LCGIR :: Volume #18

#1703: Eastern Jade Mountain?

Has seen Ran Brilliance Treader!” Gu Sheqiong bows to salute, has not introduced oneself, Xiao Hua said, Ran Brilliance Treader, this is the old man after the second combat general who you receives, you called him azure elder brother and that's the end!” “见过苒步耀!”姑射茕躬身施礼,并没有自我介绍,萧华说道,“苒步耀,这位是老夫在你之后收的第二员战将,你叫他青哥儿就是了!” Azure elder brother is polite!” The Ran Ran associative compound, puts out a hand to help up Gu Sheqiong saying that „, since is Sir desolate under the tent/account the combat general, your I should work as one to help the Sir make steady progress.” “青哥儿客气!”苒燃会意,伸手扶起姑射茕道,“既然都是萧大人帐下战将,你我就该齐心协力助大人步步高升。” Yes, is......” “是,是……” Gu Sheqiong the strength cannot compare Ran Ran at this time, the status cannot divulge, can only nod with a smile. 姑射茕此时实力比不得苒燃,身份也不能泄露,只能含笑点头。 So......” the Ran Ran serious say/way, azure elder brother can arriving here reason some explains things with Ran?” “既如此……”苒燃严肃道,“青哥儿可以把到此处的缘由跟苒某分说了吧?” „Hasn't Sir said to Ran Brilliance Treader?” Gu Sheqiong has a look at Xiao Hua to ask. “大人不曾跟苒步耀说么?”姑射茕看看萧华问道。 „When comes in a hurry, the old man happen to comprehends secret technique, neglected...... Xiao Hua to say actually, just must say, may think of you, simply by you!” “来时匆匆,老夫正好又参悟一门秘术,倒是忽略了……”萧华说道,“刚刚要说,可想到有你,索性由你来说吧!” Gu Sheqiong one listens to know that Xiao Hua does not want to go, she shrugs, said the long and short of the story. 姑射茕一听就知道萧华不想去,她耸耸肩,把事情的来龙去脉说了。 Ran Ran thinks, asked: „The azure elder brother understanding worried leisurely this solitary one, knows Yuan Xing?” 苒燃想了一下,问道:“青哥儿了解逍孤愁,知道袁星么?” How can I say?” Gu Sheqiong tilts the head says with a smile, „before , has listened to some rumors, recently, knows something.” “怎么说呢?”姑射茕歪头笑道,“以前也听过一些风声,最近呢,也知道一些事情。” You thought that he can present to shoot the sound king for the Sir?” “你觉得他可以为大人引见射声王么?” Does not know!” Gu Sheqiong wants not to reply, does not try, how also to know good?” “不知道!”姑射茕想也不想回答道,“不过不试试,又怎么知道不行呢?” Good......” Ran Ran feels Gu Sheqiong to be garrulous, is a bit like Female Immortal, no longer distinguishes Divine Sense with Gu Sheqiong simply, then asked Xiao Hua saying that in big manpower had Little Sacred Lotus Seed?” “好吧……”苒燃感觉姑射茕伶牙俐齿,有点儿像女仙,索性不再跟姑射茕分辩神念,转而问萧华道,“大人手里有小圣莲子?” Yes!” Xiao Hua said with a nod, in old man hand has merchant union, is called Unending Merchant Union, wields in Unending Merchant Union black bear to have Little Sacred Lotus Seed.” “是的!”萧华点头道,“老夫手里有个商盟,叫做络绎商盟,执掌络绎商盟的黑熊手里有小圣莲子。” Unending Merchant Union?” Ran Ran knit the brows, having a look at Gu Sheqiong saying that how I haven't listened to this merchant union name?” 络绎商盟?”苒燃皱眉了,看看姑射茕道,“我怎么没听过这个商盟的名字?” That is you are ignorant and inexperienced!” Gu Sheqiong saying unrestrained/no trace of politeness, mysterious Unending Merchant Union is next to existence of Feather Immortal now!” “那是你孤陋寡闻!”姑射茕毫不客气的说道,“神秘的络绎商盟如今是仅次于羽仙的存在!” „, This!” Ran Ran awakened, asked Xiao Hua saying that Sir whether to attain more things from Unending Merchant Union black bear?” “哦,这样啊!”苒燃醒悟了,又问萧华道,“大人是不是可以从络绎商盟的黑熊手里拿到更多的东西?” Naturally!” Xiao Hua said proudly, thing of Unending Merchant Union Seven Worlds all has!” “当然!”萧华傲然道,“七界之物络绎商盟皆有!” That is good!” Ran Ran said with a smile, had Sir these words, even if Yuan Xing cannot present to shoot the sound king for the Sir, the Sir will not go in vain one time!” “那就好!”苒燃笑道,“有了大人这句话,即便袁星不能为大人引见射声王,大人也不会白走一遭!” Xiao Hua smiled, lifts hand Ran Ran to ask: What meaning is your saying?” 萧华笑了,抬手一点苒燃问道:“你这话又是什么意思?” Does not need the Ran Ran reply, Gu Sheqiong to sneer saying: Sir, humble general understood, this Yuan Xing with the aid of shooting the reputation of sound king here made a similar hidden dike is, no wonder shoots sound Wang Yanming not to know him!” 不必苒燃回答的,姑射茕冷笑道:“大人,末将明白了,这袁星是借助射声王的名声在此处弄了个类似隐圩的所在,难怪射声王言明不认识他呢!” Then, Gu Sheqiong bows to say to Xiao Hua: Sir, the humble general experience is superficial, made the Sir be laughed at actually, asking the Sir to forgive, I and other present rotate!” 说完,姑射茕萧华躬身道:“大人,末将见识浅薄,倒是让大人见笑了,请大人恕罪,我等现在就回转吧!” Xiao Hua somewhat thought-provoking look Gu Sheqiong, has a look at Ran Ran. Previously was Gu Sheqiong must come vigorously, Ran Ran opposed ; Now says understood, Ran Ran agreed that Gu Sheqiong is not willing on the contrary! 萧华有些耐人寻味的看看姑射茕,又看看苒燃。先前是姑射茕极力要来,苒燃反对;如今说的明白了,苒燃同意了,姑射茕反倒不愿意去了! Naturally, Xiao Hua also understands in the Gu Sheqiong heart thinks, she does not like some people making the transaction with the spoils of war of Realm passage war, is not willing to let the thing outflow of Mending Heaven Immortal Market. 当然,萧华也明白姑射茕心中的所想,她不喜欢有人拿界冲大战的战利品做交易,也不愿让补天仙圩的东西外流。 But this grade of matter is not Gu Sheqiong one person can prevent, even if her previous generation is Vault Commander graceful! 只不过这等事情绝非姑射茕一人可以阻止,即便她前世是长穹帅! That Bai Bing, that Mao Bing, dry/does isn't this deal? 那个白冰,那个毛冰,干的不就是这种勾当? Mao Bing protects to the Misery Transcender Wei special envoy, who can say that health/guard to rush doesn't know this matter? 毛冰还是卫冲卫越啸的特使,谁又能说卫冲不知道此事? Therefore, who can say that shoots the sound king not to have the benefit Yuan Xing here? 所以,谁又能说射声王在袁星这里没有利益? But, what relations does this grade of matter have with Xiao Hua? Thinks of immortal market, Xiao Hua at heart unconsciously itchy, that is the fishing in troubled waters good place, from Dusty Leisure Sea immortal market, Xiao Hua more than 3000 discipline has not occupied others to be cheap! 可是,这等事情跟萧华有什么关系么?一想到仙圩,萧华心里不觉痒痒,那可是浑水摸鱼的好地方啊,距离尘逍海仙圩,萧华已经三千多纪没有占人家便宜了呀! Walks!” Xiao Hua to/clashes the Ran Ran instruction to say without delay. “走!”萧华二话不说冲苒燃吩咐道。 Sir......” Gu Sheqiong knit the brows, some stubborn say/way, worried leisurely this solitary one should be sheltering evil people and countenancing evil practices is , did the Sir have to injure one's reputation the sound in the past?” “大人……”姑射茕皱眉了,有些倔强道,“逍孤愁该是个藏污纳垢的所在,大人过去有伤名声?” The Xiao Hua corners of the mouth showed the smiling face, the righteousness expression: Old man this time goes, is at the limited strength, preventing the spoils of war of Realm passage war from outflowing!” 萧华嘴角露出了笑容,义正言辞道:“老夫此次前往,就是要以自己有限的力量,阻止界冲大战之战利品外流啊!” Sir fierce......” Ran Ran cannot bear is Xiao Hua gives the thumbs-up. “大人厉害……”苒燃忍不住为萧华竖起了大拇指。 But a Xiao Hua thread of conversation road for grain shipment: Said again, does the old man have the reputation? The reputation to the old man is...... the floating clouds!” 萧华话锋一转道:“再说了,老夫有名声么?名声对老夫来说就是……浮云啊!” Sir!” The Gu Sheqiong spiteful say/way, humble general please enter the Sir immortal artifact space calmly to cultivate, but also looks at the Sir to agree!” “大人!”姑射茕赌气道,“末将请入大人仙器空间静修,还望大人首肯!” Ok!” Xiao Hua said with a nod, your many cultivation day, restores a day strength, goes!” “行吧!”萧华点头道,“你多修炼元日,就多恢复一元日的实力,去吧!” Looks that Xiao Hua vibrated Kunlun Mountains Mirror to receive Gu Sheqiong, Ran Ran said in a low voice: Master, which corps this azure elder brother is? Although humble general does not know him, may feel somewhat familiar......” 看着萧华震动昆仑镜收了姑射茕,苒燃低声道:“老爷,这青哥儿是哪个战队的?虽然末将不认识他,可感觉有些熟悉啊……” Before does not need to pay attention to...... Xiao Hua to look at Ran Ran to say with a smile where”, „, she with you with the tent/account is, must be intimate with much is good.” “以前在何处不必理会……”萧华看着苒燃笑道,“以后她跟你就同帐为将,要多多亲近才好。” Yes, Sir, humble general understands!” The Ran Ran stimulate to motion immortal boat, flew near, some said that Sir, humble general, although was small Brilliance Treader, but Yuan Xing that place should have the record, the Sir felt humble general whether appropriate with Sir?” “是,大人,末将明白!”苒燃催动仙舟,飞得近了,才有说道,“大人,末将虽然是小小的步耀,但袁星那处应该也有记载,大人觉得末将是否合适跟大人?” This......” Xiao Hua thinks, said with a nod, so you also rotate calmly cultivate/repair.” “这个……”萧华想了一下,点头道,“既如此你也回转静修吧。” Received Ran Ran, the Xiao Hua stimulate to motion immortal boat went to gold light alone was. 收了苒燃,萧华独自催动仙舟前往金光的所在。 Who would have guessed that gold light before, the immortal boat flew the less than half double-hour, unexpectedly has not been close. 哪知道,金光就在头前,仙舟足足飞了小半个时辰,居然没有接近。 Xiao Hua is absent-minded, simply has not paid attention to these, escapes pleasant, although gives Heavenly Dao Xiao Hua and Karma Xiao Hua comprehends, Xiao Hua also pondering over, at this time, distant place Realm passage, gives birth to suddenly humming sound......” the sound of buzzing, one zhang (3.33 m) bulge appears suddenly, bulge or surges spring, innumerable multi-colored sunlight such as filament surges. 萧华心不在焉,根本没有注意这些,如意遁虽然交给天道萧华因果萧华参悟,萧华自己还一个劲儿的琢磨,此时,远处界冲一处,忽然生出“嗡嗡……”的蜂鸣之音,一个丈许的凸起骤然出现,凸起还是翻腾的泉眼儿,无数霞光如细丝翻腾。 The multi-colored sunlight is getting higher and higher , is getting bigger and bigger, after congealing makes several tens of thousands zhang (3.33 m), ......” blasting open, a 7 * 7 = 49 circular arc runs out from inside in turn, this circular arc is very strange, the size varies, from the multi-colored sunlight to the source is about ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), rises in turn in a big way, to is more than 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) finally. 霞光越来越高,也越来越大,足足凝做数万丈后,“噗……”的一声炸裂,七七四十九个圆弧从里面依次冲出,这圆弧很是古怪,大小不一,从霞光冲出处不过万丈,依次涨大,到得最后有十万余丈。 Clang......” the sound of sharp gold/metal calling spreads from the circular arc, at once sees was been long by the side of drawing, if the shape immortal boat apparition of spindle departs! “铿……”一声尖锐的金鸣之音从圆弧中传出,旋即就见到一个被拉的极长,状若纺锤的仙舟虚影飞出! „......” apparition breaks out the circular arc, sends out the bubble broken the sound, then 49 circular arcs cooperated rapidly, electric light flint passing over gently and swiftly immortal boat apparition, in the Xiao Hua field of vision, an immortal boat congealed from apparition. “啪……”虚影破出圆弧,发出气泡破碎的声响,然后四十九个圆弧急速合作一个,电光火石般掠过仙舟虚影,就在萧华视野中,一个仙舟从虚影中凝结出来。 This immortal boat gentle glide, seems like the shape, if swan! 这仙舟平缓的滑行,看起来状若天鹅! Xiao Hua has not stopped the immortal boat, in the swan immortal boat has been correct Amplified Sense to sweep. 萧华不曾停下仙舟,天鹅仙舟之内已经有道衍念扫来了。 “Oh?” waits Xiao Hua to see clearly on the immortal boat two Immortal, oneself were first shocked. “哦?”待得萧华看清仙舟上两个仙人,自己先就是愣住了。 The immortal boat has to defend immortal restriction, has not withdrawn, on the immortal boat two Immortal have silver light to obstruct the body, but this cannot block the investigation of Xiao Hua. 仙舟有防御仙禁,还不曾撤去,仙舟上两个仙人同样有银光遮体,不过这都挡不住萧华的探察。 When first Male Immortal wears the light greenish blue Daoist robe, the heavy features, the vision was looking to distant place gold light is, has not paid attention to Xiao Hua ; Moreover Male Immortal Xiao Hua that drives a boat knew, unexpectedly before is for a long time is very very long, Xiao Hua in the Yellow Past Heaven Lingyun pond Jianguo Eastern Jade Mountain! 当先一个男仙身着淡青道袍,浓眉大眼,目光正看向远处金光的所在,没有理会萧华;而且驾舟的男仙萧华认识,居然是很久很久以前萧华黄曾天凌云池见过的东方玉山! Just, the Eastern Jade Mountain of present is True Immortal, previously Xiao Hua did not meet the time Overflowing Immortal! 只不过,如今的东方玉山已经是真仙,远不是先前萧华遇到时候的衍仙 Was strange!” Xiao Hua pounds pounds the mouth, the heart said, when the talent did walk everywhere? Three hundred year from Overflowing Immortal cultivation to True Immortal, are simply fiercer than Zhuang Bi!” “古怪了!”萧华砸吧砸吧嘴,心道,“什么时候天才遍地走了?三百世年衍仙修炼真仙,简直比庄弼都要厉害呀!” Sweeps Xiao Hua Amplified Sense naturally is the Eastern Jade Mountain, he has a look at the distant place Xiao Hua immortal boat, looks at Male Immortal before quality of being worth looking, said anything in a low voice, that Male Immortal turns the head to have a look at Xiao Hua, as if hesitant moment, the nod, the Eastern Jade Mountain stimulate to motion immortal boat flies to Xiao Hua slowly is. 扫过萧华衍念自然是东方玉山的,他看看远处萧华的仙舟,又看看头前的男仙,低声说些什么,那男仙转头看看萧华,似乎犹豫了片刻,缓缓点头,东方玉山催动仙舟飞往萧华的所在。 This senior......” on the Male Immortal face is piling the smiling face, said to Xiao Hua by far submissively, Junior Zhan Xiu, does not know whether the senior does go to worry leisurely this solitary one?” “这位前辈……”男仙脸上堆着笑脸,远远冲萧华拱手道,“晚辈詹秀,不知前辈是否前往逍孤愁?” As Zhan Xiu's voice resounds, immortal boat defense, silver light of Zhan Xiu and Eastern Jade Mountain whole body like water retrogression. 随着詹秀的声音响起,仙舟防御,还有詹秀和东方玉山周身的银光都如水般消退。 Xiao Hua is narrowing the eye, thought that also transfers the immortal boat, welcomed, when near, said with a nod: Good, you are others also?” 萧华眯着眼睛,想了一下,也调转仙舟,迎了过去,待得到了近前,点头道:“不错,你等也是?” „The Junior East Jade Mountain, has seen the senior!” The Eastern Jade Mountain stops the immortal boat, as Zhan Xiu salutes. 晚辈东方玉山,见过前辈!”东方玉山停下仙舟,随着詹秀施礼。 Un......” Xiao Hua has a look at the Eastern Jade Mountain and Zhan Xiu up and down, has not spoken. “嗯……”萧华上下看看东方玉山和詹秀,没有多说话。 On Zhan Xiu face hangs in the smiling face as before, said: Junior looked that the senior immortal boat flight direction seems contains errors, therefore asked the senior with great courage, did the senior take the this solitary one command to worry the command leisurely leisurely?” 詹秀脸上依旧挂在笑容,说道:“晚辈看前辈仙舟飞行方向好似有误,所以斗胆问前辈,前辈是拿了逍孤令还是逍愁令?” Where Xiao Hua has what command, he said with a smile: Old man just tasted vast source immortal wine to come back from the good friend cliff cave mansions, occasionally passed by worried leisurely this solitary one, had a look while convenient in the past......” 萧华哪里有什么令啊,他笑道:“老夫刚刚从好友余崖子洞府品尝浩源仙酒回来,偶尔路过逍孤愁,顺便过去看看……” So that's how it is!” Zhan Xiu said that „, if in the senior hand does not have to worry leisurely this solitary one sends out leisurely the this solitary one command or worries the command leisurely, the senior feared that is ungetatable. Like this, in Junior happen to have worries the command leisurely, if the senior wants, may go in along with Junior.” “原来如此啊!”詹秀说道,“若前辈手里没有逍孤愁发出的逍孤令或者逍愁令,前辈怕是不易进入的。这样吧,晚辈手里正好有逍愁令,前辈若是愿意,可随晚辈进去。” Haha, is so good!” Xiao Hua is laughing complying, flies immortal boat that falls Zhan Xiu and Eastern Jade Mountain is. “哈哈,如此甚好!”萧华大笑着答应,飞落詹秀和东方玉山所在的仙舟。 The Eastern Jade Mountain is somewhat surprised, but accompanies to say with a smile: Senior sits slightly, Junior this stimulate to motion immortal boat.” 东方玉山有些纳罕,不过还是陪笑道:“前辈稍坐,晚辈这就催动仙舟。” Un!” Xiao Hua smiles, his time appearance has changed, naturally cannot see by the strength of Eastern Jade Mountain, but vast source immortal wine and cliffs, are actually Xiao Hua and Eastern Jade Mountain, when day informed and experienced is meets in the deep red qin tall ladder, if this Eastern Jade Mountain is that Eastern Jade Mountain, he should know. “嗯!”萧华笑笑,他此时容颜已改,以东方玉山的实力自然看不出的,但浩源仙酒和余崖子,却是萧华和东方玉山当元日在绛嗪天梯历练是所遇到,若这个东方玉山是那个东方玉山,他应该知道。 But, this Eastern Jade Mountain ignores, obviously is not the Eastern Jade Mountain that Xiao Hua meets. 可偏偏的,这个东方玉山置若罔闻,显然不是萧华遇到的东方玉山。 However Xiao Hua has not cared, because he was extremely shallow on the friendship with the Eastern Jade Mountain, but Zhan Xiugeng wins good will by deferential behavior in side asks: Senior wears fights armor, in the foreheads has the battlefield heroic spirit, looks is the vast splendor corps famous combat general, does not know whether Junior can consult the Sir given name?” 不过萧华也没在意,因为他跟东方玉山本来就交情极浅,而詹秀更是在旁边陪了小心问道:“前辈身着战甲,眉宇间带着沙场英气,一看就是浩辉战队有名的战将,不知晚辈能否请教大人名号?” Xiao Hua beckons with the hand to reply: Hehe, old man one Distress Rider, number Daoist Xiao, cannot be regarded famously......” 萧华摆摆手回答道:“呵呵,老夫不过一介屯腾,号萧真人,算不得有名……” Originally is Sir desolate......” Zhan Xiu eyes one bright, said submissively, given name Junior of Sir likes thunder reverberating in one's ears!” “原来是萧大人……”詹秀眼睛一亮,拱手道,“大人的名号晚辈如雷贯耳啊!”
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