LCGIR :: Volume #18

#1705: Ordinary small restaurant

immortal puppet naturally is the Female Immortal appearance, is seemingly graceful. 仙傀自然是女仙模样,看起来婀娜多姿。 Welcome the Sir to come my money dissolver......” the immortal puppet sound to be gentle, such as the nocturne is blurred, needs the concubine as the Sir introduces?” “欢迎大人来我销金窟……”仙傀的声音轻柔,如夜曲迷离,“需要妾身为大人介绍一下么?” Does not need......” the Eastern Jade Mountain to beckon with the hand saying that gives us three phantom crystals then!” “不用……”东方玉山摆手道,“给我们三个幻晶即可!” Yes, Sir!” immortal puppet is saying, lifts the hand gently, wipes in the floating about like clouds black hair, in the pure white small hand presents three golden chips. “是,大人!”仙傀说着,轻轻抬手,在自己如云的乌发中一抹,洁白的小手中出现三个金黄色晶片。 Sir......” the Eastern Jade Mountain received the chip, hands over to give Xiao Hua and Zhan who Xiu the flying general comes, saying with a smile, this is the phantom crystal, after Immortal Power stimulate to motion, others are unable to see the real look of Sir.” “大人……”东方玉山接过晶片,转手递给飞将过来的萧华和詹秀,笑道,“这是幻晶,仙力催动后,旁人就无法看到大人的真实相貌。” Un!” Xiao Hua received, Immortal Power stimulate to motion , above the phantom crystal appears the single layer lattice totem, the totem falls on own Immortal Body, starts to have the fluctuation of difference, after the moment, the Eastern Jade Mountain and Zhan Xiu and Xiao Hua have changed to other appearance. “嗯!”萧华接过,仙力催动,果然,幻晶之上浮现出一重网状图腾,图腾落在自己仙躯上,开始生出异样的波动,片刻后,东方玉山、詹秀和萧华已经化作另外模样。 stimulate to motion the phantom crystal, the Eastern Jade Mountain told that immortal puppet said: „Before , guides!” 催动了幻晶,东方玉山吩咐仙傀道:“头前带路吧!” Three Sirs please......” immortal puppet sweet smile, the turning around right hand pulls up, like tucking in the bead curtain, a gateway gives birth from the gold foil. “三位大人这边请……”仙傀甜甜一笑,转身右手一撩,如同撩起珠帘般,一个门户从金箔中生出。 Follows immortal puppet to enter the gold foil, the front surface seeing makes Xiao Hua somewhat accidental/surprised. 跟着仙傀进入金箔,迎面所见让萧华有些意外。 By the present Xiao Hua vision, don't says what stars nighttime sky, even if thousand Lesser Thousandfold World different scenery are impossible to make in his heart give birth to the accident/surprise, the gold foil illusion that but, worries leisurely this solitary one achieved. 以如今萧华的眼界,莫说什么星辰夜空,即便是千般小千世界异景都不可能让他心中生出意外,可偏偏的,逍孤愁的这个金箔幻境做到了。 But sees this is long Little Cherub, the roadside has thick ancient wood, on Little Cherub has the thick fallen leaf, on the fallen leaf golden yellow, ancient wood the branches and leaves are sparse. 但见这是一个长长的小路,路旁有粗大的古木,小路上有厚厚的落叶,落叶金黄,古木上枝叶稀疏。 Has the wind slightly, whish......” on branches and leaves several pieces of withered leaves fall, withered leaf light yellow, falling ground of swaying ; The wind the place, the Little Cherub Ancient wood has had the withered leaf to flutter about, such as butterfly waving, gradually silencing, 微微有风,“哗哗哗……”枝叶上几片枯叶落下,枯叶淡黄,飘飘摇摇的落入地上;风过之处,小路上古木都有枯叶纷飞,如蝶般的舞动,渐渐静寂、 „......” Suddenly the wind was big, the branches and leaves somewhat sway, dozens withered leaves flutter about, but on Little Cherub, the shining withered leaf starts to fluctuate, passes through like some people, after several breaths, can the ground withered leaf start to blow in the volume the midair, the shining halo starts to burn in all around. “呜……”忽然间风大了,枝叶有些摇晃,数十枯叶纷飞,而小路上,金灿灿的枯叶开始浮动,如同有人走过,数息后,可以地上枯叶开始吹起卷上半空,金灿灿的光晕开始在四周燃烧。 The ancient wood withers, the deadwood drags, the withered leaf volume is spatial, the flash Xiao Hua double pupil rises, the ideal condition that the years of difficult word pass overflows like the water! 古木枯萎,枯枝摇曳,枯叶卷空,一瞬间萧华双眸微涨,难言的岁月流逝的意境如水般流溢! Wū wū......”, the strong winds got up greatly, everywhere vast is the withered leaf, the golden yellow proliferates in the world, revolves on Little Cherub, the deadwood sobs in the wind, as if told time Wu Qing. “呜呜……”紧接着,狂风大起了,漫天遍野都是枯叶,金黄色在天地间遍布,在小路上旋转,枯枝在风中呜咽,似乎诉说时光无情 But in this withered and yellow, the back of Eastern Jade Mountain is quite somewhat lonely more walks is farther, as for nearby that immortal puppet pure white back and graceful line, forms a nice contrast with the back of Eastern Jade Mountain unexpectedly, were many vitality of a little difficult word! 而在这枯黄的叶海中,东方玉山的背影颇是有些寂寥的越走越远,至于旁边那仙傀洁白的背影和曼妙的线条,竟跟东方玉山的背影相映成趣,多了那么一点难言的生机! Sir......” Zhan Xiu voice resounded by Xiao Hua, you how?” “大人……”詹秀的声音在萧华旁边响起了,“您怎么了?” Xiao Hua does not turn head, takes a step to step into the strong winds, the under foot has suo suo sound, unexpectedly is foot treads the sound of fallen leaf, the Xiao Hua words blows with the wind: Old man takes back the appraisal of previous half to Yuan star!” 萧华并不回头,举步踏入狂风,脚下有“索索”声响,居然是脚踏落叶的声音,萧华的话随风吹来:“老夫收回先前一半对袁星的评价!” Zhan Xiu stares, about has a look at that wind, that tree, space that dichotomy pale Sun strange say/way: „? Why??” 詹秀一愣,左右看看那风,那树,还有天上那半轮惨白的太阳奇道:“啊?为何??” Knows it to know it, does not know that for does not know!” Xiao Hua laughed. “知之为知之,不知为不知!”萧华大笑了。 Hehe, the Sir is really interesting!” Zhan Xiuzhui said in Xiao Hua behind, „, if not Junior is not the immortal soldier of corps, could not say that Junior must follow under the Sir!” “呵呵,大人还真有意思!”詹秀追在萧华身后道,“若非晚辈不是战队的仙兵,说不得晚辈还要追随大人旗下呢!” Your this grade of immortal soldier, the old man does not dare to want!” Xiao Hua curled the lip, could not say that day all sold military achievement of old man!” “你这等仙兵,老夫可不敢要!”萧华撇嘴了,“说不得那元日就把老夫的军功全卖了!” Little Cherub, the fallen leaf, the setting sun, the strong winds, were Xiao Hua saw in Mortal Realm absolutely long ago, Immortal World did not see the so ordinary and remote ideal condition early, therefore Xiao Hua looked while walking, the feeling was very tasty. 小路,落叶,残阳,狂风,绝对是萧华早年在凡界所见,仙界早不见如此平凡而久远的意境了,所以萧华边走边看,感觉很对胃口。 don't said that around Little Cherub has immortal restriction, even no, Xiao Hua will not emit the Amplified Sense investigation, then has no difference from the gross vulgarity. 莫说小路四周有仙禁,即便没有,萧华也不会放出衍念探察,那跟焚琴煮鹤没什么区别。 Saw with own eyes Little Cherub to the end, the fresh breeze stopped gradually, withered leaf was a, gradually fluttered, fell on the Xiao Hua shoulder, fell the ground, Xiao Hua almost felt that the under foot fallen leaf was even more thick, he could not bear lift the hand to grasp a piece of withered leaf. 眼见小路到了尽头,劲风渐止,一片片枯叶倦了,缓缓飘下,落到了萧华肩上,落到地上,萧华几乎都感觉到了脚下落叶越发的厚了,他忍不住抬手抓了一片枯叶。 Not not as he expected, the withered leaf touches his palm, immediately changes to the broken firefly, the broken firefly such as the waterdrop four fall, shortly will vanish does not see. 并没有出乎他的意料,枯叶一触到他的手心,立时化作碎萤,碎萤如水滴四落,顷刻消失不见。 Oh......” Xiao Hua stopped unconsciously, turns the head to look to the background, long sigh. “唉……”萧华不觉是停了下来,转头看向来路,悠悠叹息了。 Zhan Xiu figure shakes greatly, he looks at Xiao Hua panic-stricken, said in a low voice: What's wrong? Is...... has the ambush?” 詹秀身形巨震,他惊恐的看着萧华,低声道:“怎么了?是……是不是有埋伏?” If......” Xiao Hua light saying, I am really willing to walk again!” “若是真的……”萧华淡淡的说道,“我愿意再走一遍!” Zhan Xiushuang pupil rising cannot help but is big, then inconceivable low shouted: Sir, what did you...... you say?” 詹秀双眸不由自主的涨大,然后不可思议的低呼道:“大人,您……您说什么?” Is all right......” Xiao Hua to turn around, does not want many to speak to Zhan Xiu, goes out of Little Cherub in big strides. “没事儿……”萧华转过身来,不想多跟詹秀说话,大踏步走出小路 Sir, Sir......” Zhan Xiuzhui in Xiao Hua behind. “大人,大人……”詹秀追在萧华身后。 The Little Cherub end, is a crossroad, the crossroad nature sees differently with common, all around has ten several Little Cherub fully to various places, but each Little Cherub is what illusion, stands cannot see clearly in Xiao Hua of intersection. 小路尽头,是一个路口,路口自然跟寻常所见不同,四周足有十数条小路通往各处,只不过每条小路是什么幻境,站在路口处的萧华并不能看清。 Xiao Hua has not looked at these Little Cherub, before the Xiao Hua vision is staring , the crossroad center unexpectedly is a restaurant, on the restaurant the pennant depending on the hovering flight, is also submitting a written statement to a character...... wind! 萧华也没看那些小路,萧华目光正盯着头前,路口中央居然是个酒楼,酒楼上还有一个小旗凭空悬着,上书一字……“风”! Good, good!” Xiao Hua smiled, has a look to wait in the Eastern Jade Mountain and immortal puppet of restaurant entrance, big striding walks in the past. “不错,不错!”萧华笑了,看看已经候在酒楼门口的东方玉山和仙傀,大踏步走了过去。 How many steps Sir......” Zhan Xiu sprints, the forced smile said, „your was? Since this money dissolver, seemed changed a person.” “大人……”詹秀疾跑几步,苦笑道,“您老这是怎么了?自从到了这销金窟后就好似变了一个人。” „To know?” Looks that Xiao Hua and Zhan Xiu come, the Eastern Jade Mountain nods to immortal puppet, immortal puppet turns the waist to enter the restaurant, before restaurant gate, exudes the tinted light shadow, revealed that single layer bead curtain, but on the bead curtain has one liquor character! “想知道么?”看着萧华和詹秀过来,东方玉山冲仙傀点点头,仙傀扭着腰肢进入酒楼,酒楼门前泛起浅色光影,显露出一重珠帘,而珠帘上则有一个“酒”字! Sir, please......” the Eastern Jade Mountain lift the hand to hit the bead curtain, said with a smile, „, if did not have immortal puppet, this restaurant we cannot come in!” “大人,请……”东方玉山抬手打起珠帘,笑道,“若没有仙傀,这酒楼咱们是进不来的!” „Did customer come?” Does not wait for the Xiao Hua opens the mouth, in the restaurant also to have the sound to resound, previous immortal puppet does not see, the front surface is plentiful Female Immortal, immortal puppet follows on the heels. “客官来了?”不等萧华开口,酒楼之内又有声音响起,先前的仙傀已经不见,迎面是个丰腴的女仙,仙傀跟在后面。 This Female Immortal surface like the peach blossom, on the face has a smile, said, doesn't know customer several?” 女仙面如桃花,脸上含笑,说道,“不知客官几位?” Three!” Xiao Hua complied with one, entered the restaurant. “三位!”萧华应了一声,进了酒楼。 Around Xiao Hua has a look, in the room ten several tables, the long and narrow bench, on the table has chopsticks and other thing, arranging is just the same as Mortal Realm, what a pity on table and no one. 萧华四周看看,屋里十数张桌子,还有条凳,桌子上有筷子等物,布置跟凡界一模一样,可惜桌子上并没有人。 Customer is here, goes to two buildings?” “客官是在这里呢,还是去二楼?” Two buildings, two buildings......” Zhan is Xiu in the Xiao Hua following rampant say/way, who patient in a building? A bit faster......” “二楼,二楼……”詹秀在萧华后面嚣张道,“谁耐烦在一楼?快点儿……” Customer......” the Female Immortal charming smile be please welcoming to Zhan Xiu, putting out a hand that Zhan Xiu smiles pinched the cheek of Female Immortal. “客官请……”女仙媚笑着迎向詹秀,詹秀则笑眯眯的伸手捏了捏女仙的脸蛋儿。 Repugnant......” Female Immortal is charmingly angry, hearing Xiao Hua to be speechless. “讨厌……”女仙娇嗔,听得萧华无语。 On two buildings , the roof is not transparent, but all around has the window, can see outside situation. 上了二楼,并没有特别,屋顶也不透明,只不过四周有窗口,能看到外面情形。 Oh, how no one?” Zhan Xiu has a look at all around, some surprised say/way. “哎哟,怎么没人?”詹秀看看四周,有些惊讶道。 This is not the servants can know......” Female Immortal accompanies to say with a smile, about among these month, the person was fewer and fewer.” “这个就不是奴婢能知道的了……”女仙陪笑道,“左右这几个衍月间,人是越来越少了。” Sir......” Zhan Xiu has a look at Xiao Hua saying that where we do sit?” “大人……”詹秀看看萧华道,“咱们坐哪里?” You are casual......” Xiao Hua to look at ten several tables, does not have what way clearly, said simply, old man the first time is, anything does not understand.” “你们随便吧……”萧华看着十数张桌子,也不清楚有什么路数,索性说道,“老夫是第一次来,什么都不懂。” Is good to teach the customer to know that......” Female Immortal quickly answered, where sat to be the same, but was the customer must live alone.” “好教客官知道……”女仙急忙解释道,“坐哪里都一样,不过是客官要不要独处罢了。” Ok......” Xiao Hua referred to the table say/way casually, that here!” “行吧……”萧华随便指了个桌子道,“那就这里吧!” Sir by the window?” Female Immortal somewhat felt strange, but Zhan Xiugeng is in the eye puts the ecliptic, Sir, Junior thinks that you will elect just to walk the direction the window, why chooses this?” “大人不要靠窗么?”女仙有些奇怪了,而詹秀更是眼中放光道,“大人,晚辈以为您老会选刚刚走来方向的窗口呢,为何选这个?” Xiao Hua was also surprised, asked back: Makes you elect, you do not elect, the old man chooses one casually, you are chatty!” 萧华也纳罕了,反问道:“让你们选,你们不选,老夫随便选一个,你们还唧唧歪歪!” Haha......” the Eastern Jade Mountain quickly mediates saying that in view of this, listens to the Sir!” “哈哈……”东方玉山急忙打圆场道,“既如此,就听大人的!” Before accompanying three people of immortal puppet quickly are arriving at the table, a white hands move, unexpectedly puts out a cleaning rag, scratches gently on the table, without using any immortal technique, said with a smile: Sir please sit down.” 陪着三人的仙傀急忙走到桌子前,玉手一招,居然拿出一个抹布,轻轻在桌上擦擦,没有动用任何仙术,笑道:“大人请坐。” Xiao Hua naturally first sat, the Eastern Jade Mountain has a look at Zhan Xiu, the Zhan Xiu unexpectedly somewhat scared appearance. 萧华自然是先坐了,东方玉山看看詹秀,詹秀居然有些失魂落魄的样子。 Zhan brother, Zhan brother??” The Eastern Jade Mountain said in a soft voice, how? What has not appropriately?” “詹兄,詹兄??”东方玉山轻声道,“怎么了?有什么不妥当的吗?” Sir......” Zhan Xiu has gotten back one's composure comes, sits opposite of Xiao Hua, stares at Xiao Hua to ask, I want to ask you, why doesn't sit before the window? Is there scenery alone??” “大人……”詹秀回过神儿来,一屁股坐在萧华对面,盯着萧华问道,“我想问问你,为什么不坐在窗前?那里岂不是风景独好??” What?” Xiao Hua gawked, looks at Zhan Xiudao, „hadn't old man just said? You do not elect, makes the old man elect, the old man does not want to choose the place that you want to sit, how??” “啥?”萧华愣了,看着詹秀道,“老夫刚刚不是已经说了么?你们自己不选,偏让老夫选,老夫就不想选你们想坐的地方,怎么了??” Some Zhan Xiu ecstatical appearances, urgently said: No, no, Sir, I want to listen to your real idea,...... just said in forest gap/between the track with you......” 詹秀有些欣喜若狂的样子了,急道:“不,不,大人,我想听你真实的想法,就……就跟你刚刚在林间小道说的……” I went to......” Xiao Hua to understand, did not know whether to laugh or cry, said, cannot think you were pose as a cultured person!” “我去……”萧华明白了,哭笑不得了,说道,“想不到你还是个附庸风雅的呀!” What poses as a cultured person?” The Eastern Jade Mountain was somewhat puzzled. “什么附庸风雅?”东方玉山有些不解了。 Urges to go faster......” Zhan Xiu some not to bear, waves saying that disturbs the Sir to speak not!” “去去……”詹秀有些不耐,挥手道,“莫打扰大人说话!” Good......” the Eastern Jade Mountain is helpless, turns the head to say to Female Immortal, storekeeper, on liquor!” “好吧……”东方玉山无奈,转头对女仙道,“掌柜,上酒!” Old man does not drink......” Xiao Hua to have a look at Female Immortal saying that delivers some immortal tea!” “老夫不喝酒……”萧华看看女仙道,“送些仙茶!” Zhan Xiu eyes bright such as star, is staring at Xiao Hua, warm sound said: Sir......” 詹秀眼睛明亮如星了,盯着萧华,温声道:“大人……” Heard Zhan Xiu voice to be suddenly gentle, the Xiao Hua body had the goosebumps, urgently said: Do not call, the old man cannot bear......” 听着詹秀声音忽然轻柔了,萧华身上起了鸡皮疙瘩,急道:“别这么叫,老夫受不了……” „......” Zhan Xiuqing coughs two said, embarrassed, Sir, troubles you to explain why doesn't sit near the window?” “咳咳……”詹秀轻咳两声道,“不好意思啊,大人,麻烦您能解释一下为何不坐窗边么?” „Did you have not to have?” Helpless Xiao Hua, said, said poses as a cultured person is, had just looked at the scenery, does not need to look at second again......” “你有完没完了?”萧华无奈了,说道,“说得附庸风雅点儿就是,刚刚已经看过的风景,没必要再看第二遍……” Sir......” Zhan Xiu is excited, is almost sets out saying that „, if concerns the recollection?” “大人……”詹秀再次激动,几乎是起身道,“若是论及回忆呢?” Recollection?” Xiao Hua was surprised, strange say/way, what relations does this have with the recollection?” “回忆?”萧华纳罕了,奇道,“这跟回忆有什么关系?” Oh......” Zhan Xiu is somewhat disappointed, looks at some enthusiasm dissipations of Xiao Hua, sits down slowly, said in a low voice, I think you will say...... recollection passing, why to taste again?” “唉……”詹秀有些失望,看着萧华的热情有些消散,缓缓坐下,低声道,“我以为你会说……回忆已经过往,何必再去回味?”
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