LHP :: Volume #9

#898: Famed Master academy's shock (Last Part)

Did not mediate the opposite party to negotiate, not appear beast tide? How can like this?” “不是说和对方谈判了,再不会出现兽潮了吗?怎么会这样?” So many spirit beast and Saint Beast, surround us, simply cannot resist!” “这么多灵兽圣兽,将我们包围,根本抵挡不住!” Then ended!” “这下完了!” „Since perhaps has been Famed Master academy is founded the biggest crisis, compared with before 4000, when Principal Mo Liuzhen reigns, the crisis wants in a big way......” “恐怕是名师学院建校以来最大的危机了,比四千年前,莫流真院长在位时,遇到的危机都要大……” Crossed for a long time, the people sound/voice speechless said. 过了许久,众人才声音哑然的说了出来。 So many Saint Beast and spirit beast turn out in full strength, even if/considered as Famed Master academy, can win finally, definitely is also the hard victory! 如此多的圣兽灵兽倾巢而出,就算名师学院,最后能够获胜,肯定也是惨胜! Absolute not over one third that the hundred thousand scholar, can live. 十万学子,能活下来的绝对不超过三分之一 Really must so, be able to record the history absolutely! 真要如此,绝对可以记录历史了! Just vowed solemnly saying that will not have the beast tide, on appear this situation, even if/considered as this new Principal succeeded to the throne successfully, does not have any deterrent force, will also degenerate into entire day the laughingstock of servants! 刚信誓旦旦的说,再不会发生兽潮,就出现这种情况,就算这位新院长继位成功,也没有任何威慑力,甚至还会沦为全天下人的笑柄! „The pass through performance, can see this Master Zhang, indeed some/somewhat skill, but experiences this matter, who is unable to save the situation, can only blame him to have bad luck!” 通过刚才的表现,可以看出这位张师,的确有些本事,但遇到这种事,谁也无力回天,只能怪他倒霉!” His Majesty the Emperor said. 一位皇帝陛下道。 Yeah! deals no matter how, does again well, the casualties reduce as far as possible uselessly...... also! succession grand ceremony by so many spirit beast, splendid encircling, was made no matter how, can become Famed Master academy, Principal that most is defeated, does not have one!” 是啊!不管如何应对,做得再好,伤亡尽量减少……也无用!继位大典被这么多灵兽,堂而皇之的围剿,不管怎么做,都会成为名师学院,最失败的院长,没有之一!” Chu Yi also shakes the head, looks to Zhang Xuan on stage, the very sympathy. 褚已也摇摇头,看向台上的张悬,满是同情。 The pass through matter, he to this young new Principal, had admiring some flavors, what a pity people are just the victims of fate, the outstanding talent, meets so many Saint Beast and spirit beast, does not have any means. 通过刚才的事,他对这位年轻的新院长,有了些许佩服的味道,可惜造化弄人,再优秀的天才,遇到这么多圣兽灵兽,也没有任何办法。 Is sighing with emotion, guessed how the opposite party solves this problem, on hearing surrounding noise, cannot stop suddenly, everyone's breathing rapidly, as if what happened important matter. 正在感慨,猜测对方如何解决这个问题,就听到周围的喧闹,突然停不下来,所有人的呼吸急促,似乎发生了什么大事。 What's wrong?” frowned, looks to Yu Shenqing of not far away. “怎么了?”眉头一皱,看向不远处的玉神清 ownself looks!” face turn white, Hongyuan Empire this His Majesty the Emperor did not reply, but to previous finger/refers. 自己看!”脸色发白,鸿远帝国这位皇帝陛下不回答,而是向上一指。 What looks at?” “看什么?” dazed for a moment, Chu Yi hurried raised the head, only take a quick look, the contraction of pupil unable to restrain emotions, body body stiffened, the throat becomes dry: What is This, This......?” 愣了一下,褚已急忙抬头,只看了一眼,瞳孔情不自禁的收缩,身体僵直原地,喉咙发干:“这、这……是什么?” Not only he, entire academy's all teachers and students, for a split second, is so completely silent, as if seen a ghost generally. 不光他如此,整个学院的所有师生,一瞬间,全都鸦雀无声,仿佛见鬼了一般。 Zhao Bingxu also raised the head, on many Saint Beast and spirit beast of every day/sees the sky aerial flight, when does not know, had transformed the formation, looks from afar, from the sky exhibited one line of large characters unexpectedly, blocks the sky, spreads dozens li (0.5 km), the imposing manner is broad! 赵丙戌也抬起头来,就见天空中飞行的诸多圣兽灵兽,不知何时,已然变换了阵型,远远看去,竟然在空中摆出了一行大字,遮天蔽日,蔓延数十里,气势恢宏! Calligraphic Style flamboyant or bold cursive calligraphy, the silver hook iron picture, is common just like the Calligraphy and Painting Master leave/stay behind treasured painting, brings the special flavor. 字体龙飞凤舞,银钩铁画,宛如书画师留下的墨宝一般,带着特殊的韵味。 Congratulates the master, become Famed Master academy Principal, meritorious outstanding world, the name keeps the eternity...... their could it be that, don't tell me it's not disturbs and opposes? But is congratulates?” “恭贺主人,成为名师学院院长,功勋卓世,名留千古……它们难道,难道不是来捣乱、作对的?而是来恭贺的?” Read the above handwriting, Chu Yi sound/voice was empty, entire person wood. 念出上面的字迹,褚已声音空洞,整个人木了。 originally thought so many spirit beast and Saint Beast, encircle them in the middle, definitely will launch the fly upon, or seizes the chance to demand the advantage...... never dreamed or expected, not only has not made these, instead suspends Calligraphic Style, congratulated. 本以为这么多灵兽圣兽,将他们围在中间,必然会发动猛烈攻击,或者趁机索要好处……做梦都没想到,非但没做这些,反而摆成字体,进行道贺。 what is going on? 怎么回事 Bang! 轰隆! The doubts in heart had not ended, the in the air three Cloudy Mist Ridge King, hands clasped together politely, in Zhang Xuan to stage, bow suddenly simultaneously but actually the bottom: Azure Bamboo Earth Dragon and white Ershou, the scaling beast, congratulated the master, become Famed Master academy Principal, prepared the Cloud Mist Flower tea especially, the hundred thousand 3200 jin (0.5 kg), treated as the congratulatory gift!” 心中的疑惑还没有结束,空中的三位云雾岭王者,突然同时抱拳,面向高台上的张悬,躬身倒底:“青竹地龙、白耳兽、铁鳞兽,恭贺主人,成为名师学院院长,特准备云雾花茶,十万三千二百斤,当做贺礼!” hūa lā! 哗啦 Followed the voice to end, in the air flies immediately, 30 -and-a-half Saint Rank flight spirit beast, on each hoof-claw grabbed a giant box, placed the stage slowly, opened gently. 伴随话音结束,空中立刻飞来,三十头半圣级别的飞行灵兽,每一个蹄爪上都抓着一个巨大的箱子,缓缓放在高台,轻轻打开。 Buzz! 嗡! Immediately the tea aroma overflows, the mist of bunch of brocade varieties, ascends from the box, colorful, shining upon the entire stage is dreamlike, just like the fairyland. 顿时茶香四溢,一团团锦簇的雾气,从箱子里面升腾而起,五颜六色,映照得整个高台如梦如幻,犹如仙境。 This is......” “这是……” The Yu Shenqing eye stares soon drops out, the lip trembles: „The Cloud Mist Flower tea of Supreme rank?” 玉神清眼睛瞪快要掉出,嘴唇发颤:“至尊级别的云雾花茶?” Cloud Mist Flower tea? You to that we do deliver?” 云雾花茶?就你给我们送的那种?” Chu Yi cannot help said. 褚已忍不住道。 As neighbor empire His Majesty, has enjoyed the Cloud Mist Flower tea, but the quantity is extremely scarce, even if/considered as position venerates, has not drunk several times. 做为紧邻的帝国陛下,也享受过云雾花茶的,只不过数量极其稀少,就算地位尊崇,也没喝过几次。 Even so, that taste, that taste, as before life-long unforgettable. 即便如此,那滋味,那口感,依旧让人终生难忘。 Remembers on the tongue bottom promotes saliva or body fluids. 一想起就舌底生津。 Gives your?” “送给你们的那种?” Yu Shenqing shakes the head: you worry too much, gives you are only minimum the ordinary rank , compared with this, the trash was inferior!” 玉神清摇了摇头:“你想多了,给你们的只是最低等的普通级别,和这个一比,垃圾都不如!” la and were trash inferior?” “垃、垃圾都不如?” Chu Yi and several other big empire His Majesty the Emperor, the complexion instantaneously becomes pale. 褚已和其他几大帝国皇帝陛下,脸色瞬间变得铁青。 Do not misunderstand, is not I must deliver you to miss, but is the Cloud Mist Flower tea of this rank,...... does not have on the considered that I imperial palace!” “别误会,不是我要送你们差的,而是这种级别的云雾花茶,就算我们皇宫……也没有!” Sees several people of expressions, knows that definitely misunderstood, Yu Shenqing explained hastily. 见几人的表情,知道肯定是误会了,玉神清连忙解释。 No?” Several people stare. “没有?”几人一愣。 Does the Hongyuan Empire power and influence's first person, have the thing that? 鸿远帝国权势第一人,也有没有的东西? Such Cloud Mist Flower tea, each lived at least for over 200 years, then quenchings after Earth Arteries Spiritual liquid, the roasting entire three years can complete...... these tea leaf of our imperial family, the not over three years, are worst that......” “这样的云雾花茶,每一株都最少活了200年以上,然后经过地脉灵液淬炼,焙烧整整三年才能完成……我们皇室的那些茶叶,都不超过三年,属于最差的那种……” Yu Shenqing forced smile. 玉神清苦笑。 Similarly is the Cloud Mist Flower tea, the opposite party takes this, the genuine calling tea, their, it is estimated that the grassroots was even inferior. 同样是云雾花茶,对方拿出来这个,才真正的叫茶,他们那个,估计连草根都不如。 Rare and precious tea leaf that your imperial family cannot take, these did Saint Beast deliver the hundred thousand jin (0.5 kg) to make the congratulatory gift unexpectedly and unexpectedly?” “你们皇室都拿不出来的珍稀茶叶,这些圣兽居然、居然送了十万斤做贺礼?” Chu Yi and several emperors, look, thought respectively the throat sends shrivelled, some/somewhat could not speak. 褚已和几位皇帝,对望一下,各自觉得咽喉发瘪,有些说不出话来。 The price of Cloud Mist Flower tea, they know, in the even if/considered as Yu Shenqing mouth said most common...... priceless, the large sum of money is difficult to buy! 云雾花茶的价格,他们可是知道的,就算玉神清口中所说的最普通的……都价值连城,万金难买! One sends out the hundred thousand jin (0.5 kg) to work as the congratulatory gift...... 一下送出十万斤当贺礼…… This handiwork also was too rather big! 手笔未免也太大了吧! The shock in heart had not ended, frank laughter, made a sound, entire academy that shakes, exudes the intense echo. 心中的震惊还没结束,一个爽朗的笑声,又响了起来,震的整个学院,发出激烈的回声。 Scarlet flame lion, Iron Back Bear and Tiger Beast, congratulated the master, become Famed Master academy Principal, prepared spirit medicine and holy medicine especially, 30 box, treated as the congratulatory gift!” “赤炎狮、铁背熊虎头兽,也恭贺主人,成为名师学院院长,特准备灵药圣药,三十箱,当做贺礼!” hūa lā! 哗啦 sound/voice finished, ten scarlet flame lions, ten Iron Back Bear and ten Tiger Beast walked abreast in row, conducts the back respectively, is conducting the back a box of two meters square, places in the stage, opens gently, immediately the medicine greets the nostrils fragrant, spreads ten li (0.5 km). 声音结束,十头赤炎狮、十头铁背熊、十头虎头兽并排走了过来,各自背上,驮着一个两米见方的箱子,放在高台上,轻轻打开,立刻药香扑鼻,蔓延十里。 This is...... clearly spends holy medicine, red leaves holy medicine and color chrysanthemum holy medicine...... so many holy medicine, looks everywhere entire Medicine Master academy on considered as, with!” “这是……明花圣药、红叶圣药、彩菊圣药……这么多圣药,就算是找遍整个医师学院,也拿不出来吧!” Far more than Medicine Master academy, is not only holy medicine, the green leaf flower root, the floating crane and wood must Spirit Grass...... these spirit medicine, each scarce incomparable, my suspect/doubt Hongyuan Empire Great King of Medicine, is impossible to have!” “何止医师学院,不光是圣药,还有青叶花根、飘香叶、木须灵草……这些灵药,每一个都稀少无比,我怀疑鸿远帝国大药王,也不可能有!” You look, is that thousand artificial flowers with gold-foil? I spent in the past the entire ten years, goes all over 20 First Grade empires, has not bought one, does here...... have the most box unexpectedly?” “你们看,那是不是千金花?我当年花费了整整十年,走遍二十个一等帝国,都没买到一株,这里……居然有大半箱子?” Bites the heart grass exquisite? This herb disposes the good wine, can lead a befuddled life as if drunk or dreaming, even person who forgets most to love...... scarce incomparable, I am young time, to forget a sentiment, seeks specially, spent for three years to find in a big way for one three months, were these...... several hundred years?” “玲珑噬心草?这种药材配置成美酒,可以让人醉生梦死,甚至忘掉最爱的人……稀少无比,我年轻的时候,为了忘掉一份感情,专门寻找,花费了三年才找到一株只有三个月大的,这些都是……几百年的?” ...... …… Sees in the box appear various medicines, Alchemist academy and Medicine Master academy's many Famed Master, soon were all insane. 看到箱子里面出现的各种药物,炼丹师学院医师学院的诸多名师,全都快要疯了。 These herb, each value is extremely high, the large sum of money is difficult to ask, the opposite party one puts out 30 boxes, moreover each years number enough...... 这些药材,每一根都价值极高,万金难求,对方一下拿出三十箱子,而且每一根年数都足够…… Only to treat as congratulatory gift...... 只为当做贺礼…… Was this entire Cloudy Mist Ridge cleaned out? 这是把整个云雾岭搬空了吧? Iron teeth wolf, azure nose shape and prosperous ape, congratulated the master, become Famed Master academy Principal, prepared various ore 30 box especially, treated as the congratulatory gift!” “铁齿狼,青鼻象、红火猿,也恭贺主人,成为名师学院院长,特准备各种矿石三十箱,当作贺礼!” hūa lā! 哗啦 Shocks of 30 box of spirit medicine and holy medicine have not digested thoroughly, final three King, one step, vigorous sound/voice made a sound forward. 三十箱灵药圣药的震撼还没有彻底消化,最后三头王者,也向前一步,雄浑的声音响了起来。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Ten iron teeth wolves, ten azure nose elephants, ten prosperous apes, arrives at the stage, the box on back, turns on respectively. 十头铁齿狼,十头青鼻象,十头红火猿,也来到高台,各自将脊背上的箱子,一口口打开。 Buzz! 嗡! spiritual Qi surges, bright with many colors. 灵气激荡,五光十色。 Various types of rare and precious ores, many people cannot see treasure at the same time well-known, has the now/current people at present. 各种珍稀矿石,很多人闻名见不到一面的宝物,出现在众人眼前。 „Should this be...... the azure mark iron? It is said this type of iron, is harder than profound iron, realizes the weapon, above has a azure trace naturally, sharp incomparable, dropping the blood does not moisten...... countless people to ask 1-2, but is unavailable, does this box, have dozens tons fully?” “这应该是……青痕铁吧?据说这种铁,比玄铁还要坚硬,练成兵器,上面天然带有一种青色的纹路,锋利无比,滴血不沾……无数人求一两而不可得,这一箱子,足有数十吨吧?” I saw the bloodstain ore, smudged the weapon with this thing, steel that was hard to melt again, can easily turn into the juice...... I to go to the Refining Masters Guild purchase in the past, the rank was too low, didn't have the qualifications...... to give a Master Zhang box obstinately?” “我看到血印矿石了,用这东西涂抹兵器,再难以融化的钢铁,都能轻易化成汁水……我当年去炼器师公会购买,级别太低,愣是没资格……给了张师一箱子?” These are the diamonds, so long as the carving, can definitely turn into the most beautiful diamond...... the even if/considered as value to be inferior to that several types well , a no need/not using box, delivering of box!” “那些是金刚石,只要好好雕刻,完全可以变成最美的钻石……就算价值不如那几样,也不用一箱子,一箱子的送吧!” „Should these not be the snow stones? The inborn chill/yin cold, wear on the body, can make Yin or Cold Attribute cultivator twice the result with half the effort......” “这些该不会是积雪石吧?天生阴寒,佩在身上,可以让阴寒属性修炼者事半功倍……” ...... …… These ore appear, Refining Master academy's all Famed Master were insane. 这些矿石一出现,炼器师学院的所有名师都疯了。 As Refining Master, knew that all kinds of ores, know the precious degree, at present these 30 box, in addition the value, even if/considered as plundered entire Famed Master academy, even the Hongyuan Empire imperial family cannot take! 身为炼器师,认识各种各样的矿石,知道珍贵程度,眼前这三十箱,加起来的价值,就算搜刮了整个名师学院,甚至鸿远帝国皇室都拿不出来! But now/current only to treat as Master Zhang, become Principal congratulatory gift! 现在只为当做张师,成为院长的贺礼! vermilion Chenqing, you did not say that what signed not equal agreement, our Famed Master academy compensates many, makes Cloud Mist Mountain spirit beast withdraw troops?” “朱晨青,你不是说签了什么不平等的协议,我们名师学院赔偿很多,才让云雾山灵兽撤兵吗?” Yes, these things, even if/considered as turns unable to take upside down Famed Master academy!” “是啊,这些东西,就算名师学院翻个底朝天也拿不出来呀!” Key...... others deliver!” “关键……还是人家送过来的!” ...... …… Many students who stood a moment ago, neat looked to front vermilion Chenqing. 刚才站起来的诸多学员,齐刷刷的看向前面的朱晨青。 Before this fellow said that academy to let new Famed Master succeeded to the throne, the does not appear mighty waves, compensated did not know how much money, lost authority Ruyuan...... they to be filled with righteous indignation, with coming out to question. 之前这家伙说,学院为了让新名师继位,不出现波澜,赔偿了不知多少钱,丧权辱院……他们才义愤填膺,跟着出来质疑。 But...... present one is actually Cloudy Mist Ridge many Saint Beast spirit beast, not only does not want the thing, but also comes to give a present...... is so even precious! 可……眼前的一幕却是云雾岭的诸多圣兽灵兽,非但不要东西,还过来送礼……甚至如此贵重! Sees this, stupidly also knows again, the so-called delivering treasure indemnity, loses authority Ruyuan, absolutely is fake...... 看到这,再傻也知道,所谓的送宝赔款,丧权辱院,绝对是假的…… I and I...... how to know?” “我、我……怎么知道?” The body shivers, vermilion Chenqing depressed soon cried. 身体颤抖,朱晨青郁闷的快要哭了。 Goes into others den to negotiate, will trade to be everybody to feel, definitely will be the weak trend this, discussed content that will also be loses the dignity inevitably, to make an exhibition of oneself...... 跑到人家老巢去谈判,换做谁都会觉得,肯定是弱势才这样,谈下的内容,必然也是丧失尊严,丢人现眼…… Who can think, discussed so majestic, so high profile? 谁能想到,谈的如此雄壮,如此高调 So makes one collapse and crazy...... 如此让人崩溃和疯狂…… F**k! 尼玛 Really is this negotiations? Rather than robs? 这真是谈判?而不是去抢劫?
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