LHP :: Volume #9

#897: Famed Master academy's shock (First Part)

Does not pay attention to the shock of people, after Principal Jiang Hong Linji flies, receives the zither | Jean to stand, stands in stage looks around, in the vision brings indifferently: Questioned the teacher teaches? Below is willing with it battle competition!” 不理会众人的震惊,蒋院长将洪林击飞后,收琴而立,站在高台环顾一周,目光中带着冷漠:“还有质疑老师授课的吗?在下愿意与之比斗!” Stage next piece of speechless, had this idea before all does not dare to say half a word again. 台下一片哑然,之前有此想法的也全都不敢再说半句。 Ten one of the Great Elder, is 7-Star Demonic Sound Master, how to fight/hit, loses Ah! 大长老之一,又是七星魔音师,怎么打,都是输啊! Xue Hallmaster, do you have the student? I can a strength select......” see no one to reply, Principal Jiang once more looks to Xue Cangyun. “薛堂主,你还有学生吗?我可以一力挑之……”见无人回答,蒋院长再次看向薛苍云。 Xue Hallmaster behind several students, see his vision to come, all shrank the neck, does not dare to lift. 堂主身后的几个学生,见他目光过来,全都缩了缩脖子,头都不敢抬。 Their strengths are inferior to Hong forest, the latter made into that appearance, who also dares to say? 他们的实力都不如洪林,后者都被打成那个样子,谁还敢多说? My Baita empire Famed Master Hall, acknowledging Master Zhang is Principal, is unobjectionable!” “我白拓帝国名师堂,承认张师院长,再无异议!” Xue Cangyun hands clasped together politely. 薛苍云抱拳 On him is not a match/opponent, let alone student. 他上都不是对手,更别说学生了。 Five Great Famed Master halls on the scene, three acknowledgments, white Hallmaster of Chiyao empire, Mo Gaoyuan Hallmaster, you?” “在场的五大名师堂,三个承认,池摇帝国的白堂主,还有莫高远堂主,你们呢?” Zhao Bingxu relaxes. 赵丙戌松了口气。 The succession grand ceremony time is tight, Famed Master Hall of peripheral empire only came four, in addition Hongyuan Empire, is about five. 继位大典的时间仓促,周边帝国的名师堂只来了四个,加上鸿远帝国,不过五个罢了。 Our Chiyao empire does not have the objection!” “我们池摇帝国没有异议!” White Hallmaster is only, Top 3 Hallmaster is not a match/opponent, naturally no need/not using said, quickly stands up hands clasped together politely. 堂主只是个副的,前三个正堂主都不是对手,自然更不用说,急忙站起身来抱拳 Our Hongyuan Famed Master Hall, has supported Master Zhang is Principal!” Mo Gaoyuan also stands. “我们鸿远名师堂,一直拥护张师院长!”莫高远也站起来。 He witnesses this Master Zhang to arrive at the Hongyuan city with own eyes, rises step by step, one of the candidates first agreeing with, naturally cannot refute. 他是亲眼见证这位张师来到鸿远城,一步步崛起的,更是最先同意的人选之一,自然不会反驳。 Good, if everyone does not have the objection, conducts next!” Zhao Bingxu nods. “那好,如果大家没有异议,就进行下一项!”赵丙戌点点头。 Question and Answer Gathering, the biggest barrier was Famed Master Hall of other empires, now/current had actually acknowledged that was equal to that the issue basically was solved. 答问会,其实最大的障碍就是其他帝国的名师堂,现在都已经承认了,就等于问题基本解决了。 Elder Zhao, we have the issue to inquire Principal Zhang!” 赵长老,我们有问题想要询问张院长!” At this moment, the stage next group of students stood neatly, has several hundreds fully. 就在这时,台下一群学生齐刷刷站了起来,足有数百之多。 Is one of the head, was before, with many students who in Cloudy Mist Ridge fought, slaughtered spirit beast most one. 为首的一个,正是之前,与云雾岭战斗的诸多学生中,厮杀灵兽最多的一个。 Fourth-grade student, vermilion Chenqing! 四年级学员,朱晨青! His family member, by Cloudy Mist Ridge spirit beast kill/execute, therefore, in the heart has the huge hatred, since enters Famed Master academy to get up, destroys completely the fellow who this crowd and Human Race contends with encouraging. 他的家人,被云雾岭灵兽斩杀,因此,心中带有巨大的仇恨,自从进入名师学院起,就励志灭掉这群与人族抗衡的家伙。 Avenges a grievance for the family member. 为家人报仇雪恨。 What a pity Famed Master Hall, without make a move, his strength has been because of various considerations limited, one person alone cannot save the situation, has no means. 可惜名师堂出于各种考虑,一直没动手,他一个人的实力有限,独木难支,也就没有任何办法。 originally thought this beast tide, can make academy change beforehand dispirited, the Cloudy Mist Ridge radical elimination, who knows, for this new Principal succeeded to the throne actually negotiated...... the compromise with the opposite party! 本以为这次兽潮,能让学院一改以前的颓废,将云雾岭彻底消灭,谁知为了这个新院长继位竟然与对方谈判了……妥协了! The full anger can be imagined. 满腔的怒火可想而知。 Therefore, many students can stand, listened to his words...... to take justice! 所以,诸多学生能站起来,都是听了他的话……要一个公道 People who before declared support, basically was Xuan Xuan Association , but saw new Principal, was their Guildmaster, did not immediately speak, over ten thousand people, only had several hundred. 之前声援的众人,基本都是悬悬会的,只是看到新院长,是他们的会长,顿时再不说话,上万人,只剩下几百个。 Please say!” Zhao Bingxu frowning. “请讲!”赵丙戌皱了皱眉 I want to ask Principal Zhang, when Famed Master Hall fights with Cloudy Mist Ridge spirit beast again!” vermilion Chenqing said. “我想问一下张院长,名师堂何时再与云雾岭灵兽进行战斗!”朱晨青道。 The direct examination discussed what condition, some/somewhat is not polite, challenges the Principal authority, like this said, conforms to the ownself status. 直接询问谈了什么条件,有些不礼貌,挑战院长的威权,这样说,更符合自己的身份。 Asked the subject!” “问到正题了!” Not only it seems like we cared that the Cloudy Mist Ridge matter, these students also want to know the answer!” “看来不光我们关心云雾岭的事情,这些学生也想知道答案!” Looked how this new Principal replied!” “看这位新院长如何回答吧!” ...... …… Heard vermilion Chenqing question, Chu Yi and the rest looked one, respective nod. 听到朱晨青的问话,褚已等人对望了一眼,各自点头。 The emperor as peripheral attached empire, who makes Principal it does not matter, more importantly...... this new Principal, maintains their abilities! 身为周边附属帝国的皇帝,谁做院长无所谓,重要的是……这个新院长,有没有维护他们的能力! The Cloudy Mist Ridge matter, handle is not good, the ability of their inevitably suspect/doubt opposite party. 云雾岭的事,处理不好,他们必然怀疑对方的能力。 One crowd of spirit beast do not have the means that also does how is this possible for their empire, stand? 一群灵兽都没办法,又怎么可能为了他们帝国,站出来? Fight?” “战斗?” Also thinks anything, hears to ask this, Zhang Xuan and Zhao Bingxu looked one, simultaneously smiled, shaking the head of latter unable to restrain emotions: Again no need/not using fight! Cloudy Mist Ridge hidden damage has completely solved, later no need to worry has the beast tide, threatens the human security!” 还以为什么事,听到想要问这个,张悬赵丙戌对望了一眼,同时笑了一下,后者情不自禁的摇了摇头:“再不用战斗了!云雾岭隐患已经彻底解决,以后再不用担心发生兽潮,危及人类安全!” Thorough settlement?” “彻底解决?” vermilion Chenqing and many students looked one, respective frown. 朱晨青和诸多学员对望了一眼,各自皱眉 What do you mean? 什么意思? Later no need to worry...... is Cloudy Mist Ridge these King pledges? 以后再不用担心……是云雾岭那些王者承诺的吗? But the beast is the beast, this type pledged that how is this possible does make the number? 但兽就是兽,这种承诺怎么可能作数? In so many years that really needs such simple words, Famed Master academy to stand erect, has had innumerably startled certainly colorful Principal, was insufficient to have no means. 真要这么简单的话,名师学院矗立的这么多年中,出过无数惊才绝艳的院长,也不至于没有任何办法了。 Since Elder Zhao said affirmed, we want to know academy exactly/actually promise/consent what condition, let spirit beast that so many years are unable to solve, does not have the beast tide!” “既然赵长老说得那么肯定,我们想知道学院到底答应了什么条件,让这么多年都无法解决的灵兽,再不发生兽潮!” Clenches teeth, is not beating around the bush, vermilion Chenqing said directly. 一咬牙,不在拐弯抹角,朱晨青直接道。 Principal, is me......” 院长,还是我来说吧……” Sees the opposite party most simply issue here, Zhao Bingxu looked at Zhang Xuan one, shows a faint smile, just wants to open the mouth, suddenly sees flew over of Elder hurriedly from the crowd. 见对方最根本的问题在这里,赵丙戌看了张悬一眼,微微一笑,正想开口,突然看到一个长老从人群外面急匆匆飞了过来 Has not arrived, cannot help shouted that makes noise: Principal, everyone Elder...... is not good!” 还没来到,忍不住喊出声来:“院长,诸位长老……不好了!” What happened?” “发生什么事?” Sees Elder, is flustered on Principal succession grand ceremony, Zhao Bingxu raises the eyebrows. 见一个长老,在院长继位大典上如此慌张,赵丙戌眉毛一扬 Reply Elder Zhao, outside, outside......” “回禀赵长老,外面、外面……” This old man, face turn white, shivering of entire person body unable to restrain emotions: By Cloudy Mist Ridge many spirit beast and Saint Beast...... surrounding!” 这位老者,脸色发白,整个人身体情不自禁的颤抖:“被云雾岭诸多灵兽圣兽……包围了!” Surrounding?” “包围?” This saying Zhao Bingxu and Zhang Xuan have not felt anything, many Elder and student under complexions stage all one changed. 这话赵丙戌张悬没觉得什么,台下的诸多长老和学员脸色全都一下变了。 Solemn Famed Master academy, by spirit beast surrounding...... what concept? 堂堂名师学院,被灵兽包围……什么概念? Was equal to that was stopped up in the shackles, even if/considered as wants to escape is also difficult! 等于被堵在了牢笼之中,就算想逃也难了! Everyone stands up neatly, just wants to have a look, hears one fiercely thunders to resound, rapid wind cries, surge in the sky. 所有人齐刷刷站起身来,正想出去看看,就听到一阵剧烈的轰鸣响起,一道道急促的风鸣,在天空激荡。 hū hū hū! 呼呼呼 Looks upwardly, immediately sees three big Saint Beast flew over! 向上看去,随即看到三头高大的圣兽飞了过来 Cloudy Mist Ridge Azure Bamboo Earth Dragon and white Ershou, scaling beast three King. 正是云雾岭一的青竹地龙、白耳兽、铁鳞兽三位王者。 Also without arriving , the Saint Domain First Layer peak aura covers, the surrounding space of oppression as if solidifies. 还没来到跟前,圣域一重巅峰的气息就笼罩下来,压迫的周围空间都仿佛凝固。 They behind, is neat ten more Nascent Saint spirit beast, is three ten more Half Saint spirit beast! 它们身后,则是整齐的十多头从圣灵兽,紧接着是三十多头半圣灵兽 If only these dozens, but also is unable to make the Famed Master academy hundred thousand teachers and students be afraid, they behind, are also following close on one crowd of neat flight spirit beast armies unexpectedly! 如果只是这几十个,还无法让名师学院十万师生害怕,它们身后,居然还紧跟着一群整齐的飞行灵兽军队! Fully 3000, worst achieved Transcendent Mortal Seventh Layer, high is Ninth Layer, neat ordered, a leader is valiant, so long as if orders, dives immediately, causes the damage that is hard to resume. 足有三千之多,最差的都达到了化凡七重,高的更是九重,整齐有序,一头头雄赳赳气昂昂,似乎只要一声令下,就会立刻俯冲下来,给人造成难以恢复的伤害。 All Famed Master, combat readiness!” “所有名师,战斗准备!” Beast Taming academy's Elder face turn white, cannot help roared. 一位驯兽学院的长老脸色一白,忍不住吼了出来。 huā lā lā! 哗啦啦 His behind many Famed Master, have experienced to fight one time, had coordinated orderly, hears this saying, all takes out the weapon neatly, fixes the eyes on in the air many spirit beast, all brings vigilantly. 他身后的诸多名师,已经经历过一次战斗了,早已配合有序,听到这话,全都齐刷刷取出兵器,紧盯着空中的诸多灵兽,一个个带着警惕。 Was bad, my clan, his heart cannot different! I said that these spirit beast cannot tolerate abets evil...... to negotiate, then good!” “糟了,非我族类,其心必异!我就说这些灵兽不能姑息养奸……非要谈判,这下好了!” The Chu Yi complexion also becomes turning pale. 褚已脸色也变得发白 Counting on spirit beast can observe the agreement, simply is the joke! So many spirit beast, flies simultaneously, ahead of time does not have any early warning, comes prepared very much obviously, even if/considered as Famed Master academy can block this disaster, Origin Qi damages severely inevitably......” “指望灵兽能遵守约定,简直就是笑话!这么多啊灵兽,同时飞过来,提前没有任何预警,很显然是有备而来,就算名师学院能挡住这次灾难,也必然元气大伤……” An empire emperor , the facial features are pale. 一位帝国皇帝,也面容铁青。 Yes, on succession grand ceremony by many spirit beast attacks, the loss was been serious, this Principal Zhang can go down in history absolutely......” “是啊,继位大典上被诸多灵兽攻击,损失惨重,这个张院长绝对可以载入史册了……” Another empire emperor said with a snort. 又一位帝国皇帝哼道 3000 flight spirit beast, dozens Nascent Saint and Half Saint lineups, although is powerful, but also being insufficient makes them be afraid. 三千头飞行灵兽,几十头从圣半圣阵容虽然强大,还不至于让他们害怕。 The Famed Master academy mastery there, the Hongyuan city imperial family also here, the solution should not difficult, but...... this matter made known to others, certainly want the become joke, leaves a stink for ten thousand years. 名师学院底蕴在那里,鸿远城皇室也在这里,解决应该不难,只是……这件事传出去,肯定要成为笑话,遗臭万年。 Roar! Roar! Roar! 吼!吼!吼! Rumble! Rumble! 轰隆隆!轰隆隆! Shakes the head in the people secretly, many teachers and students planned fight time, one neighed intermittently, once more resounded through the skies, tread rocked fiercely. 就在众人暗自摇头,诸多师生打算一战的时候,一阵阵嘶鸣,再次响彻云霄,紧接着地面一阵剧烈晃动。 What is that?” “那是什么?” A shout resounds, the people look back neatly, astonished again. 一个喊声响起,众人齐刷刷向后看去,再次一呆 Sees outside Famed Master academy, the mist and dust surrounds, a community big azure nose shape works as first rush forward. 就见名师学院外,烟尘环绕,一群体型高大的青鼻象当先冲了过来 These azure nose elephants, have the Transcendent Mortal Fifth Layer above strength, in addition has several thousand heads fully, by a Saint Domain azure nose shape is led, to have the scared aura. 这些青鼻象,都有化凡五重以上的实力,加起来足有数千头,由一头圣域的青鼻象带领,带着令人恐慌的气息。 Because these spirit beast build are huge, every time walks one step, the ground trembles, approaches just like the earthquake, deep in one's heart strong shock. 因为这些灵兽体型巨大,每走一步,地面都震颤一下,宛如地震来临,给人内心深处浓烈的震撼。 Azure nose shape? Was not then easy to hit......” “还有青鼻象?这下不好打了……” Sees unexpectedly also some so many skin rough flesh thick colossi, the complexion of people becomes uglier. 看到居然还有这么多皮糙肉厚的庞然大物,众人的脸色变得更加难看。 One crowd of flight spirit beast were hard to cope, let alone were also more such a crowd, was good at dashing, build huge spirit beast. 一群飞行灵兽就难以对付了,更何况又多出这样一群,擅长冲撞,体型巨大的灵兽 everyone, suspends the defense formation......” 诸位,摆成防御阵型……” The body trembles, vermilion Chenqing quickly exclaimed. 身体一颤,朱晨青急忙吼道。 hūa lā! 哗啦 Many students, hear the order, suspends the defense formation neatly, preventing the opposite party to dash directly, its steamroll. 诸多学员,听到命令,齐刷刷摆成防御阵型,防止对方直接冲撞过来,将其碾压。 Wū! Wū! 呜!呜! Transforms the formation, hears grating howling, in the vision that the people tremble, one flock of iron teeth wolves well up crazily. 才将队形转换好,又听到一声刺耳的吼叫,紧接着就在众人发颤的目光中,一群铁齿狼狂涌而来。 Also several thousands, under a leadership of Saint Domain iron teeth wolf, well up fully crazily but. 也足有数千,在一头圣域铁齿狼的带领下,狂涌而至。 This spirit beast natural disposition is sly, moreover is good at the group attacking, is one of fellows human most has a headache about, appear several thousands, it can be said that a catastrophe! 这种灵兽生性狡猾,而且擅长群攻,是人类最头疼的家伙之一,一下出现数千,可以说是一场大灾难了! Ended......” “完了……” Not only Chu Yi and the rest changes color with amazement, the Yu Shenqing also scalp jumps madly. 不光褚已等人骇然变色,就连玉神清也头皮乱跳。 The old court eunuch said before succession grand ceremony, investigate is clear, what a pity has not come to report to now/current, on considered as he, does not know, Elder Mi went to Cloudy Mist Ridge exactly/actually to discuss anything, let this group of fellows, so crucial time, neat rush forward. 老太监说在继位大典前,查探清楚,可惜到现在都没来禀报,就算是他,都不知道,糜长老去了云雾岭到底谈了什么,让这群家伙,如此关键的时刻,齐刷刷冲了过来 Roar! Roar! Roar! 吼!吼!吼! The shock of people, without finishing , sees one flock of scarlet flame lions under the leadership of Saint Beast, walked, similarly has several thousands fully. 众人的震惊,没有结束,紧接着,又看到一群赤炎狮的在圣兽的带领下,走了过来,同样足有数千。 Is following close on Iron Back Bear, Tiger Beast and prosperous ape...... 紧跟着铁背熊虎头兽、红火猿…… Cloudy Mist Ridge nine king, set up in an array, the respective belt/bring several thousand fierce subordinate, complete in addition, had several thousands fully! 云雾岭九大王者,一字排开,身后各自带了数千凶猛的属下,全部加起来,足有数万! in other words, entire Cloudy Mist Ridge many King, with many spirit beast, almost sent out complete, this...... must the rhythm that entire Famed Master academy destroys completely! 也就是说,整个云雾岭的诸多王者,和诸多灵兽,几乎全乎出动了,这……是要将整个名师学院都灭掉的节奏! Everyone complexion all becomes deathly white, could not speak again. 所有人脸色全都变得煞白,再说不出话来。
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