LOTGS :: Volume #6 混乱伊始

#465: Dragon Snail lays an ambush, Zhou Tong executes the monster

However this time, Han Anjun has not actually given him the new duty, but summons him to go back. 【 net 然而这一次,韩安军却没给他新任务,而是召他回去。【文字首发 Li Qingshan said with a smile: Finally did giving up make my this son-in-law rest?” 李青山笑道:“终于舍得让我这女婿休息一下了吗?” Several Music School disciple hear him to return to Clear River Prefecture, starts to speak but hesitates, they do not have Li Qingshan such strength, but accordingly, does not need to shoulder that big responsibility. After basic every time dispatches, will go back to repair and maintain. 几个乐家弟子听闻他要回返清河府,都是欲言又止,她们没有李青山这样的实力,但相应的,也不必担负那么大的责任。基本每一次派遣之后,都会回去进行修整。 However returns to Clear River Prefecture also to have not the short distance from here, now the turbulent situation, the flames of war spread, is very easy to encounter the surprise attack of Demon, then wants to make Li Qingshan have their regulation. 不过从这里回到清河府还有不短的距离,现在局势动荡,战火蔓延,很容易遭遇妖魔的突袭,便想让李青山带她们一程。 But if led them, must waste some Li Qingshan time. Along with prominence of Li Qingshan, his arrogance also became famous, the hearsay he always comes and goes freely, unhappy with person human relations, just now sees, truly not empty. Chapter 100 Dragon Snail lays an ambush, Zhou Tong executes monster 但若是带了她们,必会浪费一些李青山的时间。随着李青山的声名鹊起,他的孤傲也出了名,传闻他向来是独来独往,不喜与人交际,方才一见,确实不虚。第100章龙蜗设伏,周通诛妖 If opens the mouth to be rejected, on that face countenance is unattractive. 若是开口被拒绝,那颜面上就不好看了。 I must return to Clear River Prefecture to go, but can have your regulation?” Li Qingshan saw their idea, pours does not care about this time. “我要回清河府去,可要带你们一程?”李青山看出了她们的想法,倒也不在乎这点时间。 Several Music School disciple are overjoyed, expressed gratitude repeatedly, thought that his hearsay like that was not unreasonable. 几个乐家弟子大喜过望,连声道谢,觉得他也不似传闻那般不近人情。 After all we are all human beings! 毕竟大家都是人啊! The white fog fills the air, picks up Li Qingshan with several Music School disciple, flies the horizon slowly, buzz, is towing long Yun Wei, goes from out of the blue. 白色云雾弥漫开来,托起李青山与几个乐家弟子,缓缓飞上天际,嗡的一声,拖曳着一条长长的云尾,破空而去。 Senior Brother this leaps to say Riding Fog Technique, perhaps in Hundred Philosophical Scriptures Academy, nobody several people compare on?” 师兄这腾云驾雾术,恐怕在百家经院内,也没有人几个人比的上?” „When Senior Brother is my Clear River Prefecture hundred years of rare genius, in hospital tries, that several by allow is the genius character, are not Senior Brother first Foundation Establishment.” 师兄可是我清河府百年难得一见的天才,入院试时,那几个被许为天才的人物,还不是师兄最先筑基。” The cloud cluster crosses a mountain range. Throwing after behind, several Music School disciple will acclaim heartfeltly, besides the sincerity, has certainly Qu intent to flatter. Actually normally their several join the Hundred Philosophical Scriptures Academy time, is longer than Li Qingshan, but also is Li Qingshan Senior Apprentice Sister. 云团越过一座山峦。将之抛在身后,几个乐家弟子衷心赞叹,其中除了真心外,当然也有曲意奉承。其实按说她们几个加入百家经院的时间,都比李青山更长,还算是李青山师姐 Even if cannot obtain any solid Qualitative advantage, can with such person. Makes friendly friends is also the good deed. The weak ones fawn on the powerhouse, mostly in line with such thoughts, although often anything cannot obtain. But only Chapter 100 Dragon Snail lays an ambush, Zhou Tong executes the monster for that ray of hope, then always enjoys. 即便得不到什么实质的好处,能与这样的人。结一段善缘也是好事。弱者去逢迎强者,大多是本着这样的心思,虽然往往什么也得不到。但只第100章龙蜗设伏,周通诛妖为那一线希望,便乐此不疲。 Li Qingshan smiles, will say anything. Suddenly feels a restlessness. 李青山一笑,正要说些什么。忽然感觉一阵不安。 On the dark earth, golden light flashes, passes through the cloud cluster. 黑沉沉的大地上,金光一闪,贯穿云团。 ...... …… This is a lively old city, although could not have compared the prefectural city by far, but the nearby has several mines, makes use of local resources, livelihood of the people but actually also abundant. 这是一座繁华古城,虽然还远远比不上府城,但附近有着几座矿山,靠山吃山,民生倒也富足。 The weather was just dark, in the city then shines the lights. 天色刚刚暗下来,城中便亮起灯火。 The reason that because Demon rebels, on road few individuals, remaining night watchmen still have only been knocking the copper gong on the street. Languid was shouting: Day dry matter is dry, careful things that may cause fires!” 因为妖魔作乱的缘故,路上已没几个人,只剩下更夫还在街上敲着铜锣。懒洋洋的喊着:“天干物燥,小心火烛!” Night watchman voice, taking advantage of moonlight, sees only the distant place to walk a person's shadow, is and out in the light night fog. He narrows the eye. More careful time that also wants to look. 更夫声音一顿,借着月光,只见远处走来一个人影,在薄薄的夜雾中忽隐忽现。他眯起眼睛。还想看的更仔细些的时候。 That form, one has arrived front, on the delicate and pretty ruddy face, a pair of eyes pupil blood is bright, the corners of the mouth protrude two fangs, open mouth attract. 那身影不知怎地,一下走到了面前,俊美红润的脸庞上,一双眼眸血光闪闪,嘴角凸出两颗獠牙,张口一吸。 . The heart spot of night watchman protrudes fiercely, departs together the bright red blood. 噗的一声。更夫的心脏部位猛地凸出,飞出一道鲜红的血液。 Worked as one, the copper gong falls falls on the place, the night watchman falls down, the whole body twitched, has become an ice-cold pale corpse, the whole body did not remain a drop of blood. 哐当一声,铜锣摔落在地,更夫倒在地上,浑身抽搐了一下,已成一具冰冷苍白的尸体,浑身不剩一滴鲜血。 Blood Shadow has licked the lip , to continue following the street, his line of sight penetration mist penetration wall, sees in the path both sides house, is sending out the blood energy human form. 血影舔了舔嘴唇,顺着街衢继续前行,他的视线穿透薄雾穿透墙壁,看到道路两旁房屋中,一个个散发着血气的人形。 His mouth opening to a size of exaggeration, making his entire face extremely twist, the swallowing sorption in gulps, bright red blood go over a wall, emerges in his mouth crazily. 他的嘴巴张大到一个夸张的大小,让他整个脸都极为扭曲,大口大口的吞吸着,一道道鲜红的血液越墙而出,疯狂的涌入他口中。 The long street end, formidable blood energy, attracted the attention of Blood Shadow, he fixes one's gaze on to look, a wear worn-out Daoist robe, in la sloppy Daoist, is carrying on the arm liquor bottle gourd, is twisting a burned black deadwood. 长街尽头,一股强大的血气,吸引了血影的注意,他凝眸望去,一个穿着破旧道袍,邋里邋遢的道人,一手挎着一个酒葫芦,一手捻着一根焦黑的枯枝。 evildoer/monstrous talent, waited for you for a long time!” 妖孽,等你许久了!” Zhou Tong drank liquor, in the hand the deadwood has raised. 周通饮了一口酒,手中枯枝一扬。 The startling thunderclap, the transition sways from side to side together, just like Dragon Snake, passes through the night fog, hits Blood Shadow instantaneously. 一道惊雷,转折扭动,宛如龙蛇,贯穿夜雾,瞬间击中血影 ...... …… The cloud cluster was torn, above actually nobody left, in the Li Qingshan hand departs two cloud bands, surrounds several Music School disciple, shoots up to the sky. 云团被撕裂,上面却空无一人,李青山手中飞出两条云带,环绕住几个乐家弟子,冲天而起。 In the ground the golden light dodges continually, a giant hedgehog essence, the whole body is the shining sharp thorn, each has the lance size, inundates to sprinkle the horizon. 地面上金光连闪,一只巨型刺猬精,浑身都是金灿灿的尖刺,每一根都有长矛大小,漫洒天际。 Li Qingshan transports Treading Wave Form, is stepping on the scaling ladder, upward vertical exceed, wants to leave its attack range unceasingly first, puts the safe place several Music School disciple, then butchered that hedgehog. 李青山运起踏浪式,踩着云梯般,不断向上纵越,想要先脱出其攻击范围,将几个乐家弟子放到安全的地方,再宰了那只刺猬。 First Level light Cloud Screen, blocks from the bright moon/month in sky, the moonlight is dim. 一层薄薄的云幕,遮住天空中的朗月,月色朦胧。 The Li Qingshan broken clouds, above jump cloud layer, that hedgehog fine sharp thorn flew this altitude is very incapable, but also relaxed without enough time, actually saw a humpbacked old man to sit in the cloud layer, said with the extremely slow intonation: 李青山破云而出,跃升云层之上,那刺猬精的尖刺飞到这个高度就十分无力了,还来不及松一口气,却见一个驼背老头坐在云层上,用极为缓慢的语调道: „Do you recently cut to kill my three Monster General cultivator?” “你就是近来斩杀我三个妖将修行者?” Dragon Snail! 龙蜗 In the Li Qingshan heart sinks, in the Blood Shadow Violent Stone Dragon Snail three monsters, he most dreads this immeasurably deep Dragon Snail, but stubborn such as Blood Shadow Violent Stone, resembles also approves this point. 李青山心中一沉,血影强石龙蜗三妖中,他最忌惮的还是这深不可测的龙蜗,而桀骜如血影强石,似也认同这一点。 Li Qingshan in Subterrean World clone, will have closed up cultivation, prepares the matter of decisive battle Fu Qingjin, to report gives Spider Queen. Although Spider Queen in the heart is unhappy, but sees him to constrain a skilled person, is unobjectionable. At this time, Dragon Snail proposed that must let his military officer all Monster, gave him to dispatch. 李青山地底分身,已经将闭关修行,准备决战付青衿之事,禀报蛛后蛛后虽然心中不喜,不过见他能够拖住一个强手,也就并无异议。这时候,龙蜗却提出,要让他将领地中所有的妖怪,都交给他来调遣。 Li Qingshan is not willing to comply, Spider Queen had the definite opinion, does not allow to resist. Originally Dragon Snail not only has incorporated the Violent Stone subordinate, even also has the Blood Shadow subordinate, almost replaces Spider Queen, commands all Monster. 李青山本不肯答应,蛛后却已有定见,不容推拒。原来龙蜗不但收编了强石的属下,甚至还有血影的属下,几乎是代替蛛后,统帅所有妖怪 It seems like was my these days performance is extremely prominent, attracted the idea of this old Monster, ambushed specially here I, this old Monster city mansion was deep, the thoughts were meticulous, wanted difficult to deal with many compared with Violent Stone Blood Shadow. If all alone said fortunately that is bringing these Qi Refining Warrior, perhaps is difficult to protect them to be complete.” “看来是我这段时间的表现太过突出,吸引了这老妖怪的主意,专门在这里埋伏我,这老妖怪城府深沉,心思缜密,比强石血影都要难对付的多。若是孤身一人还好说,带着这几个炼气士,恐怕难护她们周全。” Say/Way that Li Qingshan maintains composure: Also is what kind of?” 李青山不动声色的道:“是又怎样?” Stays here!” “是就留在这里吧!” The Dragon Snail language fast was suddenly quicker, did not have that type the slow intonation that again made the person listen to worry, one and quick, its speed, dodged arrives in front of Li Qingshan, the skinny hand clutched to Li Qingshan throat. 龙蜗的语速陡然快了许多,再没有那种让人听着着急的缓慢语调,一并快起来的,还有它的速度,一闪就来到李青山面前,枯瘦的手一把扼向李青山咽喉 Quite quick, is unexpectedly quicker than Blood Shadow!” “好快,竟然比血影还快!” The response of Li Qingshan body is quicker than the thought that the horizontal sword blocks, Dragon Snail as if has not seen nearly transparent Illusion Water Invisible Sword, still grasped. 李青山身体的反应比意念更快,横剑一拦,龙蜗仿佛没有看到近乎透明的幻水无形剑,仍是直直抓过来。 In the Li Qingshan heart happy, sharp sword edge, cuts into the fingers/tiger mouth of Dragon Snail easily, the skinny arm will divide into two, Dantian Sword Qi along with sword. 李青山心中一喜,锋利的剑锋,轻易切入龙蜗的虎口,将枯瘦的手臂从中一分为二,丹田剑气随剑而出。 In the eye pupils of some Dragon Snail delay, dodges the sinister and ruthless ray, the separated arm inflates suddenly, along with it opening, just like the huge mouth of monster, pulls to say the mucilage surely, bites to the Li Qingshan nape of the neck. 龙蜗有些呆滞的眼眸中,闪起着阴毒的光芒,分开的手臂急剧膨胀,随之张开,宛如怪兽的巨口,拉扯出千万道粘液,向李青山的脖颈咬下去。 Li Qingshan has served the purpose, received sword to remove the body, on Illusion Water Invisible Sword has covered the First Level mucilage, was corroding the miraculous glow on sword, he was busy at transporting Spirit Artifact, washed off this once the mucilage, not only the miraculous glow became gloomily, the sword blade became the naked eye obvious. 李青山已达到目的,收剑撤身,幻水无形剑上蒙上了一层粘液,侵蚀着剑上的灵光,他忙运起灵器,洗去这曾粘液,不但灵光变得暗淡许多,就连剑身都变得肉眼可见。 That sword is Dragon Snail makes him cut simply intentionally, his Dantian Sword Qi copes with ordinary Monster General, is sufficiently fatal, but to Dragon Snail, he does not have the half minute to be self-confident. 那一剑简直是龙蜗故意让他斩中的,他的丹田剑气对付普通妖将,足以致命,但是对龙蜗,他却没有半分自信。 Sure enough, Dragon Snail is only the personal appearance slightly one slow, again does not have any response, even like Violent Stone, has not compelled Sword Qi. 果不其然,龙蜗只是身形微微一缓,就再无任何反应,甚至没像强石那样,将剑气逼出。 Puts me to get down! Puts me to get down! I must go home!” “放我下去!放我下去!我要回家!” In this time, a Music School disciple child scream is weeping and wailing likely, makes an effort to struggle, tries to have anything's that with Li Qingshan. The unceasing Life and Death crisis, stretched her last heartstrings, was not the nerve of everyone, resembled Li Qingshan to be so tenacious. 正在这时,一个乐家弟子像孩子般尖叫哭喊起来,用力挣扎,正是试图跟李青山发生点什么的那位。不断的生死危机,绷断了她最后一根心弦,并不是每个人的神经,都似李青山这般强韧。 Do not fear that we will certainly be all right.” Believes Senior Brother!” slut, shuts up to me, you hear not to have!” “别怕,我们一定会没事的。”“相信师兄!”“贱人,给我闭嘴,你听到没有!” Several other Music School disciple, feared that she falls off, talked at once to persuade, even was scolding. 其他几个乐家弟子,怕她真的脱落下去,七嘴八舌劝说着,甚至呵斥着。 Spreads to the Li Qingshan ear, the language fast is actually the quick astonishment, the recording tape that as if puts quickly, is almost unable to hear clearly, his brow wrinkle, if has become aware. 传入李青山耳中,语速却是快的惊人,仿佛是快放的录音带,几乎无法听清,他眉头一皱,若有所悟。 Whiz whiz whiz whiz, several golden light from behind from out of the blue raid, quick Li Qingshan has not nearly responded that does not return, a sword cuts the burr to the sharp thorn of his vest, actually heard that squeal stops suddenly, a sharp thorn passes through from the head directly, kills that Music School disciple at the scene, on her bright and clean forehead, were many a blood hole. 嗖嗖嗖嗖,几道金光从身后破空袭来,快的李青山险些没反应过来,头也不回,一剑斩飞刺向他背心的尖刺,却闻身旁的尖叫声戛然而止,一根尖刺直接从头颅穿过,将那乐家弟子射杀当场,她光洁的脑门上,多了一个血洞。 The persuasion sound also stopped, several other Music School disciple, the body of everyone, were many a blood hole, in an instant turned into corpses, hangs on the cloud band. 劝说声也停止了,其他几个乐家弟子,每个人的身上,都多了一个血洞,转眼间变成了一具具死尸,挂在云带上。 Their both eyes circle is opening the eyes, as if cannot believe that oneself will have such destiny. To depend upon Li Qingshan, obtains some securities, has not actually thought that instead was killed because of him. 她们双目圆睁着,仿佛不能置信,自己会有这样的命运。本想依靠着李青山,获得一些安全,却没想到反而因他而丧命。 The cloud band diverges, they crash to the tread, changes is gradually small, melts in the fog, the women's clothing waves, as if a piece by piece flower petal on the wane. 云带散去,她们向着地面坠落,渐渐变小,消融于云雾间,衣裙舞动,仿佛一片片凋零的花瓣。 Li Qingshan sighs with emotion without enough time, he understands finally that was not Dragon Snail changes quick, but was slowed down, was not only the personal appearance slowed down, the response of brain, revolution Spiritual Qi speed, slow, but he does not know when unexpectedly oneself were move! 李青山来不及感慨,他终于明白,不是龙蜗变快了,而是自己变慢了,不但是身形变慢了,连带着大脑的反应,运转灵气的速度,都跟着慢了下来,而他竟不知自己是在什么时候中的招! He stared at front Dragon Snail, good strange Innate Divine Ability, good terror Innate Divine Ability! 他凝视了面前的龙蜗,好诡异的天赋神通,好恐怖的天赋神通 In Li Qingshan behind, in piece of Cloud Screen, the hedgehog essence shakes the body, hundred golden light, like the sudden downpour, are unable to fend densely, Li Qingshan that the personal appearance slow more than planned, is not also able to fend. 李青山身后,一片云幕中,刺猬精一抖身躯,百道金光,密如急雨,无从闪避,身形慢了不止一筹的李青山,亦无法闪避。 ...... …… After Heavenly Tribulation test Blood Shadow, how also to fear this trivial lightning? 经过天劫考验的血影,又岂怕这区区一道闪电? When I extract your blood, tasting is any taste! 待我将你的血液抽出,尝尝是什么滋味! Blood Shadow coldly smiles, takes a step to go forward, overflows electric lights from top to bottom, his face gradually turns burned black, appears color of the fear, is staring at the deadwood in Zhou Tong hand: What is this?” 血影冷冷一笑,迈步上前,浑身上下溢出一道道电光,他的脸渐渐变成焦黑,浮现出一丝恐惧之色,凝视着周通手中的枯枝:“这是什么?” The common lightning like that has not dodged likely passes, but paces back and forth in Blood Shadow within the body, willful destruction. Each tiny electric light, can penetrate his body, evaporates some blood, on blood red Monster Core, is the electric light interweaves, making him feel an intermittent palpitation. 并未像寻常闪电那般一闪即逝,而是在血影体内徘徊不去,恣意破坏。每一道细小的电光,都能穿透他的身躯,蒸发一部分血液,就连血红的妖丹上,都是电光交织,令他感到一阵阵心悸。 Supreme Elderly Lord, like law, god of thunder goddess of lightning, Divine Thunder executes the monster anxiously anxiously!” 太上老君,急急如律,雷公电母,神雷诛妖!” The Zhou Tong appearance with deep veneration, not having an idle talk, under foot step astral to tread to fight, the worn-out Daoist robe sound of sword dances in the breeze, grasps the deadwood, seems grasping a handle Peerless treasured sword, points to the daytime. 周通面目肃然,没有一句废话,脚下步罡踏斗,破旧道袍霍霍飘舞,手持枯枝,仿佛握着一柄绝世宝剑,直指长天。 Bang! 轰! Divine Thunder drops from the clouds, meets the day continually, illumination thousand li (500 km). 神雷从天而降,接天连地,光照千里。 ps: Yesterday evening has had a night of dream, today getting up headache wants to crack, this chapter has written for four hours. rq!!! ps:昨天晚上做了一夜的梦,今天起来头痛欲裂,这一章写了四个多小时。rq!!! , , , 看无广告,全文字无错首发小说,网-文字首发,您的最佳选择!
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