LCGIR :: Volume #18

#1704: Worried leisurely this solitary one

Xiao Hua where will pay attention to Zhan Xiu this and other empty ratio floating clouds to want thinking highly of floating clouds, this time he will not point out with before like that only said with a smile: Where, where......” 萧华哪里会理会詹秀这等虚的比浮云都要浮云的恭维啊,不过此时的他也不会跟之前那般点明,只笑道:“哪里,哪里……” Nearby Eastern Jade Mountain also quickly gives the thumbs-up, accompanies to say with a smile: Originally the senior is Distress Rider, Junior is in good friend, most is Rampart Hunter, will not have seen the Distress Rider imperial seal, if Ok, whether the Sir can make Junior open mind?” 旁边的东方玉山也急忙竖起了大拇指,陪笑道:“原来前辈是屯腾将啊,晚辈皆是的好友中,最多也是猎垒将,还不曾见过屯腾印玺,若是可以,大人能否让晚辈开开眼界?” East!” Did not wait for the Eastern Jade Mountain saying that Zhan Xiu scolded in side, „the imperial seal use of Sir deployed troops, was not used to show off, you were disrespectful!” “东方!”不等东方玉山说完,詹秀在旁边呵斥道,“大人的印玺使用来调兵遣将的,不是用来炫耀的,你失礼了!” Yes, yes, Junior knows wrong!” The Eastern Jade Mountain feigns to awaken, quickly greets with a smile. “是,是,晚辈知错!”东方玉山佯装醒悟,急忙陪笑。 Hehe, has nothing!” Xiao Hua raised hand the chaotic imperial seal to take Distress Rider, saying with a smile, was an imperial seal, had a look also to might as well!” “呵呵,也没什么!”萧华扬手将屯腾将的浑沌印玺拿了出来,笑道,“不过是一个印玺,看看也是无妨!” „Is this Distress Rider imperial seal??” In the Eastern Jade Mountain eye shines, looks at the chaotic imperial seal, is quite some saying of speaking insincerely, Junior or first time see, is really the power and prestige.” “这就是屯腾印玺??”东方玉山眼中放光,看着浑沌印玺,颇是有些言不由衷的赞道,“晚辈还是头一次见到,真是威风。” This is Sir desolate with military achievement, trades with the life and death, nature!” Zhan Xiu also echoes in side, signals with the eyes to the Eastern Jade Mountain. “这是萧大人拿军功,拿生死换来的,自然了得!”詹秀也在旁边附和,冲东方玉山使了个眼色。 Xiao Hua smiles to receive the imperial seal to ask: You and others do two people come the place of Realm passage?” 萧华笑笑收了印玺问道:“你等两人怎么也来界冲之地?” Hee hee......” Zhan Xiu smiles, asking, „is Sir desolate the first time came to worry leisurely this solitary one?” “嘻嘻……”詹秀神秘一笑,问道,“萧大人是第一次来逍孤愁吧?” Xiao Hua does not have secret anything, said with a nod: Truly......” 萧华也没隐秘什么,点头道:“确实……” Xiao Hua said that before is looks at immortal boat, but sees swan immortal boat the place of blooming tricolor brilliance of pair of wings, the strange fluctuation runs out from the brilliance, this fluctuation falls into Realm passage, the previous existence has the campylodromous outline, but the Eastern Jade Mountain is controls the immortal boat to fly in this campylodromous outline! 萧华边说间,边是看着仙舟头前,但见天鹅仙舟的双翼之处绽放三色光焰,古怪的波动从光焰之内冲出,这波动落入界冲,头前生出弧状轮廓,而东方玉山就是驾驭仙舟飞在这弧状轮廓之内! Leisurely this solitary one but, the old man previously listened to worry......” “不过,老夫先前听过逍孤愁的……” That...... Zhan Xiu said with a smile no wonder, senior does not have leisurely the this solitary one command or worries the command leisurely, only if broken bans forcefully, otherwise is unable to be close, just Junior looked that the senior immortal boat non-stop flies, knows senior's first coming!” “那就难怪了……”詹秀笑道,“前辈没有逍孤令或逍愁令,除非强行破禁,否则无法接近,刚刚晚辈看前辈仙舟直飞,就知道前辈第一次过来!” Un......” the Xiao Hua light nod, quite somewhat teased, old man was the corps combat general, this worried in Realm passage leisurely this solitary one, the old man first coming, you and others were not a combat general, instead often/common to come?” “嗯……”萧华淡淡的点头,颇是有些调侃道,“老夫乃战队战将,这逍孤愁在界冲,老夫才第一次过来,你等不是战将,反而常来吧?” Different, different......” hears here, on Zhan Xiu face exudes strangely, some excited say/way, Sir is whiles away the time, Junior wait/etc. are cultivation compels, the life is related!” “不同的,不同的……”听到此处,詹秀的脸上泛起古怪,有些激动道,“大人不过是来消遣,晚辈等则是修炼所迫,性命相关!” Is insufficient?” Xiao Hua looks at Zhan Xiu, coldly said, big thousand Immortal World, where can't take shelter? To worried leisurely this solitary one you couldn't live? Xiao before participating in the corps is also the powder cultivates, does not have the sect impossible, different cultivation to True Immortal?” “不至于吧?”萧华看着詹秀,冷冷道,“大千仙界,何处不能容身?离了逍孤愁你就活不了么?萧某在参加战队之前也是散修,无门无宗,不一样修炼真仙?” „Does the Sir come to worry to do leisurely this solitary one really?” Zhan Xiu corners of the mouth curl upwards, quite disdained, asked. “那大人来逍孤愁作甚?”詹秀嘴角一翘,颇是不屑了,问道。 „Does old man come to see? Isn't good??” “老夫来看看呀?不行么??” Zhan Xiu has a look at distant place gold light to approach, these are myriad gold foil appearances, crowds together unexpectedly likely pretty Female Immortal, his cold snort/hum sound said: Sir scolded me and other natures, then, Junior wants to ask the Sir, what person Yuan was Xing in your eye?” 詹秀看看远处金光已经靠近,那些是万千金箔模样,凑在一起居然像个貌美的女仙,他冷哼一声道:“大人呵斥我等自然可以,那么,晚辈想问问大人,您眼中的袁星又是何等样人?” How Yuan Xing, the old man does not dare to assert, after all has not seen!” Xiao Hua pondered over slightly, light replied, „the rumor that but, from worried only leisurely this solitary one, some things of making groundless accusations, the old man thought that Yuan Xing was the playboy who the dependence shot the sound king, shoots the sound king on the contrary, the old man was quite admires, he did not give Yuan Xingjun to hold, did not make Yuan Xing meddle the corps, was quite wise!” “袁星如何,老夫不敢断言,毕竟没有见过!”萧华略加思忖,淡淡的回答道,“不过,单从逍孤愁的传言,还有一些捕风捉影的事情来看,老夫觉得那袁星不过是依靠射声王的纨绔,反倒是射声王,老夫颇是佩服的,他老人家不给袁星军衔,不让袁星插手战队,颇是英明!” Cut......” Zhan Xiu to sneer, had a look about saying that does not need to shoot the king horse buttocks here racket, he could not hear. To say that anything said......” “切……”詹秀冷笑了,看看左右道,“不必在此处拍射声王马屁,他听不到的。想说什么就说……” „......” The Eastern Jade Mountain quickly coughs saying that Zhan Xiu was rude, Sir desolate is Distress Rider, he discussed Yuan Senior nature, but discussed that shot the sound king is not right!” “咳咳……”东方玉山急忙咳嗽道,“詹秀失态了,萧大人是屯腾,他议论袁前辈自然可以,但议论射声王就不对了!” Hee hee, but also really!” Zhan Xiu blinks the eye, having a look at Xiao Hua saying that no wonder you can achieve Distress Rider , has the meaningful glance, knows the onset and retreat.” “嘻嘻,还真是啊!”詹秀眨巴眨巴眼,看看萧华道,“难怪你能做到屯腾,也是个有眼色,知进退的。” Xiao Hua knit the brows, asked: Is it possible that in your eyes, my Mending Heaven corps combat generals are flattery, the generation of flattery?” 萧华皱眉了,问道:“莫非在你眼中,我补天战队战将都是溜须拍马,阿谀之辈?” Where, where......” the Eastern Jade Mountain quickly answered, Zhan brother knows several combat generals, they...... some acts made Zhan brother feel uncomfortable.” “哪里,哪里……”东方玉山急忙解释道,“詹兄不过是认识几个战将,他们……有些行径让詹兄觉得不舒服罢了。” Afterward the Eastern Jade Mountain said to Zhan Xiu: Ok, Zhan brother, must enter immediately worried leisurely this solitary one, little said several, courts disaster to oneself not......” 随后东方玉山对詹秀说道:“行了,詹兄,马上就要进逍孤愁了,还是少说几句,莫给自己惹祸……” Un......” Zhan Xiuying, a little dejected appearance, no longer spoke. “嗯……”詹秀应了一声,有点儿垂头丧气的样子,不再说话。 Xiao Hua has not paid attention to Zhan Xiu again, the swan immortal boat sits cross-legged to fly into along the arc slowly, seems like flies around gold light, but, after half food, at present bunch of arcs like cutting the gordian knot the break, were found in all around like complicated/many Huaban the gold foil innumerably. 萧华也没再理会詹秀,天鹅仙舟沿着弧线缓缓盘膝飞入,看起来是在金光四周飞行,可偏偏的,半顿饭后,眼前一团团弧线如快刀斩乱麻般断裂,数不胜数如同繁花般的金箔遍布四周了。 Looks at each gold foil again, all has the halo to flash, as before is pretty Female Immortal, moreover each Female Immortal look is different, or lies down or sits, or stands or walks, is all charming and sultry. 再看每个金箔,皆有光晕闪动,依旧是貌美女仙,而且每个女仙相貌皆是不同,或躺或坐,或立或走,个个风情万种。 The immortal boat stops, the Eastern Jade Mountain lifts hand one move, in the swan wings departs a shape, if the crystal coin token, on the token the flashing digit, arcs gather toward the token, after the moment, these arcs congeal a golden iris. 仙舟停下,东方玉山抬手一招,天鹅羽翅内飞出一个状若钱晶的令牌,令牌上闪动数字,一条条弧线朝着令牌聚拢过来,片刻后,这些弧线凝结出一个金黄色虹彩。 Sir......” the Eastern Jade Mountain received the immortal boat and token, the respectful say/way, I and others only had worries the command leisurely, can only raise the person to go to the money dissolver, feared that cannot go to the red light district.” “大人……”东方玉山收了仙舟和令牌,恭敬道,“我等仅有逍愁令,只能带大人前往销金窟,怕是不能去温柔乡。” Casual!” Xiao Hua beckons with the hand saying that old man walks casually, relaxes!” “随便吧!”萧华摆手道,“老夫就是随便走走,散散心罢了!” Sir, if relaxes, should go to the red light district......” some Zhan Xiu mystifying say/way, there, not only has Female Immortal, dragon lady, female monster, even demoness!” “大人若是散心,该去温柔乡的……”詹秀有些阴阳怪气道,“那里不仅有女仙,还有龙女,女妖,甚至女鬼!” Whiz......” Zhan Xiu words have not said, another direction, an immortal boat lightning flash, but , the immortal boat on has the pale gold light silk winding, above cannot see clearly the situation, but, the immortal boat stops, in departs a shape, if the token of women's, the token flashes, seems the female to shed the clothes, all around exudes an arc to fall to the token above similarly, then similarly the iris gives birth sky over the immortal boat together, but this iris is the pink! “嗖……”詹秀的话不曾说完,另外一个方向,一艘仙舟电闪而至,仙舟上有淡金光丝缠绕,看不清其上情形,不过,仙舟停下,内中飞出一个状若女子的令牌,令牌闪动,好似女子褪衣,四周泛起条条弧线同样落到令牌之上,然后同样一道虹彩在仙舟上空生出,只不过这条虹彩乃是粉红色! Saw with own eyes that Xiao Hua has not paid attention to itself, Zhan Xiuchong East Jade Mountain said: Walks!” 眼见萧华没理会自己,詹秀冲东方玉山道:“走吧!” Good!” The Eastern Jade Mountain complies with, the stimulate to motion figure to fly toward the iris deep place! “好的!”东方玉山答应一声声,催动身形朝着虹彩深处飞去! Sir such as wants to come, follows as soon as possible!” Zhan Xiu said that „, otherwise after the iris vanishes, here will have the thunder to ban to give birth......” “大人如是想来,就尽快跟着!”詹秀说道,“否则虹彩消失之后,这里会有雷禁生出……” Un, the old man understands!” Xiao Hua looks that the distant place immortal boat vanishes, a silver human form fell to the pink iris on flies slowly, looked at Zhan Xiu to reply. “嗯,老夫明白!”萧华看着远处仙舟消失,一个银色人形落到粉红虹彩上缓缓飞起了,看了一眼詹秀回答道。 Zhan Xiu lifts the hand politely, hints Xiao Hua first to invite, when Xiao Hua first flies, flies into along the iris. 詹秀客气抬手,示意萧华先请,萧华当先飞起,沿着虹彩飞入。 , East Jade Mountain Station before a golden gold foil, as if sent greetings by far says anything, then put out worries the command leisurely, sent in the gold foil, but was the moment, brushing in gold foil the gold light writings, scarlet & bare immortal puppet departed from! 远远的,东方玉山站在一个金黄色金箔之前,似乎传音说些什么,然后拿出逍愁令,送入金箔,不过是片刻,“刷”金箔上金光大作,一个赤&裸的仙傀从内中飞出!
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