LHP :: Volume #9

#899: Invited the ancestor

„It is not right! You notice, they a moment ago said did not congratulate Master Zhang become Principal, but congratulated the master......” “不对!你们有没有注意到,刚才它们说的并不是恭贺张师成为院长,而是恭贺主人……” After long-term complete silence, does not know that who shouted. 很长时间的鸦雀无声之后,不知谁喊了出来。 Beforehand shock really was too big, responded until now/current. 之前的震惊实在太大了,直到现在才反应过来。 What said to Ah! congratulates the master!” “对啊!说的是恭贺主人!” Saint Beast said the master, only has a possibility...... beast pet!” 圣兽说主人,只有一种可能……兽宠!” You said, Master Zhang...... the Cloudy Mist Ridge King will tame? They then move the den, treats as the congratulatory gift?” “你们是说,张师将……云雾岭的王者都驯服了?它们这才将老巢都搬过来,当做贺礼?” A stone arouses thousand overlapping waves, entire Famed Master academy all in an uproar! 一石激起千层浪,整个名师学院全都哗然! Can the become Famed Master academy's student, no be the fool, in the blink of an eye, on understood. 成为名师学院的学员,没有一个是傻子,一眨眼功夫,就明白过来 Immediately, all seems like seen a ghost same looks that expression to the stage is indifferent, only then 20 years old youth, thought that the brain soon exploded. 随即,一个个像是见鬼一样的看向高台上那个神色淡然,只有二十来岁青年,都觉得脑子快要炸了。 Especially Beast Tamer academy's many students, all very driven mad. 尤其是驯兽师学院的诸多学员,全都满是抓狂 They tame spirit beast, must spend several years at least, ahead of time prepares various treasures and good food, gives what is desired, puts down the dignity to flatter, just like asking grandfather, considers the paternal grandmother...... 他们驯服一头灵兽,最少要花费数年,提前准备各种宝物、美食,投其所好,放下尊严巴结,宛如求爷爷,告奶奶…… On the stage this instead is better off, unconsciously tamed Purple Sun Beast, but also tamed the Cloudy Mist Ridge King...... 台上这位倒好,不知不觉驯服了紫阳兽,还将云雾岭的王者都驯服了…… Dares again exaggeratingly? 敢不敢再夸张点? In dumbstruck, hears the sky and ground several tens of thousands spirit beast, simultaneously prostrates oneself in the place, all looks to youth on stage, the neat roar makes noise. 正在发懵,就听到天空、地上的数万灵兽,同时拜倒在地,一个个看向台上的青年,齐刷刷吼出声来。 Roar roar roar roar roar roar......” “吼吼吼吼吼吼……” Is Ancient Beast Language!” In the crowd old Beast Tamer said. “是上古兽语!”人群中一个年长的驯兽师道。 Ancient Beast Language? what meaning of saying?” The surrounding person quickly asked. 上古兽语?说的什么意思?”周围的人急忙问道。 proficient Ancient Beast Language are not many, on considered as Famed Master academy's many Famed Master, is not everyone understands. 精通上古兽语的不多,就算是名师学院的诸多名师,也不是所有人都懂的。 I can only understand part simply......” “我只能听懂一部分简单的……” This old Beast Tamer hesitated for a while: seem like was saying...... congratulated the master, become Famed Master academy Principal......” 这个年长的驯兽师迟疑了一下:“好像是在说……恭贺主人,成为名师学院院长……” Master? These spirit beast...... will not be tamed by Master Zhang, become his beast pet?” “主人?不会这些灵兽……也被张师驯服,成为他的兽宠了吧?” seem like really......” 好像是真的……” Tames the Cloudy Mist Ridge King, tamed others all spirit beast while convenient?” “驯服云雾岭王者,顺便将人家所有灵兽都驯服了?” Guildmaster, Oh, no, Principal wherever it goes, simply infertile......” 会长,,不,院长所到之处,简直寸草不生啊……” People once more thought that the eyelid turns randomly. 众人再次觉得眼皮乱翻。 Just said that but also dares more exaggerating not, saw this...... 刚说完,还敢再夸张一些不,就看到这一幕…… Principal, You are certain you are really only 4-Star Famed Master, isn't Master Kong disguise? 院长,你确定你真的只是个四星名师,不是孔师伪装的? Even even if/considered as Master Kong, has not heard, young time, tamed tens of thousands spirit beast and Saint Beast. 甚至就算孔师,也没听说过,年轻的时候,一口气驯服了几万头灵兽圣兽吧。 once more looks to youth of stage, probably saw freak. 再次看向高台的青年,像是看到了怪物 It seems like so-called negotiations, are Principal go personally, simply is not that we imagine, pays very big price, swallowing an insult, but was...... carries others old nest.” “看来所谓的谈判,是院长亲自去的,根本不是我们所想象的那种,付出很大代价,忍气吞声,而是……将人家老窝端了。” Student who Beast Taming academy many participate in the fight , when first responded. 驯兽学院诸多参加战斗的学员,一位当先反应过来。 Yeah! runs to tame directly, ten king, all spirit beast, are no exception...... is capable of this also serving a need to discuss that anything sentences!” 是啊!跑过去直接驯服,十大王者,所有灵兽,无一幸免……有这种能力还用得着谈什么判!” funny, we have also questioned! No wonder Elder Zhao said after a moment ago, no need to worry Cloudy Mist Ridge beast tide. All spirit beast beasts turned into beast pet, does how is this possible have the beast tide again?” 可笑,我们还一直质疑!难怪刚才赵长老说以后再不用担心云雾岭的兽潮。所有灵兽兽都变成了兽宠了,怎么可能再发生兽潮?” Famed Master academy establishes Cloudy Mist Ridge that for over ten thousand years are unable to solve, Master Zhang has not succeeded to the throne, solved ahead of time, trading to be me is ten Great Elder, does not elect him to make Principal, whom elects?” 名师学院建立上万年来都无法解决的云雾岭,张师还没继位,就提前解决了,换做我是十大长老,不选他做院长,选谁?” After shock, is the forced smile. 震惊过后,全是苦笑。 Before heard with the news of Cloudy Mist Ridge negotiations, all thought that definitely made the matter that anything lost authority Ruyuan. 之前听到和云雾岭谈判的消息,一个个都觉得肯定是做出了什么丧权辱院的事情。 now/current looks like very not, but also exhales for Human Race greatly. 现在看来非常不是,还替人族大大出了一口气。 Once the news made known to others, will definitely let entire Azure Origin Titled Empire, shocks. 消息一旦传出去,肯定会让整个青源封号帝国,都为之震惊。 All tamed them......” “将它们全都驯服了……” Looks at the sky, as well as periphery many spirit beast, vermilion Chenqing eye socket was red. 看着天空,以及周围的诸多灵兽,朱晨青眼眶都红了。 He biggest goal, is to revenge for the family member, but now/current all spirit beast pledge allegiance to thoroughly, was equal to that the big enmity must report! 他最大的目标,是替家人报仇,而现在所有灵兽都彻底归顺,等于大仇已然得报! Principal, thanks!” hands clasped together politely, kneels down on the ground, the meaning of respect, from the sincerity, without the least bit is false. 院长,谢谢!”一抱拳,跪倒在地,崇敬之意,发自真心,没有半点虚假。 Ok, got down!” “好了,都下去吧!” Accepts many congratulatory gifts, Zhang Xuan rubs the forehead. 收下诸多贺礼,张悬揉揉眉心。 spirit beast and Saint Beast do this, he does not know beforehand completely! 灵兽圣兽搞出这一出,他事先是完全不知道的! If knows, has definitely advised, how is this possible allow they so deliberately create trouble. 要是知道的话,肯定早就劝阻了,怎么可能任由它们这般胡闹。 Although does this to his long face, may be filled with depressed. 虽然这样做是为了给他长脸,可还是满心郁闷。 The wealth does not expose one's valuables, you give me to be good this thing quietly, to everyone's delight and satisfaction, regards the congratulatory gift to deliver, the entire academy's people knew, wants to remain silent to get rich, is impossible. 财不露白,你把这个东西悄悄给我多好,皆大欢喜,当成贺礼送过来,整个学院的人都知道了,想要闷声发大财,已然不可能。 Yes!” The scarlet flame lion nods, bringing many spirit beast and Saint Beast to draw back slowly. “是!”赤炎狮点了点头,带着诸多灵兽圣兽缓缓退了下去。 Sees all over the sky spirit beast Saint Beast everywhere, everything clear and in good order, strictly according to the order carries out, all Famed Master look, all is filled with admire. 看到满天满地的灵兽圣兽,井然有序,严格按照命令执行,所有名师对望,一个个满心佩服。 Has this Principal, what worried that academy does not promote! 有此院长,何愁学院不振兴! Ok, if everyone does not have other questions again, we conduct next to worship the ancestor!” “好了,如果大家再没有其他的疑问,我们就进行下一项祭拜先祖!” Sees the attitude of people to turn into the worship from the beforehand question, Zhao Bingxu smiles, said. 见众人的态度从之前的质疑变成崇拜,赵丙戌笑了笑,道。 I and others acknowledged that Master Zhang is Principal, is unquestioned!” People neat say/way. “我等承认张师院长,再无疑问!”众人齐刷刷道。 On the stage this Principal Zhang, regardless of character, teacher's ethics, education, heart and understanding of cultivation, is impregnable, making one admire, inquires also to bring contempt upon oneself, might as well to give up on this. 台上这位张院长,无论人品、师德、教育、心胸、对修炼的理解,都无懈可击,令人敬佩,提问下去也是自取其辱,还不如就此作罢 Good, invited the ancestor!” Zhao Bingxu nods, clearly said. “那好,请先祖!”赵丙戌点头,朗声道 Principal succeeds to the throne, invites the ancestor, is Famed Master is the academy's convention and inheritance. 院长继位,请先祖,是名师学院的惯例和传承。 The goal is to obtain, the approvals of Famed Master academy beforehand many Principal, sound with the Master Conferring Palace effect, some/somewhat is similar, but in fact not so. 目的是得到,名师学院之前诸多院长的认可,听起来和封师殿的效果,有些相似,而实际上不然。 Master Conferring Palace worships on bended knees to Famed Master Hall many outstanding ancestors, approved more many, the destined later achievement is higher. 封师殿名师堂诸多杰出先祖跪拜,得到认可的越多,注定以后的成就越高。 Invited the ancestor is, undergoes Mind Power that Acting-Principal remnant leave/stay behind came, conducted the approval choice, was realized by these Principal, are been more by the number of times that they approved, is also bigger in the jurisdiction that academy obtained, the acquired advantage was also bigger. 请先祖则是,历代院长留下来的意念,进行认可挑选,被这些院长意识,被他们认可的次数越多,在学院得到的权限也就越大,获得的好处也就越大。 Famed Master academy is not so simple, involves in -depth thing that in the surface sees, on considered as Zhao Bingxu Elder this status, does not have the qualifications to find out by secret inquiry. 名师学院并非表面上看到的那么简单,牵扯到更深层的东西,就算是赵丙戌长老这种身份,也没有资格探知的。 Bang! 轰隆! With the Zhao Bingxu words, the sky is dark immediately, stage all around huge great array revolves slowly, the surroundings that shines upon flashes on and off erratically, covers like giant dark clouds. 伴随着赵丙戌的话语,天空立刻暗了起来,高台四周一个巨大的大阵缓缓运转,映照的周围明灭不定,如同一朵巨大的阴云笼罩下来。 „Is this what is going on?” Many students never have greet/have seen this scene, all is surprised. “这是怎么回事?”很多学员从来没见过这种场景,一个个惊疑不定。 Did not say that invited the ancestor? How suddenly, day Yin? 不是说请先祖吗?怎么突然间,天阴了下来? It seems like you have not to know that previous Principal succeeds to the throne, I just also, am this scene!” “看来你们有所不知了,上次院长继位,我刚好也在,就是这种场面!” Elder stroked the beard, explained: So-called ancestor, in fact is many Principal keeps Mind Power in academy, is the soul and so on, is unable to move under the sunlight, only then starts array, camouflages Sun, invited it only then.” 一个长老捋了捋胡须,解释道:“所谓的先祖,实际上是诸多院长留在学院内的意念,属于魂魄之类,无法在阳光下活动,只有启动阵法,将太阳遮蔽,方可将其请来。” Soul? Is could it be that Soul Shaman?” A student cannot endure the curiosity in heart, cannot help asks. “魂魄?难道巫魂?”一个学员耐不住心中的好奇,忍不住问道。 Soul Shaman? how is this possible, the technique of Soul Shaman, to maintain a livelihood, person seize the body, even refines Soulless Metal Statue the live person, miserable no one said, my Famed Master displaying strength and discipline, the overwhelming atmosphere, how is this possible uses their methods!” On this Elder face revealed the color of disdaining. 巫魂这怎么可能,巫魂之术,为了活命,将人夺舍,甚至将活人炼制成无魂金人,惨无人道,我名师堂堂正正,浩然大气,怎么可能用他们的方法!”这位长老脸上露出了不屑之色。 That......” student is puzzled. “那……”学员不解。 As far as he knows, only has Soul Shaman, so, can only act in the gloom, needs to camouflage the sunlight. 据他所知,只有巫魂,才会如此,只能在阴暗中行动,需要遮蔽阳光。 These ancestors, undergo the Way of Teacher Mind Power that Acting-Principal condenses, simply is not Soul Shaman that type of track can compare! Does not believe you to look......” “这些先祖,是历代院长凝聚出来的师道意念,根本不是巫魂那种小道可以比拟的!不信你们看……” Finishes speaking, listens to a rapid wind cry, saw that old man light shadow has the now/current stage. 话音刚落,就听一阵急促的风鸣,紧接着看到一个老者淡淡的虚影现在高台。 This old man Guozi Lian, in the foreheads has a heroic spirit, the breadth of spirit of swallowing the vault of heaven. 这个老者国字脸,眉宇间带着一股英气,给人一种吞噬苍穹的气魄。 Is completely different from Soul Shaman gloomy and cold, on the contrary has the noble. 巫魂阴冷完全不同,相反带着浩然正气。 Sees the form of not far away old man, the Zhang Xuan brow wrinkled the wrinkle. 看着不远处这个老者的身影,张悬眉头皱了皱。 Before, he was like the ideas of other students, thought that the so-called ancestor possibly was Soul Shaman, otherwise Famed Master academy established for over ten thousand years, fierce Famed Master was impossible so to be exactly long. 之前,他和其他学员的想法一样,也觉得所谓的先祖可能是巫魂,不然名师学院成立上万年,再厉害的名师也不可能活这么久。 Looks at this old man, knows that should be Master Kong Saint Canonization Platform, leave/stay behind Mind Power, being exactly the same, is not Soul Shaman. 看着这位老者,才知道应该是和孔师封圣台,留下意念,如出一辙,不是巫魂 Although concrete is what is going on, he does not make clear, but this soul displaying strength and discipline, no chill/yin cold, be much better than Soul Shaman. 虽然具体是怎么回事,他也搞不清楚,但这个魂魄堂堂正正,没有一丝阴寒,要比巫魂好得多。 Naturally, advantages are accompanied by disadvantages, the strength certainly be weaker than Soul Shaman, is not the complete soul. 当然,有利有弊,实力肯定要比巫魂弱很多,也不是完整的魂魄。 What Soul Shaman lives is the ownself complete consciousness, but this is only Famed Master's together Mind Power, in Ruthless Being some/somewhat with his hand is similar. 巫魂活下来的是自己完整的意识,而这个只是名师的一道意念,和他手中的狠人有些相似。 Looks at his appearance and breadth of spirit, should be Famed Master academy first Principal, Master Mu Kai!” “看他的样子和气魄,应该是名师学院第一位院长,穆凯穆师!” Carefully examines differently with Zhang Xuan's, many Elder and Famed Master under all eyes stage shine. 张悬的审视不同,台下的诸多长老名师全都双眼放光。 Famed Master academy's School-founding Ancestor-Master, reveals the transform appearance condition, trading to be everybody to be excited! 名师学院的开派祖师,显化形态,换作谁都会激动万分! Although is only a remnant soul, after all also contain ancestor's consciousness. 虽然只是一个残魂,毕竟也蕴含着先祖的意识。 hū hū hū hū! 呼呼呼呼 Shortly after this Ancestor-Master appear, in the stage, shadow rocks, quick appear dozens person's shadows. 这位穆凯祖师出现不久,高台上,虚影晃动,很快又出现了几十个人影。 although seems like some/somewhat to be empty, actually a strong pressure. 尽管看起来有些虚淡,却给人一种强大的压力。 As the student and Elder, the academy history must always remember that can become Principal, each have other far surpass Famed Master's abilities, is the innumerable students, the idol of worship. 作为学员和长老,学院历史是必须铭记的,能成为院长,每一个都有远超其他名师的能力,是无数学员,崇拜的偶像。 Sees so many idols suddenly simultaneously appear, entire martial practicing stage almost soon cooker. 陡然见到这么多偶像同时出现,整个演武场几乎快要炸锅了。 That should be, seventh Acting-Principal, Liu Changyuan Principal? He creates Changyuan greatly sad hand With Chiba spiral palm, Is the goal that I study......” “那个应该是,第七代院长,刘昌源院长吧?他创出的【昌源大悲手】和【千叶螺旋掌】,一直是我学习的目标……” That should be is known as in all Principal, talent's first Principal Mo Liuzhen! Really disposition is uncommon, looks at the look only, will look like at any time to cut void!” “那个应该是号称所有院长中,天赋第一的莫流真院长吧!果然气质不凡,单看眼神,就像是随时都会划破虚空!” Principal Mo Liuzhen is powerful, what a pity, for attack 8-Star Famed Master, enters earth cave, did not return back comes again, a become Famed Master Hall's big loss......” 莫流真院长是强大,可惜,为了冲击八星名师,进入地窟,再没回来,成为名师堂的一大损失……” My idol is 76 th generation of bamboo profound clear Principal, although he life does not have breakthrough 6-Star peak, achieves 7-Star, actually excels at 12 types, Auxiliary Specialisations profession, and each profession, conducted the detailed description, to academy leave/stay behind precious wealth......” “我的偶像是第七十六代竹玄清院长,他虽然一生都没突破六星巅峰,达到七星,却擅长一十二种,辅修职业,并且都每一种职业,都进行了详细描述,给学院留下了珍贵的财富……” ...... …… Many Famed Master, the all look is fiery. 诸多名师,一个个眼神火热。 hū hū! 呼呼 In discussion, the form in stage, altogether appear entire 102. 议论声中,高台上的身影,一共出现了整整一百零二个。 102? How not to have the previous Acting-Principal form?” Zhang Xuan cannot help frown. “一百零二?怎么没有上一代院长的身影?”张悬忍不住皱眉
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