LHP :: Volume #10

#922: Sees again Zhao Feiwu 【2nd Update】

hesitated for a while, Zhang Xuan decided that did not say considers as finished. 迟疑了一下,张悬决定还是不说算了。 Famed Master pays great attention to teach not only, name is also very important, since previous teaching, leave/stay behind the so tremendous impact, happen to can depend on the ownself fame shock and awe four directions, avoids the unnecessary trouble and conflict, is helpful to the unification of character. 名师不光注重授课,“名”也很重要,既然上次授课,留下了如此大的影响,正好可以靠自己的名气震慑四方,避免不必要的麻烦和争端,也有助于人物的统一。 Naturally, as academy's Principal, has such fame to be naturally best, has very big help to Assessment 6-Star Famed Master. 当然,身为学院的院长,有这样的名气自然最好,对考核六星名师也有很大的帮助。 This fellow disrespects to Master Zhang, my suspect/doubt is other spies of influence, comes the person! Detains him, interrogated well!” “这家伙对张师不敬,我怀疑是其他势力的奸细,来人!将他押下去,好好审问!” Sees Zhang Xuan to not far away statue, not only does not have any respect, but also shows the mental struggle/dilemma expression, the youngster gets more mad, turns around instruction. 张悬对不远处的雕像非但没有任何尊敬,还露出纠结的表情,少年越想越气,转身吩咐 Yes!” Goes out of several guards, encircled neatly. “是!”身后走出几个护卫,齐刷刷围了过来。 I have not disrespected......” “我并没有不敬……” Knows that the explanation does not pass, does not pay attention to the surrounding guard, Zhang Xuan shakes the head, two steps arrive around the youngster, is rubbing his head, is smiling: „Can your Elder Sister Zhao Feiwu in? Let her come out to see me......” 知道解释不通,不理会周围的护卫,张悬摇了摇头,两步来到少年跟前,揉着他的脑袋,一脸笑意:“你赵飞舞姐姐可在?让她出来见我……” You......” youngster almost going to explode. “你……”少年快要爆炸了。 Is this fellow the brain has the issue unable to respond? But ownself the Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance solemn eight imperial princes, must catch him, to interrogate him, is not only not afraid, but also comes to rub the head of ownself...... says elder sister's name, making her come out to see...... the crime not to be possible simply! 这家伙是脑子有问题还是反应不过来?自己可是万国联盟堂堂八皇子,要抓他、审讯他,非但不害怕,还过来揉自己的头……更是直呼姐姐的姓名,让她出来见……简直罪无可恕! dammit, dares to say the Acting-Alliance Chief name, guilty of the most heinous crime...... roared simply loudly, a youngster fist hit to Zhang Xuan. 可恶,敢直呼代盟主的姓名,简直罪大恶极……”放声咆哮,少年一拳就对张悬打了过来。 Also does not move aside, Zhang Xuan feels palm of opposite party head, pushes gently, by the height, cannot suffice ownself, the allow youngster gust of wind sudden downpour, he from standing one's ground steadfastly. 也不躲闪,张悬摸着对方脑袋的手掌,轻轻一推,凭借身高,就够不到自己,任由少年疾风骤雨,他自岿然不动。 „Do you do, on not quick?” “你们干什么,还不快上?” Sees the attack of ownself, cannot fall on the opposite party, made on the contrary the clown is likely common, the youngster air/Qi is soon insane, one single shout. 自己的攻击,落不到对方身上,反倒弄得像小丑一般,少年气的快要疯掉,一声呼喊 Several guards then responded, just wants to clash the help, actually the discovery body was stuck in the mud probably, simply is unable to move. 几个护卫这才反应过来,正想冲过来帮忙,却发现身体像是陷入了泥潭,根本无法动弹。 make a move Hu Yaoyao several people. 出手的正是胡夭夭几人。 By their strengths, tidies up the guard who several Grandmaster have not even achieved, with no difficulty . Moreover, but can also guarantee, outsider who unable to discern. 以她们的实力,收拾几个连宗师都没达到的护卫,轻而易举,而且,还能保证,外人谁都看不出来 „Did Zhao Feiwu make Acting-Alliance Chief?” 赵飞舞代盟主了?” Zhang Xuan smiles, does not pay attention to many guards, once more looked that non-stop brandishing to the arm at present, actually throughout enough ownself youngster. 张悬轻轻一笑,不理会诸多护卫,再次看向眼前手臂不停挥舞,却始终够不到自己的少年。 In the impression, Zhao Feiwu is knowledgeable, because of the physique isn't actually able the cultivation girl, when to turn into Acting-Alliance Chief? 印象里,赵飞武是个知识渊博,但却因为体质无法修炼的女孩,什么时候变成代盟主了? Although before, helped solve just before leaving cannot the cultivation issue, there is a certain strength, but the distance managed Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance is very bad far Ah! 虽然在临走前,帮忙解决了不能修炼的问题,也有了一定的实力,可距离统管一个万国联盟还差得很远啊! Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance does not have the Transcendent Mortal Fourth Layer above strength, let alone Acting-Alliance Chief, possibly cannot do including a powerful First Rank high-ranking official. 万国联盟没有化凡四重以上的实力,别说代盟主,可能连一个有权势的一品大员都做不上。 Put me, otherwise I killed certainly you......” “放了我,不然我一定杀了你……” Had not replied that his words, the youngster instead clenches jaws. 没有回答他的话,少年反而咬牙切齿。 Ok, asked that you do not talk clearly...... my ownself to ask her!” “算了,问你也说不清楚……还是我自己问她吧!” Knows that here more pesters is more troublesome, is disinclined to continue to inquire, Zhang Xuan raised the head to come to see to the Alliance Chief Mansion direction, light sound/voice, made a sound: Feiwu Princess, the old friend comes, but also looks sees!” 知道在这里越纠缠越麻烦,懒得继续询问,张悬抬起头来看向盟主府的方向,淡淡的声音,响了起来:“飞舞公主,故人前来,还望一见!” sound/voice is not big, but by his partly Saint Rank strength, instantaneous biography making a sound entire square, even entire Myriad Kingdoms' City may hear clearly. 声音不大,但凭借他半圣级别的实力,瞬间传响整个广场,甚至整个万国城都清晰可闻。 Master Zhang?” 张师?” Hears this sound/voice, others have not felt anything, Alliance Chief Mansion exciting sound/voice, made a sound, immediately the people see, on giant flight spirit beast back, Zhao Feiwu Acting-Alliance Chief, very excited flies to this. 听到这个声音,其他人并没觉得什么,盟主府一个兴奋的声音,响了起来,随即众人就看到,巨大的飞行灵兽脊背上,赵飞舞代盟主,满是兴奋的向这飞来。 Nearby spirit beast has not arrived, the girl from in the air jumps down, as to throw to the bosom of youth , nearby arrives, finally stopped, hands clasped together politely: Feiwu (fluttering in the air) greet/have seen Master Zhang!” 灵兽还没来到跟前,女孩就从空中跳了下来,似乎想要扑到青年的怀中,来到跟前,最终停了下来,一抱拳:“飞舞见过张师!” Master Zhang?” 张师?” Can be so respected by Feiwu Princess, could it be that...... this is Master Zhang Xuan?” “能被飞舞公主如此敬重,难道……这位就是张悬张师?” „A your such saying, as if with the sculpture, really looked like very much......” “你这么一说,似乎和雕塑,真的很像……” „It is not the resembles, was a person...... Master Zhang came, we have not recognized unexpectedly!” “不是像,就是一个人……张师来了,我们居然没认出来!” Honorable person seemingly wants the numerous compared with the sculpture...... great many!” “真人比雕塑看起来要猥……伟大的多!” Yes, is great......” “是啊,是伟大……” ...... …… Hears the Zhao Feiwu words, sees her movement, the entire square immediately in an uproar. 听到赵飞舞的话,看到她的动作,整个广场立刻哗然。 Everyone all eye shines looks like to middle youth. 所有人一个个眼睛放光的向中间的青年看来。 Before threatened that must eight imperial princes who Zhang Xuan held, was the whole face is in a daze, probably was insane. 之前扬言要将张悬抓住的八皇子,更是满脸发呆,像是要疯了。 He has taken the opposite party as the idol, outcome/in the end saw personally, has not actually recognized, instead is so impolite, think/feel increasingly is ashamed, wishes one could a crack, worms one's way into. 他一直以对方为偶像,结果亲自见到,却没认出来,反而如此无礼,越想越觉得羞愧,恨不得有个地缝,钻进去。 Goes to Alliance Chief Mansion!” “去盟主府吧!” Sees the people fiery vision, Zhao Feiwu knows that here is not the speech place, greeted one. 见众人火热的目光,赵飞舞知道这里不是说话的地方,招呼一声。 Un!” “嗯!” Nods, Zhang Xuan brings Hu Yaoyao and the rest, steps the flight spirit beast back, straight flies to Alliance Chief Mansion. 点了点头,张悬带着胡夭夭等人,踏上飞行灵兽脊背,笔直盟主府飞去。 Several people walk, the entire square immediately in an uproar, soon blasts out. 几人一走,整个广场立刻哗然,快要炸开。 Originally this is Master Zhang......” “原来这就是张师……” Is good the politeness and self-control, if can marry him, making me die immediately, wanted!” “好有礼貌和涵养,如果能嫁给他,让我立刻死掉,也愿意!” Marries him, you worry too much, how many you look at his side that including Zhao Feiwu Acting-Alliance Chief, which isn't the causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman? Your this appearance, really must pass, it is estimated that including, when the qualifications of maidservant do not have......” “嫁给他,你想多了,你看他身边那几位,包括赵飞舞代盟主,哪一个不是倾国倾城?你这个模样,真要过去,估计连当丫鬟的资格都没有……” Does not become the maidservant, even if/considered as can have an evening to be happy, is good......” “当不上丫鬟,就算能有一夕欢愉,也是好的……” ...... …… The people who in the square pile up, some worships, some envy, the all eye is excitedly red. 广场上堆积的众人,有的崇拜,有的羡慕,一个个兴奋地眼睛通红。 Zhang Xuan created too many miracles here, let receive the oppression Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance to feel proud and elated not saying that was makes million expert have Friendship of Half-Teacher, the so Heaven's Chosen character, appear, let alliance everybody turning out suddenly immediately, everyone wants to have a look with own eyes, this super talent, exactly/actually was what appearance. 张悬在这里创造了太多的奇迹,让一直受到压迫的万国联盟扬眉吐气不说,更是让百万强者拥有半师之谊,如此天骄般的人物,突然出现,顿时让联盟万人空巷,所有人都想亲眼看看,这位超级天才,到底是何模样。 ...... …… The unrest of square, Zhang Xuan cannot control, is disinclined to pay attention, at this time is sitting in the broad main hall, looks at Zhao Feiwu of not far away, on the face has the light happy expression. 广场的骚乱,张悬管不了,也懒得去理会,此时正坐在宽阔的大殿内,看着不远处的赵飞舞,脸上带着淡淡的笑意。 Fourth, five months do not see, the Zhao Feiwu strength, had very big progress, has achieved Supreme Realm, although from Transcendent Mortal, a distance, but in the short time can achieve this realm, made very big painstaking effort inevitably. 四、五个月不见,赵飞舞的实力,有了很大的进步,已然达到了至尊境,虽然距离化凡,还有一段距离,但短时间内能达到这种境界,必然下了很大的苦功。 „Before Master Zhang just before leaving, gave me leave/stay behind cultivation's technique secret arts, in addition Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance as well as Sinking Sand Sect, Cold Qi Sect and Drifting Cloud Sect...... the unconditional subsidization of these sect, the progress was not naturally slow!” 张师临走前给我留下修炼的功法秘籍,再加上万国联盟以及落沙宗寒气宗流云宗……这些宗门的无条件资助,进步自然不慢!” Saw his idea, Zhao Feiwu answered. 看出了他的想法,赵飞舞解释道。 Sinking Sand Sect, Cold Qi Sect and Drifting Cloud Sect...... these do sect, subsidize unconditionally?” Zhang Xuan stares. 落沙宗寒气宗流云宗……这些宗门,无条件资助?”张悬一愣。 These sect, have same position with Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance, initially fierce that the alliance forced, how to subsidize her crazily? 这些宗门,和万国联盟拥有相同的地位,当初将联盟逼迫的厉害,怎么疯狂资助她了? Yes, Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance peripheral 27 influences, only then a request, so long as I make Alliance Chief, vigorously supports, other who not good......” Zhao Feiwu explained. “是啊,万国联盟周边的27处势力,只有一个要求,只要我做盟主,就大力支持,其他谁都不行……”赵飞舞解释了一遍。 Listens to the explanation, Zhang Xuan understood, is smiling bitterly shaking the head. 听完解释,张悬明白过来,苦笑着摇了摇头。 At that time disguise Master Yang appear, a book was battered to death White Sun Sect Sect Master Bai Kaizhi, created deterrent force really was too big, in addition won the Famed Master grand competition championship, smoothly entered Famed Master academy! 当时伪装杨师出现,一书砸死白阳宗宗主白凯之,造成的威慑力实在太大了,再加上获得名师大比的冠军,顺利进入名师学院 even if/considered as academy from here far, many news does not have transmit over, but beforehand does many are , made others be afraid thoroughly. 就算学院距离这里远,很多消息没传递过来,但之前的所做多为,也让其他人彻底害怕了。 ownself and Zhao Feiwu, the relations are great, these people are silly, knows that should flatter anyone, flatters anyone. 自己赵飞舞,关系不浅,这些人再傻,也知道该讨好谁,巴结谁。 Since these sect and influences, are willing to become friends with, your now/current informs them, my now/current must go to Xuanyuan Titled Kingdom, stays there previous some time, and will open Lecture Hall there, if there are willing to come, can pass!” “既然这些宗门、势力,愿意结交,你现在就通知他们,我现在要去轩辕封号王国,在那里待上一段时间,并且会在那里开堂授课,如果有愿意来的,可以过去!” hesitated for a while, Zhang Xuan said. 迟疑了一下,张悬道。 Since these influences, planned that pass through supports the Zhao Feiwu way to become friends with ownself, has nothing politely. 既然这些势力,打算通过扶持赵飞舞的方式来结交自己,也没什么客气的。 Let Titled Kingdom be promoted the empire, what difference is the mastery, this type of thing, wants to complete in a short time, light/only by him, definitely is not good! 封号王国晋级帝国,差的是底蕴,这种东西,想要短时间内完成,光靠他一人,肯定是不行! Only then brings in many expert, with it exchange, brings with many commodities, can the rapid advancement, the national strength increase. 只有引来更多的强者,与之交流,带来跟多的物资,才能让人快速进步,国力大增。 Good!” “好!” Knows that he must make anything, Zhao Feiwu nods, smiles: I will also inform everyone of alliance, the now/current entire alliance, worships your person to be extremely numerous, once knows that you must go to Xuanyuan Kingdom, feared that entire Xuanyuan Royal City will be trod broken......” 知道他要做些什么,赵飞舞点了点头,轻轻一笑:“我也会告知联盟的所有人,现在整个联盟,崇拜你的人极多,一旦知道你要去轩辕王国,怕整个轩辕王城都会被踏破……” Hears this saying, Zhang Xuan smiles. 听到这话,张悬笑了笑。 At this moment also knows, the opposite party stands erect the reason of ownself statue. 此刻也知道,对方矗立自己雕像的原因。 Has his suppression, the peripheral 27 influences, do not dare presumptuous, naturally must excessively publicize. 有他的镇压,周边27处势力,才不敢放肆,自然要过多宣扬了。 Master Zhang, I want to go Xuanyuan Kingdom...... not to know that with you together is good?” 张师,我想跟你一起去轩辕王国……不知行不行?” after chatting for a while, to were many, Zhang Xuan that Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance the recent situation knew relaxes, just wants to set out to say goodbye, saw the Zhao Feiwu very hope the look to look. 又聊了一会,对万国联盟的近况知道的多了,张悬松了口气,正想起身告辞,就见赵飞舞满是期盼的眼神看过来。 „Aren't you Acting-Alliance Chief of alliance? Opening that can walk?” Zhang Xuan said. “你不是联盟的代盟主吗?能走的开?”张悬道。 My this Acting-Alliance Chief, is only a kick the bucket reputation, runs Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance my father...... Zhao Feiwu to say truly. “我这个代盟主,只是挂了个名头而已,真正掌管万国联盟的还是我父亲……”赵飞舞道。 „To follow with, just also helps you enhance some strengths, for several months achieves Supreme Realm, to you, although had made rapid progress, but wanted to shock the alliances and peripheral so many influences, but also was far from enough! I will find means your strength, enhances to Transcendent Mortal Fifth Layer or Sixth Layer in a short time!” “想跟着就跟着,刚好也帮你提升些实力,短短几个月就达到至尊境,对你来说,虽然进步很快了,但是想要震慑联盟和周边的这么多势力,还远远不够!我会想办法将你的实力,短时间内提升到化凡五重或者六重!” Zhang Xuan nods. 张悬点头。 Myriad Kingdoms' Alliance peripheral, wants to achieve to monopolize, no one dares to refute, the strength must achieve Transcendent Mortal Fourth Layer Cleaning Impurity Realm at least, but wants the true invincibility, then must have Fifth Layer Spirit Gathering Realm or Sixth Layer Celestial Bridge Realm battle strength. 万国联盟周边,想要做到一统天下,没人敢反驳,实力最少要达到化凡四重浊清境,而想要真正的无敌,则要拥有五重合灵境或者六重桥天境战斗力 Before he did not have this ability, now/current to achieve Half Saint, in the hand many treasures and medicine pill, helping Zhao Feiwu promote to this rank in a short time, was not complex. 以前他没这个能力,现在达到半圣,手中更有诸多宝物和丹药,帮赵飞舞短时间内提升到这种级别,并不复杂。 many thanks Master Zhang!” 多谢张师!” Hearing to help the ownself promotion strength, the Zhao Feiwu eyes shine. 听到要帮助自己提升实力,赵飞舞双眼放光。 Although regarding the power and influence, has little interest, but the opposite party can help ownself, represented to her attaching great importance, makes her very happy. 虽然对于权势,没有太大兴趣,但对方能帮助自己,代表了对她的重视,还是让她十分开心的。 In addition, Master Zhang more walks is farther, the strength gap too big words, happening together will be getting bigger and bigger, until does not have contact again. 再加上,张师越走越远,实力差距太大的话,交集将会越来越大,直至再无联系 Can enhance the strength, explained and him approaches gradually, even if/considered as was impossible to catch up, gap is not so at least big. 能够提升实力,说明和他逐步靠近,就算不可能追上,至少差距没这么大了。 Ends matter handover instruction/explain of alliance, according to the Zhang Xuan's words, news transmit, Zhao Feiwu then stepped the back of Purple Sun Beast with the people, straight flew to the Xuanyuan Kingdom's direction. 将联盟的事交代完,又按照张悬的话,将消息传递了出去,赵飞舞这才和众人一起踏上了紫阳兽的脊背,笔直轩辕王国的方向飞了过去。
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