LOTGS :: Volume #6 混乱伊始

#464: Chaos caused by war

For the first time the eye looks, the shadow shape, likely is a great egg, but actually split the four limbs, let fall from the huge body. 【 .! The net skin is luminous, as if after the careful polish, is more like the inscription on stone tablet and bronze, but non- flesh and blood. 乍眼望去,黑影的形状,像是一个巨蛋,但却分裂出了四肢,从庞大的身躯垂落下去。【文字首发。!网皮肤光亮坚硬,仿佛经过精心的打磨,更像是金石,而非血肉 Only has the spot of connection four limbs, is similar to the organism, is actually more like the lay-up together giant pipes, under shining of sunlight, even can see indistinctly flowing of liquid, actually does not know that is the blood. 唯有连接四肢的部位,才类似于肌体,却更像是一条条绞合在一起的巨大管子,在阳光的照耀下,甚至能够隐约看到其中液体的流动,却不知是不是血液。 The obvious head, two have not been glittering callously the small luminous spot, seems its eye, the whole looks like huge is not extremely fat, fortress that likely is march, the imposing manner is extraordinary. 没有明显的头颅,两个冷酷的闪烁着小光点,似乎是它的眼睛,整体看起来庞大却不臃肿,像是一座行进的堡垒,气势非凡。 That bang the loud sound, is its heavy footsteps. Oversteps the corpse of cheetah, it does not stay goes toward the end line of wilderness, there has an the lofty one city. 那轰隆的巨响,正是它沉重的脚步。踏过猎豹的尸体,它毫不停留的向着荒原的尽头行去,那里有一座孤城。 In the ground, the uneven circular rock, shivered together suddenly, the rock external skin has separated, appeared crystal, turned into one in a big way such as the eyeball of wheel, 360 degrees revolved for one week, locks the great egg monster that stride walked. 地面上,一块凹凸不平的圆形怪石,忽然颤动了一下,怪石的表皮分开,显出其中的结晶体,变成一只大如车轮的眼球,360度旋转一周,锁定了那大步走来的巨蛋似的怪物。 Great egg monster muddy non- detection crosses from the sky, 巨蛋怪物浑无察觉的从上空越过, The ground splits a big seam, covers entirely the fangs big mouth, a huge body, leaps from within the earth, is a personal appearance is more than ten zhang (3.33 m) alone corner/horn lizards, plunges this great egg monster fiercely, emits the violently poisonous mucilage, 地面裂开一道大缝,是布满獠牙的血盆大口,一个庞大的身躯,从土中跃出,乃是一只身形长达十余丈的独角蜥蜴,猛地扑向这巨蛋怪物,喷吐出剧毒的粘液, The great egg monster lifts the right arm, opens palm to aim at the lizard, emits together the bucket thick or thin ray, but changes the elbow and armpit, is unable to adjust the best angle. 巨蛋怪物抬起右臂,张开手心对准蜥蜴,放出一道水桶粗细的光芒,但变起肘腋,无法调整出最佳的角度。 Alone corner/horn lizard huge body extremely clever turns, brushes with the light beam, covers entirely the fangs huge mouth, bites the great egg monster wrist/skill maliciously, makes an effort the swinging head, will put in order only the arm to tear. 独角蜥蜴庞大的身躯极为灵巧的一扭,同光束擦身而过,布满獠牙的巨口,狠狠咬住巨蛋怪物手腕,用力摆动头颅,将整只手臂撕裂下来。 Dark-Red liquid, distant spurts. The great egg monster as if not know pain. Left fist bombardment on the head of lizard. 暗红色的液体,远远的飞洒开来。巨蛋怪物仿佛不知痛苦。左拳轰击在蜥蜴的头颅上。 Intense fight of two monsters on wilderness, for the first time the eye looks, is unable to distinguish to be just and evil. Only the confrontation of most primitive strength. 两个怪物在荒原上激烈搏斗,乍眼望去,无法分辨正义与邪恶。只有最原始力量的交锋。 The eye of great egg monster glitters unceasingly, but to has not exuded one to shout from the beginning finally, likely is the fight machine of being not aware of fatigue. But loses an inferiority of arm, unceasingly is actually expanding, cannot support gradually, 巨蛋怪物的眼睛不断闪烁,但从始到终没有发出一声嘶吼,像是不知疲倦的战斗机器。但失去一只手臂的劣势,却在不断扩大,渐渐支撑不住, The venom apply full whole body, corroded thoroughly the external skin, revealed the interior, was not the five main internal organs (entrails), but was rapid revolution machinery mechanism. 毒液涂满全身,腐蚀透了表皮,露出内部,不是五脏六腑,而是急促运转的机械机关 In the chest abdomen of its bulge, there is one to be similar to the spot of cabin. Hao Pingyang sits, both eyes arrange/cloth full health silk, in mouth unconsciousness was howling: Dies!” 在其凸起的胸腹部,有一个类似于舱室的部位。郝平阳就坐在其中,双目布满血丝,口中无意识的吼叫着:“去死吧!” He operates this great egg monster to fight. This is the Mohist School most recent puppet. In light of the method of refining corpse technique, had the strong Great Strength quantity of Foundation Establishment level. Does not have the common puppet that ability for independent combat. 正是他操纵着这巨蛋怪物进行战斗。这是墨家最新研发的傀儡。结合了炼尸术的法门,拥有筑基级的强大力量。却没有寻常傀儡那种独立战斗的能力。 The Mohist School traditional puppet technique, has the Foundation Establishment level puppet, even Golden Core level puppet, and even the Nascent Soul level puppet in legend, but operates these puppets, must have the corresponding strength, at least is not Qi Refining Warrior handled.( This chapter by netizen upload) 墨家传统的傀儡术,是有筑基级傀儡,甚至金丹级傀儡,乃至传说中的元婴级傀儡,不过操纵这些傀儡,也得具有相应的实力,至少不是一个炼气士玩得转的。(本章节由网友上传) But this new puppet, can actually make Qi Refining Warrior use, Hao Pingyang is acts as this puppet the brain. Comes to carry out the task, wants to cut the monster to eliminate the demon, has not thought to be frustrated, was ambushed by Monster General unexpectedly. 而这种新型傀儡,却能够让炼气士来使用,郝平阳便是充当这傀儡的大脑。前来执行任务,本想斩妖除魔,没想到出师不利,竟被妖将埋伏。 Lizard Monster General the puppet according to the ground, felt existence of Hao Pingyang, the sharp check claw has turned toward the cabin unceasingly pulls out, the sparks fly, the sawdust flutters about, makes in the fricative of person of tooth acid, only listens to scoff at one. 蜥蜴妖将将傀儡按在地上,感觉到了郝平阳的存在,锋利的勾爪不断向着舱室的掏去,火花飞溅,木屑纷飞,令人牙酸的摩擦声中,只听“嗤啦”一声。 Lizard Monster General pulls out the cabin, will be big quick cheek, the Human Race cultivator flavor/smell, has the different kind tastiness. 蜥蜴妖将将舱室掏开,正要大朵快颐一番,人类修士的味道,有着别样的鲜美。 Hao Pingyang embraces Yellow Dragon to swallow up the artillery, roars is sending out light beam, big mouth that center lizard Monster General opens. 郝平阳怀抱黄龙吞光炮,怒吼着发出一道光束,正中蜥蜴妖将张开的大嘴。 The lizard Monster General frail mouth is injured, cannot actually be regarded anything to damage severely, instead even more violent anger vicious, bites to Hao Pingyang. 蜥蜴妖将脆弱的口腔受伤,却算不得什么大伤,反而越发暴怒凶狠,向郝平阳咬去。 The rank wind caresses the face, Hao Pingyang knew in the heart, this time feared must confess here. 腥风扑面,郝平阳心知,此番怕是要交代在这里。 Suddenly, lizard Monster General has realized anything likely, abandoned Hao Pingyang, the eye that two protruding, 360 degrees revolved for one week, locked void, suddenly departed a handle jet black such as the long sword of black ink. 忽然间,蜥蜴妖将像是察觉了什么,舍了郝平阳,两只凸出的眼睛,360度旋转一周,锁定一片虚空,突的飞出一柄漆黑如墨的长剑。 Lizard Monster General also feels that handle Ink-Black Sword danger, fearful sword intent locks it, rapid, if the wind and thunder, so near distance, evades not to be possible to evade. 蜥蜴妖将亦感受到那柄墨剑的危险,一股可怕的剑意将它锁定,迅若风雷,如此近的距离,避无可避。 Its personal appearance reduces suddenly, the speed becomes quickly, bypasses Ink-Black Sword like lightning, plunges that void, sneak attack there! 它身形急剧缩小,速度变得更快,闪电般绕过墨剑,扑向那片虚空,偷袭者就在那里! Illusion Water Invisible Sword is partly visible, the curve of passing over gently and swiftly semicircle, cut void, as if calculates the path that lizard Monster General marched forward, accurate cutting carried on the back in it, sharp Sword Qi with that Ink-Black Sword same terrifying, along with it. 幻水无形剑若隐若现,掠过半圆的弧度,划破虚空,仿佛算准了蜥蜴妖将行进的轨迹,精准的斩在它背上,一股同那墨剑一样恐怖的锋锐剑气,随之而出。 A lizard Monster General pitiful yell, body changes into two sections, but actually not from waist, but from the tail root place, as if that sword does not cut in its carrying on the back. 蜥蜴妖将一声惨叫,身躯化为两截,但却不是从腰部,而是从尾根处,仿佛那一剑不是斩在它的背上。 This is its Innate Divine Ability, where regardless of were injured, can pass the burden to the tail on, but the lizard cuts tail, but also is renewable. Felt that the danger, it turned around then to drill without hesitation to the ground, together the eye that side Sword Qi pierces the bulge, pierces the head. 这便是它的天赋神通,无论哪里受到伤害,都可以转嫁到尾巴上,而蜥蜴断尾,还可再生。感觉到了危险,它毫不犹豫地转身便向地面钻去,侧面一道剑气刺穿凸起的眼睛,刺穿头颅。 That handle Ink-Black Sword that just now departs does not know when transfers excessively. 方才飞出的那柄墨剑不知何时调转过头。 The Li Qingshan personal appearance appears, this Monster General is really sly, if not he «Cursive Sword Script» refining, regarding the control of Sword Qi, the revolution were completely pleasant, was almost escaped by it. 李青山的身形显现,这妖将实在是狡猾,若非他将《草字剑书》完全炼化,对于剑气的操控,已经运转如意,几乎被它逃过一劫。 If no this two Sword Qi, has no alternative but to change monster body, is only his Foundation Establishment Initial Stage Realm, wants to cut to kill Monster General, is not an easy matter. 如果没有这个两道剑气,又不能不变化妖身,单凭他筑基初期境界,想要斩杀妖将,可不是一件容易的事。 Although «Boundless Sea Art» is good Cultivation Technique, lacks the ability that strikes to kill, even if gets the winning side, compels the hopeless situation Monster General, its direct self-detonation Monster Core, is as futile as carrying water in a bamboo basket. 大海无量功》虽然是不错的功法,也缺乏一击必杀的能力,就算占据上风,将妖将逼到绝境,它直接自爆妖丹,还是竹篮打水一场空。 Li Qingshan entire received the lizard Hundred Treasure Pouch, looked at that Monster Core specially, in the heart also extremely liked, this Monster Core Attribute was also poisonous, finally found one about Monster Core that Millipede used. 李青山将蜥蜴整个收入百宝囊中,特意看了看那妖丹,心中也不胜欢喜,这妖丹属性也是毒,终于找到一颗合马陆用的妖丹了。 Qingshan!” The Hao Pingyang whole face pleasantly surprised crawls from the puppet, he of barely escaping, looks like somewhat distressed. 青山!”郝平阳满脸惊喜从傀儡里爬出来,险死还生的他,看起来有些狼狈。 For a long time does not see.” Li Qingshan turned head, shows a faint smile. “好久不见。”李青山回过头来,微微一笑。 Two people chatted a while under the puppet wreckage, Hao Pingyang know, Li Qingshan will come to here, by no means accidentally, but was sent to assist his. 二人在傀儡的残骸下聊了一会儿,郝平阳才知道,李青山会来这里,并非偶然,而是被派来协助他的。 Shortly after this new puppet investment battlefield, all parties to its confidence are also not very strong, performance in actual combat, truly is inferior to the ordinary Foundation Establishment level puppet. 这新型傀儡投入战场不久,各方对其的信心还不是很强,在实战中的表现,也确实不如普通的筑基级傀儡。 But this matter, Li Qingshan was not first time does. 而这种事,李青山也不是第一次干了。 Setting sun drops the horizon gradually, the stars on wilderness are especially dazzling. 夕阳渐渐落下地平线,荒原上的繁星格外耀眼。 Walks, I have your regulation, returned to Hundred Philosophical Scriptures Academy......” the Li Qingshan words not saying that the jade pendant of waist flashed the ray, was different from the Scarlet Wolf sign, this was the unification allocates to each cultivator the thing of contact. “走吧,我带你一程,回百家经院……”李青山话还没说完,腰间的玉佩就闪起光芒,不同于赤狼牌,这是统一配发给每一个修行者的联络之物。 And broadcasts the Han Anjun callous sound: Li Qingshan, reported the news.” 其中传来韩安军冷酷的声音:“李青山,报告讯息。” Cuts to kill Monster General one, the puppet is damaged, Hao Pingyang unobstructive.” “斩杀妖将一只,傀儡被损坏,郝平阳无碍。” Goes to the Southwest 300 miles Fang Courtyard water's edge to support.” Han Anjun any meaning of praise, the direct order had not said. “去西南方300里芳庭浦支援。”韩安军并没有任何夸奖的意思,直接命令道。 Good, immediately.” “好的,马上。” „It is not immediately, is immediately!” “不是马上,是立刻!” But Li Qingshan shrugs the shoulders, Hao Pingyang said: You walk, I must fix this fellow!” 李青山无奈耸耸肩膀,郝平阳道:“你走吧,我要把这家伙修好!” Goes back to ask you to drink!” “回去请你喝酒!” Hao Pingyang looks at the Li Qingshan personal appearance to vanish, is thinking about his all sorts of hearsay, when gratitude, deep admiring. 郝平阳望着李青山身形消失,想着关于他的种种传闻,在感激之余,还有深深的佩服。 This was fifth Monster General that he cut to kill!” “这是他斩杀的第五个妖将了吧!” From the war now, had over half a month the time, after initial probe, flames of war beacon, near fever various places. 从战争开始到现在,已经有大半个月时间,从最初的试探之后,战火烽烟,烧边各处。 Li Qingshan surprised is hiding these many Monster under Subterrean World, is impacting the cities of various places, the place visited is stretch of ruins, the Spider Queen massacring city command, has completed. Because has Foundation Establishment cultivator to go to detain, fight complementary waves, destroys the city to extinguish sufficiently. 就连李青山都惊讶于地底下藏着这么多妖怪,冲击着各处的城镇,所经之处都是一片废墟,蛛后的屠城令,已经完成了。因为就算有筑基修士前去拦阻,战斗的余波,也足以毁城灭地。 No one is able in intense preying, to care about the life of mortal. But the war had not ended, instead becomes even more intense, the short several days of time, falling from the sky Foundation Establishment cultivator broke through ten people. 谁也无法在激烈的搏杀中,顾及凡人的死活。而战争并没有结束,反而变得越发激烈,短短十几天时间,陨落的筑基修士已经突破十人。 Li Qingshan repeatedly is in danger, including danger, is fatal. Although that Monster General cannot compare Stone Demon Blood Demon, is because does not have the special blood relationship, the strength actually strong astonishment, at is not Foundation Establishment Initial Stage can resist. If not there is a monster body this biggest card in a hand, even if not die also by the severe wound. 就连李青山都多次遇险,其中有一次危险,更是致命。那个妖将虽比不上石魔血魔,也不过是因为没有特殊的血统,实力却强劲的惊人,根本不是筑基初期能够抵挡的。若非有妖身这个最大的底牌,就算不死也得受个重伤。 However makes an expedition to the east west one after another asks, harvest is also many. Cut to kill three Monster General, in addition, cuts two Monster General that killed, struck to kill the number then to achieve astonishing five. 不过接连东征西讨,收获也颇丰。共斩杀了三个妖将,再加上以前斩杀的两个妖将,击杀数目便达到了惊人的五个。 Except for using outside that Water Element Monster Core, in his hand had four Monster Core, but cuts common Monster that kills, is countless. 除了用的那一颗水系妖丹外,他手中已经有了四颗妖丹,而斩杀的寻常妖怪,更是不可胜数。 He Contribution Points in Eagle Wolf Guard, accumulated to an extremely huge number. But Hundred Philosophical Scriptures Academy and Monster Execution Union to raise morale, puts out the large amounts of resources, but also another reward. 他在鹰狼卫中的功勋,已经累加到一个极为庞大的数目。而百家经院诛妖盟为了鼓舞士气,都拿出大量的资源来,还另有一份奖励。 In addition, was some unwarranted reputations, anything invisible sword Li Qingshan sea otter Li Qingshan and so on given name. 除此之外,便是一些虚名了,什么“无形剑李青山”“海虎李青山”之类的名号。 Li Qingshan rushes to Fang Courtyard water's edge, distance hears the sound of string and woodwind instruments, crosses the vast reed, ripples in the summer night warm braw together. 李青山赶到芳庭浦,遥遥就听到丝竹之声,越过一望无际的芦苇,一起在仲夏夜的暖风中荡漾。 The bank of river has a manor, the sound then transmits from there. 大河之畔有一座庄园,声音便是从那里传来。 Outside manor, like the eye of star twinkle uncertain monster beast, unceasing approaching, unceasing was compelled by that invisible timbre. 庄园外,是如星星般闪烁不定的妖兽的眼睛,不断的逼近,又不断的被那无形的音色逼开。 Several Music School disciple, sit in a circle in the pavilion after manor, in the hand is holding the different musical instruments, is performing likely, but the non-combatant, they truly are not good at fighting, although can compel to draw back the monster beast, actually could not form the fatal injury, True Qi actually gradually exhausts, on face the color of reappearing fear. 几个乐家弟子,环坐在庄园后的凉亭中,手中持着不同的乐器,像是在表演,而非战斗,她们也确实不擅长战斗,虽然能将妖兽逼退,却形成不了致命的伤势,真气却渐渐耗竭,脸上浮现恐惧之色。 Heard suddenly a pitiful yell, frightened one wife's parents'family disciple group the string, was panic-stricken inexplicable, actually the discovery monster beast started to scatter in all directions to flee, the wind blood fell to the ground. 忽闻一声惨叫,吓得一个岳家弟子拨断了琴弦,惊恐莫名间,却发现妖兽开始四散奔逃,一个个飙血倒地。 A Li Qingshan sword cut to kill lead Monster, then has not spent many methods, then the remaining monster beast one by one solutions, before arriving at the pavilion. 李青山一剑斩杀了领头的妖怪,然后没费多少手段,便将剩下的妖兽一一解决,来到亭前。 You fortunately!” “你们还好吧!” You are Li Qingshan!” “你是李青山!” Music School disciple are the females, these are no exception, although does not have the posture of Peerless, but is the appearance is also elegant, is extraordinary, expressed gratitude to Li Qingshan repeatedly, in the vision many were the favor. And one is the bold expression, is willing to fill the gap that Han Qiongzhi leaves behind, comforts the Li Qingshan lonely mind. 乐家弟子多是女子,这几个也不例外,虽无绝世之姿,但也是容颜秀美,气质不凡,对李青山连声道谢,目光中多是青睐。其中一个更是大胆的表示,愿意填补韩琼枝留下的空白,抚慰一下李青山寂寞的心灵。 Li Qingshan understands at heart, this is the hero rescues beautiful incessantly, the beautiful woman adores, otherwise these proud Music School beautiful women, so will not understand to act with constraint, but is in a precarious state in the war, wants to look for a formidable dependence. 李青山心里明白,这不止是英雄救美,美人倾心,否则这些骄傲的乐家美人,也不会如此不懂得矜持,而是在战争中朝不保夕,想要找一个强大的依靠。 Only has does not make the response with a smile, sits down, Spiritual Qi that in the pavilion restores to consume also has the spirit. 唯有笑着不做回应,在凉亭中坐下,恢复耗费的灵气还有精神。 In a while, waist jade pendant shines again. 没过多久,腰间玉佩再一次亮起。 ps: To cross the Yellow River ice Sechuan, wants to erupt not to have the inspiration, draws a sword to look in all directions the heart to be vacant, might as well southeast hanging. ps:欲渡黄河冰塞川,想要爆发没灵感,拔剑四顾心茫然,不如自挂东南枝。 , , , 看无广告,全文字无错首发小说,网-文字首发,您的最佳选择!
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