LOTGS :: Volume #6 混乱伊始

#466: Does not make the Karma friends, the mortal, if ants

If Li Qingshan only copes with this golden light rain, but also somewhat grasps, but is meticulous depending on the thought of Dragon Snail, how to this opportunity, without any hesitant throws. 【, net 若要李青山只对付这一片金色的光雨,还有几分把握,但凭龙蜗的思维缜密,怎么会给他这种机会,没有任何犹豫的扑上来。【,文字首发 Both sides converging attack, must strangle his final a slim chance of survival. 两面夹击,要扼杀他最后一线生机。 The heart of Li Qingshan is tranquil, as if sea, ten thousand miles do not have the wave. 李青山的心平静下来,仿佛一片大海,却万里无波。 In an instant, he as if saw the path of each sharp thorn operation, although this is only the feeling of being written in water, Illusion Water Invisible Sword in right hand, toward everywhere light rain, has swayed to go, the sword blade reflection silver moonlight, the twinkle appears intermittently. 刹那间,他仿佛看到了每一根尖刺运行的轨迹,虽然这只是转瞬即逝的感觉,右手中的幻水无形剑,已向着漫天光雨,挥洒而去,剑身反射银色月光,闪烁隐现。 Meanwhile, Dragon Snail that his left hand toward throwing pats, Living Tide Form, Parting Cloud Form, forms a coherent whole, True Qi like the tide, the overlapping pressure on the palm, actually draws the bow and not discharges the arrow, the instance that approaches until Dragon Snail, changes to a row of cloud tsunami. 同时,他的左手向着扑来的龙蜗拍去,潮生式,排云式,一气呵成,真气如潮,层层叠叠的压于掌上,却引而不发,直到龙蜗逼近的瞬间,才化作一股排云海啸。 However, if the ordinary time, his sword art is perhaps useful. If facing common Monster General, this palm, when can the accomplishment. 然而,如果是平常时间,他的剑法或许有用。若是面对寻常妖将,他这一掌,当能建功。 But he faces now, is actually the ambush of Great general Monster Race. Depending on the Dragon Snail discrete disposition, only brings Monster General, dares to ambush him, has the absolute self-confidence and assurance. 但他现在面对的,却是妖族大将的伏击。凭龙蜗谨慎的性格,只带一个妖将,就敢来伏击他,是有绝对的自信和把握。 The sword that dingdong two resounding, Li Qingshan slow the number planned, only hits two to fly to the sharp thorn of his head, the chest and belly hands and feet also to be actually damaged, were many 78 blood holes, a blood hole, impressively in the position of heart. 叮当两声脆响,李青山慢了数筹的剑,只击中两根飞向他头颅的尖刺,胸腹手脚却同时受创,多了78血洞,其中一个血洞,赫然就在心脏的位置。 Bang a loud sound, Dragon Snail contemptuous same Li Qingshan right a palm, the inconceivable strong Great Strength quantity, as well as huge Monster Qi, pats the tsunami directly broken, Li Qingshan spurts the blood to fly upside down. 砰的一声巨响,龙蜗轻蔑的同李青山对了一掌,不可思议的强大力量,以及庞大之极的妖气,直接将海啸拍碎,李青山喷血倒飞出去。 Li Qingshan is the same to that several Music School disciple, drops from the sky. 李青山同那几个乐家弟子一样,从天空中跌落。 Dragon Snail is very self-confident, his palm, crushed the five main internal organs (entrails) of Li Qingshan, let alone heart grade of vital point is damaged, he must die without doubt. 龙蜗十分自信,他那一掌,已经击碎了李青山的五脏六腑,更别说心脏这等要害受创,他已是必死无疑。 However to provide against contingencies, he nods to hedgehog Monster General, hedgehog Monster General unbearably anxious toward the Li Qingshan dive in the past, must taste the Human Race cultivator delicacy. 不过为了以防万一,他向刺猬妖将颔首,刺猬妖将急不可耐的向着李青山俯冲过去,要品尝人类修士的美味。 In the eye pupil of Li Qingshan flashes through Dao Divinity to pick suddenly. When refers to does not know. Is twisting Scarlet Talisman, burns, changes into the flying ash, is piece by piece miraculous, surrounds Li Qingshan. 李青山的眼眸中陡然闪过一道神采。指间不知何时。捻着一张赤符,燃烧起来,化为飞灰,片片灵光,将李青山环绕。 The hedgehog essence threw spatial, the time of a blink, the Li Qingshan person already beyond ten miles, leaves behind the path that the flowing light flies together in the nighttime sky. 刺猬精扑了一个空,一眨眼的功夫,李青山人已在十里之外,在夜空中留下一道流光飞逝的轨迹。 Has this art of making oneself invisible symbol fortunately, otherwise the say/way of this old thing!” “还好有这遁甲符,否则着了这老东西的道!” Li Qingshan felt that the speed of Spiritual Qi revolution returns to normal. No matter Dragon Snail that Innate Divine Ability is anything, obviously has no way to cover to such far distance, immediately without hesitation transports Treading Wave Form, dashes toward the distant place. 李青山感觉灵气运转的速度恢复正常。不管龙蜗那个天赋神通是什么,显然没法笼罩到这么远的距离,立刻毫不犹豫的运起踏浪式,向着远方飞奔。 The art of making oneself invisible symbol is in numerous type symbols, quite precious one, lowly also only then Scarlet Talisman will have this symbol, when falls into the hopeless situation, displays. Probably were many a life. 遁甲符是众多类型的符中,较为珍贵的一种,最低也只有赤符才会有这种符,在身陷绝境的时候,施展出来。就好像多了一条命。 What Li Qingshan use is most low status art of making oneself invisible symbol. Only can escape to fly ten miles, because he does not understand Escape Magic, restraint quite a lot. This flies to escape, can only be ten miles, cannot many one foot, cannot few one inch. Only can fly to escape to field of vision institute and place, moreover middle cannot have any impediment. 李青山使用的是最低等的遁甲符。只能遁飞十里,而且因为他不懂遁法,束缚颇多。这一飞遁,只能是十里,不能多一尺,也不能少一寸。只能飞遁向视野所及的地方,而且中间也不能有任何阻隔。 All sorts of requests, let this art of making oneself invisible symbol actually some weaks. Not is only unable to use in the close environment, but also to their this Realm, ten miles distance was actually not remote, the time of gasping for breath can rush. 种种要求,让这遁甲符其实有些鸡肋。不但在封闭的环境无法使用,而且到了他们这个境界,十里距离其实并不遥远,喘口气的功夫就能赶到。 Especially just now that situation, if directly uses, perhaps just put out the symbol to be broken, even if displays. Under the sweep of Dragon Snail strange Divine Ability , the slow astonishment, let its have the time of response probably. 特别是方才那种情况,如果直接使用,恐怕刚刚拿出符就会被打断,就算施展出来。在龙蜗诡异神通的笼罩下,大概也慢的惊人,让其有了反应的时间。 He received the so serious injury, how can also act on free will?” The Dragon Snail complexion changes, in the item flashes through anger, pursues to Li Qingshan. “他受了如此严重的伤势,怎么还能自由行动?”龙蜗脸色一变,目中闪过一丝怒意,向李青山直追过去。 Li Qingshan felt relieved, the Dragon Snail speed is not fast, don't said compared with Blood Shadow, greatly was inferior compared with Violent Stone, but compared with him, actually must bit by bit, two's distance pull closer quickly rapidly. 李青山放下心来,龙蜗的速度并不快,莫说比血影,就是比强石都大有不如,不过比他,却还要快那么一点点,二者的距离迅速拉近。 Does not need to overtake him, so long as integrates the Divine Ability range him then.” Dragon Snail narrows the eye, Divine Ability looks like an invisible big net to cover, cage Li Qingshan that dashes to the front. “不必真的追上他,只要将他纳入神通的范围即可。”龙蜗眯起眼睛,神通像一张无形大网笼罩开来,笼向前方飞奔的李青山 Li Qingshan has also thought that point, how will make Dragon Snail satisfied, shakes «Cursive Sword Script» launches, is handle Ink-Black Sword departs, displays Magic Spell one after another, first is under the arrange/cloth together the water curtain, summons a cloud giant, blocks in his, finally together the running free symbol, will pat on oneself. 李青山也想到了那一点,怎会让龙蜗称心如意,一抖《草字剑书》展开,又是一柄墨剑飞出,接连施展法术,先是布下一道水幕,又召出一个云巨人,拦在他的身后,最后又将一道顺风符,拍在自己身上。 Dragon Snail swallows Ink-Black Sword, a palm crushing water curtain, the direct hole cloud penetration giant, was only slow three slow, the speed almost did not reduce. 龙蜗一口吞下墨剑,一掌击碎水幕,直接洞穿云巨人,只是缓了三缓,速度几乎丝毫不减。 Looks at Li Qingshan again, has been riding rapid flight violent wind, at a quicker speed, flies toward the distant place, spreads out. 再看李青山,已乘着一股疾飞的飙风,以更快的速度,向着远方飞去,又把距离拉开。 Dragon Snail stops the footsteps, gives up pursuing. 龙蜗停下脚步,放弃追击。 Here leaves Clear River Prefecture City not to be far, to this step, the ambush is the failure, pursues again, instead is not wonderful. 这里离清河府城已经不远,到这一步,伏击已算是失败,再追下去,反而不妙。 The Dragon Snail aura goes far away and vanishes, Li Qingshan drops from the clouds, sits cross-legged to sit in meditation, restores Spiritual Qi. 龙蜗气息远去、消失,李青山从天而降,盘膝打坐,恢复灵气 Similar that several blood holes, healed, only the remaining light traces, the heart also again bang bang beats. Depending on his formidable vitality, many vital point are not vital point, so long as protected the good head on the line. 身上的几个血洞,已经愈合的差不多,只剩下淡淡的痕迹,心脏也再一次砰砰跳动起来。凭他强大的生命力,许多要害已经不是要害,只要保护好脑袋就行了。 My strength is weak, otherwise changes monster body directly, strikes to kill this guy, so to be how troublesome? 我的力量还是不够强,否则直接变化妖身,将这厮击杀,怎会这么麻烦? No, if stronger, went to Rose directly, when I Monster Marshal, Unrestrained. 不,如果更强的话,直接去上了罗丝,我当妖帅,岂不是更自在 raised the head to look into the distance, brilliantly illuminated Clear River Prefecture in the front, at this time, the sky of distant place, clear(ly) flashed, for a long time, has the weak thunderous sound, the biography hears. 抬头远望,灯火辉煌的清河府就在前方,这时,远方的天空,明闪了一下,许久之后,才有微弱的雷鸣声,传入耳中。 Good loud thunder, this thunder, feared together near thousand li (500 km) is far, absolutely is not ordinary Heavenly Thunder, only feared that my Spirit Turtle Dark Armor, is unable to resist with ease.” “好响的雷,这一道雷,怕有近千里远,绝对不是普通的天雷,只怕就连我的灵龟玄甲,都无法轻松抵挡。” In the Li Qingshan heart sighs with regret, among the world the powerhouse pours forth, Expert are innumerable, this is also only in small Clear River Prefecture, limits in the Foundation Establishment rank. 李青山心中慨叹,天下间强者辈出,高人无数,这还只是在小小的清河府内,限制在筑基级别。 If this chessgame ended, the war expands, Monster Marshal Monster King runs amuck, Golden Core Nascent Soul wanders about aimlessly, his Monster General Realm, was not anything, met one casually, was matter awfully, only that Song Tao Academy Wen Zhengming was greatly troublesome. 若是这棋局结束,战争扩大,妖帅妖王横行,金丹元婴乱走,他的妖将境界,又不算什么了,随便遇上一个,就是要命的事,单是那松涛书院文正名就是个大麻烦。 Experienced tonight crisis, he regarding the promotion strength and Realm, becomes even more earnestly hopes, must break through Bull Demon and Tiger Demon Fourth Layer as soon as possible. 经历了今夜的危机,他对于提升力量与境界,变得越发渴盼起来,必须尽快突破牛魔虎魔四重 Has changed a new clothes, walks toward the Clear River Prefecture City stride. 换上了一身新衣,向清河府城大步走去。 ...... …… The dead wood in Daoist Sloppy Zhou Tong hand, naturally is not the ordinary deadwood, but is true Magical Artifact. 邋遢道人周通手中的枯木,自然不是普通的枯枝,而是一件真正的法器 In years past he travelled for pleasure outside, meets one almost soon a become a Spirit ten thousand years of hornbeam, was shelled by Heavenly Thunder, only remaining this little segment thunderbolt wood, after dozens years of refinement, refine Magical Artifact, named Thunder Executor, the might was quite powerful. 昔年他在外游历,遇到一棵几乎快要成精的万年铁树,被天雷轰击,只剩下这一小段雷击木,又经过数十年炼制,炼成一件法器,名为“雷殛”,威力极为强大。 What Zhou Tong cultivates is «Divine Firmament Imperial Thunder Secrets», stimulates to movement this Thunder Executor by it, destructive power certain Magical Treasure does not compare continually. His wildness uninhibited, or receives this law influence definitely, has its wild uninhibited energy. 周通修的是《神霄御雷诀》,以之催动这雷殛,破坏力连某些法宝都比不上。他的狂放不羁,或也受这法决的影响,也自有其狂放不羁的底气。 Sees only position that Blood Shadow stood, turned into a big hole, the width amounted to ten zhang (3.33 m), affected both sides house buildings. 只见血影原本站立的位置,变成了一个大坑,宽达十丈,波及两旁的房屋楼舍。 This might looks like general, a Li Qingshan move can also achieve conveniently, but the strength of thunder compared with other Magic Spell, will not cause the destruction to the stone generally. But this thunderbolt, actually directly gasifies hundred tons stone, big hole under shining of moonlight sparkling, changes into the crystal. 这个威力看起来一般,李青山随手一招也能做到,但是雷霆之力不比其他法术,一般不会对土石造成破坏。而这一记雷击,却将百吨土石直接气化,大坑在月光的照耀下闪闪发光,化为晶体。 Coward!” The Zhou Tong nose has spurted the one breath, made this guy running away. 胆小鬼!”周通鼻子喷了一口气,还是让这厮给逃了。 In the final moment, Blood Shadow raises cloak, changes into the First Level blood-color backdrop, resisted to be struck by lightning, has won the time of flash, taking the opportunity ran away to go. 在最后关头,血影扬起身上的披风,化为一层血色天幕,抵挡了一下雷击,争取了一刹那的时间,借机逃遁而去。 Actually fights , the victory and defeat may not know, the Blood Shadow controlling blood ability, has the enormous threat regarding cultivator, can seize the chance to approach Zhou Tong, but Blood Shadow is actually not willing to take a risk, escapes directly. 其实真个交手,胜负尚未可知,血影的控血能力,对于修士有着极大的威胁,原本可以趁机逼近周通,但血影却不肯冒一丝风险,直接逃跑。 Let Zhou Tong filled with fury, has no alternative, although he was known as that the Clear River Prefecture first person, but also slow Blood Shadow planned in the speed. 周通满腔怒火,却无可奈何,他虽号称清河府第一人,但在速度上也慢了血影一筹。 Zhou Tong sword controlling goes from out of the blue, drops out a piece of jet black city, could not bear turn head to look at one, sighed gently, went decidedly. 周通御剑破空而去,抛下一片漆黑的城池,又忍不住回头望了一眼,轻轻一叹,决然而去。 The whole city lights, are all put out. 满城灯火,俱都熄灭。 In a study room, all chinawares become crush, fallen place. The students lie on the table, just now is still raising the lampwick the night to read, at this moment actually becomes lacks any spark of life, the blood has soaked the books gradually, bleeds profusely from the head, was shaken directly executes. 一间书房中,所有的瓷器都变得粉碎,零落一地。书生趴在桌上,方才还在挑灯夜读,此刻却变得毫无生气,鲜血渐渐浸透了书本,七窍流血,被直接震毙。 In the city does not have a living creature to exist again, all-ages, snakeworm mouse ant. 城中再无一个活物存在,男女老幼,蛇虫鼠蚁。 One less than half dies in the hand of Blood Shadow, the larger part dies of the Zhou Tong that together thunder actually. 一小半是死在血影的手中,一大半倒是死于周通那一道雷。 To Blood Demon such match, Zhou Tong does not dare to keep the hand, cannot keep the hand, gets rid, if cares about the life of mortal again, cannot display fully, that death was he. 对上血魔这样的对手,周通不敢留手,也不能留手,出手间若是再顾及凡人的死活,不能施展全力,那死的就是他了。 Blood Shadow same will massacre city, will also continue to slaughter. Therefore can only like this, have no other alternative. 血影一样会屠城,还会继续屠戮下去。所以只能这样,别无他法。 Even if in the heart does not believe that but reality chilling like iron, if mortal ants. 即便心中不这么认为,但现实冷硬如铁,凡人若蝼蚁。 Nothing but is Divine Immortal fights, the mortal met with a disaster. 无非是神仙打架,凡人遭殃而已。 ...... …… Clear River Prefecture City, making treaties of alliance of Cloud and Rain (Intercourse) Building, although early had finished, but Cloud and Rain (Intercourse) Building was recruited, as resisting the Demon supreme headquarters, is showing protects in this city the determinations of 1 million lives. 清河府城,**楼的会盟虽然早已经结束,但**楼被征召,作为对抗妖魔的大本营,亦是彰显守护这城中1000000生灵的决心。 Qingshan, another!” Good that senior makes!” Fellow Daoist is really fierce!” 青山,又一个!”“前辈做的好!”“道友果然厉害!” In the building the cultivator intercourse, clamored lively, saw Li Qingshan to return, greeted to salute. 楼中中修行者往来,喧哗热闹,见到李青山归来,纷纷打招呼行礼。 Li Qingshan cuts to kill a Monster General news to spread, as if the hero returns general. 李青山又斩杀一个妖将的消息已经传开,仿佛英雄归来一般。 These days, he walks in Clear River Prefecture, has saved many cultivator lives, has had many friendly reasons. However he slightly nods, does not do excessively responds, in some people eyes, quite somewhat haughty meaning. 这段时间,他行走于清河府,救了不少修行者的性命,结下了不少善缘。不过他只是微微颔首,不做过多回应,在有些人眼中,颇有几分狂傲之意。 Actually Li Qingshan is not willing to go with the person to form ties again, contaminates Karma. Although these word eyes carelessly look like from the Little An Buddhist literature, but unexpectedly thinks somewhat the truth now, since understood own path, the friend is also good, acquaintance, the fewer the better, so as to avoid died uncomfortably. 其实李青山只是不愿再去与人结缘,沾染因果。这些词眼虽然只是从小安的佛经上胡乱看来,但现在竟觉得有几分道理,既然明白了自己的道路,朋友也好,熟人也罢,还是越少越好,免得死了难受。 Arrives at upper level Cloud and Rain (Intercourse) Building, meek law soldier and other Patriarch, Fu Qingjin as well as several somewhat strange Foundation Establishment cultivator, to big Clear River Prefecture Mind Map, likely are being is discussing anything. 来到**楼上层,儒法兵等几家家主都在,还有付青衿以及几个有些陌生的筑基修士,对着一张偌大的清河府方寸图,像是正在商议什么。 Li Qingshan comes in also to have no time to call, Liu Changqing beckons with the hand to him, making him wait a bit the moment, then lowered the head, points at a point on map saying: I just obtained the news, the week senior strike to kill the Blood Shadow failure, should quick come back. This is the 12 th city, if not Blood Demon wants the refining absorption the blood, the destruction said that is certainly bigger.” 李青山进来也无暇招呼,柳长卿向他摆摆手,让他稍等片刻,然后又低下头,指着地图上的一点道:“我刚已得到消息,周前辈击杀血影失败,应该很快会回来。这已经是第12座城了,若非血魔炼化吸取的血液,破坏说一定更大。” , , , 看无广告,全文字无错首发小说,网-文字首发,您的最佳选择!
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