所说的内容,评定认可与否。” In eyes has the smile , to continue to say. 穆凯眼中带着微笑,继续道。 Three words?” Zhang Xuan stares. “三句话?”张悬一愣。 Also thinks that will be the same with Master Conferring Palace, worships on bended knees, is approved, now/current looks like, is not simple. 还以为会和封师殿一样,进行跪拜,获得认可,现在看来,并没那么简单。 Was lets speak, in fact was more difficult. 是让说话了,实际上却更难。 On behalf of many older generations to his test, cannot talk irresponsibly absolutely. 代表了诸多先辈对他的考验,绝对不能信口开河。 Is just thinking how to reply, heard Zhao Bingxu voice transmission to make a sound. 正想着如何回答,就听到赵丙戌传音响了起来。 Principal, must consider how to say. Obtains more many of ancestor Mind Power approval, after become Principal, the had jurisdiction is also bigger.” 院长,一定要考虑好,如何说。得到先祖意念认可的越多,成为院长后,拥有的权限也就越大。” Jurisdiction?” “权限?” Un, although the some/somewhat place, is unable to enter on considered as Principal and control, must have enough jurisdiction.” “嗯,虽然有些地方,就算是院长也无法进入的和掌控的,必须有足够的权限。” Oh! Zhang Xuan nods, understood. 哦!张悬点了点头,明白过来 Principal is only many teachers and students recommends, temporarily manages all matters concerned Famed Master, does not turn into the academy's master, naturally must have the so-called jurisdiction. 院长只是诸多师生推举出来,暂时管理一切事宜的名师,并非变成了学院的主人,自然要有所谓的权限。 The jurisdiction is bigger, is also stronger to the academy's control. 权限越大,对学院的掌控也就越强。 Lets the ancestor approval of 20%, has the qualifications to succeed Principal, obtains the academy's initial jurisdiction. Percent forty, obtain the Middle Level jurisdiction. 60 th, the High Level jurisdiction, over 80%, obtain the maximum jurisdiction, can transfer academy's all great array, watches the most secret books, even does not need the meritorious service, can come and go out the Principal tomb freely.” “让百分之二十的先祖认可,就有资格继任院长,获得学院的初始权限。百分之四十,获得中级权限。六十,高级权限,超过百分之八十,则得到最高权限,可以调动学院的所有大阵,观看最隐秘的书籍,甚至不需要功勋,都可以自由出入院长陵。” Watches the most secret books?” The Zhang Xuan eye was bright. “观看最隐秘的书籍?”张悬眼睛亮了。 Reason that promise/consent works as this Principal, to read, listens to the tone of opposite party, set the jurisdiction, without achieving, definitely the some/somewhat book cannot see. 之所以答应当这个院长的,就是为了看书,听对方的口气,设置了权限,只要没达到,肯定还是有些书是看不到的。 Such being the case, why doesn't strive for the maximum jurisdiction? 既然如此,为何不争取最高权限? However, wants to obtain this, must in three words, attract all Principal Mind Power, making the opposite party acknowledge ownself. 不过,想得到这个,必须在三句话内,吸引所有的院长意念,让对方承认自己 This has not imagined easy. 这并没想象中的容易。 Although that School-founding Ancestor-Master, sees her age, praises, but not all older generations, think like this. 虽然那位开派祖师穆凯,看到她的年龄,赞扬有加,但并非所有先辈,都是这样想的。 After all his age and cultivation base, in the Famed Master rank, seem like not considered as to lose face/show off , compared with others, but also is much worse. 毕竟他的年龄、修为,名师级别上,看起来都不算出彩,和其他人比,还差得多。 In three words lets its new face, difficult! 三句话内就让其改观,难! Beforehand old did Principal, how many approvals obtain 0%?” cannot help asked. “之前的老院长,得到了百分之多少的认可?”忍不住问道。 Old Principal succeeds to the throne, is 6-Star Famed Master peak, just reached the standard, only obtained the 20% two approvals, reluctantly pass through!” “老院长继位的时候,是六星名师巅峰,刚刚达到标准,只得到了百分之二十二的认可,勉强通过!” Zhao Bingxu voice transmission comes. 赵丙戌传音过来。 Undergoes Acting-Principal to obtain the initial jurisdiction, is quite easy, Middle Level was a little difficult. Looks over the history, more than 100 Principal obtain this jurisdiction, not over 30! Obtains not over ten of High Level jurisdiction. Obtains the maximum jurisdiction, possibly also only then an initial School-founding Ancestor-Master person!” “历代院长获得初始权限,比较容易,中级就有点难了。纵观历史,一百多个院长得到这种权限的,不超过30位!得到高级权限的不超过十位。获得最高权限的,可能也只有当初的开派祖师一人!” Only has one person?” Zhang Xuan is flabbergasted. “只有一人?”张悬咋舌。 It seems like imagination is more complex. 看来比想象的还要复杂。 To make more than 100 make Principal expert, complete approval, since deep in one's heart praises, is very indeed difficult. 想让一百多个曾经做过院长强者,全部认可,从内心深处赞扬,的确很难。 Perhaps the will of the people such as the surface, perfect in your eye, in others eyes, most loathes. 人心如面,你眼中的完美,或许在别人眼中,是最厌恶的。 On seem like some/somewhat Famed Master proficient more than ten types of Auxiliary Specialisations, moreover each one achieved very deep realm, according to reason, should obtain the respect and worships of many. 好像有些名师精通十几样辅修,而且个个都达到了很深的境界,按照道理,应该会得到很多人的尊敬和崇拜。 But also many people believe, Famed Master should put the thoughts on imparting knowledge and educating people, Auxiliary Specialisations are more, explained that uses the thoughts in education are less, is not honourable. 但也有很多人认为,名师应该多花心思在教书育人上,辅修越多,说明用在教育上的心思越少,不值得尊敬。 Yeah! is approved, the Principal quantity are smaller is easier, experienced more than 100 Principal to now/current, wants to obtain a higher jurisdiction, was getting more and more difficult!” Zhao Bingxu continues to say. 是啊!获得认可,院长的数量越少越容易,到现在经历了一百多位院长,想要获得更高权限,就越来越难了!”赵丙戌继续道。 To obtain the 1-2 individual approval, is quite easy, so long as displays enough outstandingly, can achieve, but wants to let more than 100 individuals, simultaneously has the favorable impression, that was difficult. 想得到一两个人的认可,还是比较容易的,只要表现得足够优秀,就可以做到,可想让一百多个人,同时产生好感,那就难了。 Therefore the choices of three words are important. 所以三句话的选择至关重要。 What should say? 该说些什么? Zhang Xuan ponder. 张悬沉思。 ...... …… Many Famed Master under stage, after hearing ancestor's request, realizes the difficulty, all looks to the stage, in the eye reveals the anxious color. 台下的诸多名师,听到穆凯先祖的要求后,也意识到难度,一个个看向高台,眼中露出焦急之色。 You thought that what Master Zhang will say?” Student cannot help looks to nearby good friend. “你觉得张师会说些什么?”一位学员忍不住看向旁边的好友。 Master Zhang great talent, must say anything, but also really cannot guess, but by his ability, making many Older Generation's Approval should not be the difficult matter!” His good friend, is Zhang Xuan's frantic fans, is fully-confident about new Principal. 张师大才,要说什么,还真猜不出来,不过以他的能力,让诸多先辈认可应该不是什么难事吧!”他这个好友,是张悬的狂热粉丝,对新院长信心百倍。 Perhaps without is so easy, in the past startled certainly colorful Mo Yan qing Principal, it is said also only lets 71% Mind Power approvals, the Master Zhang's talent, although not weaker than he, but has not exposed after all completely, if gives again dozens years, could relaxed surpass, but now/current I feared, without is so easy!” Nearby about the Way of Teacher that institute history knows very much. “恐怕没那么容易,当年惊才绝艳的莫言青院长,据说也只让百分之七十一的意念认可,张师的天赋虽然不弱于他,可毕竟没有完全展露出来,如果再给个几十年,或许可以轻松超越,但现在我怕,没那么容易!”旁边一位对院史很了解的名师道 Pouring is also, is not definitely easy, I heard that beforehand old Principal on inviting ancestor link, the result is not high, not over 20% five.” Another student said. “倒也是,肯定是没那么容易,我听说之前的老院长在请先祖这一个环节上,成绩就不高,都不超过百分之二十五。”又一位学员道。 Old Principal can tame Purple Sun Beast, more successful breakthrough 7-Star Famed Master's realm, fully explained the talent and ability. 院长能够驯服紫阳兽,更成功突破七星名师的境界,足以说明天赋和能力。 This expert, only obtained the insufficient 20% five approvals, indicates this matter big of difficulty. 这种强者,也只得到了不足百分之二十五的认可,足见这件事的难度之大。 „To be approved, involves many aspects, the strength, the eye reason and luck are indispensable, three words are very difficult to demonstrate an ability of person, looks at Master Zhang, how handle! Good that said that can obtain the unexpected harvest, is not good, it is estimated that also passes an examination reluctantly!” “想得到认可,牵扯诸多方面,实力、眼缘、运气缺一不可,三句话很难展示一个人的能力,就看张师,怎么处理了!说的好,能得到意想不到的收获,不好,估计也就勉强及格罢了!” Elder heard several people of dialogues to shake the head, suddenly pointed forward: Looked quickly, the Master Zhang preparation said!” 一位长老听到了几人的对话摇了摇头,突然向前一指:“快看,张师准备说了!” The people look neatly to the stage, really sees Zhang Xuan to raise the head, look bright looks to at present, more than 100 older generation Famed Master's Mind Power! 众人齐刷刷向高台看去,果然看到张悬抬起头来,眼神炯炯的看向眼前,一百多位先辈名师的意念 With Zhao Bingxu voice transmission, many Famed Master discussed, seeming like the time is long, in fact ten breath. 赵丙戌传音,诸多名师议论,看起来时间长,实际上不过十来个呼吸罢了。 Saw new Principal to make the decision quickly, must say anything, everyone turned very quiet, in the cannot help heart curious. 见新院长这么快就做好了决定,要说什么,所有人都屏住呼吸,忍不住心中好奇。 Zhao Bingxu is also stroking the beard, looked towards this side. 赵丙戌也捋着胡须,看了过来 Should say said that he thinks once more to have a look, how this Master Zhang creates the miracle, impressive. 该说的都说了,他想再次看看,这位张师如何创造奇迹,让人刮目相看。 I called Zhang Xuan!” “我叫张悬!” Zhang Xuan smiles, first conducted self introduction. 张悬笑了笑,先进行了自我介绍。 Listened to this saying, many Principal Mind Power, nod. 听了这话,诸多院长意念,同时点了点头。 Although wasted one, expressed to their respect, indicated ownself status, gauge medium-range, did not have slight youngster successful insolent. 虽然浪费了一句,却表示对他们的尊重,也表明了自己的身份,中规中距,没有丝毫少年得志的张狂。 Demonstrated incomparable self-confidence, not slightly anxious, it seems like that this young Principal, is not simple! 更显示了无比的自信,没有丝毫焦虑,看来这个年轻的院长,不简单! In many Principal Mind Power, to his first few words performance very satisfied time, sees opposite youth, some/somewhat awkward scratching the head, very looks embarrassed. 就在诸多院长意念,对他第一句话的表现还是很满意的时候,就见对面的青年,有些尴尬的挠了挠头,满是不好意思看过来。 That......, since you are Famed Master academy's undergo Acting-Principal, should the heart be broad, elegant and graceful...... discussed with you, making me punch your, but was good?” “那个……既然你们都是名师学院的代院长,应该都心胸宽阔,雍容大度……跟你们商量一下,让我揍你们一顿,可好?” Punches?” “揍一顿?” Is raising up the ear, wants to listen to him to say many Famed Master Elder of what content, all dumbfounded. 正竖起耳朵,想听他能说什么内容的诸多名师长老,全都一呆
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